Adobe Illustrator CC Full Course: Getting Started ( Part One ) | Youssef Zidan | Skillshare

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Adobe Illustrator CC Full Course: Getting Started ( Part One )

teacher avatar Youssef Zidan, Graphic Designer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      0 Introduction


    • 2.

      1 Opening a Document


    • 3.

      2 Exploring the Interface


    • 4.

      3 Zooming and Panning


    • 5.

      4 Making a new document


    • 6.

      5 Modifying Artboards


    • 7.

      6 Bleed


    • 8.

      7 Rulders and Guides


    • 9.

      8 Undo


    • 10.

      9 Layers Panel


    • 11.

      10 Saving a Document


    • 12.

      11 Exporting


    • 13.

      12 Image Types


    • 14.

      13 Color Modes


    • 15.

      14 Practicing


    • 16.

      1 Drawing Techniques and Shortcuts


    • 17.

      2 Arc and Spiral Tool


    • 18.

      3 Rectangular and Polar Grid Tool


    • 19.

      4 Drawing Shapes


    • 20.

      5 Flare Tool


    • 21.

      6 Project Part 1


    • 22.

      7 Project Part 2


    • 23.

      8 Project Part 3


    • 24.

      Thank You


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About This Class

Hello and welcome to part one of Adobe Illustrator CC full course series.

My name is Youssef Zidan I’m a Graphic Designer with more than 5 years of experience, and I will be leading you through this course.

In this part, we will start from the very beginning.

In chapter one.

We will learn how to open a document and make one, Navigating, Saving, and Exporting, and we will talk about very important topics like Bleed, image types, color modes, and much more.

In chapter two.

We will start drawing inside Illustrator.

We will learn how to draw all kinds of lines and shapes illustrator provides, and at the end of this chapter, we will make a very simple project using what we’ve learned and some more options.

I will be using Adobe Illustrator CC, So make sure to have that version.

I hope you enjoy this part and I will look forward to seeing you in the next ones.



Meet Your Teacher

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Youssef Zidan

Graphic Designer


Learning and Teaching is what I do and it’s what I’m good at.

During life journey, I was struggling to find my talent, I didn't really know what I am best with.   

So what I did is learning a lot of skills in many different fields.

I started with Graphic Applications, I learned Photoshop and Illustrator then I felt I need to learn Photography and I transitioned to music, I learned how to play the Guitar and I found Web Development will be such a great skill to learn, and much more, I learned all that during my University study as an Interior Designer.

But I didn't really find something to fulfill my passion.

Then I found out that what satisfies me is not a particular skill, it’s learning itself, and teach... See full profile

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Design Graphic Design
Level: Beginner

