1. Course Introduction: Hello. My name is Michael. Okay. Thank you for studying with me in this course. Okay. We're going to study pronouns. I know you're thinking, Well, that's born, But listen, wait, okay? Because pronouns are really common, like, really common we're talking about. I me you He'd a you our arse stuff like that. Okay. It's just basic stuff we got to know because they're so common. All right, so we're going to learn the pronouns. I'm going to test you, and then we'll learn some new words. Okay? So once we have new words and we have the pronouns, we can put them together, and we can make some stuff that's a bit more practical. Some phrases, some short sentences. Okay, So are you ready to study and learn and learn and learn something new? Okay, let's do it.
2. Handshapes | Personal vs Possessive Pronouns: All right. Hello. Let's get started. Ok, so we're going to talk about personal pronouns and possessive pronouns. And you're like, What? Grammar are right? Well, it is grammar, but is very practical grammar. This is stuff you need to know to be communicating. Okay. All right. So first, let's you know what the heck are personal pronouns? I'm so glad you asked. Well, personal pronouns I me, you he she it we us they them and you Plural. Okay, not rocket science here. Moving forward, possessive pronouns my mind, your his her its our there and your plural. OK, so we're going to learn how to sign these pronouns in SL in American sign language. Okay, so one thing is very important. Your hand shapes and it's a wonderful thing, actually, with SL when we're talking about personal pronouns, we're going to use the same hand shape. Now we're gonna move our hand round, but our hand shape will be the same and the same thing with possessive pronouns. So let's see, what are the hand shapes? Well, with personal pronouns were going to use the number one. This is how you say one inside language one we could just say, you know, it's the pointer finger. It's the index finger. So how do we make it? Well, here's open hand, but these fingers down and put your thumb in Well, our suddenly you have a number one right from the side. Open hand fingers down some in you have a pointer finger. All right, So this is your weapon When you're going to be doing personal pronouns will go down the list in a in a bit. But remember, personal pronouns used the index finger the number one sign in sign language. Okay, once again, it is okay. So four possessive pronouns were going to use an open B m. What is an open be? Well, this is how I signed. Be all right. This is how I learned it. I've been doing it this way. Other people, many people signed be like this. All right. Did you see the difference of the thumb is here, and the thumb is out here. Oh, here, In here. So when the thumb is on the outside, it's called an open. Be all right. So we haven't opened. Be So how do you make an open be Ah ha. Open hand just close up right open hand. Just close it up and that is an open. Be all right from the side. Have open hand. We're gonna prepare the sign. What was it up? That's it. That is an open be. I don't know. If you want to think like karate, you're gonna slap something. It's basically just a flat hand and things were tightened up. OK, so for personal pronouns, once again, we're going to use the pointer finger the number one in sign language for possessive pronouns. We're going to use the open be open. Be mice will show you both hands pointer finger personal pronouns was absent Pronouns open . Be alright. Something very important. Okay, this is the same thing. When you're signing, use your dominant hand, right? So what is the dominant hand? It's the hand that you feel most comfortable with, right? So I'm a right handed person. I write. I do most things with my right hand, but you might be left. You might write with your left hand, do most things with your left hand. So if you want to do personal pronouns with your left hand, that's fine. Here we go. There's the pointer finger. If you want to do possessive pronouns with your left hand open, be there it is. All right. So once again, we have open be or possessive pronouns, right? And we have pointer fingers for personal pronouns. All right, I think it's time to move forward.
3. Learn | I/ME vs MY/MINE: Okay, First pronouns alright for personal pronouns I and me remember we used the finger, the pointer and we just go Me, right? I me We just point out ourselves. Very simple. I Who Who may Who me? Right. Okay. From the side. Just you can tap You can just point your choice But the whole idea is to indicate the direction Me, right? Okay, so possessive pronouns Remember the hand the open Be right. Be there it is. All right. So my, my all right from the side My Why? Or mine? Right? So who's is it? It's mine. It's mine! It's mine. Ok, so a quick review me this point at yourself, Me or my me? You my open hand. Was this you pointer? Personal. All right, so let's see what it might look like in action, right? Let's see if I can find it here. You might just be like, Oh, I'm happy. I'm happy. I me, I'm I'm I'm happy off. It's so nice. Nice to be here. Uh, I'm happy. All right. So I i me me. Okay. So let's see the other one. My house. Mm. My, my house. My house. All right, So my Me. Right. Quick review Personal pronoun the finger Me, me possessive pronouns. Where is it? There it is. Mine! Mine! Great.
