1. Course Introduction: Hello. My name is Michael. Okay. In this course in this class, we're going toe learn a lot. All right, so we're going to learn how to ask the questions. How are you? How are they? How are we stuff like that? But we also need to be able to answer the questions. That means we're going to learn a lot of emotion. Words. All right. 30 emotion words. What? Great. We're also going to cover pronouns, right? So me, you, you all stuff like that. We can put the emotion words with the pronouns and make sentences. Because if we have sentences, we can answer the questions, right? How are you? I'm fine. Right. So we can have millet. Little mini dialogs. Great. And as we go, I will be testing you. That's right. There will be tests. We need to know that you understand what we've been learning and also that you can sign what we've been learning. Thanks. So are you ready? I think I'm ready. Let's do it.
2. Basics | ASL Alphabet: Because this class has some finger spelling. It's a good idea to practice the A B. C's. If you already know the A B. C's wonderful. We can practice together. Okay, here we go. A be see de e or E f or f if g eight i j okay. No, I m in. Oh key. Que are yes. T you be over you x Why z Okay, so we went through. Kind of slow. No worries. Let's go through a little bit quicker. Here we go. Right. Ready? A be see Be e if de h i is a hey. Oh, I am in. Oh, be you are? Yes. See you three w x. Why, z Okay, so we just practise the BBC's wonderful
3. Basics | ASL Personal Pronouns: Okay, so let's talk about personal pronouns. All right? So what are personal pronouns? Let's take a look. All right, So we're talking about I me, you, he she it we us they them and you. Plural. Okay, So before we get into each individual bone own, let's talk about hand shape because there's something wonderful for all of these pronouns. We're going to use the same hand shape in the hand shape is number one all right? Or you could just say your index finger your pointer finger. All right. How do we make it? Well, we go like this. Bring these down and put your thumb in, All right? And basically, all we're going to do is point, right. We're gonna point around. They say it's rude the point. But if you don't point in American sign language, you can't communicate as well. It's more difficult, right? All right, so here we go. Let's take a look. Arat me. Right. So we're using our finger, all of the pronouns, the personal pronouns used this finger, and I just go meet, write me from the side. Me? You just point to yourself or I I write I all right, all right. Simple. Simple. You finger you right? Who, me? Uh, you. You okay? Pointing with the finger. So it's a good idea to direct your energy to that person. If you're having a conversation with someone, not only is it respectful, but it's just giving them your energy. Right? You even if you're seated or you're over here, you're facing this way. You can lean, right? You You okay, Let's go to he she it. All right. This could be he She it it could be that person, that individual, right? It's all It's gender neutral. Okay? Cause we just use the finger and we point he she it that guy, that person, that individual, right? Just a single motion. Yeah, right. He she it that person, that individual just point. Boom and smile. Okay, next one, we us point your finger and we go like this. All right, then we do it one time, We or us, right? You just go. One tap here, One tap over here. If you're Lefty, you could go the other side right? If you sign with your left hand. All right. So I'm right, Iago, We or us from the side. We we are us. All right, All right. Next one, is they or them using the finger? Our weapon is the finger When we're talking about personal pronouns, okay, they right. So we're gonna point again. But instead of making a single motion to, like, he see it, they that person we're gonna sweep, right? Hey, they write If they're over here, they and we're talking about more than one person in this situation. They they them, they all right, And you'll notice it's off to your side. Okay? Even if it's behind you, they they right, it's not directly in front of you. OK, so they or them. And it's not directly in front of you because directly in front of you is you, as in you all you plural. Okay, so when you're doing, they pretend there's this imaginary line that's right here in front of you. When you do, they you do not cross the line. Because if you cross the line, it's you. As in you all. You all are happy. You all are wonderful. All right? They're happy. They're wonderful. You were wonderful. You all are great. Okay, so let's do a little review. All right? So we have these. I mean, you he she it we are. Stay them, you plural. Okay, so I and me me, I you right? Single motion. He see it? That person, that individual we we or us Same sign us, right? They them they they were them or way over there. They Yeah, those guys them They all right, You plural you as in you All right. And remember they and them does not cross the line, right? They they But you all you all you are a So we just reviewed all of the personal pronouns. Sounds good.
4. Learn | Sign for HOW: Let's talk about how to sign the word How? Okay. Oh. Oh, All right. So how do we make it? Good question. Take our hands like this. We're going to use the top part of the letters C. So this is the full letter C. But we only need the top part. So her hands are like this. You take the top part. There we are. First part, then we take the knuckles and we put them together. We don't have to. Squeeze is We just have have them touching the thumbs air just hanging out on top here like it's going to be. Ah, thumb war. Remember that? Dumb wars. Okay, so we have the knuckles touching the thumbs air just here. We haven't hear close to our chest and we go. Oh! Oh, Okay. So from resting position. Oh, okay. Once again, ands fingers together, side top, part of the sea. Bring the knuckles together, All right? Thumbs were just hanging out. Oh. Oh, All right, let's do it three times from the resting position. This is the resting position. Okay, here we go. Oh, how Oh, all right. So you can just be like how? How How how? I don't understand. I don't understand how. How? How? Right. Okay. One last time. Oh, all right. So we just learned the sign for Oh. Oh, great.
5. Practice | HOW + Pronoun (Question): Okay, so we talked a boat. Personal pronouns right with the finger were pointing around it. Everyone. And we also talked about the sign. How right? How. But doesn't it make sense that we would combine them together, right and make questions like, How are you? Right. So how are you? Is probably the most common one. But it's also common to say, How am I? How is she? How are they stuff like that? So when we're asking these questions, you might notice that I'm not signing are right. I'm not finger spilling our I'm not doing a special sign for our because in American sign language, it's very efficient. They go straight to the most important words, how and you write. So it just goes straight forward. How you how you so quick? So efficient. All right, so let's go down the list. We're going to use the pronouns and will combine them with how was practice. Let's do it together. Here we go. All right. So we have How am I right? How am I? Oh, my Oh, my. All right, Let's do it three times and number three. Oh, my. Guess that was for okay. So Let's move to How are you? We kind of did this one already. How are you? How are you? Right. How you? Right. Let's do it three times. Okay, here we go. Let's move to how is he or she? All right. So I'm gonna be pointing again. All right. So this could be a situation where I'm talking to you, but I You know, the other person's over there, and I may be having a secret conversation with you, and I want to be, like, you know, Hey, how is she doing? How is he? Whatever. Right. So I'd be like, how I was she How was he? I was he right? If he's directly behind you, how is kind of sneaking? He right. How? How he how she Right. So that is Don't worry about it. Just grab it. Boom. Throw it up. So how is he? How is she? Right next one, Right. We Do. You remember We We all right? We we would say, How are we? All right. So we don't sign our but we just go. How we write how we or us. Right? Us. How are we three times? Okay. All right. Let's move to the next one. They remember they. They all with the finger. Right, They So here we go. How are they? Right? If they're over there, how are they? You might quit Kind of glance in their direct direction. You want to make sure you're pointing at the right people, Especially if it's a crowd. Right? So you might be like house. I'm talking to you. But I'm saying, how are they know? How are they? How are they doing? What's happening? How are they? Holiday. Okay. And we have you plural, remember? So they them off to the side. And you plural is in front, as in it crosses the line. You You. So if I'm talking to are speaking to an audience, how are you? Is in? How are you all? How? How How are you want? Okay, three times. Okay. Seems weird to not have a response, but is good practice. All right, so let's do some practice. I'm going to show you the sentence, the question, and I will pause, and then you sign it before I do. Okay, so they're in random order. Here we go. There is the 1st 1 Hey, did you do it. How is he? Right? Or if he's over there? How is he? Where? His back there. How is he? All right. Next one. Okay. Off to the side for they remember. How are they? They're sitting over there. How are they? Right? Even if they used to be there just a moment ago and they left. But you're still referring to them. You can point in the direction that they were seated where they were sitting. Right? So how are they? Only they. How are they? Right. Okay. Next one. How are you? Right. Straight forward. Straight on. How are you? How are you? And I feel that I kinda lean forward a little bit. I think it's just a way of maybe really showing the person that you're talking to that you're very focused on them. How are you? Right. We go. Next one. Hey, how is she? Nine. Single motion. If she's over there, how is she? How is she? I remember She he It also works for that person. That individual, right? It's just one person by themselves. How is she? How is he? Okay. Next one. Okay. How am I? How am I right you. How is she? All right. How is she? Okay. Moving forward. Right. How are you? How are you talking to an audience or just two people at the least, Right. Your friends. How are you? How are you? All okay. And I think this is the last one. Okay. How how are we? How are we? You're great. All right. So we just combined the word how? With some pronouns. And we made questions. Great. How are you? All right, let's move forward.
