1. Welcome to the course: Hi, My name's George, and in today scores he will learn how to make this wonderful painting. These are quite fish, of course. You already know that by looking at the picture. This is a very easy painting to do. You will learn how to make the complex background, which seems complex, but it's very easy and intuitive to do. You will also learn how to mix colors. How to apply gold leaf using double sided tape in case you have it. If you don't, you can always use specific blue four gold foil. And, of course, you will use gold foil. You will learn how to draw the fish step by step, so don't be discouraged about this painting big. Too complex. It's very simple, and you will be encouraged all the way with detailed explanation about what's happening all along. The way, you will learn how to mix colors, how to apply them and how to build textures. Not only that, but you will also learn how to do outlines. You will learn about composition, about design and about colors and what to do when you make mistakes. With all of that being said, welcome to the course
2. Materials: for this project, you will need, of course, somewhere to mix your paints, something to apply the paint with, in this case, a big, flat brush on a small flat brush. At the end, you will need a permanent black marker, very easy to find. And, of course, a surface to paint on. This is a canvass board. It's a wooden board with canvas on top. You can use any kind of bored like this, or even a stretched canvas. The size doesn't really matter, and the shape doesn't matter as well you can use this design works for any kind of canvas and size and shape as well, so you can use a square or a rectangle, even a circle. Well, actually, a circle would look wonderful for their crayfish. You will use acrylic paint. This is Amsterdam acrylic paint. The suggestion is always to buy bigger jugs because they are very cheap. The bigger the jug, uh, cheaper. It is in this case, this is white. You are going to need some blue, some yellow, some red. With these two, we are not going to use them as they are. We are going to combine them together to make a beautiful orange, as is for the brown, is combined with the blue to make a deeper shade of blue. This being gold, a gold foil project, you will either need a specific blue for gold foil. If you don't find that in your hardware store, you can always use some white glue diluted with 30% water. Or in this case, we are exploring a new method. This is double sided tape. You're going to need some something to cut it with a scissor cuts, some scissors, of course, and the actual gold Leave the gold foil and that's all you need for this project and there you go.
3. Drawing the two fish: Okay, So let's start drawing some koi fish just over there, making some wonderful curves and for the head just a straighter line and basically making another curbs line on the other side. Just like not positioning that Hades cutting a little bit more to make the head a little bit narrower. And, of course, making some eyes just over there and then going in for the curve, accentuating that body. Just preparing the fish to have a tail course. Makesem patterns on the fish and then a beautiful thin on the right side of the fish. And then Juan, of course, making the head even smaller and the eye repositioning it going and for a beautiful thin at the top of the fish. They do have that Finn as well, making two lines to indicate that it has some striations and making the left hands Finn, of course, and accentuating those lines so you can see them better and also have that drawing a little bit more defined. This is optional, outlining very, very hard on the canvas. This is just for educational purposes, continuing with that pattern with the patches where the koi fish will have some orange and for the tail just going in for some curves, a curve and then some smaller lines. Just keep in mind that the fish day all just go goes smaller at the tip and then bigger at the at towards the body, accentuating those lines so you can see them better in making more patterns on the fish. Just like that, making the patterns a little bit more interesting. You can see how easy it is to draw a koi fish, and you can start just almost touching the first fish. You could start with another fish. This time you can use some more angles and then round out the corners and some of the lines . This fish will be a little bit smaller. Maybe it's a baby. Oh, are maybe a teenager or maybe a girl. And for the tail, don't worry too much about it. If you it's not looking too good, you can always erase and draw it again. Okay, going in and accentuating a little bit more and adding a thin. This fish looks fishy. This fish is too close to the edge, so we might as well just moving a little bit lower as you can see how it it, how easy it is. Three just draws and lines and then making the top thin as well. Just like that. And some back fins as well over there, putting in some lines, making some shapes for where the orange patches will go and on the other side at the tail. And, of course, the tail doesn't look quite right. So let's just the race a little bit of that fish, starting with the head and the fin and make it a little bit lower. This is completely optional, but for just moving it lower. And but for educational purposes, we are going to includes the erasing because it makes everything a lot more clear and you can see better. And also applying a lot of pressure on that pencil will also help you see better. What's going on in the drawing hasn t. Just arranging the tail the other way makes it a little bit more interesting, erasing all the other lines so you can see them better, making those lines a little bit more intense. And there you go with the drawing
4. Underpainting for the fish: okay. Taking some blue, some brown, just a little bit of brown and some white are going to create this wonderful turquoise white that you weren't going to use. Maybe take a little bit more brown on a little bit more white. You're going to use this on the fish. Except for the eyes, of course. And the parts where the orange bits will be applied, starting with the fin. It's very easy since we have a very strong drawing and a very well defined. It's just like painting by numbers. Nothing fancy, very easy. Taking some more paints on applying it. It doesn't need to be perfect because we can always go with the orange over the blew the lights blue. So don't worry about it. Just having a little bit more white and going for the second Finn just like that. Slowly building this layer of paint and going in for some more color and top fin as well. You can always at it a little bit more of the shape if you want. As you can see, I've made it a little bit smaller and then for the tail. No, the other Finn as well. Yes, like that and the back working your way to words, the tail just like that and taking a little bit more white this time to put on top of this layer just to simulate a little bit of three dimensionality and then going in. Don't go overboard. Just put it here there, near the middle of the fish and then go in for detail. You don't have to mix that darker color once again. You can just use the lighter one. I would remember to mix it in with the other part of tail a little bit more. And just like that, you can go in for the second fish the same way. Keeping those patches intact. You can go inside them a little bit if you want. It will just make no applying the orange parts just a little bit more easy, going in straight for the fin at top, mixing it more color some blue, some brown, some white some or brown and making that beautiful color. It is quite a beautiful color, just so light and colorful and interesting at the same time. It just can't put your finger on it so so nice and for the out of thin just going like that , remembering to keep those patches clean. But don't worry too much about it because he can cover them up with the orange and for the tail. As always, you can edit a little bit of this shape of the tail or the size of it with the paint with the Spain player and go over the pencil marks just over there taking a little bit more white. Of course, to do as you did with the first fish. They just look wonderful. Just going over the first fish a little bit more. It seems like it has a little bit more three dimensionality just now and then going for the thin and one on the left and just like that, for the middle Finn as well, working your way down towards the tail and putting in that color thinking a little bit more white just over here and going in for this second fish and doing the same may Careful not to cover on the initial color you've applied just like that, putting in more moving towards the tail and it seems like this wonderful layer is absolutely finished. Very, very easy thing to do
5. Orange details on the fish: Okay, let's make a beautiful orange, taking some red and some yellow and making a beautiful orange, mixing it together. It's very important to have very well mixed orange as well as a very well mixed color because you don't want it to have patches of different color. Just take your time and makes it very well, and then straight on, applying it to the fish. Keep in mind. Ah, layer below is not dried, so it can just about mixed together with the blue a little bit just to focus on those edges . And then, for small parts, the small orange parts. Look at how wonderful it started. Toe look with just two layers. Look squad nice going in for another patch and then for another one, just building those trying to keep them different. An interesting And don't go overboard with them. Of course, just like that, editing knows small batches, just touching a little bit of smaller parts just because it looks more organic. Of course, for the other fish, it has such a big patch on its head. Don't worry about it. Once we put the gold foil and do some more painting on top, it's gonna look just just wonderful. As you can see, they look absolutely amazing. Just a few more patches here on the second fish. Just gorgeous colors. These fish look amazing on painting on towards the tail. You can also go a little bit on the tail if you want. Nobody says he can't putting a lid of bid off white into that orange just mix and get together and adding it to the bigger spots of, uh, first and second fish. Just adding in a little bit more interest. And the lid have been more variety. Maybe at a later bit of a not a patch, maybe add a letter b it over, not a patch. And then, as you can see, they start to look even better with this new color. And just like that, with two colors, you can create such a beautiful effect. Just a variety. Just that slight variety makes it look awesome. And there you go with step as well
