1. Course Introduction: Okay, So in this course, we're going to focus on common everyday sentences and vocabulary. First, we're going to see his sentence in English, never going to see how it would be signed in American sign language in SL. All right, then we're going to break apart the sentence and learn each vocabulary word, right? And of course, we'll put it back together and sign the whole sentence right after we signed the sentence. Why not learn some new vocabulary? Because with that new vocabulary, weaken, throw it into the sentence that we just learned and suddenly sign and talk about a new situation. Okay, that's right. And as we're going, of course I will be testing you. There will be a lot of tests. I need to know that you can sign what you see, right, So I'll put things up and you sign it will also be using a timer. And I also need to know that you're able to understand when I'm sign. Hey, we should have a lot of fun. Let's do it
2. Learn | ASL vs English: If you and I were talking in English, I might ask you, Do you have a car? If we were talking in American sign language, I would ask the same question like this. Have car. Okay, One thing you're going to notice right away when you start studying American sign language is that that's very efficient. The small words that M R. Is was were the A n. They throw it out. They don't need it because it's unnecessary to communicate what they're trying to communicate. Okay, so in English, do you have a car in American Sign? Language would be. Have a car. Soto, learn this sentence. We need to break it in two parts. We're gonna learn the signs for have car and also how to make it a question. I think we should get started. Let's do it
3. Learn | Sign for HAVE: here is the sign. Poor have. If you want to finger spell it, It's h Hey, be e Okay, once again, the sign. Okay. The hand shapes were going to use both hands on this sign. The hand shaped kind of like this. We have your hand put the fingers together and they bend forward. All right, so we're gonna start out here a little bit and then just go like this, All right? So from the side, I m other side. Yeah. All right. There's a small motion in there where you're going towards yourself. Yeah, right. So just up here, Not down here, Not whatever. This kind of upper chest half. All right, Let's sign this three times from the rest position. When I say the rest position, it's from here. This is the rest position. If you ever watch sign language interpreters when they're not signing their hands or usually hanging out the boat here because suddenly they can spring into action when they need to sign. OK, so let's sign. Have three times from the rest position signed with me. Here we go. Yeah. Have. Okay. So this was a sign for have this is the hand shaped, both hands. Start out here a little bit. Go into your chest. All right, have If you want to finger spell, it's H A B e. This was the sign for half.
4. Learn | Sign for CAR: here is the sign for car. If you want to finger spell it, it's C A are once again the sign is car. All right, We're just going to make two fists. Or we could also say the letter s all right, Stu in the alphabet s So we have our fists. Just pretend you're holding a steering wheel because we're signing car. So grab the steering wheel and just turn it a couple times. And that is a sign for car. Pretty straightforward. Right from the side, huh? From the other side car. All right, let's do this Sign three times from the rest position. Right. Sign with me. Here we go. Car, car, car. Okay. So, remember, just grab your steering wheel or make fists with the letter s right here in turn a couple of times. That's car. If you need to Finger spell, it's C A are right. This was a sign for a car
5. Practice | Complete Sentence: Okay, so we've learned the signs for have car, right? This is a big part of the sentence. Have car, right? Sign with me. Have are all right to finish this sentence. We need to make it. Ah. Question. All right. To indicate it's a question. This would be a yes or no question, because you could answer it. Yes, no. Or maybe right? You have a car, maybe or no? Yes, right. OK, to make it a question, this is a yes. No question. We're going to raise our eyebrows, lean forward just a little bit and have kind of ah, inquisitive look on our face, something like this. So when we end the sentence, our face and her body will look like this. Okay, so let's take a look. We signed have now car. And as we're signing, car raised the eyebrows. Lean forward, inquisitive. Look. Okay, let me do the whole thing, and then we'll slow it down a little bit. Here we go. Okay. So have car. All right. Did you see my eyebrows go up? I lean forward just a little bit if you just go have car and you don't lean forward Your eyebrows don't go up. You just like this. It's more of a statement, right? Because you're not indicating that it's a question. Um, right. So sign with me. Here we go. Let's sign. Have car. Okay. Once again in this sentence, because I'm talking to you. We've already established that you and I are communicating. I don't need to say you right. If it's Tom's car, Fred's car, her car, whatever, then we could add extra signs. But for this purpose right here to sign this sentence. In other words, do you have a car in American Sign? Language is just okay. One more thing when you're signing the word have you don't have to have the inquisitive look on your face. Make sure when you get to the end of the sentence with the word car, that's when you add in the magic right to signified, to show that it's a question once again. Okay, so let's do a little bit of practice. All right? The full sentence signed with me. Here we go. Have a car one more time. Okay. So this is how you say, Do you have a car in American sign language? Okay,
6. Explore | Extra Vocabulary: Okay, so we learned how to sign. Have car in American sign language. But what if we wanted to talk about other objects? Right, Because people usually have more than just a car. Okay, so let's learn some extra vocabulary. We're gonna learn the signs for a baby couch fork pet, and then we're gonna also put them each into the sentence, and we'll have more ways to have conversation. Okay, let's get started.