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1. 0 Introduction: Hello and welcome to part one off ad we illustrated CC four called Serious. My name is uses then I'm a graphic designer with more than five years of experience and I believe in you through this course. In this first part, we will start from the very beginning. We will learn help too often a document and make one navigating, saving and exporting. And we will talk about very important topics like lean image types, color moods and much more. In Chapter two, we will restart, drawing inside Illustrated. You will learn how to draw all kinds of lines and shapes every state provides. And at the end of the shutter, we will make a very simple project. Using what I've learned and some more options. I hope you injury this far on. I will look forward to see you in the next once 2. 1 Opening a Document: Hello and welcome to the first lecture off the first chapter in this lecture, we will start before Illustrator here in this folder opening a document. There are three fires each one of them is different from the other, and you can know the type of file by right click on it properties, and you can find the tight here. And we as graphic designers deal with a lot of different file types, So it's a great idea to make it visible directly beside the name. To do that, simply search for for directions view and uncheck this option. Hide extensions for known file types, then click OK, and as you can see, that type is now visible next to the name. And all of these types can be opened by Adobe Illustrator by simply double click on them. However, in is gz file. When you double click on it, it will be opened inside entered excluder to solve this problem simply right. Click open with Ben Jews, every illustrator. If it's not here, click on Choose another AB by an illustrator hell, and check this option so you won't have to do these steps again. Whenever you opened a spg fire. You're maybe wondering right now. What is the difference among these types? The short answer is A. I stands for Medical Illustrator, which means it has been created by L've illustrator and can be read by Adobe Illustrator. The other two are intended for multiple applications to be able to open. Yet his vision is not a good choice for venting purposes, and we will talk about that more in the later in this course to close an open document Recipes X mark or goto file close or, of course, use the shortcut control W and to close all the documents at once. There is a hidden shortcut here, which is adding old to control w. 3. 2 Exploring the Interface: In this lecture, we will take a tour inside Illustrator to recognize its interface. Just like Varosha, Telestrator is divided into four main areas left right, um, and metal on the left, you can find the tool panel and also each tool has its own shortcut. When you hover over any one of them, you will see the name and it should cut inside parentheses. And most of the tools has a small arrow. When you right click, you will find more tools. The difference here then for a shop, is when you double click on some of the tools. You will open the options panel off this tool rather than finding them here in the up area , like photo shop in the area and some menus we will work with them through this course. The right area, also like our shop has some panels and you are free toe. Organize them by clicking and dragon, which I will do in a minute and also ill estatal has some presets. You can find them here. Currently it's in essentials. There is essential classic. If you're working in an earlier version there, illustrated 2018. You might see this organization by default. And of course, there is more presets in free to discover them. But for me, I'm a big fan with the new essentials and the new properties panel, which is smart enough to change its options depending on the object you are selecting. For example, I am now selecting nothing. When I select an object, it will change. And when I select two objects, it also gonna change. So this menu will save you much time wasted in opening and navigating among a lot off panels. But of course, it doesn't cover everything. You will need to open some panels from time to time during your work, which I will do now, but it is still a time saver. Panel panels can be activated through the window menu, for example. I would over the greedy in panel and move it here, then collapse it maybe in the swatches panel, which would give me precious and symbols with it and type character. And that's enough for now. Let's also close their library. Spano. I don't need it for now. And of course, if you want to reset everything, you can choose reset essentials, and also you can save your own workspace. The last area is the middle area, which is called here in illustrator and art boards, and it has a tool here. You can adjust it by clicking here in the properties panel, headed our port, then our court options. Or if you're using an earlier version, you can double click on the art portal itself, which tells me this size off the art world and some other options, and we will talk more in depth about this menu later. 4. 3 Zooming and Panning: in this lecture, we will learn how to navigate inside. Illustrator Zooming and banning inside Illustrator is identical like in for a shock. So if you already know how to do that inside for a shop, you can skip this lecture. There is a zoom tool. You can find it. Here it's shortcut is the by clicking. You will zoom in, hold old, then click. You will zoom out, or you can click and hold. Then move your cursor toe the right to zoom in and to the left to zoom out. But the better and faster way is to use the shortcut, which is holding old. Then use your mouse girl wheel after resuming unit to ban to do that. Also, there is a pent will here called Hand to, but Chopin quickly just hold the space key. And then, like so releasing the space will bring you back to the less tool you were selecting. There's also a view menu zooming in and out with other shortcuts and fit Article two. Window it shortcut is controlled zero and fit all in window it just like it artwork window . If you have more than one art board, which is possible in illustrator. There is also actual size which will show you a close results off how it will look like when you print it out. There is also a menu called Navigator. You can open it from window Navigator. Through it you can zoom and pain, but for me I don't use it at all. So I will close it when you zoom. You can know exactly how deep you have zoomed from here and here. If you want to zoom toe a specific percentage, you can type it manually here. 5. 