4. Learn | YOU vs YOUR: All right, let's talk about you. End your okay. So personal Pronounced the finger this point, right? Just point at who you're talking to because you're directed towards them. So you a point to them, right? So your open hand with the B, right? Possessive pronouns with the open hand to be you're So if I'm talking to you, I'm looking at you. I'm making eye contact with you. And I say you or maybe I say you're depending on the situation, right? So it's very important to point your body to whoever you're talking to Write as much as possible sometimes were seated. But, you know, you try to make the the movement to going to whoever you're talking to. So if I'm talking to Fred, he's over here. I move my body in his position and I say you right, because I'm talking to him. My eyes were looking at him, and I point you, you right? Or I say, you're your your your from this side. Let's say I'm look talking to Fred or George or Henry or Sally. And I'm like you, right? You So I was looking at them, and I point at them right you, right? If I say you're then I say you're right. I'm looking at them. Your you're so I have the open be and I'm pushing it out. You're You don't have to go away, right? There's no need for that. Just your your all right or yours. Uh, and you no need to go. Did it? Did it? Did it could if you really want to overemphasize you, Right. But we could just go you depending on the situation. All right, let's see it in action. All right, we have the lady. I might be talking with her, and I would say, Oh, your purse, your your purse. Like you know. Where is it? Where is your purse? In your purse. Uh, so if I'm talking to you, I would say your purse, your purse? Uh, okay. Or we want to do the personal when I say you sad your said or are you sad? You said I'm talking to you. You said right. So you I just point at you You're sad or friends over there. You're sad. OK, so a quick review. Oh, another situation. Let's say her twin sister pops up behind me, right? And I can talk to her directly. Right? You're your purse. Use your sad Okay. I think you get the point. So just a quick review. You eye contact point in your body towards someone you use the pointer finger. You all right? So they might say it's rude to point. What if you don't point in sign language, you can't communicate, so you point right. You don't get right up in their face. You you, you know, just kind of relaxed. You write or your you're you. You're all right.
5. Learn | HE/SHE/IT vs HIS/HER/ITS: All right, let's talk about he, she it and his hurt. It's all right. So something very useful about American sign language is that it's gender neutral, right? So in some languages you have the masculine form, the feminine form, and it all changes depending on the person right. But in sign language, the situation makes it apparent. It's obvious. Okay, so if I'm talking to you and I want to use he she or it, I use the finger, right? So personal pronouns. Let's make it. It's just the index finger were pointing right were pointing, so he may be friends over there, but I'm talking to you. He he's the one. He stole my money. He right? Or maybe Ah, it's a female. She it's Sally and she's over there. She did it. He is the one. She she So I'm focused on you. But I'm indicating the direction off the person because then it becomes clear that I'm referring to that person, that person or that thing, right? He she it right, So we just point Okay, so when we're doing possession, it's his. It's hers. Her dog. It's whatever. It's the same thing. We indicate the direction, but we use the open. Be no hiss, her or hers. It's right wherever the person is. We just put it in that direction. All right, let's see it in action. All right, that's Fred. He's mad. He's mad. Even if you straight behind you, right, you could be like he He's mad. I don't know why he's mad. Okay, so I'm pointing at him, right? He If it was a female sitting down there, she she If it was the dog sitting down there, it's It's right, Just point. All right? So we have a lady. Let's say this is Brenda, right? So where is she? She's over there, I could say her shoes or her shoes. Right? Which one's which? Which shoes? Her shoes, her shoes. So she's behind me. But I'm trying to point in her direction, right? Right. If you're Lefty, if lefties your dominant hand her her right. Even if you're right and it's uncomfortable to twist around, you could just go her switch over to your less your and that's not dominant. That's fine. The whole point is that we need to refer to someone, right. Okay, so let's see if it's an object, right? So it's or it it. Wow, it's wonderful or it's beautiful. Oh wow. I love it. It's it it it. Or maybe like possession. It's oil maybe, or its seat. Right? So all right, quick review or he she it is the finger and just point at it, right? Once again, they say it's rude the point. But in American sign language, if you don't point, I don't know. Would you just like, not in their direction use the finger point? Alright. For possession, Something belongs to them, right? His first it's is hers. It's if they're up on the catwalk, you can still do Hiss he Okay, wonderful.
6. Sign | Pronouns 1st Group: Okay, It's time for test. All right, so we're going to study the last three lessons. All right? I will show you a pronoun appear or pronouns, and you have to sign it correctly. Okay, So I will pause after I show you the word and I will give you a moment. You try to beat me. OK, so I'm wearing my glasses because this is testing mode, OK? Are you ready? All right. Here's the first word. Okay. You right. You personal pronoun going to use the finger? You all right? Let's move forward. Okay. He she it she he it Alright, Single motion Ping Ping Ping Wherever the person is or the object that you're referring to He e b it wherever they are. The finger, right? I'm talking too much. Let's move forward. I me, right? I mean me your your right Open hand open. Be possessive. Your your money e she it he she it wherever they are, is her. It's hers. Is it alright? Possessive. Open! Be right. Single motion Doom! Doom Doom His hers It's his Okay, Your your you you my mine. Why mine Back to bag my mine? I me All right. Me is hers. It's is hers. It okay? How would you do? That was our first test. Woo
7. Recognize | Pronouns 1st Group: Okay, It's time for a recognition test EST. Okay, So I will sign something, and you try to say it before I show you the word being All right, let's do it. Is uh it's you? You I me, my mine. Yeah, she it e she your You're is hers. It's open. Be my mine. Yeah, See it? Your your you You okay? The test is finished. How would you do?
