1. Intro to Instagram Video!: Using video on social
media is a great idea. I'm sure that's why you
bought this course, right? I want you to know that if
you took my basic course, everything you learn
there absolutely applies to making video
for any platform. The rules of composition
are always in play, movement shot variety. Always make your videos
look more professional. And of course, everything I
taught you in the being on camera section is critically important for making
videos for social media. Because most likely your
social media videos will be you talking on camera. In this course,
I'm gonna go over all the different ways you
can use video on Instagram. I personally use Instagram a lot and I find it
to be really useful for getting new customers
and nurturing current ones. Instagram's goal is to keep people on the app as
much as possible. So they want creators to make
engaging content and video absolutely fits
that bill there of different types of videos
you can post on Instagram, Stories, lives, and reveals
the following lessons. I'm going to go through each
style until you what it's meant for and then show
you how to make it. So let's go.
2. The 3 Types of Videos: Let's dive into
the three types of videos you can use on Instagram. There are stories, really, sorry, I squeaky
chair here and lives. But before we talk
about each type, I wanted to just kinda cover
what short-form video is. And this is the preferred type of video that Instagram
wants right now. It is short form. I mean, under a minute. Granted, it can be up to 15 min. It will Instagram
will post any video that is up to 15 min as a real, which is good because you'll learn about reals here
in the next section. But an algorithm pushes them
out to a lot of people. So that's really good. This is a very new thing. Summer 2022 here when
I'm recording this, because for a long
time, reels were short, like they started out copying it 30 s and
then they moved it to 60 and then they moved it to 90 s. And now all of a sudden, and it can be up to 15 min. But people are still really
used to being short. It's because we have
short attention spans. I think under a minute is a good time frame
to give yourself. Of course, it can be longer. It can be shorter. A lot of reels are like 3 s, 7 s. You don't have to have a tight
restriction on your time. But just whatever you're doing, you want to do it
pretty quickly, just knowing that that's
what people are used to. And if you don't hold
their attention, they can easily just
swipe right by you. So the attention holding
part is important, which we will talk about in
a little bit later here. These also needs to be
vertical and vertical. I mean, your videos should be shot like this, not like this. This is horizontal, vertical. And the reason why
vertical is good is because it fills the screen. And that's important. You want to take
up as much screen real estate as you
can with any video. And most people are using
Instagram on their phone. So they're looking
at it vertically. Nobody wants to be using Instagram and have to do
this to watch a video. I mean, it seems
silly, but it's true people, people will not do this. If you want to fill the screen, it's just gotta be vertical. 77% of people in this
giant survey said that they use a mobile or
tablet to watch online videos. There's a lot more
people than using a computer where
horizontal actually makes more sense because your computer is
shaped horizontally. So horizontal videos
fill the screen better. There. It is not a deal breaker. You can post horizontal
videos on Instagram. You're not going to
break the system. But what's going
to happen is those black bars at the
bottom and top. Let me show you an example here. I posted a video of my
parents and my son. And you see that there's
black on the bottom and top. I didn't make this for
Instagram. I made it for them. So it didn't really matter. But if I make it real, I always do it vertically. Because look how much
I filled the screen. Can you remember any of that? I am I'm big and bold and the main subject, and
that's what you want. You want to fill people's
screen as much as possible. So let's jump into these
different types here. We'll start with stories and stories live on the
top of the feed here. So if you're not
familiar with Instagram, this is like if you
open the app, this is, this is where you are, this
is your feed, your home area. The top is where stories are. And if people's
stories are up here, it means they have
recent stories so you can tap on
it and watch it. They do tap. So if
you're watching stories, you tap through verse scrolling. If you're on the feed,
you're scrolling. Some people prefer tapping. They liked this motion
better than this motion. It seems silly, but of course, people that are designing
these softwares know, understand this and know people have different
behaviors and they try to cater everyone and make
something for everyone to like. So each story segment, if it's a video or a photo, you can kinda do a
lot with stories is a 15-second increments. So you can see these
top lines here. Each of these little lines
is 15 s, boom, boom, boom. But that doesn't mean your
video has to be exactly 15 s. If it's longer,
that's totally fine. It'll just cut it up into
15 s sections for you. So people can just
keep tapping or just sit there and watch and
it'll continuously play. So that's not a big deal. Stories have a short shelf life, they disappear in 24 h. So this is a great place
to start if you're a little hesitant about video
or getting on video yourself, like your camera shy. You're not sure about
this whole video thing. Stories are great because
they are short-lived. So if you're like,
Oh, that wasn't very good, That's okay. It's going to disappear. It's no big deal. It
was a good trial run. People are getting to know
you and see your face. And people will
appreciate that more than you think they will. So if you do have a
great story though, you can save it to
your highlights. This is my profile. I have these bubbles here that are stories
that are saved. So somebody can
come to my profile. Click on testimonials and
they'll see little story. That I saved that
our testimonials, same with behind the
scenes freebies about me. This is a great space
to use to tell people exact things that you want about certain
things that you offer. The point of stories is
to nurture your audience. The only people that
are going to see your stories are people
that currently follow you. So this is not something that stories are not great
for massive outreach. This isn't where you're going
to draw in clients here. This is just to get the people that are
already following you to know you better. So building that no like trust
factor, that's great here. So you can see this example. I have up. She's a realtor and she's talking about
plants in our office. And that's just like, Hey, this is my space. Here's a song I like
because she has a song. You can see there's a
little song posted on the story and it is a video. I just want to have
it playing, but she just kind of goes down the line, shows off these plants. Ask if anybody needs
any plant babies. Get to know me content behind the scenes,
content is great. Behind the scenes of your work. Your work day. Behind the scenes of your life is a great one. And you can also
always use stories to announce other posts
and to announce reals because some people
like to tap, right? So that means if
they're tappers, if their story letters, they might not see your posts because they're not scrolling
a lot, they're tapping. But if you post a real that you want them
to see in your stories, they're a lot more
likely to see it. So it's always, every time
you post something to your feed or real or picture, always announce it
in your stories. So that's kinda
stories in a nutshell. Later on I'll show
you how we're going to do a story together. I'll show you how
to make one so that you have an idea of what you can do in this section
of Instagram Reels. So fun, I love reals. This is, this again is all Instagram video
that's under 15 min. If you're on someone's profile, if you click, let
me go back here. Oh man. So if you're
on someone's profile, I've scrolled up
past my bio here. If somebody just, it defaults
to this the feed button. But if you click right here, you'll see only peoples
embryos, only their videos. And also when you're
here you can see how many views each
real has gotten, which is kind of just kinda fun. To look at. Reals are really specifically, you need to make them to
target your ideal audience. Because, because an
algorithm sends them out to people who think
will like your content, which is great for you. It's so many eyeballs on you. I mean, if you look at some
of these numbers here, 3,800 people, That's a lot of people
that's way more followers, more than I have a followers. But saw that real on a
gain followers from it. Even these ones that
didn't do as good, but like 500, 400, 300 does. So a lot of people, that's a lot of
eyeballs on your stuff. That's more people than
you talk to you in a day. That's more people than
come visit your website, probably write your homepage. So all of these reels are getting tons of eyeballs on you. So you want to get
the right people interested in you, right? The point is to gain
followers and to gain leads. So this is where you
really want to be specific about talking
about what you offer, giving value within your niche. Whole brand is about video, phone, video, social video. So all my reals are about that because I don't want
to confuse people. This is where you don't
want to post stuff about your dog and your life and
behind the scenes stuff here. That is where the belongs in stories where you
can be a little bit more random, if you will. But here, you don't want random. You want very, very specific. This is what I offer. This is what I'm about so that people with the right type
of people will follow you, people that are interested
in what you have to offer. So topical content,
always topical, do not go off topic
within your reels. And you can do trending
real or original, which we will go into the
differences they're trending is just using audio that
other people are using. It can be a little
sound. It can be a song. But they're really fun
to do an original. It's just you talking
straight to the camera. So I'll show you examples
of both in a little bit. So lies, Let's talk
about that for a moment. Lives are recorded
directly into the app. So you literally are
getting on hitting button. You'll see an example later. This has go live and then
you are alive, right? So it can be scary for some
people if you're like, Oh, I'm not good in front of
a camera or you go live. They can be a little
bit scary, but they can also be worth doing. If it's under 15 min, it will be posted as a real which can be good
for your reach. If it's over 15 min, notice be posted to your feed. Okay, So here, this
one right here, see it, it is a real because
it was under 15 min. But it's also just
on my feed here. This is what it looks like if somebody were to click on it, it says was live. So you see that
your lives need to be like your real
is topical content. So I'm not going to
jump on a live and talk about a movie I
liked or something. I'm going to get home live
and talk about video. That's it. The cool thing about
lines is that you can have guessed on. So you can do an interview
or collaboration. Here I had a guest on and she's a coach and she
helps people with storytelling and their
public speaking voice. We got on and talks
about freeways to feel competent speaking
on camera here. And it was awesome because
we shared audiences. Her audience knew we were alive. My audience knew. Then once you're
done with the live, that's when it goes to either your feed or
post it as a real. So they can definitely
be worth doing. Okay, so that is your
three types of content. Stories, reels in lives. Take a little break here, tried to absorb it all,
and then we'll move on. But one thing you can do too, if you're not super
familiar with Instagram. Just hop on the app
and just look around. Just watch some reals, tap through some
people's stories. If you're following people, see if you can
find some lives on their feed and just get
an idea of what all of these things are and kinda see what you like and
what you don't like. And see if you can
get some ideas from what other people are doing with these
types of videos.
