Adobe InDesign - The Complete Guide to Tables (Complete Guide to Master InDesign, Module 3) | Chad Neuman, Ph.D. | Skillshare

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Adobe InDesign - The Complete Guide to Tables (Complete Guide to Master InDesign, Module 3)

teacher avatar Chad Neuman, Ph.D., Professor, Graphic Designer, Digital Media Expert

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Adobe InDesign Tables Course Introduction


    • 2.

      Introduction to the Annual Report Project


    • 3.

      Adding Tables in InDesign


    • 4.

      Positioning Tables in InDesign


    • 5.

      Adding a Border to Tables and Frames in InDesign


    • 6.

      Adding Rounded Rectangle Corners to Tables in InDesign


    • 7.

      Adjusting Rows and Columns in InDesign


    • 8.

      How to Merge and Split Table Cells in InDesign


    • 9.

      Inserting, Deleting, and Moving Table Rows and Columns in InDesign


    • 10.

      Adding and Editing Header and Footer Rows in InDesign


    • 11.

      Adding Alternating Strokes or Fills in Rows and Columns in InDesign


    • 12.

      Formatting Table Cells in InDesign


    • 13.

      Cell Text Rotation in InDesign


    • 14.

      Using Diagonal Lines in Cells in InDesign Tables


    • 15.

      Placing and Adjusting Graphics in Cells in InDesign


    • 16.

      Designing Custom Shapes for Graphic Frames in InDesign


    • 17.

      Using Gradients in Cells in InDesign


    • 18.

      Adding Table and Cell Styles in InDesign


    • 19.

      Saving, Reusing, and Sharing Table and Cell Styles in InDesign


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About This Class

Learn to design and implement tables in Adobe InDesign Creative Cloud! In this third part of the Complete Guide to Mastering InDesign, you will learn how tables can be used and customized in InDesign.

By the time you have completed this course, you will have learned the following as you work on an annual report project:

  • Adding Tables in InDesign
  • Positioning Tables in InDesign
  • Adding a Border to Tables and Frames in InDesign
  • Adding Rounded Rectangle Corners to Tables in InDesign
  • Adjusting Rows and Columns in InDesign
  • How to Merge and Split Table Cells in InDesign
  • Inserting, Deleting, and Moving Table Rows and Columns in InDesign
  • Adding and Editing Header and Footer Rows in InDesign
  • Adding Alternating Strokes or Fills in Rows and Columns in InDesign
  • Formatting Table Cells in InDesign
  • Cell Text Rotation in InDesign
  • Using Diagonal Lines in Cells in InDesign Tables
  • Placing and Adjusting Graphics in Cells in InDesign
  • Designing Custom Shapes for Graphic Frames in InDesign
  • Using Gradients in Cells in InDesign
  • Adding Table and Cell Styles in InDesign
  • Saving, Reusing, and Sharing Table and Cell Styles in InDesign

The support files to follow along with my examples are attached to the Class Project area.

In the next courses in this series, you will continue to work on the annual report as you learn how Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop work seamlessly with Adobe InDesign.

Meet Your Teacher

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Chad Neuman, Ph.D.

Professor, Graphic Designer, Digital Media Expert


I love seeing students succeed in their designs, writings, productions, and careers!

I'm currently a full-time university professor of graphic design and digital journalism. I've taught classes on design, photography, and writing for the past eight years. My university students have become full-time, award-winning photographers, web designers, creative specialists, reporters, and layout designers. 

And now, you can learn from me as well!

Get started by enrolling in my courses and learning new skills. I've worked as internet development director at an award-winning advertising design firm, as managing editor at two graphic design magazines, as webmaster at a regional newspaper, and have been a freelance graphic designer and writer for the past 20 years. I have a... See full profile

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Design Graphic Design
Level: Intermediate

