Arts of Dramatic Storytelling & Cinematic Filmmaking for Screenwriters and Filmmakers | Isaac Olowoporoku | Skillshare

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Arts of Dramatic Storytelling & Cinematic Filmmaking for Screenwriters and Filmmakers

teacher avatar Isaac Olowoporoku

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      About the story


    • 3.

      The Plot Development


    • 4.

      Overview of Army of the Dead


    • 5.

      Nonstop Obstacles


    • 6.

      Bullet of Obstacles


    • 7.

      Recurring Obstacles Technique


    • 8.

      One Major Obstacle


    • 9.

      Characters with Distinct Traits


    • 10.

      Characters and Their Expertise


    • 11.

      Extra Stories


    • 12.

      Extra Care and Distraction Technique


    • 13.

      Dumb Character Technique


    • 14.

      How to Create Characters


    • 15.

      Benefits of Various Kinds of Characters


    • 16.

      Cherecters and their Connections


    • 17.

      Importance of Characters Connection


    • 18.

      Unsing Animal Zombie


    • 19.

      Empathy Technique


    • 20.

      Character Trauma Technique


    • 21.

      How to use character Trauma technique


    • 22.

      Suspense in Army of the Dead


    • 23.

      Countdown and Ticking CLock in Film


    • 24.

      Countdown and Ticking Clock Technique


    • 25.

      Countdown Obstacles Technique


    • 26.

      Heightened Countdown Technique


    • 27.

      Heighteed Conflics


    • 28.

      Killbox Technique


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About This Class

Crafting a captivating story is both an art and a science. As filmmakers, we have a powerful tool at our disposal to evoke emotions, transport audiences to different worlds, and tell compelling stories that resonate with people. In this course, we will delve deep into the art of dramatic storytelling and cinematic filmmaking, focusing on suspense and dramatic techniques used in professional movies and fiction.

Whether you're an aspiring filmmaker, screenwriter, or simply a fan of movies, and aspiring storytellers who want to take their craft to the next level, this course is designed to help you gain a deeper understanding of the art of storytelling and how it can be applied to the world of cinema. You will learn how to create suspense, build tension, choke your audience, and employ other techniques to keep your audience engaged and invested in your story. Whether you're an experienced filmmaker or just starting out, this course will provide you with the knowledge and tools to tell stories that captivate your audience.

In this course you'll learn:

  • Different Dramatic Storytelling Techniques  
  • Professional Storytelling skills 
  • Movie and Fiction Story Crafting Techniques 
  • How to create suspense
  • How to build tension
  • How to captivate your audience

and employ other techniques to keep your audience engaged and invested in your story. This course is suitable for anyone who wants to take their storytelling skills to the next level, regardless of their prior knowledge or experience.

As an experienced instructor, I have analyzed and broken down some of the biggest films in the industry, which gives you a great advantage. The movie "Army of the Dead," directed and written by Zack Snyder, Shay Hatten, and Joby Harold, will serve as our reference point as we explore the art of dramatic and cinematic storytelling techniques.

As an experienced instructor, I have worked on the analysis and breakdown of some of the biggest films in the industry, which gives you a great advantage. this course is for anyone who wants to take their storytelling skills to the next level.

No prior knowledge or experience is required, as we will start from the basics and gradually build up to more advanced techniques. But the basic skill of screenwriting and film production is an advantage.

By the end of this course, you will have a deep understanding of the art of storytelling and how it can be applied to the world of cinema. You will be able to create compelling characters, build tension and suspense, and keep your audience engaged and invested in your story from beginning to end.

As a part of this course on the art of dramatic and cinematic storytelling techniques we will use the movie “Army of the Dead” as our reference point, this movie is directed by Zack Snyder and written by Zack Snyder, Shay Hatten, and Joby Harold. We will be working on a project that will allow you to apply what you have learned in a practical setting. 

The Course project will involve developing a short film or screenplay that showcases the techniques you have learned, such as creating empathy scenes, emotional impact story, tension and higher stakes riddled story and building suspense, that will have a lasting impact on the audience You will have the opportunity to receive feedback and guidance from the instructor, who has extensive experience in the film industry, as well as from your peers in the course.

Whether you are an aspiring filmmaker, screenwriter, or simply a film enthusiast looking to gain a deeper understanding of the art of storytelling in cinema, this project will be a valuable opportunity to hone your skills and put them into practice. By the end of the project, you will have a polished and professional-quality short film or screenplay that you can use to showcase your talents and make a mark in the industry.

If you're looking to make a feature film, a short film, or just improve your screenwriting skills, this course will provide you with the tools and insights you need to succeed.

So if you're ready to take your storytelling skills to the next level and learn from a seasoned professional in the field, this course is for you. Join this course now and let's get started on bringing your cinematic vision to life.

