1. Course Introduction: Hey, what's this Is helicity and welcome to Adobe
Premer Pro class. And don't place how to edit audio video
sensor on live action. Next, how to create
dynamic link with after effects, ad photos, audio. And don't win late, start.
2. Audio Video Censor : Hello guys. Welcome to
another project of media. This project is very useful
in media. What's this? This is my video. Now I want to hide my face. This call face sensor.
How to do this? Let's hide from here. Select your video
and go to sequence. Added it. Select your
next or second video, press a move by mouse click. Take a copy, select your second track video
and go to effect. Right here, camera blur. Apply camera blur effect on
the footage and crop effect. Apply this effect. Select your video and
go to effect control. Then select crop effect and scale down the size
of crop to hide the face. Then make a little bit further. So if you want to move stall, watch all left top
right bottle like this. Then select crop. Play your video by
right arrow key. You can move hold right arrow key and move
crop effect like this. Let's play Title, rolling, title, title, Catch and table. Okay, let's go to the next part. This part, how to censor audio. Let's zoom play from here. Play here, I says I want to
censor this words. First, go to Tool, select the Res to select
the move and delete. Go to Project. Go to
File bars and tune. Click, okay, double click. Here is the audio dragon
drop to sequence, then move it up
and cut. Put here. Let's play again. Tile knee style, catching
table soft tide. How to, let's make little bit high level
speaker play again. Rolling tile, new, stable, catching, table soft titles. How to pen audio. Look you guys, thank
you for watching. This was about audio, video, sensor, face and audio. Have a good time. Good luck.
3. Create Your New project: Hey, what's up?
This is solicit and welcome to a Ubi
Premier Pro class. Let's start when you
open a Ubi Premier Pro. The most important
point is if you want to work individual video
editing in one computer, just create new project. If you want to work on
your previous project, select from here or Rec or
you can open from here. If you want to work on
big project on cinema, video or movies
with multi editor, just create a new team project. Now I want to start my personal
video editing project. Clicking on new project, set your project name
the most important, it means my project
name is D production. Which video you want to edit? I want to edit
birthday celebration. Select your video. Where is, which
one is your video? This one is my video. If you want to
look from Desktop, just go to Desktop. Click here. If you want to look
from documents, downloads, movies,
music, pictures. Now let's click here. Create, replace, and wait. Okay, let's go to First
Window Workspace. Set your workspace to editing. Go back to Window
Workspace just once, Reset to save layout, your premier is
in standard mode. Let's start from the
work space introduction. The important your
project window. It means if you want to load your media files,
pictures, music, videos, double click or press control
plus I on keyboard, import. Third, go to file, import Okay. The most important
after project tools. Next sequence sequence
is divided in two parts. Video tracks, audio tracks it. Normally, when you
load the video, just one track is for the video and one track
is for the audio. You can meet your audio, you can turn on the solo it. When your video, there is
a lot of audio tracks, but you need to play
just one track, turn on that track, it means I want to play
track two of audio the next, if you want to record your vocal or you want to
record narration, just click on the microphone and start your vocal recording. Okay, let's start from the
primary shortcuts in sequence. The most important shortcut
is press Alt on keyboard, Click It means you
can take a copy from the track control plus Z. And there is the Shart control plus Z to control shift plus z. The next, the most important, a sequence line
there is your time. It means time line control play. If you want to cut here
you have two ways. The first one go to
Tool, select Sor Sharkt. Click here for cut. The second press control
plus K on keyboard. Cut. Go to sequence, Added
control plus K, four. Cut the next press equal
or minus on keyboard. For zooming, zoom out. But in window, go to sequence, there is zooming, zoom out. Equal and minus the next. Press arrow key, left, right. Just one frame you can
control your video. Press down of scape key on
keyboard for maximize window. Okay, let's go to next part. Let's go to project
double click. Let's go to import
our next video video. Let's find some video. Select this video. There we have another
monitor, source monitor. It means if you want
to test your video, just double click here. Just play or check your video. If you want to use in
your project for editing, select Dragon Drop here, okay. If you want to sound or music
of this clip, just audio. Only two audio track. If you want to use just drag
video only on video track, play right click a
scale to frame size, press let on keyboard, let you want to add
a logo double click again in your project
and find your logo load. I want to load this premier
logo to sequence monitor. Hold your mouse click. There is multi option
offer for you. The top one, drag logo over top of your video
