Amazon S3 Part One An Introduction | Steve Dougherty | Skillshare

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction To Amazon S3 part one


    • 2.

      Lesson 1 What is Amazon S3


    • 3.

      Lesson 2 S3 Pricing


    • 4.

      Lesson 3 S3 Pricing Calculator


    • 5.

      Lesson 4 S3 Signup


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About This Class

Amazon S3 An Introduction

This class will introduce you to the power and benefits and costs of Amazon's Simple Storage Service aka S3.

I've been using Amazon S3 since 2008 and while there are other cloud based storage services (some are free), I think S3 is the best. 

Amazon S3 is one of the products offered by Amazon’s Web Services, also known as AWS.

AWS is like a toolbox and S3 is like one of the many tools in that toolbox that offers. S3 is short of simple storage service and is kind of like your computer’s hard drive, only with unlimited storage space.

In this class, Amazon S3 Part One, we will cover

  • What Is Amazon S3
  • How To Figure The Pricing (after your first year is FREE)
  • Using The Pricing Calculator
  • Signing Up For Amazon S3

If you have ever looked into using Amazon S3 but was quickly lost in the jungle of outdated & hard to understand documents then my class will be a breath of fresh air.

I encourage you to join this class and learn the major benefits of using Amazon S3 for your online storage needs.

When you join this class your project will be to sign up for your S3 account.

I am your safety net in case you have any questions so lets dive in.

- Steve Dougherty

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Steve Dougherty

Techie Training Minus The Geek-Speak


A Good Teacher Is A Good Student

I've been fascinated with how things work for as long as I can remember. Many of the things I've learned over the years are a result of trial & error and people telling me I can't do that without telling me why - so I find out the hard way.

It is through many of those lessons that I've developed a system of learning new things in a way that I can more easily pass that knowledge on without a lot of techno-jargon.

I try to teach in the way a novice or 'newbie' would be able to learn, detailing many things others will assume the student already knows.

Learning From Books vs Videos

One of the reasons I fell in love with training through over-the-shoulder style screencapture videos, is because I know that if I follo... See full profile