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1. TRAILER: Crafting a captivating story is both an art and a science as female, because we have a powerful tool at our disposal to evoke emotions, transport audience two different words, and tell compelling stories that resonate with people. In this course, we delve deep into the art of dramatic storytelling and cinematic film-making, focusing on suspense and dramatic techniques used in professional movies. I'm fixture. Whether you're an asparagus pee maker, screenwriter or simply a fan of movies. And as parents storytellers, we want to take the aircraft to the next level. Course is designed to help you gain a deeper understanding of the heart of storytelling and how it can be applied to the world of cinema. You will learn how to create suspects, the attention of your audience and employ audit techniques to keep your audience engaged and invested in your story. Whether you're unexperienced filmmaker or just starting out, this course will provide you with the knowledge and tools to tell stories that captivate your audience. As an experienced instructor, I have worked on the analysis and breakdown of some of the biggest beams in the industry, which gives you a great advantage. This course is for anyone who want to take their storytelling skills to the next level. No prior knowledge or experience is required as well. We start from the basics and gradually build up to more advanced techniques. By the hand of this course, you will have a deep understanding of the heart of storytelling and how it can be applied to the world of cinema. You will be able to create compelling characters, build tension and suspense, and keep your audience engaged and invested in your story from beginning to the hand. As a part of this course on the art of dramatic cinematic storytelling, techniques were used in movie army of the dead as our reference point. This movie is directed by Zack Snyder, are written by Zack Snyder. Shape it, do JOB hero. We will be working on a project that will allow you to apply what you have learned in a practical setting. The project will involve developing a short film screenplay that showcases the techniques you have learned, such as creating empathy sees emotional impact, story, tension and highest take, renewed story and beauty saw space that we have a lasting impact. The hardest, you will have the opportunity to receive feedback and guidance from the instructor will AS extensive as prudence in the film industry as well as from your peers in the course. Whether you're an aspiring female screenwriter or simply enthusiast, looking to gain a deeper understanding of the heart of storytelling in cinema, this project will be a valuable opportunity to hone your skills and put them into practice. Might hand of the projects, you will have a polished and professional quality, sharp beam or screenplay that you can use to showcase your talents and make a mark in the industry. We are looking to make a feature film, a short film, or just improve your screenwriting skews. This course will provide you with the tools and insights you need to succeed. So if you are ready to take your storytelling skills to the next level and learn from Mrs. Zant professional in the field. This course is for you without wasting time, dive into this course now and let's get started on bringing your cinematic vision to life. 2. About the story: About the story of the day is a post-apocalyptic has to be directed by Zack Snyder and released in 2021. The story takes place in a zombie invested Las Vegas, where a group of machinery decide to carry out a Dairy ice inside a casino. The highest involves retrieving millions of dollars that are still inside a safe located in the casinos basement. The team is led by Scott what? Dave Bautista, if form a war hero Waze recruited by a wealthy businessman, Bly Tanaka and Osaka sonata to carry out dementia. Scott brings together a group of S passages and thieves. Included is straight daughter, Kate. Hello, Horner. To complete the task as they make their way into the city, the team and contrast various challenges, including zombie horde, rogue soldiers, Order unexpected obstacles despite the setbacks, the eventual enrich the casino only to discover that the zombie inside and not like any day have encountered before. They discovered that the zombies have evolved into different types, including an intelligent Alpha assume B, who is in charge of the others. The team's plan to retrieve the money is complicated by the Alpha zombie as a special interests in case the group must fight their way through the horde of zombies wide dealing with the personal attention or secrets with the team in the hand, only a few members of the fate of the word. And in the balance. Overall, the story of army of the dead is 1 trillion and suspenseful, right? Feud with action and drama. The movie employs various cinematic techniques such as the setup and payoff. Can twist the things to keep the audience engaged and on the edge of their seat, the character development and relationship also add emotional depth to the story, making the fame more than just a typical zombie flick. 3. The Plot Development : Now, the plot development in the movie, the plot of army of the dead revolves around a group of machinery is what I add to pull off a heist in Las Vegas, which as being quarantined due to a zombie outbreak, the highest involves tiling $200 million from the casino vote before the city is destroyed by a nuclear bomb. Act one plots. The movie begins with a military convoy transporting a container holding a zombie. Due to a car accident, the container is damaged and the zombie escapes, attacking the soldiers and affecting them. We are then introduced to the main character scott, what is a former machinery and hero of a previous zombie outbreak in Las Vegas. It is approached by a wealthy businessman like Tanaka, will offer him a job to retrieve $200 million from a casino in Las Vegas before it is destroyed by a nuclear bomb. Scott at Grace and recruit a team of other machineries to join him, act to plot. The team, enters Las Vegas and country and various obstacles and challenges, including us of some bees and Rava machineries. They eventually make their way to the casino where they discovered that the zombies are being controlled by an intelligent Alpha zombie. They also learned that lie as its own agenda and is willing to sacrifice them to achieve its goals, the team must retrieve a key card from blinds associates, namely what is being held captive by the zombie king. They managed to rescue lily and get the Kcat, but lose some of their team members in the process actually blocks the team, enters the vote and retrieve the money. I'll have the most narrow race against time to get out of the city before the nuclear bomb is dropped. Along the way, they encounter obstacles and challenges, including a zombie tiger and the alpha zombie is determined to stop them in their hand. Only a few members of the team included Scott and his daughter, Kate, make it out alive, make it out alive. The plot of army of the dead is a classic heist story with a twist. Seat, involves a zombie outbreak and the threat of a nuclear bomb. The story is structured around the team's mission to retrieve the money with various obstacles and challenges Tandy, in their way, the plot is driven by action and suspense, which the tread of the bump looming over the entire story, creating a sense of urgency and danger. 4. Overview of Army of the Dead: Overview of army of the dead as a great movie for cinematic storytelling techniques. Exploit of the Dead is a great movie for cinematic storytelling that makes because it's effectively and plus various techniques to engage the audience and keep them invested in the story. Firstly, the movie uses a strong opening sequence to establish and setup the main characters. The opening montage shows the outbreak of the zombie apocalypse in Las Vegas, and we see how the characters respond to the situation. This establishes the world of the movie and introduces this takes the movie also uses foreshadowing and callbacks to create a cohesive story. E.g. in the movie, the character van der Rohe reveals that it used to be a safe cracker. Later on, this cube becomes crucial to the plot when the team as to crack a save, this creates a sense of continuity in the story and makes the audience feel like everything is. Additionally, the movie employs the setup pay off technique where seemingly minor details in the story's a little reviewed to have significant importance, e.g. the character kits make glaze is initially presented as a sentence, mentor, Hi Tim, but it's later becomes a key plot points when the team needed to assess the save, this technique gives the audience engaged and invested in the story. Another effective used in the movie is the constant, which adds a sense of urgency to the story. The team only has a limited amount of time to complete their mission before a nuclear bomb is dropped on Las Vegas. This great tension and makes the audience feel like time is running out. Furthermore, the movie employs a variety of obstacles for the hero to overcome, including the zombie themselves, as well as other human antagonist, these obstacles great suspense and keep the audience engaged. The hero as to overcome various challenges throughout the movie, which makes the final confrontation with a big antagonist or the most satisfying. Overall, how many of