layers, video tracks. The first one is
Insert before, insert, after overwrite or replace. I want to use this logo overlay. There is your logo overlay. Move your logo here, Expand, select for controlling your logo or for control your
title into a screen. Don't forget the most
important. Go to setting. Turn on the Save Mergens to set your logo
and title position. Well, select go to effect control for
setting of the logo. When you disselect your logo, there is no option. When you select your logo, there is a lot of option. The first one is select scale
down the logo and move. Set here, move by
position like this. And the next, select the
title from the Tools. Click here, click here, and write editing time. Select all effect
control to text, change color to white
Selection tool, scale down the size. Sit here and move your title
track to start the video. Let's I don't want to the title, I want to add effect
for the title. Go to sequence, Apply. Video. Transition is the Harctt'sy Select
again your title. Sit here, take a
look for the title. Let me start, Harding. You can take a copy, press Alt and click to
take a copy for the title. Okay guys, this was about how to control,
create your project. And the most important
points in Premier Pro, and how to set your work
space in Premier Pro. Don't forget. Let's
go to next part.
4. Perfect Toolbox: Hey, what's up? And welcome to the tools of
Adobe Premier Pro. Let's start. The most important, if you want to work faster, if you want to add it faster. So remember all shortcut
keys of the tools. The first one is
selection the shortcut B. If you want to move your video, your audio clip
just in one click, you must use selection tool. The next, hold your mouse, click tracks, link forward, tracks lick backward to mean first you must cut
by Sor tool like this. Then if you want to make space between first
and second clip, just go to Tools. Tracks link forward,
click here, make space. If you want to use track slick
backward from third clip, backward the next rip, rip it normally when you put
your cursor to end of clip, then you can make cut the
next rolling, rolling it. Let's import another different
video with this clip here. Slo by press equal sharklets, go and select rolling it. By rolling a two. You sit end of this first clip and start
scene of the second clip. Click here, hold your mouse, click and move to
write. Take a look. The first clip I want to finish when she hold the glass. The second clip must
start from the second. Second means I want to end
the first clip in 42 seconds. The next clip in
2 seconds start. The first clip is
end in 42 seconds. The next clip start
in 2 seconds. Let's check play in this
scene and the next clip. Start from this scene, the stretch stretch for creating slow
motion, fast motion. I want to make fast motion
after this scene, select Ser, Tool, Cut, Cut, Selection, Tool. Move your clip and
select your clip. And go to stretch to
make faster slow motion. It means your normal clip
is 1 second 19 frame. I want to make slow
motion in 3 seconds. Select your empty
space and click on, press the let on keyword. Let's play the next remix tool. Let's import some audio. We go to Music Let's this music. Let's out and set your music. Now I want to add frame hold. My video is 1
minute, 30 seconds, but my music is 2
minutes, 15 seconds. I want to re my mic into
1 minute, 30 seconds. Jump watt's. Go to remix. To select. And two remix. Wait, let's see the result that
will click here. The music is remixes. Treene, turn off
the first track, the second remix, what
a professional makes. The music is starting
normally from the start and normally
going to end. The next reserve tool just for cutting control and the next. So I want to say start
and end scene of my clip. Hold your mouse, click, move to right, Take a look. I want to start the
clip from 2 seconds. Start from 2 seconds. Let's see, zooming. This is my clip way,
starting from here. Let's check on this clip. Hold your mouse, click
and move to right. I want to start the clip. I want to start the clip
from 3 seconds, one frame. End 4 seconds, 17, 17 frame, just one clip. Starts from 3 seconds
and end of 4 seconds. Let's check, take a look. Start from here. The end here. Okay, let's go to next
slide to slide to me. I don't want to use this
clip after the timeline. Let's replace the
second clip to here. If you want to cut this scene, just replace this
clip here, the next. You can use Pin Tool
in different modes. The most important
on music on sound. One click here, click here, one click here, down the
volume of the music. Here, down the Music The
volume here. Let's play. Pinole is mostly use in masking. Create a shape like this. Control your shape. Go to effect control, expand the option
and turn the fill. Turn on the stroke and
select your color. The next is rectangle to
create a ship on the screen. Zooming, I want to location. I want to zoom this location. I want to move by hand. Tool, the next type tool, let's write something here. Click, Write Something. Let's check there is
one track in one layer, you have three options. These two option is about
circle and triangle shape. The first one is just for
the title or text layer. Expand and control or closed. Okay guys, thank
you for watching. This was about tools
of a Premier pro. Don't forget, just remember the shortcut keys
for a date faster.