3. Scroll-Stopping Formula: Okay, In this section
we are talking all about how to make
scroll stopping video. But that I mean, people can
just scroll, scroll, scroll. So you've got to
stop that scroll so that they actually
watch your video. That's how you're going to
gain followers and interests. You want all of your reels to do one of the
following three things. Educate, entertain, or Inspire. Inspire, slash, be relatable. And then a good formula for, for like a script, if you will, for reals, is to have a hook, give
value of some sort, and then have a call
to action at the end, also known as a CTA. Let's go through each of
these with more detail. A hook is the first
3 s of your video. That's all you have to hook people in to
grab their attention. So you want it to be very
clear what the video is about. Because people want to know if they want to give you
the time to watch it. I mean, legitimately, you might be it might
be a video that they don't care about
and that's fine because you don't have to
make video for everybody. You're making video for
your target audience, your target client. So if you're talking
about jewelry, That's your product and
somebody hates story, create, let them scroll by. They don't need to
be your followers, they're not gonna be a client. So you want to just be
really clear what the video is about and tell them right away so
they don't have to hang out and then be
disappointed, right? So you can do this either
visually or auditorily. You can say it, you can see
it with a good graphic. I like doing both. Just to be very clear, we're gonna look at some
examples here as well. So that's your hook. Then
the good value part. This is the middle, the meat of the video. The link can vary. So whatever it is though, you want to do it as
quickly as possible. So whatever value
you're, you're giving, whatever your reel is
about how fast can you, can you tell them the thing? You want to use,
graphics or captions throughout your video to
keep their attention. Also, just make sure they
know what you're saying. Because even if you
have great audio, you have a mic and all of that, some people will still
watch Instagram with their sound off or all the
way down, like very low. So if you don't have
closed captions, they don't know what
you're saying and they're just going to scroll by because they're silent
watchers, if you will. It's really important
to add those and they're not
difficult to add. You'll see how to do that in the actual section when
we start making real. Then just want to keep
it visually pleasing, kinda like some of the other
examples we saw earlier, where the person's
background is changing. The jump cuts where they're
stopping at every sentence. Stuff like that just keeps
people's attention and keeps them from getting bored too easily. I mean,
I know it's silly. It's like people can't sit
and watch a one-minute video. You would think
that would be okay. But it's just not
the case anymore. You have to keep it entertaining for them
as much as you can. And then the call to action, you just want to be
really clear with what you want them to do next. It seems obvious that
they would figure out if they want to follow you or
not, or something like that. But it actually helps if
you tell them to do that. So some, some ideas are
followed for more tips. If you're doing a tips real, drop a certain
emoji if you agree, double-tap if you like this, that gives you a
like, which is good. Instagram sees that as
engagement and might push your stuff out to
more people that way. Save this video for reference. People can save reels. And if you get a lot of saves, that also looks good to the
algorithm DME for the link. You saw that in my
little mic video that I showed you earlier. And that's just a way to
get people in your DMs. That's your personal messaging. So you can maybe start a
conversation with them. These are just some
ideas, there's many more, but anything you can do
to tell them is good. People need direction. Okay? So like I mentioned earlier, they can be original
or trending reals. So let's look at some
examples of both. We're gonna start with
original, and I want you to think about this framework. What does it hook, value
and call the action? As we watch these first few, want to know the secret to
getting good engagement. It's adding value to your boss. But how do you even
add value? It's easy. You just have to stick
to the main three. Educate, entertain, or inspire. Easy is that make sure to save this real in case
you ever need a reminder. This was good. She kept it visually
interesting. They were graphics,
there were captions. She had that hook. She asked a question
that's a good hook. She gave the value and then
save this real for later. That's the call
to action. Great. She could have added
music too much. She didn't have
music, but that's, that is up to the maker, right? Here's, here's a workout one. Let's see what we think here. It's time for a quad printer. Let's get those legs fired
up with three moves, which will turn up to five
when you do both sides. Move number one. Rolling your shoulders back, you're going to do a deep lunge. And then there's breaths. Nice strike pull your knee up as high as you can,
squeezing your abs. And I'm not going to play
that whole one because it has longer because she's showing
a few different exercises. But I think it's really
good. She started out with quad burner. That's
a hook, right? If I'm looking for
a new exercise, she shot it really well. So you can see her full body, which is great if you're showing something like exercises. She used a voiceover Instead of talking
directly to the camera, which is good for narration if you're explaining
something just like that. So she's giving a
lot of value there because she's
showing stuff people can actually do to to
work on their quads. I didn't play the
end of the video, but I know at the end there
was a call to action. It was either save for reference or follow for more Workout
tip, something like that. So let's check out this
one and see what we think. So let's get into it number one, and this is the
most common mistake in Polk costing all
around the world. Okay. I don't like that one
because there's no hook. He just he just starts talking. He says, Let's get into it. Okay. This is the number one. Like he's just kinda
blah-blah-blah. I'm like, What is
this real about? I have no idea
what this real Is. It did say down here and the caption part,
it does say podcast. But if I'm not
looking that closely and I'm just actually
listening to him. It's like get to the point, dude, I think he needed
a stronger hook. He could have said instead
of so let's get into this. He could have just
said the number one mistake podcasters are making, or you might be making this mistake with your podcast and you don't even know it. Something that's
going to grab people. It's going to make it clear
what it's about and also get them to want to watch it if they are podcasters, right? Let's do some trending ones. So again, trending is taking a sound or a song
that is popular at the moment that other
people have used for reals and then kinda
copying in a way, but making it your own and relating it to your niche,
your target audience. Let's look at a few
and this will make more sense if you're not
familiar with the concept. Who invited you guys? Hey, this is great, I love this. So it's the trending song as
Bye-bye, Bye-bye in sync. And he's still used hook, value and caption really well. Here we're at caption CTA. Here we're at the CTA or you are a runner.
Read the caption. Read the caption is a
great call to action because in the caption you
can put a lot more info. You can write a blog
down there if you want, being given a lot more
contexts and a lot of time, trending reals are
short by nature. This is like 5 s or something. So you can only give so much information in
that short of a time. But you can have a
really long caption were more value can be added. But you've got to direct
people to that caption, right? Because if you don't, they just might they might think the
entire caption is if you run, you're a runner. And
that's not the case. He's got a whole thing
underneath about that idea. So let's watch it one more time. Right? Did you guys? It's great. I love it. This guy. He's really popular. He,
he gets a lot of views. He's, he's great at trends
if you want to follow him. I'm not even a runner.
So I don't even know why foam core, core, the herbivore
fun name too. So let's watch another
trending audio, a trending real with
the same audio. Who invited you guys. So similar concept, It's the three things and
people bought them away. So there's thousands of reals that have been
made like this. This one is not as good
because there's no hook. I don't understand what
she's talking about. She's talking about Let's
just watch it again. Who invited you guys? Okay, so low self competence, comparing yourself to others. But in what contexts is she
talking about with parenting? Is she talking about
being a teacher, a coach? Is it just for women? Like what is it? There's no hook that she's
cute and she does the thing. But It's not clear to me. And you want your
reel to be really clear what they're about
and what you're giving. And then there's
no call to action. It doesn't say read the caption. It doesn't say can you relate, drop an emoji. There's
nothing there. So use trends but makes
sure that they make sense and that you're trying to get that hook value and call
to action in there. If you can write, let's look
at a few more trending ones. So that's pretty good. She's a stylist. That's cool. Okay. I want to show you that one
because it's amazing to me. It's only two.
There's a photo and a clip of a video,
a before and after. There's no graphics
that even say before-after or a
call to action. There's nothing. It does not follow the formula. But if you look here, it has so many views. I don't have this many
views on anything. Right. I'm just like, how
did they do that? Sometimes you just have a real takeoff for what
seems like no reason. I mean, it's a cool like the
before and after is amazing. So maybe that's why, but it's so simple. It's such a simple edit. It's a picture in a video, no audio, no narration, nothing. To get that many views. I mean, over 600,000. This person probably
got some business from that right there, just so worth doing. Even if it's not perfect and following the perfect
formula, that is okay. It doesn't always have to
be super cookie cutter. Here's another trending one. This type of sound that
has a lot of edits, like a lot of different beats, is really good for just showing products away from the formula. Just showing off stuff can be a really cool thing to do
with certain trending audios. I would have liked
with that clothing one to two sees it like a hook or just a graphic
that exactly what is she? Is. She is she is stylist. So it could have been a
little bit more clear, but you get the idea like
trending can be great, simple to use and can get
you a lot, a lot of use.
4. Winning Content: Alright, let's talk just briefly about content like where are you going to get these content
ideas from, right? So start with your
own expertise. So just kinda like my video earlier about
being an authority, you know a lot about your
topic or your thing, right? You know a lot
more than a lot of other people know and
they want your knowledge. So you can just brainstorm, rate a list of
things that you know really well that you think
other people want to know. How many different little subcategories can
you get out of that? Probably hundreds. You could figure out tons of content to talk about or show. Answer. The public is a
website where you just search for a key phrase. So I'm going to search
for real estate. And I searched on
June 2022, the 19th. And so it's it's accurate
to the date you search. And it brings up all
the things people are searching about this topic. So you can literally
just go through here and make your real about
every single one of these. When real estate market crash. Which real estate
investment trust? If you know the answers
to these things, this is so people
actually want to know. So that's really great. And it's not just real estate, it's like literally can search
anything and you'll get tons of actual search terms. So answer the You can, you can also just
scroll a lot to get ideas. See what other people and
other industries are doing. If you see something
you like, save it. I save a lot of
content and go back and look at it and be like,
oh yeah, I like that. I'm just going to, I'm
going to recreate it. But with my own spin
and my own expertise, right, my, my niche. And that's a cool thing
about reals are kind of like little copies
of each other. You can really, it
doesn't have to be like super original
content all the time. You can the Bye-bye, bye, then sink one. You see something you like. How can I make that Minho, okay, so what three bubbles might I use that would
make sense for me? Then have fun with it. Add your own personality. But just watching other
people's Rails will give you ideas of reals that
you can make two, so it doesn't have
to be difficult. The points with your
video content for reals, remember, is to get followers. So this is a great
thing when you post a real and you get likes. That is Great Lakes are great. But when you, some of those likes become
followers, That's great. That means they want
more of your content. They want to see more of you. They might even go to
your profile and watch some of your other content that could lead to clients
eventually, right? So I have this document
I'm going to give you, it's attached below this video. It's the video content
idea generator. This is just going
to get your head working on some
other content ideas. Also, it talks about
where to post, what type of content, like we've talked about here, like with stories versus
reels and stuff like that. But I hope that is helpful
for you scheduling content. So think about this. You want a strategy that
helps you post with confidence to create
connection, right? We talked about video
being a connector. The connector,
build a community, a community of people
that like you, like your stuff,
want more of you. Do it with consistency, confidence, connection,
community consistency. Lots of keywords here. All these things are
really important. So if you're just
getting started, make yourself an easy schedule. Here's an example
of one. Monday. Getting your stories,
talk about behind the scenes of what your
schedule is like this week. Let's say you're a
real estate agent. Hey, I've got two showings
on a new listing. On Tuesday, I'm super-excited. Wednesday I'm signing a
contract with a client. And they're really excited
about getting in their house, like whatever you're doing. Can you just give people a
little behind the scenes? People like seeing what's going on in your life
and with your business. It's interesting to
a lot of people. Tuesday maybe that's
the day that you do a real you go on
answer the public, you find a question people have, and you're answering
that question, you're giving a
tip about whatever your your your expertise is. Wednesday, maybe your
back on your stories, you do like a more personal one. I'm going to get my
dog groomed today. Look how cute she looks. That stuff is fine and stories because that's all just like building the no
lake trust factor and letting people see you. Maybe Thursday you
don't post anything but you just engage
with other people. You answer any comments, messages you might have, you've watched some content, get some ideas, like
stuff, save stuff. And then maybe Friday you do a trending real, you
do that by, by, by one or I mean, there's new trending ones
coming out all the time. But yeah, maybe you go back through your saved
continent, find one. You're like, Yeah, this is it. And then Friday you post that. Then after you do this
for a couple of weeks, what can you add to it? Can you add another
real in there? Can you just be in
your stories more? Maybe on the weekends you
do something sporadic. But really just whatever is a content schedule that you think you can
stick to initially, just start that start small, that you're not
feeling overwhelmed. Like, Oh, I have to
make a real every day. You don't start with
one or two a week. See if you can add to that. You don't want to
feel overwhelmed. You want to feel good and confident about the stuff
that you're posting. Okay, that's it for this lesson. The next several lessons
are gonna be actually making stories, reels in lives. So take notes, practice along with me
as I go through those. So that you're not just
watching and thinking, you're retaining it
really does help to follow along and do
the things as well. Okay. So excited for you.
I can't wait to see what you start posting on social media with the short
form, vertical videos.