the Dead is a great movie for cinematic storytelling techniques because it's effectively and plus a variety of techniques to engage the audience and keep them invested in the story. From Strunk opening sequences to effective use of foreshadowing callbacks. The movie keeps the audience engaged and invested in the story. Additionally, the use of the setup pay off technique Can Dance and obstacles. I tend to suspense and keep the audience on the edge of their seat. Another aspect that makes army of the dead a great example of cinematic story, of cinematic storytelling technique is its use of visual storytelling throughout the movie. The director, Zack Snyder, uses visual cues and motif to convey information to the audience without relying on x position, e.g. the opening montage sequence set up the premise of the movie and the events that lead to the zombie outbreak without any dialogue, the use of color, lighting and camera angles also convinced the mood and tone of the scene, adding to the overall impact of this story. Additionally, army of the dead makes use of effective character development to create compelling, relatable characters. The movie spent time developing each of the characters, allowing the audience to understand your motivations VA, loans. As a result, the audience becomes invested in the characters and their journey, increasing the emotional impact of the story. Finally, army of the dead makes use of various storytelling techniques, such as for shadowy symbolism and setup p of techniques. These techniques are used to create a sense of anticipation, surprise, as well as to tie together various tourist, trade and character arcs. This not only at, this, did not only had depth to the story, but also keeps the audience engaged and invested in the narratives of era of the Dead is a great example of effective storytelling techniques can be used to create a compelling and impactful movie from its use of structure, pacing, and visual storytelling to each character development and use of visual storytelling techniques. The movie is a testament to the power of cinematic storytelling. 5. Nonstop Obstacles: The Art of non-stop obstacles in storytelling. How densities are drawn to characters that face challenges and overcome them. The greater the challenge the investor, the audience becomes in the character's journey, one way to heighten the dramatic suspense and emotional impact of history is to create a series of obstacles for the hero to overcome. These obstacles can take many forms, such as physical challenges, moral dilemmas, or interpersonal conflicts. The hero must face these challenges and find a way to overcome them. Often at great personal cost, this builds tension and keeps the audits AND gate as the root for the euros to succeed. I'll have to truly evoke the audience. The screenwriter must not stop at just one or two obstacles. Instead, they must create a barrel age of challenges that seem insurmountable. This great sense of overwhelming tension as the arrow is constantly thwarted at every turn, e.g. the arrow might be trying to save loved one from a dangerous situation. But every time they get close, something goes wrong. The building they are in catches on fire. The villain shows up with reinforcement, or they discovered that their loved one is being held in a heavily fortified location. Of this course must be overcome before the arrow can move forward and each one raises the stakes. And Butte. I've have the ultimate hasta Cu, is always the big bad antagonist. This is the person or false that the arrow has been working to defeat, draw the story. The antagonist should be formidable, intelligent, and capable of matching the Euro blow for blow. Before the hero can face this financial lunch, they must sacrifice something of gets extremely odd. This is often a physical injury or the loss of a loved one, but it could also be a sacrifice of their own values or beliefs. This sacrifice demonstrates the arrows commitments to their cause and underscores the high-stakes, the final button. When the arrow finally phases the antagonist, they must use all of the skills, knowledge, or strength to defeat them. There's financial Dan should be epic and satisfying as the ero try homes over impossible odds of IRR, the storytelling technique of overwhelming the hero, which are stack was great. A sense of tension and drama that keeps the oddest invested in the story by building up to a final cinematic battle with the big bad antagonists, historic rate is satisfying resolution that leaves the audience feeling fulfilled. 6. Bullet of Obstacles: Bullet of hasta acoustic knee. It's interesting to analyze the different type of obstacles scenarios that the character's face in harmony of the Dead. This often occurs not only at tension and excitement to the story, but they also add to develop the characters or move the plot forward. Kinds of stack, group, number one, count down obstacle. In act two of the movie, the sense of cons don is introduced with the threat of a new book that will wipe out the entire city of Las Vegas. This adds a sense of urgency, pressure to the characters mission as they know they have a limited amount of time to complete their task. Additionally, the first obstacle, the face journey discount down is the bad guy will appears unexpectedly, the poses a significant threat to the group safety. The second hasta coo they face is defaulted chopper, which puts their escape plan in jeopardy. This obstacle highlights the importance of having a solid escape plan and being prepared for the unexpected they thought of stucco is the introduction of the Kings zombie and it's odd of super fast beat zombies. This raises the stakes even higher and create a sense of danger and chaos as the character struggle to survive cancer of takud number four, the fourth taco is the seemingly impossible escape route, which adds a feeling of hopelessness and despair to the situation of stock will also demonstrate the characters resourcefulness and ability to think on their feet. Constant obstacle. Number five, the fifth obstacle is the arrows delta, running off to rescue a friend, which puts her in danger and forces the arrow to make a difficult decision. This highlights the importance of family and the length that parents we go to protect their children. The cyst of stucco is the disappearance of the escape chopper, which leaves the character stranded and vulnerable. The addition of the crazy zombie add another layer of danger and created it really chasing the eventual crash, an explosion at a sense of finality to the content and create a dramatic conclusion to the story. Comes down. Obstacle number seven, the team discovers that there is a second Save in the casino that's as even more money. And they have to go back in to get it. This time, they have to navigate through different obstacles and challenges that when it's present during the initial eyes, e.g. there might be additional security measures in place or more zombie odd rami the area. This new scenario add to retention and raises the stakes. For the team. One of the team members is bitten by a zombie and asked to be left behind. This present a moral dilemma for the rest of the team. As they have to decide whether to risk their own safety to try and save the infected comrade, or to leave them behind and prioritize their own survivor. These obstacles scenario not only had to detention, but also add depth to the character and their relationship with each other. Constant of stuck on number nine, the team discovers that the real reason for the zombie outbreak is due to a secret government experiments gone wrong. They have to navigate through a secret laboratory filled with dangerous traps and obstacles to try find the evidence they need to expose the truth to the world. This scenario had a new layer to the plot and gives the team a clear goal to work towards. Canton of takud number ten, the team runs into a group of survivors who have been living in the casino since the outbreak began. I'll have this group as become hostile and doesn't want to share their resources with a team of stack UX scenario, add a new dynamic to the story and add to the complexity situation. The team has to find a way to hide that, negotiate with the survivors, or find their way through to get what they need. Candor and Asta Kuhnen by level, the team discovers that the zombie outbreak is spreading outside the casino and into the surroundings CT, to navigate through the zombie investors streets to try and find a way to escape. These are slackers scenario adds a new sense of urgency to the story and had to this takes for the team. They are not just fighting for the survivor in the casino, but also for their survivor in the larger world. Confidant of stucco number 12, team discovers that one of their horn is actually a spy for the bad guys. This obstacle scenarios add a new layer of betrayal and mistrust to the story and resist this takes for the team, this hasta could scenario add a new layer of betrayal and mistrust to the story and raises the stakes for the team. They have to figure out what this is and decide what to do about them before it's too late. Kann Dann of stucco number the day. The cube box technique is often used in storytelling to create tension and suspense. Trapping the characters in a confined space where they are surrounded by enemies, are obstacles that prevent them from escaping or advancing in Umea of the dead, the cube box technique is used in several scenes, such as when the team enters the currency zone and is trapped by the was that close in on them. And when they entered the casino vote and are surrounded by odds of zombie over all the different obstacles scenarios in army of the dead soft to add tension, excitement, and character development to the story demonstrates the characters resilience and ability to overcome adversity. And they keep the audience engaged and invested in the outcome of the mission. This obstacle scenarios us have to make the story more engaging and raise the stakes for the characters. Default the characters to make tough decisions and navigate through increasingly challenging situations, which gives the audience on the edge of their seats. When Dong, well as taco scenarios can be one of the most effective storytelling techniques in any movie. 