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1. Adobe InDesign Tables Course Introduction: Hi there. I'm Dr Chad Newman, and in this course you will learn all about tables in adobe in design, including designing, setting up, implementing, adjusting and saving tables and more. This is the third course in my Siris of Adobe in design courses here on skill share, which all make up the Complete Guide to Mastering Adobe in design. If you're new to in design, as suggests enrolling in the 1st 2 courses in the Siri's toe, learn about placing and editing images and text and much more before you explore tables. However, if you're not new to in design or you simply want to learn how to use an implement tables and in design, then jump right into this course. The annual report project is the example project included in this course, and it continues in the next courses in the Siri's, where you'll learn how Photoshopped and Illustrator work seamlessly with in design. The support files are attached in the Projects area of this course. However, it's not required to follow along with that example in order to learn tables. But we have those illustrations and photos and there for convenience, but if you want to follow along with my example. Go ahead and download those thanks and I'll see in the course. Hi, my name's Chad and I'm a graphic designer in university digital media professor. In this complete in design course, I will guide you as you designed various projects in Adobe in Design, the industry standard graphic design and desktop publishing software that's used by people across the world to design and produce magazines, brochures, flyers, posters, e books, interactive, pdf's restaurant menus and more. In this course, you'll design a poster for a local business. A look book for a ski resort in an annual report for a camera company. And along the way, you learn everything there is to know about Adobe in design. The course comes with support files, so you can follow along with my examples, if you need to. Credible handouts are included, like common in design keyboard shortcuts. This course has over 13 hours of helpful video lessons, and I don't ramble or fill the course of the bunch of silence we get right into learning with no extraneous drunk. As far as why I'm qualified to teach this course. I've worked at various median design companies, including working as Internet development director at an award winning advertising design firm where we used in designed to produce newsletters for clients. For example, I've also worked as Web master in advertising designer at a regional newspaper, where we designed ads and used seem like a plates for printing and, most recently, as managing editor of too graphic design magazines. So for the past decade, while working as a freelance graphic designer of also taught in design and graphic design as a full time university professor, in fact, these are some of the magazine layouts from students in one of my classes, magazine design and production. I love seeing what students can come up with after they master the technical skills and then apply design, principles, creativity and problem solving. And my hope is that in this online course, you will produce amazing graphic designs and layouts that you can produce for clients and for your own brand and add them to your portfolio. Teaching Adobe in design has allowed me to figure out the best teaching methods so university students are successful, and that has helped courses like this as well because I know what areas students will have the most questions about having full time professional experience in the graphic design and publication fields has helped me to add real world applications to these lessons. So they're not just a video version of the in design manual. For example, I explain specific uses for spot colors and branding when we go over how to add and apply various types of swatches and in design. I explained everything you need to know about in design in this course, since this is the complete guide in design. But instead of going through every technique and tool in a list, I still go over everything. But I include them in the context of a class project, and I explain the real world professional applications. So enroll now and I'll see you in the course. Let's get started designing in Adobe in design. 2. Introduction to the Annual Report Project: welcome to the annual report sections of this course. This annual report project includes the Complete Guide to designing and adjusting Tables in in Design so we will add tables and master those together. There are also dedicated sections on using illustrator within design and using photo shop within design. If you have the full creative cloud subscription, you should be able to follow along by downloading those APS if you haven't already, if you have an older version of in design from years ago, that was not part of Creative Cloud, you can learn about how certain illustrations and file formats like Photoshopped PSD can be placed and edited in in design and how some of those could be adjusted even after we placed them in in design. But you will need photo shop and illustrator to follow along with those sections. Of course, Adobe has made it so that these programs work seamlessly together. For example, we can paste vector art from illustrator to in design and then adjust the anchor points and paths even after they're in. In design. We can address the layer visibility of Photoshopped PST files after placing them in in design, which helps with placing partially transparent PSD files and in design, for example, and we can also set the Photoshopped files to certain layer camps even after placing them in in design. We will also go over advanced color considerations in a complete guide to color and in design for this project, including advanced Swatch considerations, adding spot versus process colors, a leasing spot, colors using the ink manager and much more. We will also go over professional pre flighting techniques and considerations and more printing considerations. So let's get started designing our annual report project. 3. Adding Tables in InDesign: In this lesson, you'll learn about adding a new table or placing a table in in design. So go ahead and open up the annual report dot i n d d in in design and navigate down two pages. 15 16 here the spread here. Or if you just want to practice on any kind of file, just go to file New and set the document to two pages. And if you have facing pages check, just add another page just as long as you have a spread here. So if you have a cover page for Page one and I got Page two and three weaken practice on any kind of spread that has two pages on it. So to add a table in in design, we could place it will go over that. But another way is actually just to go up here, where it says table and then click create table. There's also a shortcut here, So on the Mac, it would be command option, shifty and on the PC. It's control, all shifty. So I click that and it gives me some options here we wanna have for rose or five rows. 45 columns and then we'll talk about header rows and foot arose. That's basically a consistent header, a consistent role at the top that will repeat across every area where that table is threated to and the same thing for the footer will be at the bottom of the table. We'll also be going over table styles, so right now we just have that set to the default basic table. So if I click OK when it turns into this table icon and if I just click somewhere and don't click and drag, it will place it inside these margins here that we have, just like as if it was a text frame. Like if we had some placed word document, for example. So I'm going to go to Ed Undo. Another option is to when we gotta create table is to click and drag, and if I hold, shift will be a perfect square or I can just click and drag it out like that. And then there we have our table five by five, and you could type content in and so on. But often times we're going to be placing data that we already have from a spreadsheet. Programs such as Excel. So let's go ahead and go to file place and we have spreadsheet right here. Let's select that some of the press open and just like the blank table. If I just click and let go, it will place it in the area here in the margins. Now, if I didn't do that, if I just click and drag, then of course it will place it out like this notice, though it's got some formatting and we can't really see the edge of the table here. It doesn't have any border to it there. So why is that? Well, we didn't have import options checked. So what? We canoes goto file place again? Spreadsheet. But this time, make sure show import options is checked. Click open and will give us a couple of options here. So this is placing it from Sheet one of the Excel spreadsheet. So that's the only sheet in there, though, and the range. So, for example, if we would just wanted a specific range, we could put that here, and it would Onley place those rows and columns within that range. So this is a won T 15 which is the entire spreadsheet and right here we have unformed matted tab text. We haven't formatted table formatted table, which means it will bring the formatting over from Excel. So if I goto unformed at a table and just click OK and then click and drag this out, there's now we have a table in this table acts like a character inside this text frame here . The only difference, though, is if I click and drag the edge of that text frame over. It actually still stays visible, unlike text, which would be just inside the text frame. So if I just double click inside here and press enter, I could type some text below it. I can also press the home key on the key ward and then the up arrow and then enter or return and move that down a little bit and add text above it as well. So it acts like a character inside this text frame, and we'll be going over how to edit tables had add filling, stroke and different options and resize the actual table is well, so what If we have some text? It's already placed in in design, and it's just tabbed or it has commas to d limit the information. Or let's say we have that in a word document or an Excel spreadsheet. How could we convert that to a table? Well, what we would dio I was going to go to file place in places and again, and I have show import options checked and down here where it says, inform at a table. Let's just say unformed, matted, tabbed text what that means. It's gonna place it in, but on a table right away to impress. Okay, click and drag. And now we've got some techs and there's a tab. There's a tab. There's a tab. So these are all tabbed between, and we can check this by going to type and then show hidden characters control or command alter Option I. And it shows that there are tabs in between these sets of numbers and letters there, and there's also ah, return for a new paragraph on the end of each line there. So how do we convert that to a table? Well, we don't have to manually place it in. There's an easy way to do this, so I'm just going to click and drag around all of this and get a table and then convert text to table here. And that will say, What do you want to use as the separator so you could use comma? This just had commas in between paragraph or tabs over this well used have to separate the columns and then the rose. We want to separate it by paragraph, meaning every time there's a paragraph, a return or enter. Then we need a new row. So impress. Okay, and then there we go. Now we can edit text in here, just like normal. For example, if I click once inside this cell, I can select it. I can adjust the formatting appear on the control panel or in the paragraph for character panels, and we'll be going over some of the formatting options. And one thing to know is whenever we have the bottom of this text frame brought up, if we bring the side over, it's still visible. The table is, however, bring the bottom up here. I noticed that it doesn't include the table below that certain point, just like as if this was text that was placed in a text frame and we had more text a place so there was over set text. We haven't air down here and we see the red plus sign here. That means there's over set text and we can float somewhere else so we can flow tables as well. We can thread them. So if I just click this once and then click and drag and then it threads it from this text frame to that text frame, it will be going over how to convert the top row here to ahead a row, so we'll also show up wherever the table is threaded. That's an overview of adding tables, regardless whether their new blank tables or their tables from Excel spreadsheet and had a format text into a table. So we can then begin to format these in other lessons. Thanks, and I'll see in the next lesson. 4. Positioning Tables in InDesign: In this lesson, you'll learn how to position tables and so working from where we are from the previous video. If your table looks a little bit different, that's fine. We're just going over the techniques and the principles. So don't worry about if yours looks a little different as long as you follow along or watch and try these techniques out and help you understand how to position tables around on the page and even within the text frame. So, of course, we could use the black hair of the selection tool and just click and drag the edge. There were on top of the text frame to move it around if we're right on the edge, exactly on edge. Of course we would be re sizing the text frame, but we can also position this table within this text frame. So if I have just click and drag the edge here, the text frame over to this margin and I click and drag this one over to this margin and I'm gonna click and drag the bottom border. They're just all the way a little bit down, so we just have the table entirely in this one text frame. Now we'll notice it's not centered. The text frame is centered on the page because we have it aligned to the edge of the margins there. So if you get a view gritting guides and then snapped two guides, it should snap right to the edge when it gets pretty close. So it kind of moves and snaps right into place, so any guides we draw out will snap right to the edge there. But what if we wanted to center this table? Of course we could have the text frame match right to the edge there and instead of guessing and going right along the edge there, Ah, quick tip is weakened, is double click on the corner there, and it will be aligned right along the edge of the table itself. And then we could just click and drag and use a smart guide, you know, See, it's right in the middle when that purple smart guide shows up, so that's centered. But another way, Let's say this was in the middle of the text frame and we had some text going around it or above it, and below it, and we wanted it centered in there but not the text frame itself. How could we do that? Well, what Weaken Dio it Just put the text cursor here, just click. So it's blinking. They're right next to it because this ex like a character and then upon the control panel, just click a line center and then that centers that within that text frame. So, of course, if I pressed enter type incident text, that's gonna be centered as well. So if we didn't want that, we can just hit here left a line and that will left a line, that text from there on. And same thing if we wanted to use right align, full justification and so on. And besides being on the control panel, of course, we could get a window type and tables, and then we have paragraph here and then the same options air here at the top here, left, center and right, and then full justify another quick tip. If I have this cursor here right next to you, the table and I press command on the Mac or control on the PC, and then plus shift so control shift or command shift and then l in a left align it are well right, align it and then see will center it. Besides centering it left, right or center, we can also add a little bit of a margin on the left or right, just a ziff. This was a title or other characters or paragraphs. So what we would want to Dio has got a window type and tables and then paragraph and then in our paragraphs, if we wanted a first line in it, that's not going to work on a table. So if I bump that up, it has no effect see, but the one right above it called Left in den. If I increase that, that will in den it from the left a little bit. So we have automatic indentation and the same thing for the right. Of course, that's not going to affect it when we haven't left lying there because their their space here. So if I write, aligned it and then added an in depth from that side, then it would affect it. That's how we use the usual text formatting options to align and otherwise position at an indent to a table. We can also select the table, So if I just click here and press escape, and I could hold, shift and click down there and select the entire table. Really don't have to, though. If I just click in one of these and press escape, that gives me some different options up here that will be going over for a table formatting . But just this one cell is selected, so whatever I change here is going to change the table. If we go to table and then table options and then there's table set up. Another way to get there is a little bit faster. If you just right click through massive go to the table options table set up over that area there and down here under table spacing. If I add space before it will add spacing between this table and other text and placed elements that are part of this text frame, so it won't have an effect right here because it's right at the top. But the space after if I increase that here noticed that we have some spacing, some breathing room between the text frame and the text below it. So if I just added some text above it to show something like that I went back here to the table and noticed I don't have those options now. That's because I haven't pressed escape, and now I do have. Those options will be going over those table options. However, we don't really have to press escape to select it and have these options of here to get to that menu. We can just have a cursor blinking, and here, if I right click over it, it won't give me that shortcut. But I still could dio to table table options and then table set up. So just so we know we can get there just takes a little more time. I like to press escape and then right click table options table set up. And so now if I add space before above it notice it does move that down and add some space between the table and the text above it. So that is positioning tables not just on the page but also within the text frame in in design. Thanks. And I'll see in the next lesson 5. Adding a Border to Tables and Frames in InDesign: in this lesson, you'll learn about adding table borders and some special considerations when we're adding them. So I'm going to zoom in just to this text from here that has his border. And if we wanted to add a border to this, what we could do is if I just double click in here so that I have the cursor in the table there and then go to table table options table set up. It gives us some options here, right here where says Table Border? So we can add a thicker border, for example. Eight point and it really shows up there. Just make sure you have preview checked right there at the bottom. We can change the color of the border if we want. We can change the color between parts of the border. What that means is it's great out here because it's just a line border. But if we had a dash border, for example, then we have a gap in between. So if we wanted to actually of a different color between there, we could do that. And if we don't want a border, we can set it to zero point, and that will get rid of the border. If we did have a border, let's say eight points and it was the same color as the background. The problem with that is it could affect some of the offsets, and we'll get into adjusting offsets later. But for now, if we don't want a border instead of just changing it to the same color as the background, we just change it to zero point and you can see to adjust it slightly there. And we have some other options here on the right hand side, like tent. That just makes it not as a strong effect. I'll show you what I mean. If we bring that down, say to 75% you know, it's not a strong effect there. Now I've applied this. I just press enter. You can click. OK, it applies it, but we can go back and adjust it as well. Right now we have the text formatting options up here because we have a Kercher blinking inside one of the cells. If I press escape, though, and it has more of a table mode up here and I could add a stroke around that specific cell like I'll add a green stroke right there, and it overrides that outside border there that outside stroke. So if I hit escape right click table options table set up or go up to table at the top, go to table set up. Either way, we'll see we have some options here if I hit preview. So if we said it to Scion again, it's going to override what we just did because we're reapplying that table border effect. But if I press preserve local formatting, what that means is it's going toe. Let any local formatting to specific cell, for example, override our overall table border. So if we want all of them to be the same, we can uncheck preserve local formatting, and all of that would be the same. Now, if we want tent to be even lighter, we can adjust it there. Of course, I'll set it back 100%. For now. There's also over print. The over print options just means when we're printing this color here on the edge, is it going to print on top of a color below it? If there's another one applied below it, or is it just going to knock out that ink. So by default it unchecked. But if you did want over print, you could check that there. I'm going to press. Okay, for now, I'm going to just set this to solid and you'll notice this table border is around the actual table. So if we resize this table, it would resize with it. It is not affecting this text frame that it's in. So if we wanted to add a border, that text from itself, we would just select the text frame with the selection tool here, and we can adjust it up here in the control panel if we want. I said that eight points, and then there were going We've got some same type of options here as far as the style of the stroke. Now I'm going to just clicking here and remove this text. I don't have any text in here, and I'm gonna click over here. Press delete it. Just delete some of this text. So we just have a table and the text room that it's in, not feel noticed. I have ah, the corner here. That shortcut weaken DoubleClick the corner and it will match up. But it's actually around the edges. Weaken, See? So we kind of have a double border here. I'm gonna undo that. Just one thing to consider. If we do have some characters above it like this, and I double click the corner, it's not going to quite match up on the side, so that shark can be helpful. But it just depends on if we have other content in there inside the frame. So if I make sure there's nothing above it, double click the corner, then it will work. As expected. That's the basics of adding a table border to a table and the text frame that it's inside, and the next lesson will be going over another technique related to a table border. 6. Adding Rounded Rectangle Corners to Tables in InDesign: art in this lesson will be going over. How to add a rounded rectangle edge to a table? No, by default. There not as many options with, for example, the stroke panel with the table as opposed to the text. Three minutes in, I'll show you what I mean, if I just select the text frame here and go to a window and then stroke. See, we have eight points. We have different options here is for us how the edges join and so on. And then we have the basic options, like what type of stroke? Type of border and so on. Now, if I click on this table, just double click in there and then press escape. I'm going to just select this table here I hold shift in. Click this corner after this one selected its looks the entire table, and we'll see. We only have the weight, the type and then the gap color. And then down here, whether or not we want just one edge orm or to be affected will be going over how to add Phil and stroke two tables a live it more in detail later. But for now, basically, if you just click this then Only the left and right and bottom are selected. Or rickets like the top. Whichever one's air highlighted blue are the ones that would be affected. So, for example, if I said this to four point, that makes the top left and right strokes four point. But then the bottom one was not adjusted. And when we adjusted that So select that again and select eight point. Then it re applies 8.2 all four sides. Well, you notice we can't add a rounded rectangle here. So, for example, if I have the text frame here, I can click this yellow box right there. If I click that and now I can click and drag the corner over to the left or right, and then it makes it a rounded rectangle but doesn't only match up with that table there. And if I hold shift, it only does one side. All right, so it kind of messes up the table. If we do it to that extent, we can also go to object and then corner options right here. And then we can get really precise with the rounded corners there. So if I set this to rounded, and I had this check, so all four of them are the same. Then you can see we can have a nice rounded corner here. But that's the text frame, and that's not the table itself. So work around. One way to add a rounded rectangle to table here is if we had this table here and we dio right click table options table set up like the dialogue that we had earlier. And if we set this to something like dotted and then we set the gap color to the same exact color as the regular color. That's one way to make a rounded rectangle, just the edges a little bit rounded. There. It's not, is customizable. It's kind of a work around. You can see here when I make it a little bit larger and let me actually remove this stroke for the actual text rooms. So we see just the table border here. So if you want to go back to that table set up again, that's just dotted. And then we set the color in the Gap color to the same exact color, so it's still a dotted stroke there. It's just filling in the space between with the same exact color. Now, another way to add a rented rectangle edge to a table is just set. This deserve point. Click. OK, and then we can set it to this original. If I just double click on it. As long as there's no content above it, it will match up. So now we have the text frame. Border is right along. The side is matching the table border. And then right here we can add a stroke win at up here on the control panel, many different areas, we can apply it. So if we had it here and let's just set it to eight points again, animals could make a little bit large here. If you re size that stroke, you'll notice. Sometimes that will have over set text because it's kind of pushing into that bottom row. There we can just double click this again and double click it again there. Now it just matches up right with the sides. And now, at this point, if we click this and drag it over, we get a nice, rounded wreck tail. This is not the edge of the table itself, but it's the edge of the text frame, but it works because the text frame is right along there and it matches the table border. If you went too far, something like that, that would be problematic. So we just want to make it subtle. Of course, we could also go to object corner options and said it there as well. So we have it there. If we have preview checked, we can really get it precise to specific measure meant. So that's a work around to add a rounded rectangle to you. A table. I'm going to click and drag this down here. Double click it again. There you go. That's matched up perfectly. Another way is just to create another shape behind it. So if I go to the rectangle tool here and click and drag and let's just say it has the same color border and then I'm going to use the selection tool, click this here and now it's around the table Now. If this had a fill, it would be on top of it. So So you had a feel like that, so we would need arrange that to the back, so object arrange, send backward or that short cut their control left bracket or command left bracket on the Mac, and then we'll set it behind it. So that's how to add a rounded rectangle background to a table. So it just depends on what kind of look we want. There are a couple different ways toe. Add that rounded corner effect to a table. Thanks, and I'll see in the next lesson. 7. Adjusting Rows and Columns in InDesign: welcome back in this lesson. You'll learn how to adjust rows and columns in a table. So I'm going to just delete this surrounded rectangle shape that I had in the background there just to keep a little bit more simple. And I'm also going to click and drag the corner that text frame so it's not rounded. I just want to show you how to do that. And so we've got a simple table here. But how do we adjust the rows and columns after the fact? After we've placed our content in, How do we do that? Well, of course, we can just double click in here and select Tex and formatted just like normal. We can change the size of the text. We can change the font and so on. Even the justification and we can align it left, center right and so on. If we press escape again, that's going to select this cell, and we can press tab and we can press tab anyway, even if it's just text. But we'll have different options, depending on if we've press escape, just Cilic to sell itself or the content inside it. If you hold shift in press tab and we'll go backward. So it's a shortcut truly helpful when we're working pretty quickly to edit some text that's already been placed in press shift tab or tab. If we hover, are mouse across the top here, see how it turns into that arrow. If I click out that will select entire column. So if I have that cursor and click and drag, then I can select more than one column, including the entire table here. Same thing with the side. If I have a right on the left hand side here, I can select one row or more Rose, Have we have a cursor in here somewhere, and I press control on the PC or command on the Mac and three that will select the entire row. Just a quick shortcut if I press control on the PC Air Command on the Mac and then all on the PCR option on the MAC plus three that will select the entire column instead of the row . So again it's commander control. Three for the row or commander control option are all three to select the column there. And if I hold command on the Mac or control on the PC, an option on the Mac er, all on the PC and A that's select all. That's a shortcut, just like the entire table. And there shortcuts are in the pdf that comes with this course. Have the type tool selected here and while it is selected, noticed when we go over the border between two columns or two rows, it turns into that double sided arrow. That means we can resize that area. For example. I just click and drag over notice, though, that it affects the overall distance, the width here of the table when I do that. So if I click and drag, this just comes over. If I click and drag it over to the right, it goes past the text frame. If you hold shift. What that does is it just moves that border within the two columns there. But it does not change the overall with of the table itself. So same thing here. If I click and drag this road down, it will actually make the table taller. But if I hold shift, it doesn't let me do anything right because there's not more content in there. So if I press enter that I was a move it down. Now, if I hold shift here, though, click and drag up. Then it actually changes the height of this row below it. So I click and drag down without shift, though it will move the entire rest of the table. So I'm going to you click and drag this text Rehmat just so we can see the entire table here because we've resized a little bit. And also, if we have the selection tool selected that selects the type, and if I click here, I can't really select the table. I've got a double click, and then it turns in the type tool somewhere. We use the type told, actually resize these cells or these columns and rose. So again, if we hold shift, it's moving everything proportionately see how it moves everything on the edge there. If I hold shift on the middle, it keeps the width the same, though it just suggested that one area. If I don't hold, shift it, adjust that over. If I don't hold shift here, it only changes the width of this column there. So experiment with that holding shift and not holding shift to see the different effects of re sizing these columns and rows. Now what if we want these columns to be perfectly the same? Let's say we have something like that. If I click and drag without the shift of something like that, and if I click and drag this one out there all different widths and I want him to be consistent, what you can do is let's say we wanted these two to be consistent. I click and drag over both of these like that that didn't go to table and then distribute columns evenly and that will make them distributed evenly. In other words, they're the same with. If I go to you table and then distribute rose evenly, it will increase all those other rose to match the one where we pressed, enter, appear and resized. So now they're all the same height, but they're a bit large. I'm going to press control Z on the peace here, commands on the Mac toe undo just to get back to the point where we had it, something more like this. All right, so that was just two columns. And if we want the entire table the same height as far as the rose or the same width As far as the columns, we could just select it all, some going to press escape. So have it all selected here. Just shift. Click over here. Once we have this one selected up there, or use the shortcut and then go to table, distribute columns evenly. And now these columns are all the same exact with now. This will not be relevant in some tables. For example, you might have tables where you want this column to be longer and then these four to be sure because they just have some numbers in them. So it just depends on what our goal is now. Besides going to the options up here under table, we can also select the table, gonna press escape, and we have some options up here. So as far as adjusting that rows and columns, we can increase the number right here. So not just in our table options. If we went toe table options here than table set up and we can change the number of rows as faras body rows and columns and then header rows and foot arose, which will cover later. But we can also increase, um up here or decrease. Apparently, control panel is a shortcut. So if I click that up arrow, that will increase it to 16. So now, in this table here we have 16 rose. So we have 14 companies, but then we have 15 here and 16 appear for the header. So overall, 16 rows. So again, we've got a press escape. So we're selecting the cell itself and not the text inside. And then we could adjust the columns here. We won't increase that. We could do that. And then if we click the down arrow, it says, Hey, we're gonna delete a column click OK, and by default it deleted that one on the right hand side there. And as far as the content inside these cells, if we press escape, of course we can align left, center right and so on who can also vertically aligned them? So let's just say in this one we wanted it to be a line center. That means it's still left aligned as faras horizontally, but it's vertically centered, or we could align it to the bottom and so on. So there are some ways to adjust rows and columns in design. If you don't have some of these options up here, just click this whole gear icon right here on the control panel and make sure these air checked here under tables. We'll make sure those are checked in order. Customized a control panel. If they're not there by default, they should be there, though by default. So thanks. And I'll see in the next lesson. 8. How to Merge and Split Table Cells in InDesign: in this lesson will be going over how to merge and split cells because sometimes will need Teoh have two cells that are in different columns, become one cell. Or we might have to rose that need to become one row. Or there are times when we need to basically at another cell next to this cell. So it becomes two cells from one. So I'm going Teoh, just just this back a little bit. So there a little bit more. Even if I click and drag this one notice that doesn't go back up because I have some returns in here, So I'm going to just delete those and then now I can click and drag it up there. All right, so they're not exactly the same. So if you do want that again, we can just select all of this and got a table and distribute rose evenly. Then they're all the same height there. Now let's say we wanted to combine these two cells right here. What we can do is just press escape there so that selected we can hold, shift and press the right arrow, or we can just hold, shift and just click over here either way. And then we've selected these two specific cells, not the entire column. You know, if we were using that method here with the arrow, But instead, we're just selecting these two cells here. Once those air selected just go to table and then merge cells right there. What that does is if there was content in there already in both of the cells, it combines them but adds a return here. So if we had a graphic, the same thing would happen. So two photos which were going over how to place graphics in here later they would still be in there, doesn't delete them. All right, It just adds a return. If we don't want that, we could hit, delete, and then if we wanted to add some kind of hyphen or whatever, we could do that. So that's how we combine. Two sells like that. Now, what if we want to split s so we could split this one toe, put it back to the original, or we could split this one here. Lets say we wanted some content here that we wanted some content here and not being the same cell will weaken select it just press escapes that selects this specific cell here. And if we get a table and then split self horizontally or split cell vertically So if we do horizontally, it will just add one below it like that. And it's still aligned here with these cells here, so doesn't insert a cell or a row below it. It just splits that current cell so that we have two cells here, someone oppressed control or command Z to undo that the other method would be table and then split cell vertically. What that does is it adds the divider there. So now we have two cells here instead of one. Now, if you have different formatting, for example, I'm just going Teoh, add a background to this and then going to add a background to this. All right, so this one's scion, this was kind of a green, and if we combine these, what happens? Well, if we got a table and emerge sells, it takes the formatting of the left hand side cell and then also would take the formatting of the top cell. So let's say we had all of these together. This one let's just set to you yellow. And then let's just say this one is blue and these don't have a fill. All right, so they're transparent to the background. So let's select all of these. So I press escape and then hold shift and click this down one. So we're selecting almost the entire column? Not quite, cause we're not selecting this top one or this bottom one. Now, if we go toe table in the merch cells, it takes the formatting, which in this case is the yellow background or the yellow Phil really? And applies it to the entire new merge sells. I'm gonna press control or command z to undo that. I'm actually gonna go a couple steps back. There we go. So it will take the formatting of the top most cell and the left cell whenever we have more than one selected and we're merging them if there's any formatting. So for this one, let's go ahead and split this one. So So table split cells vertically so I can copy and paste this macro over if I want. I just have to make sure I just have macro selected control. Come in and see and then delete and then Troller Command V to paste that in or edit copy and paste so we could take this entire top area and merge. It is just one cell if we wanted and not just columns, but also rose. So that's how we merge and split cells in in design. 9. Inserting, Deleting, and Moving Table Rows and Columns in InDesign: and this lesson will be going over inserting and deleting and moving around. Rows and columns in a table have added color to these t just so it has a little bit of color as we practiced with this will be going over adding filling, stroke and alternating colors in another lesson. But I just want him added that and this one is still split into two. If you want to combine those, we can press, escape and then select the one next to it. Then appear there's actually shortcut, says merge cells. There's also UNM urge cells balloon it, click that, and they will merge those two. So there are a couple ways to insert new rows or columns in a table. First thing we could do is if we go to table table options and then table set up. Of course, like earlier, we can add Rose right here, and we can add columns. The only thing is that it will add the road by default on the bottom here, and it will add the column on the right hand side. So what if we want to add a row or a column in the middle of the table. Or just so it's not right on the bottom of the right hand side. Well, with a cell here selected if I press escape. So we've selected the cell here, just right click. And then there's insert row or column so we could insert a row or column that way, and it will give us the option. Do we want above or below the Kurt one that selected? We can also insert more than one. So if we did that press okay would insert it that way. We can also go appear to table and then insert and then row or column. And there's are the shortcuts, their control or command on the Mac. Nine. Control all on the PC or command option on the MAC plus nine. If you want. Delete Rose. We can select him like that, or columns and right click and then go to delete. And then we can just say Roe, and that will delete those rose and same thing for column. If I press escape here, right click insert column will just insert one. We can tell it left or right of where we are. And then if I have the kirsch in here. If I right click, it doesn't work. Remember, we gotta hit, escape and then right click. Then we can go to delete Row, column or table. Or we can go to table and then delete and then row, column or table. Remember earlier with the type tool selected, we can click and drag the edge here of the table, and that will make that one column larger. And it doesn't really affect the others. If we hold shift and makes them all larger proportionately. Another option is to you. Hold hold on the PC, Her option on the Mac. Now, if we do this without selecting the actual sell, it won't work. Notice that the cursor is blinking in there, so it's still in text formatting mode. So if I press older option now, it just gives us the move tool so we can click and drag around the workspace. So what we need do is press escape, and now hold on to all on the PC or option on the Mac. Click and drag the edge there and what it doesn't. It adds more columns as we go along that air the same exact size as these other ones, so we would have to move it around and adjust after the fact if it went across two pages here. But that's another way to add a bunch more columns or rose, for that matter. If I hold all, click and drag down at a bunch more just manually, by clicking and dragging, making sure to hold the older option. Now, if we don't have the type tool selected and we don't press a skate first, it won't work. In fact, if we have the selection tool selected and you use all on the peace year option on the Mac , that's a common adobe shortcut to duplicate, so it will copy and paste that basically, so another way to you adjust rows or columns is to move them. So if I press escape here, hold shift and click over here or again, just go along this side and use the arrow there. If you just click it, we can actually click and drag this to another area. He knows the cursor changes a little bit when I hover over click and drag and we'll see where it will be placed so press control or command Z to undo that same thing for columns. Here I click that and then click and drag. I can move it to another area. So control or command Z to undo that as well. Now, one thing to consider. If we had a merge sell, that would not be possible to move in that way. So I'll show you what I mean. Let's just merge these two cells here. I'm just going to click and drag around both of them and then appear what says emerge cells click that. So there emerged. Now I can still select this column and move it around, see if I want to move it there. I can't move it right here. I can move it right here in front of it, though. So when we have emerged, Cell is part of a selected column that won't work quite the same. For example, I can select this column still, but if I try to move it, it doesn't work. Same thing if I try to select this one all right, now, if I select both of them now, I can move it because it's encompassing all the content there because we have this one merge sell that is now part of both the telephoto column and the macro column. So I'll select this and click on merge cells. And then I need to just move this 1 50 over to the macro column, like originally now something to take into consideration when we are moving around these columns as opposed to inserting, deleting when we're actually clicking and dragging them around. If we apply some attributes like a stroke here to the side of a column, for example, for example, I'd click this and applied a green stroke. And then, if I go to window shrug for a couple more options here, I'm going to just make this four point. If I click and drag that over, make it strip selected, then click and drag on top here all the way over here, you notice we still have this green stroke on the left hand side of the macro column. That's because the telephone column was previously on the left hand side, and so it shares a border there with the other column so the stroke will be applied because that has a shared border there. So if I want to remove the stroke from this entire table, I'll just select everything and just go to none. Also inside strokes here must select that and said that tend not as well. There we go, because otherwise would be Onley adjusting the areas that are blue previously, which were just the boundary here. So if it's like that inside one, then we're also affecting inside shirks there. It will be going over fills and strokes little bit more in detail in a later lesson. Now, besides clicking and dragging or inserting and deleting columns, we can also copy and paste them. But there is something to consider their because when we click and drag, we're actually moving it around. But when we copy and paste, it will actually replace. So what I mean by that is I'll go ahead and just select this entire column there and I'll go to edit copy and then over here, press escape. Just so we have this table selected edit Paste and then see how it actually replaces what was there. So if we don't want that, if we want one in between there or say we want to add one on the right hand side, we do need to first insert a column so right, click that when the cell is selected in certain column to the right of it. And so now we can goto edit pace than all paste it in. So otherwise it will just replace what's there. Now you can, though, is a quick tip. You can right click here to make sure we have the self selected, so just press escape, right click over that. And instead of inserting first, we can go to pace before paste after. So I'm gonna go to paste after and then actually does add another column. So that's, ah, quicker way to do that. So instead of inserting a column or row first, we can just right click and just do that special pace pace before paste after. If you just do pace, it'll paste it into that range of cells, and it will replace whatever is there. So if we want a new cell, we need to create that. First using one of those two techniques, I'm going to press control or command Z to undo some of these steps. Just so we're back to this basic table we have. That's how you insert delete, move around copy and paste rows and columns in in design. Thanks 10. Adding and Editing Header and Footer Rows in InDesign: Sometimes we want the same header or footer to be on every part of the table that we have. In other words, let's just say this was on multiple pages. So I'm just going to click and drag this up like that. And then we get this little plus sign here. That just means there's oversight text that needs to be placed. So I'm just going to click that and I will threat it to the second page over here. And so now we have the table on two pages. The problem, though, is even if we align these and we have it across two pages arm or we don't have the same content up here. So I don't know what this refers to. Have to go back over here and see. Okay, that's telephoto macro wide angle, mid range. We need that on every single text frame that has the table in it. So I'd compare this to master pages in a way who have common elements on every page that the master pages are applied to or similar to header and footer in a word processing document. When we have the same content at the top of the bottom of every page, but instead of every page issues on every text frame that has the table in it. So let's just say we wanted this to show up on every single table. What we can do is just going to double click in there and with the crusher blinking in there, we can go to table convert Rose and then toe header knows I don't have it really selected like a table. We can do that if I press escape and then hold shift click over here had the entire area selected up there, convert rose to header. Either way is long as we have something selected or the cursor blinking up there. We can convert it to a header, so now you'll see it's automatically over here. I'm going to undo that control or command Z. I'll show you another way. If I press escape while the cursor is blinking one of the cells in this top row that we want to convert to a header row, then I can just right click and then convert toe head a road. So that's just a short cut and then has the same effect. Now if we want to add a foot a row. We can't just select some row in the middle of the table, for example. Issues say we had this been a press escape right click, so it doesn't give me the option to convert two footer. I can go to edit Header if I want, and that would edit the content of their. But let's just say we want to add a footer. We can't just convert that to the figure. We have to go to the bottom of the table here when a right click after pressing escape. And then now we can go to convert to fit a road. So I had that in and then adds in the footer says No content in there. So if I did want to add content to it knows that's locked to has a lock chain there. I can't just double click like Normal also can't select this year's It has. That padlock icon just means this is not edible, innit? Aeration of the header of the footer. I have to go to the original, which is now over here and now I can change it. So let's just say we wanted Teoh combine all this into one. Soldiers merged cells up here and say, We want to add the background color to something else. Add some type, whatever it is. Now we've edited the footer and it's reflected across the entire table wherever it's threaded. That's how toe add header and footer rows in a table and edit them as well. Thanks. 11. Adding Alternating Strokes or Fills in Rows and Columns in InDesign: in this lesson will be going over Phil and strokes in cells in rows and columns, but in a little bit different way. They're called alternating rows, strokes, column strokes as well as row fills and column fills. I'll show you what I mean, if you just click and drag the bottom of the steps frame. So we have the entire table here in just one text frame, just to keep it simple. And if I double click in here so we have a cursor blinking in there, we can get a table and then table options and the table set up or again, I compress escape. Right click table options is what I like to do and under table set up, we have a couple more options here, so we have alternating rows, strokes, alternating column, strokes, alternating fills and then headers and footers. So if I go to table set up, we still have those five options there. Just right here, though, so it doesn't have the word alternating cause it can't fit in this dialogue here. This doesn't have alternating in that either. So those air still alternating, though even that doesn't have the name in the title there anymore. So earlier we went over how to add a border right here, how to add and remove columns and rows and then the spacing before and after. But if you click on this option here, Rose strokes, we can add automatically strokes to every single row in the table. So if you click here, we can set it to every other roads, so they'll just alternate over every second row every third. Or you can set it to accustom row for the alternating pattern. Let's just go to every other road to keep it simple. And so if we have it set right here to say black for the 1st 1 and then black for the 2nd 1 the effect is that every single row has the black stroke there, and we can set this up, set this a little bit larger so we can see it so you can see it there. So if we had a darker background, we could set that toe white or paper right there for every single one we can set it to Scion. We can alternate it, though, so it's sigh in and green and so on. We can adjust the tent and some other options like if there's a gap, the gap color and also skipped first. If we didn't want it to start right away, we could click that up. What that does is it doesn't start that pattern until three or four or five rows down. So I'll set that back to zero. If you've already selected some rose and added some stroke options than we could click preserve local formatting, and then it would keep that local formatting to override the table options here. Now, if we go over to column strokes, what we can do is do the same thing every other column. And let's just say have a slightly different style here and let's make a little bit larger , though. See how it hasn't done anything yet. We haven't added color yet, so let's make that scion and let's make this on that green. You can see how it would look so in some tables we want might want those lines toe at a stroke and no, Phil. So if that's the case, we could say to that and for Gap color. If you go here and let's just make this something way different and make this yellow all right for both of those you can barely see. See how it's inside those strokes. That's the gap color. So it's not the actual space in between the lines like inside the cell. That's the Phil. The gap color for this context is just the space in between a specific stroke, so it doesn't have it available on the roads trucks there. That's because we just have a regular solid style line. So if I said it to say triple, then it would give me that option and same thing here said to triple or any of these that have more than one stroking them. Then we can have some kind of gap color if we want, and we can also add the tent to that as well. If we want it to be now, it is noticeable we could reduce that down. But if we go back to table set up and where it says stroke drawing order, if we silicon and say Roe strokes in front, what that means is wherever there's a row that it will go on top. They've got a column strokes in front. You'll see. Now we can see this column stroke that covers up the row stroke. So that's what that means. The stroke drawing order for this example. Let's not have a pattern for row strokes or column strokes, but let's go over to Phil and see what that does. Instead of just adding a fill to the entire table just with the regular fill options. We can use this and we can alternate if we want. So if you every other row, every other column, every third column or a custom setting for this, I'm just going to say every other row. What it does is just skips every other row with its alternating pattern. And let's just set this to Scion and noticed by default is at 20% tent, so it's not as strong there. And instead of having none, let's just add Scion. But instead of 100% let's just say 80%. And then there's are alternating pattern one thing toe mention assistance. We've already covered the headers and footers in this table options. We can also, for example, click that up, and it will expand the hetero or the Figaro. If we wanted that bottom area to expand 22345 rose there we can select that there, and we can also said it show up on Lee once per frame. So if it's the same text frame and only being there once or once per page, so if you have the table on various parts of the page. But it will only show up once we're page or every text column, which is the default. Such just a quick tip related headers. And I think usually you're not going to use that unless, for some reason you want your header row to me more than one row. So I'll go back and click. OK, here. We've applied that alternating pattern, and if we add rows here, for example, if I press escape, insert row and if I inserted five Rose, it will continue that pattern like that, which is going to undo that. One thing to consider, though, is if we have a row here and we apply some color after I'll just like thes a press escape, hold shift and click down to there. Just so we have these selected and let's just change the fill to say green. It does override there's table settings, but it doesn't override that tint setting, so you'll notice that has a 20% tent in 80% tent. Even though we added it after the fact, it didn't it just add 100% green. If we go back to the table options, though, and we've got right here Phil notice it's not set to anything. That's because there's more than one setting in here. So we added the green, and then we added the science right here in the table. Options money. So if I reapplied that and then I reapplied this one, so get 80%. 