6. Underpainting for the water: okay. And now, with a bigger brush just taking some brown and some blue and some more brown and some more blue just mixing a beautiful background color just trying to make this color, trying first to find it and then mixing a little bit more into it as we go once we found it . And once you are happy with it, you can just on a little bit of water into it and then start painting on the background. Don't worry too much about the background, because this background will be worked on a little bit more off course. If you just want it a solid color. You can also do that and save a little bit of time. And who knows, I might even look better and just like that, don't worry if you covered the eye or something like that, those will be at it in later. Step at going in fast with brush and slow around the edges and going in. If you don't want it to seem like it has a contour. Just, um after you've put it to the edge, just take the brush. Andi on a basically on a 90 degree angle, just go to words the outside of the fish. And this way the paint doesn't just stay in one place at the at the edge. It comes outside as well, so it seems like it's not just on edge. It's just a painter's trick. Just like that. You can also add it that shapes of the fishes if you want. Of course, according to your own taste, it's going slowly around fish, as you can see, editing a little bit of the mouth, a little bit of the head. God, they look Gore just gorgeous just over there and then slowly and surely. Eventually all the background will be finished. Of course, the background is very important because it defines shapes and it fills in the canvas so you don't have to paint on a white canvas. Okay, you can also add some finer details under defends, as it can see, and of course, going over the fin, adding a little bit of curvature. As you can see, just just slightly altering the edge of the fish in sub Martz, especially around the fence on underneath them, will make this fish look even better, will make it seem like it has a better design on just going and covering a little bit more of the canvas just like that and taking a little bit more water. Once you go la around the fish, everything becomes way faster. It's better to paint this way than to just do a background and paint over the background Everything you want. A pain because it now creates a different interplay in between the edges because you've put in first the fish and then the background. So in some parts well, in most of the parts, the actual background sits on top of the fish, which is quite an interesting effect. And then you can just about see that the first fish is almost finished. The background around it is almost done. This means it's going to be easier and easier to paint around it on faster, just slowly building those edges of, uh, tail every shape as important. But at the same time, you don't have to spend hours on it perfecting that one shape. No, of course not. What matters is the overall image just going in, making the background a little bit bigger. As you can see, it's actually looking quite well so If you want to keep the BRAC around like this, it will probably look absolutely good. Okay, going in straight for the second fish. The second fish. Okay, as you can see, making a little bit more color and in a little bit more blue to it. If you want to change the hue just like that, you can add a little bit more variety on to the painting. This is a flat brush on with flat brushes. You can make very interesting lines very easily if you turn them on their side as well as covering a lot with just putting it on the big side and anything. Not fin a little bit more just like that. Probably gonna fix that and then going and inching towards the tail, just going over it a little bit. And then makings and shapes and some outlines. Just interesting lines. Interesting design. You can do that so easily by just editing. A little bit of the shape starts to look so much better and over the fish as well. Just covering a lot of that canvas thinking some water and some color. You can add a little bit faster, some color on the campus just focusing on that color, making it quite interesting. And on the top fin. Just making those edges count, making them nice. Maybe needs a little bit of, ah, smaller top fin going around the face of the fish. And as you can see, the color doesn't match that well just now. But it doesn't really matter because this is very natural to have different colors in water , different colors in everything. Okay, going in for the second for the left on side corner, discovering it fast and nice, just like that, covering the rest of the canvas if we had more color. But don't worry, making color is easy. Just try to replicate it and it will look quite well just like that. Another corner is done. A matter outline is finished. And now for editing the top wing just over there and making it very, very nice with that flat brush and its capability to make very precise lines and very organic at times just over there is almost finished second fish as well, taking some more water, taking some paint just like that, adding it to our last corners and also editing a little bit of the fishes. If you have Cem things that you want to change, mixing it in a little bit more just over there, mixing some color very fast, basically trying to make the same color. But if it doesn't look the same, exactly, it's quite well because it's expected. And then you can just about see this corner is finished as well. Some more refinements and more application, some more covering up of the actual canvas just over there. And, of course, and I don't want be fining those edges. And there you go. This layer is done as well, the background layer.