6. Learn | Sign for ANGRY: Okay, let's talk about how to make the sign for angry. Okay, so here we go. We're going to use both hands on this one, so we're going to make clause. Oh, just have fun. Just like you're a bear. You're a tiger, whatever. And you make laws. All right, so we have to clause and we put them down here. All right, So kind of like our tummy area, and we're maybe lightly touching our stomach. We don't have to push hard. Just kind of put your hands down there and your claws are touching. All right, so this is where it gets more dramatic. You go. Uh, right. You don't move your hand, your finger position. Just keep them in clause. But you're moving your thrusting them. You're throwing them upwards. Alright. Angry? Angry, right? Then you have to put the face as well. So you have the motion a sign, But you have to make your face, you know, angry somehow her and depending on the intensity of your face, the intensity of your sign that can communicate how pissed off how angry you are, right. You might just be little angry, kindly frustrated. But you know getting too angry or you meet might be like enraged, angry, angry. I'm so angry. Okay, It's good to have some fun. I find American sign language is so expressive, right? Because you have your face and you have your hands and you're doing all of this stuff, and it's fun. Have fun with it, and you'll learn it, and you'll remember it even better. Okay, so let's do it three times Will do angry. And in between each time, I'm gonna put my hands back at the rest position. If you ever watch sign language interpreters when they're not signing their hands air here because they want to be ready to start signing. Right. Okay, so here we go three times Angry number the face if you want to grown, uh, it's up to you. You could just be quiet to you. Don't have to make any noise is up to you. Okay. Angry, huh? Okay. And quick note. You're not like dragging your closet. You don't want to. You know, I was damage to yourself. You're just lately touching here. Maybe even not quite touching. And they just go up and out angry. Okay, so let's see a little mini situation where angry might be used. All right, here we go. So angry, he's storm and running. Hungry, right? So angry. That guy over there? Oh, actually, that cover there and pointing the wrong way. He just told my money. He stole my money. Huh? I'm angry. I'm angry. Oh, thank your point in the right direction. Must think I'm crazy pointing over here. Okay, so here he is. He stole my money. I'm angry. Angry. Okay. All right. So we just talked about the word angry. Angry. All right, So what do you do if you forget the sign? What if you forget the sign? Well, you still have your facial expressions, and you have, right. You can finger spell it. That's great. So a n g r. Why? Angry. Okay, sounds good.
7. Learn | Sign for BAD: All right, let's talk about how to say bad. All right? So before we get to the sign, remember, if you forget it, you haven't insurance policy. Just finger spell. Be a B B a D. And okay, so here is the sign. Let me show you. Show it to you. Regular speed and we will break it down. Okay, so we have two hands. It's possible to do a one handed one will get to that in a moment to hands. Okay, so here we have our hands. What? The fingers together, we leave our thumbs hanging out there. Right. So we take one hand your dominant hand. What is dominant hand? It's the hand that you feel most comfortable signing with. You signed with your left hand. Use that one I signed with my right. So I will go with my right hand. OK, we have two hands. One comes here. Alright. So I've seen some people put it here. I've seen some people put around their mouth. You can touch or you could just get close. It's up to you. So ones here, the other one is here in front. I know like you're looking at something on your palm, OK, Both of them. Same shape, finger shape. Right. Ones here, others here. All right, so now it's kind of like your spanking your palm lately. Yeah, you're bad. Right? Okay, So depending on the intensity, how much energy you put into the sign it reflects your feelings on the situation. All right, so if you're just, you know, like, how are you, Uh, bad. No, Things are going well, bad, bad or like, you know, that person that they're just so bad. They're horrible. Right? Okay, so once again, we have two hands. Don't leave the thumbs hanging. One hand goes here, other goes here. Knight sword. We're rotating. Strike from the side, rotating until it makes contact with your open. Oh, okay. Your open hand. Right. You can do a one handed version. Right, Which is very nice. Especially if you're carrying a bag of your hand or you only have one arm, right? So you can go like this. Just do the same motion, right? But you're just not touching a hand right. Here we go. Right bad. All right, let's do it three times. I'm just going to do the two handed motion I used to do in that one. So here we go in between rest position. Okay, so let's see a little mini life situation where we might use bad. All right, let's use the pronoun you and I'm talking to this pirate. This is a sign for pirate, by the way. You know, patch by patch would be like, You're bad. You're bad, right? Please don't take my money. You're bad. Your bad, right? You're a bad person. Uh, OK, so having fun here. Here we go. Let's do for once again. This is bad. Two hands. The other one goes here. One goes here, that bad or if you forget it, remember B A D B a d bad. Okay.
8. Learn | Sign for BORED : All right, let's talk about how to make the sign for board. Go before we get to this sign. Let's talk about another way. In case you forget the sign you could just do B o R E b right b o r e d Board. Right. So that's a good backup plan. So here is the sign. Just watch me for a moment, and then I will explain how to create it. We go. Okay, So we're going to use our finger the same finger that we use when we're doing our pronouns . He she e she it they all of that stuff. So here's how we make the finger. Three down. Put your thumb in. Right. Just like you're pointing. It's the number one in sign language. One. What point point. Okay, so we take our finger just one hand to worry about this one, and we put it up near our nose, right. We'll turn to the side, and when I do it, I usually touch right right here the nostril part, and you twist like 1/4 turn out outward to go from straight on. It's like this board right board. Now, if you don't want to touch your nose. That's probably OK to just get close and then do the twisting motion. You're starting like this so you can see my palm and then you twist. So now you see the back of my hand board. Right? I'm bored. Okay, so let's see from the side. Maybe this way. All right, so let's do it three times, actually. Review one more time. Hand like this. Make the point. Your finger. Bring it in. Four board. Okay. So three times from the rest position. Okay, So if you notice my face is kind of doing things to because if we're bored with, uh, all right, we don't like it. It bothers us. We were bored, right? Explains it by itself. So bored? No. Or Okay, now the intensity, uh, how hard you make it basically shows how hard to do the twist and how far you come out after you twist does how bored you are, if you like. Freaking bored, like out of your mind board, you probably be like, right, you just a little bit bored. You might be like, but we're just doing one twist. Okay? This is important. If you do too twists. It means Boer. Een boring, Similar words, but different. Okay, one twist Ford to twists, boring, boring. So if I said to you, your you know your board, that's much different than your boring right. So be careful. We're just gonna learn we're going to keep going in this course with board. One twist. Board board. Right board. All right, so let's see a little mini situation and see what we can do. Okay, so we have a boy on a train. Nice, and he is board right. It's almost sleeping. He's bored, right? Four, right? So he's not boring. No, no, no. He's bored, right? He's bored. He's just a little bit bored. You know, I'll point out him if he's really bored, like he's been sitting there for 30 40 50 minutes and just ah, or he's bored. Help me. He's bored. Bored. Okay, so let's take a look. We just did the sign for board board member. Keep it on the side of your nostril. We're not picking her boogers, right. Or if you're lefty, use your left hand or the other side board. If you forget the sign and completely just finger spell it. B o R e d or Okay. Sounds good
9. Learn | Sign for BUSY: Okay, let's talk about the sign for busy. All right. So remember, you can finger spell it if you don't remember the sign. Be U s. Why, right? Be us. Why? Busy. Okay, So here is this sign. I'll show it to you, and then we'll break it down. Here we go. Okay. So here we go. We have our hands. Two hands. We're going to make bees. Write the letter B, both hands. All right. Put our thumbs in front. Be we go from the side like this. Make bees. All right, so one goes palm down, paint the other one. This kind of rubs it right right here at the palm level. That's if you can see that it rubs. Right. So you're busy, like a little be moving back and forth. Busy. Busy. Right. So for regular position. Okay, so it's small. Quick movements, right? Busy. Is he right? If you go like this or a bigger it means business. You know, like you're running a business. That's not what we're trying to say. OK, Busy, small, quick movements. Right? And it's not movie. This is, um this means movie in sign language with open hand, like the number five. We need a B. If we want to say busy, we go like this to bees. You know, one. I'm busy. You're busy. Okay, So it's not the big business. No, it's little small busy. I'm busy. All right. Okay. So let's do it three times. Yes, that was for Who cares? All right, let's see. Ah. Situation using busy. Right. But we're going to use we this time we and I'm going to be part of this group. I'm like their spokesman. I'm talking about you know, us from our point of view. So I would say you're busy. Hey, we're be easy. Whoa way. We're really There you go. Another sign. Really busy. Oh, yeah. Right. Ah, group meeting. We're here really busy. We're busy. We're busy. Okay, Good. Good. So we just talked about the sign for busy like this to bees. One down here. Another one, right here. Busy, busy, small, quick movement. Busy, right? Or you can finger spell that the b us. Why, all right. Sounds good.