5. Working with marker to Note: Hey, what's welcome
to marker option in a premiere pro if you want to be professional video editor just
start your edit like this. Hey guys. I want to edit my clap the first
censor her face. Next, add title after 5 seconds. Next, I want to
change the color of the background a little
bit brighter, Green. Next, I want to make a little bit brighter or
control the contrast. There is four
options for editing. Start your edit like this. The first he said add a
title after 5 seconds. Go to marker, the sharked is M. Add a marker here. If you want to add
a marker here. Deselect your press M, M, it means double. Write your mark here we title adding the
title mean her name. Okay, next. So in this scene said
censor her face dislr clip, press M M change marker
option right face censor. Okay, let's go in this clip he said
my control, MM. Change the marker and write. Change the grass color. Okay. Now from start, press M, M, Change the color. Right here, right? Bright and contrast control. Okay, Now you can start
your editing very easy. Put your mouse cursor on
the marker. Face sensor. Click. Oh yeah. Face sensor. Put your mouse cursor here. Change grass color. Click. Oh yeah. Title,
adding click here. Okay. Yeah, Yeah, I know. I must add or write
title of here. Okay, and the next, the most important in marker, someone tell you, remove this clip or this
scene from the video. It means come here, marker, marking, Sit the ends to mark, mark out, just click and
put another clip here. If you want to cut and fill the blank place, select click, cut it, Play now here, but in mean click. Okay guys, thank
you for watching. This was about marker option, how to start your editing notes. Then after notes, start your
working on Premier Pro.
6. Remove Green Background: Hey, what's up? And
welcome to make Project, How to remove green color or blue color from
the background. Let's start here. I have a sample double
click and play how to this green background and put the background this
background particles. Let's do it first because this video
is quality HD. I want to keep
exiting the woman. Select another video of
a stdio down here and right click on the
background track set or scale to frame size. And come here this video track. Go to effect control. Right click scale to frameize. Go to effect. Let's
go to effect. There is defect window
and click right here. Ultra key. Use ultra key on chromo
video. Then select again. Go to effect control, find ultra key effect. And click on Eye Dropper. Click on green screen. Let's turn on or change
output to alpha channel. There is little weight
problem, right? To effect and use crop effect. On video there is crop
effect left and right. Go back to Ultra Key and
Mat Genero control by transparency control
by highlight change to zero control the shadow, There's no shadow in chroma Che Video indeed
change back to composite. Now let's play. Okay guys, don't forget, green
screen is for indoor and blue
screens for outdoor, which is using for visual effects and for
cinema vix movies. Thank you for watching.
Have a good time.
7. Rolling Title : Here is tonette two bodies Ruling Title project
in Adobe Premier Pro. Let's start ruling Title Mean
the credits of the video, which is adding in end
of the video or movies. Let's add ruling title
after 1 minute, 34 seconds. Right click, link
your video and audio, then cut and select. Go to Sequen. Apply video,
transition, zoom. Good. Turn on save margins
and select the title. Draw a title box or
text box like this. Select all go to effect control and select
the center alignment. Change the size. Then select all Press control plus C for copy and control, plus V for paste. Enter in. Let's animate this. The first slit your title, track your title layer, and close the panel. Make your title link to
end of the music or audio. Then select your title to effect control
and go to position. Press Shift Hold
Shaft on keyboard. Stopwatch the position
from start of your title layer and go to
end of your title layer. And music. Then move
your title to Up. Let's play Community Stan Stance to ship Moki guys. This was about adding
rolling title animation. End of the video. Thank you for watching. Have a good time.