5. 5 Step Tech Set Up: I have been in the video
industry for 20 years. So my entire career, and I went from the old days of like not
even editing on a computer. I mean, that was my very
beginning of college. I just kinda barely
learned that in big clunky cameras and
all this gear to smaller, sleeker cameras, better
editing software. And then eventually smartphones came out and it was kinda like, Oh, everyone has a
pretty good camera now. And they kept getting
better and better. And it just made video
more accessible to everyone because you
didn't have to go learn how to use all
this bulky equipment. Like here's a phone
and a camera. Let's just look at
these side-by-side. Can you tell what
was shot on what these they're not like one and the others like switching
back and forth. I mean, there might be some
very subtle differences, but for people watching
social media videos, I'm not a big difference, right? So then along with Smartphones, there's all this equipment that is made specifically for
smartphone videography, like tripods,
lights, microphones, all of that kind of stuff. It makes it even easier to shoot good video that has created more user created video because of the accessibility,
the availability. All of this equipment can
be really inexpensive too. So that means there's
just a lot more homemade video, if you will. That does not mean it
is all great though, which is why you're taking
this course hopefully, so that you make yours look
better and really stand out. This section we are talking
about the tech setup. We're talking about
the five things you need to keep in mind when
you're shooting videos, period for your stories, you realize your lives, any other platform, your
home videos, anything. These are all just
going to help you out. First one is stability. This is super important. A lot of people just relay on
their hand to shoot video. And sometimes I'll watch
stories and the person is talking and they're
like a hand talker. It's just like it's like
an watchable to me. I feel like I'm in
the Blair Witch Project and I don't like it. So it's really
important to be stable. It's going to make
your videos look more professional and there's
easy ways to do it. You can use a tripod. I'm sure you've seen
a tripod before. It just sticks that go to
the ground or you can set it on its surface and your
phone just go right into it. You can use a gimbal. It's a little handheld device that keeps your
footage really smooth. That's great if you're
doing a bunch of B-roll, getting product shots
or something like that. You just stick your
phone in it and it takes over control just
makes everything smooth. You can even use a selfie stick
that's going to help out. You can use a binder clip, put a binder clip on your phone, the legs out and set it on a surface and boom,
you have a tripod. If you have nothing
available to you, you can also just use
your elbow is a tripod. Put your elbow on
a surface and just actively thinking about being still is also going
to help you out. Also, I forgot about this. This thing is called
the flip stick. You just flip it down
and this is sticky. You can just stick it right
to any surface, a wall, a mirror, your car dashboard, and then close it up and it keeps its stickiness
for really long time. Flip stick, There's all kinds of little devices like
this, so no excuses. You can even have
someone else holds your phone and they're
gonna do a better job. So settings, I'm not going to explain what all of
these settings are. But if you just keep your
phone at four K at 30, that's gonna be a good quality for any social media videos. You don't want to
ever drop to 720. This is a smaller size, so some people will go there if their phone storage is low
or something like that. But you really do want to
avoid it because Instagram, pretty much all platforms
convert videos to ten ADHD. So if you start at a lower size, it's going to have to appraise
and that can lose quality. If you start at a bigger size, which is what for K is, it's going to be higher-quality
and it'll keep some about quality when it's
going down to 1080 HD. If you do have a
phone storage issue, you can keep your phone at 1080. That's fine. That's gonna look perfectly sufficient as far
as the frame rates. I'm not going to
explain those to you. Just trust me that
30 is a good one for you talking on
camera. That's perfect. Framing. This is really
important. You want to really fill the frame, like I talked about
being vertical. You want to be the
center of attention. But let me show you, I've got a series of
short-form videos, vertical short-form videos to explain some of
these concepts here. So check this one out. Making your phone videos
look better part to you if featuring my son, Boston. Fill the frame. Once you have your
dominant subject in mind, you're going to fill
the frame with him. Make him dominant. Don't make your
viewers struggled to figure out what
they're supposed to be and do not use your Zoom. That will degrade the quality. Disclaimer, ignore that advice. He progressed the zoo and you're trying to film an alligator, just go ahead and use your Zoom. Then you also want to
utilize the rule of thirds. So watch this next
video very carefully. Take notes if you need to, and then put the
grid on your phone, which it'll talk you through that with what
this means is that you cut the frame
and the nine boxes by drawing four lines. You put points of interests
on the lines or at intersections to apply
this to filming people, keep their faces in
the top third here, this guy's head is
right in the middle box and he just doesn't
look quite right. He looks too small, but move him closer to the camera
and up in the frame. And this looks much better
when shooting vertically. You can still use the rule
of thirds to frame properly. You can add a grid to your
phone to use it as a guide. Start by going to your Settings. Scroll down to find
your camera icon. Click on that and
you'll see grid. Turn it on. Now, go to your camera and you'll see you've got
a grid on your screen. Start by opening
your camera app. Click on the Settings
icon in the top-right. Scroll down to gridlines, and then select three-by-three. I just like to always
leave my grid on to help guide me
into good framing. Okay, I level the easiest, quickest way to improve
your social videos, which is you talking
to the camera, is to frame yourself properly. I'm going to show you two ways. You don't want our
frame to start with, and then I'll show
you the right way. The first way is to shoot
down at this angle. A lot of people do this because they think it's more flattering. But unlike craning my neck up to make eye contact with the
camera and you can tell, I'm looking up at you, this is an awkward angle. You want to make your
videos feel like you're talking one-on-one
with somebody. You also want to avoid
shooting up at herself. This is not a comfortable angle to speak to someone either. It looks like I'm looking
down at the camera, like I'm talking
to a little child. You don't want your
audience to feel like they're being spoken at. You want that camera
just right at eye level. So here I am the camera
and I are eye-to-eye. We're making eye contact. I'm speaking right to you. The person watching the video, doesn't this look
so much better? So you can also notice here, or you can see easily that you could be utilizing
the rule of thirds, but how the wrong angle? Because even when I have the high angle
and the low angle, I was using the rule of thirds. My eyes were about on
that top third line, I was filling the screen. But the angle that you're at
really matters to remember. Try to keep the camera right at eye level while utilizing
the rule of thirds. Okay, bonus tip with framing, you want to look at the lens if you're shooting in selfie
mode and not at yourself, which can be difficult to do. So you might want to
utilize some tricks, like one lady told me that
she uses a little googly eye. She'll stick it on
her phone right by where the lenses so that she
remembers to look at it. You could also just use a little post-it note or
something right there. You could also cover
yourself up with a post-it note it after you've framed yourself
and you know that, that everything is good there. But it really does
make a difference. It looks bad if you're
looking down at yourself. Okay? So lighting, the
point of lighting is to get when you're filming a social video with
you on camera, is to light your
face from behind and or the sides of the
camera of your phone. So here's how you do that properly and a
few things to avoid. The things you want to avoid with lighting that
a lot of people do not thinking about
it is overhead light, just direct light down
from the ceiling? Does not look good at check
out this example here. This woman is just not in
the most flattering light. She's got shadows
under her eyes. But if you use something
like a ring light, her face is being
lit directly from behind and the size
of the camera. This is a nice even
flattering light. If you don't have a ring light. That's okay. Just think about
how can I get light behind my phone or computer,
whatever you're shooting on. Can you sit in
front of a window? Because the window
can be really nice, nice lighting on your
face, but soft light. Can you turn off your overheads and use
a couple of lamps, even behind the camera to get that light
directly on your face. Take a look. If I turn my ring light off, that doesn't look good, right? I mean, I've got some sidelight from the window back here. I also have a light
right here because of the other because
of this camera. I've got a very lit
side of my face. This side is dark. I do have
overheads shining on me. I look old. I mean, I look
wrinkly, my forehead. I looked shadowed under here. A good look. Let me turn the
ring light back on. Oh my gosh. It's so much better. Right? I think it's better. I love a ring light. If you have glasses and might not be the best
choice for you because there will be big reflections of
that light in your glasses. So you might want to
do more light from the side or using a window. But the cool thing about
a ring light is that it's also a tripod. So it's like bam, there's, there's your stability to audio. So if you are
speaking on camera, it's really important that
people can hear you clearly. You don't want to
make your viewers struggled to figure
out what you're trying to say or be like. If you're in a
noisy environment, it's not going to sound good. The best thing you can
do is get a microphone, a lavalier mic is going to work best for you for
this type of video. Check out this video. Oh, hey, are you in the
market for a microphone? If you're not, you should be. And here's why. This is what I sound like
without the microphone. This is what I sound
like with a microphone. Big difference, right? This little guy, It's
called the lav mic. It's under 40 bucks on Amazon and it picks up great sound. You can either clip it to your
shirt or under your shirt. But I like to hold it
because to me it says, Hey, I care about
quality. One more time. This is what it sounds like
without the microphone. I am a little bit
closer to the phone, so it's slightly better, but
it's still not great audio. I'm going to click
this little guy into my phone and then this microphone will just
automatically takeover. I think I've made my point. This is better than
no microphone. If you don't have a microphone or you
don't want to get one. You can use AirPods or earbuds. But it does pick
up decent sound, but just know that's not
what it's meant for. It's not meant to be
an actual microphone. So it will sound a
little bit like canned, I think in place
you might not like the look if people can see it in your ear or see the cord. That's up to you. Regardless of whether
or not you have a mic, especially if you
don't have a mic, you do want to try to
avoid noisy spaces if you're in public or
a big echoey space, that is just not going to
pick up good sound at all. Then a lot of people film
themselves in their car. Because honestly, if
you're making a real your or you're jumping on your
stories or something. It's just you talking and
what you're talking about is the main subject of your
filling the screen. It doesn't really matter
what background you have. Cars can have nice
even light if there's not the sun coming in like
directly on one side. If it's overhead, then
it's quiet and your car, unless some loud
motorcycle flies by. But for the most part, if you're just sitting
in a parking lot, It's a decent place to film, so that's a great option
if you don't have a microphone and if
you have a flip stick, you can just stick it
right on your dash. Editing. This is really huge as our last point here for
the tech setup. So what is popular right
now is really tight. It's not having a lot of breaths or pauses or filler words, just really tight cuts. I'm going to play a video
for you and I want you to absorb the message
because it's very true, especially as you're starting
out to make video and you might be feeling a
little self-conscious, but also just
notice the cutting. If you're afraid to get on video and talk about something because you're afraid people aren't going to want to hear from you. This message is for you. You are an authority, urine authority on some
subject, some topic. The thing you know most about, you definitely know more
about that than other people. Therefore, other people that don't know as much
as you are going to want to learn from you
because you are that authority. You don't have to know
absolutely everything about a certain subject
to talk about it, to give value, to teach people. So step into that power and
show up competently on video. I promise people are going
to want to hear from you. Type, type, type, type,
type, type, type type. Let's look at examples
of other people. So you don't have
to only watch me. So the video of me just
now though I was all one take and I cut it up
and editing in an app, like cut out all the
pauses and breaths. Here is another idea
where you just shoot every sentence separately,
directly into reels. We need to start looking
at Instagram differently. When I host a workshop
or work with the client, I hear this every single time. She had and I've really been
over complicating this. And it's because I tell them
this, instead of an app, I want you to think of
your Instagram profile as a physical store that
someone could walk into. Your bio is you. So you guys get the idea. Every sentence Is a
different g there changed locations or is
just a cut and a jump cut? It just keeps people's
attention more. You also saw she had
graphics captions, which we'll talk about two. But that's really, that's
an easy way to do it. You literally are in reals. You hit record, you say it, you stop, and then you move
into your next sentence, stop, and then you
go in and trim, trim your clip beginning and end so that it's nice and tight. And it's honestly pretty easy. And also if you do it that way, you don't have to
memorize along a script. You can just memorize one
line of what you want to say and then stop it and not and then go
to the next line. So it's easier. You can overdo the cuts though. Check out this real, I'm going to start a podcast
coaching real people with real challenges that
you know how to solve. You can ask your existing
clients to join you, where you can offer these
coaching sessions to potential clients at
a discounted rate and promote this offer
to your audience as a limited time offer and then
convert them into clients. So it was just too
too much cutting and it wasn't enough changing. His camera was on the
exact same place, but he would just turn to the
side and turn to the side. Super jarring. And
it was too often, it was like not even
every sentence. It was like every half sentence or every few words and
that did not feel good. It was hard to pay attention to the message because
it's too many cuts. So you can overdo
this type of editing. You can also post something
with no editing at all. But if you do, you want to
just keep the pace going? Let's check out a little bit
of this real from a realtor. How do you even get your
offer noticed in this market? My clients are doing