7. Learn | Sign for BABY: here is a sign for baby If you want the finger, spell it. It's B a be why, Okay. Once again, the sign is all right. We're going to use both hands on this sign in the hand. Shapes are basically like this. Your fingers were together. Comes at this side. Now take your non dominant hand. Now, what do we mean by non dominant hand? Well, I'm right handed. I use my hand right hand for signing for writing, for throwing for most things. Right? So my non dominant hand is my left hand. Okay. I have this hand shape. I'm gonna put it down here, right? Kind of a platform. A cradle. Now I'm gonna take my other hand, same hand shape and put it on top. Okay, so we have a baby in the cradle, right? And we're going to rock back and forth a couple of times. All right, baby, Right from the side, baby. Other side, baby. Okay, so once again, to hand shapes like this Non dominant hand underneath. Dominant hand on top and baby. All right, let's do this Sign three times from the rest position signed with me. Here we go, baby. baby, baby. Okay, so we learned the sign for baby But now we need to learn how to say, Have baby In other words, in English would be Do you have a baby? But in American sign language, they just sign have baby Because I'm talking to you It's obviously you and I having a conversation I might say to you. All right. Do you have a baby? Okay, so let's make the sentence. Have we learned this sign for Have have now we put in baby right to make it a question Remember, once you signed, baby raise your eyebrows lean forward a little bit and have kind of an inquisitive questioning Look, you want to know, baby? Uh huh. Have baby. Okay, so sign with me. Here we go. One more time. Okay? So we talked about the sign for a baby, All right. And shapes like this one down below non dominant hand dominant Hand on top and just rock back and forth like you're rocking a baby. You're holding a baby. I love it when the signs air so straightforward like this. Okay, so this was the sign for baby a baby
8. Learn | Sign for COUCH: here is a sign. Poor couch. Okay, if you want to finger spell it, it's C O U C H. All right. Once again, the sign is you're going to notice that this is a two part sign. Literally. It's sit and then couch, Right? So sit couch. But together, it's couch. Okay, so let's do the first part. Here is the first part. It literally means sit. Great. You just learned an extra sign. The verb for sit. Okay. To make the first part, we're going to use the letters you like T U V in the alphabet. You. How do you make you? Well, just keep these index finger and the middle finger and go like this. Put them together. If you go like that, that's a V. We don't want to be. We want you. Okay. So with your non dominant hand for me, my non dominant hand is Lefty. I'll put it right here, and I'll leave the fingers straight. Okay, Now I'll take the other you and I'm going to curve over the top. Kind of like the legs are sitting over on the chair. All right, Sit. All right. Sit from the side. Sick other side sit. Okay, so that is Sit. That's the first part of Couch. Right? So we have sit, and now we're going to make sees. Like the letters c with both hand both hands, and we're going to put them together and then slide out. Kind of like it's a bench. I suppose you could say it's a sit bench. It's a couch, Right? Because couches air longer. We're just showing that it's longer. Okay, So that part and we have sit out. All right, so from the side altogether other side. Okay. You don't need to pause between the sign. Just go. It should be fluid, because then it's obvious that the Sinus together, it's couch. All right, let's sign it three times from the rest position. Here we go. Ouch! Out, Coach. Okay, so we learned the sign for Coach. Now that stick it into our question. All right, So have coach. Remember, the sign for have is have now couch. Okay, so the two separate signs will be have couch. But now we need to make it a question. So when you're signing couch, raise your eyebrows. Lean forward. Inquisitive. Questioning. Look. All right. Couch with the questioning. Look. Okay, so the full thing, the full sentence would be. All right. Have couch. Okay, so sign with me. Here we go. When you're signing, have you can raise your eyebrows if you want to, or you could just sign, have and then do all of the facial stuff when you get to couch. All right. All right. Do you have a couch in American Sign language? Okay, Good. Good. So we talked about the sign for coach. All right. First part with the use year legs over the top. Sit. Sit right. And then the bench. All right, so the full sign for Coach Okay, If you want to finger spell it, it's C Oh, you C eight. This was the sign for coach and the question. Have couch.
9. Learn | Sign for FORK: here is a sign for fork. Okay, if you need to finger spell it. It's f, um, are Hey. Okay. Once again, the sign is all right. We're going to use both hands with the non dominant hand. We're just gonna form a platform. So the hand shapes like this fingers together, film at the side and make a platform or a plate with the dominant hand for me. I'm right handed. We're going to use the letter V. Ok, so u v w in the alphabet v make a V. It's just a peace sign, man. Peace. Right. So be Take that V and your plant for and stick it into your platform twice. That is fork from the side. Other side fork. Hey, you don't have to, like, jam it in there. Go crazy. Just a couple couple taps is fun. Okay, Fork signed with me three times. Here we go. Work fork work. Okay, so we learned the sign for fork. Now let's stick it into our question. All right? Have pork. All right. So remember, what do we do at the end? To make it a question? What do we do? Raise the eyebrows. Lean forward a little bit. Have a questioning look right. I really want to know if you have a pork. So in English, it's Do you have a fork in American sign language? It's have fork. Okay, so signed with me. Here we go. Let's sign this a few times. All right? Once again. All right. Do you have a fork? I'm hungry. Okay, so we talked about the sign for fork. Make your platform McCovey. Poke it twice. Right. That is fork. If you want to finger spell the word, it's f Oh, are a just a quick tip. Finger spelling is like insurance, right? So when you learn the A B. C's, you know the letters and you forget this signing like, ah, man, I'm stuck. Ah ha. Just finger spell. All right. F O R K. Okay. And we also learn the question, All right. Do you have a fork? Have fork. Okay.
10. Learn | Sign for PET: here is a sign for pet. If you need the finger, spell it. It's p Hey, t. Hey, Once again, the sign is pet. We're going to use both hands with your non dominant hand. So I'm righty. So my non dominant hand is left. We're going to make the letter A like ABC in American Sign language. Alphabet a. Now take the A turn it down and show the back part of the hand. Okay, so we have that take your other hand, put your hand shaped like this. Put the fingers together. Now use the tips and pet your hand twice. All right, pet. Now we could say rub slide, move across. But since we're talking about pet, we'll just say pet like your pet in your hand. Okay? From the side. Other side it. Okay, let's do it three times from the rest position. Here we go. Hit it. But all right, so we learn this sign. Let's talk about the question. OK, So how would you sign? Have pet in English. Do you have a pet in American sign language? Have pet. We're having a conversation. It's obvious I'm talking to you. So have pet and make it a question. How would you do it? Okay, so this sign have and then pet. And when you're saying when you're signing pet, raise your eyebrows, lean forward a little bit and have a questioning look right, The full question. Here we go. All right. Do you have a pet? All right. Sign with me. Here we go. And they could answer, right? They could say yes. Our Yes. No. Maybe. Right. You have a pet. Have pest. Yes. No. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow. Uh Okay. So we talked about the sign for pet. Make the letter a Turn it forward now. Pet the back of your hand twice. Pet, if you want to finger spell the word, it's p okay, t All right. We also talked about the question. Have pet as in Do you have a pet? Okay.
11. Learn | ASL vs English: Okay, So in English, we might say, I feel lonely, right? Got the guy down there running the moon. He's feeling lonely in American Sign language. Uh, it's the same. I feel lonely. This is one of the times when it from English to American sign language straight across so we would sign. I feel lonely. Okay. So to learn how to sign this sentence, we need to learn. I I feel lonely. And then we need to make sure it's a statement. Okay, so let's learn how to sign. I feel lonely in American sign language.
12. Learn | Sign for I: here is the sign for I. If you want to finger spell it, it's probably unnecessary. But if you really want to do it, it's just a letter I write in the alphabet. I once again the sign for I is Hi, we're going to use our index finger and you're going to find that the index fingers very commonly used in American sign language because we're going to reference and point to a lot of things. If they tell you that point in his rude, you're going tohave challenges learning American sign language because it's not rude in American sign language. The point. Because that's how you communicate. Okay, so use your index finger and just point it yourself. I I am actually touching my chest. I just lightly don't have her drill it in there. But I other side I This also works for me so it could be me. It could be I, depending on the context. All right. In our context are sentence. We're going to use it as I so I Let's do it three times from the rest position. Here we go. I I I Okay, So this was the sign for I really feel that burning urge to finger spell it. You could just go I But it's much easier just to go. I okay.
