Art Journaling for Beginners #2 - Collage Unusual | Angelique Noll | Skillshare

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Art Journaling for Beginners #2 - Collage Unusual

teacher avatar Angelique Noll, Artist and Writer

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      1 Intro


    • 2.

      2 Supplies


    • 3.

      3 JossPaper


    • 4.

      4 Teabags


    • 5.

      5 JossMoney


    • 6.

      6 Fleece


    • 7.

      7 Playwork


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About This Class

In the second class in this series for people who are just starting out with art journaling, I show you some unusual collage materials to use as background on your pages. The idea is to inspire you to start thinking more creatively and, most important, to overcome the fear of simply trying out new ideas to see where they go and what they produce. 

For Playwork, at the end of the course, I share a long list of potential materials to play around with in your art journal. Use them as full or partial backgrounds, and once you've created the page, you can leave it as is, or try to develop it further. Just play, and see what happens;-)

Meet Your Teacher

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Angelique Noll

Artist and Writer






My name is Angie, and I'm a writer and artist.


My writing journey started many years ago when I took journalism and advanced journalism courses and started writing freelance articles and short stories for magazines, which were published in South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. I also designed and hosted a writers workshop, which took place over the course of a month, with weekly in-person meetings and lots of writing from the participants in between meetings. 


My fine art journey started right here on Skillshare, in 2017. I took some fun art classes in many different media because I had never done fine art before and had no experience, but I knew I wanted to learn. Gradually... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. 1 Intro: welcome back to our general number two. So I trust that your fun in your first listen Jenning and that you have a little bit more confidence about Just bring into paper on getting rid of color on the and that the whole idea of expressing yourself creatively on the page is not quite there scary and might have been before you started. So in this class, I'm going to present to you some different ways off flying collage to your to your journal . So the holiday of backgrounds is really exciting because a lot of people start the pages with background, and then they sort of interpreted as they go along and all you could have a whole image in your mind that you want to create beforehand. But either way, the background is up in a starting point, and a common thing to use is the collage. So there are many, many things that you can collage with, and in this cause, I wanted to explosive really different ways to conversion. We obviously you can use the normal ones. You can use tissue paper, which works very well, and you can use magazines and cut outs and all those sort of things, but they're also a whole lot of other things that you can use, and I invite you to get really creative with us and look around your house and see what you have that you can possibly use as a background for collage. So we're going to cover a few unusual things that I'm not using my backgrounds and as your project. I would really like to see what you come up with, perhaps of different or a different way that you use the things that I used. But feel free to get creative. And before we start, just grab your journal and you can collage in on with me, or you can watch the video first and then do it off. It's see in the next season. 2. 2 Supplies: Okay, so for this cause you'll need together a few supplies before we get going. First of all, you need your general. So I hope you have one man. Now, get your orginal really? And then the things I'm going to show you to collage with you might really have or not have the first thing we're going to do is this Chinese, um, just paper I think it's called. And if you go to Asian grocery store and you just ask them way you confined, um, incense and paper money that they burn in your you should find thes there as well. They come in a pack like this and you get different colors. You'll see this one is red and gold. This one is a lovely purple and black color on it. This one is my favorite. And so, as you open them up, they come with all sorts of surprises inside. And I have tissue paper picture. So they really think this one of this one on the outside of lettuce and that sort of read yellow greenish theme. So they have interesting pictures on them. But it's the texture and also the colors that are really like, So you'll find little piece of paper inside your big piece, different colors, and they have different prints on them like that. You can see those. Some of them are playing Marcus. But this all comes in one pack, so you open it up and you get all these little interesting bits inside these, the sort of gold leaf was inside, and then the tissue paper one and rectangle The squeeze. This one is read with a gold image printed on it. Yellow with Reed, and everything inside is wrapped up in this