a few things a little bit differently than
other buyers out there. So it's my job as your agent to make sure I know what the seller wants and we're tailoring our offers specifically
to that seller. So whether it's price, whether it's a rent back, maybe it's working
with a lender. So you can tell she's moving pretty quickly if
she's not taking a lot of breaths or pauses,
she knows what she's saying. Quite sure to use a teleprompter
app, which is great. Here's what that looks like. You can't hear the sound here, but you load a script
and you're just reading it and it's
near the lens. You can do it vertically
or horizontally. But that way you can
just get through a somewhat longer video
without having to memorize. And then you don't have
all those pauses that you might have if you were
trying to memorize it. And you're going to use
less filler words if you're reading it than if you were
just trying to say it, you'd be like, it's
easier to do that. So teleprompter app is something that you could
consider using as well. With the editing, the
most basic thing you can do is just trimming
your video clip. Like let's say Jenny, That was the realtor, shot her piece of video using
a teleprompter app. You then export
that piece of video to your photos app
on your phone. From there, you can trim off the beginning
and end of the clip. So it's nice and tight because you always have that second
where you are hitting record. At the end, you stop and you
have to hit Stop, right? So you want to cut
those things out. And in this next little
clip, this video, I'm going to show you how to do that using your photos app. I do have an iPhone, but if you have an Android, It looks super similar. It's the exact same
functionality. The interface might be
slightly different. So you're gonna go
into your photos app, find the clip you want to edit. Simon here, takes a pause
there at the beginning. Hymen. And I want to trim that
off because I want it to start with just him
talking right away. So I'm going to go
to Edit at the top. Then if I just drag
this bar here, you see these two little arrows
at the beginning and end. That bar turns yellow, and that means
it's an trim mode, so it'll trim your clip. So I can slowly drag
this and watch. Okay, That's ray starts talking, so I'm going to back
it up a little. I can hit play to preview. Hi, my name is Simon Sweet. Okay, that's good. And then the end, he also has some extra space there where
he turns off the camera. So I can again drag slowly, look for his last word. He ends on a smile,
which is great. There we go. Alright, and then you can use this little white playhead to preview just a certain
part of the clip. Just scales the competence and everything you can
from hanging there. So highly recommended. Great, that's
exactly what I want. I'm going to hit Done. You can either save
video is a new clip, or if you want to just
save over this version, you hit Save video. I'm going to say it just saved the video because I don't need the part of him turning the camera on and off at
the beginning and end. So now, if I come in
here to my photos, you'll see the clip
is not trimmed. Hi, my name is Simon sweet. I may start at the beginning and then
if we go to the end, everything you'd get
from taking the course. So highly recommended. If you want to
learn how to edit. More, add graphics, add music, stuff like that, you've gotta go to an external editing program. The one I teach in my
course is called Kinda master. I really love it. I think there's a lot you
can do in it and it's pretty easy to learn
to use as well. So if you do want to
get more into editing, highly suggest taking
my course that you can learn all the stuff about it because there's so much
cool stuff you can do. Yes, you can edit an
external apps Kinda master, again as the one I teach
CAP Code is a good one too. I actually recommend
at it again, kinda Master going to cap cut to get captions, closed captions. You can also edit
directly into Rails, which is what you'll
learn about more in this particular workshop. If you do want to learn more about editing in external apps, Here's where you go for the info to sign
up for my course. And you also get a
pretty giant discount because you've
taken this course. And I want to thank
you by continuing to teach you and doing
it at a low price. But you can learn a lot more
about video in general, for all phone-based,
all phone-based, but also a lot about editing, which is a super useful skill
for your business videos, your social videos, definitely. But also just like home videos or vacation videos or
anything like that. Just having some
basic editing skills. Honestly in this day
and age is just, everybody should, should know that it should be certainly
a course in school. But if you're out of school, this is a really good way to go to get those editing skills. Alright, so there's
your tech setup. You want to always just leave your settings
where they're at. Like, like we talked about. For k at 30 if you can, or 1080 at 30 if you need, if you have not enough
space on your phone. But then stability, framing, lighting, sound, and editing. Just go through this
little checklist. And the more you do it, the
more of these things become just common knowledge to you and you just automatically
start doing them all the time.
6. Stories: Stories are up at
the top of the feed. They can be up to
15 seconds long, but you can post as
many as you want. They disappear after 24 hours, but you can choose to
save certain ones to your highlights if you want
them to live on like here, I have a few highlights for new people that come to my page. And once it quickly learn
about me and my account. The point of stories is to engage with your warm audience, people that already
follow you and know you just want to get to know
you a little bit better. This is a place to be yourself. They're meant to be
spontaneous videos, not overly produced. A lot of people just
record a selfie and talk about whatever
they have on their mind. If anywhere, stories are the place where you
don't have to have great looking super
polished videos because they'd
disappear in a day. It's a place to just try stuff out and practice getting
comfortable on camera. You can add fun stuff like
captions, text bubbles, stickers, polls asking people
questions, and a lot more. They're meant to be fun
and encourage engagement. You can shoot horizontally, but verticals preferred
format here because it fills the screen when
people are watching these videos, let's
shoot a story. I'm gonna do my story in the same setup I
use for my reals, which is like a ring light, a tripod, everything's very
stable and looks good. But generally for stories, you can get away with worst
video like I mentioned. You can just hold it. A lot
of people just hold it. But even if you do that, be cognizant of your shakes. So try to hold it
still at least because that way the people
watching will not be distracted by vu, the Blair Witch Project. But today I am going to use a tripod because I
already have it set up. I like stability. I'm a fan. So that's what we're gonna do. I'm going to hit
my plus sign hit story. Here's my camera. Hello. One thing to know about stories, they don't always
have to be recording directly to your
camera and Instagram, you can upload stuff. So let's say I wanted to
do a story about my son. I could throw that photo in
and add text or whatever. I could add stickers
and move those around. But I don't want to
post that story. I'm gonna discard that close. I'm just going to scroll up, hit camera, back on my camera. I am going to just record
directly to the camera. A couple different
ways you can do that. I can just push this button
and it'll start recording, but I have to hold it
down the whole time I'm recording if I just
select it once, it just takes a picture, which is not what I want,
I'm gonna delete that. If I hold it down, you'll see that there's a little ball rolling and that's
counting down the 15 seconds. I can hold it down longer
and it'll keep recording me. The next video segment,
we'll go to the next story. If I let go, that video is made. I can hold it. I'm going to delete it because it's not what I wanted to do. If you don't want to
hold down the button, Let's say you're on
a tripod setup like this and you'd rather
be hands-free. Select this little
arrow down here. You can do hands-free. Now I can just push
it and walk away. And then I can just talk and use my hands and not
have to hold the button. I'm gonna go ahead and record. Think about what I
want to say first. I'm not rambling when I get on. Hey, I just want
to let everybody know that I'm going
to do an Instagram live tomorrow at 1030 AM
Mountain Standard Time. The topic is, when do
youth professional video, when to shoot video
yourself on your phone, particularly for
your small business. I hope you can tune in. That's pretty much
just what I wanted. I already have a
microphone on right now for you guys for this camera. So I didn't put a microphone
on for my phone camera. And it's okay because again, stories better are okay
with lower-quality. Also a metal quiet environment, there's no competing noise. But ideally, I would
have used a microphone. I've got a microphone that just plugged directly into my phone, a lavalier mic, and
I clip it on and it just makes it sound
really crystal clear. Tomorrow for my live, I absolutely will
use a microphone so that Assad really good. During the entire video, I can add captions by
hitting the Smiley face, searching captions. It's transcribing my audio. It does this really quickly. I love it. This is pretty big
and in my face, you can use your fingers to pinch it and make them
bigger or smaller. You can also change
the way they looked. And then I think this is ready, so I'm just going to hit Send
To and hit your story done. Then the next thing
I want to do That's just one little video
story, which is great. Again, stories you can
talk about anything. Stories are where you can talk
about your personal life. People just want to
get to know you, but you can also talk
about your business or promote things like
that, like I just did. If I want to add
another story, I mean, hit my plus sign hit story. I'm not going to talk this time. I'm gonna hit Create. And I've got a background here, this little bubble down here. We'll let you change the
color of the background. Then I'm going to hit this
little Smiley face up here. I'm going to do countdown. See this countdown sticker. Change the name of the
countdown live event. Then when I'm done,
I'll hit Done. I can move this
countdown around. I can select it and
change the color of it. And then when I'm ready
I can hit send to you and share. Done. Now when I go to my
story, we've got, hey, I just want to let
everybody know that I'm going to
do an Instagram. That and then followed by this and that stories
in a nutshell, I would recommend
going in there, just playing around with
it like there's a ton of stickers that you can use. There's a lot of different
font styles, colors, a lot of fun stuff that
you can add to your story. I'd recommend always if you're
talking on camera to add captions because a lot of people listen to their
phone on silent, somewhere in the grocery
store or whatever. They don't want people to hear what's going on on their phone. Having captions means they actually can know
what you're saying. That is stories
have fun with it. Let's move on.
7. Real Reel Talk: Alright, we're here. Reals. I know that you're excited
about this module. I just want to have a real
talk with you before you jump in to learning
how to make reals. But I just want to set
your expectations to be really realistic as
you're starting out here, you are not necessarily
going to get like thousands and thousands are 1 million views on
your first real, there's no lag number
you're trying to hit. You do want to get in
front of a lot of people, but you want it to
be the right people. You want to be people that are interested in you and your service and
what you're saying, which is why you want to be really specific with the content you put in your
real and not just have random stuff out there. So if you do get 1
million views on a real, that's not necessarily
always the best thing. Because surely out of
that million people, some of them are just people that would not be interested
in what you have to offer. The algorithm just kinda
went crazy with your real, that's not necessarily
the goal here. The goal is not virality. It's just to get the right
people looking at you, make relevant content
that interests people, that gives them value, that shows them who you
are and what you offer. Maybe entertain them, maybe be relatable to them in some way. Also, your goal is consistency. Let's say you do a few reels
and your views are low. Let's say you get
70 views on a real, you might be like, Oh,
I'm so discouraged. This is not worth doing. It's taken so long for
me to make this real and I didn't even get any views. Well, I want you to
think about what 70 people would look
like in person if you've run a store and 70 people walked in and like 10 s,
That's a lot of people. That is not a bad thing at all. So don't let those low
numbers scare you off. Keep making reels. They get easier the
more you make them. The first few. As you're learning, you're
going to put in more effort. It's going to be a
little bit harder. You'll become more
comfortable being on camera or finding
trending sounds, editing and cap cut
or editing and rails, whichever you choose to do, and all of that will
happen quickly. So if you just stop after making a couple of
rules that don't do great. You're really not
helping yourself out. You really want to keep going. Just keep going. I promise it's going
to be worth it to have that great content on your page. Because let's say you do
get a view on a reel from your absolute ideal client and you've spoken to
them in some way that they come to your profile. Basically you have more videos
giving them more value, letting them get to
know you better, understand your service
or products better. They follow you. Maybe that could lead to
comments, interactions, a DM and a possible
client right there. So worth making to get
those eyeballs on you. So do not give up. Just worked through this module. The ones in this module are just very standard
rails you can make. We've got original trending transitions and just uploading. That is not the end-all,
be-all of reals. You can play around
and you could do rails with just photos, will see urine
interior designer, and you're redoing a house
and the living room. It looks terrible
before, afterwards. It's amazing. That lends itself really
well to just like before. That's the whole
graphic and the photo. Boom after and you
see the room before. After. So play around with the type
of content you're posting. See what hits, see what works. To get people. You're right
people looking at your reels. Also, I know I've
mentioned this before, but that video caption
under the real is really important to give
people more contexts. So if you're real is 5 s
of as a trending real, let's say there's
only so much value. You can give them 5 s. But you can give people
a lot more value by writing out some specific
things they need to know. You can put a lot of keywords in there on your video caption. The caption under
the video that is going to help the algorithm
show it to the right people, people that they
know are looking for interior designers or
like content like that. As you're writing the caption, think about as many
keywords as you can. You don't have to do a
ton of research here, but can you use the word interior designer,
home make over? I don't know. I'm not a home designers. I don't know what else would
work, but like some sort of specific decor style, marble countertops,
something like that that people might
actually be searching for. That would come up because
all of that texts there, the algorithm can see and use to show the right
people the right content. So let's get into it. This is a big meeting
module, but it's really fun. Just take it in stride, do what you can
little by little and contact me with any
questions as you go.
