ASL | The Alphabet For Beginners | American Sign Language | Able Lingo ASL | Skillshare

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ASL | The Alphabet For Beginners | American Sign Language

teacher avatar Able Lingo ASL, American Sign Language (ASL)

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Course Introduction


    • 2.

      How to sign Aa


    • 3.

      How to sign Bb


    • 4.

      How to sign Cc


    • 5.

      How to sign Dd


    • 6.

      How to sign Ee


    • 7.

      How to sign Ff


    • 8.

      A-F Fingerspelling Exercises


    • 9.

      A-F Recognition Exercise


    • 10.

      How to sign Gg


    • 11.

      How to sign Hh


    • 12.

      How to sign Ii


    • 13.

      How to sign Jj


    • 14.

      How to sign Kk


    • 15.

      How to sign Ll


    • 16.

      How to sign Mm


    • 17.

      G-M Fingerspelling Exercises


    • 18.

      G-M Recognition Exercise


    • 19.

      How to sign Nn


    • 20.

      How to sign Oo


    • 21.

      How to sign Pp


    • 22.

      How to sign Qq


    • 23.

      How to sign Rr


    • 24.

      How to sign Ss


    • 25.

      How to sign Tt


    • 26.

      N-T Fingerspelling Exercises


    • 27.

      N-T Recognition Exercise


    • 28.

      How to sign Uu


    • 29.

      How to sign Vv


    • 30.

      How to sign Ww


    • 31.

      How to sign Xx


    • 32.

      How to sign Yy


    • 33.

      How to sign Zz


    • 34.

      U-Z Fingerspelling Exercises


    • 35.

      U-Z Recognition Exercise


    • 36.

      All ABCs With Text


    • 37.

      All ABCs Without Text


    • 38.

      PRACTICE: ABCs At Turtle Speed


    • 39.

      PRACTICE: ABCs At Rabbit Speed


    • 40.

      PRACTICE: ABCs At Bird Speed


    • 41.

      PRACTICE: ABCs At Rocket Speed


    • 42.

      Fingerspelling - All ABCs Random Order


    • 43.

      Fingerspelling - 3 Random Letters


    • 44.

      Fingerspelling - 5 Letter Words


    • 45.

      Recognition - All ABCs


    • 46.

      Recognition - 3 Random Letters


    • 47.

      Recognition - 4 Letter Words


    • 48.



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About This Class

In this course, we’re going to focus on the most basic fundamental of American Sign Language (ASL): The manual alphabet.


  • Students will learn each individual letter at a slow pace to guarantee understanding
  • Students will view all of the ABCs from multiple angles to ensure precise hand and finger positioning
  • Students will participate in many exercises and activities to improve speed and fluency with the ASL alphabet
  • Students will begin to learn basic fingerspelling skills and signing multiple letters at a time
  • Students will be tested on their ability to sign, recognize, and understand all of the ASL letters


  • Hello! My name is Michael. When I was three years old, my younger brother became sick with spinal meningitis. In the process, my brother became deaf with an almost complete hearing loss. This difficult situation provided a unique opportunity for my family and I to become fluent in American Sign Language (ASL). Unlike some deaf children, my brother was not sent away to a deaf or hard of hearing school. He grew up with us, his hearing family, and we were active in the deaf community.
  • As a police officer and federal investigator, I often used ASL to communicate with and interpret for witnesses, victims, and perpetrators. I decided to create ASL courses because it’s a useful and practical skill to have. Like learning any language, it opens your mind and creates the ability to communicate with a whole new group of people. Okay. That’s enough about me. Check out my profile if you'd like to learn more. Keep reading below to find out more specifics about this course and see screenshots. Have a wonderful day!


  • Signing the complete alphabet correctly from memory
  • Recognizing and understanding all of the letters in ASL
  • Being able to sign and recognize the letters quickly
  • Beginning fingerspelling of multiple letters and short words
  • Beginning recognition of signed multiple letters and short words


  • Students will be proficient in signing and recognizing all letters of the ASL alphabet
  • Students will be confident using and understanding the ASL alphabet with other people
  • Students will have forward momentum to improve their fingerspelling skills
  • Students will have a strong foundation to continue studying more advanced sign language


  • A desire to learn, improve, have fun, and be more confident using the ABCs in ASL
  • A computer, tablet, or smartphone to access the study material


What is the main focus of this course?

  • The focus is the most basic fundamental of ASL: The alphabet.

Do I need to have prior knowledge or experience with ASL before taking this class?

  • No. This course is designed for complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. It's a great gateway towards more advanced sign language skills.

I already know some of the ASL alphabet. How can this course help me?

  • We have LOTS of exercises and activities to improve your speed, recognition, and understanding of the ASL alphabet. In addition, the course provides practice and instruction on signing multiple letters and short words.


Meet Your Teacher

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Able Lingo ASL

American Sign Language (ASL)