8. Overlay Live and LT: Hey, what's up one?
Welcome to Overlay and Lower third title in Adobe
Premier Pro. Let's start. What is Overlay Life and
what is lower third title? First, go to Window, Go to Work Space and select
the caption and Graphics. Then go to Re. Here is a standard work
space of the graphics. Go to browse in Essential
Graphics Window. Come down here. Fine design of the overlay life. Drag and drop here. Then put your time line on the overlay Title. Select and go to Effect
Control and find Scale. Scale down the size, Select motion and move by mouse, press hold control on keyboards, move to left, Slowly move down. Now when you play, this video is live. If you want to make animate
in ending, press Alt. Take a copy and write. Click Go to Speed. Duration. Turn on
reverse speed option. Click okay. Now plays. Don't forget, you can edit your title text and you
can edit the colors, create your brand color and
control the text properties, font, styles, size, italic. Bolt the next. Let's go to Browse. You can add lower third
of the here is new. Lower third left dragon. Drop here and put the time
line on the layers and tracks. Then select and go to Us option, find the scale down and
click on Motion option. Move Do News Graphics lowerter
to corner of a screen. Then go to Edit. Double click right
here, what fl sick. Go to secondary
title right here. Editor control globe animation, inverse rotation,
control the latitude, the offset angle of it. Change text properties,
font styles, ball italic, everything.
Don't forget. In the end of the added option, you can change the style of the colors when
you play Mission. Okay guys, thank
you for watching. This was about overly life
and lower third news. How to use, how to edit, and how to create or
add in Adobe Premium. Have a good time. Good luck.
9. News Title : Hey, what's up? And welcome to News Title Project in
Adobe Premiere Pro. How to add two different
language titles for the news report. First for Ang language and
the next is Arabic language. Let's start first,
go to setting, Turn on the save mergers
and select the rectangle and a background for the title. Then go to Shapes, change the color and select
your selection little bit. Move it down, not too much. Let's go now. Here set, then press hold, or let's create
another copy, Unpaste. Move up the second. Let's go here, Change
this one color to white. Now select your title. Click here, write,
write something. In this video, I show you
how to add new title. Select all, go to option, expand and change, Scale down, then select your title. Double click, select
all press press control plus shift on keyboard to copy, and then press control
plus V for the past. Next panel control, little bit. Move down and press Shift. Move the title out of a screen. Now, set your title or
graphic track layer. Link to end of the video. From a start stop, watch the position and
hold Shift on keyboard and then move the title to left and move out of
a screen. Let's play. Okay guys, don't forget
the second language. And the second title
is your homework, Write, add, and share with me. Thank you for watching.
I have a good time.
10. Music Beats Effects: Hey, what's up? And
welcome to Sound. Much Video Editing project, very cool project. Let's start. This is a sample of the bits. Play, drag and drop the audio, and let's select the video. We drop the video, zoom, double click to expand
the audio wave form. Let's start Edit. The first bits is here. Go to Tools. Select Ser, Tool, Cut and cut. Press V for move. Delete. Delete. Let's go to next cut. Cut the delete. Next del cutlet control, Z, cut the Ledet uncut the let. Let's play. Good,
let's add it here. Let's play for the final
result of part one part first, click the late, the law. Cut first and cut here, the light and the late. Let's cut. Cut in the late, this part. Cut and cut the light, this cut, the late. Let's cut and cut play of Ben. Zoom out. The scene is looking good. The late, the late. Let's, let's cut
and cut the Latin. One cut. Cut. Okay. Move by arch and one cut. Move, select, selecting,
set to start bits. And then the late
again, cut and cut. Let the late and cut
cut the light and the late cut and cut make to pits point cut and cut. Okay, I think enough
into 15 seconds. Let's play for the final result. Play now, turn of the
action Title safe area. Let's play. This was about sound
bits, video match. Thank you for watching.
