Adobe Premiere Pro: How to Save Time Editing and Edit More Efficiently in Premiere Pro | Alli Bartlett | Skillshare

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Adobe Premiere Pro: como economizar tempo na edição e editar com mais eficiência no Premiere Pro

teacher avatar Alli Bartlett, Filmmaker. Youtuber. Business Owner

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Sobre o seu instrutor e como configurar sua estrutura de pasta para um fluxo de trabalho eficiente


    • 2.

      Como personalizar seu espaço de trabalho no Premiere Pro


    • 3.

      Como personalizar suas cores para um fluxo de trabalho mais rápido


    • 4.

      Predefinição de sequências personalizadas


    • 5.

      Como garantir que sua filmagem seja o mesmo tamanho na sua linha de tempo


    • 6.

      Personalize suas chaves quentes e a reprodução


    • 7.

      Como garantir que vocĂŞ nĂŁo use o mesmo clipe e a mesma a eles a eles a fim de a linha de tempo


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About This Class

Neste curso de Alli Saunders vai ensinar a partir de sua edição mais rápido no Adobe Premiere Pro. Alli Saunders foi um editor de vídeo profissional e possui uma empresa de vídeo de video de Toronto, Canadá que é especializado em vídeos comerciais e web. Edita de seus projetos de vídeo no Premiere Pro e ao longo anos surgiu de várias maneiras para tornar o trabalho de edição mais eficiente e mais rápido. Neste curso de rápido vai ensinar sua a você a de dicas, ferramentas e fluxos de trabalho que salvaram sua edição e vai a você também de um tempo!

