1. Introduction: Welcome Toe Art Journal in on introduction. In this course, you will learn how to start an art journal using only basic supplies and your creativity. You don't need to know how to draw. You don't need to know how to paint. It's a fun course. It's great for beginners. It's great for everyone. We'll start with backgrounds using a water color paint set, water soluble crowns and craft acrylics. Way will then begin to add layers using texture tools such as bubble wrap, wine corks and car getting cardboard. Finally, we will add a focal point on a quote or words. These can be stickers. Drawings are totes. You will have made three journal pages. When you've completed this course, this should get you started with your journal. Your class project will be to do your own journal pages on upload at least warm to the my project section. Thank you for joining me on this course. Let's begin
2. Supplies Needed: So, what do you need for this course? I have tried to keep the supply list as basic as possible, so you don't have to spend a fortune on art supplies. I'm warning you go. Once you get started in art journal in, you'll get addicted to all those scrumptious art supplies out there. I have attached a pdf for the supply list in the your project section below. Just go to the your project section on the top, right and side. You should find the supply list.
3. Choosing Your Color Palette: So how do you know what colors to use? Some of us have an eye for color. Some of us don't. There are several ways you can choose your color palette. Look around you in nature. Ah, wild patch of flowers goes perfectly together. Make note of the colors by taking a photo. Another simple way is look at magazines. Magazines have a variety of color combinations. Craft magazines, home and garden magazines, fashion magazines and outdoor magazines. Air all great. For this, Pinterest is another valuable source. For inspiration, go to Pinterest dot com. Type in the search bar color palettes hits Endo on an overwhelming variety of color. Palettes will appear before your eyes scroll through them until you find one that suits your taste. Finally, there's the color. Real colors beside each other go well together on colors across from each other, are contrast in choose. Whichever method works for you
4. Gesso or No Gesso?: a common question in art journal in is Do you really need Jesse? For me? The answer is yes. Jess oh prevents the paint from being absorbed into the paper. Those you use less paint. It also allows the paint to move around much easier. Look at the following demonstration using watercolor paper on a simple watercolor palette. Here I am using watercolor paper with no surface preparation. See how the paint is absorbed by the paper and is very difficult to move around even when I add a spritz of water. My second piece of watercolor paper has been coated with Jesse. It is the same type of people I am using the same paint after the Jessa has completely dried. I apply my paint, see how the pain moves around much easier and thus allowing me to blend my colors. You choose what works for you. There are no rules in Art Journal in. If you are using Jessel, go ahead and give your journal page a coat and set it aside to dry. If you place a piece of wax paper or Delhi sheet onto your journal page while working, it helps to prevent the pages underneath from getting soiled
5. Adding Backgrounds: Part One: for our first background, we're going to use a simple watercolor, paints it a great tip for getting started. Using these pains is to give them a light spurts of water. I let it sit there for a minute. This activates paint and allows for easy application. And sure, you're Jessa is dry and begin applying your paint in sections. Try not to use more than three colors as you don't want your background to get muddy. This is where you let your intuition takeover. Ask yourself what feels right. Should I add more yellow there or more green? Does it look balanced? Is it pleasing to the eye? Continue at in your paint. If you find that the paint is drying too fast, just give them a spritz of water and continue to move the painter owned. Be careful, though it is very easy to overdo it. I lose a variety of colors when you're happy with your back, Grown said. To decide to dry
6. Adding Backgrounds: Part Two: for our second back grown, we will use water soluble crowns. Prepare your journal page by adding a court of Jessel and allowing it to dry thoroughly. Choose a few colors and begin to scribble on the color in sections. Remember to choose colors that go on well together and limit yourself to three or four colors. - Begin adding water to your page with a paintbrush. The crown's will start to dissolve before your eyes and create pools of vibrant color. Continue adding water and blending colors, Taking care not to blend too much as you don't want to muddy mess. - Set your journal pages side to dry.
7. Adding Backgrounds: Part Three: for our final background, we will be used in acrylic craft paint. I chose to colors and white. Remember, if you're stuck on what colors to choose, look around for inspiration at a few drops of paint to your journal page. Spread the paint around with a paintbrush until your journal pages completely covered. Remember not to mix the colors too much. If you find you have too much paint or you're not happy with an area, use adapt cloth or a baby. Wipe to remove the paint. When you're happy with your background, set it aside to dry.
8. Adding Layers: An Introduction: Now our back groans air dry. It's time to add some texture. In this section, I will show you how to use a variety of texture tools that you may have laying around the house. These include bubble wrap, corrugated cardboard, a cork from a wine bottle, the middle of a seller tape rule panzanella, which is also known as sequin waste, and old credit card or gift card. A lit from a spice bottle on old gift card in which I could his exact pattern on one side and a comb. Of course, you can use any other object you find that could make an interest in texture. You will also need your spray bottle, a paintbrush on a makeup sponge. Grab your texture, tools and backgrounds and let's get started.
9. Adding Layers: Part One: way will begin with that first back grown we made with watercolor paint. Choose a color of acrylic paint that you like. I am using a contrast in column that will pop off the page. Grab your bubble wrap Internet bubble side up. Paint the bubbles with the acrylic paint. Place face down on your journal page and gently rub the back. Lift the bubble wrap off to reveal a fabulous texture. Dry your journal page before moving on. The next texture tool we will use is corrugated cardboard. Paint the corrugated side with acrylic paint and gently press down in areas you feel that texture is needed. Remember to be intuitive here. Ask yourself where on the page needs more of this color and texture. When you are happy with the page dry and move on. Our next tool is a wine cork. It is much like a form stamp. Just dip it in some paint and stamp on your journal page. The lighting of the page. I decided to use white paint with this texture tool dry thoroughly and move on the final texture to We Will uses a middle of a seller tape room. I used white paint with this, also stamping where I felt white was needed. That's enough texture for this page, so let it dry and move on to the next lesson.