Have a good time.
11. Adding Movies Subtitle : Hey, what's up? Welcome to
caption or subtitle project. It means a title
translate into a screen. Thank you're an editor, so I want to do this
project on my video. First, your video photo. Okay, this guy is at Youtuber
talking in Indian language. I know Indian language. Bolt, both these people are coming to visit us and
they want to see here. And you want to see or
check my friend is here. Let's start to sequins
first and go to Caption. Add a new caption. Track, select subtitle,
nos style, okay. Go to Sequin to caption,
Caption at play. Change video quality,
full quality, technically the first
step, zoom and write. Double click before writing. Go to window and go to
caption and Graphics. Before continue, set your caption style if
you want to add a stroke, if you want to add a background, if you want to expand
your background, if you want to change
background corner, then now continue your caption writing double click and write. All people are coming to double click here
and play Technical. Let's change quality
of playback. Press a, take a copy and cut. Double click it. Even get an old gas
about you or dinner. Okay, let's turn off the title. Action safe and play the important point
in caption project. Forget when you want to ex, video, take a look. You must turn on
the caption option. When you turn, then you burn
your caption into video. If you turn off, there will no adding
caption on video. Thank you guys for watching. If you want to your caption
for the next video, go to File Export caption. Have a good time. Good luck. Let's go to next part.
12. Ghost Fx: Hello guys, Welcome to most important tricks
in Adobe Premiere Pro. Let's start open your premiere, Go to Window Workspace, change to editing next, go back to work space reset. Then go to Project Window, double click, foreign port, a new clip here, slick the first one, and drag and drop
to new sequence. Then delete the audio because
I don't need the audio. Let's play. What is the idea? I want to create a ghost
effect in Adobe Premier Pro. How to do this? Set your line here
before standing up. Then press on keyboard. Take a copy from the video
track, select again, then the right click, Okay, right click,
Add frame, hold. Now delete. Now play. There is nothing. If you turn
on the second video track. The first track is
the original video. Now what's next? Press all. Take
one copy more and select Zolin by pressing plus on keyboard and go to Sequence. Added it, cut select, del, select again and go to
effect Control change to 15% Now let's play, let's add effect right here. Crop, add the crop effect for
the Pacy of these mistakes, use the crop effect on
the third video track. And select again and go to left. Here, make a little bit Father, make a little bit,
Father, make more father. Now stone watch
the left and play. Play her. Okay, let's play play. Now here is the ghost
effect that he is gone. A Guys, thank you for watching. This was about the
ghost effect track in a sorry, prem pro. Let's start the next
important tracks. How to create duplicate person in one scene, in one location.
13. Duplicate Character : Hello guys. Welcome to Duplicate Effect in Adobe
Premier Pro. Let's start. Go to Project, Double Click, then the second clip, and drop the new sequence. Delete the audio because I
don't need the audio now. Zooming. Expand a little
bit your sequence plate. Okay, I need one copy
here before standing. Cut the scene, Go to sequence. There is a shortcut. Added it, play the second copy. Go to the sequence, added it, Delete. Cut from here. Added it, select and cut Ole. There is the first one, there is the second
standing here. Move this clip, top of the first clip and
select Go to Effect. Right effect, Crop Apply, Crop effect on second video. And go to crop. The first clip person was
here, this side is right. And go to right option, make little bit father
and move the third clip, top of the other clips. The third clip is person here, you must the left side
apply crop effect here. Go to left option,
cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, and make a
little bit further. Okay, go to sequence and the effect in and out and
wait for the rendering. Hey guys, let's check play. There is the final result of the three person
in one location. Duplicate effect. Okay guys, thank
you for watching. This was about to duplicate
the face in a premier pro. Have a good time.
Good luck all of you.