10. Learn | Sign for COLD: All right, let's talk about the sign for cold eso We have the word and you can finger spell, right. C o l D c o l d old right. But it's much, you know, smart, straightforward, if you remember the sign, which is what we're trying to do. So let me show it to you, and then we'll break it down. Here we go. Okay. So remember the expression and your body movements, your hand positions, all that stuff. So we're going to take and we're going to make two s is right. What is? It s, well, the letter of the alphabet s right. Or it's like a fist, right? Boom, boom, boom, boom. So s s okay. So then we just put our elbows at our sides. We're not out here. No elbows down at your sides from the side. It looks like this, right? Like you're gonna punch. But you're not. You're just here and then you're like, Who, Right? This one's pretty straightforward, because imagine if it's ah, cold environment and you're shivering. You're like, all right, it's cold. Who? I'm cold, right? So once again, we have two fists s two s. Is we put her elbows that are sign and we go cold. You just kind of shiver. You move your body a little bit. You can move your fist just a little bit, right. You're cold. If you want to move your whole body, it shows the whole thing. You just want to move your fists. That's all right. Depending on the intensity. If you're really cold, you're probably gonna move your whole body. There's a little bit cold. Right? Okay, so let's take a look at this using this sign and kind of a more real life situation. Ah, so let's see if I stand over here as fine. So there's snow. It's cold outside. All right? So they and I'm pointing at the to people. Might be two ladies, two individuals, whatever. So they right there behind me, they they're cold, they're cold. All right, so let's see. Oh, you just look outside to be, like, who were cold? Cold? I feel cold. Right. So there, there, remember there you've got a wave. Their cold. I'm just pointing at one of them. She she she's cold. Right? Okay, good. Good. So we talked to both the sign for cold, remember? two s is but your elbows in and just go right. Move your fists a little bit. You could do your whole shoulders. If you want cold, you can shake your whole body. That's fine. Or you can just go. We'll call. All right, and c o l d. All right. Sounds good.
11. Learn | Sign for CONFUSED: Okay, let's talk about the sign for confused. All right. First weekends finger. Spell it if you forget the sign. C o N F u S e D c O N F u s e d Confused. All right, so this sign, Here we go. I'll show it to you. We'll break it down. Okay, So remember, two parts. You have your facial expression, and then you have your hand and finger movements. All right, So if you look at my face, it's kind. I'm perplexed. What's happening? I'm confused. Right. So let's do the sign. We have two hands. The first part. There's two parts where you have this. And then you have this, but we're gonna be changing our hand positions. No worries. First, let's just take our finger, the index finger, and we're going to lay the back part of your finger the like your nail right here near your temple. All right, if I can put that in the camera right here. So the temples here, but maybe just above your eyebrow right here. We're on your head, right? Right. So we're trying to gesture and show that our mind, right or mind is mixed up right. So that's the second part of the sign. We have the first part. You just put it here. Here, right now, we're going to make some claws again. Oh, nice. Making more clouds. Rar. So the 1st 1 your dominant hand is on top, and it's going to be rotating, right? You are like a mixer, something like that. The other one goes underneath, and it's going to be moving, rotating on the bottom, right? So just think of like, your thoughts. They're in a bowl or something, and your thoughts are like mixing around because you're confused. Right? So here we go. Let's do it three times. Okay, so I'm confused, right? This one's a little bit more cause we have one step and then two steps. You can do it. Confused. All right, let's take a look at a situation and this one. We're going to use you all. So you remember you all right? You all as in you plural. You. You You Okay, So maybe I'm talking to the people behind me. They're looking at me, and there are like, and I'm like, right, you're confused or you're confused, right? Okay, So you're confused as in. You don't understand, right? Your mind's just like mixing together. Okay, so we talked about the sign for confused, right? All right. So that remember your backup plan. If you don't remember, the sign is you can spell it. C o N F U S e d. Okay. Sounds good. Let's move forward.
12. Learn | Sign for CRAZY: Okay, let's talk about the sign for crazy. Now, this one is great because we use this. This motion, this sign, even if you don't speak s l right. We probably use it. So first, let's make sure we know how to finger spell it. Right. So we'll finger spell C r a z. Why I c r a z. Why? Crazy? Okay, So here is the sign. Just watched me and then we'll break it down if we need to. All right, here we go. I'm pretty sure you've seen that before. Even if it's not a deaf person, even if it's not in the deaf community is just like an understood that this is a sign Gugu , right? Someone's crazy. They're loopy. They're nuts. They're crazy, right? All right, So here are some instructions. Take your finger. Right. And you just put it You're rotating it around your ear like this side of your head, right? And if you add in a facial expression tuition, you're referring to someone. Then you can make it even more intense, right? Crazy. All right, So this is one way. This is crazy. I've also seen it signed with like this with the claws going like this pretty easy. Crazy. All right, So I'm used to use in crazy. But if you want to do crazy or if you see people going, they're pointing at you and they're going like this. It's probably not a good thing. So we have this one crazy, and we have this one crazy. All right, So crazy. Crazy. All right, so let's take a look. Why don't we sign it three times? Here we go. All right. All right. Let's take a look in a situation and we're going to use Oh, interesting. Right about this one. OK, so we're going to use ourselves. I me. Right. So the finger Me, me, me. So in this situation, me, I'm crazy. So sign with me. Here we go. That's the one option, right? We also could do all right. And let's just stick with this one, because this is the one everybody knows, right? I'm crazy. I'm crazy. Notice. I'm not actually touching my head, right. I'm not going like this. I'm just putting my finger around my ear in the air. Right. So I'm crazy. Now, if it's a person and I'm pointing maybe to the guy on the ledge. I'd be like, He's crazy. They're crazy. Were crazy, Right? So crazy. Crazy. All right, But we just learned how to sign crazy. And remember, if you'll remember the sign you should remember this sign. Everyone uses it. You could say C r a z one right. C r a z y all right. So are you crazy? All right, good.
13. Learn | Sign for DEPRESSED : All right, let's talk about the sign for depressed. Okay, first, what's finger spell? It E p r e S s e d. All right, so there are two s is in there. Remember when you say your 1st 1 s move the 2nd 1 a little bit to the right, and then we know it's a double letter. So s s once again d e p r e S s e d All right. He de e p r e s s e d depressed. Okay, So here is the sign. Watch me and then we'll break it down. Okay, so here we go. So here our hands were just going to use our middle fingers. All right, so if you see it from the side, if you take your middle fingers and move them forward just a little bit if you can see that right there, the middle fingers, right, leave the other fang fingers. Just kind of hanging there, move your two middle fingers a little bit forward, and then we run them down. Our body parallels. Okay? He pressed. Now, if you want, you can touch your skin or your shirt or whatever, or you could just go in front and leave a little gap Likely to leave a little gap like this . They're not actually touching yourself, but it's close enough to see that. That's a sign. I just When I do what, I usually just run it down my body. Right? Okay. So once again, we have middle fingers, and we're just gonna use our middle fingers as the contact points, and we run them down our body Just a little ways. You're not, like, way appear, then you like? Ah, no, Just from here with the depressed, right. Your face is gonna look a little bit sad, so rest rest. Ah, he's deep. Right? Okay, so let's do it three times. Here we go. I depressed. All right. So let's take a look at a situation and we're going to use. We'll use the pronoun You. All right. So I would say you're depressed, you're depressed, and you're probably more depressed because I'm telling you, your depressed, maybe we'll switch it up. I could say I'm depressed or he's depressed. Air depressed, right? You're all you All are depressed. Everyone is depressed. Depressed. Okay. I think we get it so quick. Review. Middle fingers. Middle fingers right here. Parallel lines. Right. We have lines. Parallel lines, depressed, depressed. Okay. And you can also finger spell D e p r e S s E d. Okay, Jones. Good.