8. Reels Overview: Okay, let's make some reels. In this video, I'm going
to just kind of give you an overview of what the
interface looks like. So you know what
to do when you get into Instagram and you're
ready to start posting. Once you're on Instagram,
there's two ways you can get to the
reals section. The first way, if you're
just here on your feed, you can come up to the
plus sign at the top. And you'll see down here, you can roll your finger. Two different options. Story post or real. Of course we're going to
want to put it on real. And this is the reals editor, which we'll get to
in just a minute. But I want to show
you the other way. You can go to your profile. If you click the bottom
little circle here, here you can hit the plus sign and it gives you
a different menu. I don't know why it's different. It just is. But here you
can go straight to reel. And then either way you get to the same interface right here. So this is what
you're gonna see. I'm gonna go through and show you what all these options are. So this first one is music. So if you're going to
add music to your reel, you're going to hit that, browse through here
and listen to them. You can also go to
your saved songs. If you have saved any
audio tracks here, you can search in music. Let's say you want to search for something really specific, like something by a JAR. If you want to use one,
You just click it. Can we skip to the good part? And then it's there
in your real. So for now, I'm going to just
delete that to trash can. The next option is for effects. So if you hit that,
it'll take you to this screen where you have a
bunch of different effects. You can add this green-screen. This first one is what you would use if you want it to be on top of a picture in the background or a
video in the background. It cuts out the background
pretty accurately. I mean, you know, it's a
little fuzzy around the hair, but it's not a big deal. So that's where you would
actually do that type of real, you can roll through
here though and just check these out. Some of them are just change the color because
smooth as my face out, it's called no filter, but
it's definitely a filter. But there's a ton
of stuff in here. I'm not gonna go
through all of these. And I would say,
for a lot of these, you're not going to
want to use them because you want to show up
authentically as yourself. Not this version of not you. If you add something like this, you want it to be
really motivated. You don't want to just
show up on camera with this flower heart crown on your head for no reason, right? So you want to use
these sparingly? Just use them if
they make sense. If you are like, Oh, weird that green-screen one go, you can search here to find
the effect that you want. I'm going to hit Cancel. Then to get out of
that, see down here, once you've chosen an effect, you can roll through here and sample through
them that way. But if you don't
want to use one, just go back to
the first one and just that white circle
is no effect at all, which is what we're
going to choose. What I always choose
for most of the time. This next feature
here is the timer. So the length, not
really the timer, it's the length of the real, defaults to 15 s. You can also choose to make
your real thirty-seconds, 90 or 60 or 90 s. This is not incredibly
important because it'll like, let's say I've chosen
a 15-second real. But the real I'm gonna make is actually only
going to be 6 s. So it's no big deal. It'll just make it 6.2 s or whatever the length
is that your real is. That's not really a
big deal. The fact that times that you
do want to watch it, or if you are going to
do a longer real and you're going to
maybe do a direct to camera talking about a subject. And it's going to be
longer than 15 s, but you're shooting it directly
in to Rails right now. It will cut you off at 15 s because that's what
you have it set on. So you do want to go in here and say, just make it the highest. Like it's probably
not gonna be in 90 s talking to camera reel, but maybe it'll be 42 s. I mean, it doesn't
matter how long it is, but you just want to give
yourself the full length. That way you won't
get cut off in the middle of a good
take or something. You could always two, no matter even if it's
gonna be really short, just come in here and select 90. And then it's not going
to post your real, like you see the 10
s and then it's just like 80 s of blank space.
It doesn't do that. It'll just stop the real 10 s. So it's just like a safe
bet to leave it at 90. Next we have a speed. So you can use this to
record in different speeds. You can record slower or faster. One time is normal speed, of course four times is
like super fast speed. If you want to slow it down, you go half or a third. And what that does or the
reason you would use that, you just want to do something
you're always going to use. But if you are doing a lip sync, if it's hard for you to keep up with the words because
they're moving really fast. Then it's nice to slow it down so that you can follow along and lip-sync
a little slower. And it helps you keep
in sync a lot better. It's looks like it can
be really difficult. So that is a way to make it work and have you actually
match the lip-sync. So basically you're recording in a slower or faster speed. Then when it post
it, when it posts, it'll be like the song will
sound like a normal speed. So you're not speeding up
or slowing down the song. It's just the recording part. Down here is a layout. So it just gives you a grid. You can change the grid. You know, I honestly
never use this. So technically though, you could choose something here and then shoot something
here and here and here. So I don't know, you can play with
that and have fun. I have not had any need for it. The timer is really important. You're going to use this
function like all the time. It will count you down
before you record the real, I generally leave mine at 3 s. And what that does is when you're ready
to record the real, I'm going to hit this big white button here at the bottom. And it'll count me down 321. Hey, today I'm going to
talk all about blah, whatever the real
is, and then I'm going hit this to stop it. So having that timer, if I didn't have the timer set and I just hit this button, it just starts right away. So it's like, you know, it kinda gets that first move
you have and everything. So it's a really good idea
to always set the timer, give yourself 3 s. You
can go up to 10 s, which you would use
for a transition real, which we'll cover in
a different video. So that is the timer. Once you record a
clip in two reals, you see some new
options popped up. There's one down here, the A-line, which we'll
talk about in a second. But let's talk about dual
first, this little camera. If you hit that, I
love this feature. It shows the front
and back camera. So here's my back
camera is my hand. Then here's my front camera. But like if you are, let's say you're a realtor
and you're doing a real about a new
property that's listed, you can be walking
through their property in this with this function. And we're seeing the house in the back camera and we're seeing you
in the front camera. So you're explaining what the things are that
they're seeing. I mean, it's a great idea. I don't see people
doing this enough. I don't see a lot of reels
done with the dual mode, but I think it's really great and more should
be done that way. Or if you're showing your
product that you make, can we see the product here? And then you're talking about
the product that way it's face to camera so
people are seeing you, but they're also seeing
what you're talking about. So that's dual. And then the align that popped
up when we had, once we've put a clip in, we will talk about that when
we get to transition reals, it basically makes a
ghost a little frame of your last clip that you shot so you can line
yourself up to it. I would maybe have
my clothes changed. I would try to line up and
then start the clip and boom. That's the way you kind of see those transition
rules look like. Wow, how did they get
that? So perfect. There are lining it
using that button. So that's super helpful. Once you have clips in
there like we do right now, you will see there is a little
pink dot and a pink dot. That's the two little
clips that I filmed. I'm gonna, I'm gonna film
another one right now and I'll make it a
little bit longer. I'm filming this clip
just as a sample. We're not going to
post this real. I'm gonna hit stop. So you see that third one
is a little bit longer. And what we're doing
here with this circle, It's filling that
90 s that we set. So you can see, wow, I
have a lot more time if I want to use all that time. Once you have some
clips and you're like, okay, I got my three
clips that I'm using. You would hit the next button. It takes you to what you've shot there. So I'm
going to pause. If you just tap your
screen, it'll pause. And I want to just talk through
these top options here. This first one is
a download button. If you made a real
directly in your reals, but you want to download
it to your phone. You could do that, but
you want to download it before you add trending music. So if you've already added
your music straightaway, it will download
without the sound, something about
copyright infringements. But if you have just
something shot into reals, you don't have any
music on there yet. You can download it
with the sound and it will go to your photos app. So you could use that
video on other apps. Next you have the music buttons. So if we didn't add
music right away, this is where you can add it. Same look here, but one
thing that you can do, Let's go ahead and just
pick a song. Hit Done. If you do that, you
can come back into music and hit controls. And you can lower the music. Another one, right?
If you just want like background music under you, which I would
recommend that you do. So it's not like competing
music with your voice. So you want the music lower. So that's in the
controls. Over here. You have VoiceOver and this is where you would just tap here. If you were recording
a voice-over directly over your real, you see the line is moving. As I'm talking. This is not the type
of real I would VoiceOver, VoiceOver,
myself talking. But if you had a product
or a house you're showing, you could add a voice over here. When I'm done, I'm going
to hit this and hit Done. And then I can just swipe
down to get out of here. And now there's a lot going
on because it's my voice, it's music, it's a voice-over. If I go back to music
and back to controls, you see now there's
three options here. I can just lower that voiceover or I can
hit edit and remove it. If I want to do that, hit
Done, swipe back down. Next we have Effects. So if you didn't add
effects right away, you can add them here
if you would like. I don't actually
know how to take it off once you've chosen it. So it'd be very
careful on the screen. Do it on that first
screen where you can hit that same
effects button. The next option is stickers. This is where you could
add like fun stickers, anything that you would
have as a story's option. Two, you can add in reals. But the main thing you're
going to use here is captions, closed captions that'll
auto transcribe and add them to your
video right here. Tap on that and you have some options for
the way they look. And you can just move them
around with your finger here. You always want
captions on your video. Alright, the next option is
this little squiggly line. This is to draw or write on. I've never used this. I don't know why
you would exactly, but you could if you needed to. Okay, Then lastly
we have graphics. So this is the Aa button. You're going to use this a lot. This is where you
do any graphics you want on top of a real. This is a real. So you have some
options for fonts. You can scroll through here. You just wanna make sure it's
really big and readable. So be careful what font you use. You can change the color. You can change it to
not have a background. If you don't like
the background. That's what that button is. You can align it to
left, center, or right. This animates the text in. I don't use that very often. And hit Done. Once you have your
texts on there, you can move it
around the screen. You move this around the screen, you'll see some guides come up, see the yellow and blue line. This is where you want to avoid. You don't want to put your
texts outside of those lines. On the top here. You want to keep it
under that blue line. And on the bottom keep
it above this line, which seems a little high
when you're actually editing. But it could get covered
up by different, by your caption and
stuff like that. If you put it too low, you want to keep
it nice and high. Not get too far over
to the side either. If you want to change the
length of your graphic, there's these little bubbles
that pop up down here. I've got my closed
caption bubble. This is a real. So once you select one of those, you get a trimming option. And it works just
like it would end cap cut or your photos
app on your phone. You simply drag your
handles to the left and right to make it only say F for a certain
amount of time today, I'm gonna talk all about
blah, whatever the real is, and then I'm going to hit
this to stop it and see how the graphic one away. So that's what I'd want and
also put the captions higher. Alright, if I wanted to
post this, which I do not, but let's say you're
going to hit Next. And that brings you
to this screen. Before you post, you can
do a few things here. You can edit the cover. If you select this, it will show you your
real and its entirety. So you can scrub
through here and find the frame that you want
for your thumbnail. Generally you want to speak
close to the beginning. If you have a title graphic up that says what the
real is as the hook. We want to see that hook on
your thumbnail for the cover, you can also go to profile
grid in here and you'll see what it's gonna look
like in your profile grid. So you can drag it around a graphic that has the
text, that has the hook. You want that to be showing in your profile because the
profile grid is square, even though your
reel is vertical. So it's going to cut off
part of that vertical nis to get the profile grid screen
because it's square. I don't know why
it's square there probably change
that at some point. Once you've done that, you
can go back, hit Done. And then that's where
you would write your caption is really difficult to type
it right into here. You can't make a
paragraph break. So everything's just in one
line and it's kinda messy. So my favorite thing
to do is to go into my notes app first. I've got this right here. So here's a caption
I wrote for real. I just select the whole
thing and I copy it. And of course here
I have paragraphs, I've got my hashtags. You could also add emojis here, copy whatever you wrote, come back in to Instagram. And this is where you would
just paste that. There it is. Once you're here also, it will let you choose
some other hashtags if you want to add
some other ones, if you're good, hit, Okay, and then if you scrub, scroll up here, you'll see
the whole caption is there. And then down here,
there's not a lot to know. You have a
brick-and-mortar store that people are coming into, then you would want
to tag your city. If you're a realtor that
does a certain area, maybe tag your city then. But if you're a
service provider or something like that and
you work from home, you don't really need
necessarily to tag a location. But if you wanted to, this is this is how we would do that. I could tag exactly where I am or you could
just type it into. You can recommend on Facebook, but it won't play
it as a real if you use music from Instagram. So up to you, always share to feed,
just leave that on. There's no reason not to
share it to your feed because you want your current
followers to see it. You want if people find your
real and come to your page, you want all your
reels on your feed so that they can
see all of those. So just leave that checked on if you are not quite ready
to post your real yet, but you want to come back
and work on it later. You can save it as a draft. Hit this button down here. Boom, it's done. So when you come back
into your real editor, you can just come down here and you see you have
your draft right there. So that is the
overview of reals. Hop in there, play
around with it, make yourself somewhat familiar. But then in the next few videos, we're gonna go
through step-by-step how to create different
types of reals.