13. Learn | Sign for FEEL: Here is the sign for feel If you want to finger spell, it's f e l right. We have to ease in their double letter. So the 1st 1 e regular 2nd 1 off to the side e so f e l Okay, once again, this sign here is the hand shaped one hand only Fingers open. Now take the middle finger and lower it down because we're going to use the tip of the middle finger to slide up on the side of our chest. All right, Feel from the side. Feel other side feel. Okay, so I'm writing. I'll use my right hand. Feel if your left hand if you're lefty, just do the opposite. Middle middle finger down. Use the tip. Feel okay? Feel Let's do it three times from the rest position. Here we go. Feel feel, and it's just a light touch. Feel all right? Even if you don't touch, but you get close enough. Feel right. Feel as long as you're not doing it out here. Feel kind of what the heck you do it So feel this was the sign for feel open hand. Middle finger down. Used the tip of your middle finger and just slide up on your chest a little bit. Feel Hey, if you want to figure spell the word fingers spell, it's f e o. All right. This was the sign for feel.
14. Learn | Sign for LONELY: here is the sign for lonely. If you want to finger spell the word, it's l a in e No. Why? Once again, the sign is they were going to use one hand dominant hand index finger so common in American sign language. Okay, we're going to use this side of the finger we're gonna put it to Are the front part of our chin all right? And we're going to rub twice. I had to make many circles two times. All right. Lonely from the side, lonely other side bone. Lee. All right. When I sign it, I actually touched my chin and rubbing it twice, just lightly. Only as long as you get close enough, you probably wouldn't have to touch your face. If you're, like, way out here going like this, it's confusing. What if you get close enough, right? Even if you don't touch, it will still be understood. Lonely. Okay, let's sign this sign three times from the rest position. Here we go. Lonely, only lonely. Okay, so this was the sign for Lonely Index finger. Use this part. The back part, I guess aside part of your finger and rub on your chin twice And it's backwards, right? Lonely. Only don't need to go lonely. This goes small, lonely. Okay, if you want to finger spell. It's l o N e l Why? This was the sign for lonely.
15. Practice | Complete Sentence: Okay, so we've learned the signs. Now it's time to string them together and make us sentence. Here we go. I feel lonely. Okay? We need to make sure it's a statement. A positive affirmation, right? So it's going to end with a period, and we just sign right? We don't need to add Eyebrow is leaning forward. All that stuff just I feel lonely. Just signed the words, Put them together and that's a positive statement, but good, good. Okay, wonderful thing. Interesting thing about American sign language is that if you watch them, just observe how they talk. Even if you're not quite understanding what they're seeing. Just watch. They're alive. The languages so alive and full of facial expressions, emotions because they're basically painting a picture they're talking. They're communicating such a visual way that to not use your face actually subtracts from the communication. For example, if I sign this sentence like a robot, all right, I communicated the meaning. I feel lonely, but there's so much more meaning that could be communicated. So I feel just a little bit lonely or my legs so lonely that it's like ah, right, right. There's so many nuances and differences, expressions and level of intensity. It's just wonderful. It's exciting. You can adapt exactly toe how you feel in this situation, right? Okay, so let's do some practice signing. I feel lonely. I I feel lonely. OK, so sign with me. Here we go. You really Why? You can nod your head a little bit at the end of the sentence. You're just kind of affirming that. Yes, it's true. I have a face like this. It's just sharing information. Okay, Once again, I feel lonely. Okay, Good. Good. We just signed the sentence. I feel lonely. Wonderful.
16. Explore | Extra Vocab: Okay, so we already learned how to sign the sentence. I feel lonely, right? But what if we learn some extra vocabulary? Because I feel plus an adjective there. There's so many different possibilities. Okay, so we're going to learn, all right. Annoyed, lousy and nervous. And then we're gonna stick them all in a sentence and learn each individual sentence. Okay, let's jump in.
17. Learn | Sign for ALRIGHT: here is a sign for all right. If you want to finger spell the word finger spell, it's a l r I g h t once he and the sign is all right, okay. And shapes are the same. Right fingers together comes at the side, Take your non dominant hand. So I'm righty. Non dominant hand for me is Lefty. Make a platform. Okay. With the other dominant hand. My right hand for me. What? It on top? Kind like you're in a cut. So we're here now, jerk up twice with your dominant hand. And it's not a slow kind of up like that. It's a quick kind of jerky movement. All right, from the side from the other side. Okay, let's do this sign three times from the rest position. Sorry. In with me. Here we go. All right, All right. All right. Okay, so we learn the sign. All right, let's stick it into our sentence. Right. So how would you sign the statement? I feel all right. What do you think? Mm. Okay, well, we can see I I feel all right and just stick. Put them together like a puzzle piece. All right, so I feel all right. Hey, once again, sign with me from the side. I feel all right. Great. Wonderful. I feel all right. Okay. So we talked about the sign for all right. And shapes like this one's a platform, the other one on top and jerk up twice. All right. We also talked about the sentence. I feel all right. Sounds good.
18. Learn | Sign for ANNOYED: Here is a sign for annoyed If you want to finger spell, it's a n n o why e d we have to end so we need to put the 1st 1 regular 2nd 1 op to the sign once again a n n o Why e b Hey, the sign once again is annoyed. I'm going to take this hand shaped fingers apart Bend the middle finger down, take the tip of the middle finger and put it on the side of your forehead. Appear now twist your hand forward. The placement is not gonna change. Just twist. Here we go. Annoyed, annoyed from the sign. Annoyed other side annoyed Hey, let's do this sign three times from the rest position. Here we go. Annoyed, annoyed, annoyed. You might notice that I'm adding an unpleasant facial expression because if you're annoyed , you're not like hot, right? So annoying. Ok, let's do this sentence. I would you sign. I feel annoyed. You know the signs Put them together like a puzzle. What do you think? Okay, well, we have I we have feel and then we have annoyed so a little bit more flowing fluid. I feel annoyed, but in a facial expression to show the intensity level if you're just slightly inconvenienced, if it's really not quite pissed off. But it's really just getting your there. You're annoyed. Are okay? Once you get signed with me, I feel annoyed. All right. So we talked about the sign. Annoyed and shaped like this middle finger down side of the head. Twist forward. Annoyed. We also talked about the sentence. I feel annoyed, okay?