7. Recurring Obstacles Technique : Recording obstacles technique in army of the debt. The storytelling techniques of constantly throwing challenges at the hero is a great way to keep the audience engaged and rooting for the protagonist. It makes for really read, as we see, the hero fights true one obstacle after another. And it makes define our victory or the most satisfying in the movie, army of the dead, we see this technique used to great effect as the protagonist, God's word, and his team phase one challenge after another in their mission to retrieve $200 million from a vote in I'm be infested Las Vegas. Throughout the movie, we see Scott and his team facing a range of obstacles from zombie ought to corrupt officials to internal conflicts. The first major obstacle comes in the form of the zombie odd that they must navigate through to get to devote the zombies or not your average slow movie on debt, but instead, a fast and intelligent making them even more difficult. Overcome this obstacle is made even more challenging by the fact that the team has a limited amount of time to complete their mission before a nuclear bomb destroys the city. As the team gets closer to the vote, they face a series of other obstacles, including a rogue member of their team, has its own agenda, and a group of Zambia killing machine areas were also after the money. These obstacles add to this tension and make it clear that Scott and his team hub against overwhelming odds are however, the biggest obstacles of hole comes in the form of the famous antagonist is Zoom speaking will ask the ability to control other zombies and what is fiercely protective of his territory. This Zoom became presents a huge challenge for Scott and his team as they must not only find a way to defeat him, but also avoid is AMI of super-fast zombies. In order to overcome these obstacles, Scott and his team must constantly adapt and come up with a new strategies. They must use their skills and experience to osmotic the zombies and out MANOVA, their enemies. This creates a sense of urgency and danger that keeps the audience on the edge of death. Finally, when the team phases of against the zombie King, they are forced to make a series of sacrifices. Some members of the team, acute as caught himself, is severely injured or have a desk, but the heart is able to defeat the zombie kink. This storytelling technique is effective because it gives Today's engaged and invested in the outcome. We want to see the arrow so seed, but at the same time we also want to see them struggle and overcome obstacles. It makes the victory or the most satisfying and it's great. A sense of emotional impact that stays with the audience long after the movie is over. In conclusion, the storytelling techniques of drawing obstacles. Obstacles or the arrow is a powerful way to create tension. So spans and emotional impact of the dead, we see this technique used to great effect as Scott and his team faced challenges after another in their mission to retrieve the money by constantly opening the stakes and throwing me obstacles in the way. The movie gives the orders AND gate are rooting for the ero. Ultimately, this technique leads to 1 trillion as satisfying conclusion that leaves the audience feeling both accelerated and emotionally invested. 8. One Major Obstacle : One major obstacle in the context of storytelling, obstacles or challenges, or barriers that a protagonist must overcome in order to achieve their goal, these obstacles creates tension and suspense. The audience wonders how the euro we navigate to the oddest in their path in army of the dead. One major obstacle is the retrieval of a key card from flies associate Lindy is being held captive by the zombie King. These obstacles create a major challenge for the team, as they must not only navigate to the treasurer's environment of the zombie invested in Las Vegas. But also if you trade the inner sanctum of the zombie kink to rescue Lily and retrieved the key card. They also COO of retrieving the Kcat is also significant because it raises the stakes for the characters. The team knows that time is running out, and they must act quickly in order to retrieve the key card before the government carries out its plan to nuke dc2. The urgency of the situation at two detention and suspense and keep the audience on the edge of their seat. To achieve this hasta coup in the story, the filmmakers use the combination of action and suspense techniques. See where the team infiltrates the zombie kings. There is full of tension and danger. The team must navigate through art of zombies in order to reach linear, the confrontation with the zombie king is dance, as the team must face off against a powerful and intelligent adversary. If we make us also used character development to iten the emotional impact of the hasta. The audience is invested in the character of Nili will as a close relationship with one of the team members. This relationship as debt and complexity to this obstacle, as the team must not only retrieve the key card, but also rescues someone. They care about overall, the hasta COO of retrieving the KitKat from Lily is a critical plot points in army of the dead, It's raises the stakes for the characters. Tension as suspense to the story serves as a major turning point in the team's mission to retrieve the cash from the zombie invested Las Vegas. The dramatic techniques used in this scenario in the movie is the use of a ticking clock, the team as a limited amount of time to retrieve the key card from Lily before the Zoom be king and his army arrived. This creates a sense of urgency. And so space, as the stakes are high, the audience is invested in the outcome of the mission as they are rooting for the team to succeed in their tasks. Additionally, the fact that Lily at captive by the zombie king to detention as the team must not only retrieve the KitKat, but also rescue Lily before it's too late. Another dramatic techniques used in this scenario is the use of obstacles. The team faces. Obstacles, or the attempt to retrieve the key card and rescue Lily, e.g. they must navigate through a mix of traps and obstacles to reach Lily. They also encounter other zombies will stand in their way. These ossicles create a sense of difficulty and challenges as the team must use their skills and width to overcome them. Finally, there is a sense of conflict in this scenario, the team is in direct opposition to the zombie King. What is their primary antagonists? The audience is invested in these conflicts as they want to see the team succeed in their mission and defeat the zombie game. Over for the dramatic techniques used in this scenario create a sense of tension or density and conflicts, which adds to the overall suspense and excitement of the movie. 9. Characters with Distinct Traits: Character, which distinct traits and personalities and their acts in army of the dead, there are various kinds of characters with distinct traits and personalities. The story, engaging and memorable. Scott, the protagonist of the movie, Scott, is a former soldiers don't fry cook, who is tasked with leading a team to rub it casino in a zombie invested Las Vegas is portrayed as a man honored by his past. Will struggles to reconnect with this strain. Daughter, Kate Scott arc inverse is journey towards redemption as they confront is past mistakes and try to immense for the Maria. Maria is caught former colleague and love interests. We're also joined the team on the mission. This is a tough on resourceful fighter, which no-nonsense attitude towards the Misha. Maria's arc involves a reconciling with Scott and epi, him in his journey towards redemption. Kate Wood, Scott Datta kid is portray as a strong willed and independent woman who is initially skeptical of a fibrous ability or whoever has the story progresses, she becomes an integral part of the team, using our intelligence and resourcefulness to help them overcome obstacles. Kits ARC involves developing a closer relationship with her father and coming to terms with our own past. Vendor or all vendors. Character is portrayed as a tough graph character, which it is softer side windrows arc involves is redemption as it tries to make up for past mistakes and help the team. Delta. Delta is a safe cracking as part with recruited by Scott and Maria for the mission is portrayed as a socially awkward anodic character with a fascination for zombies. Data's arc inverse is growth as a character, as it becomes more confident and courageous as the mission progresses. Martin is a team security aspect with portrayed as cocky and arrogant character is initially dismissive of the other team members, but eventually learns to work together with them. Matches arc involves, is growth as a team player and adventure sacrifice for the greater good. Each of these characters as a unique personalities and backstories and acts contributes to the overall narrative of the movie. The audience can relate to the characters and become invested in their journeys, which at emotional depth to the story. 