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1. Introduction To Amazon S3 part one: Hi, My name is Steve, and I want to thank you very much for checking out and hopefully enrolling in my class on Amazon s three and introduction. When they ask you, have you ever tried to sign it for Amazon s three or wanted to know how much it costs to use s three, but was quickly lost in the jungle of outdated and hard to understand documents that my class is gonna be a breath of fresh air. Maybe you've never even heard of Amazon s three. But you have heard of amazon dot com, and there's a pretty good chance you've heard of a small company called Netflix as well. We'll netflix amazon dot com Airbnb, NASDAQ and many other huge companies use Amazon s three toe host their files. I've been using Amazon s three since 2008. And while there are other cloud based storage services, I think s three is the best. Amazon s three is one of the products offered by Amazon's Web services, also known as A W s. AWS is cock a toolbox and S three is like one of the many tools in that toolbox at amazon dot com offers s three, by the way, is short for simple storage service. And it's kind of like your computer's hard drive on Lee with unlimited storage space. Now, in this class, we're going to begin with an introduction to Amazon. Simple storage service, also known as s three. Then we're going to cover the cost of using s three. Next up, we're gonna cover how to use the monthly calculator to estimate your monthly bill. Then we're gonna finish up with the steps involved in signing up for Amazon has three and you'll watch me go through the entire process of signing up for a brand new account on Amazon Web services. Now, I encourage you to join this class and learn the major benefits of using Amazon s three for all of your online storage. Needs to go ahead and click on the enroll button now and let's get started 2. Lesson 1 What is Amazon S3: Amazon s three is one of the products offered by Amazon's Web services, also known as AWS. AWS is like a toolbox, and S three is like one of the many tools in that toolbox that amazon dot com offers. Now s three is short for simple storage service and is kind of like your computer's hard drive on Lee with unlimited storage space s three Spraying your life here in the U. S. In March of 2006. And I think sometime in 2007 for Europe because Amazon, the online store that will soon be delivering your packages with drones, I had to figure out amore efficient way to scale up their data services. Thankfully, the geniuses at Amazon figured it out, and Amazon s three is now used by thousands of companies to store their virtual data. Airbnb, NASDAQ. Even Netflix uses Amazon s three a few reasons. Why s three is so popular? Virtually unlimited storage space. Low cost pay as you go pricing. And it offers high security at zero extra costs. So for you to host your files and even your website in the same place at amazon dot com, Netflix and thousands of other big name companies is a pretty big deal and should make you feel confident in knowing that your files are in excellent company. In addition to the confidence factor, getting an Amazon s three account is just plain smart. Since there's zero bogging down or buffering issues when it comes to file delivery, you can have, like a zillion people show up at your site at the same time to check out your latest cat video that you have hosted on S three. And each of those zillion people will be able to watch the video in its entirety without its slowing down or crashing. Now, if you have that same video hosted on your host, Gator Go Daddy or other similar hosting service, not only would it slow down to a crawl and then crash after only, say, 100 or so people try to watch it at the same time, but you're hosting company will likely send you a nasty email telling you that you cannot host large files or streamed videos from this account. Yeah, that is a thing, and they might even cancel your account with him. So much for unlimited storage and unlimited bandwidth, huh? So with s three, you can keep your hosting services happy and, more importantly, your visitors and customers happy by hosting your large files and streaming your videos from your Amazon s three account. Now, as far as the cost, I'll get more into that in detail in an upcoming video. But unlike the hosting services with S three, you only pay for what you use, and that is very inexpensive. Plus, Amazon keeps lowering the cost. When I made my first series of videos on Amazon s three back in 2009 the cost restoring one gig of files was a whopping 15 cents per month. Now that same one gig file cost you three cents a month. Now, here's a rundown of how Amazon s three works. Your Amazon s three account will contain things called buckets that you create, and I'll cover that in an upcoming video as well. Now, these buckets, which you can have up to 100 of them in your ESRI account, will contain the folders and files that you upload into them these forwards and files air called objects. Not by the way, these files you upload have a one terabyte limit for each file. If you want to call that a limit, because one terabyte is equal to a 1000 gigabytes and just the whole lot of megabytes. But anyway, it's a big file. I mean, many people do not even have, ah, hard drive on their computer that will hold a terabyte size file. Okay, now we have objects and buckets. So far, so good. Your buckets are stored in what are called regions. Now. There are currently eight or nine different regions throughout the world that you can choose from to store your bucket in. But unless you're told otherwise, the default location your bucket is in when you created will work perfectly. Now these various regions air in place to help speed up final delivery and lower costs. But like I said, the default locations will do just fine for most all of us. Okay, that's objects, buckets and now regions. Now there are a ton of other geeky words and phrases you can learn about when it comes to Amazon Web services and s three. But for most all of us, all we need to know is objects, buckets, regions, super secure unlimited storage and really cheap. In the next several videos, we're gonna go over the pricing, created s three account, create buckets, upload objects to those buckets as well as how to keep those objects or folders and files. Total of six year plus a whole lot more. And that's going to bring us to the end of this video on what is AWS and Amazon s three. Thanks for watching. And you have a great day. 3. Lesson 2 S3 Pricing: in this lesson, we're gonna be covering the Amazon s three pricing. Now, there are different items involved in the pricing. Besides just the storage aspect, we're gonna get into that here in just a second. But first I want to get you on the same page that I am literally. And that would be for you to go to aws dot amazon dot com slash s three slash pricing. Now that you will learn more about the free Amazon as three stuff and go and check this out , we'll get