7. Waves for the water: And now, just so you can make some waves around that beautiful koi fish you're going to use, you're going to use some beautiful blue, some white and just a little bit of brown to create this wonderful blue this wonderful like blue to put around and near the edge of the koi fish. It's gonna be very easy. All you need is the small flat brush and a little bit of playful brush making mark making. If you see the color being too dark, you can always light in it. Be careful not to just do an outline around the fish. Just try to connect the fish with peace with this color as well. So as you can see around the fin around the body, you can also touch the fish with this color just so it doesn't seem like you've put this around it and it creates darker Ah, layer underneath creates this outline. Just break that those edges a little bit. You can even go a little bit over the fish in some certain parts, like the tail or the fin, just like that. And also you can edit the shape of the fish if you want what's just going over the outline just like that and putting a little bit off color, creating a lighter shade. You can also create some small little waves. They are just tiny Doppler droplets of paint. Tiny brush marks paint in between the more intense blue and the darker blue you've created earlier. And just like that, so beautiful to make a lighter shade and put it this time using the brush on. It's not on its side, but on. It's just basically like cutting through the paint instead of using the thick part of the brush can also make once again the darker color. If you want and continue with it. Just play around with different shades, different intensity of of color, different lightness of color and different mark brush marks. Try to incorporate a lot more variety in your brush marks as well as in your color. Just like that, you can see how easy it is to cover almost all the background and how interesting it started to look just because it's very fun and easy and a very nice abstract way of painting. You can take some water to make the the paint a little bit more diluted and a little bit more flowy and over there going around the fish, being careful not to make the outline in both ways, like not leaving the too much of the dark part. So it seems like you've created a dark outlined by not going towards the edge and also by going exactly around and making a lighter outline. So it's good to make that separation now with a lighter tone. You could put some waves just like that if you went over, um, part of a fish that you didn't want to just put your finger on it and scrub it. It's fine. And then going for the corners as you go towards the edges, you can go a little bit faster with the brush to make more gestural marks and mawr impressionistic style brush making mark making Okay. So what a little bit of a lighter shade. Just going over even more lighter. You can see just touching the edge, just going over the more intense blue putting, crisscrossing the more intense blue with a lighter shade and creating this water like effect this abstract, water like effect. As you can see just playing and trying to build more layers. Whenever you're building another layer of paint, try to keep maybe just a little bit of the last layer. So it's not like you put it in just for no reason. So keep the layer, the darker layer, just showing maybe even 5% 10%. It doesn't matter. Let's keep it there as, ah, showing through just a little bit. As you can see, you can still see the darker blue that you've put in just earlier in the last step and going in with lighter shades, going and rotating that brush to make different kinds of marks. This is very important. As always, different brush parks make a better painting as well as different variation. Make for a wonderful painting. And just like that, combining the two or three or four types off blues would each other faster strokes, smaller strokes. The paint is still wet, gushy and luxurious so it can blend in together, create these interesting and very free brush marks just like that, going in for some more paint even whiter on, uh, blue and going around, uh, fishtail Andi, filling in for some more white, just taking it and combining it even some more blue, straight up blue, just combining it with paint that is already on the canvas. As even see, it started to pop out just so much because it's so vibrant. Just like that cleaning off the knows of the fish. The fish is have noses. Very interesting. Okay, so putting in just a little bit of that fish back on the canvas and now going in for some correction of the inch in the corner of its nose or face. Yes, just like that, going around the fen building some layers and some overlapping some different shades of the blue you've just created and blending, blending them to get her to create a very interesting texture. The goal here is to have a lot of variety in the brush making, as well as the intensity of color, the lightness and the darkness of color. Just variety but making it seem like it's a very complex painting. One is just playing with paint. Ah, it's just about done. Just a few more marks. Just This is the time to look around and see where you can just put that little extra over there and make it seem a little bit better. Yes, like that. There you go. This step is done as well
8. Outline with permanent marker: And now, with a black marker, you're going to do a very beautiful outline. Keep in mind not to connect all the outline everywhere. Just try to just like a wiggly line. I'm just going around and inside the fish. This is very important. The outline is not on Lee around the fish, but it goes inside where the patches and defends connect. Just like that, you can see it's going inside and sometimes is it's, ah, thicker line. Sometimes it's, Ah, more wiggly lines. Sometimes it's just following the up line. You can also invent some outlines. For instance, you can go inside the orange part to build this interesting shape a little bit more, just like it overlaps with the orange part. And, of course, just going inside and outside on going with a wiggly line and 40 outline just in some parts , making it stronger and in some parts making it lighter, applying less pressure. This is a permanent marker, so don't worry too much about it getting smudged or anything and going for the other Finn for inside defend. Just go with smaller lines with finer lines, and then you can also go for the top sin just like that, making the beautiful curve on top of the koi fish and then going for the body. It just stands out so much more when you do the outline. But it's very important not to put a lot of outline and very thick because it will look like a sticker instead of a painting. It just gives gives it this more illustrative feel to the whole painting. That's a very Japanese inspired painting on. They usually have a lot of ink, but in our case it's more of an abstract Japanese, Japanese and spark painting. And just like that, go again, doubling that line, going in for the tail or tail exactly like you did for the fins. Keep it very loose and light with the outline, because those parts are very, very translucent and very undefined in comparison to the body. Of course, you can also put the eyes in just small ovals, and over there is continuing slowly building this outline for their to create some separation between the fish and the background. Just like that, you can start to see the second fish starts to emerge and becomes more clear and more illustrative. Just as mentioned, you can invent some inside outlines on the orange parts just to give it a little bit more of an interesting look for defend as well, just going with some finer lines, just connecting, going in for the orange parts once again. And just like that, look how beautiful that patch of orange started to look, defining the eyes a little bit more and then going in side the orange part, breaking that outline, not connecting it everywhere. We'll give it a better look for the thin on top of the fish just going like that, making the outline of a little bit more to Accenture to help the fin standouts even more, and then going in for, uh, tale of the fish just on the undersigned for the tail. As mentioned previously, you can just be loose, but it and very fine just like that and then connected to the rest of the fish, going inside with some more lines, even going outside of the orange parts just to create more dynamic lines, outlines and just a small part over there. Okay, a few more shapes on. We are just about to be done, just like that on the topside. And, of course, some small lines on, uh, big orange parts and some final marks on the smaller parts, in case you forgot to outline, does just over there. And there you go with this step Very fun and easy step.