Level: Beginner

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1. Course Introduction: Okay, It's timeto learn the A B. C's in American sign language. Okay, so what will you be learning? Well, let me show you. Here we go. A B c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Q r s t u v w x y z Ha ha. That's right. The A B C's in American sign language. Okay, so how are we going to do it? Well, we have a separate video for each letter. This way we can guarantee that you understand that hand shape, the finger position, hand position and how it works. OK, so we're gonna have the whole alphabet, but we'll divide it up into groups who will do groups of letters individually and after we've learned that group of letters will have review All right, to make sure you can sign and understand those letters. Okay, so we'll do a group of letters review group of letters review like that as you make a way through the alphabet. Okay. After we've learned all the letters, well, it's time to practice the full alphabet at different speeds. Okay, after that, we're going to make sure that you understand the whole alphabet and that you're able to sign the whole alphabet. We'll have some fun doing some finger spelling and recognition exercises, and after that, well, we'll put it to use. We're going to do some finger spelling will do. Letter combinations, words. All right. By the end of this course, you're going to master the A B. C's in American sign language. What are we waiting for? Let's get started. 2. How to sign Aa: Let's talk about the letter. A Okay, so I'm going to show you how we create the letter. A We have an open hand, right? Put your fingers together and just curve them down. And pretty much leave your thumb where it is. All right, so one more time. Open hand fingers together. Er of your fingers down. Keep them together and leave your thumb there in the picture. The thumbs kind up here. But if you put the thumb down here, not a big deal. Okay, so we have a All right, let's do one more time. Open hand curved down a All right, so we're going to do it three times. And as an interesting side note, I suppose if you watch sign language interpreters when they're resting, when they're not talking, they put their hands right here. They're interesting position, because quickly they can start to talk when needed. All right, so we're going to say the letter a three times will do it together. And after we say each one, we put our hands back to the resting position. Okay, so there will be three separate A's. Okay, here we go. Let's do it together. A back to resting a A. Okay, so let's do it a little bit quicker. Here we go. A a A. Okay, so let's do some rotation. You can see my letter A Okay. And let's do it. Open hand fingers together, curved down. And we haven't a a great 3. How to sign Bb: Let's talk about the letter B. All right, so let's first make it. Okay, so we have open hand, put the fingers together, then just curve the thumb in front. All right? So once again, open hand fingers together, curve the thumb to the front, All right? I'll rotate a little bit so you can see what it looks like from the side. All right. Pretty simple. This one. Oh, it's kind of reminds me like when three people are in karate and they're talking about, like, the knife hand. Hyah! Hyah! Right. It's the same. Same shape, right? Just with the thumb in the front. So karate chop chop and put the thumb in the front. All right, so that's it. Be all right. Open hand fingers together. Put the thumb in the front. Be all right. So let's do it three times. And in between, each one will come back to the rest position. Okay? Here we go. Be be be okay. Let's do it quicker. Here we go. Three brie, be okay. So that was the letter b. I will do. Do it one more time. Open. We're thumb in front. That's it. The letter B 4. How to sign Cc: Okay, let's talk about the letter C. All right, so first we're going to create it. We're going to form it, but you have open hand, but your fingers together turn to this side. Now the top part is going to curve down, right? So, curve, and then the thumb also goes down. So now you can actually see a nice let her see, This one is very nice and straightforward. It is what we imagine. Okay, so when people sign a see, they don't go like this. Don't go like this. They go like this, and it's very easy to see that it is the letters C. Ok, so let's form it one more time with open hand fingers together. Now we put it to this side and we just curve down. So the thumb curves up and the top fingers stayed together, but they curve down of it, right? That is C. All right, Let's do it again. I am so see. Okay, so let's say three times and in between, each one will come back to the rest position. All right, let's do it together. Here we go. See? See? See? Okay. Let's do it quicker. Here we go. See? See, See. All right. That was the letter C. Once again, fingers together, curves down and we always show it from this side. Okay, great. 5. How to sign Dd: Let's talk about the letter D. Okay, so first let's form it. Well, how about we just look at it? Here it is. Rotate. Uh, Uh huh. OK, so we have open hand, put the fingers together. Now, the last three fingers that pinky, the ring finger and the middle finger are going to stay together. But they come down and they're going to pinch the thumb. Right? So if you're gonna pinch something you like that, right? So you pinch right, but the finger the index finger stays up, stays up. So if you turn to this side, it looks like a rabbit, right? Like if you do a shadow puppet and the shadows on the wall And this is the bunny's ears, the rabbit's ears. OK, so that is D. All right, so let's make it again. Right? Still from the side, open hand fingers together. Last three fingers come down and pinched the thumb right from this side. Be he is the rabbit. Okay, so here we go. Be e. All right. So from the rest position, let's do it three times. Do it with me first. We'll do it slow. Here we go. The de de Okay, three times a bit quicker. Here we go. E de de. Okay to review. Open hand fingers together. Last three fingers, They come down and they pinch against the thumb. Right? So they're open down and they pinch against the thumb. So from the side, it looks like a rabbit. OK, so that is the letter D. 6. How to sign Ee: Let's talk about the letter E. Okay, so first I will rotate it so you can see it from different angles. All right, So, e All right. So basically, here we go. We have open hand, but the fingers together and the top part of the hand a curved down. Right. And then the thumb just goes in. But we have e right. Let's do it from the side. Nerves down, E e. All right, One more time. A Okay, so let's do it three times slowly from the rest position. This is the rest position. Okay, here we go. E e e. Okay, a little bit quicker. Three times. Let's do it together. E e e. Okay to review. So we start with open hand, it comes down, the top fingers come down. All four and the some goes in. We have e on the side, E. Okay, so that is the letter e eight 7. How to sign Ff: Okay, let's talk about the letter F. Okay, here we go. You might see that in the picture. They have the fingers together. I've seen it done both ways. I grew up doing it this way. F with the fingers. A little bit of space in between. Either way, you'll be understood. Okay, so let's rotate. Is CNF? All right, so let's create it. We have open hand, the finger, the index finger and the thumb come together, and that's it. Now, if you want to choose to put the fingers together on the top, that's up to you. Um, I just grew up doing it this way. F All right, so let's rotate f. All right. And when you sign it, this is like the bird's beak. And you kind of pointed at the person when they could see the three fingers are up, so f right f. Okay, let's do it three times. Put her hands in the rest position in between. Here we go. F f f. Okay, three times a little bit quicker. F f if. Okay, let's review open hand index finger and the thumb go down. If you want to close them. Your choice. If you wanna leave them, open your choice. Okay? That is the letter f 8. A-F Fingerspelling Exercises: Okay, so we've been studying, but I