4 Making a new document: In this lecture, we will learn how to create a new document. Inside. Illustrator, you can goto file new or use the shortcut control, and when you click on it, the new new document panel will papa. Or, if you are using an earlier version, you will see this media. It has the same options, but with different form. You can find here some categories for different usage. For example, print, which is four printed layouts you will find letter before is three etcetera. And if you want to, could it away, bitch, there is a way category, same thing. You will find the most common use document sizes. Same for mobile layout you can find here iPhone, sex, iPad pro. And so far, let's choose print and an A for for now and here in the right area, you can modify the preset you have choosing or create a new one. You can name it here, but usually we do this when we are going to save the document here, the width and height off the document with different measurement units. Let's use centimeters and here you can choose the orientation. And here in the number off art words, or pages, which is very useful for related designs. For example, if you are creating an identity for a company instead of designing each part in a separate document, you can put everything in one document. Let's make it six for now, then click creates. Let's go to file New Again. Saved here is currently empty. Unfortunately, in Illustrator, you can see of your own custom preset like you do in photo shop. Here I am Inside photo shop. I would go to find you. Let's say I want to save a business called precepts. Then click on this icon, Give it the name and it will be saved inside save menu. But this option does not exist inside Illustrator. Of course, there is a way to save your own place it, but it's complicated, so typing the information off the document each time is much easier. But anyway, I would provide in exercise finds how you can make that, and of course, recent category will show you the latest documents you will opening 6. 5 Modifying Artboards: as a notice before you can modify the our ports, even after creating them. I'm opening Modifying art board document from the exercise files. You can modify our ports from hell it art port or to simply select the art for tool. Then select the bids. You like to read it, but be careful not to click on the content because that will make an arbitrary new document . Then double click on the art port tool you will find. The upper options are the same, like here in the properties panel, and you can select any one of them. Ben, change its name or change the orientation, or even changed besides from here, or by numbers from here, or by clicking and dragging one of these points. And you can change its position by clicking and dragging, like so by different. If this option is on, which would move the content with the art boards and art boards can be overlapped, which can be useful in some cases and by holding ault, notice the cursor, then click and drag. You will make a copy off these art board clicking and dragging. Why selecting art for tool will create a new art words. So, for example, I can create a big artwork that contains all the art pores our Chris Control Z several times to undo. You also can arrange them by clicking. Here we are in Joel or go toe Object art pores. Rearrange all our ports. So instead of three columns, we can have, for example, two columns or arranging them side by side. And I guess these options are clear enough to be understood. And finally, you can identify the spacing among our towards From here there are some other options. For example, here in the newspaper hearts, you can show center mark off the art board, show crosshairs and your video save areas, which are guides. It doesn't be visible when you save your document or rent it out, and we will talk about guides more in depth later. In this course, navigating among our ports is really simple. When you look closely to the airport, you will notice it's surrounded by a flag. Our time. That means this our port is active. When I click here with the selection tool, the black outline will be on. These are polls and you can also know which art board is active here in the properties panel, so to navigate through them all, what you need to do is to select the art port you like, and this artwork will be fitted to the window already can do the same thing down here. To delete that are, put simply selected with the art or tool and pressed this trash can or simply press the delete key on your keyboard. Finally, there is an our port menu in Window Art Board, which is another way to modify our ports, for example, numbering them. I will click and drag the airport one below the audible to you will find that change here part for one became number two and artwork to became number one. But you may use that when you export your work. 7. 6 Bleed: in this lecture, I will talk about lead when you could get a new document. There are some options here called Bleed. Let's make it, for example, 0.3 centimeters. And since this change, I can't estimate on when I change one off the four values. The rest three will change as well. You will find there is a red frame around your art board, so to understand, bleed, we need to talk about trim and margin. First explained. In this image, trim is the final size off your layout and margin is the space between trim and the content , which is important to make it visually comfortable. Toe the eyes and lead is the extra design, usually the background, that leads away off the trim, which is important to prevent any white spaces while cutting the layout by the paper cutting machine. And here's an example. This is a simulation of what it would be without. Lead this tiny, annoying white space and to modify lead after creating it. Goto file documents it up, and you will find it here 8. 7 Rulders and Guides: in this lecture, I will talk about ruler and guides just like in for a shock. To make guides, you need to activate the ruler. To do that, you can simply press control, are or go to view rulers and show rulers, or by simply clicking on that icon in the new properties panel. Currently, the scale off the rulers are points. I can know that from here in the properties battle or by right click on any place here in the ruler, let's change it to centimeter. To make a new guide, simply click and drag in the horizontal or vertical ruler. If you want to snap the guide with the tick mark, hold shift while dragging or the easier way is to double click on the tick mark. What is different Ben for a shop is guides are exist here in the layers panel and to the leader Guy simply selected and presses the litke on your keepers. Currently, the ruler are global. What I mean by that is 00 points starts here in the first Art board and the ruler continue regardless, whether I'm activating any art board or not, the change that behavior simply go to view rulers and change to art for rulers. Now, when I activate anyone off the art world, the 00 points moves with me. Let's leave all these guides by going to view guides field guides. If you want to change the 00 points to a specific location, simply click here on that corner and Jake to the position you like to bring it back. Simply double click on the same corner using clicking and dragon on that corner. Withholding control will make two guides vertically and horizontally. After creating the guides, you can look them not to destruct you by going to view and guides love guides or by using the shortcut, which is control all chemical or, as you noticed, using the time saver properties battle. We're talking about guides, smart guides, grades, etcetera. Later, in this course 9. 8 Undo: in this lecture, I will talk about undoing. Let's make some changes like that. If you want to make on, do simply goto Edit menu on Do or, of course, use the famous shortcut for Undo, which is control Z. Enter and do again. Keep pressing Control Z Not like for a shop. You don't have to pre salt with control Z and to redo also from it. Do you do or action to control Z. Another difference here in illustrator Bail for a shop that there is no history panel. Unfortunately, and also you can define the number of Induce in preferences panel like you do in for a shop . But luckily it's a big number. I don't know how exactly, maybe 200 steps, but it's big enough. I've never struggled with undoing something. It is also another option called Revert, which is available in both for us over in Illustrator. You can find it here in find me New revert. It should cut F 12. But unlike for a shop, revert is not undoable. So if I press if 12 to revert you will find here, undo and redo our dent. So be careful with revert here in Illustrator. So I'm doing and redoing Illustrator is simple control Z to undo and control ship. Easy to read it. 10. 9 Layers Panel: in this lecture, I will talk about the layers panel. It's really opened, but it's not go to window layers over. Press F seven Illustrator Works on Layers system Just like for a shop, what is on top in the Layers panel will be at the top in the Art World. Layers panel is a bit different in Illustrator than Photoshopped. Let's start with the similarities beside each layer. There is an icon to turn the layer on or off, and you can click and drag just like he do in pro shop. And there is another space here to lock or unlock the layer. Same thing with dragon. So let's look at the background layer for now. Now I can't selected by mistake with the selection to naming is the same as well. Just double click on the name itself, not the layer, and give it a name creating and leading layers, also the same. Just click here to make a new layer and here to delete it in for a shop. Players can't contain any other layers, but in illustrator it can I assume you already noticed that there is a parent layer inside it. Some other layers and the layers which are inside another layer are cold. Some players, if you want to make a new sub player click here, agree. Use a player, but in most cases, you won't need to make new empty some players in Illustrator because, as we will learn, any shape you make will be in a new supplier automatically, just like Victor shapes in for Russia. The same concept is exist in partial, and it's called groups. Groups can contain multiple layers. Groups are exist in illustrator as well, just like the items you want to group and based in the same shortcut control G or go Toe Object group. You will find a noose, a player called Group and they are now grouped together Toe on group You can go again. Toe object on group all use the shortcut Shipped control G. I want on group them for now to show you something. What if I want to select the rectangle on Lee after grouping it with other objects? Well, you can do that in the layers panel and here is how Don't just select it like you do in for a shock. It wants to lick the object. It will select the layer the adjusted position, for example, so you need to press a bad circle to select the object inside that layer. Notice the highlight, then move. It will do whatever you like. There is a better way to select objects inside groups called Isolation Mood. You can do that in the Properties panel, select the group and then click Isolate Drew, or the quickest way is to simply double click on the group you will find. Here we are inside a layer called shapes inside a group, and the background is dumped, do modifications and then escape or the click outside. And, of course, you can make a group inside a group. Let's get into the isolation room again and select to these and piss control G. So now we have a layer inside a groups, a player inside it, a groups, a player. Let's go back to layer Spano. I will UN group all. So now I have a layer entirely some some players, as I say. If you want to select an object, you need to click on the circle, and when you do notice here, the highlight around the circle to select more than one object you need to hold shift and also click on the circles. That's enough for now. There are a lot more information about their spinal in illustrator, but it will be tedious if I told you everything in one lecture, so it's better to talk about it throughout the course. 11. 10 Saving a Document: in this lecture, I will show you how to save a document. Let's start by making some changes and went to copy and paste this number toe all art words and then modify them to do that. There are several ways you can hold old Ben, click and drag the object with the selection tool and do this cooperation over and over. Over. You can select the object, then goto edit menu copy or used the shortcut control. See, then it based over press control V or the quickest way is to copy the object our best control. See then goto edit, then choose paste in all art wars. After that, I will use the type tool, then double click on the number and change it. Then press escape. I would do the same toe all Arturs. Now, if you look closely here, you will find this little star next to the file's name. The start means you have made some changes and didn't save them yet. Currently, this document is already safety before, so when you goto file and choose save or using the shortcut control s, it will save the changes to the current document and it is saving this current document in another copy or in another extension and save is a copy is to save a copy off this document without saving any changes to this current document. Which means this star icon was still I would choose Save s for now. And here you will find all the available extensions for saving the document ai for Adobe Illustrator BDF or SVZ etcetera. Let's choose its physical now, Then click Save and you will find here some options. Most of the time in the default is okay. And here you can find another options. And the good thing is, when you hover over any option of them, you will find its description down here to know exactly what does it do then click. OK, now we're except the document. You are maybe wondering right now. Where is J big PNG DF etcetera. I will tell you were in the next lecture 12. 11 Exporting: if you want to save your file as a J. Beck or being G or it if you need to export it from file export, you will find three options export for screens, which is a new feature, Export says. And Safer Whip. Let's start with Export is you will find here in the jail big extension being G tiff or even as a for a shop file format, which is really interesting, and we will talk about that later. Let's choose the J Bay for now, and here there is an option. When you click on it, it will only export what is inside the Archbold. Yes, you can. Joe something outside the airport. He'll in Illustrator. Let me show you an example really quickly. Let's move this number right here and again. File export. Explore Tez and let's check this option. And here is the art. Worse you want to export whether exporting them all or specify a particular one or more than one. I want to export the art world number one only, and then click exports. You will find here the color mood that quality the resolution, and we will talk about all of that later as you can see what's inside. The artwork on Lee has been exported back to file menu export export for screens, which is a new feature to export. To work in multiple sizes, you will find the same options here, all our wars or specific ones or their full documents, and here you can choose the skill. It's for example, at two more double and triple. Choose the extension from here, and if you want to make a prefix, you can do that here, for example, numbers under school. So what will happen here is it will export all the selected documents three times each, one of them in a different size. And the name will be numbers under school and the artwork name, which you can change from here as well. So it will be, for example, numbers under school artwork one and and the skill and you will find all the skills are organized in separate folders and names back again to find me new export and finally safer . Where and the main reason for saving for Web is the shrink, the file size down and convert the color mood to one that is more suitable for the Web here . Is it the original one? The optimized one and both of them side by side. To compare between them, you will find here the size before and after. Choose an extension from here the quality from hell or here and you can change the image size from here if you want to, then click, save and choose ofhis nation and that's it. 13. 12 Image Types: In the previous lecture, we learned how to export any document with different image types. I would like in this lecture to talk about the differences among these image types. I will talk about the most common ones, which are J Beg PNG and Tiff. J Beg is the most common image time. It supports millions of colors with minor color and details lost through the compression while saving. But it's not very good with sharp edges or texts, but still acceptable. It does not support transparency, he commended. For online purposes, in some prints, I have here an open documents. What I want to notice here, that is the white background is not actually white. Just help illustrated displaced transparency. If you want to make it display like in for a shop, you can go to view and sure transparency. Great. I assume you are familiar with the great, but it's really annoying for me, so I will hide it again. Now let's exported as Jay Big formats. Let's stick with the default options, and you will find here the emoji with white background. A second common average type is PNG. It also supports huge amount of colors, a good choice for chart, ages and text. Does support transparency recommended, Of course, for online purposes. Again, let's export our emoji in a PNG format. Stick with the default and click OK, and as you can see, it does not has a white background. The final fight format is tiff. It's a bird's millions of colors, but without any loss of colors or details. So it's a large file size, which means it's perfect for printing purposes. It's exported. Stick with the default, as he noticed, although it's a small file by 100 pixels square, but it took a little bit. It's checked the sizes you will find the tiff is the biggest file size. 14. 13 Color Modes: in this lecture. I would like to talk about color moods when you could get a new document. For example, Web, you will find here in the advanced options and option called color moods. Inside it. Two options our Jimmy and seeing Mikey in default with, particularly its on RG Me. And in the print category it's on C N y que. So why you let you may ask, or the better question is, what are those moods? Let's start with RGB. Our genie is a shortcut for red, green and blue. Those are screen colors. You better use this mood for any designs that would be displayed in screens. Any kind of screens. This stops cell phones, tablets, TVs, etcetera. Actually, if you really looked at any modern screen with a powerful magnifying glass, for example, you will find it designed from really little, Let me say lamps emitting colored dots off red, green and blue lights. Even if you are looking toe a black and white photo, those colors or lights combined together with different strength to make all the colors you see on the screen. So, for example, if you combine pure red with pure green, we will have yellow, same with pure green and pure blue. We will have saying, and same with red and blue. We will have the magenta color, and this color mood is called additive color module, because when you over let all of them, we will produce the white color. So it's better to make your color mood toe argie me. When you are designing something for screens in printing purposes, there is another story. If you want to create a design for print, you should use see him like a color moot seem like a stands for CNN magenta, yellow and black or the key color. And if you look at any printer, you will find those colors as it sinks. So when you combine those colors together with different amount, you will have a huge amount off colors to print any image. And this mood is called subtracted color module, because when you combine all of the three colors, you will produce black well, not really pure black. It would be a dark brown color. That's why we add the key color lack to get better black color. If you have a background about for a shop, you will know that you can split the colors using that shallow panel. This is called here Illustrator. As a separation preview, it works only with seem like a mood. When I goto file document, color, mood you will see its on seem like a and you can change it if you like. Of course. And you can know the mood also from here next to the document name. Through it, you can see each of the CME waking colors separately in your design to help you to get a better print. So, Erica, our genie for screens and seem like a for print. 15. 14 Practicing: it's time for Black same lecture. I know we didn't take much. But Braxton lecture still very important, not only for reviewing what we have discussed, but also I usually add some new things inside these kind of lectures. We will start by making a new document from file New. Let's pretend we wanted for renting purposes so I would choose bent from here. As you can see, the color mood is on C um, way Kay. I will choose a four and I wanted to be eight. A force with 0.3 centimeters, please. Currently it's on points. So I have two choices. Whether I changed the scale from here two centimeters or dive it manually like so going three cm. And of course you can do the same with any scale you will find here. The shortcuts for inches is I m millimeters is Mm excels is the X etcetera. Now I want to change the number off columns I wanted to be for columns, so I will click. Edit Art World reality in Joel. I want them to be from left to right with four columns and the spacing. I want them to be three centimeters great Now I want to make a big outward that contains all the our ports. But I wanted to be greater than them by five centimeters. They'd see how to make it. I will select the are poor tool and make sure the smart guides are turning on from view. Smart guides and I would hope for over the left off corner bleed off the first art board until I see the world intersect. Then click and drag until I see the same world in the art board. Number eight Now here in the properties venal I can see the size of the selected are poured in pixels. What I want to do is to add five centimeters offset. So look what I am going to do. Make sure in this shape the highlighted docked is in the center. And after the x letter, I would type plus 10 cm toe, add in centimeters in the web, five on the left and five on the right. Yes, you can do math inside, illustrator, with any skill you like. And of course, you can change its behavior if you want, For example, to add five centimeter toe the right on Lee just change the position on this dot Do the left and add five centimeters. How this control? Easy to undo. I would do the same thing with height. I would buy Blust in CM and that's it. Really simple. Now let's make some guides. But I want the guides to be only visible inside the art world, not across all the pages, and I wanted to be in the center, so I would first like the artwork tool and try to select this art world. But the problem is, however, I click on that art world. It will only select the big one. So to select overlap art boards, you have two ways. The easy one is to select the selection tool and click on the art board you want to select and you will find the number off art would you are selecting. Then select our for two and click art boards Auction and check show center mark. The second way is by using the art board spaniel from Window Art for and click this icon. Also open the art auctions and check show center mark. Now our press control are toe Activate the rulers and while the artwork is selected with the Arcor tool. I will click and drag. So as you can see, the guy is only inside. The are poor and here is another trick. I will click and Jake, also from the top and hold old toe. Flip the guide vertically and that's it. 16. 1 Drawing Techniques and Shortcuts: In this lecture, we will learn how to draw basic lines inside Illustrator you can find here the line tool with a small arrow there. When you right click, you will find another line tools. Let's click on this arrow to float all these tools to make it easy for us to use. And let's select the 1st 1 which is the line tool. There are a couple of ways to dro lines over shapes inside Illustrator. The 1st 1 is by clicking and dragon and notice this great box that tells you the information about the shape you're joining or after joing it. You will find these information also here in the Properties panel, and here we are. We created a line with one box of stroke or thickness, which is the default, and you can know the thickness off the line here as well. In the Properties panel. The second way, it just by clicking and the line options panel will pop up. Let's make, for example, 600 pixels with 45 degrees, then click OK, every shape off those. You can use the same two methods, whether clicking and dragging or just clicking and type the measurements you want, which is off course different from one shape toe the other. There are some very important keys in your keyboard. You will use a lot when you draw inside illustrator Shefki Bulky and Space Key. It's click and drag them. Hold shift, you will find the line angle will snap to 45 degrees, starting from zero 45 tiny and so forth back to zero game. Mulkey will center the line or shaped or drawing from the point you clicked on, as you can see. And of course, you can hold old and shift together. Holding space key is used to reposition your shape before releasing the mouse key, which is very useful in some shapes. That it's hard toe, anticipate its position while drawing it. And again all the techniques and keys I said you can use with all the tools you see here. 17. 2 Arc and Spiral Tool: In this lecture, we will learn how to draw with arc and spiral tools. Before we start, I need you to go to view menu and uncheck smart guides for now, not to disrupt us. Let's start by the Ark and click and drag to make a narc, which is a Barto and lips holding shift, will make it a part off a circle quarter of circle. Typically, old and space will make the same thing we discussed in the previous lecture old to center it and space to reposition it. You can use in the F key to flip the ark. You may wonder, Let's throw a spiral with spiral to it will automatically center it. So no need to hold all with this tool yet checked will snap it to 45 degrees, and space will reposition it. And if you want to flip the spiral, you may be thinking about the F key right now. But no, to flip the spiral, you need to grace our key this time to remember it. There is an R letter with Spy role world. There is more keys you might use with spiral tool, which are up and down arrows keys to extend or short. In this problem, you may also need to use the control key to change the shape of the spiral while dragging the mouse, as you can see. And of course, you can do all what we have discussed with the Ark and spiral in details and some more options. By clicking like here in the arc, you can make it closed, for example. 18. 