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Alli Bartlett

Filmmaker. Youtuber. Business Owner


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1. About Your Instructor and How to Set Up Your Folder Structure For an Efficient Work Flow: my Name's Alley and I run the YouTube channel called Ali and Will. I've been an editor for years and years, predominantly on free, mere pro. This course is going to teach you how to edit quicker and more efficiently, as well as how to remain organized consistently throughout all of your video. Anything projects in Premiere Pro? You can either follow along using your own footage. Or you can click the link in the class Project section here in skill share and download a few free stock footage clips. I'm really excited to teach you my workflow in Primer Pro. That has saved me tons of time, so let's get right into it. First things first before we even get into Premiere Pro. It's really important to organize your folder structure so that you have a nice and efficient workflow. I've found that having a consistent workflow and folder structure has made things much more efficient and easy for me, and although it seems like a small thing to do, it's made a big difference on my hard drive. I have a folder called Flogs. Click on that. First things first, I will create a new folder within my vlogs folder and I will name. It's the name that I think I'm gonna call the flog itself within that folder, I'm gonna have all of my project assets. This folder is going to contain all of the assets that I am going to import into Premiere Pro. Let's take a look inside. We have our footage folder. Let's click on that We have are a camp folder B Cam Drone footage will go back to the Project Asset folder. We also have our music. Let's go back into the winter visit to the farm Older. I also have a folder for Final up Loads, which will include the final exported video. I have my music licenses folder for every royalty free track that I've used and I have my Project folder. This is where the Premiere Pro Project itself is going to be saved. None of these three folders will be imported into my premiere Pro Project. That's why they're all separate from the Project Assets folder. So that's how to set up your folder structure so that everything's just nice and easy and organized. Now let's look at how to customise our workspace, improver pro. I'm gonna show you how I customized mine. And you can either follow that exactly or using what they teach you. You can set up your own customized workspace so that it flows with how you edit. 2. How to Customize Your Premiere Pro Workspace: by default. Premiere Pro has opened up in the editing work space You can tell because this top tab here that says editing is highlighted in blue. I'm going to customize this workspace and then save it so that every single time I come into Premiere Pro, I can click on my workspace and I'm good to go. I'll click on metadata, right click and close that panel, right click on Media browser and on Info Library's closed these panels. I'm going to drag this effect tab up to the top beside effect controls dragged the timeline down so that it's smaller. Let's say you accidentally close a panel that you're going to use regularly, so oops, I accidentally closed effects and I want it back. You can simply go upto windows, click there and scroll down to where it says effects. Click on that and there you go. It should back up to save this workspace. I'm going to click up on the highlighted in blue editing tab, right. Click on it and click on Save as New Workspace. You can call it whatever you want. I'm gonna call this fast workspace push. Okay? And there we go. You can see that that has been saved up here. I love my customized Brimmer pro workspace, and I love that. I don't have all of those annoying panels that I never use. Wasting real estate, wasting the screen property when I'm editing, customizing my workspace and using it every single time has saved me annoyance and frustration. 3. How to Customize Your Label Colors For a Quicker Work Flow: In most cases, when you're editing, you're not going to complete an entire editing project in one go. You're probably going to spend several days reopening this project, going back to it maybe several weeks. Maybe you'll come back to it after a few months. So I found it very valuable and helpful to customize my label colors with specific names, so that if I'm opening a project after a few days and I've used all my customized label colors, I can pick up where I left off on that edit instead of re watching everything that had previously cut up and edit together to try and figure out why I put clips in certain places and cut them in certain ways and so on. You'll see what I mean. Let's get right into it will go up to edits, hover over preferences and scroll down to labels. Click on that. So if you're working on your prayer, pro projects with anyone else than one thing I recommend is choosing for five different label colors and meaning that you can both apply in your own pre mier pro settings so that it's way more easy and way more efficient to hand off projects to that other person. So when we're choosing selects in our timeline, any of the clips that really stand out to us that were definitely gonna use, we will label inbred. And we will change the name that currently says Red to best clip clips that air well shot look great and that we may use and our final edits would be labeled in blue. My gray label is for clips that are usable. They're not the best clips, but they may come in handy. And my dark green clips air for clips that are not usable. You can double click on any of thes colors to choose your own color like I'm doing here. Press okay. And there you go. I don't use every single one of the labels. I mainly stick to these four, but you definitely have quite a few options. If you'd like to create more labels for yourself. So a push. Okay, and that's custom labels coming up. You're going to see how I use them and how that saves me tons of time. But first, let's talk about custom sequence presets 4. Custom Sequence Preset Set Up: likely you're gonna want to use the same sequence settings and the majority of your editing projects. Having custom presets for your sequences is going to save you time, because now you can just click on that preset and get started on your project instead of having to manually choose the settings for your new sequences every time you start new project. I used the same two or three sequence presets all the time. This has made my life way easier, So the next thing that I'm going to do is go up to file new and select a new sequence. And now let's create a custom sequence setting so that any time we come into Premiere Pro Dad it, we have it ready to go. I will click on the folder Digital SLR and drop down. Click on 10 80 choose DSLR 10 80 p 24. Now let's go into settings and make sure that we're happy with sequence settings. DSLR 23.976 frames per second. That looks good now. This is the standard DSLR 24 frames per second setting. But let's say you may any adjustments and you wanted to save this as a preset. You could click, save preset down here and give this preset name. So I'm gonna call this 10 80 p sequence. Press okay? And as you can see, the precept for the specific sequence setting has been put in the custom folder down here. I will call the sequence a Cam J Tribes elects and press. OK, I'll move this out of the project folder and there we go. There's thesis E quince that we're currently gonna be working on. 5. How to Make Sure Your Footage is All the Same Size on Your Timeline: I'm always editing projects where I have different video resolutions toe work with. Usually, I'm working with a combination of HD footage and four K footage, so I'm gonna show you how you can quickly make sure that you're seeing everything the entire clip so that it's not zoomed in. When you're working with a four K clip on a 10 80 HD timeline, let's get right into it. Let's go into the Project Assets folder and drop that down. I'll double click on the Footage folder, drag this up so we can see better double click on a camp, and now you can see each of the clips in a camp there video info, the frame rate and so on. We have footed shot in four K, and as we scroll down, we also have some footage shot in HD. I'm going to click on video info so that all the video information is nicely organized. Click on this top clip. That's 1920 by 10 80 I'm going to select all of the 1920 by 10 