Art Journaling for Beginners #1 - The shape of things to come | Angelique Noll | Skillshare

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Art Journaling for Beginners #1 - The shape of things to come

teacher avatar Angelique Noll, Artist and Writer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Journal#1 Introduction


    • 2.

      Journal#1 Main lesson


    • 3.

      Journal#1 Project


    • 4.

      Journal#1 Extra Playwork


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About This Class

Welcome to the Art Journaling for Beginners series. The series is aimed at anyone who feels that they would like to be more creative, but who feel very intimidated by the thought of doing anything creative. 

The aim of this short class is to nudge your creative spirit into expression on the page. We do this by going right back to safe and comfortable basics - simple shapes and a pencil. That's all. You can create expressive pages in your art journal using only a grey graphite pencil, and when you feel more confident in your ability to express yourself visually on a page, you can take a look at the extra playwork section where I give you some ideas on how you can take this lesson further.

You'll be able to fill many pages in your art journal after this lesson, but still remain creatively safe and not land up feeling overwhelmed. 

The aim of this series is to coax your creative expression onto the page using simple and safe techniques, and that's exactly what you'll find in this course. 

So get your pencil and art journal ready and I'll see you in class;-)

Happy art journaling!

Meet Your Teacher

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Angelique Noll

Artist and Writer






My name is Angie, and I'm a writer and artist.


My writing journey started many years ago when I took journalism and advanced journalism courses and started writing freelance articles and short stories for magazines, which were published in South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. I also designed and hosted a writers workshop, which took place over the course of a month, with weekly in-person meetings and lots of writing from the participants in between meetings. 