10. Characters and Their Expertise : Characters with different expertise. In the movie homie of the debt, each character has their own specialty or unique skill sets that they bring to the team. This helps to create a sense of diversity and balance within the group and allows them to tackle various obstacles that come their way. E.g. Scott word played by Dave Bautista is a former machinery will ask experience in combat Antarctica strategies. Peters, played by tick utero is a mechanic, wool can repair vehicles and weapons when drove, played by Omar Adweek, a sharpshooter, we can take out enemies from a distance. The characters of duties played by my tires of expertise in crack cases and break it into volt, having characters with difference. That's how it is. Not only add to the plot and action of the movie, but also makes the characters more relatable and interesting. It allows the audience to see how different people with different backgrounds and skills can come together and work as a team towards a common goal. This guy create a sense of empathy and connection between the viewer and the characters. 11. Extra Stories: Extra stories in army of the dead. There are several extra stories or subplot in army of the dead, including the fast zombie and his queen. The Alpha zombie is the leader of the zombie horde and as the ability to create other zombies. He also has a queen zombie that is trying to rescue from a military currency. So this subplot add complexity to this zombie world and provides a motivation for the alphas action, the imaginary betrayal. One of the machinery team members met Martin as a secret agreement with the shaded individual to steal a portion of the money they are supposed to recover. This subplot at tension and suspense to the mission. As the audience wonders, if Martin we succeed in his plan, the government's cover-up. The government is trying to cover up the zombie outbreak suit of a section of Las Vegas to contain the zombies. This subplot had a layer of mystery and introduced to the story as the audience questions, what's the government's true motivations? And alpha, we'll go to maintain their secrets. For our missing frame kits, the daughter of the casino owner get the daughter of Scott is searching for our friend. Gita, went missing in Las Vegas during the zombie outbreak. This subplots at emotional depth to the story as Kate is driven by our love for our friend and our desire to find her. This extra stories at depth and complexity to the world of army of the dead, making the movie more engaging and interesting for the audience. They also provide additional motivations are obstacles for the characters to overcome, which is to keep the audience invested in the story. 12. Extra Care and Distraction Technique : Strike K and destruction, where kids tells her father's caught that she is going with the team to the quarantine zone. It's great momentum, tension and emotional conflicts. Scott is initially resistant to the idea, as any father would be concerned about is data safety in a dangerous situation, kids, on the other hand, is determined to help a friend, Gita, where it is trapped inside the currency zone. This moment highlight the strong bond between kids and Gita, as well as kids bravery and determination to keep a friend. It also shows the internal conflicts within Scott as he struggles with the fear of losing is data and the desire to support our mission sketch decision to follow the team to the danger zone creates an extra consent and false gods character. This is going to distress cultural dimension as E, Now, as a stratus is concerned about, which is protecting our daughter, Scott is already worried about this data be in Las Vegas during the outbreak. And now it has to worry about actively putting ourselves in harm's way by following the team. This creates an emotional connection between the audience and Scott as they sympathize, which is worries and fears for his daughter. It also has another layer of tension to the story as the oddest left wondering if Kate will make it out alive and if caught would be able to protect her. This technique is used intentionally to have extra flair of the story and put a fear in both code and the oddest, this moment at depths to the characters and their relationships and increases the emotional stakes of the mission. Overall, this technique at depth and complexity to the story, making it more engaging and memorable for the audience. 13. Dumb Character Technique : Dump character in the group technique in the movie, how many of the dead, the character known as delta is portrayed as the dump character in the group, is a safe cracker, which is talent for openly high security vote. But it's socially awkward and lacks this street smart of the other characters is often a source of comic relief in the frame, which is quirkiness. And if behavior provided a contrast to the seriousness of the iced Despite Despite is perceived lack of intelligence, deter proves to be a valuable asset to the team. Do to aesthetic as cues, is able to open the vote where the money is taught, which is essential to the success of the mission. Furthermore, is naivety and innocence provide a sense of empathy and compassion that the order characters luck making him a likable character for the audience. Overall, use of a dump character like due to in the group provides a sense of balance to the team and add a layer of humor and formality to the story. 14. How to Create Characters : To create characters with distinct specialties, you can start by thinking about these specific skills or knowledge each character would bring to the group. Here are some steps you can follow. Identify the skills needed. Think about the task at hand and what skills are needed to accomplish heat, e.g. in a Eyes movie, you might need a safe cracker, a driver, and a aka assign specialties, two characters. Once you have identified the necessary skews, assigned, each character is specialty based on their background, training, or experience, e.g. in army of the dead, the character of andro is a sharpshooter because it was a former machinery. Develop distinct personalities. Give each character a distinct personality and voice so that they stand out from one another. Consider their motivations, fears, and flows, as well as their backstory and relationship with other characters creates conflicts. And Asta cruise, once you have developed each character specialties and personalities create conflicts and obstacles that challenge, that proves dynamics. First, the characters to work together and rely on each other strains. By creating characters which distinct specialties, you can add depth and complexity to your story and create opportunities for interesting conflicts and dynamics within your group of characters. 15. Benefits of Various Kinds of Characters : The benefit of using various kinds of characters which distinct traits and pass notice there are several benefits of using various kinds of characters which distinct traits and personalities in a story creates interests. Characters with unique traits and personalities make story interesting and engaging. As readers or viewers are drawn to learn more about them and how they will interact with the story. Provide diversity, including characters from different backgrounds, cultures and personalities. Diversity to the story, which can help to make it more relatable to a wider audience. At conflicts. When characters of different paths notice goals and motivations, it can lead to conflict, tension in the story. This can create interesting plot development and keep the audience AND gate allows for different perspectives. Different characters can provide different perspectives on event, which can enrich the story and provide a deeper understanding of the themes and messages being conveyed. Character developed by giving each character unique personality and backstory. It allows for character development throughout the story. This can create more debt and emotional investment in the characters, which can make the story more impactful. 