3 Rectangular and Polar Grid Tool: in this lecture, I will talk about rectangular great tool and poser agreed to. Let's start with Rectangular simply clicking direct, make a rectangle and hold Cipto. Make a perfect square space to reposition it and all toe center it as we know. Also up and down arrow keys can be used with the stool toe. Identify the number off rows and columns. Rectangular Great tool as its name is used to make a grid, and there are more than one way to make full use grids inside Illustrator and this is one of them. Let's leak that and make one big grid that covers the whole document. And if you turn it off, smart guys, I need you now to turn it on again. Drone view and make sure there is a chick mark with smart guides and we knew Khobar. Over in this corner, you will see the world intersect. Click and drag like so until you see the same world in this colonel. But don't release yet. I will use my arrow keys to make only toe columns and two rows toe. Identify the center of the documents. No, it's a shape with one picks of stroke or thickness. You can increase it or decrease it here in the properties panel. But what I wanted to do is to go toe view menu guides and choose me guides over press control. Five. Yes, you can convert any shape into guides inside illustrator and when you goto layers panel, you will find a group of guides, and I usually put the guides in a several player, so I will name these guides and I will create a new layer and selective drawing with polar . Brito is just the same. Click and drag to make an ellipse hold shift to make a burka circle old the center it and space toe reposition it. I will kick here and drag them. I will use my left arrow key to remove these dividers. Then I will hold ship and out to center it and make a perfect circle. And also you can increase or decrease the stroke from here, or to give it a color using the pill option here. And you can change this behavior by double clicking on the to to open its options and check this option. Create compound there from ellipses, and it's during a game and give it a color. And of course, with these two tools also, you can just click and type the information you want with more options. And you can see here the size. And here is the horizontal and vertical dividers. I really incorrect Due to discover the rest by yourself like desk you options here the same thing with polar great, too. 19. 4 Drawing Shapes: all right in this lecture, I assume you already know how to draw any shape of those using the techniques we have discussed in the previous lectures. I carried you to pose the video and try to draw each one of these shapes by yourself except the last one. The floor, too. I will make a several lecture about it. Let's float these tools. Rectangle is very easy. Click and drag to make a rectangle hold ship toe. Make a perfect square space to reposition and bolt to center it. Nothing new. Rounded rectangle is just the same, but you would edit the up and down arrow keys to adjust in the round this off the corners and right and left arrow keys to make it 100% rounded or 100% short corners. But this tool is not necessarily in the newer versions off illustrator, because you can change the roundness of the colors when you selected with the direct selection to you will see the circles appealed. Drag them to change the roundness, and this works with all the shapes, by the way, not just rectangles. The lips is very simple. Click and drag to make any lips hold ship to make a perfect circle space to reposition and out the center publican tool is already center it, so you need for all key, and you can use up and down arrow keys to increase or decrease the colors. You can use this to to draw a rectangle or a triangle and holding space to reposition and shift were fix it. Startle is the most tool that has a lot of case to be used with it. No need for all it's really centric. Space and shipped are the same. Up and down also are the same. And if you remember with the spiral tool we used the control key. We use it as well with the store toe. Adjust its shape, as you can see when dragging the mouse. And, of course, you can do any one of these by just clicking. 20. 5 Flare Tool: in this lecture, I would talk about the flare, too. I need to make a dark background to see better, so I will select the rectangle tool. I will make sure that the smart guides option is on and create a rectangle with the with off the document like so then change its color to black from here. Then I was like the flare, too, and click and drag like So. Then release the mouse on our play control age or Goto View menu and choose High Ages to hide this election to see it better. And we're just hiding. The selection were still selecting the shape. When you go to the layer spaniel you will find here. This layer is active with this highlighted circle. Aim that rectangle we have not finished drawing yet. We have just created the light source, not the lens flare. To make the lens flare, you need to click somewhere, and you can reposition the lens flare and the light source by moving your cursor here in the center until you see these small arrows, then click and drag and be careful not to click. When you don't see these arrows with that will create a new shape. You are maybe wondering now Can I adjust the final shape while I am driving it like I did with the previous shapes? Yes, you can let me show you. I pressed the need to delete this one, then click and drag. You can use the up and down arrow keys to control. Help. Many rays shift will constrain the shape, control and drag with just this size off the hello and space will not only reposition it, but also will change the angle off the race. And, of course, you can click to make the lens flare. I know what you're thinking right now. This tool is really complex on her to job. That's why they made this two dynamic. What I mean by that is, after drawing it, you can still modify it. You need to selected first, then click on the tool. You can adjust the center, which is the bright area Here in the middle, you can adjust its opacity and brightness the hello, which is the ring around the central area. For example, you can turn off the race if you don't want to. Same with the rings, which is the lens flare, and you can easily here adjust the angle of it from here by selecting it and use the up and down arrow keys. So no need toe the hard way that I showed you with the little arrows and caring about the position to adjust it. If you don't see these changes while adjusting the options here, make sure this preview option is our 21. 