14. Learn | Sign for EXCITED: All right, let's talk about the sign for excited. All right, So before we do the sign, let's talk about how to finger spell it right. E x c i t e d e x c i t e d. All right, so this one's a little bit strange. E x c I because you have to rotate back for the i t e b. No, you can finger spell it. I think it's easier to remember the sign. Okay, so let's do this sign for excited. I will show it to you Already have been, But I'm gonna show it to you again, and then we'll break it down. OK, So Okay, so it kind of looks like I'm juggling. Right? Right. So here is the hand shape, right. Going to use our middle fingers, middle fingers. Right. So the middle fingers will move forward like that. All right. And then we're going to go like this. So it's upward moment. Motions. 1234 Excited, Excited. That's what makes you think about juggling, right? You're not going like this. You're going one after the other. So one I'm excited. Oh, I'm excited. Woo. So you just you do touch yourself. I guess it which is the top layer of your of your shirt If you don't. Yeah, that's fine, too. For me, it just feels more natural to actually make contact. So excited, Excited. So once again, the hands, middle fingers there and then all right, excited, excited. And then your face has to light up. You're not gonna be like that. Makes no sense in its hands out mixed signals. So face and hand motions, working together, excited, Excited. Okay, so let's take a look in a situation. Let's use this little girl. She He's excited. Why? I don't know. I don't know. But she's excited. Excited? She's excited. All right, so once again, she What point in her eye? She she's excited. Excited? All right. Still review. We're going to use our middle fingers and we go excited. It's not like slow motion. It's more with emotion with action. Excited, excited, Okay, or you configure. Spell E x c I t e d. All right. So owns good
15. Learn | Sign for EMBARRASSED: All right, let's talk about the sign for Embarrassed Wu. A nice long word. A nice challenge for our finger spelling and to double letters. Do you remember what we do with double letters? All right, let's do it first. We're going to figure spell. Then we'll do this sign. OK, here we go. E m b a r r a s s e d a little bit slower e m b a r r a s s e d. Okay, so the double letters that are are just moved to the right a little bit R r s s right. And you don't have to start way over here. E m b a r a s s e d. You're way off here. It's hard for people to focus on you and get your face in there, too, so you could just be right here. Kind of shoulder. E m b a r r a s s e d. Okay. All right, Let's get to the sign, Which is more interesting and much quicker. Okay. So embarrassed. Here we go. I'll make the sign, then we'll break it down. Here we go. Okay. Here's the sign. All right. So We're kind of doing circular motions with both hands around our chin right around our mouth area. Right. So we have our hands this time. We're not making claws. Were just making more relaxed hand like you're going to squeeze the ball. Something like that, right from the side, right? Not clause, but just kind of You're going to relax, squeeze something, right? Then we take those hands and we do circular motions here. Right? All right, so that's im. That's embarrassed, right? I've also seen seen it sign like this with more straight fingers open, right? Like the number five like this. I'm so embarrassed. Embarrassed? But either way, we're here. We have this zone right here. Are chin our mouth and think of it. What happens when we get embarrassed? Well, we get red. Ah, there's another way to say embarrass, which is pretty cool. So this is the color red inside language. Read, Read. Right. So that means embarrassed as well as in your red and your faces becoming red. So this sign takes a little bit longer to make. I would recommend either going like this or like this, right? Like it's growing on you, right? Okay, so I would say I'm right. And your head might even till down a little bit. Like you're shy. You're uncomfortable. It's awkward, right? Embarrassed. Okay, let's do it three times. Here we go. Okay. Let's take a look at a situation we're going to do. We We okay, We'll put wee with embarrassed, So I guess I'm with them with them. We're all together. We're a group. And I would say we're embarrassed. Maybe we're embarrassed, Uh, or the other one. Right? We're embarrassed. Maybe because we sing really bad. So we're embarrassed, like we're embarrassed from the side, Were embarrassed or were embarrassed. Okay, so we just talked about the sign for embarrassed. Remember, we can also finger spell it. It's long. It takes a long time to finger spell, but if you forget this sign Finger spelling, it's better to have good, clear communication than just being like Ah, and of course, if you forget the letters, you can always write it down or use text on your phone, something like that. But here we go. E m b a r r a s s e d embarrassed. Okay. Or we could just say all right. Wonderful
16. Sign | Group 1 Emotions: Okay, so I'm wearing my glasses. So that must mean there's a test. All right, so let's do review of words that we've already learned. I'm gonna show you a word and you sign it. Okay, I'll pause. You sign it before I do right? Let's do it. Let's get started. Busy, crazy, angry, angry, confused, Unfit. Used, excited, excited, Bad Dad. Embarrassed, embarrassed or embarrassed. Embarrassed, depressed, depressed. Angry, angry, crazy. Crazy or crazy Crazy crazy board board. Cold, cold. Busy, busy, confused board. Crazy. Crazy or crazy cold. Oh, depressed, excited, excited, embarrassed, embarrassed or embarrassed Man. Okay, that's it. How would you do? Let's move forward.
17. Understand | Group 1 Emotions: Okay, so this time I will sign something. All right, So you watch what I'm signing and shout out the answer. Okay. After I signed, I will show you the answer. All right, Let's do it. Here's the 1st 1 All right. The answer is crazy. We're easy. All right. Busy. Busy. All right. We have angry, angry ward ord. Confused. Confused. All right, We have cold cold there. Bad embarrassed, depressed, depressed. Crazy, crazy, angry, angry. Rar board board. Excited, excited, Cold. Um, busy, busy, depressed, Depressed. Excited, excited, embarrassed. Embarrassed. Bad. Confused. Okay, so that was the last one. Good job. If you need to repeat and re practice, re review, go ahead.
18. Learn | Sign for FINE: All right, let's talk about the sign for the word. Fine. OK, first weaken finger. Spell it if you forget the sign. F i N e f i N e. Right. Fine. Now the sign is pretty simple. So let's do it first. I'll show you and then we'll break it down. All right, From the side. Okay, so we just use one hand on this one. If your dominant hand is your right hand, If that's the one you feel most comfortable signing with, then use your right hand. If your dominant hand is your left hand, use that one. You could do that too, right? Okay. So if you notice it's just a hand the number five in sign language or just an open hand, right? We're only going to touch our body with our thumb, so it stays flat, opened up, right, and then we just go. Fine. So how are you? Fine, but I've seen some people. Tap it. Fine. If you want to really emphasize that you know you're OK. I don't need help. Fine. All right. Or you could just go one cap. Fine. Once again. Lovely things about signing, right? How you signed intensity level you go shows how serious the situation is or how much energy it means to you, right? How much it means to, you know. Fine, fine or fine. Fine. Stop asking. Fine. Okay, so let's see it in a situation. All right, Let's use they over there. They a day. So I would say they're fine. All right, So maybe someone's, like, problems problems that Oh, they're fine. They're in love. There's so much love right there. Fine. Fine. All right. Okay, so this one is pretty straightforward. Open hand. Fine. How are you? Fine. All right. Okay. Remember, you can also finger spell f i N e. All right.
19. Learn | Sign for FRUSTRATED: it's time to learn the sign for frustrated. All right, first, let's finger spell finger spell. Here we go F R U S t r a t e d. It's long once again f r u S t r a t e d. Now I recommend learning the sign and signing because it's much faster. But if you forget, it happens. You couldn't finger spell no words. OK, so here is the sign for frustrated I'll do it and then we'll explore. Here it is. Okay, so here we go. We're going to use our your dominant hand. If your dominant hand is your left hand, that's fine for me. It's my right hand. So we make the letter B right? So fingers closed and the thumb in front be just like a bee, right? ABC be be OK now it just moves backwards towards our face, and we're gonna make, like, a circular motion towards our face and we can touch bump our chin, right? Frustrated, frustrated, frustrated. Right. So from this side, I'll do it slowly. Right? So I'm actually bumping my chin. If you didn't want to bump your chin, I imagine you could just get close as long as whoever you're talking to can see that you're making the motion, right? It's a backward. Say we're not going like this. We're going like this in not out. Frustrated, frustrated, right? It's so for us. I'm so frustrated. I'm frustrated. Okay, so let's do it three times. Here we go. Okay. Remember the face. It's not like how No. Ha! No, it's It's your perplexed. Your something's making you nervous or frustrated. All right, let's take a look at the picture. All right? We're going to use the we're going to use the pronoun you all. So do you remember you all you all? So I'm talking this group of our nose boys A gang that lives on the street. I don't know from a long time ago, but I'm talking to them. I'm saying you all You all right? You you You're frustrated. You're frustrated. You're frustrated. They're like, Yes, we are. Okay, So you are you frustrated? You're frustrated now? It could just be one of them and I point OK, e he's frustrated or I'm I'm frustrated. Okay, so we talked about the sign for frustrated once again. Just take the B backwards motion to your chin, right? Frustrated, frustrated or you can finger spell, which takes longer but is another option. F r U S t r a T e d. Okay, good, good.
20. Learn | Sign for GOOD: All right, let's talk about the sign for good. All right. First we will finger spell it. G 00 the ain't too. Oh, So the 1st 1 second one moves to the right just a little bit G 00 d. And then we know it's not a single letter, right? Cause if you just go g o d Then they might think God, right, cause G o d only has 10 but two O's g o D. All right. Okay, so here is the sign, and then we will explore it. Okay, so we can use both hands, All right? And we're going to go like this. So this is the open be It's called if you go a Some people make a be like this with the thumbs in, so make it with the thumbs on the outside. All right? So in this position to make the sign Good. We're going to use open be thumbs out here. Right? All right, So one hand is here and he goes up near the mouth. You can touch or just get close. That's up to you. And the other one stays here like you're reading your palm. You have. Oh, you have the You're cheating on a test. And you wrote the answer on your palm. You're reading it, right? OK, so this one goes here. All right, So this one's here. Your non dominant hand, Your dominant hand. The one you use the most to sign. Put it up here. Good. All right. So this is good. This is very close to bad. Right? But with bad were rotating so bad. Bad? No, no, no. Good, Good, good, bad. Good. Right. So good. Good. That's what we're doing here. All right, so once again, we have these two comes out here, one down here, like you're reading one up here. Good. All right, let's do it three times from the rest position. Okay. I should mention something that good is very close to thank you. I thank you. Oh, you would need context. Which means you need information about the situation. If someone gives you money, you probably will say thank you. Right. Uh, you might also say good, because you just have you got some money, but thank you. Thank you. Can also be is very similar to good. If you're holding a sandwich or you're holding a hot dog. Right? And you're like, Mm hmm. It's good, right? It's good, because it's hard to go like this, cause your sandwich will fall, but here we have. Good. We can also do. Thank you. Thank you. All right, So for this course, we're going to do good. All right. It's good. All right, let's take a look at the situation. Let's use the pro known B I. I write. So if someone's would say, how are you? You know, they're asking me, how are you? And I'm like, I'm good. Look around. Look around. I'm good. I'm good. Right? So if you ask me, how are you? You probably don't think I'm saying thank you. Right, Because you just asked me a question. So when I say I'm good, you're like, Oh, he's saying I'm good. Right? So I'm good. Good. All right. Wonderful. So we just talked about the sign for good. Here it is. Remember to open bees with their thumbs out here. Fingers together. One down here. One up here. Good, good, good. All right. You can also finger spell. G 00 d. Right. I think this is good
21. Learn | Sign for HAPPY: Let's do the sign for happy I first full finger spell it H a p p. Why? Right? Two peas. So first piece here, The second piece is a little bit over to the right. Or if you're Lefty. No worries. First piece here, then it's a little bit over to the left. H a p p. Why? Right for me? A righty. H a p p. Why? Happy? Right. So here is the sign, and then we'll explore it. So remember to parts you have your facial expression, which is very important for communication. All right, so I'm like, Ah, I'm happy. Right? Okay. So the hand positions All right, we're going to go like this, and we're going to close them up. We're doing the open. Be right. So this would be like the closed. Be regular be that I signed, and then out here is be This is how some people signed. Be with the thumb out here, so open. Be okay. All right. So we take them, we rotate them so the palms are facing our body, and then we well, like this. All right. You can maybe do it. So they're parallel there. Same with each other, but then they're kind of bumping. I like toe offset. Offset A little bit. So one is here. Another ones here? Happy. I'll be happy. All right. So you can use both hands. But if you're carrying something or your hand arms tied behind your back, you probably wouldn't be happy. But what the heck you like? Happy you could do with one hand. Same position. Be happy for doing with one hand. It's kind of weird to put it down below it. You're But you're telling me area or up in your chest area. Happy, happy. And for me, it's common to it feels more natural to touch my chest like this. But if you just get close happy, happy, happy, be therapy. And you can show your intensity based on your body language. Facial expression, plus your body motion. Right, if you're just a little bit happy. Yeah, right. So, no. How are you? Happy? How are you? Happy? Really Happy. Happy, Happy. Okay, wonderful. From the side. One hand. Okay. All right. Let's take a look at this situation. Let's use the pronoun you and I. So I'm talking to you. I would say Oh, Well, look, there's a cake. Oh, it's beautiful. It tastes wonderful. You're happy you're happy. You're happy. Okay, You're happy, right? You're happy. Or maybe Reds come and eat the cake. And he's like somebody. Okay? He's happy. He's happy. All you all are happy. Okay, so let's or we just talked about the word. Happy. Happy one hand. Happy. Remember using the open. Be this happy or just one hand. Happy or finger spell H a p p. Why? But if you know the sign, no need to finger spell, all right?
