After Effects Transitions : 5 Unique transition from Scratch | Shubham Ganer | Skillshare

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After Effects Transitions : 5 Unique transition from Scratch

teacher avatar Shubham Ganer, Motion Graphics Designer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Course Promo


    • 2.

      Transition 1


    • 3.

      Transition 2


    • 4.

      Transition 3


    • 5.

      Transition 4


    • 6.

      Transition 5


    • 7.

      Final Lesson : How to use the Transitions


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About This Class

Are you ready to learn Adobe After Effects , an industry leading software for creating Motion Graphics

 In this course, you can learn step-by-step an Easy approach to Learning Transitions in Adobe After Effects 

The course itself is designed in such a way that any intermediate can follow along and grasp the learning at their own pace

Shubham Ganer is a Motion Graphics Designer with over 6 years of experience. He has a simple approach to teach proven techniques for generating higher visibility and greater engagements with a range of options. This course walks users through the step by step approach in learning " To Create Transitions "with the help of Adobe After Effects.You will learn everything from scratch to create a Professionally animated Lower Third 

The course is divided in 5 Lessons which teach you various transitions

The main aim of this course is :
1. To ensure students are able to create Transition Graphics
2. To make sure that students explore the functionality of the software and understand it's working
3. The students are able to create the final animation taught in the course 

Project file of the animation is also included in class project so you can open and reveal it in case if you want it for reference

While aimed at intermediate , this course is also valuable for beginner and advanced animators , to add to your current skill set and gain insights that will enhance your animation and design skill set and will help you as an emerging artist


Meet Your Teacher

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Shubham Ganer

Motion Graphics Designer


Hello, I'm Shubham

I am a Motion Graphics Designer with nearly five years of experience. I love creating unique projects with optimum aesthetic quality. I am a self-taught designer, and I understand how and what it takes to be self-taught and successful.


Through my courses I am willing to share my knowledge, which I have acquired over the thousands of hours of time I have invested each day in learning the skills of motion graphics. I am fortunate enough to work for a video project for Domino's Pizza and I have worked for clients from all over the world.


My main goal of being an instructor includes supporting others who are getting started with motion graphics so they can also reach a professional level.

