A Beginners Guide to the Wooly World of Needle Felting | Linda Facci | Skillshare

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A Beginners Guide to the Wooly World of Needle Felting

teacher avatar Linda Facci, Needle Felter

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Getting to Know Wool


    • 3.

      About Carding


    • 4.

      Needle Felting Pads


    • 5.

      All About Needles


    • 6.

      Class Project


    • 7.



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About This Class

Learn the Basics of Needle Felting

Have you ever wanted to learn how to needle felt but felt it was too difficult? I make needle felting easy. I'm Linda Facci of Facci Designs and I'll introduce you to the range of materials and tools needed to get started. I am a self taught fiber artist in NYC. I teach beginner needle felting classes and I sell my felted animals on Etsy.

You'll learn the very basics of needle felting, from the different types of wool, needles, pads and more necessary to make your own 3D wooly shape. Learn how to turn wool into a basic 3D shape, felt flat pieces and embellish your creation. I will demonstrate the techniques needed to start on a simple project. You'll be creating a cute piglet's face by following my easy, step-by-step instructions.

Once you learn the basics, we can move on to other projects in my next videos.

This class is geared toward first-time-felters and beginners with no prior knowledge or experience of needle felting. Adults and children 9 years+ can needle felt.

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Linda Facci

Needle Felter


Hello, I'm Linda. I am a self taught needle felter based in NYC. I graduated from Pratt Phoenix of Design with an Associate Degree in Graphic Design and Advertising. I spent several years relegating my
passion for crafting to my spare time while working corporate jobs, the last of which was Creative Director of Magnolia Bakery.

In August of 2018, I traded cupcakes for wool and now create my needle felted animals full time in my Manhattan apartment under the name, Facci Designs. I mainly create realistic, mini sculptures of people’s dogs and call myself The Dog Felterer, but I also create many other types of animals. I love to teach the craft of needle felting.

My craft and design career spans more than two decades, having been featured in magazines, on nationally... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. INTRO FACCI: - I'm Linda. Pottery Factory designs. Welcome to the woolly world of needle felt ing. What is Needle felt? Well, in a nutshell, it's transforming Whoa! Into a three d object using this short, new I am a self taught needle Felter. I taught myself back in 2013. Back then, I would felt simple animals like foxes, my rabbits, things like that. But now I needle felt realistic. Dogs like these guys back here, but not that guy. That guy's really that's cocoa. In this class, you'll learn about all of materials and tools needed for you to get started. You'll come away with skills and techniques to learn how to felt your own little piglets and then use those skills and techniques to move on. Teoh soon. Other projects. This class is great for beginners and adults and kids. Kids 19 up. Can you do this? So let's get poking 2. Getting to Know Wool: Let's go through some of the world's that you would need a needle felt ing here. I'm going to start with the raw wool. We don't use this in needle felt ing when it's not clean, but this is what it looks like when it has all the little bits and pieces of dirt and stuff in it. Some of them are very oily. This is what the world looks like before it's washed and brushed out and carted. Next, we have roving now roving. You could see all the wool is going in the same direction. See, so it's been combed and it's called combed or roving, and it usually comes in in balls. That's how it's usually sold. And this is the kind of will that you would probably find in most of your kits that you would purchase online. This is easy to felt with, but not is easy to felt with, as that's or carded wool sink all the fibers here, going in all different directions, so it grabs onto the needle a lot easier. Now all this wool comes in all sorts of colors. They die them because I don't think I've ever seen a sheep, uh, in this color, but I could be mistaken. Then you have core will, which is really cheap and inexpensive. And it's great for beginner. And this is what we're actually gonna use. Teoh felt our little pig, and, uh, it's used for the inside of project. So you would maybe build your shape with this and then cover it. Needle felt over it with your nicer wool. So that's horrible. And they come in big, big bags if you if you want it, I just want to show you also merino wool from the merino sheep. I don't know if you could tell from this video, but it's really silky and smooth. It feels it feels fantastic, but it's not easy to felt with because those fibers are much smoother, so they're not gonna lock onto your needle as quickly or is efficiently. So that's merino wool 3. About Carding: Let's talk about carding these air brushes with these metal bristles. I could be a bit frugal a time. So instead of buying expensive Carter's I just bought pet brushes. Works justus. Well, now you use thes two, maybe mess up your roving so that it's it's all the fibers or maybe going in a different direction. So you'd put your roll down and then brush it. That kind of messes up the fibers, and you might do that a few times. Or you can use it if you wanted to blend some colors. So let's say I put this in here like this, and then I got a little a little gray on top. First it out, blending the colors. I might do that a few times until you get the color you want. Now, when I'm doing my, uh, my dogs, I tend to just mix the colors by hand. I'll take two separate colors and just ripped him apart because I need so little at times. So that's how that's how I do it. And you could see the color you have now from this and this. I just created 1/3 color. That's cardi 4. Needle Felting Pads: Let's talk about some of the needle felt ing pads that are out there. The most popular is probably the phone pad thes come in different sizes, but I recommend at least a two inch depth because when you're needle felt ing, you do not want to poke through onto a hard surface and break your needle. Or if you needle felt on your lap like I do, you don't want to. You don't want to poke yourself. I would recommend the phone pads for first time needle filters. Then you have the brush pad, and I have to say I am not a big fan of off this one. It just just didn't didn't work for me. What I am a big fan of is the burlap bag that's filled with rice. That's uncooked rice, and you can felt right on this surface, or I tend to cover it with a piece of felt and then felt right on that surface. So all of these air available online, So take a look and, uh, get broken 5. All About Needles: Let's talk about some of the felt in needles that are out there. You see, these are color coded on top. Some of the manufacturers color code them, so you don't know the difference between the needles because needle cut needles come in all different gauges and shapes. So there's a 36 gauge of 38 gauge of 40 gauge. There's triangle shaped spiral crown tips. Star tip. Uh, the one that comes in most of the kits is a 38 gauge, I believe Triangle Needle. I tend to use the 40 needle for a lot of my work, and these are very sharp, and they have these tiny barbs on the end, and it's very difficult to feel. It's amazing that these barbs can catch the wool and hook those those fibers together. So when your needle felt ing, you're pushing the wool in and it's not coming back out, so it's locking those fibers together. They do make a reverse needle that will actually pull the fiber out. Someone, Let's show you some of the holders. There's this holder you can use. There is the clover that holds three needles, but you can switch it out and you can use to needles or one needle. And this would be great when you're felt ing Ah, larger area and a larger piece, and you just want to move it along and go faster. That would be that. Then there's also this that has Oh, I don't know, maybe eight needles in it. And this is great to felt flat, Darius, like if you were doing an ear for an animal and that was felt a lot faster than using a single needle. But when I taught myself had a needle felt I didn't know about thes and I just knew about the single needles. So I still mostly do all my work with a single needle. So you have to kind of find the needle that's right for you and the end for the wool. So you might want to buy a sample pack of needles and try them all out on your different rules. 6. Class Project: needle felt ing begins by rolling up a small amount of wool and stabbing it with your needle. Here we have some, Korbel. So when you stab your world with your felt ing needle, it grabs the wool, pulls it down, but not back up. So let's start rolling. We could tuck thes sides in. Okay, so now we're gonna start stabbing by stabbing the wool over and over while turning your wolf. It continues to pull the wool into itself, which locks those tiny fibers, those tiny scales on the end of those fibers together. And you just keep poking and stabbing while turning your will. Eventually, it results in a firm, dense shape. So here we're gonna create either a ball or it could be a little for this project. It could be a little flat on one side. So here I am. I'm just rotating turning. I'm also squeezing the wool a little to bring it together, see, and you just continue stabbing and poking and getting your frustrations out. I find that needle felt ing is very therapeutic. So here we have football, so this will become the face of the pig. So here I have one that's already felt it. So now I'm gonna make the ears. Let's put this aside. Grab a tiny bit of wool. There's always a little matter in these, and this will little bits and pieces of stuff. So I'm gonna full that over. Give that a little poke their fold one end in to create a point. Give it a poke full, the other ended. Give me to poke. See? An ear is forming. Turn it over. Broke it a little bit more. You could see I'm not felt in the end here because that's going to be used to connect to the head. So here we have no never triangle. I'm gonna take a little bit of my pink wolf looks and add that into the inside of the ear. So here I am, embellishing it with a little bit of pink color. And you don't have to stab that deeply. Let's give it a little bit of pink. We can clean that up those edges up later. So here I have two years now I'm gonna make the snow. Takes a more wool roll that over rule this piece over. Give it a stare. Roll your piece but step, keep turning it over from the side. Leave a little loose on the end here. So used to be have kind of a tubular shape. So I'm gonna spread the end of the wool here. I want to connect that to this piece connected almost in the middle. Maybe maybe down towards the bottom of the of the shape. And now we're going to needle felt that in. Remember, you always want to felt on your pad, not in your left. I sometimes tend to lift it up our C I just stabbed myself, so it's that it happens to everyone. So as you could see this snouts a bit long, I'm gonna just take my scissors and give it a whack. Now we add a little bit of pink to the snout like that. You know, you can add a little or a lot depending on how pick you pink. You want it Sometimes. Cut these ends away here. Then we'll take our black wool. You don't need much kind of twirl it in your fingers a little and add his nostrils and just hope that in take a little bit more black wool Roll it up and poke that in. See, I have more on this side, so I'm just gonna add a little bit more. So that's I and Popo. Coke, then. There you have a snout. So now we're gonna attach our ears. Remember? I told you to leave a little loose here. Probably don't need that much. Just rip it off. So here, we're gonna do on the top of the head and just attach your ear. Just poke it and stab it. Get your other ear. They sit on top. Look how he's already coming together. So cute and so simple. Imagine a bunch of these all connected. You could make like a Children's mobile. Or is it mobile? Is it mobile? A mobile? I'm not sure. There you have the ears. What you could do is you could also clean these up a little. You can just cut away some of that will give it a little bit of a neater surface. So now for the eyes, If you don't have any beads on hand, you can use your black wool. But if you do have some beads, I'll show you here they have these little stems on them. But you can actually use beats that don't have a stem. What it would do? Let's cut a little hole here in a little hole here, I use a little glue, but for right now I'm just gonna place season wala oink, oink. I hope you enjoyed that little tutorial of this cute little people. It thanks. 7. Conclusion: Thank you for taking my class. I hope you have fun. I know I did. And I hope you learn a little bit about the holy world of Neil Pelting. And if you make that piglets because I hope you do, please shared in the class Project gallery. I would love to see it. Okay. Five things I look forward to They gave you yet that Hey, thanks for taking my class. I look.