9. Reels Trending: In this video, I'm gonna
show you how to make a trending real attending real is using a sound or song
that other people are using. And you're gonna kinda
copy the smarts, the style, but make
it your own too. So as you know from
the previous lessons, you've scrolled and saved
some trending audios. Hopefully, I have
done that many times, so I'm gonna go find my
song that I've saved, get that ready to make it real. So follow along with me here. I am going to go to my
profile here at the bottom. Go to my hamburger menu, go to my saved items, and my all post here. I'm going to use
this one popular. I can select the real use, go to this little arrow down
here and hit use audio. And then here we
are in the screen. So this is a one clip audio. So I'm just going to stand
here and do the lip-sync and put up some graphics and make it make
sense for my niche. So you can see here, the audio is already
chosen there. Here, if I select on it, it starts where I
want it to start. But if I wanted it to go to a different point in the song, like, let's say it's a
different type of song. I could come down here and
change the starting point. If I wanted to. I totally
messed that up, folks. I don't know where
it actually started. So I'm actually going
to hit Delete and then I'll come in my music note and just search for it here. So now it's starting
at the point that I want it to start at. So I'm going to hit Done. And normally like with
a trending audio, it's going to start at the
point people are starting at. So you don't normally
need to change it up. But that is just if
it is a song that you are editing to particularly, you can use that option to change the point where
the song is going to start. I'm just going to hit do my
timer and get into position. It's good to listen to the song for a second
before you shoot. So especially if you're
going to lip-sync something, we're, even if you're not,
it's just good to hear what it sounds like. So you know, kind of
what you're doing. So I like to just preview
at a time or two. You're gone. I'm gonna hit set
timer, push the button, that'll give me 3 s.
And then I'm just going to do what I wanna do for it. And then we'll go out the
graphics and then we're done. You're gone. Yeah, when I'm done
I'm going to hit stop. Of course it's gonna keep
going because I have my timer. My length was set for like 90 s, so I definitely don't want
the real to be that long. So that's it. That's the whole clip
I'm going to hit Next. You're gone. Okay, so I want to
trim this clip. So I'm going to hit edit clips, select that clip, and I'm
going to back it up here. Pop you learn. And then that's pretty much it. Maybe it maybe a
tiny bit longer. Go back to hit all clips
and then hit Done. And we can watch that again. You're gone. Okay? So I'm gonna hit
the a button and then this is an
important part of it turning your graphics because it's kinda telling
the story, of course. So my text is going to be, I'm going to move this down. So this is my first graphic. And then I'm going to
add another graphic and then all-time them out. And I'm going to just
space put them in the same spot because I want this one to replace
the other one. So now I'm going to
do the duration. So I'm going to come
to my first one. And I can scrub through here. I'm gonna be pointing at it. It's annoying
because you can see both graphics that are
overlapping each other right now. But that's not how it will
be once we get it timed out. So I'm going to say
this is the first one right before I talk, is where I want that one to go out and this one to come in. So I'm going to select
this one and then drag it. You'll see that one
disappeared behind it. I want to try to
match that to come in right after that one disappears. So let's watch
that. You're gone. Okay. That's pretty
much it for this real if I wanted to trim it a little more
like maybe I'm like, yeah, it's just a hair too long. I can come back into edit clips. Select that clip
and trim it back even more because they
don't have to be long. You just gotta get the
point across quickly. I'll clips done. And that's pretty much the
whole real I'm gonna hit Next. And then here of course
I'm going to change my make sure that my cover
is what I want it to be. I think I want it to be. Yeah, that looks good. Profile grid just
double-check that. Hit Done. That's where
I would add my caption. I don't have one ready. But what I would say in
this one is something like all it takes is you talking directly to
the camera and posting those videos for your
target audience, your ideal clients to find you to love
what you're saying, to show your expertise, to make you and authority in
the field, stuff like that. Just kinda giving more detail to what I'm trying to get
across in the real life. This is a good way
to get popular, is to just talk to the camera and tell people what you know, and then I would share it. So that's a trending real, There's so many ways to do it. That's just a one-click
trending real with graphics. So it's pretty
simple. You can also do turning reels with
multiple video clips, add pictures in there, add more graphics than that. Of course, as the
more you scroll and save and see
what you wanna do, You can think about
how you can recreate what you're seeing
and make it your own. So go make a trending
real and have fun.
10. Reels- Direct to Camera: In this video, I'm gonna
show you how to make a talking to camera real. This is you getting in
front of the camera and just speaking in
your normal voice. Telling someone something
Educational, a tip, something like that, or something inspiring,
something entertaining. But it's just you talking to somebody as you
would in person. And this is a really
great reel to make. It's going to help build that know like and trust factor that people want and need to work
with you or buy from you. So there's a couple of ways
that we can skin this cat. The first way is to
shoot everything in your camera app on your
phone and then bring it into an editing app like
Kinda master or cap cut and then trim and
edit everything together, export it and then
upload it into reels, which you can watch a
video of me uploading, just showing you how to
straight up upload into your real in a separate
video the other way, and what I'm going
to show you today is shooting directly into reals. So you don't have to
use anything external. It's just you and Instagram
getting the thing done. So let's go. Alright, so once
I'm on Instagram, I'm gonna go to the plus sign
at the top and go to real. Here we are. I've got my handy little
lavalier microphone here that I'm going to
hold for the video. The bottom part is
plugged in to the phone. So I know the audio
is connected, the lights on, so I'm ready
to record my first clip. I'm going to break this into
several different clips because people like when the background is
changing a lot. So it's good to do like one
sentence and then stop. Do a separate clip for
your next sentence. Move slightly. And that just helps
people kinda hang in there because they need
to be entertained. We all have short
attention spans and you got to just do what you can to keep people watching
the whole video. I'm going to, first of
all, before I even start, I know that my real is going to be longer than 30 seconds. Public 45, I don't know, but you can just change
this little timer up here. So it's 30. I'm just gonna say 90.
That way I have more than enough time if I left it at 30 or even let's say it's at 15. And I start making the real
and I get two clips in. It's just going to stop and
not let me record anymore. So it's better to just set
it as high as possible, even if you know you're
not going to hit 90 seconds, that's okay. You still want it to give you enough time to
finish what you want to say. And then it'll it'll be
the length that it is. If it winds up being 36.5
seconds, that's fine. Instagram will upload
it. No problem. Next thing I'm gonna
do is hit my timer, set it for three seconds. And then when I'm
ready, I'm going to hit this button and start recording. You might be making a
really big mistake on your wheels without
even realizing it. Okay, so that was a
pretty good hook. You want to say
something that people are gonna be like, oh, what? I need to listen to this. So that was me kind
of calling out like, Hey, you might be doing this
and you need to fix it. So now I'm gonna do
the second clip. I'm going to just slightly
move and go from there. We'll put it over here. It doesn't have
to be a big move. The background can
just subtly change. I'm also going to step back. So it's a little bit different
angle of me as well. You're going to come
back to this timer, set it, and when I'm ready,
I'm going to hit the button. When you're making
videos, if you talking directly to the camera,
where are you looking? Are you looking at yourself on the screen like this
or you're looking in the lens above where
your head is on the screen. Stop that. And as you can
see here in the circle, there's a little pink line
and a little pink line. That's just your clips as you're starting to fill that
90 seconds of time, they're going to move again slightly and I'll come a little closer to the camera
again this time. Timer set. Okay? If you're looking at
yourself on the screen, your viewer is going to feel
like something is wrong. I messed up. I don't like
that. I'm going to hit Stop. And I could just keep
going and delete that clip later when we're
trimming everything up, but I'm just going
to delete it now to show you how to do that. I'm going to hit Next. You might be making
a mistake on your real without even a third clip. I'm going to select
it and hit Delete. So now I'm going
to hit Add Clip. And then I'm back on my
screen here to record. And I'm going to try that
again. I'm going to hit timer. Instagram does not remember
that you want to use a timer every time you
have to go in and redo it. Unfortunately, but
it is what it is. If you're watching yourself
on the screen the whole time, the person watching the
video is going to feel like you're looking at
their chest and neck and maybe this area and it's going to
feel awkward to them. Okay. Clip number four coming up. I'm just going to
rotate slightly. Timer set. But if you're
looking at the lens above where your head
is on the screen, it's going to feel
like you're making eye contact with your viewer, which is what you would
do in person and it feels way better for them to
see you doing that. And we're going to
trim all of this up. So all of my life going to
the camera to hit Stop. We're gonna cut all that
out in just a minute. So now I'm on my last line. I'm just going to come
back to the starting point, set my timer. The good news is this is
a really easy mistake to correct to start
looking at that lens. It might take a little
bit of time to get used to, but it's
super worth it. Be sure to follow me for
more quick video tips. And stop. Okay, now we're going
to trim these things. So I'm going to hit Next. You might be met
Eclipse mistake on your real without even any
light, the light. And then I'm just gonna
go through each of these and trim off. You might be making
this back part. So I wanted to end right where my my word ends. Right there. You might be making I'll trim
the beginning just a hair. So it's like start to
write where I'm talking. You might be making a
really big mistake on your real without even realizing it. Then I'm going to go
to my second one. And then I'm going to
turn off the end again. All clips. We're making videos. If you've next one. This is weird, okay, so it's not moving, the video is not playing. This is just a little
real quick I guess. But if I drag my play head here, my tremor, I can see my mouse moving so I can
just trim from that. Okay. All clips. Let's go four. Same thing, but I'll just drag
and be able to trim that. Here. I'll eclipse it lost one. Same little quirk, but
we're going to work around it in here. Okay? No one had done and watch it all together without
even realizing it. Okay, I'm going to edit
that last clip, video tips. You might say I
just had an idea. I want to cut it before I
say be sure to follow me. Yeah, right there. Okay. We'll get all clips done. You might be making a really
big, I'm going to adequate. And what I'm gonna do is do a little walk with the
phone for the last bit, just to give a little
bit of motion, I'm going to try to
walk really steady, but I put on this little
ring light clip here. So I've got light
directly on my face still because I'm not going
to use this ring light. And I'm just going to
still use my timer and be sure to follow me for more
quick video tips to make your reels a lot better. Alright, let's see
how that looks. I'm going to edit
this last clip to make it a little tighter, right? As I'm going to say. Be sure. And then Okay. And I'll clips done. When you're making videos, if you're talking to right now, I'm going to make some graphics. I gotta make it big bold
graphic for the hook. So I'll say, I'm going to place my graphic above
that guide on the bottom there and make sure
it's in the center. So that blue central
line engages. And then I don't want that up
the whole time, of course. So I'm going to cut it
just for that first clip. Where's that? Right here. Alright, and then I don't think I need any other graphics, maybe just at the end. I'll do follow for more and
then put that on the bottom. But let's go ahead and time. That's the cool thing
is if you shot in reals separate clips like that as you're
making graphics when you're sliding the
trimming bar snaps, you can tell where
it clip begins. So it will snap to the position, which is nice
because if you make a video and a separate
app and upload it, and then you're adding
graphics in reals. It doesn't snap. So you have to really like, really concentrate on
getting it right on the right point
if you want us to stop at the end of a video clip. So that is one
nice feature about recording directly
into reels here. And then I'm going to add, I do like adding a little arrow. I'm going to search arrow
when it says follow for more. So I'm going to put
down on the bottom. And then just like a graphic, you can trim it the same way. I want it to come up
just on that last clip. And I'm going to put it right. Right where the Follow
button would be, which is right to the right of where your username
shows up there. And like a ghost format and
erase this a little bit. I'm gonna hit Done.