19. Learn | Sign for LOUSY: here is a sign for lousy. If you want to finger spell the word, it's L O U S. Why? Once again, the sign the hand shape is basically just the number three. OK, so we have index finger, the middle finger and the thumb, the other to tuck down, take the tip of the thumb and put it on the tip of your nose. All right, Now let it fall down Lousy from the side. Other side. Hey, let's do it three times from the rest position. Lousy. Lousy. Okay. Adding a facial expression to show the intensity. Okay, so this is the sign. Lousy. Let's make a sentence. Right. How would you sign? I feel lousy. How did a facial expression to show the intensity level? What do you think? Okay. We can see. I feel Rosie. All right. Depending on how bad the situation is, it was just a little bit, You know, you're kind of tired out of it. You could be like, if you're like, it's just terrible. You can't even move right. Let's your body express the intensity level and just is wonderful for visual visual ization and communication. Thanks. So sign with me Let's practice. Okay, so we talked about this sign. Just use the number three. Pick the tip of the thumb, put on the tip of your nose and let it fall down. Lousy. You want to finger spell? It's L O U s. Why, all right, We also talked about the sentence. The complete sentence. I feel lousy, okay?
20. Learn | Sign for NERVOUS: Here is the sign for nervous If you want to finger spell, It's n e r v o U s once again, the sign right. Two hands This time the hand shapes air Just open fingers and just relaxed. Right. Put them down here. But maybe chest height and tremble because you're nervous. You're shaking at a facial expression to make it complete from the side. Other side. Okay, let's do this Sign three times from the rest position signed with me. Here we go. Nervous. Nervous, Nervous. Okay. We did this sign. Now is to a sentence. I would you sign? I feel nervous. I had a facial expression. All right, so we can go. I feel nervous. Uh, now, depending on the level of intensity, right? Same thing for really nervous. Even prize from nervous. Nervous. Okay. We talked about the sign. Nervous and just relaxed. Fingers apart. Put him down here and tremble. Take uneasy because you're nervous if you want to finger spell. It's n e r v o u s all right. We also talked about a complete sentence. I feel nervous. Okay,
21. Practice | Test Format: Okay, let's do some practice before the test. What a test. That's right. In the next two parts were going to do review off what we've been learning. Earning. Right. So in this lesson, I'm just going to give you a sneak peek into the format. The first part. We're going to use a timer. The tire will be for four seconds. All right, so it looks something like this. Mm. Okay, so we're just going to be signing vocabulary words. Single words. So I will show you something, and you sign it. Okay, so let's do an example. Okay, So you're not caught off guard when we jump into the test. All right, here we go. I'll show you something. You sign it. Here we go. Okay. So did you sign, baby? So that's how it works. I'll show you something and you sign before me. You signed before I can. All right. So when you saw this picture, you should be like, huh, baby? Right. So race the timer, the timer and me. All right. So I'm gonna reset the timer. That will be for the first review. The first reviews section. After that, we're going to move forward and there won't be a timer. All right. You're just gonna have me. I'm so I'm going to sign something. I won't show you anything. You're going to look at me and try to understand. What am I signing? So let's do it right now. I will pause. I will sign something, you figure out. What am I signing? Here we go, and I'll do it twice. Okay. So what did I sign? Well, I signed lousy. Okay, so that would be the second part of the review. First part is with the timer you signed before I do. And the second part will be I'm signing. You figure out what I'm doing. I will be wearing my glasses. I will not be saying anything. I will be quiet, so I will just sign. We'll communicate and we'll do the test. Are you ready? Let's do it.
24. Practice | Test Format: Okay, let's do some practice before the test. All right. Two parts for review. In the first part, I'm gonna show you something, and you race the timer. You sign before the timers up. You'll have six seconds in this section. It will be full sentences, complete sentences. Right. So let's do it. I'll show you something. I'll start the timer and you sign before the timers up. Okay? Here we go. All right. So you should have signed something. Like have couch and making sure it's a question. Right. Okay, that will be the first part of the review. In the second part, there won't be any timer, but you'll have me. I'll be wearing my glasses. Uh, I'll be wearing my glasses. So let's do a little practice. I'll be signing something. You take a look, huh? What's he doing? You figure out. Try to understand what I'm signing. It's on Lee things that we've already learned a complete sentence. Okay, so here we go. This is what I'll sign, and I'll do it twice. Okay. So what did I sign? Am I signed? I feel all right. Okay. So I've already got my glasses on. Let's jump in. Next time you see me, I'll have my glasses. But I won't be seeing anything. Here we go.
27. Learn | ASL vs English: in English, we would say, Where's the bathroom? But in sign language, if you're talking with someone and suddenly you got the urge, you got to go. We would see bathroom. Where? Okay, to learn this question. We need to know how to save bathroom, how to sign where and how to make it a question, Right? All right, let's do it.
28. Learn | Sign for BATHROOM: Here is the sign for bathroom. If you want to finger spell the word, it's B A t h r 00 m right to Oh, So the first ones regular the 2nd 1 off to the sign. OK, once again, the sign is bathroom. Probably already noticed. This is the tea sign. The alphabet letter. T S t You were going to use the tea with your dominant hand. I'm righty. So I'm gonna use my right hand. Just shake it back and forth, All right? From the side bathroom. Other side bathroom. Right. Let's do this Sign three times from the rest position. Here we go. Bathroom, bathroom, bathroom. Right. If you want to add an extra you like Oh, bathroom. Bathroom. That's fine, too. Okay, So to make the tea is put your thumb in between index finger and the middle finger, right, Then curb your fingers down and that's a T. Right. Take it. Rattle it. Moving back and forth. That is bathroom also works for a toilet. All right. Yeah. So, bathroom, if you want to finger spell, it's B a T h r 00 m. Okay. This was the sign for bathroom
29. Learn | Sign for WHERE: Here is the sign for where If you want to finger spell the word, it's W h e r e. Once again, the sign is where you probably see we're using the index finger so common in air Cell. Okay, how do you make the index finger? You just go like this. Like you're gonna point. It's someone. All right, stick it up straight now, moving back and forth a couple of times, that's where. All right, Where from the side. Other side. Okay, so this is usually used as a question. In the next lesson, we will get into what we need to do with our face to make it a question. Okay, Once again, this is a sign for where? Just take your index finger, shake it back and forth. Where if you want to finger spell W h E r e once again, this was the sign for where
30. Practice | Complete Sentence: Okay, so we know the signs for bathroom and where, right? So sign sign with me. Here we go. Bathroom. Where? Right? Conveniently. Both Right here. Right. Bathroom Where? But what we also need to do is we need to make it a question that we're going to focus on the question mark. Okay, So there's a couple of things were going to do with our face in our head to indicate that this is a question. All right. First I'm gonna sign it and you see, what am I doing that's different from just going like this, right? That's just signing the signs. But what happens when I do a question? All right, you figure it out. Here we go. Did you see it? Well, first I just did bathroom regular. But once I got to the question where my eyebrows kind of went like this, you furrow your eyebrows. Kind of like you're frowning a little bit, and I kind of route, maybe raise your chin a little bit. Right? So, bathroom. Where? Because you're indicating the faces kind of natural that you're interested in something you want to know? Uh, what is it? Where? Right, So bathroom where? Okay, all right, so let's do some practice. Alright? Sign with me. We're going to sign the full question. Put in the facial expression. Remember, Eyebrows furrowed. This is what we would call a W one of the w word questions. It's not a yes. No question. We need information when we ask this question. So I rose down, Maybe raised up a little bit. Your face ending would kind of be like this. We're okay. So sign with me. Here we go. All right, One more time. Bathroom. Where? If you want to start for when your eyebrows when you sign bathroom, that's okay. Or you could just sign back in regular bathroom, where the important thing is, once you get to wear at the end of the sentence, you need to furrow the eyebrows and kind of Okay, so, bathroom Where where is the bathroom? In English Bathroom. Where in s Oh, great.