think it's time for practice. Okay. What do we have some? We have a timer, and we have a wheel with all of the letters we've been studying. A, B, C, D, E and F. Okay. In this section. Okay, so here is how it works. There is a timer. It's a five second timer, right. So I will spin the wheel, and you will see a letter. And after you see the letter, I will start the timer. So the idea is you need to say the letter finger spell the letter before the timers finished. When the timer's up, I will show you the letter. So let's do a quick example. I will spin the wheel. All right, We see the letter, then I start the timer, and you need to say the letter at the end of the timer. I say be it is a B kind of like bingo, but a little bit different. Okay, so let's do it. Let's start. Here we go. I'm going to spin the wheel and I will stay quiet. Okay? The letter is f All right. It is an f. All right. I'm going to remove the F from the wheel. Right? Next one. Here we go. Okay. The letter is B. Did you make a B? Right? A B. Right. Next one. The letter is D. Okay, so let's make a d right. It's a d. All right. And the letter is B. Right. Here we go. Fingers together, home in front of B. Okay. The letter is C c. Right. We just make a little see with their hands. Fingers together. Thumb curved. There we go. Right. Okay. The letter is e right. So we have open hand fingers together, comes down. Come goes over. E it is an e. Right? All right. The letter is Hey, right. A though the fingers together they come down and the thumb just hangs out there, eh? Okay. The letter is C. C. And the letter is a OK, so it isn't a all right. The letter is D. All right, so we have the D. Kind of like the rabbit. Remember the rabbit ears? Last three fingers come down and pinch with the thumb. A d b e. We haven't e okay. And the last one, you probably already see it f Okay, So it is an f All right? No. How did you dio em? Okay, it's time for round number two. More practice. Great. Okay, this time is going to be a little bit different because there will be groups of two letters . All right, so each one that you have to say, you need to say to letters. So let me shuffle them around. I'll show you give you an example, and then we'll get started. All right, so I click the wheel spins and we see e c So you can say E c All right. Yeah. See? All right. There's no need to go. E see. Just leave your hand up there, E See. Okay. So I'm still going to give you five seconds, because I know you guys our great Let's just take a look. How much time? That is. Five seconds. All right. You can do it right. When the timer's up, I will show you the answer. Okay, so let's start with the 1st 1 okay? The answer is C a. All right, One more time. See a Okay. The answer. F the all right F d a f. All right. A f three de be de e de e d. Okay, if a f a right, we have e see e c. Okay, see? De c d a three a b be see B C. Okay, so that was round two. How did you do? It's a little bit more difficulty, because you have to Do, you know, two letters at the same time, but with practice, it becomes easier. Okay. All right. 9. A-F Recognition Exercise: Okay, let's do a comprehension exercise. In other words, a recognition exercise because it's important to know how to spell how to make the letters . But it's also very important to know how to understand them, to understand what you see, right. Okay, so we just started to study these letters down there. A, B, C, D, E and F. OK, so I'm going to make a hand sign. I'm going to show you something, and then you make a choice. What am I showing you? Is it a B, C, D e or F? And then I will show you what the answer is. It will be right over there right now. There's a dot but there will be an answer. Okay, so let's get started. All right, so here is the first sign. Okay, Which letter? What is your choice? All right. What am I showing you right now? All right. So let's see the answer in 321 Okay. It's an e. Right? I'm showing you an E. All right, let's move forward to the next one. We're going to do each letter multiple times, so I'll see if I can try to trick you. Okay? Here we go. The next letter is all right. What is your choice? The correct answer in 321 All right. It's a C. Right. Nice and straightforward. R C. Right. Next one. Here we go. This is the hand sign. Okay. What's your choice? Umm right here is the correct answer. In 321 It's in a All right, so we haven't a Okay, All right. Next hand sign. And so, what letter is this? What am I showing you? Hey, make your choice. Here is the answer in 321 f Right. It's an f. Wonderful. Okay, here is the next one. All right. Do you have your options? Make your choice. What am I showing you right now? Which letter is this? Right Here is the answer in 321 Be right. This is a B. Hey, next one. All right. So which letter is this? Here's the answer. In three 21 It's a D, right? Like the little rabbit ear. It's a D. Okay, next sign. Here we go. Alright. What am I showing? You make your choice. Here's the answer. In three, 21 It's in a How would you do? Okay, It's in a all right. Moving forward. Next letter is okay. What is it? Make your choice. Here is the correct answer. In three 21 It's an E. That's right. Right. Next letter. Alright. What am I showing? You make your choice. Here's the answer. In three, 21 It's another B. All right. It's a be Yes, right. Next letter is okay. What's your choice? There's the correct answer in 321 See? Yes. I love a C. It's nice and straight forward. Next letter. Okay. What am I showing? You make your choice. There's the correct answer. In 321 f, we have a Neff. Yes. Okay. Here we go. All right. What's your choice? Here's the correct answer. In three, 21 it's a D. Okay, so we just did some recognition. Review some a comprehension exercise for a, B, C, D E and F. A wonderful 10. How to sign Gg: Okay, let's talk about the letter G. Okay, so in the picture, it's easy to see, But when we talk, we don't well like this to say, G, it's kind of awkward and uncomfortable. We just say g All right, so let me rotate so I can show you what a G looks like. Right? So if we rotate So if we make it, we could take our hand. And these fingers, they just kind of fold down the index finger and the thumb, make this shape right, and then you turn. All right. So if you want a quick way to remember it, let's say someone said, How big was the bug? How big was the spider? And you like this big? All right, then you just turn and that is a G. Okay, so how big g g? It's a G. Right? Okay, so once again, slowly, G. Okay. So let's do it three times each. In between, each letter will go back to the rest position. Let's do it slowly together. Here we go, DE g G. Okay, three times. A little bit more quick. Here we go. G G G. Okay. So this is the letter G. All right. So remember, the trick is how big was the bog? It was this big. And then you turn it and that is a G. Okay, Sounds good. 11. How to sign Hh: Okay, let's talk about the letter. H. All right, let's do some rotation. So this is an h. Kind of Looks like you're pointing a gun. Maybe. I don't know. OK, so how do we make it? Well, we have our hand. We don't use these two fingers over here. They can just go down Thies to go together and the thumb goes between them and presses against them. OK, then we just turn. All right, So let's do it, H. All right, so it's rotate, right? So we have a church, and when we say h, it's kind of uncomfortable. We wouldn't say it like this because it's just weird to move your hand that way. So that's how they saw in the picture. However, when you'd say to someone, You just go H they're probably going to see the back of your hand. But it's good they show the picture this way because you can see that your thumb goes right there next to the fingers. Okay. So h all right, h Okay, so let's do it three times in between. Each letter will go to the rest position. Okay, here we go. Do it with me. Eight eight h, Okay, three times a little bit quicker. Here we go. H age eight. Okay, so remember, your thumb is kind of tucked behind, so you can't really see it when you're looking at it this way. So once again will make it go like this. Then we turn it sideways. All right, so, um, comes up. H Okay, So that is how we doing? H wonderful. 