lovely brown sort of groups, like handmade paper, and it's got a nice, rough texture. It's got little Dogbert's lifeboats, and that's kind of what you want for your collage. You want something interesting on the background, so something with texture, something with a bit of color, perhaps anything that's interesting that will shine through. So and you could heaps of these inside each pack. So one pack, which is not expensive, it's, I think it was a few dollars. Maybe $2 will last you a long time. So go get yourself at the Asian store packed like this, and then you will also need together some teabags. And if you're not a teaching giving, I think you could just MTR tea bags that you haven't had, or somebody who's a tea drinker to keep their tea bags for you. So you keep them on a tray and you drive them out in the sun. Or, if it's not that way, they buy you. You could use a dehydrator and oven on a low heat, depending on your house. Normally, if you just leave them standing around till drought, so you flat in them out. Squeeze they exist. He out of them, flatten them out and just leave them to dry. So these and I love when they have been used because they have that stains on them, the darker colors you can. I don't know if you can see on this one the different colors and I really like that, and that will come through on your collage as well. So obviously, if you're using unused teabags, it's going to be playing. So you get them, you dry them out and then I'll show you the listen what we do with these and then you also need to collect at the Asian store. It doesn't have to be this just money. But in the same section where you find this paper, you also find the paper money that that they Boone. And so if you get a pack of this, it's again. It's very inexpensive, but I like using needs to collage with You could use monopoly money you know, toy shop money. If you have any of those sort of things lying around again like a city, my first listen, please don't go out and buy things that unless you really wanted so you don't have to go through agents. Don't get these unless you think they're interesting and you really want to give them a try . You could look around your house and see what you have that you could possibly try. So instead of this sort of money, you could use monopoly money or toy money, anything like that that you have lying around if you have kids, but if you want to buy it, it's not expensive. And then the last thing I'm going to show you is hard to work with this. It's called Carded fleece, and it's you can get it at an arts and crafts store, maybe or probably more a wolf or a yawn store you buy, not a wall. It's basically wall before it's well, so it's the fleece and it's been colored. And as you can see, it's nice and soft, always like a cotton wool consistency, and you can get them in various colors. There. I've got like blue. I have bits of purple, green, yellow, pink, white. So they come in various colors. This is the one. This is the natural color, so it's just playing. Ships will. Actually, this is not sheeps. Well, this is all Peco will, but you can get different one, so just ask, and they might be a little bit pricey, depending on where you buy it. So if it's something you want to try, then go buy it. And if it's something you don't think you want to try, then rather substituted for something in your house that you can try. So other than those things for this class, we're also going to need some my punch. I just use my apology marginal. That's fine. If you don't want to buy my part, you can use normal whitely school glue, wood glue and just diluted with some water. So but this is for your journal. That's fine. And you're going to need a paint brush to apply things on Andi that's basically really going to need. So we're just going to do the backgrounds. I'm going to show you various things you can do with it, and then what you do with your actual page? I'm going to leave up to you, But I'll show you what I've done with mine. So once you've gathered all your supplies or substitutes, they're not seeing the next lesson. 3. 3 JossPaper: Okay, so in this first, this first part of your collage, we're going to start with the jobs paper. And if you don't have just baby, if you prefer to use plain tissue paper, that's fine. I just like these because of the the patterns and the colors and the pictures in the six years. So whichever one you have tissue paper principles will be the same. Here is a picture that I did and I put on the screen off, and I used some of this raid and football colors and it waas Ah, page that I did in my journal. I did the collage foods because I love the colors, and I didn't know what I wanted to do with it. So I just did the basic collage. I just laid it out. You can see it's three simple pieces. It's not even very complicated. And I left it because I enjoyed looking at the page so much, and I knew something would come that I'd want to do with it. So eventually I I realized what I wanted to do with the page, and I drew a sketch. Shin Shin's you on here. He's known as the poet of the mountains, and he lived long ago in the 15th century. Andi was an artist and poet, and I quite like it, man. I like drawing him. So I put him on the and these Asian letters that I went over here, where Asian characters