14. Duplicate 2: Hello guys, Welcome to Duplicate Effect
in Adobe Premiere. Let's start double click. Let's import first the video, the footage there have a sample select and drop
to new composition. Let's delete the
audio and let's play first when you want to
create the duplicate from here before stand up. Go to ser to one cut
and sitting here to cut here before stand up cut and sitting here, Cut. Delete. Then move the
second clap to top select. Go to effect. And right
here, Crop, play. Crop effect here. And go to left and make
and select the third clip. Move top here, then go
to the prop effect. Let's play the right side here. Okay, let's play. Looking good, looking cool. Let's enter to render
and play faster. Let's play, let's play again. Okie guys, thank
you for watching. This was about Duplicate
tricks in Adobe Premiere Pro, hope you like, and thank you for watching.
Have a good time.
15. Masking Tricks: Hello guys, welcome to Masking Tricks in
Adobe Premier Pro, the most important effect
or track in Adobe Premier. Let's start first.
If you want to mask, select a copy press old by Mosk. Move a track to take a
copy select and write. Click, make a frame hold and de. Then zooming select. Move just one frame
by right arrow key. After this effect control, first select your click, Go to Effect Control
and Opacity. Select the pain tool. Then press down of the scape
key on keyboard. Okay, let's mask and hair and close. Next let's
remove the feather, and let's zoom in. Select your clip
and cut from here. Select the move to
now let's play. The second person is free when I stand and setting your place
that has become to a life. Hope you take the point. Look you guys, let's create
the second mask here. Here, select press
all, take a copy. Then right click,
make a frame hold. Delete this second
click, make one frame. Then let's select your clip and go to a second
control, a pass. Select a pen tool
to create a mask. One. Then when you want to mask, take a look, mask
your character. Very clean. Chain
the father to zero. Let's play now from start, there is little problem. Select the T, take one copy and select again. Right click at frame hold. Delete the first and expand control K on
keyboard to cut again, delete the second
clip and zooming, make one frame free. Then select again, go
to effect control. Select mask one mask again. Here is change the fader zero
and zoom out your track. Let's play now. Let's play first mask, there is the second mask. Okay guys, thank
you for watching. This was about Adobe
premier pro masking trick. Have a good time. Good luck.
16. Weather Report Graphics: Hello guys. Welcome to another different project that
is weather report editing. Start first, double clicking
project your video, this is my video. Drop the new composition and delete the audio
because I don't need the audio and change
to resolution full. Then let's play control K to cut the. Let's play today is city is sunny and 45 degrees
Celsius Fh Osos. Remove the background
first go to effect. Let's crop first, apply crop effect and go
to Effect Control. Crop from left. Crop from right. Let's test. Good, hold control on keyboards. Slowly change the percentage
of left and select again. Go to effect right
here, ultra key. Apply ultra key for
removing the background, go eye dropper removed
and go to T generation. Change out setting
to alpha channel and control the shadows. Control the tolerance
and pedestal. Okay, let's check the
shadow little bit. Apply tolerance, shadow remove, good. And change back to composite. Let's zoom and select
the hand to take a look. This little bit green color on. Go to Matt. Clean up. Hold control on keyboards. Slowly cut smooth and
contrast contrast change to fit all guys. The background is removed. Now time to import Skies. Go to project Double click. Let's find the sky
background from real, real clouds, there is
a lot of real clouds. Double click, select
one of them and drop to first video and set the
character to second track. Video select the clouds. Go to effect control. Change a skill up, you can change from here, right click, replace footage. Right click, replace footage. Select any different, select the character here and
turn on the save margins. Let's create the graphics first. Right here at the city name, right here, Paris, sit here. Then create a background
for the Paris. Go to effect control shapes, Change the color, okay, then change text color, eye dropper, select
the black color. And move the top and
select the shape. Change past, lit
the weight down. Next, select one more
rectangle. Create here. And this color to blue. Okay. And change of pasting
little way down. Then let's add Sun PG. Here I have G S and drop to top. Scale down the size and
select motion to set the, let's select the first graphic, track and change