20% still. But there are both said to Scion now press okay, And then I reapplied that so doesn't have the green there anymore. Select one of the selection tools here. Impressed W on the keyboard. It will give us a preview or in click and hold right here. Just got a preview. So I don't see any of the guys that just shows what will print by default. Yes, we do have these black lines in between, even though in our table options we had it set under Roe strokes. We don't have anything. No alternating pattern. So if I go to every other row and then set this to none and then set that to none. And the zero point where we have it set to nuns could just set it to zero point. And then now we can see that before with that default stroke in between and then preview and then after. So if we don't want any line in between, just set it to none right here for the lines in between. For the row strokes, nurse, there is a line at the bottom above the fitter and then also create the header. So if I select that you noticed right here on the bottom area that make sure that's blue, and then we can set this to none, and that will get rid of that is the same thing here, down at the bottom. Because if we go for example back Teoh our table set up goto headers and footers. There's no option here for any kind of alternating or any kind of stroke or fill setting, and we go over here, we've got row strokes that to none, and we don't have a table border. And even if we set that to zero point. It doesn't matter because we'll still have that line down there at the bottom. So that's an easy fix. Again, we just want Teoh Press Escape. So, like that entire foot or their for this, we need the top. So make sure this top one is blue. So if I select more than one has this question mark, that means there's multiple settings Now. If I only have this top on selected on the control panel, see how, with at one point and then solid, so easy fix. Just set that to zero point and then we don't have any lines here. Just the Phils. If you click this or just press W on the keyboard, it will go back to our normal mode. And if you see the frame here, that won't print out the frame edges. But if you just want to talk about the visibility when good of you and then extras and then hide frame edges and that will hide this frame edges but still have some things like guides and margins and things like that. But by default, those air on so view extras show frame edges. That's how to add alternating strokes and fills for the columns or the rose and a couple considerations when it comes to the header and footer as well, thanks. 12. Formatting Table Cells in InDesign: in this video will be going over limit more in depth with formatting cells. So if you click somewhere in here her double click and press escape and then right click, we've been going to table options a lot and going over these different menu items. But right below it there, someone called sell options. We've got text, graphics, truck and fills rows and columns and diagonals lines. If you go up to table and then sell options, it's the same. Exact options here is just a different way of getting there. But before even going to that option, we have a couple shortcuts appear on the control panel. So as long as this is selected by pressing escape instead of it being ah, in text mode with text editing, their press escape. So we actually select this cell here. We have some options up here. Whatever is blue, For example, the stroke here, the top, the left, the right in the bottom will be edited whenever we change it over here. So, for example, let's just say we added green stroke and let's make it solid and let's make it four points , and now you'll notice we added this stroke toe all four sides. And if we only wanted that on the top, what we could do is set that to zero point for now and then uncheck. So we've got just the top line here and then set that to four point and then it on Lee ads that stroke to the top of that cell. So for this, I just want it to be zero points. So I don't want to add a stroke for that for this example. But we do need in 100 that, in case we did want to add it just one side of a cell and at a stroke or some kind of style to the side. Now, if I hold shift and click and just I have these four cells select at the same time, and now we have another option, this middle one. So I'll just have that one be the only one that selected so that this is just the middle. So this would be this one, this one and that one, because we don't have the top, the left or the right or the bottom selected server. This selection, if we made this four points and click over here so we can see it now. We've got green stroke in those three areas because that's the inside stroke there. So if I want to get rid of that, I could just come back to zero point. So depending on whether or not we have one seller or numerous self selected, it will affect what kind of options we have there. A shortcut to is triple clicking. So 123 will de select them all. And then 123 was select. All of them will be going over a table on self styles later in another video. And of course, there are other options here, some of which we've covered already, like adjusting the text and the lining text and so on. But there are a couple more options in the cell options dialog, so let's go ahead and go to that. So go to sell options and then text and make sure previous check so it will preview the any changes. The first thing we need to go over cell insets and does have a little bit of insight by default. That's good, because aesthetically, we don't want the text just touching the edge. Most were doing some kind of specific design where you have large text on top of a photo. It's a magazine layout in a table like this, we want some breathing room and we don't want text to be touching the edge so we could increase that, and it would just move it away from the edge. But the problem is that it would make the entire cell larger because they're all constrained together, so I'll go back. So if you want to adjust just one side, let's see you want to bring it away from the left a little bit. Just uncheck that and then bump this up here and then it will offset it from the left a little bit individually so that we don't have to use an Indian or anything like that. Vertical justification, of course, is whether or not it's going to be aligned right in the middle of the cell. And that's more relevant. If we had a larger cell and you could tell the difference if I do a line top line centre bottom, it's not going to have on effect on this visually because it's not a large cell in the Texas taking it most of the area there now. Wherever the base, Linus said, there are some type anatomy terms down here, and by default, I do so just keeping it just at ascent for just a regular table. If you said it to, say, cap height, it's slightly adjusted, letting X height. It's right at the top there, see and then fixed. All right, so I should just keep in ascent by default. Unless there's some example where you would need a slightly adjusted and clip contents of cell is if we had a drop shadow effect or something, where part of the content was going outside of that cell, we could click clip contents to sell, and it would make sure that content would not go outside of that cell will be going over text rotation in another video. We'll also be going over inserting graphics and cells in another video specifically, so I won't cover that in here as well as diagonal lines. But it's far struck and fills. This is the same menu that we have up here on the control panel shortcut. So if we wanted to increase the weight, the type of stroke, the tent, the color. If we said it to you again, one that has more than one stroke there, we would have a gap color option available it. We can also adjust the Phil here as well and the specific tent. If you got a rows and columns, this is important to consider by default. It's at least a certain amount. But if for some reason he wanted a cell to be exactly a certain height, you could set it here, so I will actually keep it at that impress. Okay, and now I'm going to press. Enter here, put some text in there and notice we've got a red circle here. This is kind of like the red plus sign that indicates over set text. But instead of an overall table or a text frame, it's individual cell. We do want to take that in consideration by default. The cell options have it set to, at least and then when you press enter and add some text, it increases the size with it because it's set to at least the cell has to be at least a certain height. But past that, we can press, enter and increase the height automatically. But there might be an instance where you're putting graphics into a cell or there's text in there and you want exactly a certain height because of the design, and you'll just have to work with the text to make sure it fits in there. And then you would use exactly. And column is just how wide the columns are manually so you could increase that. And we only have this one selected, though that's why it's changing. Just that one. Keep options. You might be confused by that. What is keep options mean? Well, it's kind of like if we took the text frame and click and drag it up, and then we have over set text and we have to place the rest of that table somewhere. This is the same ideas. So instead of anywhere, let's say in next frame and you'll notice it clips that off. So I'm gonna press OK, and now it's over here in the text frame that we had floated earlier, and it still has more. They're two places Well, so by default that's turned off. But if for some reason you had a row or a cell and he wanted that to be the end of that part of the table, and he wanted to continue on the next page, the next text frame. That's why you would use this. Keep options. So use that when you have a table and you only want a certain number of rows to be on one table, and then you want to skip to the next text frame on the next page, for example. So if you want to turn that off, you do have to go back to the 1st 1 that starts on the next text frame instead of the one over on the left hand side. Then go to sell options, rows and columns, and then, instead of in next text frame, just click anywhere and that will be the default. Now click OK, and then we have it over here, and we can manually do that anyway with the text frame. So you were just click and drag up, and then we use the Redd plus sign. You click that there and then click and drag out a new text frame so you could do that a couple times if you had a really long table in many different pages. So we wanna press control Z a couple times and do that to get back to where we were. When we have a table flowing or threating from one text frame to another, her one page to another, there's one more option to consider. For example, when we have two rows that we always want toe have them be together. We can set that in the cell options as well. So we go back to sell options, go to rows and columns this right here where it says to keep with next row. If I have that checked, what that means is Company nine. The row will always stay with company 10 so I'll show you what I mean. I just use the selection tool here and go up here so we just have company. 10 is the bottom one and then a company 11. It jumps to the next click and drag it up a little bit more. It brings both Company nine and company 10 to the next page. So if I click and drag us down a little bit, if it brings back nine, it brings back 10 as well. So it keeps those two together. So to adjust that again. We could just go back to sell options, rows and columns and uncheck or check keep with next row. Of course, we can change the fill of a specific cell as we've done already with the control panel up there. Or we can go two strokes and fills instead of just changing the stroke. Here we can change the Phylis well. That is how to format cells in in design. In other videos will be going over incident graphics into cells and also diagonal lines in cells. Thanks. 13. Cell Text Rotation in InDesign: Sometimes we need to rotate text in a table. So in this video we'll go over that in a couple different techniques. So go ahead and let's use a duplicated copy of this table. So instead of just working on the original just in case that messes up or you want to try some different looks and you can go back to the original, select this and you can go to edit, copy it and paste, or just all or option click and drag, and that will duplicate our table. So let's just say we wanted to have some text appear. That's just rotated. That's pretty easy. What we can do is use the selection tool here and notice we have the text selected and press escape, and then we can select all of these. So forget something like that. Got all four in the header row. They're selected, and we just click right here. Rotate text 90 degrees upside down because it's written in hard eight degrees or to her 70 degrees noticed. It doesn't show up. It's got these over set texts, notifications. So what we can do to fix as click and drag us down? It makes a little larger, something like that. So if we wanted to do that, then we'd be done with that technique if it was something as simple. Is that right? So we could adjust some of these settings. For example, if I press escape and I go to right align, it's actually aligning to the top. So it's kind of like a vertical alignment instead of horizontal alignment. If I do center, it's the same thing online left and then right here we're have a line center that's just going to center there have the same effect as if we're centering it horizontally and then a line top and then line bottom. So this is still considered the bottom and the top because it's been rotated. So just take the in consideration. So that's the shortcut. If we just clicked that on the control panel there so we can adjust and center and so on. Now we can also good a table, sell options and then text, and then we have rotation. Here is well, currently it's at to her 70 but the shortcut is right there. You can also go to a table and then sell options and then text again. Instead of text rotation, Gillick appear, says vertical justification. That's the same thing where if we're aligning it to the top, we're clicking the shortcut here and then lining bottom. It's almost like it's right aligning it. So just keep that in mind if we want to adjust it after the fact with the alignment settings. So that's rotating text. But what if we wanted to? You, for example, rotated just 45 degrees. So what if you want to 35 degrees or 55 degrees or whatever it is, but we can do is use a sheer, but we need this in a separate text frame, and we also don't want it to be the hetero. So in order to convert hetero back to a normal row, what we can do is just click it here, and we don't have to select the entire row as long as we have one selected here and just go to table and then convert rose and then toe body because we're not converting a body ready to a header or footer, we're converting ahead a row to a body, so click that and you'll notice it takes on the tent settings because we have that alternating pattern there. And so it doesn't have that original color up there because it's now it's matching that alternating color, but it's still got the car that we applied. It just has the tent settings that we have from our alternating pattern. So let's go ahead and click and drag this up something like that. And then where it has the plus sign for the oversight text, click that and then click and drag that down there. We just want to text frames, one threading into the other. And we also don't want this foot a row on this top one. So we need to convert that to a body rose well, So let's get a table and then convert rose and then to body as long as a Kershaw was blinking in there. Or you can press escape either way. So now that's not a foot Arrgh anymore. So it won't show up in every single text frame with our current settings. So let's just click. Enjoy this up a little bit, just so this top one shows up, I'm going to double click on the corner there. Just so the text frame matches up with the edge of the table. Here we go. And so now, the next step with this selected make sure we don't double click, and we've got the text options where you press escape. We have the table options with cell formatting options. We actually want to just have the text frame selected. So click this selection tool and click once here. So we have it all selected. And then right up here, we can set it weaken, type in something like 35 degrees, 55 degrees. Whatever you do, 45 degrees, which is the halfway point between zero and 90 degrees, and we just click and drag this over. And then there's our effect. The problem is that this text is kind of messed up. So what we can do is just double click in their press controller. Command a and you can hit, delete or hold shift and go to the right with the arrow on the keyboard and now have most elected. Just press backspace or delete that deletes, um and then what we can do. The 1st 1 is telephoto. Just use the type tool click and drag out was type it in. I'm going to change this font to something like impact for this, and we could just add a rotation. For example, 45 degrees. Click and drag that over and just place it there and then all click and drag. Don't click and drag hold ships. Maintain that level and also use a smart guides. You have the consistent spacing in between, and we could group those. And that's one way to you. Add text there that's at a 45 degree angle. One thing you could do, though, is just select this and go to edit copy so it's copied as a text frame. Their double click into this cell here and go to edit paste. Now you'll notice, though it's kind of distorted. So what? We can dio make sure the selection tool selected. So we're selecting this frame here and right appear where we have 45 degrees, as are technically negative 45 degrees. As with skew said that to his ear. And then we keep the 45 degree angle there as far as irritation, and then we have that in there. So what now I can actually control see double clicking here, Controller Command V. And then I can replace the text. Just click and drag over with the type tool and type in the next name. So I could just do that pretty quickly and then macro wide angle mid range so I could just go. And then there we go. And now if I click and drag this around, it's actually part of that. It's pasted in, but it has its own text frame. There. You can notice it's anchored in there. That's one way to do that. Or we can just rotate it and place it on top on the layer above it and group it if we don't need it, have it actually embedded in their or anchored in their so two different ways of doing that . It's really easy to mess up the text, though you can adjust some of the settings up here the reference point where it's rotating , You know, if I just click this up here so it's going to rotate from the top and then I rotate it. You know, it can really mess up pretty easily, depending on what settings we have up there, so actually prefer to just copy and paste sit on tops of click. This rotated 45 degrees and then just own her option. Click and drag. And to have these on here and you can still at it the text in there you won't make sure they're all the same distance between each other. Using the smart guides do that a little bit slower than I just did. But that's just one way to rotate Tex and rotate cells here in in design. I just wanted to show you how to do that. You can, of course, even rotate the entire table like if we had the table here selected, you could rotate it. Ah, specific degree. You can skew it if you want as well. There's some kind of special layout that you're doing where you had rotated 30 degrees. You know, all the Texas 30 degrees. You have to consider readability and functionality, of course, in the editorial layout. But they do actress like objects just like shapes and photos that we can rotate and otherwise addressed up here in the control panel. So I'm going to delete this. I just wanted to show you how to do it if you wanted to rotate the text just with a simple 90 degree rotation where you have the text just going sideways instead of left, right or a couple ways to rotate text and cells in other ways as well. So thanks, and I'll see in the next lesson. 