Art Project for Kids: Drawing and Painting a Lucky Leprechaun Step-By-Step | Em Winn | Skillshare

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Art Project for Kids: Drawing and Painting a Lucky Leprechaun Step-By-Step

teacher avatar Em Winn, Teacher, Art Instructor, Artist

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction and Supplies You Will Need


    • 2.

      Step 1: Draw a Leprechaun


    • 3.

      Step 2: Paint the Leprechaun


    • 4.

      Step 3: Paint the Background


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About This Class

Are you looking for a fun and unique watercolor painting project for your child? 

Are you searching for an art project that will ensure artistic success and confidence?

Would you like an experienced art teacher guiding your child through the creative process?

This Lucky Leprechaun drawing and watercolor painting project may be just what you are looking for! Designed with beginners in mind, this project is perfect for first-time painters and children ages 5+. By following along with me, step-by-step, the beginner artist will learn the skills to create masterpieces of their own long after the project is complete.

There are two steps in this art project:

  • Step 1: Draw a Lucky Leprechaun Design
  • Step 2: Paint the Design with Watercolor Paints

The process used to teach this project is a step-by-step method that will inspire and delight the beginner artist into drawing and painting action! This process involves observing, following instructions, and creating until the student is happy with the outcome.

Students will learn basic drawing and watercolor painting techniques and apply these techniques to complete this project. This Lucky Leprechaun drawing and painting project is designed to give beginners the skills they need to begin their artistic journey into self-expression, reflection, and creative thinking.

Supplies and materials needed for this project:

Let the creative fun begin!

Meet Your Teacher

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Em Winn

Teacher, Art Instructor, Artist


Hi. My name is Em Winn and teaching art to children is what I love to do! I pride myself on creating dynamic, meaningful, and engaging art lessons that are taught in a relaxing and joyful way. I have over 20 years teaching experience in the elementary classroom and in the art studio, and I feel that I have a good grasp on how to create a learning environment that makes children feel happy, motivated, confident, and successful. Let the creative fun begin!