into that in a little more detail in an upcoming lesson. And I do want to mention that all of these pricing structures are dependent upon the region in which they take place. And I'm going to be using the U S East or Northern Virginia region in this demonstration, which, by the way, this used to be called us standard Casey at the drop down and you wondering where's us standard at? Well, now, you know, now you've got three different storage categories. The one we're gonna be using more times than not is the standard storage. You have the standard infrequent access storage and the glacier stores and you can see they're a lot less expensive to store items there. There it is for the standard storage, but they're mawr expensive to pull out. So you only want to store things in here that you aren't gonna be pulling out on a regular basis, like, for example, in glacier storage. You might want to put your backups or tax documents, archives, that kind of thing, that it's good to have, but you really don't need them on a regular basis. But as you can see, the pricing here is pennies literally. So you may just want leaving here is totally up to you. But the one thing you do want to know, though, is that the other expenses I'm going to get into here in a second, these air gonna b'more expensive than these standards storage. So that said, let's move on down the page. You got request pricing again. It's reason specific. You've got put, copy, post or list request. Then you've got the get and all other requests you see here. The cost is very inexpensive, and it's for a number of thousands of requests. They don't really have to know that much about what a put or a copy is, and by the way, Amazon rounds up. So if you fall below this number, you're still gonna get charged One penny and you can see for the glacier and the infrequent access requests. Those are more expensive than these standards storage up here and going on down the data transfers where it's gonna get really pricey. This is where the bulk of my billing takes place is in the band with her. The data transfer again. Region specific data transfer in. Basically, Amazon's not going to charge anything to upload stuff to your buckets. They wanted a store stuff there. Then you've got data transfer out from Amazon s three to E c too, which is another tool in the AWS toolbox. Not gonna cost you anything for this particular region. And that's where we are right now. So it may be a different expense to a different region that all show up on your bill and I'll show you mine here in just a second. But from Amazon s three to another AWS region, you have that price. And if you get cloudfront set up, not gonna cost you anything in this particular region. This is where a majority of my expenses take place in the data transfer cost. And that's these 1st 2 levels. The 1st 1 naturally not gonna cost anything. The first gig each month is free. Up to 10 terabytes each month is gonna caution nine cents per gigabyte. Then you've got the new kid on the block, the S three transfer acceleration, pricing. And if you want to learn more about that, you've got that right here. Let's go ahead and take a look at my bill. Kind of put this in perspective and here's for my September 2016 bill. It's not complete just yet, but as of this recording, the data transfer has cost me a dollar four. We had the drop down. You have the breakdown here, and like I said, here's the big one. That nine cents per gigabyte up to 10 terabytes per month data transfer out. And so far I've got almost 11.5 gigabytes has cost me a whopping dollar three. Now, the thing about this to keep in mind is that if you are using the same files instead of on s three, I had them in a host Gator or Blue Host or a go Daddy. I'm taking a chance on getting my account shut down, at the very least, getting throttled back because they at that thing called fair use policy. And from the customer experience standpoint as they're streaming the videos or downloading the files, their experiences not going to be a good one because my accounts getting throttled back the items might be getting buffered. I mean, it's just not a good thing for the customers, and that's the main thing. You ought to look at here through all of this. So is it worth your customers happiness to pay a dollar three versus the $3 or $7 a month, you might be paying to a go daddy or ah ho skater. That may shut your account down anyway for this kind of activity. Anyway, just getting off my soapbox now that we come on down here to my s three. The actual storage expense that's a dollar. Open that up. You can see that it's broken down into the different regions. A penny here, penny there, 96 cents there. So that's going to bring us to the end of this lesson on Amazon s three pricing. Thanks for watching. And you have a great day 4. Lesson 3 S3 Pricing Calculator: Hi. In this lesson, I'm gonna go over with you how to use the simple monthly calculator to estimate how much your monthly bill might be based on whatever numbers you put in these boxes here for Amazon s three. So to get to this page, gonna go to calculator dot s three dot amazon A W s dot com, then just a couple of things to point out here to make sure you got accurate readings. One you want to make sure in the top right corner, You've got the proper language chosen. Oh, and if for some reason you got a question that I did not answer, you've got these additional tutorials brought to you by Amazon Web services. So check those out, too. And then just coming right on down here on the right side. You don't make sure this box here is unticketed because that would give you the cost based on you being within the 1st 12 months in advance of that free use its tier, which we're going to cover in greater detail in the next lesson. So, basically, with that box ticked, it's going to give you a lower cost or a lower estimation, but coming on across to the left here on the left side, Barbell. First off, if you screw things up, you want to start from scratch. You just click on the reset all button right here and that'll wipe everything out of here, starting with zeros across the board that over here we've got all the various tools within a W s that you can use within this calculator. We're just going to stick with Amazon s three and shooting right on across. You've got some sample projects here that would give you an idea as to how much it might cost if you had a free website on AWS and so on, so and you want to choose the proper region. For me, the default us east or US standard is just right. So what I did was to input these numbers because you start off with zeros all the way across here. But I want had pre populated this with some numbers based on this little devil, which is I've got 100 streaming videos. Just pretend this is like a product lunch and I've got 100 streaming videos in my membership site. Each of those videos is 10 megabytes, which totals one gigabyte. That's gonna be going into the S three storage. Now that all my launch, I've got 100 customers