22. Learn | Sign for HOT: Let's talk about the sign for hot. All right, so if you want a finger spell, we would go h old t. But why finger spell when we know the sign, But Okay, so here it is hot, aren't okay, So we use our hand, your dominant hand if you're left to use your lefty, your left hand. Right. So go like this, but your fingers in together. All right, so that's the first position right here. Kind of. Think of it like there's something hot or really spicy in your mouth, and you're grabbing it out, and you're throwing it away. But opt. Great from the side. The fingertips are closer together. They're not like this, right? But they're closer together, close to your mouth. You're grabbing it out, and you're throwing it away. Hot, hot, that. All right, so once again, and here, when it comes to close to your mouth, bring your tips or together, and then you throw it away and it goes out, out, out. Right. So three times here we go, It right. And you may have a look of, you know, kind of displeasure on your face, because if you're burning up, it's hot, like crazy or the food is, like, super hot. You're probably not gonna be like, No, you're going to be a little bit uncomfortable in displeasure. Something like that. This dressed maybe. All right, All right. Okay. So remember, this is not, like hot, as in someone is good looking or extremely beautiful. Something like that. You would need a different sign for that. Wouldn't say he or she is hot as in beautiful. Because if you say he is hot, they're going to understand that his temperature, his body temperature, it's a hot day outside. He's hot. He's sweating, right? Okay, let's take a look at a situation. Have looks like a lady who has been exercising. She's what? Right? So I would say she's He's hot, right? And if she's ready, if you might say in spoken English, she's hot as an attractive good looking. You're not going to use this sign. Maybe use beautiful something like that. Oh, she's beautiful. She's pretty, something like that. But we're talking about her physical status, I guess. Her temperature, her body temperature is hot. She's sweating. She just worked out. So always say she's hot. She's hot, okay? Or they? They're hot. I'm hot. All right, let's take a look. So we talked to boat hot. I remember his temperature, Body temperature. Food is hot. Something like that. Hot. It's not for describing the attractiveness of people. All right, so once again, I'm hot. Gooey. I'm hot. Okay, we can also finger spell. Remember? H old t sounds good.
23. Learn | Sign for HUNGRY: Here is the sign for hungry, hungry, Hungry. All right, let's also finger spell. All right? To make sure we can do it. So h u n g r y h u n g r. Why? That's finger spelling it. So the sign. Hungry? Hungry. All right, so we have the letters C. Right. So you go like this and you go see, like ABC, and then you just turn it and run it down the front of your body. Hungry? Hungry. Now, if you want to touch your chest, that's all right. That's how I do it. Hungry? Hungry? If you just want to keep it in front a little bit. Hungry. Hungry? That's all right. Two whole idea is you know, when you eat food, it goes down here and you're showing the motion hungry. Oh, I'm hungry. And your intensity level will better communicate what you're feeling, right? Here's a little bit hungry. Uh, me, I'm I'm hungry. But if you're really hungry Uh oh. I'm so hungry. Right. All right. So let's do it three times. Here we go. All right. So let's take a look at a situation going, Okay? So let's use the pronoun we remember we we we So I'm with all of these people were a big dinner party. Whatever. It is a party. But our food is taking forever to get here. So we're like, we're hungry. We're hungry. Really hungry. Ha. OK. Or maybe we just arrived, and it's like, Oh, you know, I'm not super hungry, but we're hungry. We can eat. Yeah, we're hungry, right? If it's you, I'd say you You're hungry. I'm hungry. They're hungry. Right? Okay. I think you get it. All right. So this is a sign for hungry, which is taking the letters c earning it and putting it down our chest hungry, hungry or else we can finger spell H u N g r y. Okay, that's it.
24. Learn | Sign for HURT: here is the sign for hurt. All right, So before we explore it, let's finger spell the letters. All right, Here we go. H u R T H U r t hurt. All right, So here is this sign. I'll do it a couple of times, and then we'll break it down. Here we go. Okay. So we're going to use our pointer finger Zahhar. Right? So when you start from the resting position, you come up and you twist right. So imagine you're hurt, right? You're in pain. Something isn't uncomfortable. You're like, or maybe just, you know, someone pinched you, and it hurts, right? So it's kind of twisting. It's uncomfortable. You're twisting. It hurts. All right, take your fingers. Let's put them here. Oh, this one right hand. Your dominant hand. If you're lefty, do it the opposite. That's fine. Start like that. Okay. So you could see my palm, and then I twist it right. So I put it up and I twisted twist. And with the other hand, it's going the other way. Twist West one is rotating over the top, and the other one is rotating over the top the other way, right? All right. So we're not touching our tips. We're not going like that. No, it's getting a little bit close and twisting, resting, but the points are basically pointing at each other in each other's direction. Huh? Hurt? Oh, it hurt right from the side from the front. Probably easier to see it. All right, let's do it three times. We'll do it slow enough. Do it. Regular speed on the third time. Here we go. Okay. So remember, twists and twists at the same time. West might need a little bit of practice to get that down. You can do it. Okay, let's take a look at a situation. All right? Oh, well, let's do it. They It would be like they're hurt. There were there, like we're questioning their hurt. Or maybe we're like, they're hurt. Actually, they're dead. Yeah, There's a nice sign for your dead. They're dead. But just to give an example for hurt hurt like they're hurt really bad. They're hurt. All right, once again, hurt. We could say I'm hurt. You're as in one person. You you're hurt. You all. You're hurt. They're hurt. I hurt hurt, but in some facial expression as well cause there's two signals we're sending. We have the language from the body or actual hand movements. But we also have our facial expression. One package is our message, Right? Hurt hurt. All right, so we just talked about the sign or hurt. All right. You can finger spell each. You are t even better. You can sign. All right. Hurt. You wouldn't be smiling. Hurt Want, okay?
25. Learn | Sign for JEALOUS: Let's talk about the sign for jealous. Here it is. All right, let's finger spell. Here we go. J e A l O u s j e a l o u s Dellis from the drama The drama. Okay, So here's this sign and then we will explore it. Okay? Just watch from the side to be here. Okay? So we're going to use an X right. Remember X Y z from the alphabet. Here we go. If we want to make it. Fingers three fingers down. Come in. And we do our the thumb right here. We do with the hook, like the pirate hook. Right? So there's our X, and we put the tip of the finger the index finger of the X on the side of our chin. And then we like we're digging something out. We twist it, we twisted. It's not a slow motion. It's not relaxed. It's twisting it. Because if you're jealous, if your jealousy is a negative emotion, right, so you probably know. Yeah, Yeah. Jealous. I'm jealous. No. You like jealous? He's jealous. You're all jealous. Okay? There is an alternative way to sign. Jealous? That I've seen is to use a J, right. A j. They put it over here, Same spot. And then they do a just like that that you dig out the J. You do the J on the side of your chin like that. All right, so if you do it like this, it specifically means jealous. If you do with an X like this, it could be jealous or envious. All right, So if you want a sign, that can be both words. You would do this one. Ellis Ellis, If you just want jealous, you would do this. You could do this one with the J. Jealous Ellis. Okay, so let's do it. Slow motion. I would that. All right, let's find a situation. Here we are. So let's use the pro known You as in you all. Okay, so maybe there in front of me or whatever, and I'm talking to them and I'm like, you're jealous. Don't know why, but I know you're jealous, right? You're jealous. Ah, that was one person you write. Jealous? You're jealous. Multiple. Ellis. OK, we could do he He's jealous. I'm jealous. I You're just there. There. They're jealous. As in they are jealous. All right, sounds good. So we talked about the sign for jealous, which is X. I take the X, take the tip of the excellent. You're gonna hook something and go right. You swivel. Jealous? I'm upset. Jealous? Okay, Another option is to finger spell it. J E A L O U S. Ellis. Right. Moving forward.