16. Cherecters and their Connections: Characters and their connection in army of the dead. Some of the characters of connections and backstories, the add depth to their relationship and motivations, e.g. the character of scott, what the protagonist played by Dave bots, sister used to be a member of the military and add a previous and contact with one of his former teammates. Peter's is not a mechanistic in Las Vegas. The two Avi, complicated path that inverse a tragic events that resulted in the deaths of betas Osbourne. Similarly, another character data has a connection to the teams finance Xia Lai Tanaka as the two Avi history of working together on safe cracking jobs, this attention to their interactions as data is initially reluctant to join the team, given by their past history, by including these connections and backstories, the film creates a more nuanced trachea of the characters and relationships. Making this takes IR and the characters more relatable to the audience. It add a layer of emotional complexity to the story as the character's past experience and relationship come into play during intermission, several other characters have a shared history that creates tension and conflict within the group, e.g. scott, what the protagonist as a strained relationship with his daughter Kate will also happens to be a part of the team. Additional lists caught as a history with Maria Cruz, one of the team members, which adds another layer of complexity to their interactions. Let's say hypothetically van drove, a member of the team, will ask a personal vendetta against the zombie king is backstories and motivations. Drive is actions throughout the film and contribute to the overall tension and conflict within the group. Disconnections and backstories at depth and complexity to the characters, making them more than just want I mentioned at types. It also creates a sense of history and shared experiences between the characters, which can add emotional weight to debt interactions and decisions. It's an effective way to develop the characters and make them feel more relatable and human. 17. Importance of Characters Connection: Using the technique of adding characters which connections and backstories can greatly enhance the emotional impact of the story. When the Odyssey is characters which established relationships and shared histories is can add depth and complexity to their interactions, making them more interesting and engaging. It can create dramatic tension and conflict when characters are forced to confront their past and reconcile with each other. This can lead to compelling character acts and growth strategy story. In the case of army of the dead, characters, connections and backstories add to the emotional weight of the story. Particularly be the case of Scott and kids pass relationship and Van der Waals backstory as a survivor of a previous zombie outbreak. These elements add to the complexity of the characters and their motivations, making their actions and decisions more meaningful to the audience. 18. Unsing Animal Zombie: Technique of using the animal zombie, army of the dead. The technique of using animals, zombies, is used to add an extra layer of danger and unpredictability to the story. Throughout the movie, we see different types of animals, zombies, including zombie tigers and zombie OSes. By introducing animals, zombies, the filmmakers are able to create a new and unique obstacles for the characters to overcome. E.g. the zombie taiga is introduced earlier on in the movie and becomes a major traits to the group as they navigate through the abandoned Las Vegas. The taiga is able to move more quickly and silently than the typical zombie, making it even harder to defend against. The use of animal Zombies also add to the overall work building of the movie. It has to establish that this zombie outbreak is not limited to just humans, but that it affects all living creatures. It's also add to the feeling of chaos and destruction in the world of the movie. Technique of using animal zombies is achieved through the use of special effect on practical effect. If we make us use a combination of computer-generated imagery and Anna Metronic to create the zombie animus, making them appear as realistic and terrifying as possible. Done, ticking clock, that knee comes down and ticking clock techniques are popular storytelling devices used in movies, screenwriting to create tension and suspense for the audience. These techniques involve setting a deadline or a time limit for the characters to achieve their goals. I didn't sense of urgency to the story. Here is an in-depth look how these techniques work with examples for some of the latest movies can sit down technique. The technique is a storytelling device where the plot revolves around a specific event or situation that will happen at a specific time. The audience is aware of the time limit and the characters must work to prevent the event from happening before time runs out. This technique can be used in various generous from action and trailer to drama and comedy. Ticking clock technique. They ticking clock technique is similar to the content at me, but involves a ticking clock that comes down to a significant event or situation. The audience is aware of the deadline, but the characters may not be the tension, a suspense come from the audience's knowledge that time is running out, even if the character on a weird. One basic example, one classic example of an obstacle in the way of the arrow between the clock is a pregnant woman in labor, us to be rust, the hospital, but the car has a flat tire on the road. This scenario has been used in many movies and TV shows, such as The TV show Grey's Anatomy and the movie gone in 60 s. In this scenario, the ticking clock is the time remaining before the baby is born and the obstacle is the flat tire on the car. The arrow must find a way to overcome the obstacle and get the woman to the hospital before time runs out. 19. Empathy Technique: Empathy techniques and empire to sin is a moment in the story where the audience is put in the shoes of a character and forced to experience the emotions and thoughts in a very intimate way. This technique can be used to build empathy, the characters, and create a deeper emotional connection with the audience. And participants are moments in the movie where the audience is given an opportunity to connect emotionally with a character or situation. These scenes often involves the character going through a difficult, relatable experience, allowing the audience to feel empathy connects with their struggles on a deeper level in army of the dead, the M part it that makes, is used to create a connection between the audience and the character. This is achieved through various methods, including the use of flashbacks and character development. Let's say hypothetically, one example of the empire technique in the movie is Of what is shown in flashback, which our daughter really a backstory and motivations. This allows the audience to understand and emphasize with our character, which creates the emotional investment in John interrupt the theme. Another example of the empathy technique is the character of andro is initially portrayed as a ruthless killer, but is later revealed to have a tragic backstory that led him to become the person, a haze. This twist in his character arc creates empathy for him. As the audience can understand the reasons behind its actions and the pain that he has experienced. Example of the empathy techniques used in army of the dead is when the character Maria is reunited with a daughter and we sympathize with our desire to be reunited with her when they finally do the unite, it is a touching moment that is designed to elicit an emotional response from the audience. This is effective because we are being invested in Maria's character and a relationship with a daughter throughout the film, let's say hypothetically. Another example is the scene where the character sacrifices himself to save the others, is portrayed as a tough and VLS character, but also learned about is tragic backstory and DQ8, it feels over the death of his wife and child, this backstory and vulnerability make us empathize with him I care about is fades when he sacrifices himself to save the others. It is a pure finance moment that evokes and party from the audience. Also, the character of Lily is a good example of the empathic technique, although she's initially portrayed as an antagonist, we learned about her tragic backstory and the abuse she suffered. At the answer Bly, This makes us empathize with and understand our motivation. When the team is tasked with rescue from the zombie King, we root for her to be saved and empathize with our fear and desperation. And purchases are effective because the EP, the audience relates to the characters and care about the attorney. When a character is going through a difficult experience, the audience views their pain, is more invested in the outcome. Additionally, and parts of cosines can create a sense of urgency or emotional stakes for the story, making the audience more engaged in the overall narrative, they emphasise technique is used to make audience care about the characters, which creates a stronger emotional connection to the story. And iTunes, the impact of the action and suspense in the theme. Overall, the use of m purchases in army of the dead is effective in creating a connection between the audience and the characters and in elicit an emotional response from the viewers. And purchases are important storytelling technique because the app to create deeper emotional connections with the audience and the characters in the movie. They can be used to create more relatable and realistic characters, as well as to create suspense and emotional stakes for the story. 20. Character Trauma Technique : Character trauma technique in AMI of the day, the character trauma technique is used to add depth and complexity to the characters. One example of this is the example of character Scott, played by Dave Bautista was honored by the trauma of losing his wife Joanne is zombie outbreak. This trauma drives is actions and decisions throughout the movie as it tries to redeem itself by rescaling is delta saving the survivors. Another example is the character of windrow played by O'Malley Adweek as a traumatic past as a soldier that is reviewed this term effect is behavior and interactions with the other characters had extra layers of complexity to his character. Using character trauma in storytelling allows the audience to connect with the characters on a deeper level as they can emphasize which their struggles and understand why they make certain choices. It also add a sense of realism and authenticity to the characters, making them feel more like real people with complex emotions and experiences. Overall, cooperating character trauma into a story can enhance the audience's emotional investment in the characters and the narrative. 