If you want to add music just light
in the background. Go to the music note
at the top and music. And then here you can scroll
through these, freebie them. If you want to use one,
you're going to just hit it. Hit Done. And I'm going to
lower the audio a lot because I want my audio
to be the most prominent. Of course, it's usually
like a three or four is a good
background music level. I'm going to hit
Done. And then next, then I'm going to
hit Edit cover. And here's where I could
upload a cover if I want to, or I can just drag through here, which is what I usually do and find one I like for
my cover to be that first graphic so that people clearly know what
this real Is about if they're on my feed and see the thumbnail and
then profile grid, I'm going to just make sure
that the graphic is visible. You don't want it
to be like this or like partially cut off. So just make sure you see
the whole thing done. And then here's where
I would write my add my caption that I've
written ahead of time in my notes and I just copy and paste hit Okay when I'm done and then go through everything and then hit
share when I'm ready, I almost forgot a really
important part of the real I need to add captions. I'm gonna go back by hitting
edit you might be making. And then to add captions, you go to the top Smiley face, a little sticker, and
you should see captions. It's going to auto
transcribe your voice. And there you go. You have some style
choices down here. I'm gonna go with
this big blocky one. And then I'm going to use my fingers to pinch
it and make it smaller so it's not
covering my face. And then you also just
want to make sure it doesn't cover your graphics. I'm going to put it
on the left side, kinda high, near my face, mouth. Then once I have that, now I really am at
ready to post it. So that's how you make a reel of you talking to the camera. I think these are
really valuable, super worth doing because
people are getting to know you, getting to see you and your
style, learning from you. And really again, building that know like and trust factor. So definitely do these mixed in with some of the trending ones and the other ones that you saw. You might be making a really
big mistake on your reels without even realizing it
when you're making videos, if you talking directly to the camera, where
are you looking? Are you looking at yourself
on the screen like this? Or are you looking in the lens above that where your
head is on the screen? If you're watching yourself
on the screen the whole time, the person watching the
video is going to feel like you're looking at
their chest and neck and maybe this area and it's going to
feel awkward to them. But if you're
looking at the lens above where your head
is on the screen, it's going to feel
like you're making eye contact with your viewer, which is what you would
do in person and it feels way better for them to
see you doing that. The good news is this is a really easy mistake to correct. Just start looking at that lens. It might take a
little bit of time to get used to, but
it's super worth it. Be sure to follow me for more quick video tips to make
your reels a lot better.
11. Reels Transition: In this video, I'm
gonna show you how to make a transition real. These are really eye-catching,
they're really fun. So here I am in my saved. Find the video. I'm going to select that. Why do you use audio
with the transition as if you remember from the
first lesson in this module, a little align button
will come up once you have a clip in the real rate. So you have to make
your first clip before you'll even see
that Align button. So I'm gonna go ahead and set my timer ready and
you can listen to it. Three second timer. And then I'm gonna hit it and getting positioned
and do my thing. I'm going to backup a little
bit this time so that the transition because
I am going to change clothes will be more obvious. So you want to see more
of, more of your body. Okay, I'm using a
fake phone here. It's a real phone but
whatever to as a prop. Right. Okay. You'll see what
I'm you'll see what I'm getting at once we do this. Why did you come from
where did you go? That's the first clip
from ready to go. I'm going to Edit clip from Wednesday because I want
that to be shorter. Right? Here is where the
transition is going to happen. Why did you come from? Where did you go? Go. Go ahead. All clips. Done. What do you do? If you feel a little
silly doing these, then you're on the right
track because that's kinda, the point of them is to have
fun shows a personality. Don't be afraid to be
a little bit silly. Because in real life
I would never go. But for a video, yeah, why not? Okay. So I'm gonna go change clothes and then I'll be right back and we'll finish this
real. Here we are. This is the screen we left on. To add your next clip. You're going to hit this
back arrow right here. And then that will take
you back to the eye. Look so silly. Back to the main reels editor. And now we see we have an Align button right
here that we can use. So I'm gonna hit that. This is going to be a
little bit hard to match. So I had my phone in this hand. I'm going like this. This does not have
to align perfectly, but you just want it
to be pretty close. You can spend a lot of
time getting it perfect. It's up to you. But close enough will generally work because
it's enough of a change with the
outfit change and it's a very quick
transition anyway. So I'm gonna give myself 10 s on this one so that
I have plenty of time to try to get
myself in that position. I'm going to hit that
and getting position. Got the phone here. Alright, let's see
how that looks. I'm going to redo that
because my hat fell off. So I'm gonna go to edit clips, select that clip and delete it. If you're doing a
real like this, it does take a few tries. So you can always just go
back, delete the clip. Don't get stuck here
where you're in perfectionist mode
and you won't let it go until it's perfect.
It's some point. It's good enough,
right? It's fine. It's gonna be fine. So I'm
gonna hit this back arrow again to get back
to my screen here, hit a line and give myself that ten second timer
and get try this again. The phone here. You can see how it looks. Okay, that's pretty good. We're going to edit
it though at Eclipse. Go to this clip here. I don't want to be frozen
there for so long. I want it to start right. As I'm about to do some motion. All clips back here. Just going to make sure this is right at the point
that I want it to. Okay, what do you call
clips? You've done? That looks pretty good. So now we are going to add text to make this
thing makes sense. Like what am I doing
on my phone, right? Okay, so I'm gonna say, okay, I'm going to
position this right here. I'm going to change the color
because it kinda blends in with my maroon shirt too much. So let's make it like
blue. Let's make it green. I like green. Roles are such a pain to make. And then my next
graphic is going to be until dot, dot, dot. Bring that to the same point. And I'm also going to
change that color so it'll matches until my last graphic. You learn how? Then here I'm gonna
go with green, Done. Now I'm going to time these out. I'm going to start
with the last one. I'm going to put it right there until you learn how until it's only gonna be
up there for a short time, like right before
the transition. Then reals are such a
pain is going to be up until that until it comes up. Position right there. Okay. Let's see how that looks. You come from. Where did you go? Okay. I'm going to change
this a little rules that history pane to make inter until I'm just going
to put these words together. I think it'll make more sense. So I'm gonna hit my untill
because I want to trash this, hit those little dots next
to it and hit Delete. Then arena at the time this
out a little different, but I want this to stay
up until the transition. Boom. There. You come from. Where did you go? Why did you come from? Where did so that's the transition. It doesn't have to
just be two clips. It can be multiple clips. A lot of them have, It's a sound that's like
ding, ding, ding, ding. I mean, that could be it could be all like
for transition. It doesn't have
to be always like you're changing
clothes necessarily. That's just a good
visual because it's obviously it's a
big change every time. But it could also be the
thing you're holding is changing or it could just be, you don't even have to be in it. It could just be a
product that's changing, but it's like a wind though. So it's like wow, or maybe it's a product
that's being built. So every time there's a ding, something is added
to that product. If you're building something, that's a good way to do
it, to have fun with them. They're not like 100% necessary, but if you just want
to try it out and have some fun with it, go for it.
12. Reels Upload: In this video, I'm
going to show you how to upload a video that you've already
created into reals. So you're gonna go to Instagram, head to our plus
sign, go to reals. And now you're on the screen, as we've seen before, as a media from
outside of the app, you're gonna go to this
bottom corner down here, and then it takes
you to your photos. So you'll see I've got that
draft there from earlier. This is the one I want
to post right here. I'm going to select it. Once I've chosen that video,
I'm going to hit Add. And then I'm going to hit Next. Direct to camera and video. Most part there is the video. So once we're on this screen, we could add graphics, we could add music, which is
exactly what I'm gonna do. As you can see, I have added captions from the captions app, but I'm going to start
with adding my hooks. I'm gonna go to the AAA in
the corner and type in. I'm gonna make it
capitals, all capital. Okay? So I've got my graphic
here, my hook. I'm going to position
it right about in the center and above
that blue line, of course, so that nothing
is getting cut off. And then I'm gonna
come down here and change the length of it. I just wanted it to be up
at the beginning before my cool captions come in. So I can kind of watch
my mouth and see about where I want it
to go. Let's play that. Go to the beginning. This is a technical one. Stability. Okay, So I want to
cover my captions. I didn't realize that's all that they were
there during that part. So I'm just going to
move the graphic down a little and make sure it's
stops at the right point. I can make my caption
a little bit bigger to cover to cover the captions. Okay, I'm going to
add music though from Instagram because I don't
have music in this video. So we go to the music note, and then I can
either browse here. I'm just going to
choose that song. Let's go to the music. Go to controls. Lower that way down. For background music you
want us to be at like two or three of them
are really loud. So you definitely want
to watch your volume so that the song is not
drowning out your voice. And then the other
thing I'm going to add, which is sounds weird, but I'm going to
add captions from Instagram to and hide them. I don't know if this is
necessary, but I think, I mean, I know that the algorithm
picks up any graphics you put in your video as keywords. I think it also picks up what
you're saying is keywords. So that's why I'm not
sure if this matters, but I just do it anyway
because it's quick and easy. And let me show you how I do it. I'm gonna go to the Smiley
face, go to Captions. And then it's
transcribing for me. Hit Done. And then there they are. What I'm gonna do is just make them really small
by pinching them. And then I'm just
going to take them all the way off screen. So this is pretty much done now. So I would go through all the
steps like you saw earlier of picking out my cover photo
and then, you know what? You could also add a
thumbnail from your camera. Roll down here if you don't want to choose still
frame from your video, go to add camera roll
and it could be dot. I don't want that to
be the case though, so I'm going to choose from the real, That's
what I usually do. It's easy. If you always
have a graphic hook, you use that on your thumbnail. Profile grid. I want to make sure that
that text is not cut off. My face is a little cut-off, but oh, well, that's not
the worst thing ever. And then I'm gonna hit
Done and come in here. This is where I would
add my caption. Just paste that in there it is. Hit Okay, and then
I'm ready to post. So I would just hit
share and it would post. And that real is out
there in the world. So that's how you upload
video from that you've made. Not in reals, but maybe
in cap cut or it's just a clip straight from your camera roll and
it's ready to go.