80 footage. There would go. That's the last clip and dragged that all onto the timeline. Great. Now, within this folder. I'll scroll down, click on the first. Just move that over. Click on the 1st 4 K clip, hold down shift, continue scrolling down and grab the last four K clip and drag all of those four K clips to the end of this sequence. Here, I'll click on the 1st 1 to highlight it. Go over here to affect controls and in scale all type 50. Because this clip was four K. When we brought it into the 1920 by 10 80 timeline, 50% of it was hidden. So by scaling down to 50% now we can see the entire clip. This little effects box on the left of the clip indicates in yellow that it has been altered. And if you look to the right, none of the other four K clips have. Next, I will right click on the altar Glenn Push copy. Select the remaining four key clips that need to be scaled down to 50% and paste attributes . Now all of these four K clips have been scaled down to 50% making sure that the footage on your timeline is all the same frame sizes. Such an easy thing toe overlook, especially if you forget that you were working with both four K clips and 10 Eclipse. And you continue editing, wondering why is the shot so zoomed in looking this happen to me a few times? That's why I'm sharing this one with you. And next, what we're gonna be looking at is how to create custom Haughey's 6. Customize Your Hot Keys, Playback and Selects: so we'll go up to edit keyboard shortcuts. Click on that. And as you can see, we have a bunch of keyboard shortcuts assigned to this keyboard. So I customized my keyboard and made the ad Edit Shortcut Ault V. And if you want to change it, or if you want to customize your own keyboard shortcuts, you can simply find the application that you're looking for by typing it in. And then you can simply add your shortcut keys into this area. Here I will press OK using hockey's and setting up your own custom. Hockey's is a great way to make your everything flow faster. Now let's say that you're watching playback in your program monitor while you're editing and the playbacks lagging. Well, that could be for several different reasons, but one of them might be how you're watching your playback in your program monitor. So let's look at how to reduce that leg and make playback faster. You can click here on the program panel and watch playback at half the resolution or even 1/4 instead of full. When you reduce the quality of play back in your program monitor, it's going to reduce the quality of play back that you're actually seeing, but you'll still be able to see all the details and information that you need to continue editing. So for me, I like to watch playback at half the quality. This way I can still see what I need to see as I'm editing, and it doesn't dramatically reduce the quality of play back. But it does play back faster than if I were to watch it at full. Next. Let's talk about choosing. Selects those parts of your footage that you trim down and cut down because you like that part of the footage and you likely want to use it in your actual edit. So I'll grab Thekla purser and slowly start scrubbing through the timeline that looks like the beginning of a good shot. I will use my shortcut commands alter Option B to make that edit cut point in the clip. Press the space bar to continue playing through. And what I like to do when I'm watching through footage and choosing selects is press Al on my keyboard. Two or three times each time you press it, it speeds up your playback. So impressive three times here and I'll continue watching through this timeline when I feel I have a great select here. I will hit that all option wiki again. OK, so this clip is good. I'll put it on the V three track as I'm watching through in Picking selects the V one track will be the playback Track. V two will be where I put the best clips. V three will be where I put the good clips before our create as the usable clips. So let's say I love that clip and that's gonna be one of the best clips and this clip here . I've also selected as another best clip. Then let's say this clip here is usable, not great. So I'm gonna drag that up above the three to create a V four track. As I go through out. Let's say I'll get 20 best clips that I've put on V two. I will highlight will assume in here high like all the trucks on V two that I've considered best. And then I will right click and label them best. V three is currently for all my good clips, so I will label that accordingly. And V four is where I would have all of my usable clips. What I do from there is all going to the program panel. Hover over new item, Click on its sequence Again, we will use our 10 80 custom sequence. I'll call this vlog press. OK, tab back over to the a Kim jh five selects highly All of the best clips on the to press commander controls C to copy them. Go back into the flog timeline and with the one track selected, I'll press Command v. 7. How to Make Sure You Don't Use the Same Clip Twice and Delete Timeline Space: Let's grab a few more best clips selects. I'll highlight all four of these current selects that Aaron Red Command, see or control See, to copy and go back into the long time line in Press command or control V to paste and oh, shoot of accidentally pasted selects that are already on the timeline, right? We already have this clip here and now I have it again. Imagine I had, like, 50 or 60 or hundreds of select on this timeline, and I accidentally brought in the same clip. Now that could take a while to sort through. It could take a while to realize I had duplicate clips. I may even accidentally use the same clip twice without meaning to. So one way to solve this so that you can see if you have any duplicate clips on your timeline is by doing this in the timeline, click on the wrench here that says Timeline display settings and let's check show duplicate frame markers. Look at that. I will hit the plus key to zoom in here. Now the clips that are duplicates and already on the timeline have this blue marker through them, and no matter how hard, you try to stay organized. At times, you still may accidentally bring clip onto your timeline. So this is a really handy feature. So let's say the of a timeline and you have a ton of selects on it, sort of all over the place with a ton of spaces in between them, I'm gonna show you a way that you could really quickly remove all those spaces. Let's go. Typically, when I work on 10 minute Blawg edits. I have hundreds and hundreds of selects on my timeline, and it's much easier to review them and start piecing together the edit if they're all beside each other rather than having these big spaces in between them. So you could highlight the space in between the two clips and press delete to bring them together. That's okay if you have a few selects, but if you're working with hundreds, that's gonna be quite time consuming. I'm that Undo that to show you a faster way to remove all of the spaces in between your selects. Okay, so what you want to do is go over to your program panel, hover over new item and select color Matt press. Okay, doesn't matter what the color is. Press okay? We can call it color. Matt. That's fine. They're the color. Matt is in the program panel. Let's grab it and drag it onto V to track. Now we're going to stretch it out so that it extends a little bit past the last clip on the timeline here. Next thing we're gonna do is highlight all of the clips on the one with all of the clip selected. Drag them up onto V to you want to make sure that the clips are all still highlighted. Now drag them all back down onto V one and select that color Matt in its entirety on V to right. Click and select Ripple, delete and look at that. Every single clip has been brought right together, just like we wanted. And there we go. Congratulations on completing this course where you learned how to set up your folder structure had to set up your workspace in premiere pro and tons of other ways to edit more efficiently. I've created several other editing courses here on skill share, so feel free to follow me because I am putting up new media related courses and editing courses regularly. And if you'd like to learn more about editing in Premiere Pro, check out my how to at a video project course. I also have a whiteboard animation course using video scar beacon check out as well as many other video related courses. I hope you enjoyed this course and found it valuable, and I hope to see you in some of my other courses.