31. Explore | Extra Vocabulary: All right. So we learned how to say, Where's the bathroom? In SL, you know, bathroom Where? But wouldn't it be great if we were able to ask, Where are other things where other things located? Which means we need to learn some vocabulary, But we're gonna learn the signs for church, hotel, hospital, school, and then we're also gonna put them in the sentences, right? So we can ask where different things are great. Let's do it.
32. Learn | Sign for CHURCH: here is a sign for church. If you want to finger spell it, It's C H U R C eight Once again the sign. Okay, both hands on this one. Your non dominant hand. So I'm righty. My non dominant hand is my left hand. Make a fist like the letter s. All right. Now put it down here. And this is gonna be our plant corn. Okay? With your dominant hand, I'm righty. I'm going to make the letter C like C for church. Okay, then tap twice on top of the back of your hand of your other hand, Right? Church from the side, church, other side church. Okay, let's do it three times from the rest position. Here we go. Church, Church, church. Right when you're signing it, no need to leap up and have the sea flying around. Just two little bounces right here. Church. Okay, so we learned the sign, Church. Now let's put it into our sentence. Our question, because we're looking for it. We want to know where it is. Okay, So what do you think? Go ahead. You sign it. How would we say church? Where? So in English? Where's the church? in SL church. Where? What do you think? Well, we just signed church church, and then we go where? All right, So remember when you say where furrow your eyebrows, maybe lift your chin up a little bit inquisitive. Look where? All right, once again. Church. Where? All right. Sorry. And with me. Here we go. Okay. One more time. Church. Where? Where the heck is the church? Okay, so we learn from the sign for church, your non dominant hand, but a fish down there. We want to touch the back. We need a platform. Other hand, make a c ap on top twice. Church, if you want to finger spell the word C h U R c h. All right. We also talked about the question. You're looking for the church. So you would say, Church, where are you Would sign church Where? Okay,
33. Learn | Sign for HOTEL: here is a sign for hotel. If you want the finger spell, it's H o T e L. Okay, the sign once again. All right, both hands on this one. I'm righty. So with my left hand, I'm gonna eat Make this and she just the index fingers sticking up straight up because it's our flagpole. Now we need the flag. Now we're gonna make the letter h dis layer thumb. Hang on top, stick out on top. Now, put it on top of your flagpole and flick twice but twice towards yourself. Right from the side leg. Pull. Leg on top. All right. Hotel other side. Right from the front. Once again. Hotel. Okay, let's do it three times from the rest position. Here we go. Hotel, hotel, hotel. I have seen this sign where people put the thumb in. I've also seen where people put the thumb out right in this course to be consistent, we're gonna leave the thumb hanging out, so it's just gonna look like this hotel. All right? You don't have to move a lot with these fingers just to quickflicks in your direction. Hotel. Okay, so we learned the sign for hotel. Let's do the question. All right. How would you ask this question? We want to know. Where is the hotel? What do you think? Well, first we just signed hotel. That's where the place the location we're looking for. Right? Then we do where? And remember to furrow the eyebrows. Where? Uh, hotel? Where? Hotel. Where? Right, If you want to start furrowing your eyebrows when you sign hotel and just hold it and then keep going with the wear, that's fine. You can also just sign Hotel is a regular sign without the facial stuff, and then go where? The important part at the end of the sentence we need to communicate. It's a question. Where Where Right eyebrows. If you want, you can lift up your chin a little bit, so let's do it together. Sign with me the pull question. Let's do it a couple of times. Okay, so we talked about the sign for hotel right hotel with your non dominant hand. Just put that finger up there. The flagpole Put your flag on top. Leave your head. I'm hanging out on top. Flick back twice, right? Hotel. If you want to figure spell the word, it's h o T e l We also talked about asking in English will be Where is the hotel? Where is the hotel in Sign language hotel. Where? Right, okay.
34. Learn | Sign for HOSPITAL: here is a sign for hospital. If you want the finger, spell it. It's H O S P I T A. No. Okay. The sign once again is okay. We're going to be used in the letter h, like in the alphabet. G h. I write eight. So how do we make the H? Well, take your hand. Close it up. Put these two fingers down, put your thumb in and leave these two fingers together tight together. Okay? That's basically the You were gonna turn it, so it becomes the H. Okay, So the back part of your hands facing forward now we're going to use the tips of these two fingers. All right? And we're going to trace if you could see it. It's across, right? Just think about the Red Cross or the International cross symbol for hospitals, right? Or the plus sign. I guess it's more of a plus sign. Here we go. Right. So Okay, so I'm writing, So I will go out. I start outside. I come in for the horizontal line. Then I do the vertical line top down. All right. So Okay. Once again, from the side on the other side. You want not be able to see. All right, let's still from the front once again. Okay, Let's do it three times from the rest position. Here we go. Hospital. Okay. If you're Lefty, this used the h and do it the opposite way. Right. This mirror. Here we go. Right. So horizontal vertical. Okay, so we talked about the sign for hospital. Let's use it in a question, because we're looking for it. Ah. Where is the hospital? Where is the hospital? So in American Sign Language Hospital. Where? How would you sign it? All right. First, just make the sign. The hospital, the location, looking for hospital. Then we need a question Where? Uh, right through the eyebrows. Maybe lift her chin. Look like this. Where, uh, hospital where? Okay. Sign with me. Here we go. Let's do it a couple times. Hospital. Where? Hospital. Where? Okay, good. Good. So we talked about the sign for hospital, right? We're going to use the letter h. You said tips and trace a plus. Or maybe across We could say it. Start horizontal and then do vertical hospital. Right hospital. Okay. We also talked about the question You need to know where it is. Hospital. Where? Hospital. Where? Okay. Sounds good.