21. How to use character Trauma technique: How to use character trauma technique using character term or to take inverse grades in a backstory for your character that includes a traumatic event or experience the ***, a profound impact on their life. This event should be something does to affect the character in the presence, influencing their thoughts, feelings, and behavior. To use this technique, start by developing a detailed backstory for your character. Consider what kind of events would be traumatic enough to have a lasting impact on them? This could be something like a physical injury, the loss of a loved one, or a significant failure or disappointment. Once you have identified the traumatic event, think about it, affects your character's behavior, depressing. Do they struggle with trust issues, have difficulty forming relationships, or have a tendency to self-destructive behavior. Consider how you can use these traits to add depth and complexity to your character and how they can be used to drive the plot forward. Remember that the key to using character trauma effectively is to show, not tell, instead of simply stating that your character is traumatized, find way to demonstrate their struggles and how they have been impacted by their past experiences. This could be true dialogues, actions, or even sub two details like body language or facial expressions. Ultimately, the goal of using characters trauma, is to create a more fully realized and relatable character, one that your audience can empathize, wheat and connect to on a deeper level. 22. Suspense in Army of the Dead: Suspense in army of the dead. There are several instances in army of the dead where suspense is used effectively to keep the audience on H. One example is the sea, where the team is trying to crack the safe in the vote. Before the new drugs as they work against the clock, tensions rise and the audience is left wondering if they will succeed in time. Another instance is when the team enters the hotel and discovers the Alpha zombie, the slow buildup of tension as they move through the dark abandoned hotel add to this so space. And the sudden appearance of the Alpha is a shock that gives the audience AND gate. The use of suspense in the movie is achieved through various techniques such as music, camera angles, and lighting, e.g. the use of low lighting indices where the team is moving through dark area at the filling of on is an uncertainty. The music also plays a critical role in beauties suspense, with sudden shift in tempo, or the use of OmniAuth music indicating that danger is locking around the corner. Movie also uses misdirection to create suspense, such as when the team believes they have successfully escaped the zombie, ought only to discover that one of their members as being beaten and is now infected. This unexpected twist leaves the oddest unsure of what will happen next. And beauty, tension as the weight for the consequences to unfold over all the years of suspense in army of the dead is a critical aspect of the storytelling. Happen to keep the audience engaged and invested in the outcome of this story by using various techniques such as music, lighting, and misdirection. We make us, we're able to create a sense of unease, uncertainty that kept the audience on the edge of their seats. 23. Countdown and Ticking CLock in Film : Dan, ticking clock, that knee comes down and ticking clock techniques are popular storytelling devices used in movies or screenwriting to create tension and suspense for the audience. This ethics involves setting a deadline or a time limit for the characters to achieve. I didn't sense of urgency to the story. There is an in-depth look at how these techniques work with examples from some of the latest movies can sit down technique, they can Done Technique is a storytelling device where the plot revolves around a specific event or situation that will happen at a specific time. The audience is aware of the time limit and the characters must work to prevent the event from apnea before time runs out. This technique can be used in various generous from action and trailer to drama and comedy. Ticking clock. That 10k They ticking clock technique is similar to the contact technique, but involves a ticking clock that comes down to a significant event or situation. The audience is aware of the deadline, but the characters may not be the tension as suspense come from the audience's knowledge that time is running out even if the characters are unaware. One classic example of an obstacle in the way of the arrow between the clock is a pregnant woman in labor, us to be rushed to the hospital, but the car has a flat tire on the road. This scenario has been used in many movies and TV shows, such as The TV show Grey's Anatomy, the movie gone in 60 s in this scenarios. In this scenario, the ticking clock is the time remaining before the baby is born and the hasta Cu is the flat tire on the car, the arrow must find a way to overcome the obstacle and get the woman to the hospital before time runs out. 24. Countdown and Ticking Clock Technique : Cuts down on ticking clock techniques in army of the dead. The use of const down and ticking clock techniques is a common and effective way of creating tension and suspense in movies in army of the dead, e.g. these techniques are used to great effect to add into steaks and add urgency to the plot. One example of the use of a ticking clock in the movie is the impending release of a new club bump on Las Vegas. The characters are given a specific amount of time to complete their mission and escape before the bomb detonate. This great sense of urgency and tension throughout the movie as the characters are racing against time to complete their task and avoid starting date. Another example of a ticking clock technique in the movie is the countdown to devote opening. The team only has a limited amount of time to crack the save and retrieve the money before the vote security system is triggered and they are trapped inside. This creates a sense of urgency and had tension to the scene. As the character must work quickly and efficiently to complete their task before time runs out. In addition to the use of a ticking clock, me of the dead also employs a constant the things to create tension or suspense, e.g. there's a scene in which the team must retrieve a key card from blinds associate, Lily is being held captive by the zombie king. The team is given a specific amount of time to complete their task before a group of zombies arrive. Adding a sense of urgency to the scene, the use of Canton and ticking clock technique is effective in creating tension and suspense because it's add a sense of urgency to the plot. The audience is aware of the limited amount of time the characters up to complete their task, which a sense of excitement and anticipation as the work to achieve that goal before time runs out. Furthermore, the use of a ticking clock and constant techniques also helps to establish a clear goal for the characters to work towards. The audience knows exactly what the characters are trying to accomplish and what the consequences would be if they fail. This helps to keep the audience engaged and invested in the outcome of the story. In army of the dead, the use of these techniques is particularly effective because the stakes are so high, the characters are not only racing against time to complete their mission, but they are also facing the threat of death at the hands of the zombies, the ticking clock and constant the things add an additional layer of pension as suspense to an already eyes takes plot over the use of constant and ticking clock that Biggs is an effective way of creating tension and suspense in movies, army of the dead uses these techniques to great effect. I didn't urgency and excitement to the plot and keeping the audience engaged and invested in the outcome of the story. 