1. Introduction: Hello guys, welcome to my course. In this course we will Bane a symbol and beautiful floral designs on ceramic beads. And Max, My name is Lindsay, that I have a brochure equilibrating artists with more than five years of experience in decent people, floral paintings through my online platform, I agree live workshops. In this lesson, we will first discuss about basic strokes that you need to practice to achieve beautiful floral and leaves. After that, we will move to paint on ceramic blades and monks. Then I will teach you how to do the painting. And finally, they will be small project folder. And you can submit the project in the project and resources section. I can see there are so many things you can do once you learn this new skin. You can create beautiful floral designs on Canvas, word set, army glass, mugs, etc. This class is not really evolving enough, but also for experience and add this. Who wants to explore those pills in painting? I can't wait to see your worldview promoted. And so let's get started.
2. Materials Required and How To Prepare the Surface: Let's take them a detailed record for this class. First, you need a surface to bake. It can be ceramic plates or ceramic mugs of any size and shape. Next to need multi-service equally pains of any plant. If you differentiate or brushes, black bridge, underbrush and liner brush. And it would be best if you had a glass of water for cleaning the brushes and paper towels. Finally, palette to mix your colors. That's it. Let's start painting. Hello, welcome back. The first stage of the painting process is to clean the ceramic surface. For that I'm using surface cleaner from green works necessarily to have the same product. You can either use soap and water or you can use a red truck. Whatever way you are cleaning the surface, remember to wipe it down and then it's clean and dry.
3. Basics Of One Stroke Painting: All right guys, let's learn some basics. First. In this video, I will show you a few basic strokes that you need to practice before painting on ceramics. Here I'm using multi surface acrylics, but for practice, you can use stranded acrylic paints that I'm showing you the primary stroke practice on the glass asked for less on paper. You can choose either way for easy cleaning. Last Easter, best option to exercise, and also Glasser first consumer good over your breath while working on ceramics. One of the basic foundations of unstrap binding is perfection in blending. So before rushing in Spain, strokes. Practice the correct way to load and blend the colors. You can choose any color of your choice. But before loading the colors, make sure the Bristol is down. Wipe excess water from your brush. And Lord Reid learned our codon and one lighted on ashore, stroke breaths back and forth on their palate with the sweeping motion, flip them ratio, bore and stroke back and forth to blend on the other side of the place. Liquid. The steps to do three times under the bridge is loaded with n of paint. That means do third of the way up double step. Now let's practice some basic strokes. To do a stroke, simply hold the bridge on the silhouettes, then press the risk owner, press more with a brace and then lift on that facilites. One thing you have to remember is that the more pressure you apply, the wider the stroke will be. Moved a paintbrush in different ways to create different. Here I'm showing you a shell stroke to paint the shell straw holder brush on the tissue. Let's then press the Bristol down and we can do our brush in the upward direction and end in Jerusalem. As you can see from here. I'm using the same size brush to create shell strokes in different size. That's what I said before, like how much pressure you are applying on your brush will make the difference for E2 strokes. So practice these strokes that early before going directly to paid flowers. Next, I will show you how to paint the leaves. I begin with the blue color along with their red and blend early. Start by making a lot of friends lane as shown. First paint one side of their lives with the Dutch Shell stroke moment that we learned previously. And lean down on the GC lead to finish one side of the leaf. Lipitor, same stroke moment to paint the rest of the side to create that leaves. Next I am going to show you the same basic strokes on paper. So you may feel comfortable in practicing the basics are you can follow the same instructions and with others. Then there's the stool before. You may be wondering what kind of paper do you need to use for practice. Here I'm using card stock paper, but you can use any paper in your hand. Practices basics and see you in the next section.
4. How To Paint On Ceramic Plate: Hello, In this bird, I'm going to show you how to do based on ceramic plate. For this painting, I use multi-service equilibrate. These are the brand of lakes that I use for bathing on ceramics and glass surface. If you don't have the same brand or same colors, don't worry, you can use a new brand and any color of your choice. Let's start painting. The materially deals are listed in the left side of the video. I use a flat brush to paint the flowers first day Bayesian moisture bridge, then wipe excess water using a paper towel. Because one could darker color on one side of the publicity and lighter colored on the opposite side of the glute still archons. Blend the colors in a back and forth motion. And remember the basics that we learned in the previous section. Once the colors are properly blended, they move on to defend. Use shell stroke with Leslie going to moment to pay the defendant's being five betas are adjacent to each other. And also while building inspectors gibbon, I do Lean is small space to the same net of the block. If necessary, you can mark is our query to get the exact around the structure of the glomerulus. Now one over e squared net Contiki. Next more debate the second flower with the same stroke moment. In this case, the burden that joins the first flower should be smaller, convey to the rest of the federal system. That's the only difference between the previous groundbreaking. With this technique, you can ask when flowers as you need. Next, I'm going to be an opening, but using the same scope moment. This time, arranged the bad debts that over loved, relocated. To make it a glossing Bechdel, you will need to drag this down a bit, are shown and more upward in the anticipated, follow the same method to create the rest of operating birds. The flower painting is our most finished. The next step is to paint the leaves. You can either was the best deal or wipe the leftover bean from the Bastille before loading fresh color. Pick the colors for the leaves are shown, then blend the colors that are really being eaten. Leave with the basic stroke on leaves that we learned previously. You can add into the leaves are according to your imagination. My opinion is don't live in a area or space, vehicle and in-between the flower and leaf joining. Place the leaves that make the overall DC look busy. That's it. Suppose you're first-day layer looks transparent like this. Then after the first layer is partially dry, paint, another layer on top are shown. That's it. I have finished the leaf painting, the newer branch before moving to the next step. And next step is to be in the center of the flower. I'm using a round brush load of into the modern canon that I used earlier. And builder sender of the flower are shown. Here. There's more than one low-fee, low on GOP do make the sender more beautiful. Next step is to add fine details to the sender using a liner brush and maroon color. Dilute the paint using water because if your work give me the liner brush to get thin lines, it makes sure that the consistency of the brain these thin enough to get that exact flow on your lines. Follow the steps and complete the center of the flower. Now why did that Jovian no, to the center of the flower painting is almost finished. Next, move on to add some veins to that leaves. Four that I'm using the same liner brush loaded with the lighter garnet and do domains. I hope you learned how to paint beautiful florals on ceramic plate. If you have any questions regarding this branding process or any stage in this painting, please let me know in decompensation. This tip is completely optional, but they're allowed to add some details to the flowers. So I'm using a liner brush loaded with devoid color. And I do this small stroke using the liner brush. Now in the painting is complete. I hope you enjoyed watching this painting process. If you have any questions, please let me know in the comment section.