35. Learn | Sign for SCHOOL: Here is the sign for school. If you want to finger spell the word, it's s C H 00 l 20 So the 1st 1 is regular. The 2nd 1 is off to the side S C h o L. Okay. The sign once again, is okay. Both hands on this sign and the hand shapes are the same. All right, Like this. Okay, put your fingers here. No one is gonna be a platform. The other one's going to face down. So one faces up, one paces down and just clap twice. All right, School. All right, School. If your fingers aren't super tight together, they're a little bit loose. All right. School, school from the side. Other sign. Now, your hands might make a clapping sound, or he could be quieter. That's fine. Nor is either way, school. All right, let's sign this three times from the rest position. Here we go. Cool school. School. Okay, so we learn the sign for school, and let's learn a question. We need to go to the school. We need to drop our kid are whatever. Where's the school school? Where? How would you sign it? Um All right, So we first signed school. No question. Where? School Where? Where is the school? Okay, question. Remember where Perot? The eyebrows Maybe lift your chin a little. Where? Okay, once again. All right. We talked about the sign for school and shapes like this. One below one on top end. Tapped twice. You'd say, Clap, too. We're not going like this. It's got to be vertical. Right? One's up. One's face down school. We also talked about the question school. Where? Where's the school? In English and SL school. Where? Okay, sounds pretty good.
36. Learn | ASL vs English: in English. We would say we met your friend yesterday in the American sign language. We're going to change it around a bit. All right is going to be yesterday. We meet your friend, huh? Okay. So to be able to sign this sentence Nice. Bigger sentence. We need to learn. The following yesterday, we meet your friend. Okay, so we're gonna learn the signs for all of these words. Put them together. Make a nice sentence. All right, let's jump in.
37. Learn | Sign for YESTERDAY: Here is the sign for yesterday. If you want to finger, spell it finger spill. Well, nice long word. If you know the A B C's finger spell with me. If you don't know the ABC is finger spell with me. Here we go. Why? E yes t e are de a why I'm once again. The sign is yesterday. Okay, We're going to be using the letter A Okay, so the thumb is sticking out here ap. How would be making a well put your hand like this. Close it up and just leave your thumb sticking out the side. Now we're going to use the tip of the thumb and touch twice on our face in different locations. First here, close to the two innards side of the chin. And now back here, closer to our ear lobe. Right yesterday. All right. It's not from the back to the front is from the front to the back paint yesterday. All right. From the side yesterday. Other side yesterday, right from the front. Once again. Yesterday. Hey, let's sign it three times from the rest position Signed with me. Here we go. Yesterday, Yesterday, yesterday. Uh huh. Okay, we just learned the sign. Poor yesterday. We're going to use the letter A like ABC in the alphabet. A is the tip of the thumb tap once. Here. Tap once up here. Front to back. All right, yesterday. If you want to finger spill it, Bring her spell. Here we go. Let's do it. Nice long word. Why, Yeah. Yes, T e are they? Hey, why? Okay, This was the sign poor yesterday.
38. Learn | Sign for WE: here is the sign for we If you wanted figure spill, it's easier just to sign. But if you really want to finger spell, it's w e. Okay, once again, the sign is we We're going to use the index finger so common in SL and I keep noting that Alright, we're going to use the tip tap twice on our chest. All right. One too. So I'm right handed, so I'll start on this side and then I go over here. If I was lefty, same index finger, but I would start here closer to my left hand. We right? It also works for us. We right, so at least two people. So if I'm with that group over there or if they're signing to us and they want to represent themselves as a group, they would say we, uh we from the sign we from the other side. We all right? Let's do it three times from the rest position. Here we go. We we we all right or us, right? Depending on the context in this situation. All right. We just learned the sign for we index finger this point that yourself tapped twice. We all right, we want a finger spill. I would urge you just to sign it. But if you forget, it's OK. Just finger spell. W e All right. This was the sign for we
39. Learn | Sign for MEET: here is a sign for meat. If you want to finger spell, it's m e heap to ease. So the first ones regular 2nd 1 talk to the site M E T. Okay, the sign once again, is meet All right index fingers, right. How do we make the hand shape like this? Put the these three fingers down. Come to the sign, Leave the index fingers pointing up straight. Okay, Now we're gonna bring them together. And this part is where they touch the tips. Do not touch. Just like this. Meat meet paying from the side. Meet from the other side. Meet okay from the front. Once again, meet. Let's do this Sign three times from the rest position. Here we go. Meet, meet, meet. Okay. Interesting thing about this sign is that in a situation it's usually clear who's meeting who are rooms meeting whom are Harvey? Say that right. So we have a direction here, right? If if I'm meeting you, then I would have my dominant hand. My right hand moving towards you. My less dominant hand. If you're Lefty, you would have your dominant hand your left and moving towards whoever you're meeting. All right. So here you go to them. If the person is meeting you, they come to you. All right. So they would come to you if I'm meeting you, bow to you. You come to meet me, you would meet me. Alright. Just the generic signed by itself is like this meat. But in this specific situation will have more information. Who is meeting who Boom is meeting home already. Say that. Right. So meet or maybe meet the generic Signed by itself is meat Okay? So once again meet. It's like this Index fingers have the hands come together and they touch right here. These two tips do not touch meat. If you want a finger, spell the word. It's M e t. Okay. This was a sign for meat.
40. Learn | Sign for YOUR: here is a sign for your if you want to finger spell the word, it's why Oh, you are once again your the hand shape is like this. Close up your fingers tight like that in a single motion in your direction. So you and I are having a conversation. So it's your Don't push it up to the sign. If you go after the side, it could be his her. It's so if I'm talking with you and I want to say your one motion towards you Your your Okay. So this was a sign for your just a flat hand like this. Push it towards the person. You're okay.
41. Learn | Sign for FRIEND: here is a sign for friend. If you want to finger spell, it's f r i E N b a The sign once again is friend. All right, we're going to use the index fingers. You don't have to have them straight. Just kind of Let them hang a little bit curved, right? Your non dominant hand. So I'm righty. So my left hand I'll put down here, right? It's facing up the other one. I'm gonna have it facing down. We're going to go one now flip to All right. So, friend fingers, that's all we're using. And we're hooking them together. All right? From the side, friend. Other side friend. Right. So that whole one to motion 12 means, friend. All right, let's do it three times from the rest position signed with me. Here we go. Friend. Friend, friend. All right, so your fingers might start kind of like this once you get there. It's common to kind of tighten them up a little bit. Right, friend? No worries. Okay, so this was a sign for friend Index fingers One up, one down, and then switch. Friend. If you want to finger spell the word, it's f r. I E n d. Hey, this was the sign. Poor friend.