My fine art journey started right here on Skillshare, in 2017. I took some fun art classes in many different media because I had never done fine art before and had no experience, but I knew I wanted to learn. Gradually... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Journal#1 Introduction: everyone. My name's engine. I'm a writer living in Auckland, New Zealand, and I also like to express myself in other art forms. One thing I really enjoy working in his my journal. And so I decided to design a series of classes for people who are interested in our Jenning , but they don't really know where you have to start. And so it's my belief that are Jenning is for everybody, as it is a wonderful, nonjudgmental private space where we can explore our different materials that you want to play with. We can explore different ideas that we have, and we can express ourselves freely and basically just explore creative potential and see what we can come up with without any fear off things, having to be perfect or having to be beautiful, even having to make sense. So I see my our general as a space where can play and explore and I hope Teoh do the same for you so that you can embrace or journaling as something that is wonderful. It's like a toy and adult way to play with, So not everybody knows, really way to start, and when I started are joining it was very difficult to get going because I thought I needed so many different materials and 70 different ideas and 70 different techniques and tools and skills. But our journey can be as complicated or a simple as you wanted to be, and I find that when I first started keeping it really simple was key for me to actually get it going. And, of course, as you go along, you learn more skills and you learn how to use all these wonderful little tools and techniques that people use. But to just get started. It's easy to get space to keep things simple. So the other aspect is also that the blank page can be very threatening for many people, whether it's to write tunnel, to draw on, to paint on it can just present such a threat to us that we sometimes just decide retarded , not express ourselves rather than just working through that and producing something. So and that is the key of these classes is to get you to produce something on the page because the more you produce something, the easier it gets to do. And in the beginning it might not be perhaps what you envisioned or too beautiful? Perfect. But none of that matters in your general because you are journal is your space to express yourself creatively and freely. So when I decided to do this class, I really thought about what would be the least threatening way for anybody to try and express themselves if they had to sit for the first time with the blank page in front of them. And they were really scared off self expression, really threatened by the idea of self expression. And I thought of long and hard about it and when I came up with was going right back to basics, as in preschool basics. Now that might sound a bit strange, but it worked really well in this class. We're going to use only basic preschool shapes, squares, triangle circles, rectangles, and we're going to use only a normal pencil. So any kind of pencil could be HB two B two age. Anything you haven't hand just a pencil in our preschool shapes. And if you're ready to start exploring that idea, they join me now. First, listen See you. They 2. Journal#1 Main lesson: hi and welcome to our first Listen. Okay, So, as I explained in the previous section, we're going to use only basic preschool shapes. That is a square, a triangle, a circle and rectangle. We're not gonna get complicated. We're gonna stick to those four. Andi, if you have a pencil, that's all you need. Any kind of pencil doesn't matter. So the your instructions for this class is really just simple. You're going to draw those four shapes on your page, and then I'm gonna work directly marginal. And so you're gonna draw them on your page in any any arrangement that you like. We're not making pictures out of them, because again, this is not about trying to create something that looks like something that's about making shapes on your page and creating something that represents just your creative self coming out to play. And it doesn't matter if you do them in, you could do them in a row. If that is what you felt like today. And that was the extent of your creativity been. Perhaps that is it. And that would be perfectly fine. Part of our journaling is coming to except yourself for where you're at now and knowing that the more you practice every day, the more you can do. So. Even if you decided that this is all you felt that doing today, you could spend a bit of time just perhaps playing with lines and just some shapes. We can all make straight lines and Kuby lines. We can all make. Squid isn't rectangles, and that would be fine. Perhaps you felt like you would want to color something in, and then you could, just in something, maybe we would color in something different in the side, and so you would go and you will explore, and you would really just pay attention to how you feel inside. Perhaps I would want to draw another triangle in there and make a little pattern, but I'm not trying to create a particular picture. I'm just making marks and going we we my feelings. My creative expression wants me to go and apart off journaling. That I think people find so threatening is three idea that we have to create something that looks like something, something beautiful. And of course, there's a room for that, and many are generals. Have they just look wonderful, and you will get the You'll get there. But that's not necessarily where you start where you start. If you find the white page, everything. Perhaps this is where you start. You start with basic preschool shapes because we could weaken all those. Andi. It's a perfectly good thing to try overshadow. Maybe I would do another. Maybe I would do rectangle Yeah, in a circle in a squeak. And there's actually nothing wrong in just playing with these and seeing what you come up with and giving yourself just the freedom to explore the pencil on the page. And that is what are joining for me is it's a place where you can express yourself freely from the inside out. And you really don't have to worry about what other people are going to think about your picture because no one else is going to see it. And so you can carry on the make little lines. Perhaps I don't like those We got to go toe instead. Perhaps I would go that way, and so you could spend a lot of time just playing with basic preschool shapes. If you really wanted to, um, otherwise you could just leave it as it is. If that's your get your expression for the day. The important point is that you don't want to judge yourself. You don't want to say that looks childish, that look stupid. That's a off journal page. You don't want any of it because that's just going to ruin your experience. So if something is biased, because this is what you come up with food today, that would be perfect. Just put your day put your name that's your first are joining page, and it is perfect exactly as it comes out. If you wanted to create something a little bit more, perhaps somatic, perhaps today you felt like creating something not so linear you could. You could do other things with your with your ships. You could make a big you could make them overlapping. You could really off that even that you could do, and then you could blow with the shapes that you just created. Perhaps you would want to make the circle of it doctor, and the idea is not that you follow my instructions. It's that you follow your own in a direction. I'm just giving you examples of how you could play with basic preschool shapes to create something that you might actually like off to its, and actually, it doesn't really matter if you like it off to. It's the point is that your creativity is being given a chance to come out and play on whether you like what you end up with. It's not really important in our Jenning. It might be important in commissioned work when work you hang on your wall for other people to see, but in or journaling, it's not that important. And then let's you focus on that easier your general flow on, the easier your expression will flow. And once you get that going, the ability to just freely express yourself on the carriage, that's when you are Jenny becomes really interesting and really become something where you can play an express and find different things. So, you know you could do a lot with these shapes if you wanted to, you could color something you create some day that you could create some highlights, so I'm just going to speed this up, then carry on creating on my page the way I would like to create for today. Onda and you know after another pages like this, which will show you, and I hope that you show us yours as you create yours. - So there we are. That's an example of how we just use basic preschool shapes and pencil and your finger to create a page in your journal. So I'm giving you two examples. This is the 1st 1 which is really basic and really simple. And it doesn't even matter if it's basic or simple and linear. That's how I felt today. Then I would be perfectly happy with at a marginal. And then there's the second on issues with more complicated still very easy. Anyone can do it. You can do anything you like with circle square rectangle and triangle and a pencil and get creative just the way I made some lines. Dickerson runs the candid somebody intellect, some others. It doesn't matter. But the point is, I had a lot of fun doing it. That is my page, my general, for today, and I'm happy with it. So I encourage you to please not be judged wrinkle of yourself. Not be critical. Trying to be perfect. Just play with your shapes and if your page is full, and you feel like doing more than do another page and another page what you could also do if you really enjoyed playing with it and you don't feel ready to do any more than that, then try different pencils on a different page or try color pencils. But don't get too complicated and don't expect too much of yourself. That's the whole point is not to expect anything of yourself just to further your basic shapes, because they all reassuring to that in a critic that comes out and says, You can't draw. You can't. You are turning. You can't write. You can't do this. You can't do that. You can't express yourself creatively. You can always say, You know what? I've been to preschool, and I have to do preschool shapes and how to use pencil so anything you want to create a That is fun 3. Journal#1 Project : Okay, guys, onto project time. Your project for this course is simple. Just play with your basic preschool shapes and your pencil, and please take a photo and submit what you created. It would be lovely to see what everyone comes up with. Thank you very much for doing my Carson. I'll see you another time buying. 4. Journal#1 Extra Playwork: