Adobe Audition for Beginners Creating, Editing, and Mastering Audio! | Jerry Banfield | Skillshare

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Adobe Audition for Beginners Creating, Editing, and Mastering Audio!

teacher avatar Jerry Banfield, I create music videos and teach crypto!

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome To Adobe Audition For Beginners Creating, Editing, and Mastering Audio!


    • 2.

      Class Project for Adobe Audition for Beginners


    • 3.

      How to Record Audio, Apply Effects, Save Files, and Export MP3


    • 4.

      Secrets to Reducing Time Editing Audio by Recording with a Quality Microphone in a Quiet Studio


    • 5.

      Narration Workflow for Quickly Redoing Mistakes with Leaving Silence


    • 6.

      Multitrack Sessions for Working with Multiple Audio Files and Advanced Mixing


    • 7.

      Make Audio Recorded On Your Phone Sound Better in 5 Minutes


    • 8.

      Your Beginner Training Is Complete! Ready For The Full Course?


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About This Class

Are you ready to learn Adobe Audition in less than 30 minutes? Welcome to this beginner class where we will level up your audio production and sound engineering skills with Adobe Audition CC!  If you want to make your podcast sound more professional, narrate audio books for publication on Audible via ACX, and better serve clients who have audio for you to edit and master, this class is just right for you!

You will enjoy learning from my years of experience using Adobe Audition as a part of the Creative Cloud to narrate, edit, and master my own audio books for ACX along with recording vocals for my music and publishing thousands of episodes in The Jerry Banfield Show podcast!

Thank you for learning about Adobe Audition for Beginners Creating, Editing, and Mastering Audio!  I appreciate the chance to serve you as your instructor and hope you enjoy the class!

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Jerry Banfield

I create music videos and teach crypto!


YouTuber, Twitch streamer, crypto investor (100% $ICP), music producer, father, husband, gamer, and yogi sober in AA since 2014 as seen at