9. Double sided tape: Okay. Now for the fun parks. Just take some double sided tape, cut it out, and then we're going to cut some small, curved, very abstract shapes. This is another way to add some gold foil. It's ah more clean and easy way with more control. You have more control. If you're doing this, just got in. Be careful with scissors, adds. They tend to be very sharp and fingers and scissored, so don't go very well together, especially when you have such a small area toe working. So be very careful. We don't want no no red in, uh, painting, as you can see, just applying the shape somewhere where it fits. This is just like buildings and Legos. I just have some or cut pieces that I can apply just where it fits. You can also build more layers on top of each other of, um, the double sided tape and cut them and have more pieces at the same time and then glue them on, get just leave one there and then, just like this can see there's two just editing a little bit the shape of the double sided tape, so they're not exactly the same and then putting it over. Just contouring the offend a little bit more, getting some or shapes and putting them over where they fit best. You can see that one fits just snugly over there in case it's a hot day and the sweat on the fingers is going over. Dumb tape the inside of the tape and it doesn't stick. Just take on the backside of, Ah, brush or in the back side of the scissors and just run it over the tape, the yellow part of the tape, and then it will stick better to the campus. Unfortunately, the more it was a very hot day, and I'm going to have some technical difficulties in a few minutes, but hopefully you will not have this issue. But you are prepared nonetheless for this issue. Just like that, going with your nail over it can have the same effect. This issue is very prone to small parts. As you can see, it just didn't stick, so I decided to take a bigger one. Handling it. That much doesn't help it either, but we are going to just cut another one. Don't go over bird bored with the gold foil And with this, In case you don't have double sided tape, you can always use the trustee white glue or specific glue for the gold foil much easier to work with, but a little bit more messy. This is a very clean and neat looking, um, gold foil application method because exactly where you put the gold oil, that's exactly where the gold foil goes with some blues. It just goes a little bit overboard in some in some places, especially with the quick drying blue and the white glue as well. Just building it up. You're going to see in a fuse minutes how to apply a plan gold foil with blue as well. In case you have that, it's just white glue with 30% water and then applying and, uh, gold foil over it. In case you're using that method, another layer of paint is required on the fish, and maybe on the background depends on where the gold foil attached and just going with a smaller piece just over there. Unfortunately, the yellow part is out just like that. You can see nearest applying some more parts, trying to find one that is suited not very smart of me to rip it like that because all the sweaty fingers goes on the tape and it doesn't stick just building layers all over the place. Small bits, big bits of this going and trying to basically overlap it a little bit with the orange and the white just where they meet, or even on top of the orange and even on top of the white. But basically trying to make it the gold will be just like a transition between the the the orange bits and the white parts of the fish. Of course, if you take your time and do small, very small and fine uh, lines of double side tape, you can put some waves, some golden waves as well. If you decide so just like that, flying some more, cutting it to make a different shape of smaller shape that fits somewhere. Just over there is putting it over clumsy fingers trying to apply it. As you can see, it starts already, too. Take to UN attach makers of the very, very slipper, slippery fingers cutting in under one, this time being a little bit more careful to not put a lot of the fingers underneath. Unfortunately, doesn't really work since they are so small. Not the fingers, the tape bits. Okay. Yes. Slippery fingers that summer for you? Yes, putting another one. Just cutting it a little bit more. Maybe ripping it and then cutting it Books? Yes. Tape is very, very sticky. Except when you wanted to be a sticky. Yeah, just going over it and putting a little bit of that tape on the dale. And of course, with that said, just getting another one and another one and another one just building there after layer, okay? And just over there and with that said and done, just doing another one. And you are finished with this method of applying cold foil. Well, the tape for the gold foil. Now let's jump into the next step.