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction and Supplies You Will Need: Hi friends, how are you? I hope you're having a great day today. I'm excited about sharing this project with you. This is a drawing and watercolor painting project that I designed, especially for kids. You do not need to have any drawing or painting experience at all. To be successful with this project. I will take you step-by-step through all the steps that you need to take. C, you will feel comfortable at all times. Today we are going to be creating this cute little leprechaun. Let's talk about the supplies and the materials that you will need for this project. The first thing that you'll need is a piece of watercolor paper. You will need a set of watercolor paints. You will need a paintbrush. A couple of Oracle with clean water. You will need either a black oil pastel or a black crayon and a paper towel. Go ahead and gather all of those supplies and materials. And I'll see you back here in the next video. 2. Step 1: Draw a Leprechaun: In this step we are going to draw a leprechaun. So let's get started. The first thing that you'll want to do is you will want to pick up your oil pastel or your crayon. We're going to find the middle of our piece of paper. The middle of my piece of paper is right here. So this is where I'm going to start. I'm going to start by making a straight line about that long. Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go above this line and I'm going to create a hat, a pretty tall hat. I'm going to make a line here, in a line here. Then I'm going to close up this shaped make a really, really long rectangle. Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go way up almost to the top of my piece of paper. I'm going to make a line in, it's going to be a diagonal line. And it's going to hit about right here. I'm going to go here to about right here. Then I'm going to do the same thing on the other side, a diagonal line coming down. Then I'm going to close that shape up and touch from line to line. This is going to be the top part of the hat of our leprechaun. Now close to the bottom of this shape right here, we're going to make a square. Then Newton's side, that square, we're going to make another square. Then we are going to come down a little tiny bit from the top of that corner. And we're going to make a line and another line. And then the same on the other side. That's a little buckle on his hat. Now if you'd like to put a little bit of a design right here, you can go ahead and do that. I think I'm going to put a Shamrock and I'll show you how to make it. You make a heart. Then you see this point right here at the bottom of our heart. We are going to touch that point with another heart. Going from the side. If you need to turn your paper around, it might be a little bit easier for you to make another heart and then another heart on this side. Then you have to remember to make sure that you touch right here, right at that point where all of the hearts points are. Now what we're going to do is we're going to make a really long stem that goes into the buckle of the hat. Can even double that up if you'd like. Now we're going to come down to the bottom part of our piece of paper and we're going to make a head for our leprechaun. I'm going to make a really big you. And then inside this you, I'm going to add some details. I'm going to add some eyes for my leprechaun. I just like to make round eyes like this and fill them in with the black crayon or oil pastel. But you can make any eyes, any type of eye that you'd like. And then I'm going to give him some eyebrows. And these are going to be thick. And then you can even put some hair. I like this kind of hair for a leprechaun. Then coming down here, you can make a nose, any type of nodes that you'd like. I like to make smallish noses. And then I'm going to make us smile, a really big smile. I make a curved line. And then underneath that curve line I'm going to make another curved line. Then I'm going to put some teeth in there. This is a really friendly leprechaun. Now let me give them a little bit of some ears and they're going to be a little pointy. See how I went up and then I came down and I had an angle right here, like a sharp fish angle. Now leprechauns have pretty long hair. Their hair kind of goes into their beard. What I'm going to do is I'm going to just start here. The area where my hat and my head meat. And I'm just going to make hair. And then down here, it will turn into a beard. See how I did that. I'll do that on the other side as well. Then hook up. There we go. All right. Now I have a little bit of space down here at the bottom. If you have some space do you can just make some shoulders coming down. Then if you have area down here, if you have space, then you can maybe put some buttons or a bow tie if you'd like. It's completely up to you. If you want to put some suspenders here, that would be fine as well. There we go. If there's anything else that you'd like to add to your leprechaun? Go ahead and do that now before we start painting, if you do have some black oil pastel on your hand, that's what your handy-dandy paper towel as four, it will help keep your hands clean. All of it might not come off and that's okay. You just have to expect to get a little bit messy when you're working with oil pastels. Alrighty friends. When we come back in the next step, we are going to apply some watercolor paints to our leprechaun. 3. Step 2: Paint the Leprechaun: In this step, I'm going to paint my leprechaun design. Let's get started. The first thing that we're going to do is we are going to add a drop or two of water to our paint. Each pan of paint will get one or two drops of water. What that will do is it will soften up the paints a little bit so they're easier for you to use. Let me go ahead and do that. Now that our paints or softening up, Let's turn our attention to our design. Let's talk about the colors that we might consider using. Leprechauns usually love the color green. So I'm going to paint my hat Green and his clothing green. And then their hair in their beards are usually a reddish orangeish color. That's what I'm going to do. And then the skin color, you can choose any skin color that you'd like. So just get creative with that. I am actually going to keep the teeth white. Then for the buckle I might, because leprechauns really like bold as well. I might choose gold for that buccal. What I'm going to do is I'm just going to start painting. And I am going to try to stay inside the lines on this particular piece of artwork. I'm going to start with this skin color because it's pretty light. I think I'm going to use brown. I'm going to put some water and some brown paint in one of my Wells. I might even mix in a little bit of orange. There we go. I'm just making my own unique skin color. Then I'll test it out to see if I like it. Perfect. Alright, so I'm just going to start painting. I'm going to go slowly and carefully so I do my best work. All righty friends. So I'm finished painting my leprechaun and his hat and his clothing. I'm leaving this stripe right here, which is going to be black for last. So when we come back, I will paint the background and I will paint this black stripe. So I'll see you back here in the next video. 4. Step 3: Paint the Background: In this step, I'm going to paint the background, and I'm also going to be painting this black stripe here last. I think I'm going to paint my background blue. All right, friends, I'm back and now I'm going to paint this stripe right here and I'm going to make it black, but it's going to be a lighter black, so it's not going to be really, really dark. I'm going to put some water in one of my wells and then add a little bit of black. Get most of the paint off of there because I want to have some control over this paint brush and the paint. I'm just going to carefully paint inside those lines. Already. Friends. There we go. I'm finished with my leprechaun. I'm really happy with the way that he turned out. I hope that you had a lot of fun with this project. I will see you next time.