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Level: Beginner

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1. Welcome To Adobe Audition For Beginners Creating, Editing, and Mastering Audio!: Welcome to Adobe Addition for beginners. If you want to create, edit and master amazing audio, you'll love using adobe addition with me. This is a quick, less than 30 minute beginner course to give you the essentials using adobe Addition as fast as possible. I'm Jerry Banfield, and I'm also teaching on skill Share the complete adobe addition course, which is over three hours long. I've made this beginner course for you in case that you want to just get all of the information very quickly without having to watch the full three hour course I trust when you watch this course, if you've got all you need, that will be good. If you want to watch more than you can go into the complete course. I've been using Adobe Addition. For years I've recorded more than 10 audiobooks on Adobe Addition, which have made tens of thousands in sales. I've recorded thousands of podcast episodes. I've recorded lyrics for my vocals in my music. I've used Adobe Addition a lot, and I'm grateful for the chance to teach you how you can use adobe Addition. Today we're working on your skills of being able to create, edit and master audio in this course, and I'm so excited to get started with you 2. Class Project for Adobe Audition for Beginners: thank you for getting right into the second video on this course and skill share. Your class project for this video is to create an audio file and uploaded somewhere that we can listen to it to see what you've actually created as a result of using this course, you are here to learn how to create, edit and master audio in adobe Addition. And I want to hear what you've actually done with this course. What you do to do. The class project is watched through the entire course. Use what you've learned to make a new audio file with something you've learned from the course. If you already have a podcast, you can share your newest podcast episode that you edited or created or mastered in Adobe Addition, If you've never made an audio file before, you can upload somewhere like Soundcloud and share the foul you made with us. If you're trying to record for an audio book, you can record an intro to a chapter, upload a file and that let us hear what it sounds like to make sure that it's within the audible narration parameters. Whatever you do, make an audio file, share it a picture of it and the link in the class project, and you have the chance to get feedback from all of us in the course and the level up your skills with adobe addition. 3. How to Record Audio, Apply Effects, Save Files, and Export MP3: Let's take a look at the Adobe Addition interface and how to get started recording audio files. The very first thing you want to do in the Adobe Addition interface if you want to record a file, is either import of file, the work with or create a new one. What you do is go to file new audiophile. Just use the default settings More than likely. If you're recording vocals, just use mono hit. Okay. When you're ready to start recording a foul, you can just hit the record button, which is in the middle towards the bottom on the default interface. What you're seeing in the interface, there's different options where you can put all these files and panels. The main panels you need are simple editing. Simple editing has the option where you can review the loudness of each file at the bottom . You can put effects on over on the left. You can see the files you're working with up here on the right. You can work with your audio file on the upper right. Then you can see how larger files are and get them in the perfect format. When you're ready to record, you just hit the record button. The short cut is shift space. You'll start talking and you'll notice that you'll get this wave form that's appearing injure audiophile. When you hit stop, you'll have the whole file selected. When you're ready to save, you can go up to file hit save as then this will save the file that you've recorded in adobe. Addition, I recommend whenever you're working with audio files, bring in. If you've got audio files work with already make a copy of them and work with those files to you. Don't save over the original. If you are recording audio, this is no problem. I recommend right after you start a file, save it and then you can continue saving it as you work on it to make sure you don't lose your work. The basic thing you'll want to do when exporting a file is when you've got it finished, you can go to export file. This will take a file and create a new version of it. This is different from saving when you've got a higher quality file like a wave file. That's your original file. When you want to put it on your podcast or put it somewhere else that requires MP three like audible via a C X. Then you want to export. You're wave file into a smaller file. You have the format that you can save it in the location, the sample type what you can do if you need to convert it. For example. For using a 32 bit wave file, you can make a preset on here that will give you the sample rate channels and bit depth you need. You can just pick that preset. Make sure you've got the format hit OK and export the file. This allows you to create a lower quality and smaller version of the file while also working with the higher quality version of the file. When you record audio, you can simply continue recording. You can go up here. If you need to insert some silence, you can go upto edit, insert silence. Put a second of silence in, and if I wanted to start recording again, I could just hit record and continue talking after that little bit of silence. When you've got your file finished, you've recorded enough. Whatever you've recorded will be selected immediately. Note that this is a part of the same file. This is how I've recorded most of my audio and adobe addition. I just used the way form editor up on the top recorded in Edit the audio When you want to make your audio sound beautiful, there's presets over on the effects rack. You grab a preset. For example, you can use podcast voice preset. You can make your own presets and start with what is given to you on the side. Mark, you can hit, apply on the presets. You can take any of these off of. You don't want this one. For example. You can take that off. You can turn these on and off to see how they sound once you've got it sounding how you want to, you can, for example, see how it plays with the speech volume leveller on you can just hit apply. It will put all your effects on if you decide you didn't like that, you can just hit control or command Z, depending on whether you're on Windows or Mac toe. Undo and take those off. The effects are not actually applied until you hit. Apply. I've given you the basics of how to record a file in just five minutes from starting a new file saving the higher quality wave file. Exporting the MP three recording, putting the effects rack on and now we need to go into editing. 