14. Using Diagonal Lines in Cells in InDesign Tables: there might be some context where you want Teoh. Add a couple more effects to the cells, and one of those options in in design is to add diagonal lines and tables so we don't have to mainly draw them out and copy and paste mental that what we can do is go to table cell options and then diagonal lines. And it's this fifth option over here and you'll see we have no Dagnall lines and then top left about him, right top, right to bottom left and then crossing Dagnall lines. And you have some of the standard settings here so you could do one point what color it is , whether it's over print or not. And then for Gap. If we selected one of these, that's just not a solid single line, something like triple. Then we can add a gap color as well and whether or not the contents in front. So I'm going to just do a simple one here was going to solid and let's just dio green one and maybe just four point. Just so. Just show really easily here. And so we have to select one of these up here. So if I click that you notice it shows up right there. I click that one and then I click one that has the two diagonal lines there. So if I press Dagnall in front, then that's going to be on top of that content, which for this example, is the number and then continent front. The X will be in the background. So what is the context of using this? Well, there might be a table where financial information and you want to cross out different values. Or, for example, you have some empty cells. You just want to have an X over them in a couple different options in context where we would want to use that for this example. I'm not going to keep it in there. But I just want to show you How do you add diagonal lines if you wanted to. If you want to be more subtle, of course, we could change the tent down as well. So that's how to add some diagonal lines in table cells. Thanks 15. Placing and Adjusting Graphics in Cells in InDesign: one way to add some interest to a table is to add some graphics or photos and in this lesson will be going over some considerations in different ways to place an edit, graphics and tables in design. So go ahead and navigate to the table here. I'm going to double click here. So we've got one of these self selected and press escape, so we have it selected as a cell going to right Click over here and go to insert row. I'm just going to insert one row above this current one, just so we have a right to work with to add some graphics to one way Teoh place graphics inside a cell is to convert that self first, a graphic frame. So if I double click on here, press escape and go up Teoh table and then right here convert sell too graphic cell weaken . Do that there, or we can right click over it and go to convert Celta Graphic cell so it looks a little bit different. It has this X here and that won't print out. If we press w we can see it looks like a normal cell. It's just a graphic cell now, so I can't just double click in there and start typing text, for example. It does give me a few more options, though, compared to a text cell. So if I press escape, there are slightly different options up here. You can see it there by press over here in prison escape there some more text editing options, of course. So if I select this on here and then press escape, I'm editing the cell. If I don't press escape, if I just select it with the selection tool here, I have just normal object editing options upon the control panel. For example, if I wanted to add a fill or stroke and so on, I'm going to press Commander Control plus there to zoom in. And we can also click once on this yellow box. There it turns into these diamonds on the corner and click and drag the corner. You'll see. We can add rounded edges as well to this graphic inside the cell, we could had a background color and so on. Now, if we want to add a graphic in here, though, just goto file place and then select one of these here and If we have a replace selected item, it will just automatically place inside. There doesn't look quite right with the cropping and everything, though, but we can edit that another way. I was going to undo Skoda file place and select the same one that don't have replace selected item. Look open and just click somewhere over this graphic cell. Then it will place it so now that it's placed in there and we have the rounded corners there again, if we don't want that, we can click that and then click and drag that back over to the edge. But we can adjust this in the frame, of course, so we can go to object fitting Phil. Firm proportionately probably won't change it in this context. If I do that, see, it's already doing that. If I goto fit content proportionately it, make sure nothing is cropped out. But then we have this blank space over here that has the default color. And if I goto object fitting in there, the other ones there that we can check out, like fit from the content will pull that frame in fit, content to frame which stretch it out, center it and so on. So the default is Phil frame proportionally. But we can use this direct selection tool the white arrow and just click and drag and move this down just a little bit so that the cameras in there all right, so once we have that, like we want, we can just navigate around and place another one. Now you notice when I click that with the direct selection tool, we can see this edge. That's the edge of the photo. But it's cropping out part of it just because the dimensions are different, the width and height ratio compared to the cell that it's in now. If I use the selection tool right here and just click out here, click this again and click and drag it. I can't just click and drag that graphic anywhere in the in design file. It's embedded in this cell and noticed that by default there's no inset from the edge here . It just goes right to the edge. So if you want to add inset, what we can do is press escape, so make sure we've selected to sell and then go to table sell options graphic, and there are some options in here, for example, cell insets. So if we have this chain link icon checked than all the settings will be the same. So if I press up, then it adds a little bit of kind of a margin, technically an inset on the edges there. And so if we do that a lot, it's going to make the actual sell a lot larger as well. We can uncheck that and then press up and Onley have the top area, the bottom area, the left or the right inset more than the default, which is zero right below there. There's an option called clip contents to sell. What that means is, let's just say we have this graphic selected and we go to object and then effects. And let's just do drop shadow and let's make a really obvious drop shadow that's overdone. I just have it set toe pastie. 75% just have it so we can see that it comes out of a cell there. All right, so the best drop shatters air. Very subtle. I'm over doing that on purpose so we can see how it goes into other cells there, so I'll press OK And what if we didn't want the effect to go outside of that cell compress escape to select this cell again and then get a table options or sell options and then graphic? Or of course, we can right Click over this your to sell options graphic and then if I press clip contents , A cell knows that that drop shadow, anything that originates inside the cell does not go outside of that cell. So if I press okay, let's just say I double click in here and just click and drag the bottom of this row and click and drag this one over here. The color that we set earlier is in the background wherever the photo is not. So if I select this cell again right here just by clicking on it with the selection tool and a goto object fitting, then fill friend proportionally. It will fill that out again. This is a very large file compared to the size of these cells, so it doesn't picks late or anything like that. That's in case you adjust the width of the height of cells, rows or columns after the fact we can resize those, however, what if you don't wanna have to manually resize that every single time. What weaken Dio. I'm just going to click this frame again, impressed, escape and notice. We have some of those options that are normally over here when we select an image frame has a photo in it, and we're re sizing it. These are the same options again if we're gonna object fitting Phil from proportionately all these right here. But we've got Phil from proportionally that content proportional and so on. If you hover over those, the tool tips should show what those are. Let's just click auto fit, though. If I click that now, when we re size this, say this bottom of this row again. If I click and drag up, it's going to stay with See who made that a lot larger and we don't see any of that yellow background. So in design does a pretty good job of re sizing the edge there. So if I click and drag resize in the photo as we re size the cell, including the row or the column, and of course we can still manually adjust it if it doesn't fit quite right, and we want to manually adjust after the fact. We can still do that with a direct selection tool and a shortcut. If I press escape here, we've selected the cell. We can still at it, not just the cell options, but even the graphic here that's been placed in there. So if I click up here and click effects so that we have drop shadow so if we go to that, it will pull up that menu from earlier and we can adjust the drop shadow as a live effect of a preview. Of course, I have clipped contents to sell so it won't go on the edge there. And we have this right along the edge. We won't be able to tell. Just do an inner drop shadow instead hit preview and you can see the effect there, so press okay. And that kind of has a big net effect. I'm going to press control or command Z to undo that, though if you remember earlier we converted this cell to a graphic cell first, then placed the image in. If I press escape and then right click over here and then go to convert Selda Tech sell. So that's the default is by default a text cell. What happens is it converts it to a text cell, but it keeps the image in there as an in line object. I'm going to you select this image, though. Go appear and I just click that turn off the drop shadow that we applied up on the control panel. That's a shortcut there. And so I'm just going to click and drive the corner here just so it fits inside the cell butter and see this will anchor icon. What that means is it's anchored in here as an in line object. So if I press, enter here and add some text, say we had all this text here and I click up here. This is anchor right about here, and if I hold shift and click and drag, I can move where it's anchored so I could move it right here. And then it's anchored right there. So if I just add more text, it will just push that down. But it stays inside this cell. I can't click and drag it outside of the cell, for example. And, of course, if I owned or option, click that anchor icon. It gives us a few more options, such as the offset, and then we can address the alignment and so on above the line. So if I click previewed will show the difference. So I'm going to press cancel on that now. If I have press escape, right click, there's no option to convert this back to a graphic frame. That's because we have this text here. So if I delete that and go up here, delete this text, make sure there's no text, even empty returns. But it has this anchored image in here, and anchored images are in text frames. For example, if I just click and drag this over here, I had some text by default. It flows right at them next to it there. If I click this, we can wrap around bounding box, so there are some text wrap options. Appears well, just like is if it was in a paragraph. But we can't convert that to a graphic frame. So if I delete all the text and then right click, I still can't convert it to a graphic frame, right? But one way to convert it back to a graphic frame, if we wanted was to select this weaken, delete that image actually, and reinserted in just press escape, right Click and then convert Celta Graphic cell. We technically don't need to convert it to a graphic cell first, though, in order to place images into cells. So I'll show you what I mean. If I click and drag this up a little bit and I just goto file place and I select macro telephoto wide angle and then medium and press open. And now I can press left or right on the keyboard, just like normal, and I can find the telephoto one and just click right over this cell here and it will embedded inside that cell. And then this is the wide angle. This is the macro, and this is the mid range. And so by default, they're all placed in there pretty well, but we can slightly adjust it after the fact. But if I press escape, right click, see out, says convert, seldom tech cell. That's because simply by placing an image into a cell, even a text cell, it converts it to graphic cell. So if I click this one press escape and then hold shift and click this one it selects on four, and we can adjust all four at once. If we wanted to, for example, we could set it to auto fit. Or we could adjust some of the ways the content is fitting in there, for example, pilfering proportionately and so on. And of course, we can add effects. Or use the direct selection tool and adjust that photo within that frame as well. That's had a place and adjust settings of images in cells, Thanks. 16. Designing Custom Shapes for Graphic Frames in InDesign: So far as we've placed these graphics into cells, they benefit default shape, so either a square or rectangle. I want to show a really cool technique, though, to place images into custom shapes or pre made shapes. So make sure that you have a graphic frame here. If you don't again, we can double, click, escape and then right click and convert too graphic. It doesn't show in here cause we have text in their suffer. Went down here, for example, and then convert Celta graphic cell so it should have this pattern here of the diagonal lines showing that it's a graphic frame. So if we placed an image in there, it would look just something like this. And then we could add an inset and otherwise edit it and change what is cropped and what is included in the frame. But let's convert this to another type of shape, so go up to object and then convert shape, and then you have rectangle here. Can't really see the other someone actually click and drag this up a little bit, so we have the window higher up, so object convert shape. They have rectangle, rounded rectangle, beveled rectangle inverse, rounded rectangle, ellipse triangle, polygon line and orthogonal line. Now, if I go to, for example, Triangle, you'll notice. Now it's a triangle shape. So when I go to, for example, file place and place in an image like normally, I'll just like this one here, press open and then click over the shape here. Then it places it in as a rectangle so we can use any of those custom pre made shapes. What's even cooler is we can customize those shapes, so that might look fine for a theme where you have triangles instead of just regular rectangles. But if you select this direct selection tool here, click off in the background and then click right on the top. There you can move it so you can make a custom shape. Something like that. Orian. Click this corner over here corner over here. These air the points, and then those are the paths in a press control Z to undo. We can adjust the paths, which are the lines in between the points, and we can also just where there's anchor points are. We can also add anchor points, though, so if you go to the tools panel. Click and hold on to the Pentagon. Goto add anchor Point tool. You can click, then we can click their That adds anchor points. So now if I use the direct selection tool, the White Arrow, If I click and drag here, it's gonna move it so we don't want to do that. What we need to do is click in the background to de select it first, then click right on the edge there. And so now they look like small white rectangles or squares. So if I just click and drag that we can move that new anchor point we just made. And we can also move the path so we can make some really customizable shapes here. So if this is a graph, or if we're creating something for a ski resort and we want