that paid $27 each to access those 100 videos. Okay, so with that number in mind, I grossed $2700. So now, then, if each of those 100 new members watch those 100 videos once, then that would total 100 gigabytes of bandwidth. So let's get this out of the way. You've got the 100 views for both E put copy post list requests as well as the get request and re squirrel and the one gigabyte of storage. When we scroll on down, you can see here the data transfer out. That's the 100 gigabytes of bandwidth that was used. And all you have to do is just input. The numbers in the appropriate box is here. But if you look here, this is the infrequent access storage and the glacier storage that we're using these standards storage. But if you want to calculate how much it would cost to store your objects here and how much it would cost to pull them out. And by all means, put those numbers in there. And as you enter the numbers here, the estimation of your monthly bill will be adjusted accordingly. Right here. So, for example, finally had 50 gigabytes of bandwidth used, then it would be almost half of that. And again, this is an estimate. And if you were still in your 12 months of free uses, tear, check that box and it gives you the estimated expense at that point. And that's a quick look at how to use the AWS. Simple monthly calculated. Thanks for watching and you have a great day. 5. Lesson 4 S3 Signup: this video is gonna walk you through the sign up process for getting your Amazon s three account. Now, since S three is a part of the Amazon Web services, also known as AWS. To get the S three account, we need to actually sign up for an AWS account which, if you already have an amazon dot com account, well, you kind of have access to that anyway. But let's go to the process. Just make sure that we're all on the same page. Now you will need a credit card, a de McCarter, some type of prepaid credit card type thing and an email address to do all this. The rest of it is pretty much just a straightforward signing. A process like you would do it just about anything else online. But if you have not signed up for an AWS account or s three account before, go ahead and first sign up for the free account. This is going to get you a lot of good freebies for the 1st 12 months, or at least a good chunk of freebies anyway and intelligible. But more about that right here. And I did kind of touch on this a little bit in the prior video when we talked about the pricing calculator. Let's go ahead and first make sure that we're on the right page. So up here in the address bar, enter aws dot amazon dot com, then hit Enter, and that's going to bring you to this page. Think Come on over here to the right hand side and click on Create a free account and you can see over here on the right side. It gives you a little bit of a rundown on some of the freebies that you're going to get with this 1st 12 month access to the free tier. And since we're gonna be playing the part of a brand new user, we want to come on over here to the left side and enter our email address that we want a sign to this particular account and then check this radio button here that says I'm a new user and then come on down here and click on the sign in using our secure server button and , like I said, is pretty straightforward stuff. Enter your name. Re type your email address here again, Then enter a password, a couple of times down here and then click on Create account. Now, my suggestion is that if you don't have some type of a password manager like a robo for Maura last pass go ahead and on your computer, create a folder tiling at AWS or Amazon or something like that, and inside of that folder, create or open a text document. Then go ahead and enter your email address and password that you were associating with this particular Amazon AWS account. And then once you've done all that, you've entered your email address, your name, your password, click on create account. And here they're asking for more information again. Pretty standard stuff. Just put in all of your information here and then put in the capture information here, Read over the AWS customer agreement. Check that box. As long as you agree with all those terms again. Pretty standard stuff. Now you can see your little ass trick. These air all gonna be required fields and the phone number you enter here is when you're gonna wanna have access to, because you're gonna get a phone call here in a little bit with an identification number that you have to provide them just so that they know that you're a human being kind of thing. So I'm gonna posit video while I finished filling all this stuff out. And this tell you a little bit about the free stuff again, as I mentioned earlier, get five gigs of storage and a little bit of the things like 50 gigabytes of the data transfer out. But here, you want to put in the credit card information or your debit card, prepaid card, whatever. Someone to go ahead and finish filling this out and then you the use your current contact address or a new address here and then click on. Continue. And here's where they use that phone number that you had entered earlier. And they're gonna give you that pin number is good, and I'm gonna click on Call me now. And as you can see, they have the pin number issued there on the computer. And whenever they call you, they're gonna ask you to enter that pin number on the keypad of your phone and as soon as you do and they're gonna do what you just saw here and that is to identify that you are actually a human being at this point, we want to go and click on, continue to select your support plan and really just start not the basic free is just fine . You can always come back at a later point and subscribed one of these other ones which, as you can see, are not free. So let's go with the basic free one. Click on continue and you get this nice little welcome sign because we are done. And that's how easy it is to sign up for your Amazon s three account or is in this case your AWS account which actually includes Amazon s three. Let me show you what all else you get click on the Launch Management Council and then into your log in information. And make sure that you have this particular radio button checked this time saying that you are a returning user and your password is, and then click on sign in using our secure server. And you brought to this page here where shows all of the current AWS services at the time that you're watching this video, they may have added some or move some around because they do that from time to time. But as far as he s three right over here on the far left, just click on that. And this is the first page that you were greeted with where you can create a bucket, creating and managing buckets, streaming secure videos, hosting websites and much more are covered in my other Amazon s three classes. So be sure and check them out as well. That's gonna bring us to the end of this class on Amazon s three and introduction. Thanks for watching. And you have a great day.