1. Trailer: Hello, guys. In this glass, I'm gonna teach you had a work with masks in apple motion, but not exactly that you're gonna learn how to work with masks through making these three texts reveals every one of them is made with the help of a mask. Very Z fast on. Enjoyed a make. Now, if you're ready, let's start.
2. Introduction: this lecture is a quick introduction to apple motion. It teaches you the tools then we're going to use in this course so that you don't get into any trouble in the next lectures. If you know the basics in apple motion, then you can escape this lecture. Apple Motion is a software used for animating and creating motions. Let's start with the tools that are in here. If you click on any of these, then can draw that shape just like this. This one is the busy a tool. With the help of this soul, we can draw any object with any shape you want. This is the paint stroke tool. Drawing with it is like drawing with a pan. This one is the text tool that you can use four writing text. As you can see, each of these objects that we have on the screen has a layer here. The important thing is that the layers that are at the top in here, or also on the top of the other objects on this screening here and the objects that they're layers are at the bottom in here are also under the other objects in here for example, when the layer off the paint a stroke tool is above the layer of the rectangle, we see the paint stroke tool object over direct angle one. And when we change their positions in here and put the layer of the paint a stroke two under direct angle. One vendor rectangle object comes above and over the paint, a stroke to object and the part of the paint, a stroke tool that is on the direct tangle is not visible anymore. For moving the objects, you need to click on them and move them. Just like this. You can change the shape of the objects by grabbing these dulce and moving them. If you want to change their scale but not their shape and the ratio, hold the shift key and then move these dots. What do you click on any object? You see a handle on it. You can use it to rotate your object. So on the screen we can change the positions off the objects, changed their scales or rotate them. But if you want to change the otter features on object, you can click on it and then go to the inspector window in here Indians picture. We can change water feature. An object has, for example, it's color. It's possession, rotation, its scale here, capacity, everything. But inspector is not just used for changing such things. It can be used to animate to. For example, let's animates this object changing scale from 300 to 100 to any first. We should send our first frame into timeline. We set key frames by clicking on this diamond shape in here. I clicked on it, and now we have a key frame year. I should mention that any feature that has this diamond shape on this right side can be used for animating. So we've set a key frame in here, and now we go about 20 frames Ford and now we changed a scale 200 Sunni. Now, if we go back and watch it, the scales being animated. Now let's say we want to change the position of this object with its can. At the same time, we set a key frame for its position, and then we change its position. Look, no, there's another tool, which is the primers you'll that we're going to use in this course and Vance, the mask you can draw different masks with in distal here. What is mask If we click on an object and then draw mask on it, the part of the object that's outside the mask becomes invisible on the part of it that's in damask stays visible. And, as you see, if I moved a mask, we can see different parts off the object. We can change the different features off the mask or animated by going into its inspector window. If you want to animated with MAWR Accuracy, you can use Grete on your screen for that click on view and slicked grid. Now you can choose positions better and have him or polished animation. Now imagine that you have made your animation and you want to export it. Exporting Apple motion is really easy. You just need to hold command and E. You can choose a Kotick and then choose the location on the name of the file, and that's Don
3. Simple Text Reveal: what I want to teach in this lecture. Is that how you can reveal on object like this? To do that, we need to use a mask first, rewrite our text. Then we draw a mask and then we animate the text from outside the mask into the mask. We cannot see the text outside the mask on Lee. When it's in the mask, we are able to see it. Now let's do it. I write the text. As you can see, we cannot use a mask for the text. The rectangle mask tool is not usable, so how can we put a mask for this next? First we need to put the text in a group and then use a mask for that group. No, what if your text wasn't in a group? Simply right. Click it and then click on the group. Now let's draw. I'm ask for it. Look at the text. It's completely visible to us because all of it is in the mask. But if we bring part of it outside the mask, then that part is not visible anymore. So that thing we need to do is to bring the text from outside the mask into the mask. Let's do it, I said A key frame for the finishing point. I move the more care batch Ward and now I adjust to starting key frame. Now I had to play bun.
4. Text Reveal, Mask Animation: This is what I want to teach you in this lecture. It's like the previous one, but with some differences in the previous one, the position of the mask Waas fixed and the tanks went from outside the mask into the mask . But in this one, the position of the mask changes. Actually, the mask is fixed to this rectangle, and as their rectangle moves from right to left, the mask most Winnetou and at the same time the text goes from left to right and comes inside. The mess can become visible to us. Now let's see how we can make it. First we draw a rectangle. Then we write the text and said their positions. Now we should set key frames, both for the tanks and the rectangle. This is the less frame we want to see now. We should go on, make the starting frame at the beginning. I want the rectangle to be in the middle and the tanks to be at its left side. But I don't want the takes to be visible when it's on the left side, off the rectangle. I wanted to be visible when it goes to the right side off the rectangle, and for that I need to make a mask for the text and put it under right side of the text. As I told you before, we cannot create a mask for text, and for then we should put our text in a group and draw the mask for that group. Now we should animate our mask so that when the rectangle moves, the mask moves with a two. So I click on it and set a key frame for the starting point and for the finishing point, said the position of the Meskhi. I make the mascot low, larger cause it's small for the text. Now let's watch it. It has a problem at the starting point. The mask is a little bit off to the left, so I move it to the right. Now let's make sure that the position of the mask is O'Kane, all of the frames. It feels like the Texas coming out of this rectangle. Awesome
5. Handwritten Text: in this lecture I will teach you Have you can animates an object like its hand written like this one. To achieve this affect, we use a mask and one of the features off the line. Draw a line, then go to these picture and see the last point offset. Look at the line as I changed a percentage of the last point, offset by changing the percentage of the last point Offset. I can change the length off the line. Now let's see how we can use this feature to create a handwritten text. First, I write a text with a fault that I want now with the paint a stroke tool, a draw line in a direction that I want to text to be written. Now imagine that this line becomes the mask for our text. Then if we increase the with off the line, the with off the mask is going to be increased to and the object becomes visible. And then we can animate the mask with help off the last point. Offset. Let's do it, I right click on the text. Then I select add image mask. As you can see, we have the image mask option now. Now, if we put any object with any shape in the image mask, the shape of that object becomes the shape of that mask. So what reduced? Then we put the line withdrawn into the image mask so that the line becomes our mask. Now, if we click on the line that we've drawn and increased the width of it, the with off the mask will increase, too. Increase it until it becomes like the text itself. Keep in mind to not increase that with too much. The last thing we need to do is to animate our text by setting the last point officer from 0 to 100. Let's watch the result.