13. Repurposing to TikTok: Repurposing your videos to
TikTok is a great idea. Different people are on
different platforms, so they'll see your content and why not spread
the love OneNote, if you are uploading
original content that you made an outside App, late cap cut, then you can
upload that to any platform. There's no problem
at all with that. If you created your real
directly into Instagram Reels, that's where you need to
do some special things for repurposing it. First of all, every
time you post a real instagram will download
it to your photos app. But you'll see here it
has the IG logo on it. Tiktok does not want any videos with the Instagram
logo and vice versa. The algorithm somehow
knows that it's there and it's not going to
show it to as many people. So the best thing to
do for repurposing is before you post your
real hit this little download arrow that will
download your reel with the graphics and
everything that you've made to your photos app. But it won't have the
Instagram watermark on it. So now you have a
clean version on your phone that you can
upload to other apps. Note, sometimes it will download without the
trending sound or song. It depends on copyright issues. I guess it may be silent. You'll have to find that
same sound or song in TikTok and add that
to your video there another thing worth
noting is that the apps have slightly
different looks when it comes to Native Graphics and captions made within the apps. So if you have the time, I do recommend downloading from Instagram before you
do your graphics and captions so that you can
add those separately in TikTok to keep that
native look over there. But if that sounds like way too much work, it's not a problem. Just upload it with
the Instagram looking graphics to TikTok
and vice versa. Just make sure you do
not have the watermark. That is the biggest thing there.
14. Going Live: Finally, we have lives. You may have seen this
notification before when someone you
follow goes live. Lives are live
video that you can schedule and promote ahead
of time using your stories. And the idea is to go live to talk about a specific topic. The point of lies is
to get engagement with your current
audience during the live. They can post comments or send emojis while you're talking. You can also collaborate
with someone else and do wives together. So if you're feeling
uncomfortable about getting on camera and talking live by
yourself for awhile. Invite someone
else to be on with you and maybe do an interview. And you can reach more people if they promote it to
their audience, to when you're done
recording lives live in your feed and can be
found under IG video tab. Even if all your followers
didn't get on during the live, they can go back
and watch it later. Lives can be up to
four hours long, but I highly recommend
not going that long. 102030 minutes is a
great time frame. Let me show you how to
start a live video. Few things before I
actually go live, I'm gonna get my
microphone ready. I have a lavalier microphone. These are great for anytime
you're speaking on camera. This is the mike part. You have a little thing in
the middle that generally these have either camera or off, which is first smartphone, because you can use it
in a camera as well, but leave it in the off position if you're plugged
into your phone, the other end goes
directly into your phone. You need an adapter if
you have an iPhone. But I have this hooked
up to my phone already. I'm going to run
it under my shirt because I want to
hide the chord. It'll show in the
video, but that's okay. I'm okay with people knowing
that I use a microphone. It's actually great.
If people know that come into Instagram, you're going to hit
your plus sign. And live. Here there's this button
that is audience. You can set it to
practice audience and see how now there's
a slash through the eye. That means you're
on practice mode. So I can go ahead
and hit this button. Instagram does this
check-in connection thing. You're now practicing
a live video. So hey guys, I'm
here to talk to you today about when to
use Pro Video verse, when to use DIY phone video. You can go through
some of your ideas, just get a feel for it. You can also invite people onto the practice to watch you. You hit this little person
with an arrow by it down here. And you would invite
a friend to join. I'm not gonna do that right now, but it's pretty
self-explanatory. Once I'm done with my practice, I'm going to hit this
x. Do I want to end? Yes. Then if I want
to watch that, I would hit View
in live archive. This takes a minute
to process the video. While that's
happening, a few tips before you go live,
have some water. Because if you're talking for multiple minutes, you're
going to get thirsty. It's okay to just take a
few seconds of a break, have a sip of water so that
you don't start sounding parched because that's
not really a fun sound. Listen to you also find
a shirt that you like, that's a vibrant color. Jewel tones are a good
thing to look for it. It's like bright solid colors. I have just a little
row in my closet of video shirts that I know I can put on in that look good. And that takes out the decision fatigue of what should I wear. Also, just look like yourself. You don't have to go
get a blowout and a full face of makeup
just to jump on video, on a live or really any
social media video. Unless you're like
a makeup artist or you're selling
mascara or something, then you want to show
off that product. But if you're a chiropractor,
a digital marketer, course creator, just look
like yourself, be authentic. You're just showing up as you. Then lastly, you want
to have some notes. I have some notes on
my computer over here, then I'm going to be referring
to you just to make sure I cover all the points
that I want to hit. You could have these on paper. Go on live knowing what
you want to say too, that you're not just
rambling along. This is taking
forever to process. So I got to start my life because I scheduled it for 1030. I'm just gonna do
it. I've practiced earlier so I know that it
looks good and sounds good. So let's do this. It's a lifetime. We're
going to go plus and live. And when I'm ready, I'm
going to hit this button. I know that my
audience is set to public because that's
what it defaults to. So unless you change it to practice, it's
going to be public. Just FYI, people may
or may not jump on. And that's totally okay. Even if nobody jumps on it, Just know people can
still watch it later. You can post it to your story, you will post in your feed. So it's not like you're going
to get 0 abuse forever. So don't worry about
it. If people are on live or not,
it's totally fine. Just keep talking as though
somebody is watching you. All right, I'm ready. I'm gonna do this. Hey everybody. Thank you for joining this live, whether you're online or
if you watch this later. That is great. I'm happy to have you on. Today's topic is when do
you use Pro Video verse? When to use DIY phone
video. Hit me up. Thank you for watching. I
will see you all later. Look for announcements
about the new course. I'll be posting a lot about that over the
next couple of weeks. That was my live. About 12 minutes. I feel like that was a
good amount of time. It felt longer when I was doing it and I got really thirsty. I am glad I had that water. It's helpful. I'm going to hit
Share because of course I do want to share it. I will just pick any cover
photo where I'm smiling. I could also make a cover and
add it from my camera roll, but I did not hit Next. I can add a title
and description here side-note ahead of time before I hit record
when I went live, I could have added the title
and description there. There's a button for that, but I did not do that.
I'm gonna do now. I'm going to post a preview. That simply means that when people are scrolling
through your feed, they'll just see a short
portion of your video and then they can click
on it and it'll take him to the full video. Then advanced settings. If you have a paid partnership, you would add that there. And then I can also
generate captions, which I'm going to,
because I love captions. Then I hit done and post. But once it's posted,
it'll just be in my feed. It'll show up on
other people's feeds. So hopefully I'll get
some people tuning in. I'm also going to share it
to my story, of course, because I share everything
to my story for all those people that
are just story watchers. There it is. It's right
there in my feed. Hay, everybody. Thank you for joining this live, whether you're online or
if that is live video.
15. Going Live with a Guest: Go live with a guess. You're pretty much going to
do the exact same thing you just watched in the go
live by yourself video. But here's how you're gonna
get the guest on with you. Of course, you're going to
set it up with them ahead of time so that they have
it on their schedule. You've prepped them, you guys know what
you're talking about. So just a couple
minutes before the time that you have set to go live, you're going to contact them, text them, message
them, call them, whatever the case, and say, Hey, I'm going live
in five-minutes. It's almost 01:00. Are you ready? Are
you by your phone? Are you ready to jump on? And they'll say,
Yup, standing by, I'm ready, I'm on Instagram. Let's do this. Once you know that
they are ready, go ahead and start the live, just like I showed you before. Then they're gonna
be on Instagram and they'll see that you've
started alive because it'll show up in the
top and their stories, it'll say Heather who
carry has gone live. So they're gonna jump, they're
gonna click on that live, just like they would if they were watching someone's live. And there is an option there
for them to join the live. Everybody gets this option. So other viewers, nobody would just up and
join your life. Probably that would be weird, but the person that
is supposed to join your life will hit the button. So I recommend as
you start say, Hey, I'm here with guest today and
we're talking about topic. They are jumping on
in just a minute. Hope everybody is doing
great. Here they are. Sandy just jumped on. And then your screen will say, We'll do you want sandy
to join the live? And you will just say yes
or whatever the prompt is, and it'll take just a second and Instagram will do
its thing and then it'll show you and Sandy
ones on top, ones on bottom. So you're both there. So
you'd say, Hey Sandy. So glad you're on. Let's
make sure we can hear you. Okay, Great. Hey, let's jump in. And then there you go.
You're both on the live. So since you're the one
that's controlling the live, you're also going to end it. So you'll say you're
partying goodbyes. Thanks for being on sandy. You know, drop questions in the comments, whatever the case. And then hey, by everybody,
sandy will say bye. And then you hit
the end button and just like you would if you're
going live by yourself. So that is the whole process. It's not difficult. The gist is that Sandy
needs to be standing by, ready to hit Join Live
once you start the live, if something crazy happens and Sandy just never joins the live. You can just improvise and
cover the topic yourself. But hopefully that's
not the case. I mean, if she had some kind
of tech issue going on, surely she would message
you, text you and say, hey, can we start
in five-minutes? I've got something
crazy happening. You could go from there. So see if you can schedule
a live with the guest. It's great practice to
just talk live on camera. And it's easier when
you have a guest with you because
it's the two of you. It's not all just
the pressure on you. So have fun with it.
16. Moving Forward: So that's it. That's everything you need to know about Instagram videos. Simple, right? I know that it's not four different types of
Videos is a lot. And you might be wondering
which type you should use, what makes the most sense and the answers that
it really depends. It depends on who you are, what your business is,
what you're needing. If you need more reach, you need more customers, I would say reels because the algorithm will push
those out to more people. If you want to just nurture relationships with
your current people, jump on stories and just
talk about yourself and your life and show interesting things that
you do during the day. Show things about your product. Show your dog, your kids, people like knowing the
real you and who you are. So stories are really
good way to do that. I find isn't Instagram user. I tapped through people
stories like every day. So I think it's
something people look at a lot more so
than their feet. Like a lot of
people like tapping through verse scrolling. I don't know why, but it
seems to be the case that you might get more engagement
if you're posting stories, if you're the type
of person that likes just talking off the
cuff than a live is a great way for
you to engage with people and get your
information out there. If you're like a
podcast or someone who likes podcast or
likes interviews, lives are really
good for that too. So try that out as well. I would love to see some of the stuff that you
start creating. So please send it to me, follow me on Instagram
and DME or tag me. And I will give you
lots of prompts and feedback if you're
looking for that to