26. Learn | Sign for MAD: Let's talk about the sign for mad. All right, man, this is a quick finger spell. M a D M a D. That's mad, Right? But let's do this sign. Here it is. I would be serious, right? Uh huh. OK, so let's explore how to make it. Well, take your hand. Kind of like you're gonna are gonna class someone or you're gonna attack someone, right? Just one hand and girl. Right? Then you put it here and you twist like you're twisting your face because you're upset. You're mad, right? Your if you want to make the noises are that's up to you. Probably too dramatic. You could just be quiet. Right. Okay, So mad is the word is similar to angry, but the sign is different. So mad. And then this is angry, right? Angry, similar hand shapes, but different locations. Angry. Uh, okay, so from the side, we go like, this would be like, you're trying to catch a ball. Who? And your hands in that in that shape, huh? Yeah. You caught the ball. And you phone note. It was like dirty. It had slobber all over from the dog. Like I'm Hey, So let's take a look at the situation. Let's start with the pronoun I as an I'm I'm right. I'm mad. You're mad. They're mad. They're right. Remember to parts of the message your hand, your hand shape and movement and your face. I say to you, I'm mad or I'm Herman. I'm just smiling. It doesn't make sense. Make sure your facial movement and facial expression follows your hand and your signed. Okay, man. All right. So we talked about the sign for mad, which is mad. Mad, right? We can also finger spell it fingers bel m a d m a d. Okay, sounds good.
27. Learn | Sign for OKAY: Let's talk about how to sign. OK, in American sign language. Okay. So first we can finger spell this whole word if you really want to, you could be like, OK, a y, but there's an easier way. Just do this sign. The sign is okay. All right. Very straightforward. Just the letters. O en que Okay. All right. So how are you? Our How are you? Okay. I'm okay, man. Right. Okay. All right. From the side. Oh, hey. Right. So Okay, this is a very common sign, so it's good to practice. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay, though. Just flows right into the cake. Okay. Okay. All right. All right. Let's take a look at the situation. All right? So the lady, she seems a little bit perplexed. Maybe I would say to her, You're OK. You're OK. And she's like, No, I'm not, but I'm like, Yeah, you're OK. All right. Maybe you asked me. How are you? I'm saying I'm OK. Alright. How are they? They're okay. Night is fine. Okay. Okay. Okay. I said it. Okay. All right. So we just talked about how to say OK, now you could remember if you really want to say O K A. Y people would understand you, but they might be like, Why didn't you just stop it? OK, right. Ok, ok. Okay. Wonderful.
28. Sign | Group 2 Emotions : Okay. It's time for another test asked. All right. So you signed first. Okay, So I'll show you a word. I will Wait. When you see the word sign it, try to sign it before I can. Okay. Here we go. Here is the 1st 1 Jealous. Jealous. Good, good. Frustrated. Frustrated. All right, Happy or you could do one hand. That's fine. Happy, Happy, Happy. Happy. All right, All right. Okay. Okay. Hungry. Hungry, boy. Boy. Hurt. Hurt mad. Ah, hot, hot. Okay, okay. All right, fine. Good. Good. Hungry, hungry, hurt. Hurt. Frustrated, Frustrated. Jealous. Jealous. Bad man. Ah, happy two hands or one hand. Happy. Happy. Okay, that was the last one. Great.
29. Understand | Group 2 Emotions: Okay. It's time to see if you understand. Okay. So I will sign you. Watch me and you say what I'm signing. All right. And then I'll show the answer. We go. This is the 1st 1 All right, Fine. Fine. Frustrated. Frustrated. All right, good. I would. All right, We have happy at B. All right, grab it. Throw it out Hot. Okay. Hungry, Hungry. Jealous. We have hurt. Mm. Mad. Ah. Hungry. Hungry. Okay, okay. Hot but bad. Mad or in fine. Hurt. Hurt. Frustrated. Jealous. Good. Happy. That being okay. That was the last one. Sounds good.
30. Learn | Sign for PROUD: Let's talk about the word proud. And let's learn about the sign for proud. Okay, So finger spelling the word proud You would just say p r o u d p r o u d All right, so here is the sign for proud, and then we will explore it. Okay, here we go. Okay. So this one's pretty simple and straightforward, but let's take it apart. Here we go. So first, give me the thumbs up. Right. Universal sign. Thumbs out, man. Right. There we go. So that's what we're going to use. We're gonna use our thumb. You want the long way you could make a fist and then put it over. It's a thump. There it is. All right, Now we're going to use the tip of the thumb, and we're gonna put it over here, start at the bottom and slide up out crowd. Right now, the face could work as well. You can puff your chest up and be like, proud. Okay, uh, proud. You don't have to start way their own and go keep going. No, just kind of mid level proud. He's You're proud, right? Okay, so let's do it three times here we go. Okay, so remember, thumbs up, but midway down and goproud over here on this side. If you do it in the middle, I've seen it. But if you want to on this side, it might be a little bit better. Proud. Okay. All right. So let's take a look at the situation. Let's use she because we have her, right. All right. So I'm gonna be, like, even I'm talking to you. I don't really like her, so I'm like, as in negative, cause Look at my face, Right. I'm not like she's proud, right? I'm like, Oh, uh, this brings us back to our the message. We're sending our face and the sign, right? So if I don't really like him like, oh, right, I see it as a negative thing, but it could be may be positive or just a neutral thing. She's proud. She's proud of her house for money or accomplishments or whatever it all comes across or my emotion. My view on the situation comes across in my facial expressions, right? The signs Pretty much the same. But look at my face. Right. Proud. He's proud, right? Neutral is. Uh huh. All right, proud. Okay. We could also do your proud. I'm proud. They're proud. How are you? I'm proud. I'm proud to be happy. Right? Proud? Proud. All right, let's go back and review once again. Thumbs up. You want to make this sign, Thumb? Put it here. Proud. Proud. All right. Proud. You can also finger spell it if you want to. P R O U D Right. But why finger spell when you have the sign round, All right.
31. Learn | Sign for SAD: So let's talk about sad. All right? First, let's finger spell this nice, sweet, short word s a d all right. As a D. Okay, so here is sad, and then I'll slow it down and we'll break it apart. Okay? So very important. Remember the face or not like, huh? Who you like? Sad, Right? I'm you put your chin down or whatever. Right. The hands. Okay. So the hands were going to be openly space, right? So the fingers airspace don't kind of relaxed right slightly. Maybe the fingers were slightly bent forward. Maybe. Maybe. And they go up here and you drive down like you're drawing imaginary lines in. It's raining on your face, maybe, huh? Mm. Right. So face facial expression and your fingers coming down. So you start up here, maybe around your eyes or so, and come down, huh? Mm. Right. So let's do it three times from the resting position. Mm. Okay. You notice how my mood intensifies as it comes down. It's, like, you know, closing the curtain on something, and it's right. Okay. So let's take a look at a situation where we could use sad where we could use this sign. Right, So we're gonna do we all right? Do you remember? We the personal pronoun? All right. When I say we in this case, I'm talking about he and I write so he and I we become we still pointing, right? He and I We all right, So we're sad. We're said, right. We're looking through the window, and we're sad. Mm. Dad. Okay. We could switch it around you, as in one person. You your sad you're as and you all are said there Said were said, Okay, looks good. Looks good. All right, so we just talked to boat Sad The sign four said once again, take your hands. Fingers were just relaxed since said All right, if you want to. Finger spell s a d s a D. Okay, sounds good.
32. Learn | Sign for SCARED: Let's talk about the sign. Scared. Alright, so first let's finger spell. It s C A r e d s c a r e d. Okay, so here is the sign and then we'll break it apart. Here we go. Okay. So there are two parts, right? My facial expression and my hand movements. All right, so the face, you know, you're scared. Something's wrong. Ah, great. The hands are just, like five. The number five or fingers spaced out flat hands and you go like this. All right. You could go the same in the middle. Maybe. But then maybe if your fingers, you know, jam each other, That's kind of uncomfortable. So I offset them a bit, and I go scare scared. All right, so from the side. All right, if you notice is kind of a jolting a shocking movement, right? It's not just like, uh ah, it's scared. Scared? Right. Okay, so let's do it three times from the resting position. This is the resting position. And depending on your intensity of the intensity of your face of movement and the sign, you can intensify the meaning. Right? So if you just a little bit scared I'm scared. Uh, right. But if you like free Daoyu Yeah, right. Okay, let's find a situation where we can use this word. Right. Okay, so let's use they as in those two individuals over there, Those two ladies, uh, they're scared. I'm scared. You are scared. Everybody's scared. Scared skin. They're scared. Ah, right. Okay, so we just talked about the sign for scared. All right, take your hands. Fingers space. Don't not together like this. Scared, Scared, jolting movement. Right? Because if you're scared, it's not like you creeped up. And you became scared. It's more like in the moment. Ah, Scared. Right? Okay. If you want to finger spell, you could s c a r e d. Okay, lovely.