4. Secrets to Reducing Time Editing Audio by Recording with a Quality Microphone in a Quiet Studio: How do you make your audio sound amazing in Adobe Addition before you even start editing it , this is the number one tip I can give you that will make your life way easier. Using Adobe addition is taken me years to learn this. After I started filming poor quality audio with the cheap microphone in an echoey studio environment that had lots of outside noise, I spent all this time and energy trying to clean up this low quality audio when all I really needed to do was take more time and energy and investing money to make myself a studio where my audio would sound good when I recorded it. Then all I need to do is add a couple off FX presets and do a little bit of editing in Adobe Addition. And now I've got professional quality audio. This thinking will allow you to save a lot of time editing instead of using a cheap microphone and spending all this time and energy trying to make it sound better and doing all of this extra work in adobe addition when you just could do the following. Let me show you the exact equipment you can use the easiest way toe level up is to get a better microphone. One of the best in terms of simplicity and sound quality is the Blue Yeti USB mic, which is why it has 16,000 reviews on Amazon. I use this as the first microphone I got that made my audio sound a lot better. I have been using cheaper microphones before. I kept getting a lot of negative feedback from the review team who was looking at the audio in my online courses, and when I bought this, I didn't have any more issues with the audio in terms of the microphone. The other thing you want to do is make sure your studio is in an environment where there's minimal, if any outside noise, no background noise like air conditioners. Yes, I turn my air conditioner off in Florida in the USA, where it gets very hot lots of the year, and I sweat it out while I'm recording my videos instead of taking the noise out after the fact. Because it sounds so much better and it's so much easier to just turn the air conditioner off. I've got my studio set up toe isolate from outside noise. I've got thick insulation in the walls. I it a studio. I spent $10,000 on to get custom built in my backyard to give me a much better recording environment. Because I understand if my audio sounds great to begin with, I won't need to do hardly anything to edit it. When you get the blue yeti at USB mic that may satisfy you for a while. What I got is an even better microphone set up. I use the focus, right, Scarlett to I to to record my audio in. Then I've got a Sure I recommend if you want a cheaper microphone, I don't actually use this one, but this is a cheaper one. If you want to combine it with the focus, right, Scarlett to I to this will give you a better sound than the Yeti USB mic, especially the yeti. Lots of people, as I did have trouble getting this set up properly, and the sound quality is not nearly as good. If you're going to use this microphone, make sure you take the time to, ah, play with the settings and get the settings so they sound right using the Shure sm 58. Plus the focus right Scarlett to I Tuas USB interface will make it easier for you toe have great sounding audio for a little bit more money when you're ready to join me with the set up I've got. I'm using the electro voice Ari 20 microphone with this scarlet to I two USB interface, this gives me professional sounding audio. This is the same microphone many professionals use, and that allows me to get a great sound into my computer. When combined with my studio recording environment, it eliminates 80% of the work that I would do in Adobe Addition toe. Edit my audio things like taking out lots of the background noise, things like trying to put all these plug ins or effects to make my audio sound better. Having a better microphone and a studio environment will eliminate most of the time. You spend editing audio and allow you to focus the time you do actually need to spend in adobe Addition doing work that makes the biggest difference to your audio in a lot less time 5. Narration Workflow for Quickly Redoing Mistakes with Leaving Silence: Are you ready to see my recording Workflow? That will help you save a lot of time and energy. If you're narrating an audiobook or podcast in Adobe addition, I'll show you two different ways you can narrate. First, you just create a new audio file and okay, and what you do is start near rating as soon as you're ready. I narrate most of my podcast and most of my audiobooks directly like this, because I've got experience filming thousands of videos. I don't need to go through and do a more complicated set up. I don't read from a script. I simply talk straight from the heart and record that in as my audio book. Now some of the audio books have lower reviews because people prefer a scripted format. If you must read from a script, for example, in narrating audio book, then you may want to use the recording method. I'll show you in a minute. I just go through and talk, and this is a great format for a podcast. You can just talk and say whatever you need to say, and if you totally butcher something, if you say something completely stupid or it's not true or you need to edit it. What you do is leave the silence. Leave a silence for about five seconds or more, because this will make it very easy to edit the audio that you've recorded in this way. You don't have to make a huge interruption to your workflow. You can just talk straight from the heart. Then when you go back, you can easily edit out. Where have you messed up? For example, if you say something and totally flub it, what you do is leave some silence. You get your thoughts together in that silence and you mentally go back to the last correct thing you said. That means if you stopped recording in the middle of a sentence to leave the silence, then you mentally rewind. Let's say you were telling