Email : shubham.ganer@y... See full profile

Level: Intermediate

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1. Course Promo: Hello. Welcome to this course. My name is Shub gane, and I am a self taught freelance motion graphics designer doing it for six years now. In this course, I'll be teaching how to create transitions inside of a do after effects. We'll be taking the help of the shape layers as well as the solid layers inside of after effects. This is designed for the intermediate users. So I do hope that you're familiar with the basic tools and knowledge. We will start by creating a composition. And after composition, we'll be creating few layers, and then just making them in our desired shape, we will animate them so as to create these transitions. For the class project, you'll be able to create and all these transitions from scratch. I'm so excited to see what you create. 2. Transition 1: Okay. So let's get started. I'm using After f CS 2018, but you can use it in any version. So what I will do here is I'll create a new composition. I can just go to composition, new composition. And here I get a lot of options, which is the composition name. Let's name it transition one. And this is the preset which I'm using HDTV. I'll just click here once, and from here, I'll just choose 108,029.9 s frames per second. So it will just make it t to be 121920 and the height to be 1080. And this is the duration. This hours the first zero before the semicolon is hours. Then the next is minutes, and the next is seconds and the next is milliseconds. I'll just make it 5 seconds. Here I'll just type in zero, five, for the background color, just leave it pertus and hit okay. Okay, we something in the composition. We see this transition, which is the composition name, which has been created. Whatever you composition create, they look into the project. So you just click the project and you can see the compositions from. Now let's create a transition. So from here, I'll choose 50, and I'll just move it a little bit down. So I need to create a solid for that. I'll go to layer new and solid. So this shows me this stylic on the screen, which is a name of the layer. I'll just write it the name as one, and I'll always hit the main co size pattern so that it fits our composition, and I will choose any color from here. And let's choose this one, and hit okay. We see this solid created from this composition in the layer. Now, let's go and animate it. Let's animate it from here. Let's go to the 1 second mark and hit P key on the keyboard or just go here, click here, click here again, and here is the P, which is the position. So I'll just click here on the stopwatch once. I'll go back. And from here, what I will do is, I'll just move it out of the frame. So as I put my mouse pointer here, it shows me this hand with the finger pointed and these two arrows, so I'm going to hold and just move it out. While I hit shift. While I move and hit shift, it will increment faster. Looks good. Now let's preview it. So as to preview, just hit the zero key on your keyboard. Looks good. Now let's add some life to this transition. So as to add some life, we have to just select both of them, right click, k from assistance and choose ***. Okay. So let's see if there has been any changes. So I'll hit the zero key again. Cool. This created this transition from left to right. But I want to create some more speed variations so that it goes faster and then moves slower. So I'm going to select both of them, and I'm just going to click here into the graph editor. And I see so many panels here, but I'll not get confused. I'll just click on this second and always choose Edit speed value. If it's not selected, if selected like this, then it will be a little bit confusing. I'll just click here and just select Edit speed value. This is what I see. Now what I can do is I can click here once so that I can see some handles. I'll just make some room. Okay. And so as to make some room, I'll just go from here, and as the icon changes, I'll click and drag it down, click or drag it out. From here, what I need to do is I need to click this fold and move it faster on the left. So as I move, you can see that this is changing. Now, let's preview how the animation looks like. I'll bring it down and hit zero k again. Okay. This looks great. Now what I have to do is I have to hold this for half a second or 1 second, and after that, I have to make it go from this to this, which is from left to right. So what I'm going to do here, I'm going to click here. So what is this? This creates a key frame of the same value. So you just click here, you just move and here, there is no animation, and after the second, I want this to disappear. So I'll just make it here. And just disappear. Again, the same thing which I will do, which is selecting both of them, clicking it here. And from here, I can change the handles. I'll just click here. And from here, I want it to just be like this. I'll make some room because it's not working. Okay. Looks good. And let's preview the animation. Correct. So our first transition has been completed. 3. Transition 2: Okay. Now, let's create another transition. So I'll just go on composition and a new composition. And I'll make it transition from here, I'll select this reset. Let the background color be flat, the duration five, and we are good to go. Okay. This creates a new composition for us. So now we have to do we have to create transitions from left to right. So let's go on layer Colt. And we have to adjust the height of the composition. So from here, we'll just click and divide it by two. And just click outside. And just name it to one. And now it's okay. What I'm doing is dividing the composition the full length of the solid into two. I'll duplicate to edit and duplicate. I have two copies. I want to align them from here and here. I'll just click to Windows align, and I'll see this box here. Click here, an. Then I'll just click here once. And for the bottom, I'll just click this one. And this is circle. I'll just move on the 1 second mark. The leg both of them, I Pky for the position. I'll just click here. I'll just go back, and I will move them out of the frame. Okay. And select both of them, right click assistance and easy. I'll just click here and select both of them and move this a little bit here. This is an additional step, and if you don't do it, it's still okay. So let's stagger the layers. I'll stagger this a little bit. Let's see. Food. We can also change it, lift it at zero. This one, let's move it ahead. And hit zero key. If you want to come it earlier, just move it here. A to move, make sure you click here anywhere in the middle of the layer and not here, because if you move here and here, it won't work. I'll hitting control Z so as to do. Let's preview the animation. That is cool. Now let's move on to the next. 4. Transition 3: Okay. Let's create a new composition, composition, new composition. From here, I'll just name it. Transition three, and I'll just make the background color to be total black is okay? And it okay. This creates a composition for us. Now I'll right click here and go to new solid. This would be like this. I'll just name it one. I want to divide this width into four pieces. I'll just divide it by four. I'll get the value of four 80, and then I'll just collect I can change the color. Yeah, let's change the color to something else. This gives me this layer. I want to fill this layer to the entire screen. So I'll just click here, go to edit, edit, duplicate, edit, duplicate it three times. I'll select one. And I'll just click here on this button. I'll just port one. I'll just click on this button. Now, I'll select one shift and select the pot then I'll just go and press the horizontal central distribution, and this will align in the horizontal way. I'll just move on a 1 second mark, select all of these and hit key on the keyboard. And this reveals the position values. I'll click here once, and then go back. What I'm doing here is I'm creating a keyframe and then I'm going back here from here. I want to move them down. I'll just move them down all of them. That's good. So I have animation like this, always, I'll select all of these key frames right click, if assistance. If you don't see the key frames, then you can just go and select the layers and hit U key on the key keyboard. You can select the individual layer by selecting that. If you have to select all, just click a layer, control a command key, select, and select all of them. This