42. Practice | Complete Sentence: Okay, so we know all the signs. Let's sign this sentence. Okay, step by step. It's system puzzle. Put this signs together so we can make a sentence. Okay, here we go. Yesterday, we meet. You're friend. Just like that complete sentence. And this is our longest sentence so far. Wonderful. All right, let's do it again. Here we go. Yesterday, we meet. You're friend. Okay. And let's see, make it a sentence. This is kind of nice. You just sign it to make it a statement. A positive statement. Just sign it. Right. There's no need for, like, uh, question stuff. I throw it out. It's just a statement. Okay, so let's do some practice. Here we go. Just signed with me yesterday. We meet. You're friend. Okay. Perhaps you notice when I'm signing the word meat. All right, So this is the generic sign. I'm signing it like this because we as in me, and I don't know my buddies or my friends or whatever. We're going to meet your friend. So we're the ones going to that person. All right, So we meet your friend. All right? If you just want to sign the generic sign, you'll still be understood because we have a nice context. Here we have we We have your friend. So when we do meet, even if you sign it like this, OK, it's understand? It's understood. Were meeting. You know that person. Okay, so here we go. Let's sign it again. Signed with me. Practice. Practice, practice. Okay, here we go. Yesterday we meet. You're friend. Mm. Hey, again. Here we go. Okay. Isn't it exciting when we can take the individual signs which are important by themselves, but a little bit useless when you want to communicate? We put those individuals science together and we get a nice long sentence. Here we go. Let's do it again. Okay, wonderful.
43. Explore | Extra Vocabulary: Okay, so we have this nice, long, beautiful sentence. Yesterday we meet your friend. All right, So what did it be Nice If we met or we knew how to sign that. We met someone else. Let's learn some extra vocabulary. We're going to learn the signs for boss, Dr Neighbor and priest. Okay, Then we'll put each one in the sentence and we'll sign. Let's do it.
44. Learn | Sign for BOSS: here is a sign for Boss. If you want the finger, spell it. It's B O s s right to s is double s. So 1st 1 regular 2nd 1 off to the sign. All right, B o s s once again. The sign is boss. Okay, I'm right handed, so I'm gonna go towards my right shoulder. If you're lefty, go towards your left shoulder. The hand shape is like a claw, A crab, whatever you want to say. And you're gonna tap on your shoulder twice, Boris. Right. If you're lefty boss, if you're righty. Loss we're getting from the side. Boss. Other side, boss. Okay, let's do this Sign three times from the rest position. Here we go for us. Boss bars. Okay, so we learned this sign for boss. Let's put it into our beautiful sentence yesterday. We meet your boss in English, Would be yesterday. We met your bars or we met your boss yesterday. American sign language. Yesterday we meet your boss. Okay, Here we go. Step by step. Yesterday we meet your bus. I'm just like that. Wonderful. And we can switch bars with anyone that we want. Right? Okay. So let's do this sentence again. Sign with me. Here we go. Yesterday, we meet your boss. I'm once again for the sign. Meat. I'm going towards the other hand because we idea here is that we went to meet him or her. Whoever the bosses. Right. So let's do it again. Yesterday we meet your bus. Uh huh. Okay. Why not one more time? Here we go. Yes. Today way. Meet your bus. Okay. I'm loving the full sentences. All right, so we talked about the sign for boss. Kind of this little crab claw. Hand tap on your shoulder twice, Boss, if you're lefty boss. All right. We also talked about the sign. The complete sentence yesterday we meet your bus. Okay. Wonderful.
45. Learn | Sign for DOCTOR: Here is a sign for Dr If you want the finger spell. It's D o c b O r. All right, once again, the sign is doctor going to use both hands. I'm right handed. So with my left hand, my non dominant hand, I'm gonna make a platform. All right? This is the hand shape. There's our platform with my right hand. My dominant hand. I'm gonna make a shape like this film in at the side. Kind of like a shelf. Now I'm gonna tap twice on my wrist or the base of my hand. We could say the base of the palm Doctor. Okay, Doctor from the side. Dr. Other side. Dr. Hey, let's do it three times from the rest position. Here we go. Dr Dr Dr. Alright. Kind of think. You know, they're checking your pulse or something, so, you know, it's not too far off, Doctor. Sometimes in some places, people will use a D, and they will make the same tapping thing, but they just do it in the hand shape of a D letter D Dr. Okay, So I would urge you to sign it. How your local deaf community signs it All right. So I sign it like this, doctor, in this course, we're gonna sign doctor to be consistent. But once again, you may see with the D. Dr. Okay. All right. So we learned the sign for Dr Let's put it into our sentence. Okay, step by step. Here we go. Yesterday, we meet. You're Dr Great. All right, again. Here we go. Yesterday, we meet. You're Dr. All right, One more time. Sign with me. Okay, Good. Wonderful. We talked about the sign for Dr. Alright. Non dominant hand. Make a platform. Dominant hand shaped like this and tap twice on your wrist or your bottom of your poem, Doctor. All right. We also talked about the full complete sentence yesterday. We meet your doctor or in English. We met your doctor yesterday. Something like that. Here we go. Okay. Wonderful.
46. Learn | Sign for NEIGHBOR: here is a sign for neighbor. If you want to finger spell the word, it's n e i g h b o r. Once again, the sign is neighbor. All right, We're going to use two hands. All right, So our hands like this kind of curve them in a little bit, so they're not rigid Straight. Just curved a little bit now with your non dominant hand. So I'm righty. I'll start with my left hand. I'm gonna put it over here right about here. Not touching my body, but a little bit in the front, Off to the side. Okay. With this one, I'm gonna start next to it. You can lightly touch that spine, and then I'm gonna go out. All right. Same hand shape. 1st 1 here, next, 20 here and go out. We're not going straight out. Is kind of up and over, like you may be going over the fence a little bit, neighbor. All right, Pull sign from the side from the other side. Right from the front. Once again. Okay, Let's do it three times from the rest position. Here we go. Let's sign, neighbor. All right. So I guess the whole idea is that you have a house and then, you know, there next to you and your signing neighbor there, my neighbor. If you're Lefty, just do it off to the other side. All right, neighbor. Ok, so I'm ready. I'll go like this. Okay, So we learned the sign for neighbor. Let's plug it in to our full sentence. Well, yes. Yesterday we meet your neighbor in English. We met your neighbor yesterday or yesterday. We met your neighbor in American sign language. Yesterday we meet your neighbor. Here we go. Let's do it. Yesterday we meet door neighbor right again. Let's do it. Yesterday we meet your neighbor. All right? A little bit quicker. Yesterday we meet your neighbor. All right, Let's do it again. Yesterday we meet your neighbor. Okay? Wonderful. So we talked about the sign for neighbor this hand shaped curve, Joe, Slightly right. One here, one here and hop over. Up, over. Snot. Straight out is kind up and over. Neighbor favor. We also talked about the complete sentence yesterday We meet your neighbor. Uh huh. Lovely
47. Learn | Sign for PRIEST: Here is the sign for Priest. If you want to finger spell the word, it's p r i E s t Once again, the sign is a priest. We're going to use the letter g right? Like F g h in American sign language Alphabet. How do we make the sign? Fergie. Well, imagine you're telling someone or you're measuring someone or telling them how thick something is. It was this big. Where was this? Thick, I swear. All right, that is the sign for G. You make the hand shapers just like this. G d All right? It was this thick. Wow, There's a G. Okay, We're going to use the tip of the finger tip of the thumb, and we're going to go twice double movement like this. All right? From the side. Other side, Priest. All right, priest, let's do it three times in the rest position. Here we go. Priest, Priest! Priest. All right, so we're just indicating that little white square right from their clerical collar. Right? So it's right there, and we're just gonna go twice. We're not just using one finger. We're not going like this. We're not killing anybody. We're just going double movement. Priest. Priest. Okay, so we look talked about the sign for a priest. All right, if you actually touch your throat, sometimes I brush just a little bit. Are no puts on purpose. But the whole point is just to get close to indicate that little White Square priest. All right, so we know this sign. Let's stick it into a sentence or Ray. Here we go. Sign with me. Step by step. Yesterday we meet your priest just like that. Okay? Again. Yesterday we meet your priest a little bit quicker, okay? Why not again? Yesterday we meet your priest. Uh, good. Good, good. Full sentence. Right. So we talked about the sign for priest letter G. Remember, how thick is it's that I think that's a G right now. Swipe here twice, Priest. Okay. We also talked about the full sentence yesterday. We met. Meet your priest. Uh, yesterday we meet your priest. Okay. Fantastic.