8. Learn | WE/US vs OUR: All right, let's talk about We are end our Okay, so let's do it personal. Pronounce the finger possessive pronouns the open. Be OK. So we right. So we do to point our point at ourselves twice like this. We all right? We from the side. We all right? Other side. We know you just you know 0.12 We Price. Who did it? We did. We Who does it belong to us? Us? Right. Okay, So let's say our like our house, our shoes, our whatever, right? We have the b and we curve it in front. Our our you probably know that the be kind of curves because it's kind of weird to have a flat hand. Our so it kind of curves our All right. So we our Mm. We're happy we did it. We our shoes, our house. Our mother. Right. Our We okay, our our we we all right, cause we have to include ourselves, right? We our All right. So let's see it in action. Uh huh. Right. Oh, our mom, our mom, our mom, our mother, Mom. Mother seemed our our mom. Our mom. All right, let's see. Whoa! Families eating. I'm with the family. We're hungry. We're hungry. We want to eat. We're hungry. We year We're hungry. We're hungry. We We Okay? All right. So let's do a quick review of personal pronouns. We and us the finger that we us us, we write possession this open be our our our bus, our cigarette, our book are whatever our our okay.
9. Learn | THEY/THEM vs THEIR: All right, let's talk about they Them versus there. There. Okay. You probably noticed my hand is moving there. They them. All right, let's start with they and them going to use the finger because it's a personal pronoun. All right, So you have at least two people write more than one person It We're trying to indicate that group of people. So we pan removed from side to side with the finger. They them. So who did it? Who did it? They did. They, uh, them them. It happened to them, all right. If they were over here, no problem. They they But I'm talking to you. So my eye sights going with you were having a conversation, and I'm referring to a group of people. They them. Okay, Okay, so let's do possession. All right? So it might be their car right there. Car, their car, their house, their house. Right. So we have to have movement there, because if we don't have movement, if we just go being, then it's he she it one he she it versus they they, uh, And if you just if you don't move, when its possession, your hiss hiss or if you're looking at them. Your right. We want They're They're or there's Okay. All right, let's see it in action. Okay. Who of way out of people? Oh, wow. Okay, he is in. They are. They are surprised. I don't know why. What? They're surprised. Surprised? Here. They're surprised right from this side. Okay, They they're not surprised, or they're surprised. Uh, where pointing were indicating a group of people. And if it's everyone we can do that, they If it's it's a small section of people over here. They we just indicate by panning, moving from side to side in their direction. Okay. Oh, let's do possession. How boat? Their their cat there can't their their their cat. We need to have some movement there. If they're over here. There bare their cat, their cat. Their cat. Right. I'm still talking you, though. Their cat or their their cat. Okay, I think you get the point. All right, So remember, they them wherever they are, they them Hey, them, they wherever could be up above. They them, uh, so pointing when it's personal pronoun open hand. There. Here you were, the ones. Their house there. Okay. All right. You got it.
10. Learn | YOU (plural) vs YOUR (plural): Okay, let's talk about you and your as in plural. So I might be talking to you and your friends, or there's a group conversation and I am addressing everyone. You You did it. You're your problem, not mine. You're from them. You you all are the ones. Okay, so you might be seen. Isn't this quite similar to they and them? Well, it's similar, but different. Okay, so first we need to imagine that there is an invisible line. There's an invisible line coming right here in front of us. Right. So when I say you, you plural, I crossed the line. You So there's a line and I cross it you. Same thing with your I crossed the line. There's the invisible line, and we cross it when you do, they them or their they them you don't cross the line. So here's the line. They them you don't cross the invisible line in front of you. They them over is over here. They them all right? Or there, There, you don't cross the line, right? If you cross the line, then it's your you. All right. So let's see it in action. All right, so let's say I'm talking to the audience and you're part of the audience. So I'm going to use you plural, as in you all. Okay. So I might say you need to leave now. There's a fire. You you write. So I'm doing everyone. I'm indicating everyone. I'm crossing the invisible line. You, you You all are crazy. You you right? Okay, I'm indicating everyone that I'm trying to give my message to you, right. Okay, lets see. So let's say we're in a classroom, right? And you're part of the classroom. And I want to say your apples, your apples, right? Or just your apple. Maybe all sharing one apple or your purse, your grades. You're whatever. So I'm including everyone and I'm crossing the invisible line. Your your apple, Your apple Delicious Mom, your apple, your from the side. If you're in this group, I might be looking at you. You're your apple. Like your you're still thing. That invisible line you're I have to cross it. Okay, It's quick review. Right? So you all Isn't you plural? More than one person I'm talking to. You're you're And it's important to remember that there is a pretend There's an invisible line here. And if I want to say you plural, isn't you all? I need to cross the line. You You You did it. You alright, your And then them does not cross the line. They them They there they them right there. There does not cross the line. You and you're right. Wonderful!
11. Sign | Pronouns 2nd Group: Okay. Another test. I will show you the pronoun and then I will pause. Well, I'm pausing. You sign the pronoun before I can. All right, let's do it. They Them a home. You're you're there. There air our our You're you're they them. They them Our, our we us. You're you're we Us? There, There. You You okay?