12. How to sign Ii: Let's talk about the letter. I Okay, let's do some rotation. We can see what it looks like from different angles. Right? Eye on this one. You're going to show it like this. You're not gonna go like this. I like this. You just go. I rights to show it to someone. All right, So how do we make it? Here we go. We have open hand, east fingers. They fold down, they don't do anything. The film goes in front and the pinky finger stays up. Right? So I right like this. I Okay, so that's how it looks. The pinky fingers, fingers stays up and the thumb curls in front. All right, so let's do the I three times in between our hands. Come back to the rest position. OK? Do it with me. Here we go. I I I Okay. Three times a little bit quicker. Here we go. I I I Okay, So let's review open hand These three fingers in the middle just come down, think he stays up and the thumb curves to the front. We have I No one's great. OK, so we just talked about how to make the letter. I inside language 13. How to sign Jj: Okay, let's talk about how to say the letter J. OK, so this is one of the only two signs where you have to actually go in motion. Right? So if you remember, we didn't I Last time, right? So let's make the I i. And now you just taken I and with your tip of your pinky, you make a J motion. You go J right. So if we look in the picture, it's like a little hook, Just a J. Kind of like you're digging out. Something is a J. Okay, so we use the same hand position as the eye, right? We go like this. There's the eye, but because it's a J, we have to do the hook. We do A J. Okay, so let's do it three times will do it slow, and our hands will go back to the rest position. Let's do it together. Here we go. J J J. Okay, let's do it more regular speed Now. Here we go. J J J. Okay. So the wonderful thing about a J is that if you know how to make an I is do some ocean J. Okay, so we just talked about how to make the letter J 14. How to sign Kk: Let's talk about the letter K. Okay, let's do a rotation. All right, so this is a K. And when you'd say it, you would show it to them. Okay. All right. So just, like in the picture. All right, so let's make it. We have the hand. We don't need the ring finger and the pinkies. We put them down, and we leave these two up, like, like bunny ears, like rabbit ears. And we take our thumb, and we put it between All right, so this is a k right. Let's watch it again. Okay. All right. So, full down the last two fingers, leave these separated and put your thumb between. Now the thumb is pushing against and is pointing up between those fingers. Right. So this is a k right. Let's do it three times Slowly, I stood together. Here we go. Que? Okay. Que All right, Let's do it. Regular speed. Here we go. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Let's review. All right, hands up. Last two fingers go down. These to stay apart. Que That's it. Okay, so we just talked about how to make the letter. Okay, 15. How to sign Ll: Let's talk about the letter. O All right. This is a nice one. It's very straightforward, right? It just looks like an upper case. Help. Plus, if you have ever seen someone go like this as in, like, loser, you already know how to CNL in sign language. Great. So here we go. We go step by step. You have your hand thes three go down. That's it. It's in L right. Once again, l all right, let's do some rotation. All right. So it is an l. Just like the loser, right? R o. Okay, so let's do the sign three times in between. We're going. Our hands will come back to the rest position. Here we go. L l Oh, okay. Regular speed. Here we go. L l No. Okay, so let's review we have open hand and these three fingers go down and you're done. That's an l like loser, remember? L Okay, so we just talked about how to make l in sign language. 16. How to sign Mm: Let's talk about how to make the letter M. All right, let's see some rotation. We can see the thumb sticking out there. Yeah, okay. All right. So, m all right. So this one is a maybe a little bit more complicated, but we could do it. No worries. All right. So as things come together, the thumb goes and goes on top of the pinky finger than the other three fingers. Just go down. Do you have an M? Right. So you have the three fingers 123 on top of the thumb. Okay, let's do it. Slowly it comes together, the thumb goes on top of the pinky and the three fingers go down M. All right. Rotation. Well, the thumb is kind of like a little turtle peaking its head out. But you have to do three. Has to go under three fingers em. All right, let's do it again. I m all right. Little bit quicker. I m got it. M. All right. All right. I think we do it one more time. I am. We were Just remember to make sure your thumb goes on top of your pinky and the other three fingers 123 Come down on top. Okay, so let's do it slowly. Three times. Here we go. I m I m I am right. Regular speed. Let's do it together. I m I m I m Okay. So it might feel a little bit strange to tuck your thumb under there in the perfect spot, but with practice, No problem. OK, so we just talked about how to make the letter M. 17. G-M Fingerspelling Exercises: Okay. It's time for practice again. Yes. We're going to use the letters. G H I J K l and M. Okay. Are you ready? Five seconds. Write the letter. Is I All right? Let's take a look. I and the letter is em right? M from here. I m okay. And the letter is g right. We have a G and the letter is K. All right, we have K. Okay, We have em. Right? EM j remember, just take the eye and do the loop. J J Okay, Another K. Okay. All right. H h Hey. Two in a row h eight, right, Jay Wright. The I never just do a J j g right. G Oh, l I It's with their pinky. I Oh, l Okay, so that was round one. All right, let's move on to round two. And this time we will have random letters. Still g g h i j k l N m. And we're going to have a group of two letters, so you need to say both of the letters in the turn before the timer finishes. Hey. All right, let me shuffle Shuffle again. All right, let's do it right we have a J k. I am one more time. J k g I M g I m I m l m l age g h g Okay. G k g que I m k m I Okay. I k g l g l I m I m i l i l I Okay, so that was round number two. Let's keep studying. 18. G-M Recognition Exercise: Okay. It's time for a recognition exercise. Okay, so it's wonderful to know how to make the letters, but it's just as wonderful to know how to understand them How to read them when someone signing to you. Okay, so we have g h i j k l N m. I'm going to show you a sign, and you make a choice. You choose. What am I showing you? Which of the letters below am I showing you? Okay, here we go. All right. So the first sign is Okay, So which letter is this? Your twice is air down there. What is the What is the answer? What am I showing you? Okay, here's the answer. In 321 It's an eye, right? It's an I. Okay, moving forward. Here's the next letter. Right. What letter am I showing you make your choice. Here is the answer in 321 It's an h. Right? It's an H. Okay. Next one. Here. Rio. Mm. Which letter is this? I don't make your choice. Here is the answer. In 321 It's a k right? Even the top part looks like the top of the K. Wonderful. All right. Next letter is What do you think? What is the letter? What am I showing you? Here's the answer. In 321 It's an M. Yes, that's right. Next. Later. Okay. So what did I show you? I can give going. All right. Here is the answer. In 321 It's a J, right? It's hard to keep going. You can't just hold it. One place. But it's a J. It's a J. Yes. Okay. All right. Next letter is okay. What is it? Here's the answer. In 321 G. Right. It's a G. How big is it? It's this big, and you turn it. It's a G. Okay, next letter. Here we go. All right. So what am I showing you? Here's the answer. In 321 It's an L. Right? L for like, loser. No, El. There we go. All right, here is the next one. Are you ready? Okay, Here's the answer. In 321 It's a G. Yes, it's a G. I'm right. Okay, So the next one. Here we go is all right. So what am I showing you? Options air down there. Make a choice. Okay. The answer is 3 to 1. It's an M. Yes, it's an m. Okay, here is your next one. Not that one. Okay. Here it is. Okay. What am I showing you? Mm. All right. Here's answer. In 321 It's a K. Yes, it iss Hey, next one. Alright. What am I showing you? Here's the answer. In 321 It's an l. Yes. Nice. Straightforward. L I love l. It's kind of like, See right? So easy and straightforward. All right, let's go to the next one. The letter is Okay, so the answer in 321 Jerry. Right. We're hooking something with our pinky J or digging into some jam or something. Okay. Next letter. All right, Here's the answer. 