rather I just copied off the page at the bottom and are highlighted the math or they look really nice. And I used some white pin on him. And over here you can, I don't know if you can see every year the T shirt, paper talk as I was doing the march, but because they get their really thing and you can see that even on the page, If you're tissue, paper, teas and stuff, just leave it. It looks fine. You don't have to make a perfect. So I quite like the fact that it all day and even hear the tour a little bit. You can see some yellow spots shining through, so I'll show you how to work with this paper. And then what you do with your page after it is, of course, up to you depends on your team and your colors and stuff. But don't worry about it if your paper t so if it's a bit thin. And the wonderful thing about collages as you do it, if you collage something that you think don't like you can just carry on collage ing over it until you find something that you like. So if you want to, you can you can collage with me or you can just wait until after it. So I just look at my faith is I lay them out and in my art journal I'm not too precious about things. You know, If it was something I wanted to hang on the wall like a mixed media or to something, I would spend a lot more time on the layout and the, you know everything would be a lot more perfect. But in my art journal, I just sort of play with my pieces and I see what what goes together and what I like doing , like So I do quite like the green and the read together and even the yellow. But I don't think I would put any. Maybe some blue would look look nicely, but I don't think I like any purple in, you know, so that kind of cuts it down, and then once you've got them, I went to a whole design. Now I'm just going to show you how it works. You get your mud budge and we know we're not do a collage like this, And now I'm going to collage from a whole page, so I just simply start by putting my budge over my entire page. You don't have to put a too thick because you're going to go over the top again, But just make sure the whole pages covered when you collage. She went to collage on the back and on the front. So on the back of your picture, which is going to be the bit that's going to a touch here. This is substitute back picture, and you went to collage over the top so that it's nice and so the my budget dries very quickly. Pick your design or your colors and things first, so once you put your part, John doesn't drive at first. But once you put it on, you want to get going. So I'm just going to put a few pieces to show you how it works. You don't have to work all the way to the each of your page, and you can t These are if your life better. I don't always like to take things in little pieces. Sometimes I like to use bigger pieces. Some people like to take everything up smaller, and that's fine, whichever way you like to do it like this species Quite interesting. So I like that. Go that someone I would actually put that on top. You're somewhere and maybe I would tear. It's just a little bit. So another thing with collage, especially with tissue pipe, is that you're it's quite nice to have rough ages and not perfectly straight. Just that always looks massive. And I would put that the back of this paper is quite nice, its texture. So if you didn't like the picture on the top, you could use the texture obviously. Okay, so and we knew overlap pieces. You have to make sure that you have glue under and over. I think I actually I made on this page, and so it is nice to take them, even if you just a little bit of age a rough, you know. And the nice thing is that sometimes We stopped an idea when you start flossing and it turned out something completely different or you don't know what you want to do and you wait and it's find some people collage pages and pain papers. They do their backgrounds, a lot of backgrounds, and then they do their pictures or the writing and things over them off to it. So it doesn't have to be old. Anyone sitting, they have to go over everything that you're just stuck down. I'm going to just put a little bit of a little bit of green, two multicolored. But today that will be fine. What's nice often is if you choose, you know, maybe one of two main colors, and then you have one sort of contrast in color that you're comforting between. That's also nice. So it is good to start thinking about your use of colors and just how you want Teoh line things up. I think this is quite interesting. That is the basics off collage ing with something like tissue paper, actually, for everything that you don't really want to have a bubbles underneath. So I mean in my journal, I actually don't mind that because they create more texture and you get these little lines . But if you really don't want them, then you're gonna have to work slower and more careful with your mob patch and move your glue in every direction until the bubbles are out. But I'm not precious about them in my our general. So then you cover the top, the whole thing you cover with mod podge again, just like that, and you can see the my paper is tearing again. And because I know from my previous page that I quite like that, I would maybe Chris even a little bit harder so that I can create some teas, but not in deliberate places, just