33. Learn | Sign for SHY: here is the sign for shy. Okay, Lets finger spell it and then we'll get into the sign itself. Here we go. S h why? Right? Shine s h y. Okay. So once again, I'll do it a couple of times and then we'll break it apart. Here it is, Right. So it's kind of easy to tell this one, because if you look at the total package off body language, if you will. My eyes were kind of going down. My face is going down into the side and my face, my hand is kind of covering up, right? Like I'm a little bit nervous. And I'm trying to hide, I'm sure. Right. Okay. So let's take a look at the hand. You go like this and we close it up, right? We close it up, if you can see that, we close it up a bit and we're going to touch our face or put it to the side of our face around here. All right, so it's like this we're putting, like, on a cheek. Maybe the lower part of our job right here, the side of our face, ever going shy, shy guy. All right, You can move your whole body if you want to really show it. Like maybe there's a cute little kid and, like off your C or that little girl is shy, He's shy, right? Or you could just move your hand. Shy, shy, right. My head just kind of naturally goes in that direction because it's a total package sign, right? You're not just like it's not like a robot, you know, like all right. And even if you smile a little bit at a little cute smile, right? Just imagine a little kid who's innocent as wonderful in an energy. They're just a little bit shy, right? There's shy. They probably want to get involved there too shy. All right, Okay, so once again, take your hand and kind of bend it over and see like that, and then the flat part of it on the back, put it against your cheek and rotated forward. Kind of slide it forward over your face a little bit, just lightly knowing are right lightly over your face. Shine shy. Okay, so let's take a look at a situation that's used. Let's start with the pronoun you, as in you all multiple people So I'm talking to this class of students here, or the gathering or whatever it ISS and like no one's talking. No one's talking. Why? Why? Ah, you're shy, right? Yours? Your site. Right. Okay. So shy. We could say he's shy. She's shy. That person is Shar. I'm sorry, but I'm shy. I'm too shot. Your shy were shy. Okay, Let's see if I go over here shy. All right? I'm kind of pushing my face to the side or just sliding over shy, shy. Okay, so looks good. So we just talked about the word shy guy. Shy, right? You want a finger? Spell it. We could go. S h Y no is good. Moving on.
34. Learn | Sign for SICK: here is the sign for sick. Okay, First, let's finger spell it, and then we'll get into the mechanics of the sign so you can say s I see. Okay. All right. S I c k and the thumbs kind of nice when you do s you don't even have to move the film. It's already there s I s I c kick. Okay, So the sign for sick is this Ali with the face that you're uncomfortable and distressed, and it sucks, Right? So how do we make it? Well, the only two contact points between our hands and our body are going to be the tips of our middle fingers. So we just need our middle fingers. You take one appear on her forehead, another here on our stomach. Right. So if you're sick, you're probably feeling not so well in your stomach. Maybe you have a headache or a fever. So those to contact point sick Mm. Add in the face and it's really clear that you're not feeling well or that someone else is not feeling well. Use sick. Sick. All right, let's try from this side. Let's see if you can see so middle fingers one goes here like you're checking your fever. The other goes here on your stomach or, you know, abdomen area right there. Sick all. We wouldn't go like this. Don't put on your Chester wherever. Put it in the center. Sick. Sick. Sick, huh? On this side, you can see my thank you Sick. Right? So let's do it three times. Here we go, Dick. Right. So these are the contact points? All right, let's take a look at the situation. Okay? Let's use I Alright, let's use the pronoun I Because I'm in an empty hospital all by myself, and I'm sick. I'm sick. I'm alone and I'm I'm sick. Ah, Sick. Okay, so if I'm not alone, maybe we could say, uh, were were sick. Were sick, huh? Or you, as in you all, You all you're sick. They're sick. Get away their sick run away. Right? Okay, Maybe he you sick? I don't tell anybody he's sick, right? Sick. Okay, but good. Good. So we have the signs sick, remember? We use our middle fingers that tips of our middle fingers. The other ones just kind of hang out there. They're all right. And then one here one here. If you're Lefty, you use your dominant left hand to sign. That's fine. Then you would probably put on your forehead this one. Nice and down here. Sick. Sick. All right, for me? I'm writing. So I put my right hand on top. Sick. Sick. I don't feel so well. I'm sick. Okay, so if you want a finger, spell it. It's s I c K. All right. Sounds pretty good.
35. Learn | Sign for SO-SO: here is the sign for So so right. So you have the option. If you really want to spell it, it's up to you. You could go S O S o they might think you mean s o and then s o like to sip separate words without the hyphen in between. I think it's just easier to do the sign because it's so straightforward and it really is descriptive. Right? Right. So how do we make it? You taken open hand? We have space between all of the fingers. Fingers are not together. Fingers are spread out like this, right? And then we just go like this. Right? So I was everything. So so uh right. If you add in the face of being unsure, right, you're not sure something's not quite right And it becomes even more clear how you're feeling right. If you go like this, it looks a little bit creepy. If you're like, ah doesn't make sense. So let's do it three times. So So So that is so so let's find a situation. Okay, so someone says to I don't know if I say to you, How are you? How are you and your like I'm so so. I mean, you wouldn't even have to sign the I just say so. So how are you? So it's so how are they? How are they? Yeah, there's so So how are how are we? Oh, it's so so. If so, this sign is great because it's so straightforward and just makes sense. Okay, so once again, the sign four. So so is uses an open hand fingers air. Not together. No. No. Yes. Yes, Like this. And then just kind of waving back and forth, right? It's unbalanced. It's not what? Quite right. So So All right, if you want to figure spell it. I guess you know the backup plan S O. S. Oh, that's all right. But just to go like this is really easy to remember. All right, so so
36. Learn | Sign for SURPRISED: Let's talk about surprised. Okay? First, let's finger spell it. A little bit of a long word, but no worries. S u r p r i s e d right s u r p r i s e d Let's do that one more time s You are p r I s e d . Right. Much easier to go like this. And more descriptive. Okay, so how do we make it? Well, we're going to use both hands and a facial expression. The facial expression is pretty easy. Just imagine someone came up to you with, like, a suitcase full of money and the leg Here, it's yours. No strings attached. And you're like, ha, Right. Okay, so we're going to use both hands and we're going to pinch. The first movements were point putting our our thumbs and index fingers together like we're gonna pinch right. We start their kind of level with their eyes around her eye area, and we open up, so it starts down and it becomes an l. Okay, so you know how to make it. L right. So it goes. Ha. I'm surprised. Surprised, Right. Let's do it three times weekly. I'll do it from the side, right? Three times from the resting position. Here we go. Okay. So I'm surprised. Wow. Wow. Wow. I'm surprised. Uh, okay. I think you get the idea. Let's put it into a situation. Let's use she. Okay, so she's, like, really surprised? Not just a little surprised, Like, really surprised. So I might be like, Who? She's surprised. Oh, boy, she surprised. Uh, so maybe you all you're surprised. I'm surprised they're surprised, right? So surprised. Brick Review. Take your fingers pointing together. Put them up here. And it's like explosive trace now, like a ah, ray, It's my birthday. No, it's like, Hi. Love it. No. Right. Okay. So you could do this. Are you configure spell. Here we go. S u R p r I s e right. I would recommend doing the sign. Okay,
37. Learn | Sign for TIRED: Let's talk about the sign for tired Fired. Okay. First, let's finger spell E I r e d e I r e d. Right. The sign is tired. Remember to do the face because you're maybe exhausted. Its Ah, I'm tired. I want to sleep tired or just need to rest. Okay, So how do we make it? Well, we take our hands, and we're gonna use We're gonna put our fingers together like this. Thumbs can stay right where they are, and we're gonna put the tips inside. We kind of make this this curved shape with our hand. Right? So it's like cupped in there. We put the tips right here by the side of our chest and we go to We just kind of swivel it in our elbows. They're not gonna be up. We're not like this. We're not like a chicken dance. Elbows down and we go higher. Could even be in a little bit under chest. That's fine. But the motion as it comes down, it's kind of like you're coming down into yourself because you have a full of energy over here. But now you're like a tired, tired, right? So from this side. Oh, tired. Let's do it three times. Here we go from resting position. All right? It doesn't have to be a horrible tired either. Right? Maybe you work the whole day and you're just like iron. Yeah, I need to sleep. Are your Uh huh. Okay. So let's put it in a situation. Ah, let's use Let's use we as in she or she she and I. So we were tired. We were were tired. Tired, tired, tired. We're tired. So remember how much you emphasize the sign. All of your body language. It depends on the intensity. What you're communicating. So if if I'm just, like, weird, tired, OK, it's normal, right? But if I'm like we're you're really tired or just were tired, I closed my eyes and I make the face. It's all screwed up. Tired. All right. I think you get the point. Okay. So we talked about the sign for tired. It's just like this. Your hands come here, it kind of bend down into this position. The tips, it go down to your chest, and then they curve in like you have wings, right? Elbows stay in tired. I Oh, I all right. If you forget the sign. No worries. You can also always finger spell t i r e d. Okay,
38. Learn | Sign for UPSET: Let's talk about the signing for upset. Upset? All right, So we can finger spell it, You could say u p s E T u P S E t. All right, So here's the sign, and then we'll take a closer look. OK? One hand upset. Upset. Okay, so we have It's right here. The open. Be right. So this is the close to be This is the open. Be fingers together and leave the thumb outside. All right, so we put it down here. All right, though. It's here, and we make some contact with their stomach area, abdomen area with the's, the tip of our fingers upset. All right, so it's up moving an upward motion. I upset. So it's kind of like here, maybe scraping something from the bottom of your stomach and you're showing it to people upset. I'm upset. All right, let's try from the side upset. All right. So I don't suppose you have to touch your abdomen area for me. I just graze it with my fingers upset. Upset. Okay. All right. Let's do it three times. All right? So you also put in the face and they're kind of screwed up. Uh, right. Could be upset. Stomach like you're sick, right? Or could be upset because you're mad at someone, right? Upset. Upset. Mm. Okay, so let's move to a situation. Ah, so we have three. We have three girls. All right, so there they're upset. Why? I don't know, but they're upset, OK? Could be. You're upset. You all. You're upset. I'm upset. They're upset. He she it. Whatever. Upset, upset. Okay. All right. So we did the sign for upset rights were use this open be thing, right? Put it down here like we're gonna Robert Tummies. But it's not that happy Were upset night upset. Okay, If you want, you can finger spell u P s E t. Okay, someone's good.