the shape color. Where is the shape color? Let's close the text
and select this, me. Okay, Change a pasty little bit bright and change
text color to white. Let's select the second graphic. Select, write the degree 45 for height set here. And let's draw graphic, Select the paint
tool little bit. Maximize the screen, 1234. Let's change the color to
hot color, warm color. Let's duplicate or take
a copy, press hold. Move up, take a copy
and right click. Okay. Let's to vertical. Let's rotate shape,
find the rotation, change to one T and
change the color to call and down. Move here and select the
number. Select the number. Press Paul, take one
copy more, Move it down. Double click, set 225. Move up, select all layers, then press Control plus D, if you want to make animate, select the first one control and select the second control. And select the third control. Let's zoom. Press
plus on keyboard, and let's play Looking Good
and select all Tracks. Leader, right click. Make
a group or make a list. Right here, Paris. Okay, so if you want
to create one more, select the Paris and
move to left side. Select from here, the sequence, go to Edit, Duplicate,
and drop here. Double click, change Paris name to select again the track. And double click,
change Paris name to New York City and go back
to your final sequence. Then let's move a little bit under the hand
effect control. Move here and move here. Select your character video. Move top of the
graphic sequence now. Play now. Okay guys, today is
weather in Paris and New York City has 45.25 guys. There's a little bit of
problem about my hair because the camera is low resolution
and no correct lighting. Don't forget, hope you like or learned something
from this lesson. Thank you for watching.
Have a good time.
17. Multi-Camera Edit : Hello guys and welcome
back and welcome to the most important project
that is multi camera editing. There I have three camera shots, the first one, and the
second, and the third. Take a look, these
three camera shots must be in one type audio card. Some of the clips are not
equal in time duration. When you want to edit, move the clip up and down, select all, go to
sequence, Link selection. When you select the video, the audio must be link. Let's move it top and
down. And move here. Move up, move down here and set select all
of them and right click. Synchronize audio. Take sync from track one
because the track one is complete video or
audio, Deion click. Okay. Now the footage
are synchronized. If you want to make X
between these three cameras, the first one press
on keyboard and cut. Let's delete. Cut from
here. Cut from here. Deletre, Delete. Now I want just one audio track. Let me unlink selection. Delete. Delete.
Delete, just one. Let's cut from here. Let's cut from,
let's cut from here. Let's play it. Physio Studies Union and one
to premium closed twice. This course is for all levels, for one of facial audio video. And done this class. In this class, you how to remove for TV
commercials and visuals. In this course,
you'll learn how to a camera projects in the store. How to titles, role, table, cash and table subtype. Okay guys, this was about
the multi camera editing. Hope you learn, and
thank you for watching. Have a good time. Good luck.
18. Dynamic link After effects: Hello guys, and welcome
to dynamic link between Premier and Adobe After
Effects. Let's start. First, go to File and
Adobe dynamic link, Create a new Composition
after Effect. Click and click, okay. Then wait to load Adobe
After Effects, okay. First, save your
after effect file, no matter what you
want to write. No file. Then fit Composition
Skin, right click. Create a new solid click, okay? And go to Effect. Or go to Effects and
press its right here. Snow fall, snow fall, double click, play to effect, Control, change snow size. Make little bit wo
right side, okay. Now control plus S on keyboard to save or go to file,
save your project. Go to do Premier Pro. There is Composition. Select your clip, double click, select your footage
and zoom out. Move it up here and go back to your final
sequence. Go to Project. Move your composition factor, clip on second, then
select Composition. Go to a control
and blending mode. Change to screen. Let's play. Let's change quality of play. Back to 14. Let's play again. Video added to do
fin this class. In this class you learn how
to re and kebab commercials. Okay guys, thank
you for watching. This was about the
simple dynamic link between after effect
and Adobe Premiere Pro. Don't forget there you
have more dynamic links. Wait, Adobe Photoshop. How to link. Wait.
Adobe Photoshop. There is what shop file, how to link dynamic link, Adobe Audition and
Adobe Premiere Pro. Thank you for watching.
Have a good time. Good luck.