a story and you messed up the story. You might go back to a point in the story where you could clearly edit it. You can if you need to stop the recording, zoom in to it, taking it and zoom straight into the point you want to look at. You can go back if you want to find where exactly you did the last right thing before you messed up and record. From there, you can do punch and roll recording. If you'd like to. Just have the recording play a little bit beforehand, and then you can jump right back in and record over what you previously recorded. If you want to do punch and roll recording just right, click on the record button and then go into punch and roll mode. When you hit punch and roll mode and then you hit record a minute, I just go through and talking. This is a great format for a pod. You see that when I hit the punch and roll record, the audio goes back and starts playing back, and then it will punch in at the exact moment I've selected on the timeline. This is good. If you're narrating an audio booker reading a script for a voiceover and needy to get what you're saying exactly right. You use the punch in record mode to help you not need to go back and do very many at its later. You can still have some edit you need to do because your punch in. Whenever it starts recording, you might spike right at the beginning of it. It might sound awkward, which is why I prefer I don't use punch and roll when I record. I just use the silence mode. I just leave, Ah, lot of silence that allows me to get my thoughts back together. Then I also don't have to stop my whole audio recording process if you've noticed, once you get to talking and maybe very easy, if you're like May to just keep talking once my mouth opens, it just keeps spewing. And if I go off track for a minute, I can just take a few seconds of silence to get back together and focus again. That's a great workflow of that allows me to go back and easily chop up the parts that were not recorded correctly. For example, let's say I want to take this silence out recording after the fact. This is very easy to do. If I play it back and identify, let's say the last part I said correctly was here. I just chopped that out, and now look, it'll transition straight through there. I've recorded very long audiobooks using this exact process, and if occasionally I mess something up I would just leave a silence really easy after I've told the whole story for an hour to go back and take out those few points of silence. This workflow will save you a lot of time and energy in adobe addition. 6. Multitrack Sessions for Working with Multiple Audio Files and Advanced Mixing: Let's show you how to use the multi track few. An adobe addition for doing Mawr Advanced work flows of multiple files. If you're doing a podcast or trying to make music or doing an audiobook where you're using lots of different files instead of just one wave form, you'll find this views essential to get to the multi track. You go into the upper left click on multi track. You have the option to make a new multi track session. You can do a 24 track music session. If you want to make music, you can do a podcast for making a podcast. You can do an empty one if you'd like to, and it will allow you to fill the tracks up yourself. No. When you select one of these templates, these will comment with effects already on each track. Each of these different tracks allows you to put audio files and effects uniquely on them, which you can mix an output into one single file using the master when you've got the host on the podcast. When it comes with a speech volume leveller. Same thing on the interview on the sound effects. This has dynamics processing in a parametric EQ You on the music bed is got a hard limiter than the master has a compressor and a parametric equaliser on it. In order to use this, you just take the wave files you got over here, dragged the way files onto whatever tracked you want to use. Note that any changes you make in this view on the wave files will be reflected in the audiophile itself and vice versa. For example, how, unless you do something like you shorten the file here, then it won't be, for example, if you shorten the file here and will not be shortened in the wave form viewer itself. However, if I go in here and delete this section of the audio or go to edit and silence this section of the audio when you go back to the multi track, you'll notice this has a big silence in it. Now, if you decided you didn't want to do that, you can go back to the wave form and undo that and you'll notice that is also fixed in the multi track. Therefore, these two files are linked together. What you can control in the multi track is what you want the file to do in the multi tracked, for example, you can fade the file in or out with these little fader knobs on each side of it, and this will not affect the way form itself. You can turn the volume up and down on it in multi track, which is helpful for mixing different files. If you want to put some music in, you can bring in a song. Drag that over here, then drag that into the music bed. You can fade the music inner out. You can change things. You can put additional effects on it. If you like, you can shrink the amount of time it plays. You can even have fun with the effects and go up and do things like reverse audiophiles. If I go over to the wave form editor here, I can select this file. I can reverse it, and it will now play in the opposite order and the multi track session. What's important to remember is that each of these is separate and you'll need to go over to file and in orderto export, you'll need to do a multi track mixed down off the entire session toe. Actually, get this into one single audio file for you to use on the controls on this side. You've got some that you need to learn, because if you want to record, I recommend just record into the wave form. However, you can record into a multi track. What you need to do is select an actual track you want to use. Then you need to control the input on this. Go over to mono or stereo, whichever you want, and you need to put in your input source. Then you also need to click on record before you can actually hit the record button air raid and have it going to multi track. Note that the multi track will play the sounds, as it just did when I recorded of anything else you've got. Which means if you just want to record without hearing the other tracks, you need toe hit solo, which will mute all the other tracks. Then you can record in directly into the multi track. There's not a good reason to do that, usually, because you also are recording this into the wave form editor, and you might as well record there If you want to stop recording, you can turn that off. The M button is for a mute, which means if you want to meet one track, for example, I just want Teoh here how them music sounds I can turn off. While that would be more appropriate to Solo. If you wanted to say, Turn off this interview up here, I could mute that and then play both of these together and hear what they sound like. Together with all of these in mind, you now have a basic understanding of what you can do in multi track. 