321 It's an H. It's an H. We go. Okay. Which letter is this? Here's the answer. In 321 It's an eye. It's an I just a little pinky. I Okay, so we just did a recognition exercise for the letters. G h i j k l N m Fabulous 19. How to sign Nn: Let's talk about how to make the letter N But this one looks a little bit similar. We just did the am You mean with the end? We just go over one finger. That's it. Okay, so the M we had to go under three fingers with the end. We just go under two fingers. Okay? Another way of looking at it is you put the thumb and it goes on top of your ring finger, and then the other two fingers that up just come down, so n and let's do some rotation, right? That's n one more time and all right, so last two fingers come down the two fingers stay up toe, wait for the thumb to come in and then end right in. Okay, so let's do it. Regular speed. Our hands will come to rest in between each letter. Here we go. Let's do it together and and in Okay, regular speed and and in Okay, let's review. So it's kind of like an M. You just have to put the thumb over what I am. It's an end. OK, so the last two fingers go down, the thumb goes on top and the remaining two fingers come down. Okay, so I suppose another way is to write two fingers. Then just put your fingers down. Right There is an end, and Okay, so we just talked about how to make the letter and 20. How to sign Oo: Okay, let's talk about how to make the letter. Oh, Oh, this is really straightforward, right? You look through it is an Oh, okay. So we when we show it to someone that we make the sign to someone in Oh, we would just go like this, just like in the picture will show them this flat part of our hand. Okay. Oh, all right. So if we make it before fingers just come down and much the thumb, let's see. Oh! Oh, so think of like a tunnel through your fingers, Right? We're making an O. I haven't go slow. Oh, that's it. Okay, so let's do it three times their hands coming toward the rest position. Here we go. Oh, Oh, oh! Okay. Regular speed. Let's do it three times. Oh, Oh, oh! All right. Let's review have her open hand. The four fingers all come down and they touched the thumb and then we would shoe show it that way. Oh, it's like they curve. Oh, okay, so we just learned how to make the letter o in sign language. 21. How to sign Pp: Let's talk about how to make the letter P. Okay. This sign might look a little bit familiar because it's similar to a K. All right, so what? The k We wouldn't like this. These two fingers down the two fingers up in the thumb right there between them. Now with the P, we just take the K and we drop it down. Right? P Okay. If you want to go straight to it, your hand just goes like, this curls up these two fingers curled there, and the film goes between p he rotate P Okay. Okay. So well, it slowly. Hey, he All right? Let's make it three times. We'll go slowly. Hands in the rest position in between. P key P Okay, let's do a regular speed. Here we go. P Hey, hey. Okay. Couple things about this sign, uh, in the picture, they turn it this way so that you can see the finger movement, right? The location of the fingers. But when you just say you'll probably be like p all right, You might go like this, p but it's just awkward, P But if you go like this, p, you'll understand you. So once again. It's like a K, but we drop it down. He he Okay, so we just learned how to make P in sign language. 22. How to sign Qq: Let's talk about the letter. Q. Okay, let's do some rotation. You, um it looks quite similar to the letter G. If you remember how we made a G, it's like, how big was the bug? It was this big, and we rotated so we can do the same thing, But we're going to going to rotate further. So how big was the bug? It was that big. Now we go to Q. He was just a g, which is pointing down. Okay. All right. And in the picture, they show you it this way. But when you sign it, you would probably just go que because it's awkward and arms may not want to bend that way to go. Cute, right? So we would just say que All right, so once again, how big it's this big pointed down. All right, that is a que Okay, Let's do it three times. Slowly do it together. Hands will come to the rest position in between. Here we go. Que que que All right regular speed. Que que you Alright review. Remember how big was the bug? It was this big. The queue, right? Just turn it down. OK, so this is the cue, right? Sounds good. So we just talked about how to make the letter Q inside language 23. How to sign Rr: All right, let's talk about the letter R. All right, let's do some rotation. Are Okay, So if we have open hand these two fingers down here, we just curve them down when I can use them. But the index finger is going to go in front of the middle finger. Then the thumb just goes in the front, right? So once again, slowly. All right. So something you remember. If someone says, you know, they tell you something, but they have their hand behind their back because their fingers are crossed. All right, so this is the are right. Here we go are a little bit faster. Are all right? So let's do it three times slowly together. Here we go. Are Are are Okay, let's do regular speed. Are Are Are Okay, let's review. So we have open hand these two in the back come down. And then these two just crossed the index finger goes in front in the middle finger on the back Film just wraps in front. Easier way to remember You know your telling a lie. You're crossing your fingers behind your back, right? That's it. That's an arm. Ok, so we just learned how to do it are in sign language 24. How to sign Ss: Let's talk about the letter s right. Let's do some rotation. It looks surprisingly like a fist. Right. So I don't know if you bark. So you've done martial arts or something? I'm holding two s is all right. So this is an s pretty simple. All right, So fingers come down and you put your thumb in front. You're making a fist. That's an s Great forward. All right, just make a fist. Make sure to put your thumb in front. All right? So let's do it three times slowly s Yes. Yes. Okay. Regular speed s Yes. Yes. Okay. So for s just remember, like your boxing in your holding two s is because when you turn them around, you show the person that your thumbs in front and I'm like, Oh, it's an s. Okay, so when we show the ass to someone we don't go like this, I cut it. Looks like you're looking for a fight, right? You need to show them the thumb in the front s right s okay. So we just talked about how to make an S 25. How to sign Tt: Let's talk about how to make a T in sign language. Okay, let's do a rotation. Take a look. All right. So there is a t. So, basically, this is all you do it the last three fingers, Put them down, put the thumb in and curl the index finger on top. All right, here we go. T. All right. You could also say you just tuck your thumb in between your index finger and your middle finger. E t. Uh huh. All right, so the the thumb goes in under the index finger, and you're good to go. This is T. All right, let's let's do it three times. Slowly, together. Hands back to the rest. Position in between each letter. Here we go. T T t. Okay, regular speed. Here we go. Three times. T t t. Okay. So to review, we just stick our thumb in there between our index and middle fingers and wrap. That's it. It's like a turtle head point pointing out. OK, here we go. That is a T. Ok, so we just talked about how to make a T in sign language 26. N-T Fingerspelling Exercises: Okay, It's time for practice for the letters. N o p Q R S and T Are you ready? Five seconds are are we have a p p tiu t are Oh, are Oh, oh, and and Oh, Oh, P p s Yes. Que que que que and and t t? Yes! Yes. Okay, so that was round number one. I think it is time for round number two. Right. So we're going to see two letters at once. I mean, put me Philip the wheel. All right, let me shuffle. Shuffle, shuffle, Write Two letters. Still five seconds. Ready? All right, here we go. A t que t q He s he s Oh, are Oh, are que oh que o que o Yes, p s p are en are in que t q t en? Yes. In s are oh R o in p and P. Okay. How would you do? All right, let's move forward. 