12. Recognize | Pronouns 2nd Group: Okay. It's time to see if you understand what I'm signing. Okay. You ready? You, you, they Them. There, There, there. Our, our we us You. You, uh we us there, There. You're your they them. Them, them They you're You're our our okay.
13. Review | All Pronouns: Okay, So before I test you, let's do a quick review of all the pronouns and the hand shapes. Okay, So remember, personal pronouns fingers how do we make it? We go like this. And you just use your point. Your fingers, right? Uh huh. So use your right hand If your dominant on that side, use your left hand. If you're dominant on that side. A possessive pronouns We have the open be How do we make the open be? Well, we just close up our hand. Be be open. Be okay. So personal pronouns the finger. Ah, all right. Possessive pronouns had open Be okay. All right. All right. Let's see. Quick review. Let's go through the first level First I, me and my in mind I i me my mine, my mine. Right. So I'm looking at you, but I'm telling you, it's buying or it's me. Right? So you you body direction towards you. You all right? You're your door. So even if I'm over here and I suddenly want to talk to you, I would move myself. You You're okay. Lets see e she it wherever they are. Wherever the object is, you need to point at the object or the person He he it, uh, his her its spurs is It's right. Single this one movement in that direction. OK, we in us, we we us. All right, let's take a look. Two dots on the chest. Right. We we us this side. We we us. Okay, So our open with the be open be our our and remember, it's OK for curves a little bit like this when you're going across your kind of scooping like you're scooping the air. Our our air, our right from the sign, our right start from your dominant side. Go over to the other side. Our if your lefty our our great our and from this side our our were scooping it out Our okay, lets see they in them. They them I'm looking at you having a conversation with you but I'm indicating the group of people they two or more people them they them remember the invisible line. I do not cross it. They them they they them behind me. They him right. It won't cross the invisible line. There, there, there, Behind me There, Right. Don't cross the invisible line. They're there. All right, So you plural. We need to cross the invisible line. You I'm speaking to the audience. So I say you all You you all have great ideas. Wonderful. You You Okay? Uh, your cars are blocking the parking lot. Your cards. You need to park in a different place. Your cars. You're your invisible line. You all You I need to cross the invisible line. You or your Okay? Are you ready to move forward? We're gonna test your knowledge.
14. Sign | All Pronouns: Okay. You ready for all of the pronouns? Mm. I will show it to you right up there and I will pause you. Sign it before I can sign it. I'm all right. Here we go. The 1st 1 You're you're you, our They them We us. You you is. Uh it's hers. His It's we Us. You, She it you, you, our, our You're there. There they're here is hers. It's you. They Them them They all right. Me, Your You're it you She it He she I me, my mine, The air! There, there. My mine. Your your Okay, We just did all of the pronouns.
15. Recognize | All Pronouns: Okay. Time to see if you understand. Ready is huh? It's our our My mine year. She it You're you're I me, our our We us. There, There, There I me is, huh? It's my mine. You, There, There, there you're You're you're your you you e see it. You You're you're Hey, hey! Them We ice you, you, they them They them Okay, wonderful.
16. Learn | Sign for APPLE: Okay, It's time to learn how to say apple. Okay, so one option is you can just finger spell it, right? A p p l e. Right. Remember, there are two peas. 12 So the first pee pee e right, The second p just moves over a little bit, and then we know that it's a duplicate letter. So once again, a e p l e right a p p l e apple. Now, that is the finger spell version. That's fine. It takes a little bit longer, but if you forget the word finger spell. So the sign for Apple is this. Mm. I want an apple. All right, So how do we make this sign? First, take your hand and make a fist like you're gonna fight someone. Okay, so we have our thumb here in our thumb, pushes against our first knuckle, and we just raise up that first knuckle a little bit, right? And then we just go like this. All right, So let's take a look to a more time, make a fist, and the first knuckle kind of is up a little bit, and you just go like this from the side, right? put the hand. The knuckle is up a little bit. The index knuckle or the knuckle of the index finger is up. Then you just put it in your cheek and go like this. Right? Apple? All right, let's do it smoother this time. All right, So let's do it three times. Here we go. Careful. Apple Apple. Okay, Wonderful. We just signed Apple. Remember, two options you could do a P p l e or you can do apple. I recommend this one.
17. Learn | Sign for HOUSE: Okay, It's time to learn how to say House House. Okay, So remember, you have the option you can finger spell if you don't know the sign or remember the sign so you can go H o U S e one more time. H o u S e. That's fine as fine. Here is the sign for house. We're just basically drawing a little house, right? See how the hands here reforming the roof, and then we go down and we do the signs. House I house. All right. Your house, his house. Whatever. House house. All right, let's take a look. Oh, the hands air, like in the B position. Right? So you have bees. He's like this. And then you put them together to make a roof, and then you just bring them down. So the hand positions, the hand signs and shape, if you will, stays the same throughout, but we just go down house. Right? Let's try from this side. All right. From this sign, this make a little house right and got the roof in the sides. All right, so we learned how to sign house. Remember? You got two options when you want to communicate. You could say H o U S E h O U S e house, or you can sign it. House House, All right.