48. Practice | Test Format: Okay, let's do practice before the test, okay? We're gonna have to parts of review, and we're only going to be reviewing vocabulary words, the vocabulary words that we've just been learning. Okay, The first part. We're going to have a timer. I'm going to show you something. I'll start the timer and you try to sign before the timers up. Okay? The timer will be for four seconds. All right, let's do it. Let's try and test. I'm gonna show you something. You sign it before the timer. Here we go. Okay. So the sign is meat, right? Meat. Okay. In the second part, there won't be a timer. You'll just have me. So I will be signing. The second part is focusing on understanding. Once again, I will only be doing single signs, single vocabulary words. And you try to take a look at me, huh? What's he signing? Ah ha. I see. Okay, so let me, Let's do a test. I'm gonna show you something. I'll sign something, and you figure out what I'm doing. Here we go. Okay, so I'll sign it twice. So what did I sign? Hmm? I signed your okay. All right. So in this testing this review section Just single vocabulary words. Okay? I think we should jump in. Let's do it.
51. Practice | Test Format: Okay. Practice before the test. Okay? We're going to be doing complete sentences this time. All right? What? We've been studying and the time will be for six seconds. Same type of thing. First part. I'm going to show you something. I'll start the timer and you sign whatever you see before the timers up. All right? If you need the part of the video in the middle of the timer, that's fine. No worries. All right, let's do a quick test. I'll show you something. I'll start the timer. Let's do it. Okay. So you should sign something. Like bathroom. Where? Bathroom. Where? All right. Remember the eyebrows who need to make it a question. Very important. Okay, that will be the first part of the test. And let's take a look at the second part. Uh huh. OK, in the second part, Nothing over there. No timer. Just me. Okay, So you're looking at me trying to understand. What am I signing one of my signing bulls sentence? That's right. Ah, that's what he's signing. Okay. You need to go back. Have me repeat it. No problem. I will sign it two times and then show you the answer. Okay, here we go. Let's do a quick practice test. All right? So what did I sign? I signed yesterday. We meet your doctor right yesterday, we meet your doctor. Uh huh. Okay, So those are the two parts of the test. 1st 1 is you signing before I can before the timers up. 2nd 1 is understanding recognition skills. Right? See, in the test.
54. Practice | Test Format: okay. Practice before the test. And this time it's a big test. We're talking about all of the vocabulary words that we've learned since the beginning off this course. Okay, when I say vocabulary words, I mean single words. Okay? Just single words. We're going to test you on all of them. The first part is you can guess you're gonna raise the timer. I'm gonna show you something. And you signed before the timers up. All right, let's do a quick practice test. Here we go. You signed what you see. We've learned it all. Okay, The timers a big quicker this time. Three seconds. And what is this sign? Lousy, lousy, Lousy. Okay, so that will be the first part. First part is you signed, you race the timer. Second part, no timer. But you need to understand what I'm signing. And this time I'm only going to sign each word once. Um, so you need to understand it. Recognize? Gonna boost your receptive skills. All right, so I'll sign the sign once, and then I'll pas and show you the answer. Okay. If you need to have me repeat, it's OK. You can have the video go go back and repeat. Let's take a look. Here we go. What am I signing? Okay, so our only sign at once What did I sign? I signed Increased. Right. Okay, So the first part you sign the second part, I will sign, and you try to figure out what I'm saying. All right, let's jump in. Let's do it. We've been studying. We know it all. Let's be tested and review. Here we go.
57. Practice | Test Format: Okay, let's do some practice before the test. Right in these to review parts, these two tests is going to be all a boat sentences. That's right. Sentences all of the sentences that we've learned and studied in practice in this course in random order. Okay, The first part. We're going to use the timer, so I'll show you a complete sentence. You sign it, the time will be running. And after the timers up, I will sign it. So let's do a little practice. Let's show you a sentence and I'll start the timer and you sign like crazy. Here we go. Okay. So hotel where? Quick reminder. Remember, when you're doing the sign where, and you want to make sure it's a question, that's what it is. It's not a statements, a question. So remember to do the eyebrows. Chin up where? Okay, so that will be the first part where you race the timer in the second part. There won't be a timer, but I'll be here, and you can try to understand what I'm signing. Okay, so let's do a little practice. You watch. I'm just going to sign it one time. So if you need to pause and have me repeat. No worries. That's fine. Okay, here we go. I'm gonna sign you. Figure out how What's he doing? Ha! Here we go. All right. What did I Sorry. Well, I signed. I feel lousy. Okay, So that is the format for the tests. The tests, the big test. Let's do it. Let's jump right in.
60. Practice | Test Format: Okay. More practice before the test. Alright. This time we're going to focus on vocabulary words. I said it. Plural. That's right. Now have singular. Not just one word. I'm going to show you a group of three words. Okay, We're going to use the timer. You'll have six seconds to sign all three words. Uh, all right, so let's take a look. I'm gonna show you something. Start the timer and you sign. Sign it all. Okay, So we had we hospital and lousy. Uh huh. Okay, if you notice When I signed it, when we I came back to here and I went toe how hospital came back to here and then lousy. If you want to do that, that's up to you. You could just sign straight across and go. We hospital. Lousy. It's up to you. All right. If you need more time. Was the video all right? Let's do it. Let's jump right into the test. Here we go.
62. Conclusion & Thank You: Okay. Thank you for studying with me in this course. I hope you had a wonderful time. And I hope you learned a lot. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Do you later?