27. N-T Recognition Exercise: Okay, so it's time for a recognition exercise for the letters and O p. Q R s N t. OK, so I will show you a sign and you tell me what I'm showing you there, Your options and you make a choice. And then I will show you the answer after a short countdown. All right, let's jump right in. Here we go. Here is the first letter. You tell me what I'm showing you. Okay? So make your choice. Here is the answer. In 321 It's a queue, right? So number. The picture shows it like this, but it's kind of uncomfortable to go like this, so we'll just say Q Right? You You all right? Moving forward. All right, here's the next letter. Alright. What am I showing you? Right? Here's the answer. In 321 Oh! Oh, I like that. Oh, it's just so nice. Right? Just looks like you know, right. Next letter. Here we go. What am I showing you? Hey, To make your choice here is the answer. In 321 It's an r, right? So we just go like that. It's an R, right? Next letter we go Alright. What am I showing you? Here's the answer in 321 It's an end. Yes, it is. Okay. Next one. You could do it with me, Right? Here we go. All right, Which letter? My showing you. Here's the answer in three, 21 It's a T. Right. The little turtle head that's sticking out. It's a T. All right. Next one next letter is Okay. Here's answer in 321 E A p. Right. It just drops down a p. Okay. Next letter is All right. Which letter? My showing. You all right? Here's the answer. In 321 It's an s right number. Put up your fists. You're holding two s. Is s right. Okay. Next letter is okay. Here's the answer. In 321 Api woo, Another p. Right? Did I trick you? All right, next question. All right, here's the next letter. I mean, all right. The answer in 321 It's a que Did you choose correctly? All right. Okay. Next letter. All right. Make your choice. What letter? My showing. You answer in 321 It's in s right. It's an s. A next letter here. It is. And here's the answer. In 321 It's a T right. The little turtle guy. He's sticking his head out. T. Okay. What letter? My showing you? There's answer in 321 It's an end, right? Remember, It's similar to a T, but we have to put it over two fingers. We don't go as far as the M we go only two fingers. So that is an end, right? Right. Next letter. There's the answer in 321 00 is such a nice letter because it's easy to understand. Okay, next letter. All right, here's the answer. In 321 are Yes, We haven't are right. Like you cross your fingers behind your back because you're not really telling the truth, right? That kid's game. So what's in our Okay? Wonderful. We just did a comprehension exercise for N o P. Q. R s anti wonderful 28. How to sign Uu: Let's talk about how to make a You all right? This one is very, very simple. Right. So you have five fingers. Put them together. Get rid of three. Tuck the thumb in. That's it. That's a you. All right. Let's rotate. Uh huh. Interesting. Okay, so you all right? Once again, we're gonna take these down, put those together and the film in you. That's it. You okay? So let's do it three times slowly together. You, You you okay, Three times regular speed together. You, You You Okay? And it's worth mentioning that when we make a you, we don't go like this, right? We show them the thumb, we show them this part of our hand. So you right. You okay? So we just talked about how to make a U in sign language. Wonderful. 29. How to sign Vv: Let's talk about how to make a V in sign language rotation. Okay, we're taking a look. Two fingers like bunny years. Or maybe like the peace sign. Or if someone's taking a selfie there like, ah, they're putting up to these. Right? So this is V in sign language. All right, let's do it three times. Slowly. Hands back to the rest. Position in between each sign. Here we go. V V V. Okay. Regular speed be V v. Okay, So remember if you know how to say peace or selfie, whatever You know how to save Ian Sigh language be OK, so we just learned. And we talked about how to make a V inside language. 30. How to sign Ww: Let's talk about how to make a w in sign language. Okay, so let's do some rotation. Uh, there we go. That's the W. So if we have open hand, we just need the fingers in the middle. So we put the pinky down, and the thumb kind of holds down the pinky, and we have three fingers up, and it looks just like a w. Okay, so let's watch it over. You over you. All right. So let's do it three times a little bit slowly. Here we go. W over you. Over. You okay? Normal speed. Here we go. W I love you of you. Okay, So to review, we have the open hand. The pinky comes in, the thumb pushes down the pinky. What's left? A w. Okay. Great. We just talked about how to make a w in sign language. Wonderful. 31. How to sign Xx: All right, let's talk about how to make an X in sign language. Okay, let's do some rotation. All right? Okay. So if you notice in the picture they took their thumb under. I've always done it with the thumb on the outside. And that's how I've seen interpreters do it. So either way, I think you'll be understood, because the most important part is the hook. Like Captain Hook at the top, right? You have your little hook are like a pirate. Okay. All right. So if we want to make an X, we fold these last three fingers down, put the thumb down, and are That's your ex. It's silly, but it's a great way to remember how to do it. So X would be like the pirate hook R X. All right. And when you show it to someone, you show this part of your hand towards them, X, don't go like this. The picture is great because it shows you all of the fingers and how they're placed. But when you just say it, you would be like X. Okay, so let's do it three times. Hands in the rest position. Here we go. X X X. All right, regular speed. Three times x x x. All right, so let's review End up three fingers. Come down. Come goes in a right hook. X right. Once again, our X. All right. Okay, so we just talked to boat and learned how to do an X in sign language. Wonderful. 32. How to sign Yy: Let's talk about how to make the letter. Why in sun language. Okay, so let's do a rotation. All right, Pinky thumb, the other three fingers. Air tucked down. All right, here we go. Why? Why? Okay, So if you've seen anyone say, like, hang loose, man, like a surfer, something like that. Hang loose, man. They're making a why or so much pretending to talk on the telephone are all. Hello? Hello. Why? Okay, so here we go. Why? All right, let's do it three times. Slowly. Hands to the rest. Position in between each sign. Why? Why? Why? All right. Regular speed. Here we go. Why? Why? Why? All right, Let's review and open for middle three fingers. Come down. What's left is a why. Okay, so we just talked about and we learned how to do. Why? Inside language sounds pretty good to me. 33. How to sign Zz: All right, let's talk about how to make a Z in sign language. Okay? I don't know if you've ever seen the movie Zorro. The guy with the sword and cuts like the three lines to make a Z in people's clothing. Right? So that's what we do when we make a Z in sign language, we just use our finger. But but, uh and we go Z, that's it. So there are two signs in sign language where you have to actually, like go through some ocean One was a J. J. And this one is Z. So we have to draw the Z. We trace the Z. When we started, we go over and then we stop. There you go a z. All right. So I just use your finger. Good Z. Okay, so let's do it three times. Hands in the rest position. Let's do it slowly. Z z z. Okay, regular speed. Here we go. Z z z. Okay, so just use your index finger and trace ese. Just draw a Z in the air Z. All right? Sounds good. We just talked about how to make a Z in sign language 34. U-Z Fingerspelling Exercises: Okay, It's time for more Practice with U V W X Y and Z. Okay, five seconds. X x you you v be z z w w v v x x w w you you. Why? Why? Why? Why? Z z Just draw it in the air Z Okay, so that was round one. Now it's time for round two. Write two letters this time Still you get five seconds and let me fill up the wheel. Here we go. We'll shuffle. It will move them around a Let's do it. Let's start you x you x you over you You w why you Why you? Why be why v v? Why b why? X z xz x be xv w x w x w x z you z you w z they'll Buz! Okay, that was round two Great. 