18. Learn | Sign for MOM: All right, let's learn how to say Mom. Okay, so first you configure spell. No problem him. Oh, him right. M o m. Right. And Mom, the sign that we're going to learn can also be your mother. Mom? No, Up to you. So we have open hand, make sure the thumb is sticking out. We don't want it like this. We wanted out. Just open hand. Now put it on your chin. Mom, I've seen some people. They do a little mini double tap to see if you can see it. They go right, They move it a little bit. Other people to school. He's away. Your choice. I pretty much silent like this. Okay, Open hand. Thumb on the gym, on the chin. All right, so once again, open hand. Mom. Mom. So two options. If you forget to sign M o m M o m M o m or bomb. All right, let's do it three times. Mom! Mom? Mom, I'm hungry. Got OK.
19. Learn | Sign for CAT: Okay, We have cat cat. Mm. Remember, first you can finger spells. OK, See, 80 c a t. All right. So the sign for cat we're gonna be using the f sign. Like the letter f When we start the sign, the movement, the thumb and the index finger are gonna be open a little bit, right, And we put it near the bottom of our nose. You're the bottom of our nose, and we pull out. And as we get farther away, index finger and the thumb come together. All right, so I'll do it slowly. All right. At kind of. Imagine that there's, like, long whiskers, right? And you're grabbing one and you're sliding along it. So cat cat that. All right, let's see. Cat cat from the sign cat can't this sign. All right, that remember, it's a modified F position. This is the letter f in sign language at the beginning. It's like this at the end. It's like this Go like this cat. Sometimes I've seen it like this. People just like this and they go cat, cat, if you ask me. I like putting my fingers out because it makes me think more of you know, whiskers coming out from a cat's base. So I like this cat, but you may see it as Cat can't at. All right, Let's do it three times. Cat can't that. And the fourth time. Why not? All right, cat. We have two options. We have C 18 right? You can spell it C 80 or weakness do Cat cat.
20. Learn | Sign for PURSE: Okay, It's time to learn how to say purse first. So we still configure spell if you want P u r s e one more time p u r s e as fine if you want the hand sign, We just like this first. All right, So this pretend there's a purse in front of you and you're grabbing the straps and your picking it up, and you shake a little bit purse. Right. So maybe my purse, your purse. Right. So where's your purse? Your purse Purse first. All right. From the side, we would go purse first, Right this side first. First first so we can put the hand already in a closed position. But just imagine, is grabbing the strap or whatever it is on the bay and you grab it. It's already closed and you shake it first first. Okay, so remember two options. E u r s e and purse. Why don't we do it three times? Here we go. Ready? First. First. Worse. All right. Wonderful.
21. Learn | Sign for SHOES: Okay, so let's learn how to say shoes. All rights. Remember, you have the option to finger spell S H O E s. One more time s H O E s shoes, right? If you want to learn the hand sign, here it is. Shoes. So how do we do it? Alright, So first make two s is the answer s Or we could say make two fists right now we just rotate them So they're like this knuckles forward and kind of whack it together. Tap them together. Shoes whose? And I've seen it. More words. Shoes, maybe twice. Right? You tap it twice if you just go like this. Doesn't seem quite right. So shoes All right, once again, make fists rotate. All right, a little bit quicker. Let's do it three times Shoes, shoes and the other way. Jews. Lewis, Right? Sure. All right. So we have two options. We can finger spell S H O E s shoes. Or we could just say the sign shoes Pretty quick. Straightforward shoes
22. Sign | Noun Vocabulary Signs: Okay, I will show you a word you sign. I will wait and then I will sign. Okay. Ready? First, first. Mom. Mom. House, house. Cat, Cat or cat at Apple. How four sures shoes. Cat cat. Choose shoes. Mom. Mom First, First House house. Apple Apple. Okay, that's it.
23. Recognize | Noun Vocabulary Signs: Okay? You watch me. You tell me what I'm signing. Okay. Ready? Apple? Apple Cat Can't. Mom, Mom? Sure. Who is verse Earth? Mom. Mom! Juice Choose worse. Earth House, House. Apple, Apple cat. Cat, House house. Okay, the test finished. Good. The test is finished.