10. Making sure the tape is secure: okay. And for the fund Parks just has mentioned if they are not sticking too much just to run the scissors or the backside of brush on top of them to make them stick a little bit more in case you have some slip a plea fingers, just as you can see, can also use the back side of your nail. Not very recommended. But if you don't have anything else that's more then good. And of course, this is just as a demonstration. We are going to use a brush back side of a brush as well, just like that, and going over every single one very fast, just like that, combining the methods just to exemplify how goes. And there you go. This step is an explanatory step. Very easy to do on. It's done. Let's go into another one.
11. Removing the protective layer from the tape: Okay. In case you I want to see how to get the yellow parts of the tape number sided tape out just to use under, uh, scissored so on. Go very slowly in case they attached very well. You can rip them very easily. In case they didn't. You're gonna have a little bit more of a hard time, just like me. I just tried to go from over the part where it's stickiest most sticky just like that and taking them out. This is a very easy step. If the tape attached very well to the canvas to the painting. Okay. Just going over them and then after everything is attached is detached. You can just go into the next step.
12. Applying gold foil: on for this method of applying the gold leaf. Everything is very easy, since the tape is very sticky on. Just rip some gold foil and apply it where the tape is glued and you can just straight out rip all the access. Gold leaf sprayed away. Very tidy way of applying the gold leaf. Just dab it. Crumple a little bit the gold foil. So it's not just like a shiny, very shiny area. Just has a little bit more texture to it makes it just a tiny bit more interesting. But if you want to apply it just as ah, very, very shiny and um, almost mirror like look, and that's what you want. You can always do that, Okay, going in for detail, as you can see, just going over with the fingers and dabbing the gold foil where it needs to go where the tape is not covered. It sticks very well, too, to the tape, and you can also just go with the fingers and remove all the excess in case there is any. As you could see, it's searching for a little bit more of the tape where it's uncovered and then removing the access is very easy. Just finally running your fingers over the top of the gold foil were removed all access and leave very crisp and nice outlines. In case there is other areas of the tape that is not covered. Just take some of the gold flags and put them over the tape, then just blow away excess. In the next step, you will learn how to make some small edits and refined the edges of the fish.
13. Touch ups : and a little bit of retouching, just making the same colors you made for the fish on da orange parts of the fish and mixing those colors just like that, some white and some blue, some brown exactly as you made it in the first place. Very white bluish tone for the fish to cover. Just a little bit of the gold foil, where you can just add a different way off overlapping because right now they're all the gold foil sits on top of the fish. It's not integrated with the fish, so it's a nice way of overlapping Cem edges and some parts, as you can see just going over the parts. You can also go over the orange parts and also over the outline of the fish and of the orange parts. Just putting a little bit here and there will give it a little bit more texture, as well as some variety of edges, where the gold leaf and the orange parts meat the rest of the fish. And also, if you went overboard with the gold foil in Gezi used another method of applying the gold foil. This is a very simple step. You can also, if you need to, you can also make a little bit of orange, but it's not always necessary. After this step. Just let the painting dry completely, and the next step is not really necessary. But if you want to protect the gold foil and make the colors a little bit more vibrant, a layer of varnish can be applied, and then the painting is done. Of course, as always, you can just go back and fix some things. If you see them and they stick out like that, small little changes to the edges of the orange and the gold parts with the very white blue just like that, making some marks, then done. This step is done as well as agency. It was a very easy step.
14. Varnish. Thank you: with varnish is very easy. Would have flat brush and varnish. You can just apply it over the fishes on Don't go overboard with the varnish because it will start to look like a mirror. Well, not like mirror, but it will reflect a lot of light, so be gentle and apply just as much as they feel like. As you can see, it starts the already to make everything very, very contrast. E starts to build a lot of contrast on by its nature, Acrylic paint is a little bit chalky in case you see a lot of gold foil not being very attached to. You can also take it out and then apply some more. This is a very protective layer of varnish. It's not needed if you don't have it. This is water based varnish. It's very easy to apply older, less and just apply it. Put it over and have fun with it. Don't go overboard because it will have this shiny look, and it's kind of disturbing sometimes, while not disturbing. But just putting too much varnish makes things very tend to be very shiny, and with this step over, the painting is officially done thank you very much for being part of this community thinking thank you very much for taking this course. And if you're gracious enough, please do share your creation on the review page. And also, if you're there, why not leave a review for the course? Thank you so much and see you in the next one.