35. U-Z Recognition Exercise: Okay. It's time for another recognition exercise this time will be using the letters U V, W, X, Y and Z. So your choices are U V W X, Y and Z. Okay, here is the first sign. You tell me, what am I showing you? Okay, here we go. All right, make your choice. Here is the answer in 321 It's a V, right? It could just be two fingers or it's like peace or Ah, selfie, right. A V for Victory v. All right, next letter. Okay. What am I showing you? Here's the answer in 321 It's an X. Yes, member. It's like the pirate hook are erred, silly, but it should help you remember x. Okay, next letter is All right. So what did I sign? Here's answer In 321 It was a Z, right? It's a Z like Zorro. The guy with the sword, if you've seen that show, remember? Uh huh. Okay. He would carve a Z into people's clothing. Zzz and then they would be like, Ah, Zorro was here. Okay, let's stay focused. All right. The next letter is okay. Which letter is this? Is the answer in 321 It's why, right? Why? I, like hang loose, man, hang loose. It's a why. Hey, next letter. Here's the answer. In 321 it's a w. It even looks like a w. Wonderful little bit of a stretch to hold down the pinky with the thumb. But it's a w. Right. Okay. Next letter. Okay, make your choice. Here is the answer in 321 It's a you, right? Kind of like just a closed V. I just closed the V. And you have a you right. Next letter. Here we go. Here's the answer. In 321 A. Z. Right Z Zorro. Right. Okay, right. Next letter. Here's the answer. 321 X The pirate hook. Next letter. Here's answer. 321 It's a V. That's right. It's a V. Okay, next letter. Here's answer. 321 It's a you, right? It's a you write. The letter is okay. Here's the answer. In 321 It's a W. Yes, of course it is. Here's the letter and the answer in 321 Why? Okay, so we just did a recognition exercise. A comprehension exercise for the letters. U V, W X, y and Z. Okay, that's great. Wonderful. Let's move forward 36. All ABCs With Text: Okay, so we talked about the A B. C's one by one. Right? But now we need to put them together because the A B C's are all together. Okay, so we will go step by step, will go slow, but let's do all of the signs through the alphabet. The whole alphabet. Okay, here we go. Hey, three. See? De E f g h I j. Okay. No, I m in and key. Que are yes. T you v No view x. Why? Z Okay. Wonderful. So we did the a B. C's all the way through. I think we're going to do it again, but a little bit quicker, right? Was your learning we can practice? Repeat the videos as much as you need to. Here we go. Let's do it again. A be see de Yeah f g aids I j Okay. L I m in. Oh, he que are Yes. T you v don't view X. Why z? All right, so there we did it. We did the A B. C's all the way through without stopping. Congratulations. Way to go. You're improving. Okay, 37. All ABCs Without Text: Okay, so let's to the a B C's again. But this time, without the letters M only the hands. All right, here we go. Ready? A be See de you f g h I j. Okay. Oh, I m in. Oh, be. Do you are s t you v l've you x? Why? Z Okay. How about this time again? We're gonna go through what? I'm not going to say anything, so it will be quiet. We're just going to do the letters. Okay. Here we go. - Okay . Well, I think you're probably improving. Feel free to repeat the videos as much as you need to until you get smoother. All right? Because we're going to be doing it quicker and will be having some exercises. Mawr exercises. It sounds great. 38. PRACTICE: ABCs At Turtle Speed: Okay, let's practice the A B. C's turtle speed. Okay, here we go. - Okay . So that was the alphabet. Turtle speed. Use it for practice. 39. PRACTICE: ABCs At Rabbit Speed: Okay, so let's practice rabbit speed. Okay, here we go. - Okay . That was rapid speed. Sounds good. 40. PRACTICE: ABCs At Bird Speed: Okay, Now we're gonna do birds speed, and we're gonna do it two times. It's a bit faster. Okay. You ready? Here we go. Oh, okay. Great. Right. It's going to come up. We're going to do with the second time. Are you ready? Just a moment. Uh huh. Here comes. Okay. Wonderful. Of the 41. PRACTICE: ABCs At Rocket Speed: Okay, This is rocket speed. So we're still going to do it two times and this is pretty fast. Okay, let's do it. Who? Okay, Second time. Okay. What do you think? Super duper fast practices. Muchas you need It will get easier. Wonderful. 42. Fingerspelling - All ABCs Random Order: Okay, let's do all of the A B. C's now, and I'm going to test you on each letter, so I'm gonna give you three seconds. OK? Are you ready? Let's do it. Z G. Yeah, yeah. Z z h eight are are l l Oh. Oh, p key A a Yes, yes. F f t t you. You que que be be? Why? Why I i de de l bu Bellevue. Okay, Okay. See? See J J Him M x X and en V V. Okay. That was the whole alphabet. 43. Fingerspelling - 3 Random Letters: Okay, so let's practice with random letters, OK? So we're going to do five minutes and I'm going to keep showing you sets of three letters. Okay, so for each set, you'll have five seconds to finger spell the letters, for example. We have O h n. Okay, so you would have five seconds to say O h n and I was going to keep going and keep going. All right, let's do it. See? Que e si que e? Why? F s why f s in f j and f j in i v in i v age t e h t e p de t p d t Hey v you a v u v Q t b q t j p e j p e e x c e x c w k A They'll be u k a que l b u s q w s in the u I envy you e c be e c v you de j you d j age. I m i h m i t o e t o e be t c b t c t u z tuz. I am pretty sure that was five minutes. We'll do a couple more. Here we go. M a k m a k d L N D l n s b o s b o. Okay. This is our last one. Here we go. G B E g B e. Okay, Wonderful. So that is some great practice of random letters, Right? To keep us on our toes. All right, well done. 44. Fingerspelling - 5 Letter Words: Okay, so it gets better. All right. So we're going to do words this time. We're going to do five letter words. So, for example, of here, you can see M o N E Y right. And then down there, you have the timer. I'm going to give you seven seconds. OK, so let's take a look. At what? Seven seconds. Looks like I m o N e. Why, Right? So you should have enough time to spell out the word. And, uh, here we go. So I'm just going to keep going. We'll do seven minutes, and we'll just keep going. All right? Sounds pretty good. All right. So there's the 1st 1 and let me get my timer. Right. Let's do it. T Are you in okay? T R U N k hunk W o r t h w o r t h worth s w i n g s w i n g swing r e b e no r e b e l rebel Be Are a i e b r a I d raid s h you e He s h e p. Right? Did you notice we have two letters that are the same e so I didn't just go e e I did a little pump right E e s h e p right sheep be o a r b b o a r d board Oh, and I o and o n i o n Onion See a t c eight c a t c H Catch r E a C h r e a c eight reach W R E C okay W R E C K wreck G R E E T G R E T Greet P R I Z E E R I Z E Rise R A N C H R A N C H ranch Yes H A R E S H A R E Share P L A in T P L A N T plant see, are you e l c r U E l cruel You r i n e u r i n e urine Why i e a are in? Why i e a r n turn? Yes, in a i l s n a I l snail. Okay, there's the timer. Let's do one last one. Here we go. A w a r d a w over u A R d My finger slipped. Okay. A W A r D Award. All right. Okay. So well done. These were five letter words, and we just kept going. Is great finger spelling practice. 