1. Introduction and Supplies You Will Need: Hi friends, how are you? I hope you're having a great day today. I'd like to introduce you to this project. This is a drawing and painting project that I designed, especially for kids. You do not need to have any drawing or painting experience at all to be successful with this project. I will take you step-by-step through all the steps that you need to take to be successful. Today, we are going to be creating this cute Santa for Christmas. And I'd like to go over the supplies in the materials that you will need for this project. The first thing that you'll need is a piece of white thick paper. You will need some paints. I'm using a tempera paint today, but if you don't have tempera paint, that's okay. You can use acrylic paints or poster paints. The colors that I have used, our brown, white, red, yellow, blue, and black. If you do not have these colors, that's okay. Just use the colors that you do have. I have three different size paint brushes here because some spaces are pretty big and some spaces are small. So I wanted to have the option of painting with different size brushes. For the outline, I am going to be using this small flat brush. You'll also need a pencil with an eraser and a paper towel and a pallet to put your paints on. So go ahead and gather all of those supplies and materials, and we'll see you back here in the next video.
2. Step 1: Draw Santa: In this step, we are going to draw our Santa with our pencil. So let's get started. The first thing that we're going to do is we're going to, we're going to talk about how large our Santa drawing is going to be on our piece of paper. Small Santa's are really cute. But in this particular project, we are going to make our Santa really large on our piece of paper. In fact, he's going to fill up most of the space of our piece of paper. So keep that in mind as you are drawing. When you add paint to your santa, you want to be able to add the paint without losing any of the detail that you add. So the first thing that we're going to do is pick up our pencil. And you're going to find the middle of your piece of paper. And you're going to make a circle, and it's going to be about that big. So go ahead and make a circle in the middle of your piece of paper. That is going to be our Santa's knows. Okay. So coming up from the nose, we are going to make his hat. So you'll need to make sure that there's enough space between his nose and his hat on the sides here for his eyes. So you don't want his hat to go right above his nose? We want to give it about three inches or so, that would be four or five centimeters. So I'm going to go about three inches up. And then I am going to make a curved line like this. So do you see how I have enough space here for the eyes and the eyebrows? Okay. What we're going to do next is we're going to make another line that runs parallel to that first line. And then we're going to close that up with two curved lines. That is going to be the bottom part, Santos hat. Now let's come over to this side. We're going to go up with a curved line. And then we're going to come down. We're not going to attach it to right here because we want this part to be the tip of his hat. Okay. So let me show you again. We start here at the corner. We go up, we curve down, and then we come down a little bit past this area right here. Now we're going to make a curved line from this area, this corner, curved line. And then we're going to touch this line right here. The first line that you made, That's going to be your Santa's hat. We do need to put a little palm palm at the end though, don't we? Santos hat usually has a palm palm. My palm palm is going off of the piece of paper, which is fine. If yours goes off of the piece of paper. That's okay. Don't worry about it too much. If you want to have a round poem, Paul, you can do that as well. Okay, so now we have the hat in the nose for our santa. The next thing that we're going to do is we're going to make our Santos mustache. So let me show you how we're going to do that. We're going to start about right here. And we're going to make a curve line that comes down and then it goes up. Okay? So if you want to think about it, it's like a really long S that's on its side. And then we're going to do the same thing on this side. So come down and then curve up. That's going to be the top part of our Santa's mustache. To make the bottom part, we're going to connect this line right here back to the nose. And it's just going to be a curved line like this. Same thing on the other side. A curved line that attaches this line right here to his nose. Look at that cute little Santa mustache. Now what we're going to do is we're going to make a curved line from the end of the hat to the mustache. And the same thing on the other side. So this is all of the face that we're going to be able to see on our Santa. Because a lot of Santos face is covered with his mustache, in his beard. Let's make some eyes. And remember these are going to be filled in with black. And then let's make some little bushy eyebrows. Bushy eyebrows right above those eyes. Okay, the next thing that we're going to do is we are going to make Santa's beard. So we're going to attach his beard to the bottom part of his mustache. And his beard is going to be really fluffy as you know. So let's make a really fluffy Vered. And just, I have a series of use that I've hooked together for his beard. If you want his beard to be longer or shorter than this, go ahead and make the beard how you want to. This is your artwork so you get to do what you'd like. My Santa's mouth is going to be covered with a beard. So I'm not going to have a mouth. If you'd like to put a tiny little mouth there, you can. That's up to you. Okay. The next step is we're going to make our Santa's coat in his body down here. It's not going to be his entire body because this is more of a portrait where we just see his face and then the upper part of his chest. So I'm going to come from his beard and remember Santa's bodies a little bit larger. So we're not going to make him really thin. So we're going to come down and then we're going to do the same thing on the other side, starting in his beard. We're going to come down like this. All right, now remember, Santa's coat usually has some buttons. So let's add some big buttons, not small ones, big ones. However many you can fit. You might not be able to fit three like I can, or you might be able to fit more. Now we're going to also make some lines right here because this is where Santa's 4Ms are, right here, his arms are right here, and then this is Tommy. Already friends. In the next step, what we're going to do is we are going to apply some black paint to our Santa. So I'll see you in the next video.
3. Step 2: Outline Santa With Black Paint: In this step we are going to apply some black paint to our pencil lines. So let's get started. Notice my black paint that I put onto my piece of paper. It's not a lot. It's only about a quarter size. Remember, you do not need a lot of paint for this part of our projects, so just put a small amount out so you're not wasting it. So we're going to load our paint, brush with our paint. And we're just going to start at the top of our piece of paper. And we're going to slowly and carefully cover our pencil lines. And those are the only lines that you're going to be covering. So I'm going to speed up this video and you can watch me. One tip that I am going to give to you is that it's nice to start at the top of your piece of paper because then your hand doesn't go into the paint. For example, if I put my paint first on my nose, then if I'm setting my hat hand down by accident on my piece of paper, it could smear everywhere. So I always remind students that they can not have that happen if they start at the top of the piece of paper. All right, friends, I am finished outlining my santos with my black paint. I'm going to show you one trick that I learned from my own art teacher. And that is, if you want a really round circle, don't use this part of your paintbrush with the brush on it, you can use the back of it. Let me show you what I mean. So if you want a really round circle and it's pretty small like this one, you just dip your paintbrush into your paint and you start painting with the back of your brush. And what you'll find is that you have a lot more control over your brush. And you'll be able to fill in that space a lot more easily and you will be able to make a round circle. So that's what I would suggest that you try. And if you want to do something else next time, you can do that. But if you try that, you might really like it. I really liked it. And that's how I make a lot of my circles these days. If they're pretty small like this, you do have to take your time and go slowly and carefully. Look at how round those circles are. Now after you're finished with your paintbrush, make sure that you use your paper towel to wipe that off of the bottom because we don't want it to get everywhere onto your clothes in the table in such. Alright. What we're going to do now is we are going to allow this part of our project to dry completely. The paint has to be dry completely before we move on to the next step, which is applying paint to our design. So I will see you in the next video after your painting is completely dry.
4. Step 3: Paint the Santa Design: In this step we are going to be painting our Santa. So let's get started. The first thing that we're going to do is talk about the colors that you're going to be using. You can use the colors that you'd like to use. I am going to be using red, white, yellow, blue, and a tiny bit of brown. And I'm going to mix the white and the Brown for his skin color, for his face. And I'm going to be using red for his jacket and his hat. I think I might leave his beard and his mustache and his eyebrows white, and I won't paint them in at all because they're already white. And the background, I'm going to use blue and for the buttons I'm going to use yellow. So let me show you how I make the skin color. You can make whatever skin color you like. I think I'm going to use this size paintbrush for my skin color. And I am going to use just a tiny bit of brown. And I'm going to pull some white into that brown. So I'm going to be mixing them a little bit together until I like the color that I see, you might want more brown or less brown. You can also use orange if you'd like more yellow, It's up to you just do a little bit of experimentation with your mixing in. You can come up with a color that you like. So that looks good to me. When I'm painting. I'm going to try to paint. Keep my paint off of my black. If I give a little bit on the black, that's okay. But I'm for the most part going to try to stay off of the black. Now, as you can see, I already got a little bit onto the block. I worked it off with my finger. But most of the time I don't even I don't even mind if I do get it onto the block just a little bit. All right, friends. I'm finished with his skin color and whatever digit now is, I'm going to wipe off this paint. I'm not going to be using water today, so I'm just going to use my paper towel to get most of the paint off. If there's a little bit left on there, That's okay. I'm not going to worry about it too much. Even if the paint that I put onto his face, even if that color goes into another part of my design, that's okay, that's not going to bother me at all. Now. I'm going to paint his nose. I'm going to paint it like kind of a reddish pinkish color because I like that. The idea of him having a little bit of a red nose. So I'm going to do that. I'm going to make a light pink. And then I'm going to just paint that in. I think that'll look Q going to wipe that pinkish color off. And then I'm going to move to my yellow and for my yellow buttons because they're smaller, I'm going to use a smaller paintbrush. I'm going to use this size paintbrush right here. So I'm going to paint these yellow. Now I'm going to use my larger paintbrush to paint my hat red and his coat red as well. Now I'm going to clean my paintbrush. And then I am going to start on my background and I'm going to paint my background blue and maybe I will mix in a little bit of white. We will just see already friends. I'm finished paintings Santa and his background. And when we come back, we will add some snowflakes to our design.
5. Step 4: Paint Snowflakes: In this step, we are going to add some snowflakes to our background. So let's get started. For the snowflakes. We're going to use our white to paint and our finger. We're going to use our pinky finger for our snowflakes and get a little bit of paint on your pinky finger. And you'll just gently touch your background where you want your snowflake to be. Alright, go slowly and carefully so you do your best work. And remember you don't need to have a 100 or a thousand snowflakes. You can just scatter them are about. And remember, snowflakes don't fall down in a straight line. Once you are finished painting your snowflakes with your finger, find a spot on your paper towel that doesn't have paint on it and try to get most of the paint off of your finger. It might not all come off and that's okay. Alrighty friends, I hope that you enjoyed this project. I will see you next time.