whatever the paper wants to take. And so because the the paper to on my paintbrush, those little purple bits are getting stuck in different places on my page, which I quite like. And that's the other thing about this paper is that the color runs quite easily. You can see the the green, I mean, their radios running into the paint. And here's some orange running. I like that. I like a slightly sort of monsieur unnaturally may see a look in my journal and but it's just so that, you know, if that sort of thing bothers you, then perhaps don't use this paper you something that its colors more fast. So they, the whole thing is now covered. I'm not really getting anymore teas. I see my green has told me a little bit. That's lovely so that we scared for in your journal when things seem to go. But today it's torn again, and I like that. I'm going to see if I could just have a few more. But, um, I think it's that's about it as first tearing goes. And so if you did this collage and then you decided, Well, actually, I don't like whatever this block yard that you just carry on and you put other pieces over so you can lay them until you're happy with your page. So it's a great thing to do is different your scared of getting things wrong, or you can just carry on, carry on camera until happy, and if you really don't like it at all, you can paint over the whole lot. So don't be scared of getting it wrong, because there is no getting a drawing collage And that's basically now you leave that to dry and you can, either. If you have a plan for you, put on it. That's fine if you don't just leave it as is, but you can use all sorts of things over the mod watch. So on this picture off Sheen's you that I drew here, I used. I first did, did him in pencil and then I just went over him in What is this being cool? I drew him in pencil, and then I went over him in a combo sort of a black brush, which I would like to use and that that stays on the I think always over him in black. More like Marco Black. My cramp in and it rubbed off. It didn't stay. So I went over my Black Tambo and that start to see a rabbit, and nothing's coming. So it trying different things. Even my help in the white. You stay, try different things. Maybe Nicolay, not sure it's going to stay, see if it drops off. Wait a little bit secret drives, and then you can design on the and that's also a good opportunity to try different materials. Try pain, Dr. Pencil. Try. Um, certain things weren't looking. What? Budge like charcoal doesn't brought so well, doesn't make marks a while on my watch, so you can have to experiment and see, depending on what your final picture is going to be. So have fun with it, and I hope to see your designs in your project, see in an egg section by. 4. 4 Teabags: Welcome back. I hope you have your tea backed. Really? Because in this course, I'm going to show you how to use the tea bags. So the reason why I chose to use TBA X first in my journal with because I really love t so on our general being a personal thing, I quite like the idea of being my marginal. It's probably one of my definitive features. And so I would like to see you drive them out and different t that would have different place, which is quite mass. So this is you get round teabags on. You get some of those cities like a green tea, a herbal tea so rectangular and some of them are bigger, some of the most smaller. This was available T and yes, So when they're dry show you this. It's easiest. Once a nice and dry. You just shake them a little bit to get the t to the bottom, and then you have a content. And I normally do this with my daughter outside because she likes to Sprinkle the tea on the plants and she likes to cut the top, actually, to show me how perfect you can do it, so it took its involved if you want to. So you cut off the top into your tea out and you can put on your plants. They like it, and you don't have to get every grain out. It just adds to the texture of your page if there's a few grains, but depending on what you want to do with your page, if you have too much t stuck inside like a little plump that can can get in the way. So once you have that, yes, one of these were the strings. They open a bit differently. You can either open them like that. Just pull this out and you'll see the opening to a nice big sheet. Uh huh. Okay, so you empty that May and then you have a nice big sheets you can That's still for a bit, but you can use that. And the thing about teabags that's really nice is that they come with cooked in terms, even darker, built in color. And I generally like nature and colors and textures anyway, So these browns, I think, are just beautiful, and they are naturally created without any effect, so it makes for easy, easy backgrounding. So I've got a few year that I've done before and you'll see the like. This one is a very one. So it has this. I don't know if you can see it, but it has a slight purple tinge to it, which is really nice. So there's two ways of using TVX. You can either use them as they all, and because they have this little pocket here, it's going to be quite a rough texture. But you can use it like that if you want. You're going to get a lot of sort of ripples and bubbles and things, However, because I like to, I think you like to draw the line. So I