A Quick and Easy Way to Create a Freehand Mandala | Sacil Armstrong | Skillshare

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A Quick and Easy Way to Create a Freehand Mandala

teacher avatar Sacil Armstrong, Calm Creator & CZT

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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    • 1.



    • 2.

      Tools & Shapes


    • 3.

      Create A Simple Mandala


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About This Class

Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT) Sacil Armstrong guides you through the process to create a freehand mandala. This class is perfect for people who think they can't draw. If you can hold a pen and make a dot, line, curve, and an orb (an imperfect circle), then you can create a mandala!

Class supplies are simple: blank paper and a felt tip pen. Use what you have on hand! Feel free to take it a step further and color your completed mandalas.

Share your basic and colored mandalas on Instagram. Tag @therealsacil so I can see your images.

Meet Your Teacher

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Sacil Armstrong

Calm Creator & CZT


I am an accidental artist. Growing up, I always wanted to be creative, but I didn't think I had any talent. I started beading in college and gained a whole new perception of myself! I loved weaving with tiny seed beads and making abstract beaded tapestries. 

A beading friend introduced me to Zentangle, abstract art as meditation. I did it on my own and loved it. Then I took a class and found out I had only been doodling! I had been missing the "Zen." I loved The Zentangle Method so much that I flew to Providence, RI to be trained as a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT).

Now I combine my love of Zentangle with other forms of art and meditation to help people find their Calm in the Chaos. Letting go of the fear of making mistakes opens up so many possibili... See full profile

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1. Intro: welcome to a quick and easy way to create a mandala. My name is Cecile Armstrong, a k a bohemian girl. I'm the owner of my creative mish, if and are certified is entangled. Teacher Disentangle is a method of using abstract art as a mindfulness activity. Mandalas and sent angle have several things in common. They both use the repetition of basic shapes to create complex looking and beautiful patterns. Their abstract, they could be used. His mindfulness tools and no artistic talent is necessary. If you can hold a pin and make a dot a line and S A C, and I'm not so perfect circle, then you can create a mandala. Mandala is a Sanskrit word. Loosely translated, it means so cool and represents wholeness. There are several types of mandalas, including paper, which we will creating class, colorful sand mandalas made famous by Tibetan monks and walking man dollars or labyrinths found around the world. Mandalas can be used as a form of art to increase focus and to promote, relax, ation and healing. They can also be a great introduction to meditation. For those who have a hard time sitting still in this class, we will create a free hand mandala on a blank sheet of paper 2. Tools & Shapes: welcome back to creating a quick mandala. In this segment, we're going to cover the tools in the shapes that will use to create army and dollars. The tools are super simple. It's just a piece of paper and a felt tip pen as far as your paper, you can use a journal you can use. Use the copy paper. This right here is 1/6 sense that cut circle that you can pick up at your local craft store . As his entangle teacher, I like to work on his entangle tile. This is a 3.5 inch disentangle tile. You can see that this is just a little bit thicker. It's almost like watercolor paper, but any kind of blank piece paper will do as far as felt. It ends go. I like to use a micron pen because it's filled with pigment and it's archival, so it means your art will last a long time, and you can see that it has a very thin tip. Okay, however, if you don't have one of those laying around, you can use any old felt tip. This is just a regular paper mate, Fleer, and that's what I'm going to use right now for shapes that will use to create a mandala. Those of you familiar with entangle were recognized the shapes that I'm about to go over her stairs, a dot a line and we're not criticizing ourselves about whether or not our line is straight or cricket, because we're just doing this for fun and s. And keep in mind that the S is a shape and not a letter. So weekend pull the ends and extend it or squish them together. Depending on how you want our pattern to look, there's a C or 1/2 circle, which again we can extend or squished together and and or or a circle. But it does not have to be a perfect circle, which again we can extend to an ellipsis scorching down into an oval filled to the side. However, we want to use it. So those are our tools and those are our basic shakes. See you in the next segment 3. Create A Simple Mandala: in this segment, we're going to jump right into creating our mandalas. As you can see, I'm using his entangle tile because it's, Ah, 3.5 inch square. It's a fairly small space, and that way I can go ahead and fill up my little piece of paper. I'm going to start with an orb in the center, and then I'm gonna add another shape, which I am choosing a squished See that I'll do all around and it will end up looking like petals on a flower. So there's our 1st 2 layers, and I think now and add lines. And I don't know if you noticed. If I'm drawing, I'm actually turning my tile and actually do this. Even when I'm using a larger piece of paper, it's helps with the symmetry hands. Also, rather than turning your hand and your wrists all different kinds of ways, um, it helps to keep your hand in your arm and a comfortable space for you. The paper doesn't mind moving around your hand in your arm. Depending on how you move it, you might end up getting some kind of repetitive injury, and so we've got three layers of shapes. Now I've used three different shapes the orb C and the line and I'm gonna go back to the sea. But this time it's gonna be a really wide, really wide open sea facing the opposite way in doing that just kind of close is close If and when I was already working on I like to have layers where there are things that are open and then things that kind of pull everything together and so whole just choose another , another shape. And I'm going to go back to the or and this time and I squish it a little and kind of have a rest right in the dip of those wide open seas. And I'm like in the roundness that I've already got going. So I'm going to continue that about drawing this regular orbs the tip of each one of those points. Now, after this layer, the mandala is looking very open around the outside. So you'll notice with most mandalas. There's not a whole lot of just plain open space. And so I want to do something to bring it together. And so what I'm gonna dio is mirror the shades that are already air the oval and then the round or to fill in that blank space. And so these air just curved lines. They're basically see shapes. But I'm just mirroring the shapes that are already there to fill in the space and give it some kind of cohesiveness. And you can see that really pulled pulled associates together and again the same way the you see shapes right here kind of closed in the mandala. I'm gonna do another shape to kind of close this in, cause it's still very open and I'm going to go back to my see That seems to be my go to shape for today. And you can see I'm drawing these fairly big. So that means that there's a lot of open space underneath air and I'm gonna have to fill it in with something. And so now I've got my mandala fairly close in. And to fill it in, I think the first thing I'm gonna do is mirror that see, let's make a double line for each one of those pedals that I just drew, and that's still pretty open in there. And so I'm gonna fill it in some more again mirroring that shape. I'm making, like a if you call it like a closed half circle. Now we haven't used any s is Ernie dots in this. However, in the spaces that are there, you can always go in and and fill it in. If you wanted to put little lines and dots and each one of these petals just to add some more interests or if you wanted to put a little ass pattern in our, um, shape that we used to fill this spot, you can always go in and do things like this to add just a little bit more visual interest to your Mandela. But there you have it. There is a little Mini Mandela. And so your assignment is to use the basic shapes that we've discussed the dot The line s the sea in the orb and add them in layers starting from the center and working out and create a mandala. I'd like to see one that's at least this size maybe bigger. And once you've created your mandala, you can do more than one. If you like, post it to the class project section. And if you like, if you're on instagram go ahead and uploaded on Instagram and add the hashtag mandala mischief and then tagged me at my creative mischief.