to make a mountain, we could do that in a table. If you click and hold on to the pen tool area again and go to convert direction point tool , we can't then click and drag on one of these, and it makes it more of a curved path before and after that anchor point so we can adjust these handles now to just the curve, and we can also adjust the path that is curved. Now, if you want to change it back to straight lines on either side of the anchor point, we can just click it again, and it converts it back to the original anchor point. So if we click and drag and will make it curved, if we just click it once back to the normal anchor point, that's if we just want on either side toe. Have the straight lines by default. And if you click an old and go to the Delete anchor point tool, we can delete anchor points if we want, and it would remove those from the shape. So that's pretty neat in that we can convert a rectangle to some other shape by going toe object, convert shape and select from here. But there's another technique where we can create a custom shape and then bring it in. So I'll just click in here, press backspace, and that deletes it. That doesn't delete the shape so I can click it again and press specs base again and double click in here. And if I press escape right click, you'll see it's now a text cell, so I need you to convert Sell too graphic cell. If we wanted to be a graphic cell again and try out another shape, however, there's another way to bring in a shape, and that's to create a custom shape. So if I, for example, used this rectangle tool and I click and drag and draw some kind of shape out here and I'll have to fill and then licious create a lips right here, hold shift. If we want to create a perfect circle, so what we can do? Let's just say we wanted to cut this circle out of the rectangle to make a custom shape what we can use, click and drag around both of those with the selection tool. Now we have the circle that's on top, and then the rectangle that's behind it. Goto window object and layout and then Pathfinder and the Pathfinders really useful for customizing shapes. For example, we can convert shapes to different ones here for right here with the Pathfinder. If we select this one right here, the second one's subtract that will subtract the top from the bottom. So let's just click that and then it cuts that out basically, So now we have a custom shape. If you wanted to add something to this, let's just say we wanted to add a rectangle up at the top. We could do that, and I'll click and drag around both of these here. And then I'll add two instead of subtract. So if we add to, it will combine him. But you'll see it takes the attributes of that top shape. So we just need to fill the shape again, and that's easily done by clicking it there. So now we have a custom shape. What if we want to use it in here? What we can do is just go to edit, copy or control or command. See then, with this selected like that, goto edit paste into so it pasted inside there. It's not quite fitting in there how we want to you, though, So, of course, we can go to object fitting filtering proportionately. That's not what we want. Either issue need to use the direct selection tool to manually adjusted. The problem, though, is this is not a photo that we're just moving around inside the frame. It is a vector shape. So if I click and drag on the corner here to resize it, it only moves that anchor point. So we actually need to flip back to the selection tool and click and drag the corner and hold shift. To maintain that proportion, we can click and drag it around and customize it even more so if we wanted something like this, maybe over to the side, whatever shape we're doing, we can customize it like that. Click and drag the corner, hold shift to maintain their rich in proportion. And so now we can play something in there. So if I go to file place and then select an image in here, press open, click over this, sell it, pace it on, Lee. Inside that shape, we can barely see anything, though. Of course, right now we need to go back to object fitting, filtering proportionally and then it proportionally fills it in there. I can't see it very well with this view, So I'm going to zoom in press W to get rid of all the guides. And then there we go. That's our custom shape. We just made with the Pathfinder panel in some of the shape tools before going to bed at a copy and edit paste into the cell. I'm going to press W again, zoom out a little bit, and so that's pretty cool, however. What if we wanted to create something that's even more custom? We're not using any pre made shapes and combining them or subtracting from areas but just drawing something. We can do that as well, so I'll just click in here, and I'm just going to press backspace to delete. So now it is a graphic frame, and what we can do is click an old and there's the pen tool we can draw with that, or we can draw with the pencil tool as well. So what? This weekend? Just click and drag. Just do some kind of custom shape. It has a lot of points and pass. If you don't like that, we can try different settings and remove some of the anchor points. Or you can use the pen tool and just click, click and drag, click and drag. And if you want to reset that angle, just click again on the most recent anchor point to reset the angle and then click and drag and you can come up with some kind of custom shape here that we can then paste into this cell. We can adjust it before the fact or after. So if I use the direct selection tool here, I can adjust the curves on either side of the anchor points. I can adjust where the paths are, and I can also adjust where the anchor points are. So if we have some kind of custom shape and again, I just go to the selection tool, select it, edit copy and then click over here and go to edit Paste into. And I don't like the way it goes off the edge a little bit. There actually want to double click in there, and I'm just going to click. Drag this down, click and drag that over. It's going to distort it a little bit, but it's not a photo. Yeah, we haven't placed anything in there were just adjusting the shape. So if you have a flowing, curved shape here, that's custom from either the pencil tool or the pen tool, we can then go to file place, and I'll place in this photo like open and click right over And there we go. It's a little bit zoomed in too much, obviously. And if I click press escape and these are the settings for the cell itself. So if I go to fit, content to frame or that content proportionally filtering proportionately, it's going to have different effects adjusting that shape in there in the photo inside it. But if I wanted actually adjust the photo inside this shape, I need to actually make sure I just have the shape their selected like I do now and now I'll go to object fitting fit, content proportionately, and it brings it down way too much so we don't want it that small. So at this point, I'll actually just click this with the selection tool, and if I click and drag the corner, it's going to stretch it out. We don't want to do that. I do wanna hold, shift and click and drag and was going to work with this image so it's better composed. So something like that never want more of her showing. Obviously, I can adjust the shape after the fact so I could click and drag that down a little bit. Something like that, maybe I want the bottom, actually to be flush with the edge, and I use the white air here and click and drag the corner here just to make that little bit larger and move it around within this frame. I don't want the photo, though. Toe have any blank spaces on the edge there there, so we just have to keep working with it something like that. So that's another way to create a custom shape instead of using just pre made shapes here or converting it to shapes under object, then convert shape and all of those there and then using the Pathfinder panel. So again, that's object layout, half finder. And we have the convert shape options here, and then the panel options here we can, it said. Just use the pencil tool or the pen tool, the pencil tools, more of a free form tool and being click and drag. And then the pen tool is Maura about creating curved or straight lines in between anchor points so it creates the pads in between there manually. Hopefully, you had some fun creating custom shapes, regardless of which method were using toe, add photos to them within a cell in a table. Thanks 17. Using Gradients in Cells in InDesign: Another way to add interest to a design, including tables is to add a Grady int. We went over Grady INTs earlier in this course, so review that if you have any questions on setting those up, however, we will go through step by step, how to add a Grady into cells in a table and also an entire table in some special considerations along the way. So let's go ahead and duplicate this. We could copy and paste. Or I can just use the selection tool here, hold all on the PC or option on the Mac and click and drag, and we'll work on a duplicated one. And then if we find that we want to use the original in the annual report project for your portfolio, we can go with that or you can integrate in and see what that looks like. So first we need to set up a Grady INT and added to our swatches. So I've kept this pretty simple on our swatches panel. I just have the default here, some process colors and so on. So let's go ahead and add a Grady INTs watch. So one way to do that is I like to just draw out a shape here, too. Preview a Grady int Now. I already have one in here, of course, but to set that up, all we have to do is get a window and then color, and then Grady int. And from there the default is black and white, and so to create a custom 11 way to do this is to you just click and drag from our swatches . And ideally, we would add our colors from the color scheme already in swatches, whether they be processed colors or spot colors and so on so you can just click and drag and then make sure it's right over that stopped there. So whatever, we want to set up our grading as we can do that, and we can click and drag additional ones in there if we want when click and drag them off if we don't and so on. So for this one, this needs to be a little bit more subtle for an annual report. So let's use colors that would be somewhat of an analogous color scheme. So let's go and click and drag this scion that looks kind of like a light blue and then this darker blue here. All right, so it's a nice, subtle Grady int. Once we have that toe, add it as a Grady int one ways. Justo Right click over the Phil here, which is where the Grady is applied here in this example, and then just goto add two swatches and then it will add it down here. And we could give it a name by double clicking on it if we want. Or you can right click and go to Swatch options either way. So I'll just call this table radiant for now. And I'm going to press, OK? And so to apply that to a row or a column, all we have to do is select it first. So I'm going to zoom out and show you were going to pull the swatches panel over here a little bit. So we just have that over there. And if I click here, this is a common mistake. If I click this and we've got the text frame selected here that the tables in and maybe we had some text and photos here as well. And if I apply that Grady, it applies it to that text frame. Maybe that's what we want for that example just ahead in the background. And to just be contrasted from this alternating pattern here. However, in this example, I actually want to apply it to the table itself. So I'm going to press control or command z done. Do that and you can just double click in here and press escape. And that would select that one area. Or of course, we can use shift plus the arrows. Or we could just hover over the left hand side here and see that arrow. Once it turns into that, we can select Rose. All right, so I just want to like this top row here and then click this table Grady int. And it adds it right there. All right, so let's just say we also wanted Teoh apply it to this area. So I just click here, press escape, hold shift and then click down here. So we have this column here selected not the entire column, but most of it all right, and I pressed, tabled, radiant. You'll notice, though, that it still is just mostly light blue. That's because it's part of this radiant here. So it doesn't go from light blue to dark blue just inside this cell. It's just acting like it would go across the entire table, so it corresponds to the length of the table. So this one is 12345 columns wide. So therefore, it's going to go from the one point to the next point that far across. So this column here looks pretty much like the same color. It's slightly changing, but it's not as noticeable. So if we did want it to get darker more quickly, that's pretty easy. Weaken go over Teoh this table grading here and knows I selected and applied it to that text room. It's not what I want to do here, someone under that we can actually right click over it and go toe duplicates. Watch. Let's go, Indy! Select this text ring if I click in the background so that it won't apply it and then so now click tabled. Radiant copy, double click it. I was going to call this column ingredient for this example, and I'll keep everything else the same, except I'm just going to click and drag this over a bit and then click OK And then now, when I select most of the use cells here in this column and click column Grady int and then gets darker a little bit more quickly, it doesn't really perfectly match up with one on top. It just depends on what effect we're going for. So if I apply that to this entire row, for example, and click column creating, you'll notice more of it. Is that darker blue and less of it is that science. So it's interesting is that once we create a Grady Int, it's almost like a style in a way, because if I just double click on this column, Grady in here and instead of linear, I make it radial, and let's just change us over here. Let's change the colors. It's an obvious change. Change that yellow and then the sun. Let's make it green click OK, And wherever I had previously applied that column Grady Int. It now changes. So after we apply the Grady in, it's not like we're just painting it. And then if we make changes of the Grady, it won't matter. It actually does matter because that Grady it has been tied into those cells that we have applied it to. So when we change ingredient, it changes the cells as well. So, for example, on double clicking here press escape and then click and drag down here. Maybe wanted all these cells, that radio pattern, and that would have a unique look. Or maybe we want Teoh select a column and set it to this table. Grady in here notice. Though it's pretty much the same color, it's because it's acting as if it's applying it to the entire table with their. So what if we want to select the entire table while again? Remember, instead of just hovering over the top here with the type tool to select columns or on the side to select Rose, we can go to the corner, click once, and that selects the entire table, and from there I can click on table Grady Int, and it will apply it to the entire table there, and we can change the direction of that Grady And even after we've applied it. So this is a linear ingredient. It goes from the left or the right. And so what if I double clicking here and then just click and drag and select these five rows here. Now it can go over the Grady INTs watch tool on the tools panel, and I can click and drag down. Hold shift so it's perfectly perpendicular there. Or we can go diagonal and a different angle. Whatever we're doing, it's going to go from that science of that blue color. So if I just click and drag and then release and then I'll click the back and here to show what the end result looks like, we'll see that this is the science up here now and then. This is the blue down there. It only changed the cells that we had selected, though, so that's important to remember. So how did I get it back to the original? Well, Aiken, press escape here. Hold, shift. Click over here. So these five rows are against selected. And if I click on table Grady in here just once and I click from the background, it doesn't change it. All right, so if I double clicking on it, it doesn't do anything either, right? What we actually have to do This is a quick tip. We have toe apply another Grady int like this one. All right that applied that different one. And then now I'm going to apply this table Grady in again and we replied again, it goes back to the default. That's one way to do that. If we want to reset it to the default left to right, Grady. And let's go ahead and preview this. If we cook down here on the bottom electrical panel or press W on the keyboard, that looks pretty cool. Except check out all these lines we have here. It's between certain rose. So if you want to get rid of those lines that are in between some of those rose and go toe table table options table set up. If we try going Teoh Row strokes and go to none. And then we dio Teoh column strokes and we have none. And then we go toe okay and go back here. It still has strokes, and then if I clicking the top right hand corner here and let's just say we have it such a zero point, so we know that's not affecting it. We could get a window stroke that zero point, and we could set even the gap color to none, But notice though, that the outside area does not have those borders. The strokes and inside does so. If I click on the corner here, notice up here. We don't have the middle area such as we have to click that. So that's blue Click that. So that's blue. Set that to zero. All right, but then we still have these lines right here. All right, So what we can do is click it up in the left hand corner again and then go to table table options table set up and then make sure. Okay, row strokes column Strokes are both said to none. It can't be that. But if you go to fill, remember we had that alternating pattern where we have that light blue in the darker blue are really science with two different types of tents. Well, it's still applying that, so it's messing it up a little bit, so let's just go ahead and set that to none, because we don't need the alternating pattern. Now that we've added this Grady int. So once we set fills to none for alternating pattern in the table options dialog, then press OK, and then now we can see that there are no lines there in between the rows, if that's the effect that we want. So that alternating pattern with different tents different fills can affect the way a table looks, even if we've tried to override it with a Grady Int. So remember, we can add a great into an entire table like this. We can add it to a column or a row or specific cells, but it will act as if it's going across the entire tables with. So that's something to take in consideration. When we're setting up the table, Grady INTs. We can add a bunch of them in here and adjust their settings at different colors. Different stops to them so that we have the look that we want, Thanks. 