opened it up to make them flatter. And then you still get texture because you have this bump here. But it's a bit least then, if you if you didn't open them up, so they have been quite nice and easily and again. You don't have to be to precise about this. It depends on how perfect you want to be, but you just open them up, not this. And here's a big one. OK, I mean, I've got a few together. So, yeah, here's a page that I created with my T. Becks and I waas still going to write on this page, and by the time I was fishing that I decided I really liked just as it was, so I lived in. You can see the texture that tvx this one. I didn't MTR properly said some tea sort of in a lump theme. But it's very rough. You hear that? It also tells a little bit enough players like maybe two layers. You're not too many because you don't want precise blocks. You won't get that anyway, but you also want the different colors to shine through. So I used a double page spread for this picture, and I sketched teacups from different angles and a glass mug that had a spoon in it happened only because it was horrible. Teeny so And then I decided I really liked the black and gold and the natural T colors in the back. I love the rough edges. I didn't even clean them up, so and I love the feel of it. Everything about this I just really love. So that creates a very interesting background. Did this lady on some teabags as well. But I didn't like the green. I didn't like the gold in this instance. I didn't really like she wasn't hugely successful, in my opinion. But I did like going on here. So those are just two things you can do with it. What you do with your page. She's of course, up to you, and I'll show you how you can collage with it. So once again, you get your march lodge and you get your brush, man, it's just being in the water. Sir, I tried to drive them as much as I can. It's not nice to get to your mark much to treat and again because I know I'm going to cover my entire page. I just start with the mud budge, and in this instance, it isn't too much to plan beforehand because they're all just tea bag. So cover your whole page with my lunch. Okay, When you pay discovered you can again, you can do layers. So I just stopped and you just put them here. You do want to straighten them out a little bit and as you straighten them out, you start get increases which is quite nice. And you can just put them initially like your first. Like you can just put it. Doesn't have to start overlapping in the beginning there ever laughing could be in a second later. So you leave us very, That's fine. I sort of want of it. The you can take Yes, from that. And that's the other thing. Sometimes in open, it is a few sticks off teaming, and I let them onto my little full on my page because I quite like the little grainy textures of them and so many very my daughter. So I'm going to put this one over the bottom of completely. Yeah. Okay, so they anything when you might put your teabags You want to Just this ago seen in the middle, You just want to flatten that with your porch completely. Make sure is massive Flat. I mean, I'm gonna put this from on top. Yeah, and sometimes they really go a little bit wonky, and that's okay. So there's a bit of people sticking out the now. I don't want this big piece like that. It's a bit too to perfect. So you should actually wait for each layer to dry before you add another layer is a bit more T background shake out. You should wait for each layer to dry, so I'm going to just but down my first layer and again, you see, this flap is sticking up here. We want that to not stick up. So whichever way it goes more easily this way. Little bit of mont approach underneath Put some on top and just make sure you flatten that otherwise gonna be really difficult to do anything. If you have this ridge on your page to the real and then you wait for that to dry. And if you want to add more than you just once it's dry, you and your next and they're not seeing the next listen. 5. 5 JossMoney: okay, saying this. Listen, we're going to be using the paper money, which is very simple. And were they using monopoly money or the sort of just money to see the textures? Very fine. That's almost like tissue paper, maybe slightly pick up and the paper money alike because it got two different sides. The one side you can see it looks green, and it's got a person space on it. On the other side is slightly screen, but it has a different picture, so you can get two different things with the money. So this is one page that I created the money it still incomplete. But I wanted to show it to you because you can see the money and the need have you sit there is well, but yet you can't really see the money, my book. But you can't really see the money. Maybe not on camera, but up close, you can see little bits of the money shining through the back. They'd if you look really closely, and that's kind of the point of a collage, is that you want your different layers to show through. So whatever using for collage you do wanted to show through, even if you're going to paint over it in sticker we didn't right over. It doesn't matter. You just want the little bits to see. So when I lost with money and this time I'm not going to show you the whole collage process because it's the same as