6 Project Part 1: it's time to make a project in this project, we will make this simple home with the background. Let's start by making a new document with a custom size from file New. I would choose Web particularly, and I would make it 900 pixels by 900 pixels and click create. We will start by making the background. I will choose the rectangle tool and make sure the smart guides is turned on from view. Smart guides being click and drag like so by default. The fill color is white and there is a one pixel stroke. I will make sure the stroke is active by clicking on it. If the color panel papa just ignore it for now, and I can click on this button, which stays none. Or use the shortcut slash and our Chris X this time to switch toe the fill color, and I can double click and choose any bluish color from here over using the properties panel and give it this color. I'm still selecting the rectangle tool so I will click and type 350 pixels for the height and 900 pixels for the whip and click OK then I will drag it with the help of the smart guides. It will snap to the bottom. Let's change its color toe this green color. Now let's make the clouds. It's really symbol, just a bunch of circles or ellipses, so I will select my lips stool, then click and drag to make the first Ellipse and make the Phil. Why it? If you can see this bounding box like I see here, it's like the transformation box in pro shop. It's a way of scaling and rotating objects inside Illustrator. Currently it will disrupt us, so I will hide it from view and click on hide bounding box or using the shortcut control shipped. Be then continue drawing ellipsis like so toe. Make the clouds feel free to reposition any lips if you need toe, whether using the selection tool or your keeper arrow keys. Next, I will group all of these ellipses together with the selection tool. I will click outside here and drag. Now I am selecting the clouds and the sky. I will hold shipped and click on this card toe de selected, then click Control G to group them and let's name it as well in the Layers panel. And now let's duplicate this group by holding out and dragged with the selection to for the blends. I will just draw some Alexis with different green colors, and it's okay to go outside the art port. This will be clipped in a way when we exported as we learned, and let's put them behind the ground layer. You can do that in the layers panel by selecting them and drag like so, or use the shortcuts. But you need to select the object themselves first and hold control and left or right bracket keys. Now let's organize everything. As you can see, everything we throw is inside. Layer one this. Name it by ground and name any layer we didn't and let's lock it and make a new layer and name it home because we are going to throw our home inside 22. 7 Project Part 2: its continue our project. We will start working with the home. I will select the rectangle tool and click. Then type these measurements 350 pixels for the Web and 250 or the height. And let's give it this color. Now I want to center the Rick Tango and doing this. Using the smart guides will be very hard because we have drone a lot of objects. So what I'm going to do is to go to Window and open the Align panel and click this fly out menu and choose show options. Then choose a line, tow our boat. Then I will align it horizontally. And don't worry more about aligning Later. Next, I will select a polygon tool and draw a triangle using my down arrow key and align it also to the center off the art boards. Now I would select the direct selection tool, which allows me to select individual parts off any shape and click on this point you will see in the Properties panel. I'm selecting an anchor point, then click and drag until it snaps to this point. Seem with the other side, and finally I will click on this ankle, and I will use my arrow keys this time to move it down a little bit. Now I would put these two shapes into a group and name it home body. Let's make the door with the rectangle tool something like 100 Bixel with and 175 for height and give it the color, but it here and let's give it a stroke and let's give it up. Writer Brown Color. About seven points. Currently, the stroke alignment is on the center. The change bads. Make sure the shape is selected and click on stroke and here in the online stroke, make it inside. Great. Let's give it a vertical lying in the center. I will use the help off the smart guides and also let's make another one horizontally. And finally, I will make a circle here, indicating the door handle and give it a bright color. Throwing the window will be pretty much the scene. That one there will be 100 pixels by 100 pixels with vertical and horizontal lines. - Now let's organize everything our whole shift and select every part of the door and grew bit, then name it, and the same way that wouldn't do 23. 8 Project Part 3: Let's complete our design. I will make the roof using the line tool our click here and drag from this point. Like so and given a stroke off 40 points and a brown color, I want to make the same on the other side. So I will copy this one by pressing control. See, and here in the edit menu, there are a lot of basting options. The one I need right now is based in place. As you can see, I have a copy above the original one now here in the properties panel. While I'm selecting the line, I will change the reference point to the right. Impressed this bottom, which stays along horizontal axis. Now let's merge these two lines in tow. One. I can do that by selecting them both and go toe object bags. Join our press. The shortcut Control J. So now they are one line Great. Now let's make that shoe money really easy. Just a tango with no stroke in a brownfield color. Adjust its position in the layoffs panel. We need to put it behind the homebody and let's make another rectangle and give it a darker brown color. And let's center it withheld, or the smart guys. Then I would group them using control G. Now let's make defense. Let's start with a rectangle and give it a white color. And then I was like the dialect selection toe. Once I selected it, notice these circles that were talked about before with them. I can not only change the roundness off the corners, but also I can change the shape off them. When I click and drag, the four corners will change and I don't want that. So our press control Z and choose these two corners only then click and drag and presently up Arrow Key to change the shape. So I'll choose this one and release. Let's make a copy by holding Alton Drag and Press Control D, which is a really powerful shortcut toe. Make another copy with the same direction and spacing it's called Transform again. Then let's make horizontal rectangle and try to send trait and make another copy and let's let everything hang. Group them using control G and name it defense. Let's make another copy in the other side. Finally, let's goto file export export says, and choose J big and check. Use our put option to clip this part, then click OK, and here we're 24. Thank You: Thank you very much for watching the part one off. My serious about learning illustrator. If you enjoyed this course, I will be happy if you lift the review. That really helped me. And if you want to learn more, check out my profile. Toe the wrist off the serious and many other courses.