7. Make Audio Recorded On Your Phone Sound Better in 5 Minutes: Are you ready to see how to make your audio sound beautiful with affects presets that you can use in the effects wreck. I'll show you my exact process to take an audiophile I recorded on my phone and make it sound a lot better. The first thing you want to know is to listen to your audio and different environments. If you're recording it in the same studio and you're playing it back on your same speakers all the time, you might be not hearing various parts of the sound that you could hear through headphones that you could hear if you played it back on your phone on both the phone speaker and on the phones headset. Make sure you play your audio back in different formats to find what sounds the best in all formats. I've recorded an example file now that will work with to get it looking beautiful and sounding beautiful. We're going to go fast through this because it's a quick course. Let's show you how to do this First. I like to strip off some of the silence at the beginning and some at the end. Next, I want to go through and remove the background noise in this file will go up. Two effects. Noise reduction, capture, noise, print We had capture noise print This now gives adobe addition a template of what the noise sounds like. We're going toe uninsulated that so it does. The whole file will go up to effects now. Noise reduction process A Leave it on log rhythmic, reduce it by ah 100% And this money decibels hit, apply and now just took out the background noise. I selected a point that was silent as the example and took out the background noise from all of the audio. Since I've recorded that in my studio, there's not likely a lot of background noise in it. If there was an air conditioner, something playing, it would remove the air conditioner pretty effectively. Next, what I'm able to do is go over to the effects rack and select one of these presets. The podcast voice is nice. I made a podcast specific one myself. With the different plug in, you can use a podcast voice. One is very nice. It'll give you Ah, beautiful sound on it Won't do is play the before and after so you can hear the dramatic difference. These effects making that I'll explain it a bit to you. Here's before just recorded on my phone. This is an example audiophile. I've recorded from my phone to give you some idea of the effects processing possible. That sounds pretty good, considering it was just on a phone, partially because it's that my studio, however you can notice it could sound a little better. Watch this. We're going to hit. Apply on these effects now. It went through. Look at how the wave form changed If I hit, undo and had apply. Notice how much the wave form changed, how it got bigger. That's a real simple way of putting it. Let's listen to this now. This is an example audiophile. I've recorded from my phone to give you some idea of the effects processing possible. Doesn't that sound a lot nicer? Let me undo that and give you a chance to hear it again. This is an example audiophile. I've recorded from my phone to give you some idea of the effects processing possible you had apply, and that sounds so much better. This is an example audiophile. I've recorded from my phone to give you some idea of the effects processing possible now again that was recorded straight from a phone. There's some things even processing, not going to be able to get out. And if you're thinking do they'll sound almost the same? Sound is all about subtle differences usually, and it sounds more professional. That second win. Let's look at each of these first adaptive noise reduction is great if there's any kind of background noise, these are the default settings you can play around with these. If you've got a lot of background noise to try and take it out. Speech volume leveller will help your quiet be louder and you're louder. Be quieter to aim the volume or at the same level. This is where it's set by default than the dynamics. Processing helps to again focus the audio to make the quiet parts a little louder and the louder parts a little quieter and prevent you from clipping. You've got the Parametric equaliser here that rolls off the low end that you don't need because you won't be speaking at frequency does a little boost to the high end and a little drop in the middle. You can play around with these points. Ideally, you want to get a setting that works to make your unique voice and studio sound the best. The final effect is Ah, hard limiter. This is very important to make sure you don't clip. You never want your audio to go above zero. When you've got all of these applied, you get away form. That sounds very pleasant to the ear that sounds professional and leave you in the position to immediately impress your audience, even if it is just on a subconscious level with your beautiful audio. 8. Your Beginner Training Is Complete! Ready For The Full Course?: very nice work. Finishing adobe addition for beginners on skill share. I'm excited to see your class project because that will allow me to understand what you're doing with adobe addition, which will help me be a better teacher of this course and figure out what else I could add to it to make it better. If this has just gotten you excited and you want to learn more and become a master of adobe addition, trust your watch my complete adobe addition course, which has over three mawr hours of video in it that are going to everything we've talked about so briefly in this course into much more detail. If you found this course helpful, I trust your lever review toe. Let other people know what to expect. I make new courses for you almost every week on skill share. When you follow me and take a look at my newest courses, I will look forward to seeing you in the next video class I create. Until then, have wonderful day and I'll see you soon