everything else. If you want to collage your whole page, then you put your mark parts first over the whole page, and then you start sticking after its and you collage another layer. You might watch another layer over the top, so the process that is the same when I do use the money and you could do this with your monopoly money. Anything is that I don't use it as it is. I like to take the ages to make it a little bit rougher. Otherwise, it will end up in to protect. And that's the lucky ones. That's fine. I just didn't want it, and I don't go through twenties, easily down. But that's the lynch ways that doesn t. So you see, so you know what? I like to keep them long. If you wanted to, you could see them up in little pieces like to get them long and because I used them in the theme of money. I am safer when I say to keep. It's not about 10,000. I would have liked to keep it that 10,000 and on the back yard of $10,000. I would like to keep those. I wouldn't tell them. So that's the anything you need to know about the money. If you are going to collage with your money, your paper money and just see what how you feel inspired what you want to create on your page. Or maybe leave it until you feel inspired. That's also fun, and then I'll see in the next lesson for very exciting, I think. 6. 6 Fleece: Okay, so welcome back in this last. Listen, I'm going to show you what you were. Good. Please. The car did fees, which is what they call this. And you have a small piece. If you don't know it. It kind of has a feeling if you conceal the camera camera here, it's very soft. And it reminds me a little bit off cotton wool, sort of the balls of cotton. And you can see as I pull it apart, it gets thinner and thinner. But it's sort of like our baby, which I really like. So you could use it very finely, wispy, almost like that. Which is what I did on my page. Open them all. You could have them a bit thicker. So it depends on you what you want to do. So it's a little bit stretchy one way, then the other way. Then you can pull it apart into cotton candy. Candy floss. See, this is what what it's like and it's very soft, you see, And so I love courted. Please. I actually love fabrics and materials and after a hugely inspired by them, but I don't like sewing. And so I have a lot of these things around which have used over the years. But I didn't know what to do with them. And then I felt really inspired to do a background with him, and this page was a complete experimental page. And I encourage you to have these pages in your journal, even if you finish your page and you hated keep it in your journal because they will be something about that paid, you know, that you like or that you blew it and you can apply in other pages. So I never take things out of my journal. You'll see on my other page, like the lady on the tea bag that I showed you that I didn't like. I don't tear them out and I don't go over them. I need them. But I do know what I did, Dr. Drummond, what will change for next time? So I encourage you to keep your pages in your journal just as they are because they it's a charting your progress off personal expression on the page. So this for me was completely experimental, and I simply started by putting down very thin bits off the please so clean page and I'll show you how did it again? I just did it with Mark because that's what I had on hand and I hadn't afternoon and I didn't really feel like going out and buying special things. I don't know what else you would use any way you could probably use your acrylic gel and your white blue diluted would work just as well. So again, I knew I wanted to cover my whole page. I had to have a picture in mind. An image. It wasn't exact, and I didn't know how I would do it because I've never use this as a background. But it turned out to be really nice. I really love the look of the page, and I love the feel of it because I love the feel and texture of the court of Feezer. What I did was, I put my piece is really thin and I sort of drape the on now you don't really want to touch and flatter him because you think they're gonna get full of glue and you don't. I mean, it makes it a bit uncomfortable, so you could just tear it. You see that coming long strips like this in the back and you can just a little pieces off your color. And I just draped them over because I had different colors. I kind of used them. If you just have one color, that's fine. And I'm act, um, thin and wispy, but also because I didn't really know what I was doing with the page. I just No, I just knew I wanted to try it and see what happened and not be quite a good experiment. So I draped them sort of randomly. I just wanted my colors. And you see, this one is very fine, but it's got the docker block perimeter, which is really nice. So maybe our and then you want to cover your whole page. We're very used. Think just blue. It was a bit of Purple Sea, so even middle scraps like this is great for using because you can just It's been a bit matter, is a nice pre CeBIT. That's what's people. So you just put them down like this and I could see Don't touch the glue too much. You can flatten it all down after its make sure, because it's a fine actually just need a little bit of it to be in contact with the group. You could lay it like that. And