25. Countdown Obstacles Technique: Cans down, hasta, keep that knee. Comes down and ticking clock that these can be extremely effective in creating tension as suspense for the audience or whoever. To make these techniques even more effective, it's important to put a strong obstacles in the way of the hero from bits in the club. This hasta cuz can come in many forms, such as physical barriers, emotional obstacles, or even personal limitations. By adding a significant obstacles audience, the audience becomes more invested in the story and the stakes become IR, one recent examples of a trunk of stuff, goodness in the way of the hero can be seen in the movie, The Hami of the dead, directed by Zack Snyder. In the movie, a group of missionaries must enter a zombie infested Las Vegas to retrieve millions of dollars from a casino, from a casino vote for the city is destroyed by a nuclear bomb. Ticking clock. In this scenario is the time remaining before the bump is dropped out. However, the obstacle is the swamp of zombies that stand in their way, making it difficult for the arrows to reach their goal. In addition to physical barriers, emotional obstacles can also be used to make ticking clock that takes even more effective. E.g. in the movie, those who wished me dead, directed by Tyler Sheridan, it teenage boy must outrun as a series in a forest. The ticking clock in this scenario is the approach if phi up but the ASA Cu is the emotional trauma the boy us face having witnessed is far as model. This emotional or stockroom makes it even more difficult for the euro to achieve its goal, adding to the tension and suspense of the movie. Furthermore, personal limitations can also be used as obstacles to make the ticking clock techniques more effective. E.g. in the movie the Masha, directed by Red List caught, an astronaut is stranded on Mars and must find a way to survive for four years onto a rescue mission can arrive. The ticking clock in this scenario is the time remaining before the rescue mission arise. But the obstacle is the personal limitation of being alone on the astype planet with limited resources. One classic example of an obstacle in the way of the arrow between the clock is a pregnant woman in labor will ask to be rushed to the hospital, but the car has a flat tire on the road. This scenario has been used in many movies and TV shows, such as The TV show Grey's Anatomy and movies gone in 60 s. In this scenario, the ticking clock is the time remaining before the baby is born. And the hasta cool is the flat tire of the car. The hero must find a way to overcome the obstacle and get the woman to the hospital before time runs out. In conclusion, Adding a strong obstacle in the way of the hero from beating the clock can make the constant ticking clock techniques even more effective, whether it is a physical barrier, emotional obstacle, or passenger limitation. The hasta Cu add to detention and suspense of the story, making it more engaging for the audience. Examples from movies such as The army of the dead, those who wish me dead, and the Marcia show how effective this technique can be. Even classics scenarios such as the pregnant woman in labor with a flat tire on the road can be used to great effect by putting a strong US tacos in the way of the hero. These texts become higher and the audience becomes more invested in the story. 26. Heightened Countdown Technique : I tend to count down technique. Come down is a powerful cinematic too that can iTunes. So Spain's and increase this takes of a story in army of the dead, they can't dance serves as the main obstacle for the characters as the most complete their mission and escape before the government droves a nuclear bomb on the city of Las Vegas. They taking Clause grid, a sense of urgency and passion that drives the narrative forward. It's puts pressure on the characters to hatch quickly and decisively and raises the stakes of their mission. As the Konstan approaches zero, the tension increases and the audience is left on the edge of their seat wondering if the characters were associated in the admission or nuts. In army of the dead, the Camden is a crucial storytelling technique that creates a sense of urgency and tension throughout the film. At the beginning of the movie, we learned that the city of Las Vegas as being worth of due to a zombie outbreak. And the government's plans to nuke the city in a few days to contain the infection. This can done is established earlier horn and serves as the ultimate deadline for euros. I'll have a as the movie progresses, the government decides to bring forward the constant live in our heroes with even less time to complete their mission. This item is take and add an additional layer of tension to the holiday intense situation. The constant becomes a driving force that prepares the action forward. And we see the characters constantly struggling against the clock. This technique is not unique to army of the dead and is often used in storytelling to create a sense of urgency. And I've seen this takes, it forces the characters to act quickly and make difficult decisions. Adding to the tension and drama of the story by bringing forward the cans down, the government also becomes a more formidable antagonists, hiding another layer of conflicts for our arrows to overcome. It also shows the audience that the situation is more dire than they originally taught and makes us fear for the safety of the characters. In conclusion, the countdown is a powerful storytelling that takes the tension and urgency to the story by bringing forward the cans down. How many of the dead raises the stakes even higher, creating a more intense and Trilling viewing experience. 27. Heighteed Conflics: I tend to conflict. I think conflict or a crucial element is storytelling that keeps the audience engaged and invested in the story, in the movie, army of the dead, the filmmakers effectively use heightened conflicts to create a sense of urgency and increased detention in the narrative. One example of IT and conflict in the film is when the arrows have achieved their goal of reaching the vote and getting the money, they think they have succeeded and are on their way out. When they discovered that the helicopter they plan to use for their escape is damaged and wounds that this grid sense of panic and urgency as they realize that they are running out of time and the zombies are closing in on Deb. Another example of heightened conflict is when the zombie kings, queens ed is cut off and it becomes more aggressive and alpha somebody becomes more aggressive. This creates a sense of desperation and danger as the hero's face, it, most significant strengths than they did before. The zombies King, anger and grief over the loss of his queen also make him more determined to catch the heroes and make them pay. The filmmakers use this item to increase this takes and create more tension in the story. We see Andre's of zombies running into the casino after the arrow app successfully gotten the money. They are not going to let them go so easily and the arrows have to fight their way out of the casino to survive. This technique is intentional and effective because it gives the audience engaged and invested in the story is greater sense of urgency and danger that keeps them on the edge of their seat. Wondering what happened next by escalating the conflict or raising the stakes, the filmmakers ensure that the story remains exciting and engaging from start to finish. In conclusion, heightened conflicts are an essential storytelling techniques that filmmakers use to keep the audience invested in the story, the frame, the movie, army of the dead is an excellent example of how this technique can be used to effectively create tension and increase the states by using heightened conflicts, the filmmakers keep the audience engaged and ensure that the story remains exciting and engaging onto the very end. 28. Killbox Technique : Q box technique, the cube box technique is often used in storytelling to create tension and suspense by trapping the characters in a confined space where they are surrounded by enemies or hasta cuz that prevents them from escaping or advancing. In army of the dead, the cube box that Nick is used in several cases, such as when the team enters the quarantine zone and is trapped by the words that are close in on them. And when they enter the casino, vote and surrounded by a horde of zombies. Dequeue box technique also serves to raise it takes for the characters and create a sense of urgency to have to find a way out. It's great if feeling of hopelessness and desperation. As the characters are forced to fight for their survival with limited resources and against overwhelming old, the cube box technique is used as a means of creating intense action. And so space. It is situation where the characters are trapped in a confined space with no escape route and being attacked by their enemies. This technique is used in the third act of the movie when the main characters are trying to escape from the city with the money they have collected. Characters find themselves in a cube box situation when they enter a shipping container to use it as a shortcut to E2 escape the city. However, they realized that the container is filled with alpha. Zombies are waiting to attack there. This grid, a high-stakes situation where the characters are fighting for their survival in a confined space with no escape route. The cube box technique is used to build tension, suspense as the characters fight for their lives against overwhelming, but it's great. A sense of claustrophobia, hopelessness that makes the audience feel the same sense of urgency, fear as the characters. By utilizing this technique, the audience is kept on the edge of their seat and invested in the story as they are unsure of how the characters we escape or overcome the obstacles in their way. It also allows for intense action sequences and great problem-solving as the characters attempt to navigate their way out of the mailbox situation. The cube box that make an effective storytelling tool that can create tension, suspense, and a sense of order, while also providing opportunities for creative action and provide it and problem-solving. The use of the cube box technique in the, in the army of the dead movie is an effective way to create tension and suspense in a high-stakes situation. It's keeps the audience on the edge of their seat and hearts to the overall excitement and intensity of the movie.