24. Learn | Pronoun + Noun Phrases: Okay, so we already learned the pronouns, right? We already learned some new words, so why not put them together? Um, I'm gonna show you the words and we'll sign. Okay, Let's do it. All right. So on the top, we have the pronoun down below. We have the new vocabulary. Word that we learned. So first, let's do the first part. Your plural. Remember, you're right. You're and then apple. So let's put it together. Your apple right from the side. Your apple, your apple. It's making sense. Aren't you So glad Happy that you learn the pronouns. Okay, so you're apple. Let's do more. Right. But at the if the words here. Right, Let's see. We just did their own. So no need to repeat. Okay, we go our remember purse first. Write our purse, Our purse from the side, our purse, our purse. Right, Right. Next one next set. Okay. You're or you're right. And cat cat. Or you could do cat. Your choice, this one or this one, right? Put him together. Your cat. Your cat. I gotta tell you, this is more exciting, right? When we can actually sign off phrase or something together. All right. Your cat. Great. That's right. Next one is all right. You're you, your plural, right? Your shoes, your shoes. Right. Your shoes. Okay, look. One repeat shoes. No worries. All right. What do you think? How do we sign? There, There. They're right there. Were referring to some other people. More than one person there. And shoes right there. Shoes, the air shoes. Even if they're directly behind you there. Shoes, right. It's not my shoot, their shoes, their shoes. Okay, but, uh, our mom, what do you think? Our oh, are right, Mom. So it together and make it smooth. Our mom who's from our mom? Our mom. All right. Mm hmm. I don't have a purse, but, you know, for an example, my My purse. Right. My purse. My purse. Purse. Okay. Okay. How about their ample Their or there? And we have apple go there. Apple. They're apple away Over there. They're apple. I'm so hungry. Want to eat it there? Apple? Okay, right is her. It's mom. Right, Mom? Mom. Now single motion his, huh? It's right. And then month. So let's say his mom maybe friends over there and relate. His mom is Mom right, Alright. Jenny's over there. Her mom, her mom. And there's a cat there. I guess you'd say it's Mom. It's Mom or its mother. Okay. All right. My house by I remember House House. We're just making We're building a little house house. All right, so let's do it smoothly. My house. Whose house is my house? My house. All right, that, uh, okay. House again. No worries. House house. Right. So his house, her house here, there's a cat up their dog or whatever. It's house. It's house. Hey, under full, we just have one more. As we randomly mix up the pronouns and the vocab we go, um, your your right and cat cat. We put it together. Your cat sleep that your can't from the side your cat Because I'm talking to whoever is over here. Your cat. If I want to talk to you, I'll come back. Your cat? No, your cat. Okay, Wonderful. Right. So we just put some words together, and we're gonna keep learning
27. Learn | Sign for HAPPY: Okay. It's time to learn how to say happy. Happy. Okay, so remember you configure Spell H a p p. Why? There's two peas so we don't just go pee Pee wee go pee pee H a p p. Why the second p goes a little bit to the right. Sometimes people slide it to h A p p. Why? It's fine. I do it. H a p p y. Okay, so that's finger spelling. Other way is like this. I'd be happy right before we break it down. How to do it? The hand specifics. Remember your face. A f sell American sign Language is a very expressive language. Right. Whoever you're talking to your making eye contact. If you ever watch deaf people sign their emotion other, their facial emotions Body expresses expressions. It's so activites, so alive. Right? So if you sign happy like this, you're sending mixed signals right from here. It's like, Okay, happy. But then they look at your face and you're like, and you're like, you're not happy, right? So put on a happy face. Happy, right? And if you're not happy, then don't sign happy or if you have to just pretend happy. We need a constant, consistent signal that we're sending to the person. Happy. I'm happy. Yes. Okay, so let's see. Take the hands. We just close up the fingers and we leave the thumbs where they are. All right. So your dominant hand put it a boat up here, Mid chest, right. Then you put the other one a little bit lower and you sweep up twice. 12 Right. So let's go appear fingers together. Films leaving where they are. One here, one here. All right. Happy. Not happy. It's a happy. Okay, So if your hands were in the rest position and you would go like this Happy. Right, let's hit from the side. Rest position. You go. Happy therapy. Right This sign. Happy Alfie. Right? All right, let's see. What more time from the front. Let's do it three times. Happy, happy. Happy. If you really want to overemphasize, right as a great experience, you're like Ah, you could just keep going. Oh, happy as happy. Right? Okay. Oh, another thing to remember is you can do it with one hand. I'm happy, right? If you're carrying something or you don't want to use your other hand or it's indisposed at the moment. Whatever you can do school, that's fine, too. But use your dominant hand. All right? Right. So if you're Lefty, you would put your dominant hand on top and go like this. If you're lefty, just want to use one hand. All right? Happy. Remember, keep a consistent signal. Face and hands. Happy. Right? Happy. Right. So we have two options for this word. We have H a P p. Why? H a p p. Why? And we have happy happy.
28. Learn | Sign for SAD: Okay, let's learn the sign for sad. Okay. So you can finger spell. You can say s a D as fine. No problem s a Okay, so the sign is like this. Mm. Right. So we ever hands, we're kind of making a cage around our face. Right? Maybe we're like a tiger. And just let your scratching know however you want toe, visualize it. But the hands air putting our face in a bad place. Right? So we're suddenly sad. We're sad. We're sad, right? So you could start up here and it does slides down. You don't want to block your face, because then they can't, you know, see your eyes and read your face. So sad. Yeah, right. Okay. Something important about this to make sure we have consistent signals going out to the person we're communicating with. If you go like this, it's like it doesn't match up, right? We have Okay, the hand motions for sad. But if the face is going and it's like, easy doesn't make sense, OK, so you need a sad face and you don't have to go crazy. Sad, but just right, because it's the correct way to the sign All right. So everything goes up and it comes down, right? So let's do it three times. I'll do it from the side the first time. Said right. Other side in the front. Okay, so we have two ways to say this word you can finger spell s a D or you could just say okay .