they all fabric artists who create the most beautiful, exquisite pieces of art using this kind of stuff. So, um, this is really loved the blooming name. And because your journal is a place off self exploration and testing ideas and seeing what works, what doesn't work? Question are what you don't like. Um, I encourage you to try anything you found in your house. I would think you could try it with normal Yano wool knitting will see what you come up with if you use that as a background, Um, I would think it, boy Audrey cottin, just quite thicker would be nice even. Plus, I've used to craft I haven't made a I haven't been happy with my results with growth, but you can use this crop fabric that you find interesting and at certain craft stores. You can also have got yellow. So you see, you've got the whole big piece and you just tear a little little black it. So it's very simple. Um, at some craft stores, you combine sticky back to fabric so they work a bit like stickers. You can just cut out your shapes and peel off the beckons to come on. I have tried them. You can you can paint on them and you complained over then so you could do something on top of them. So the challenge for me, So if you want you think you're done, I think that's enough. You could put more because you don't really need the whole thing to touch the group. Just need a little fiber touched. Agree. But once you think you're done and you're happy with your layout and things, you just take your head and you just slept in it. Just go quickly because you might touch like I touched a bit of a clue and then you might look to piece off, See, just go quickly. Just like that. This species loose said there was a bit of weak side. Just stick it on. Honestly, that will be fine. It'll stay. There is a bit of with this. I'm just gonna leave that, um leave it to dry because then you can see what what needs to be done. So yes, So that's what you do. You just pretty damn Isabella with blue day, I'm going to stick another piece of me just to make sure it doesn't. Maybe, uh okay, so it's a bit baby, a little bit more than maybe a bit of colors. So you can you can fill in the gaps as you like, but the challenge for me with this was that on my pages, I usually like to draw all right, especially my thoughts about the page, or like the money pages. There was a personal full process behind it, and I wanted to capture that on the page, in my words. And and some pages are just imagery, some pages of words and images, it doesn't matter. But I wanted to be able to do something on top of this, and I didn't want to obviously go, you know, pouring mod podge over the whole thing. So the challenge for me was in figuring out what how can put things on top of this and because I don't really so and stuff. It took me a while to realize I could stitch things onto tonight. And so they're not found these little papers, paper flowers in my Children's craft box. And that was a wonderful addition, and I just stitch them on. So I used embroidery floss when boy, you three and I literally just showed through the page. So if you are going to so through so things onto your page, just know that they're not that you make it the interview. Three should be really make it a double triple. Not because the whole that your needle next to the page is bigger than it would make through so. And I don't use normal serving three because to find I can't make begin or not, but you back use embroidery. So I sewed on some paper flowers. So yes, you can just so one paper flowers on. And then I rummaged around and I found some sequins beads, and I thought those would be a nice addition and a little piece of fabric that are found also had a theory on it, and I wanted to cut her out. So I put that in made and I stitched on the ceiling throughout the ages and then the problem of writing on these remains. So I found some. This is very thin and and I think it's interfacing. I think it's the stuff that you put that you I'm on between layers of fabric. If you are a certain person, you probably know better what I'm talking about. That I found this in my box of goodies and I told off It's quite then But I did mud patch. I didn't put my watch on the police. I put my porch on the back of this paper and it goes right through because it's a forest. But I stuck it on, and then I have to wait for that to dry. Everything feels very sort of not stable and a little drive in its fans. I just stuck it on and it's sitting on top of the police and you can write on the side, right? Only with my help in my thoughts today and I felt it just needed something, and I had a little bit of my three lift their stitched the flowers on earth and I separated in Bordry trade, and I'm just draped it between the flowers and I really like that. I thought it was really pretty, and I actually put dollops off. Just would Blue, which had which has a muzzle and I just sort of pulled a little dollop of really, and they sort of on my free just and not in a locked in, and not just to show just to keep it on me. So once you've created your PC background, it would be really interesting to see what you do on top of it. And again, you don't have to go out by police. If you want to try wool fabric or anything like that, keep it ago. Let's see what you come up with. 7. 7 Playwork: