1. Introduction and Supplies You Will Need for This Project: Hey, friends, how are you? I hope you're having a great day today. Today we will be creating this cool pair picture with oil pastels. So I wanted to go over the supplies in the materials that you will need for this class. The first thing that you'll need is a piece of paper. I like to use paper bags which are brown. They start out brown. Let me show you the back of this. So this is a brown paper bag and what I did is I just cut it up and then I used the part that doesn't have the print on it. I also would suggest a mat that you can put underneath your work area because oil pastels can get pretty messy. And you have to be careful not to mess up the surface that you are using for your art project. The other thing that you will need are some oil pastels. You can use whatever colors you'd like. If you'd like to make your pear green on in yellow and white like I did, that's fine. If you want to make it more of a pop art pair and use maybe blue and purple and orange. It's totally up to you. And you also get to paint a background as well with your oil pastels. So you also need a handy dandy paper tell, I've used this one because, as I said before, oil pastels can get pretty messy. And we want to make sure that we can clean our hands periodically because we near rubbing your oil past styles. Sometimes your hands can get pretty messy, and then you don't want to take your hand after you have purple and pink on it and then move it on to your You're green pair. So you want to wash it off first like this. Okay, so I'm looking forward to teaching this lesson to you, and I'll see you in a minute.
2. Step 1: Draw the Pear and Apply Color: all right, A friend. So let's get started. The first thing that we're going to do is go about 2/3 down our paper, or about 1/3 up, and we're going to make a straight line with our white oil pastels. So I'm using the white. This is going to be the table down here, and this is going to be the background. The wall that are pair is going to be against. All right, so we're going to make the shape of a pair. And the A pair is a shape like this. So you have a very shallow upside down you, you come down and then you make a really fat bottom area just like that, and then you come back up. Now, the neat thing about oil pastels is if you want to change the shape a little bit like let's say I want to make this area a little bit taller or wider, so taller or wider, then I can do that just like that. So you just get your pear shaped the way that you want it to be, needs to be not as flat, maybe at the bottom, just like that. How does that work. I like it. Okay. Now what I'm going to dio is I am going to take the side of my white oil pastel and I'm going to fill in the inside of my pair going to fill in the inside of my pair with the side of my oil pastel just like that. I don't need to fill it in all the way. I just want to get a good base and it goes pretty fast. Have used the side. All right, now let's think about it. What color are pairs? Pairs are green. You might have a little bit of a darker green. It could be a little bit yellow on the lighter side, even a little bit of orange. So what I'm going to do is I'm just going to think about what I want to color for my pair. The colors that I want to use for my pair. And I'm going to start out with the green because I know that pairs are green, mostly usually unless you have a different type of a pair. So I'm going to use my lighter green, and I'm going to use the side of my green just like this going edges. Here we go. You want to make sure that this is pretty Nick, that most of my bag, the bag that I'm using in the bank, most of it is covered. Okay, Now, when you think about a pair and let's say you have a light coming in from this side, this side is usually going to be a little bit lighter because the light is coming in from this side. So because this area is going to be lighter, this area is going to have more of a shadow. So what we're going to do is we're going to take our darker green and Onley on this side. We're going to make a shadow Onley on this side. Are we going to make a shadow? I'm going to go over that initial white line just like that. All right, then what I want to do is I want to do a little bit of blending. That's the really neat thing about oil pastels. Issue can blend them, could blend them together. Very co. All right. Like I said, the light is coming down here. The imaginary light. So this area over here is going to be a little bit lighter. And that's why I'm using my yellow oil pastel. And I'm just using the side of this is well, this area right here is going to be really standing out because the light is shining on it . And then we can also kind of blend a little bit more over here so the line isn't as a parent. Don't go. Now, if you'd also like to put a little bit of orange in there at certain spots, I've seen orange in the pairs that I buy at the grocery store. All right, Does that look? So we have our shadowy area over here on this side. We have our lighter area here. I want to add a little bit of why in certain areas, because the light is coming down here. I could do that as well and do a little bit of lending. See how that works. Okay, I really like the way that this looks Okay. Here we go. Alrighty. So now let's choose a color for the background. How about how about a brown for the table? So what I'm going to do is I'm just going Teoh, go over this part with Brown. Make sure you cover that white line. And then if I want to put another color in here, I can as well. Here we go. I think I'd like to put some orange in here and remember, it's OK if a little bit of the bag or the background paper shows through. That's the neat thing about oil. Pastels is they will allow a little bit of the background to show through, especially if you use the side of your oil pastel. Now, if you use if you use the oil pastel with the tip, you get a darker and I'm, uh, it covers better. Here we go already. So in the next video, we'll come back and we will finish the top part and the stem.
3. Step 2: Apply Color to Background: already friends. I'm back. So I got a few more colors of oil pastels because I think that I'd like to do the background here, maybe pinks and purples. So I got some pink and I got some purple. And I also wanted to use a little bit of red down here at the bottom. And especially in this area, remember the lights coming in this way? So especially the area right under needs over on the right side of our pair to show a little bit of a shadow. So I want Oh, I want to build up that layer of color. Okay. And then up here, I think I'd like to use pink and purple, so I have my oil pastel. And with oil pastels, you have to peel them if you want to use the side. And then it's always a good idea. I know it feels kind of crazy, but you have to break them that way. They you can use them a lot more easily. So I'm going to just use this purple. Oh, isn't that nice? What a nice purple. So I'm going to What's it broke again? Oil pastels are very, very soft. So you have to You have to be okay with it if they do break. So I'm just putting down the purple first and then on top of the purple, I'm going to put some pink down on top of that. All right, we're going to do right now is speed up the video. You can either watch me or you could get started. It is totally up to you. After I put the pink on, I might put a little red on. It depends on how it looks. And then I'm going to just do some smearing with my fingers. Keep in mind is a good idea to have a handed Andy paper tell or something to wipe your hands with, because it can get a little bit, Messi. So I'm going to go ahead and do that and you can either watch or you get started on your own pair already . Friends, I'm back. How does it look? I'm really happy with it. I like how I blended things together. And I like the transition here between the table in the background and I really, really like my pair. Ah, lot. Okay, The last thing that I'm going to do is I'm going to add a little stem at the top here. So Paris 10 you just basically make a little dog a little oval, and then you just come out like this and against the background, it's not going to show too much. I could even add a little bit of black, smear it in, okay, And then just whatever you think looks good. That's the important thing. You need to do what you think looks good. So I love the the nature of oil pastel, cause they they're really smeary. And I just really like that look. So I hope you enjoy this. I know it was a little bit messy, but that's what art is about. Sometimes it's being a little bit messy. And you know what I love about this project to You get to use something that ordinarily you might just throw away. You get to use a paper bag. So I hope you enjoy this lesson and I look forward to seeing you again. Bye