29. Learn | Sign for MAD: Okay, let's learn the sign for mad. Right? So you can figure spill m a D m a D. That's fine. If you forget how to sign bad. Okay, so when we do this sign, it looks like this. Right? So we have to do our face. That's a big part of it. We're not like, right? We're mad, right? So let's take a look at the hand crunch like you're gonna I like your iron man in your shooting. Whatever out of your hand. There we go. Like they are clawing, maybe bear clock. There we go. All right, then you put it at your face. All right, So you're not blocking the eyes. Not like a freaky mask. It's just here. Uh, right. So you can still see my eyes, but you just put the bear clock. Well, that's step half of it. Is that the hand? The other half is the face. Alright. World eyebrows scrunch up the eyebrows bad. Ah, Okay, so from the side Mm Ah. Mm. If you need to make the sound, if that helps you remember Great. Get into it. Right. I find that deaf people are much more visually wow than people that are not deaf because it's just how they communicated. So visual. Ok, so here we go three times. Ah, Mad mad! All right. No, we don't dio we go. Okay, So you have two ways to say this word M a d mad m a d or you can say mad. Ah!
30. Learn | Sign for SCARED: Okay. It's time to learn the sign for scared. Scared How? Okay, so one way is to finger spell. It s C a r e d right s c a r e d scared. Okay. The other way is to sign it here ago. Scared? I'm scared there. There's two parts there, the hand movements. But there's also the facial expressions, so you have to make sure they match up. OK, so scared. Scared? Let's do the hands. All right, just put your hands up and it's like that. Now bring them down. Now. We're not touching our body. It's not like right here. We're not giving ourselves a massage. It's just in front. All right? Maybe, I don't know, three or four inches in between. And we do scared. Now, I suppose you could put him in the middle, but then you kind of risk. No. Still be in your fingers. So I usually offset a bit. Maybe this way. This way. That's up to you. Being thing is that you're getting this across. Ah. Ah, I'm scared. Right. So from the side. All right. Other side. And remember, very important face. Hands must match up. We want a consistent signal. Unless we want the other person to think we're crazy or have come You confusing conversation. So it's not going to be like we're not sliding in. We're not just like, yeah, yeah, I'm so scared. No, that's not it. It's like a shark. Ah, ah, ah! It's a quick jerking motion. Scared, Scared, Scared. Okay, so three times from the resting position, this is the resting position. Here we go. Scared. Scared. Okay, so now you have two ways to sign. This word s c A R e d Scared S c a r e d scared or even better because it's just so much more exciting to go like this. All right, wonderful.
31. Learn | Sign for SURPRISED: Okay. Are you ready to learn the sign for surprised? Okay, so remember, first you can finger spell. Let's find s u R p r i s e d s u R p r i s e d Surprised. Okay, so the sign Here we go. I'll do it a couple of times, and then we'll break it down. Here it is. Surprised. Okay. So the hands were going to use both hands, All right? And you are the hand movements. It starts like this, and it opens up into this, right? But it's quick. All right? Right from the side. Your fingers start like this like you're pinching something, and they move up toe like this. Okay, so you put first, when their fingers are pinched, you put it close to your eyes. You don't actually touch your eyes. Just close, all right? And then they shoot your hand, your fingers and hands. They shoot upwards, right? Yeah. Right. And the same time your face goes surprised, right? You know, like, uh uh, no surprise. Surprised? Remember the two part thing for good communication? Facial expression in the hands. Okay, So we have surprised. Surprised? Right from the side right from the friendly Stewart, three times from the resting position. Surprised, prized surprise. All right. And you can communicate even Mawr emphasis like you really just blew you away By how you sign it, right? You could be a little bit surprised. Or you could be like I can't believe it. It just blew me away was so shocking. Okay. Oh, here we go. We have two ways to say this lovely word right here. You can finger spell. S u R p r i s e d surprised s u r p r i s e d or weaken state the more exciting and, uh, energetic way. Right. Surprised? Surprised, All right.
32. Learn | Sign for HUNGRY: Okay. Are you ready to learn how to say hungry? Okay, so one way is to finger spell, right? H u n g r. Why h u N g r. Why hungry now? The other way is to use the C sign. OK, so we have the letter c right? We are know how to do the letter c. What we do is we rotate a little bit and we put it on our chest. Here we go. And you slide down hungry, Hungry from the front. Hungry. Now we only need one hand for this. Hungry. Hungry. All right, so we take the sea rotated and we just put it here and slide it down. Hungry now It depends on you how hungry you are. Right. So depend on your sign. You can emphasize, overemphasize or just be regular when you're hungry. You're just a little bit hungry. You might be like, huh? Hungry? I'm hungry. If you're really hungry. Could be like right. Just keep doing it Hungry, right? Remember the facial expressions, right? If you're hungry, doesn't really fit if you like eight. Hungry. Hungry. Okay. So from the side hungry, hungry from the other side. Hungry hungry, right? Three times from the resting position. Here we go. Hungry. Hungry, Hungry. Okay, so we have two ways to say this word you can finger spell. H u N g r y h u n g r y or you could just sign it hungry.