18. Adding Table and Cell Styles in InDesign: now, sometimes we'll want to create dozens of tables in an annual report or other type of publication. And in order to do that, we really want to use table and sell styles. We can create him the regular way where we just customize everything wanted at a time. But really, if we create styles, we can save a lot of time. We can apply many different parameters and attributes of a table to a table style and then apply it to various tables. So if you go to a window and then styles and then if you remember character styles, object styles and paragraph styles, we've went over already earlier in this course. But there's also sell styles and there's table styles and those relate to tables. So if you select that will have this panel here open and right now we just have basic table and let's go ahead and create a table, and then we'll apply a table style that will set up. So let's just go to table and then create table. And then, Fleischer said, it's 10 body rose, five columns and then let's include one hetero on one foot of row. By default. We could at that later, of course. And right now there are no table styles other than the default. So we could just keep it on basic table for now and then press OK, We just click and drag this table here. We can resize as needed right now. Currently, it has the basic table as the table style, so we could double click on that and change the various parameters. But what I like to do is just select a table after we've set it all up with the Phil and the stroke and various other attributes, and just make that a table style. So we'll take this table that we've already created earlier and will notice where it says basic table. Plus, there are quite a number of overrides. If you hover over it, we can see these overrides. So what we can do is if I, right click on that and go to clear overrides here and apply the basic table style that clears that. But that's not actually what I want to do here. Actually want to create this as a table style, a new one. So what we can do is just press that create new style icon on the bottom of the table styles panel and that creates table style and weaken double click on it to bring up its settings. Another thing we can do is hold all on the PC or option on the Mac and click on that same icon, and it will bring this up by default. So this will add a new table style. I'm just going to call this sigh in alternating and weaken, base it on a table stuff we wanted to. But this one is actually just based on the edits that we've already made. It's using that instead, we'll also set up some cell styles in a bit and add it to a table style. That's what this areas for here. But if we just go through these settings, we'll see. A lot of these are also in the table. Options dialog, for example. The table set up the table border spacing and so on. The row strokes, the column, strokes and the Phils. So I'm just going to press okay, and then now we have science alternating table style. I click that, and this new one is actually applied to this one now because we don't have that plus sign up at the top. That meant there were alterations. So all we have to do is just click here in this new table somewhere will notice. Now this is highlighted. Were says Basic Table, and I can click this science alternating table style. And then it adds that for us, and we'll notice there weren't any options in there, for example, column with and the row height. So that's something we have to address later. If, for example, I just want to select this entire table, and I'm just going to click and drag us over a little bit so we can see more options here in the control panel, appear notice or hear what says at least this many inches. And then the column with is right here. So there's the row height in the column width, and we can adjust that. So, for example, if I said this to exactly and then reduce it and we'll see it reduces the height down a little bit, we can also change the width of the columns and so on. Now, instead of exactly remember, if we set it to, at least that's usually what we used because if you have text and hit enter, it's going to get larger with that text. If we don't do that, for example, if I said it to exactly and then I said it Teoh four p It has some over set text. You'll see it right there. That little icon, the red icon there so just depends on what kind of text and content that is going to be in there. So column with and row height cannot be made part of the table style, because when I double click on there, we'll see under a table set up. There's no option here for height or with of the columns and rows. There are, for example, alternating patterns of rows and columns, strokes as well as fills. But we can't set that as part of it and also the formatting of the header up here and the footer we have in the table. But we'll need Teoh. Mainly adjust that after the fact. So depending on how close we wanted this to look to the other example, maybe it looks different. But for this one, we'll just make this a little bit smaller and then for the header we could manually change it appear just by using the normal controls. Or we can create a cell style. So instead of table styles right here, let's click on cell styles. And if you close that out, remember, just go to a window and then styles and then go to sell styles. And instead of basing it on something that's already made, let's just go ahead and create a new one. So creating new style, let's click that and let's make it something very basic. I'm just going to double click on it. And we have some of the formatting options here that we should be used to by now, but under strokes and fills. Let's go to yellow so it stands out. So we know when we've applied something. And I was going to type in yellow Phil cell style. We don't have to make them at long. We could just call it yellow, but just do that. We'll notice because we have this selected. It applied it to that cell. Is that something to remember? If we have something selected and when created new cell style, we even click it over here or a table style, it will apply it. So if we click none, then it will not apply that specific cell style there. I do want to apply it, but I want to apply to entire header here so I could select all of it like that and click Yellow feels sell style. That's one way this is already a header and a footer, because we had that when we created the new table. If you don't have that again, remember, we can press escape, right click and then convert to head a row. This one says, Convert to body Rose, because I've already converted it. Teoh head arose earlier. So let's go to table styles and then double click on that and right here, says Header rows. We can actually apply a cell style to that. So let's go ahead and apply the yellow Phil Cell style that we just had. You'll notice and applies it right up there. And then let's set foot. Arrgh, weaken! Set the Figaro so we could create different cell styles for every single area. For example, we could add a cell style just for the left column. We could add a self styled just for the right column, so we've got the right column left column header and footer. And if we set it to body Rose, that's going to be all of those rows in the body area. And we could set that instead of yellow Phil style. Wickett said it the same as body rose if we wanted to always match whatever we set the body rose cell style to. So again, the left column is on Lee the column way over on the left hand side. There. Write columns on the right, of course, but the body rose. Are all of the body rose together? So just not the hetero and the foot a row. So I'm going to press okay for this example and notice over here on the left hand side, though, we don't have the footer changing the color. That's because there's a local override. There's also overrides up here is well, so if we do apply some kind of Phil or stroke or some kind of setting to cells that can override the table style that has the cell style inside it. You know, if there's a plus sign every time there is a plus on, it means we've made some changes some overrides to some kind of style, and none is actually a style. So there are many overrides and it says mixed overrides, meaning This override is different from that. So if I try this one, so if I wanted to override that, I can right click and go to clear overrides and you'll notice now the table style that has that sell style is part of It applies that yellow now, so depends on if we want local overrides Teoh override whatever table style or sell style that we've applied. And we could even create a new style based on what settings we had there. And then Now, if I click over here, sell style one and then if I go to clear overrides, it will clear that local override of the Scion notice here when I right click on self style one. And it says not only clear of rides with, that just means we would clear the overrides that aren't part of that style that have been applied to that cell. But there's also clear overrides, not defined by style. So if the style doesn't have anything about the text size or the fund, or things like that that would clear those as well. So by default, clear overrides would Onley clear things that are already in the cell style, if that makes sense. So if the cell style has a Phil and we've added this Scion Phil, then clear overrides would remove that override. But if we wanted to clear attributes that aren't even included in the style to begin with, for example, font size in this example, then we could clear those as well if we needed to. So let's review that in Kish. It's a little bit confusing as far as having cell styles as part of a table style. But one more tip related that though we can actually add paragraph styles to a cell style. So if I get a window and then styles and then paragraph was going to make sure nothing selected and then created new paragraph style, I'm going to double click on it and just to keep it pretty simple, I'm just going. Teoh said it to impact for the fun and I'll make a little bit larger and I'm going to press . Okay, Of course, we have all these other settings weaken Dio. I'm just going to press. OK? And then now we have a paragraph style one just to keep it easily identifiable down, which is gonna put impact 18 point. Justo, remember that? And Okay, so those are the attributes that we've added to it. We could call a body copy, sell text, whatever, But for this, I'm just naming it something obvious. Now let's go back to our cell style and remember where says Yellow Phil, Cell style. I'm going to double click on that. And down here was his paragraphs out. We can include paragraph styles in this cell style and then the cell styles can be included in a pair of style. So I'm just going to sit this to impact 18 point paragraph style that we just added going to press okay. And once I do that notice now, all this text over here has that paragraph style. In fact, we need to make it a little larger. So now you can also use cell styles not just inside a table style, but we can also use it individually in certain rows or columns, for example. Let's create a new style. I don't have anything selected here, so we're not basing it off of anything. We'll just click, create new style. And then I'm just going to couple this right column and let's not base it on anything. And then let's just keep this pretty simple and just add fill of green and click, OK? And so it's not showing up anywhere yet because we haven't clicked in anywhere and applied it. So if I just press escape here and select this column and click right column, we've overridden the other cell style. That's part of the table style, but it's keeping some of the attributes like the tent there of the entire table style, Let's say, has selected a specific cell here that press escape and I change it to this darker blue. And then I come over here and I'll notice we have a plus sign right again. If I right click that, I can clear those overrides and I will turn it to green again. What if I change something that's not part of that style, though, So if I have this selected and I change the stroke, heels make it a little bit larger, so we can really see it. I change that, but notice there's no plus sign. That's because we didn't change something that was part of that cell style to begin with. The Onley attributes in that cell style for right column is the Phil. So if I right click over it, I can clear the attributes not defined by style. But there's no overrides. There is an override, but it's not something that's in the cell anyway. So we're not going to get that default plus sign unless we've added an override, a local edit that has changed some aspect of it. That's in the style. So that's how to add table styles, cell styles and then even including south styles within table styles, changing attributes of cells, columns and rows pretty easily and quickly once we set their styles up now, I'm not going to keep these changes here. It doesn't look that great. I just wanted to show the technique. Thanks 19. Saving, Reusing, and Sharing Table and Cell Styles in InDesign: some as we want to reuse table styles and sell styles. And instead of having to go back and customize them and add the dozens of attributes to them, we can instead save and copy these table and sell sounds to other publications. So let's say we work in a magazine that has a style guide, and they have set up a table style that's very complicated. Dozens of attributes are part of the table style. We don't want to go back and have to redo all of those, and this lesson will go over four ways to share that. And there's some quick ways to do it if we want to quickly share a table style. And there are other ones where we can add it to a library that we can share with other people on our editorial team, for example. So if you have your document up, if you don't have any tables, just go ahead and create one. Remember, we can just click in here somewhere, and with this basic table than the plus sign selected, create a new table style. It will take the attributes of the current one here or just set it up by customizing all these attributes here in the table style options. Make sure you have at least one self style. For this example. You don't have to follow along with this. I'm just showing four techniques how to save and reuse these styles. So the default way is to load, table and sell styles. So I have a new document here. I've just created a table. Remember, we just got a table, create table and let's say we wanted to you bring that able style over from the other document. One way to do that with a cell and table styles open again. We got a window and then styles, and then either South styles or table stones for that and right in the top right hand corner. Here, click that and then down here, what says load, table and sell styles? We could just load the cell styles for, for this example, let's load table and sell styles, and I'm going to select this annual report tables, which is the actual in design file I have saved over here just on the desktop. So once we have that selected click open and then we can decide which table sounds to bring in. So by default they're all selected. And it has the default basic paragraph in basic table than it has the new custom ones that I created here. So if I click okay, then adds it to this document here. So if I double click in here so we have the cursor blinking in one of the cells of the table and click Sion alternating. Then we've applied our table style. I'm going to press, undo and then undo again a couple times. And now we don't have those table and self styles that are custom in. They're going to show another way. That's a little bit faster. And this is if we had a table ourselves. Time We wanted to just quickly copy over without adding it to any kind of archives. So I can press control C on the PC or command see on the Mac or at a copy with this selected here and over here, if I go to edit paste pasted that in and with that, it's brought in this styles with it, of course. So now, by double clicking here, so an alternating I can apply it to other tables in this document Another way is to add as a snippet. So with this selected go to file export and then export it, as in design, sniff it. So I'm gonna save his annual report tables now over and our new document Goto file place. Just like we're placing a word, document or image just gonna file place. And we'll place that annual report tables in design snippet here. And I don't have to place it I can, or it can press escape. Either way, we've brought in the cell and table styles. So if I just press escape and then we've got a cell style and the table style now fourth way to do this and this is the way I suggest if we want toe have table on self styles as part of some kind of archive to use in a workflow, especially to share with others, is to use CC libraries. So if I click that I've created a new library, just click here than creating a library of call it tables, and we want to click and drag this entire table over here. So I'm just going to click and drag that ever like that. And so it has the entire table. Make sure we drag the table in there, not just a specific photo like that. For example, we want to select the entire table. As long as we have that in there, we see the preview of it here. Now I can go to a new document. And if I click and drag this in from the CC libraries panel and then now it's hovering so I could click it to place it or I can press escape. Either way, it brings in. There's two styles that we have. So if I double click in here, click saying alternating. Now I have this table style applied. Now, if you want to share this with other people, you can click up here and go to collaborate, and we could share this table's library. So if we're working at a publication or telecommuting and working with other people who have creative cloud, that's a great idea. If they don't have creative cloud, you could export it as snippets and send them to file or put them on a server somewhere where they could place the snippets instead. So just to review, if we want to quickly copy and paste a style. We can just copy and paste the table into new document. It will bring the styles with it if we want a load styles or cell styles. Ah, lot of them together that are all in a specific document. We can click up here and go to load table and self styles. And that's helpful when we're importing a lot of selling table styles instead of just copy and pasting the cell style and table styles in one table. And, of course, we can use snippets as files with other people or ourselves by just placing that snippet of the table. It brings the styles with it, and the preferred method is using creative cloud here because then it's easily accessible on any computer. Songs were signed into Creative Cloud, so that's how to save and share and reuse and archived table and sell styles in in design. Thanks