10. Adding Layers: Part Two: in this lesson, we will use our second background, the one we did with the watercolor crowns. We will begin with the sequin waste. Also newness. Panchen. Ella. We will also need our makeup sponge to apply the paint, place the Panchen Ella on your journal page. Gently dabbed the makeup sponge in the acrylic paint and dab on your pension. Ella lift to review a fabulous pattern. Do this in several areas. Note that you only need a little acrylic paint on the sponge. You also want to avoid leaving. Straight lines are more random. Pattern, looks freer and flows better. Now we will use that old Freddie card or gift card. It is quite simple. Just add some acrylic paint and spread her own. With your card, you can scrape eras. You want less paint, have fun and play around with the stool. The next texture tool we will use is a lid from a spice jar. - We're not quite finished yet. At some a critic pain to the top of your journal page spray with a little water and allow the paint to run down the page. You can get some interesting effects if you move the page you're owned. Set your page aside to dry
11. Adding Layers: Part Three: it's tag to Adderley. Is tour final back grown. We will use our punch another again with our makeup sponge. Dip your makeup sponge into the paint, police the punch another on your page and dabbed with the sponge. Repeat wherever you like. Add some circles with your lid. Dip it in the paint and stamp on your page. Allow your page to dry. Now we will use corrugated cardboard. Paint the cardboard lightly with some paint on the corrugated side. Press firmly on your journal page wherever you like, and a low it to dry at a drop of pain to your page and spread out with your card. Then go over with a corn literally calm in the page. You have to work quickly. Hair as your paint may dry before you get a chance to comb it at another color of paint and spread out with your texture tool made from cutting a zigzag pattern in the side of a credit card. When you're happy with how it looks dry, your page paints and bubble wrap bubble side up with acrylic paint and press onto the page . Allow it to dry. Adding white is a great way of lightening up or journal page. I wanted more of that green to show through, so I used my punch in L. A to add some more green dots. Remember, Art Journal in is a very intuitive process. There are no mistakes. And you just continue going until you're happy.
12. Focal Points: An Introduction: Let's talk about the focal point on your journal page. The focal point is the subject of your page. The point that draws the eye in it can be a drawing a stick. Oh, a die coat, an embellishment of some sort writing or any combination if you enjoyed calligraphy or letter and by all means use. This is your focal point of your page. This is not my strong point, so I tend to stick with what I'm comfortable with. Remember, Art Journal in has no rules. Allow your creative genius to take over and the rest will follow.
13. Focal Points: Part One: for the first page, I have chosen butterfly stickers on the word fly. You, of course, can choose whatever you like. Cut them all out first so you can place them on the page and work opposition and without them sticking. When you have decided on the layout, stick them in place. - Outlining your words and butterflies helps them stand out on the page. Use a charcoal pencil or dark drawing pencils such as a four B 28 beat outlined. The butterflies and words gently rub with your finger or a dry paintbrush to soften. No way will add a shadow to the edges of the page. You will need a black ink pad on the makeup. Sponge that the sponge in your ink pad and gently dab around the edges of the journal page . Correct Any smudges with a baby wife? Congratulations, your first a journal. Pages now complete. Now let's move on to the 2nd 1
14. Focal Points: Part Two: The focal point of this page is a dragon play, an embellishment I did not have. So I had to make one start by tracing or drawing the dragon fly on a piece of paper. The paper must be strong enough to handle whatever media, and you are caller in it with cut out the dragon fly and cholera with Marcus or whatever you choose, - go around the edges with some black dying. This will help it to stand out on the page beside where you are placing the dragon fly and stick it in place. Now add your word and quote. Outline with your charcoal pencil and soften the edges. You can act shadows to the edge of your page with charcoal, just as we did with the ink in the previous lesson. Simply draw around the edges with the charcoal and softened with your finger or a dry paint brush. Know that you have completed your second page. Let's move on to our final page
15. Focal Points: Part Three: for the final page, we will draw some flowers and color them in with Marcus. Begin by usually drawing some flowers with a pencil. - Now call of them in with your favorite Marko's at stems and leaves color. Those also when you're finished, color in them, outlined them with a white gel pin or marco. - The white gel pin provides a nice contrast, allowing the flowers to pop off the page. - Decide where you want to place your words or quote and stick in place. Regular, grew or ago. Stick works well for sticking on paper embellishments. - Outline the words with a charcoal pencil and soften the edges. You are now finished your final journal page.
16. Your Class Project: class project is to make your own journal pages using the techniques that you learned in this course, upload at least one page to the your project section to share with your classmates.
17. Thank You : we have come to the end of art journal in an introduction. I do hope you enjoyed this course. Remember to share your projects in my project section. And if you have a minute Writer review Thank you so much for joining me. And be sure to follow me as I have an entire series of art journaling courses in store for you.
18. A Bonus Project: I always get carried away when I'm working in my art journal and find it hard to stop. So guess what I have an extra page to share with you. I will walk you through the process, prepare the page with Jess Oh, and dry, and then at some paint directly to the page and spread out with an old credit card. Use upon Gianello to add some dots. I am keeping the pearl paint in the middle as I know this is where I want to stake my chipboard hearts being the page a little more interesting. You can add some splashes of paint with an old toothbrush. Simply dilute the pain with a little water, Dip the paintbrush in and pull your thumb across. The bristles warn in. This can be very messy. Quote I am using is actually cattle from a magazine, so don't throw away those old magazines until you search for interesting letters and words . I am using a stronger glue for the heart because chipboard is heavy and a glue stick probably wouldn't hold it at shadows around the edges of the page with charcoal. Outline all embellishments with your charcoal pencil and gently blend Your page is now complete