33. Sign | Adjective Vocabulary Signs: Okay, I will show you a word and you sign before I sign. Okay. Ready? Said Said scared. Scared. Mad, mad, happy, happy, happy, hungry, hungry, Surprised. Surprised. Happy, happy, Bad mad, hungry, Hungry. You surprised? Surprised, Said Said Scared. Scared. Okay, that's it.
34. Recognize | Adjective Vocabulary Signs: Okay? Can you understand what I'm signing? Ready, Hungry, Hungry said Said Bad, mad, happy, happy, mad, mad, hungry, hungry, Scared, Scared Said Said Happy, Happy, Scared, Scared, Surprised, Surprised. Okay, Finished.
35. Learn | Pronoun + Adjective: Okay, so we know personal pronouns and we know some adjectives. What an opportunity. Let's make some short sentences that today. Right? Now further ado, let's jump right in. Right. Let's see, here is our first set. Okay, so I and me, alright, I, me and API, API. Okay, so in regular English you would say, I'm happy, right? But in ASL, you get rid of the small little words. The MR is, was, were, the, the, a, the, and you just throw them out. It's very efficient. Okay. So if you wanted to say, I'm happy, you just say, I'm happy. It's so efficient. You have puzzle pieces and you just put them together. It's great, it's wonderful. Ok, so let's say, I'm happy. I'm happy, right? Someone says who's who is happy with me? Yes. So here we go. I'm happy. I'm happy. All right. Let's go to the next set. Okay, so first we, we, we end surprised, right? Remember the facial movement, okay, so full English would be we are surprised, but in ASL, in American Sign Language, take the R and throw it out. So you just say we surprised, we surprised, right? We surprised. Alright, let's do it three times. We surprised. Hey, so who's surprised us? Alright, let's do next set. Right? Whoo. Okay, so they sad, right? English would be maybe the contraction. There. They are sad. But in ASL just goes base AD. So they use a finger, point de, de, wherever they are. They, they and sad. All right, hm, we put it together. They sad, right? If you set it in spoken English, will be there. Sand, right? But in ASL, throw out the little small MR. Is was word. Hope they said and let's do it three times. Okay. So they're sad, right? Okay. So we have I'm mad. I and me. Mad, right? Okay. So in English spoken in this, we would say, I am mad, I'm mad, but I am may I just take the m throw it away when you're signing. So we have I mean, right. I add so I'm mad. I'm mad. Mad. From the side. You want to add the special effects, extra sounds, noises. Okay. I'm all right. Let's move forward. Okay. So he she it right. We just put the finger he P E yet, right. One single. Ok. And scared. Scared. Scared, right? So the full English would be he's scared. He is scared. She is scared. It is scared. Yes. What we do with the Word is when we're signing with it through redu say he surprised, she surprised. It surprised. It's so efficient is wonderful. Okay. Here we go. He is surprised, right? He surprised, right? How about she? She's surprised. She surprised. And remember with all of the emotion words we can't really do, like I said, we have to convey the similar meaning with the hands and the phase. So right, not surprise. Okay. So it's a surprise, maybe it's a cat. A dog. I don't know. It surprised. Right? Three times. Here we go. Let's do Rodin line. He, she, it, he surprised. She is surprised. It's surprised. Right? Who were known? Hunan. What else do we have? We have they end hungry. They are hungry. They are hungry. Take the R throwaway. They hungry, they're hungry. So they, they, they, are, they weigh over there. They hungry, hungry. So they, Hungary, in other words, they're hungry. They're hungry. Actually mid to high. I'm hungry. Okay. X set. Right? He, she it happy. He is, he is happy. Is thought away. He's happy. She's happy. Oh, it's wonderful. It's happy. We're all happy, right. He is happy. She's happy. It's happy. Okay. Happy, happy. Okay. Moving forward. Here's a good one, right? So we, us, right, we hungry. Full English, We are hungry. Take the R throwaway sources. We hungry, right? So we hungry. Really hungry. We Hungary a, when you're seeing it, right? We're hungry. But when it's assigned to where it says ASL, we're hungry. We hungry. Okay. Right. And just a few more. Okay. They surprised. So regular English bear their surprised or they are surprised the r, throw it away. So they surprised. They are surprised, very surprised. They surprised, right, right. There you go. They're surprised. Ok. So it's more exciting to be able to make even simple sentences regulates a complete dot. Write wonderful as move forward.
39. Recognize | Simple Sentences (SILENT): This is a silent lesson.
40. Conclusion & Thank You: Okay, we're finished. I'm good job. Wonderful. Now I know you love you. Really love pronounce But now you have a better idea how to communicate in a s l in American sign language. Ok, thank you. Thank you for studying with me in this course. I had a wonderful time. Thank you. Ok, see you later.