looks very nice. Now let's animate and stagger it. Let's stagger the first layer. I'll stagger it Like this stagger the next layer like this. Next layer like this. Make sure they look as if they are of the same size and let's stick. Okay. The transition looks very cool. You can also stagger the layers in a different manner. So I hit control Z on the keyboard or command Z on Mac, so as to get back, so as to undo. So if you make any sort of mistake and you want to go back, you can always hit the command or control Z key on your keyboard. Toke just selecting the first layer. I'll let it be the way it. Now the second, I'll just moved, I'll move it more further. Fourth, I'll move it more further. I'll just go here and hit zero keys we have created amazing transition here. I. 5. Transition 4: Okay. Now, let's create another composition. And let's name a transition. Four. Same and hit. Now, let's create a new solid. The right click lit this is the important thing. Let's make it a square. Let's make it one, zero. Let's make it one. And you can choose any color of your own wish. It's two screen. Okay. So this does is create a square for us. What we can do next is click on this player from here, right click or just polio click button and select the ellipse too. And this will show that this will become a circle. You just click the slayer and double click it. This makes a circle for us. What we can do now is we can make this circle on the site, maybe this side or that side. But we have to make multiple circles, and we have to make the circle pop up. We will go to the 1 second mark. Select this. It is on the keyboard. You'll see the scale. From here also, you can just go click the arrow, the transformation with the scale. Okay. And let's go back and here, make it zero. Okay. Let's preview what has happened. Lo cool and right click DM assistance EEs zero. Now you can do move this square here, move this circle here and make sure it's fitting the composition. And then select it, to edit and duplicate it and make it's here on the bottom. Now, duplicate. Make sure you fill this up a little bit here. Duplicate it again here. Make it here. Again, the same thing. My idea behind doing this is to fit the entire screen with the circles. Until I do it, I'll just keep on duplicating and just placing the circles it fits a whole composition. A I'll just go here at zero and hit zero. You can see this makes the sufle transitions of the circle. You can also stagger the layers. I'll select this one and stagger 1 second mark. You can just randomly stagger them stagger them one by one. It is just completely dependent on your own wish. Let's preview. This makes a beautiful circle transition. 6. Transition 5: Okay. Let's get started. Right click here, a new select player. This creates an empty shape player in decomposition. Let's add something to it. I'll click on this arrow and then click here on this arrow and add and I'll select ellipse. This adds a blank ellipse. I want to say it. I'll just click on add. Then I'm just going to click on the stroke. So this creates an ellipse, which circle with a stroke. From here, you can see the stroke. I'll just make some room. Stroke width is two. If I make stroke width to 72, it looks like this. And if it's increased, it is a complete circle. So I want it as a complete circle at 1 second map. So I'll just click here, and then click the key frame and just go back. Now, I'll change the stroke width to feel. Okay. Creates the stroke the first circle for us. Now let's do the other thing. Click here, it and uplicated click here contains lips part. The next thing, we'll just go here somewhere in the middle. Where it ends, we can see from here to here from here to here. This is the shape player number two, which is placed on the shape layer number one. Here, I'll just increase the size of it. Now, I have two animations happening at the same time. I'll just click duplicate. Again, the same thing. I'll increase the size so that it fits the circle. Again, do the same thing, duplicate or hit control a command Z on the keyboard. And the same thing. Okay. Same thing again. Just have to fill the screen with the circles. And my cursor is here, just around 1 second, just a little bit before the 1 second mark. So I can see the circles coming forming. I can also keep it halfway down here. If I just keep here and I just try to do the same thing, it's not working because I don't know from where it's ending. So if it's here, I'll just click here contents. Just again do the same thing. Control D for duplicating. I will increase. I'll just keep on increasing till that time it is completely filling my screens. Okay. I can also do one thing to faster as I just put a key frame here. So next time I duplicate it, I can just hit the U key and select slice. Okay? I don't have to go through those steps. U K and just increase size. Control D hit U K and increase the size. One more time, and the size, I'm just going to increase. Make sure you don't move this time indicative or everything will not work as it's planned. Now let's check. This creates another circle transition. Now, one part is let's stagger the layers. Select the layer, control A and click here. This is the final layer, which should be at the last. I'll keep it here. I won't make a lot of space between the layers. Stagger them stagger. Okay. This is the first and I'll just select all of them, which I have moved down from here and just move all of them. Now let's take a look at key. Now this creates a animated circle transition. 7. Final Lesson : How to use the Transitions: Okay. Now, let's see how we can apply these transitions to our footage. What we need to do here is right click here, uro Import and select file, or just from file, select Import and select file. And just browse where you have your media, I will choose these two footage, this one, and this hit control and select this on Mac hit command, and I will import it. So after it finishes importing, I can see here in my project panel. Now what I need to do is create a composition. I'll just go to composition, new composition and select this 121080 preset, and I will name it as applying transitions and I will hit. After I do that, what I need to do is bring both of my footages from here to here. I'll select both of them, spring it here. So as I can see, this is the first footage, and this is the second. So I want it to start from here as this footage and so I'll just move this here. Let's see. When we cycle through the footage, we can see like that. Now for the transition number one, we just simply have to drag it. Just click here and drag it and he place this transition. Here. It's going. Okay. And move it so that it is. Let's check. Just make sure transition is between these two. From here, this comes and this gets revealed. Very nice. Now let's select this and just delete it. Now for the second transition, I'll just click here and drag and drop it here. I'll just near the end of the first and this transition. So I'll just move it here, which is exactly when this transition is starting. From this scene is starting. And I'll select both of them by hitting control. I'll overlap all of them. And from here, I'll just click here and select Alpha Mary and look what happens. Okay. So this cuts with this transition. Which is very cool. One more thing we can do here is we can add a transition this transition a little bit so that we can see it before it gets revealed. I'll explain it just by duplicating it. Just select this let's track from here from here. Just make sure you place it above the footage number, which is four in this case, and move it here. Just make sure you move is a bit before this footage. You can just see like that. So if I just move it outside, I cannot see. But if I overlap it and I just move it a little bit ahead. I can make this transition look very cool. Okay. You can do the same for all other transitions. So I'll just click here and hit control this. And from here, I'll select number three and hit Alt it rack. So as to replace the transitions. Okay. I can choose any of this drag and hit liightrack on both of them. So this also makes a perf transition. Same for the fifth, make sure I'll select both of these transitions, select this and hit control and select this. And from here on hit Command on Mac, I'll hit Alt and drag it onto this, and this will replace the transitions five with four. If I just see like this, I made this amazing transition just without doing anything extra. So that's it for now. Thanks for watching.