5. How To Paint On Mugs: Hello everyone, welcome back. In this lesson, I'm DC or how to be not ceramic mugs. Debate on ceramics. I use multi-service actually pings. You get too stuck a lot of your floral according to a wish. You can also take references from real life lovers. So let's begin to bend this mug. I choose fancy word. We help previously learned a few basic strokes that we are required to pain events, Cipla. We are going to incorporate that basics here. There are different varieties and Carlos or pansy flower. Most of the bands if lovers are 5-bit and so first, understand the structure of the plasma. So it will be very helpful for you to arrange the Bechdel test while bending. As you can see from the reference image, It's a kind of layered structure. So we're going to paint the first layer using the shell stroke. To paint this flower. I used an anchor brush, but no worries if you don't have an angled brush, you don't paint using a flat brush. The next day layer of the better that these are just under the bottom layer as shown. Keep an eye on the reference picture to get more ideas on the placement of each better, Let's continue working till you finish on dividends. You can also change the codon for each burdens. For that you have to pick a new color are shown and blended that Ellie and do their strokes. If you are a beginner in learning one stop painting technique, I suggest you to practice this basic stroke. First. I get questions regarding the paper, paint and brush that I used for this painting technique. You can practice this technique on papers. For example, print their paper card, stock paper, chart paper, etc. And if you are planning to frame your work or to sell your artwork, then you can go with Canvas, will make glass, etc. Or if you're on a budget, then you again go with acrylic papers, canvas, paper, etc. That means this painting technique is applicable on almost all surfaces. Now the petals are almost complete. The next step is to add a few details to make the flower more beautiful. So that I need to add 4 link petals using small strokes I shot. The next step is to add leaves. For that I am using the same phase angle brush loaded with green and yellow color. You can also use a flat brush if you don't have. In Anglo-Irish, I use more moments to complete the leaf structure. We have learned how to paint the leaves in there section. It remembered the method that we learned in the basics and incorporate all the technique that we learned there to create the nice. If you have any questions regarding the painting process, please feel free to ask in the comments section. To add veins the base, you can either use a liner brush or chisel edge of your flat brush or an angled brush. Now the painting is finished. I hope you enjoyed watching this. Next Mordor, how to kill the painting.
6. How To Cure The Painted Surface: The final state of the paid-in processes, how do cured? Once the painting is dry and nearly we get sad that good in procedure, the equilibrium city and maybe it is depend on the brands of paint that you use. So make sure to read the label before coming. Here I am sharing the process of Descartes multi surface colors. Placed the finished your painting in a coulomb, set the temperature to the 25 degree Fahrenheit and bake for 30 minutes. If you have any queries, please feel free to ask.
7. Final Thoughts: Congratulations on finishing this course. I hope you enjoyed the class and learned a lot. Don't forget to post your project in the class is Christian and I can't wait to see them on. Here are the few designs that you can explore, the ones who are good at the basics. If you have any questions, please go to the discussion board and post your questions, and I'm happy to answer them. If you enjoyed the class, please give it a thumbs up and leave a review. I hope to see you again on Skillshare golden ticket.
8. Project To Try: This is a small project for you to practice and you can submit the project in the project lenders or texture. You can refer to the basic reader lesson for more clarity. First paint the leaves using the basic strokes that we learned in the beginning. Once the leaf ending is complete, start painting the flowers. Paint each pedal using the shell stroke. If you are confused about arranging the bidders, you can look in run actually made are shown here. Continue working under new finish, our independence. You can also change the color of each buttons are shown. To paint this flower I'm using the same shall stroke moment that we learned previously. So practice the basic strokes that are lives before start painting the flowers. It brings you more confidence in painting each stroke. Next step is to add a folding bed instead, using small brush strokes are shown. Now the flurries are almost finished. Next Art Center, a batch of yellow color. That's it. Don't forget to submit their projects. I'm looking forward to seeing your projects. See you then.