39. Learn | Sign for WORRIED: Let's talk about the sign. Worried? Mm. I'm worried. All right. First, let's finger spell it. Here we go. W O r r I E d We have a double are in there. So the first ones here 2nd 1 a little bit over if your spelling from your your left hand W o r r just move a little bit out a little bit out an i e d Once again. W o r r e d. Okay, so here's the sign, and then we'll take a look at it. Here we go. Worried. I I'm worried. Hmm. All right. So the hands we have bees is in a B c, right b m. And we're going to use the back of the hands. All right, We're gonna swivel them around and put them like this. Kind of like we're gonna check are fever or something, but you don't actually have to touch your head, right? Just the space in front. Okay, so we have bees backwards, right? And we're going to make circular motions right up near ahead, Like things. There are things there are to control. I don't know what to do. I'm worried. I'm worried, right So I've seen it. Where people, you know, the circles aren't moving together. I've also seen it where they're together like this. I think the whole idea is to make some round circular motions near your forehead. Right? I'm worried. Who? I'm scared and I'm worried are Right. Okay. So let's take a look from the side. How about that? Worried. All right, so we need to get the face out there. Were perplexed. Maybe we're confused. Maybe we're upset everything in one, and we're worried. Okay. All right. Let's take a look at a situation. All right? So I'm talking to the audience, all right? And I'm gonna use the pronoun you all as in you. You multiple people. You Right. Okay. So I understand you're worried because I won't pay you. You're You're worried you're worried. I would be worried, too. All right, so they're they're not worried. They're not worried. You're worried we're OK. So you could be I'm worried. You're worried. He's worried. All right. And if you go like this like wax on, wax off whatever you want to be in the same or you want to just move around, All right? That's up to you. But you're worried, right? Put the face in there with a hand motion. Easily. Understood. All right, so here we are, Sign for worried to bees. Um, use the back of the hand like we're going to take our fever, but we're not. We get close, and we've gonna circle the circular motions. Oh, I'm worried. Worried. Are worried. Worried. Okay, I think you get it. So if we finger spell, you could see W o R I e d. Okay. So worried. Don't worry, all right?
40. Sign | Group 3 Emotions : Okay. Glasses mean test. All right. I will show you a word. You sign it. Okay, Sign it before I do. Okay. Here we go. Worried or read? Surprised. Surprised. Sick. Sick. Said Said Tired. Tired. Scared. Scared. Scared. Shy. Yeah, I those So, Yeah. Oh, so route proud, surprised, surprised, Upset, upset. Worried. Sad, Scared, Scared, Scared. Hired. So is so proud. Proud, sick. Sick. Ah, uh, upset. Upset. She I Okay, that was the last one. Wonderful, Wonderful.
41. Understand | Group 3 Emotions: Okay, so now I sign you watch and try to understand. We go tired. So? So. Oh, so she I How'd proud said? Worried, worried, Scared, sick, Surprised, Surprised, Upset Said said so So Oh, so hired Tired, scared cares Sick, sick Surprised the prime She I Gee, I worried. Worried out. Brown Upset. Upset. Hey, that was the last one.
42. Sign | ALL Emotion Signs: what we've already learned. 30 words. 30 emotion words. Eight. All right, so it's time to see if you know them, if you can sign them. All right. So I will show you a word. I'm gonna show you all of them, but in random order. So you signed the word before. I can. Okay, let's do it. Here we go. Jealous. - Okay , so that was all 30. Emotion, vocabulary, words. How did you do? You need to go back. Repeat eight. Practice, practice, practice and improve.
43. Understand | ALL 30 Emotion Signs: Okay, All 30 words. Are you ready? I will sign you. Try to understand. Here we go. Okay. Okay. Embarrassed. Terrorist. Yeah. Hot pat board or read? Tired. How are you frustrated?
44. Sign | Pron + Emotion : Okay. It's time to put our skills to the test. All right. We're going to have complete sentences short, but complete sentences will have a pronoun, and then we're going to have an emotion word. OK, so I will show you the sentence. You sign it, right? You sign it before I can. All right. And remember, m r. Is was were Just forget about it. Throw it out. We don't need it. All right. Here is the 1st 1 Let's do it. Okay. You are hungry. You're hungry. You're hungry. All right. Moving on were cold. We called. We are cold. I'm tired. I am tired. I'm tired with that e. It's hot. Maybe he's over here. He's hot, right? You. You all depressed? Oh, you're depressed. You all are depressed. She's bad. Mm. She's bad. He is bad. They are board. Huh? They're bored. Or maybe back here they're They're bored. I am surprised. I'm surprised. See? Worried. She's worried. He is worried. We're in a wrist. We are embarrassed. You're excited. You're excited. Uh, you are excited, huh? They are jealous. Uh huh. They're jealous here. Jealous? You all are frustrated. You're frustrated. You're frustrated. Uh huh. He is fine. He's fine. He's fine. They are angry. They're angry. You're happy. You are happy you're happy or happy, right? Okay. He's shy. Yes, I You sure? You all are upset. You're upset. You are upset. She is hurt. She is hurt or she is hurt. She's hurt. I am good. I'm good. Yeah, I'm good. We're sick. We're sick. Um we are sick. Yeah. Said he said he is said I'm okay. I'm ok. I am ok. Mm. You are confused. You're confused. Uh huh. You're confused. You're confused. She is proud. She's proud. She's proud. You are crazy. You're crazy. Uh huh. We're busy. We're busy. We're busy. I'm mad. I am mad. A man. They are scared. Uh, they're scared over there. They're scared. You're so so. You are So So. You are so so Okay. That's the list. How did you do? Feel free to repeat more practice. Better improve. Improve. Improve
46. Practice | HOW are YOU? Dialogue: Okay, let's do some quick review before we jump into the last tests. Okay, So this is what we've been studying for. The mini dialogue, right? How are you? I'm fine. Right. So to be able to answer and ask the questions. Okay. So let's do a little bit of practice in the first part. This is what you will see, right? So I'm gonna ask you to sign what you see, and I'll stand over here and wait. Right. I'll give you time to sign it. Okay. So I know we wouldn't in real life be both sides of the conversation, but here, we're going to just say everything. It's wonderful practice, and it guarantees that you can do both signs, right? You could do the question, but you can also do the answer. Okay. So when you see this one, All right, we have two parts. We have the question and we have the answer. But you're going to say, How are you? Right. How are you? You got the first part being and then I'm sick. I'm sick. Oh, right. So when I pause, you would go. Got it? Okay. Once we get to the second part I will sign. And then you're gonna understand. See if you understand what I'm signed. Okay? Signing. So I'm gonna say Okay, so I'll wait, and then I'll show you the answer, right? So how is he? How How is he? He's shy. Right? So remember the sign for he she and it It's all the same. So if you think that I'm signing, how is he? How is she? Your still, right? Right. Because the sign for he she and it is all the same are single motion, right? So once again, I had said right. So how how is he or she or it? Right? He sh Sorry. Right? He's shy. Okay, so once again. Okay. So don't worry, remember? Don't worry. If you think I said how is she? Because it's the same sign, right? How is she? How is he? It's the same. All right. Still, I think we should jump in and get to what we've been studying for. Let's do it
49. Conclusion & Thank You: Thank you for studying with me in this course. I had a wonderful time. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. See you later.