45. Recognition - All ABCs: Okay. It's time for a recognition exercise off all the A B. C's. Now, of course, I'm not just going to go a B c d and all the way up to see I'm going to show you are going to show you the hand signs for the letters in random order. Okay, Then I'll give you a short countdown and show you the answer before I show you the answer. You tell me, what letter am I showing you and also do it with me? When I show you a sign, Do it with me. It will help you remember? Okay, right. The first letter is okay. So what letter am I showing you? Here's answer in 321 it's a J right day. Next letter is Okay. So what am I showing you do it with me. And also say out loud. What letter am I showing you? Right. Here's answer. In 321 It's in a a next letter. Alright. What am I showing you 3 to 1? It's an end. Yes, it's an end. Told you were going to go in random order. Surprise! Surprise! Right. Here's the next letter. Alright. What am I showing you. Here's the answer in 321 It's a w, right? It looks like a w. Great, right? Next letter. All right. Are you doing it with me saying aloud What letter it is. Here's the answer. In 321 it's a G, right? Next letter is okay. Here's answer. In 321 Right. Did you say K? If you did way to go next letter. Hey, what am I showing you? Here's the answer. In 321 It's a no love those next letter. Hey, what am I showing you? Here's the answer. In 321 It's an E. Yes, it is. Next letter. Here's the answer. In 321 it's a Q. It's a que ex letter. Okay, so what is it? Here's the answer. In 321 It's an I just a little pinky guy. I next letter. Here's the answer. 321 It's an L, right? It looks like an el. It is an L next letter, right? You tell me. What is it? Here's the answer. In 321 it's a you. That's right. Next letter. Here's the answer. 321 It's a why right. It's a Why Next letter. Okay. What am I showing you? Here's the answer. In 321 It's a B. It's a B. Yes, it is. All right. Next letter. All right. What is it? There's answer in 321 s right. It's an s. Remember, the fist you're holding two s is Pop Pop. How s all right? Next letter. Here's the answer. In 321 f Right. It's an F next letter. What do we have here? Here's the answer. 321 Em. Okay. Next letter. What do you think? Here's the answer. In 321 It's an h. Right? So they're going to sign it this way. They probably won't go like this because it's awkward. H right. Next letter. Here's the answer. In 321 It's a Z, right? Z like Zorro. Okay, next letter. All right. The answer in 321 is a p. Okay. So once again, people probably won't go like this. It's possible, but it's a little bit uncomfortable. If they're quick, they're probably just gonna go pee. Okay, Next letter. All right, Here's answer. In 321 The pirate Hook X. Yes, right. Next letter. Hey, here's answer. 321 It's a D. That's right. It even kind of looks like a D or also rabbit. All right, next letter. Here's the answer. In 321 It's a T right? The little turtle guy is sticking his head out. It's a T next letter. Here's the answer. In 321 it's a V V for victory or V for selfie or V for whatever. Okay, next letter. All right, here's the answer. In 321 are right. Okay, Next letter. Alright. What am I showing you? Here's the answer in 321 It's a C. Right. Okay, so we just did the whole alphabet, right? A B C d e f g h i j k l m N o p Q r s t u v W X Y z Great 46. Recognition - 3 Random Letters: Okay, let's do a comprehension exercise or recognition exercise with three letter chunks. So these will just be random. Three letters put together. So, for example, I'll go like this, Okay? And then you take a moment, take it all in, and you think about what did I do? What did I dio? And then I will show you the answer. All right. I did see X w. So the whole idea is for you to try and understand what I'm saying. So when you're at home, okay, it's a C. It's an X. It's a w. Talk out loud, even signed with me. Okay, so let's do it. Let's take a look at this. Move to the next one. Right. Are you ready? Let's do it. Okay. Here is the answer. All right. I did a B J. And you one more time, B j. You okay? Let's move forward. Okay. So what did I do? All right, so here is the answer. I did an H and are on C N. H. In are regular speed. H n r. Okay. Right. Next one. Okay. Did you get that? Here is the answer. I z r. Regular speed. Isay are. Okay. Moving forward. Okay, here we go. Let's see the answer. I you g regular speed. I Yugi are you g? Okay, We are okay. Here's the answer. H a be h a b a next one. All right, here's the answer. What did I sign? Right. I did. An X m a x m a Okay, here we go. All right. So what did I sign? Here is the answer. You que h u Q h. All right. Okay, here's the answer. I didn't s i u s Are you s I U Okay. Okay. Here's the answer. I love you. I m j w m j W m j. Okay. All right. Did you get it? Here we go. This is the answer. Z p v z e b z p v. Right. There's the answer. B t Q being T Q. All right. How did you do? All right. Going forward. We'll do a couple more. All right, here's the answer. Okay. A f k a f k f. All right. Did you get that? Que el x k l x k l x. All right, last one. Let's see if I can find a good one. Okay. All right, let's do this one. Here we go. All right, Here's the answer. I did a t the m t d M E d m. Okay. Wonderful. So we just did random letters to practice our recognition. Feel free to re repeat. We did a whole bunch. You will help you out. 47. Recognition - 4 Letter Words: Okay, let's do some more recognition practice. And this time it's going to be much more practical. Okay, so I will be signing finger spelling four letter words. Okay, so let's take a look. Here's an example. I'll explain the first example. Then we'll get up to speed. Here we go. So the 1st 1 will be okay. So you take in the signs and figure out What word did I say? So this time it's not just random letters is going to be an actual word. So once again, okay? And then I'll show you the answer. So I signed goal. I don't know why it puts a hard on here. Just ignore the heart and just look at the letters. Okay? So G o a L goal. Okay, so everything I sign it's going to be part of a four letter word. So it's going to be a word, not just random letters. All right. Can you guess the word? Yes, before I show it. Here we go. Next word. Coming up. Ready? All right. Did you get it? Here we go. Wond f you in the f u n d fund. Next one. Here is the word tape. T a p E t a p e tape. Here we go. Right. Here's the answer of u V i E w b i e w view. All right, here's the answer. P I c k Pick he I c k. All right, I'm pushing your brain. It's wonderful. All right, here we go. Coma C o m a c o m a coma warrior w i r e w I r e y You're We go dark d a r k d a r k Dark. All right. Nest N e s t N E s t nest. Next word. Okay. Seat S E A E s E 80 seat. Here we go. Hope H o p e h o p e Hope. All right, Here's the answer. Fish. If I s h f i s h this. Okay. Did you get it? Stem s t e m s t e M stem. Okay. Let it sink in week. W e a k w e a k week. Okay. Ride. Are I d e r I d e ride. Okay. The answer is drug. These are you g D R u g he Are you g drug. Okay, Stop S t o P S t o P Stop! Okay. Roll are o l e r o l e roll. Okay, let's take a look at our time doing all right, Let's do two more. Okay, We'll do two more words. Okay, here we go. Failed F A I No f a I l fail. Okay. In the last word. Okay. Did you get it? Next T e x T T e x t text. Okay, so we just did a whole bunch of four letter words. Now there are many more. This was a great way to practice your recognition. Right? Okay, great. 48. Conclusion: Okay, so at the end of this class, I hope you had a wonderful time because I had a wonderful time teaching this class. Okay? Remember, it's really important to learn the A B. C's, because if you forget something in sign language, you can always spell it. You can always finger spell it. Okay. For example, I need to meet that girl. Girl. Girl. How do you say girl girl girl? I don't remember, girl. Ah, no problem, girl. G i r l I need to meet that girl. All right, so sign language is wonderful if you forget one of the thousands of signs. If you forget something, you can always finger spell. OK? So think if you're if you're learning German or a different language, right, you can't say okay, I need to meet that girl. You can't just say G i r l because it doesn't work that way. But was with sign language. It's wonderful, because if you for forget something you can finger spell. OK, so thank you for watching this class. I had a wonderful time. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. See you later.