A Beginner’s Guide To Adobe InDesign: PART TWO - How To Add Dates To Your Undated Planner | Deb Jeffrey | Skillshare

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A Beginner’s Guide To Adobe InDesign: PART TWO - How To Add Dates To Your Undated Planner

teacher avatar Deb Jeffrey, Artist/Planners/Skillshare Teacher

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Class Project


    • 3.

      InDesign Tips, Tricks & Shortcuts


    • 4.

      Method One - Traditional


    • 5.

      Method Two - Premade Planner Group


    • 6.

      Method Three - Cell Styles


    • 7.

      Method Four - Data Merge


    • 8.

      Tips & Tricks For Styling Your Planner


    • 9.

      Thank You


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About This Class

Adobe InDesign is an awesome program for creating planners!

That said, it can be a little overwhelming, and unless you know what you don’t know, dating a planner can be a tedious task.

This class continues on, where A BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO ADOBE INDESIGN: HOW TO CREATE AN UNDATED PRINTABLE PLANNER left off, and in this class, we will dive deeper into planner creation, styling and dating, and give you the tools you need to save oodles of time, and allow you to create planners in a matter of minutes, not hours or days!

By the end of this class you’ll have:

  • Customized your preferences and workspace even more, so that you have all of the tools for creating undated and dated planners at your fingertips,
  • Learned 4 different ways to date your planner,
  • Learned how to create and apply cell and table styles,
  • Learned how to organize your pages panel,
  • A stockpile of planner creation resources, and
  • Become a planner expert!

I’m so excited to share these skills with you!

So let’s get started – see you in class!

*You can access the class downloads and resources here: https://www.debjeffrey.com/part-two-how-to-add-dates-to-your-undated-planner/ (the password is shown in the class project video)

Meet Your Teacher

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Deb Jeffrey

Artist/Planners/Skillshare Teacher


Hi there, I’m Deb Jeffrey, an artist, surface designer, planner designer, and Skillshare Teacher, living on the Central Coast of California.

I make art that celebrates YOUR everyday, and helps tell the world who you are, by the colors and designs that you wear, surround yourself with in your home, and that you use to adorn your phone, your planner, your computer...your life!

I invite you to join me in my quest for making your everyday more special, more personal, more creative. 

Thank you! I look forward to making your every day memorable!


See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Hi there. I'm dead. Jeffrey, an artist, surface designer and planner creator, and I have a true confession. I can be a bit of a geek, and when I think there's an easier or better way to do something, I can latch onto it like a bulldog, and I won't let go until I figure it out. That's the way I was with planners. I used in design for years, but I used it in the medical field and never had need for data merge or sell and table styles, so I didn't know that those tools even existed. So when I started creating planners, I did what I think everybody else does. And I started entering dates cell by cell, row by row, and by the time I finished my first planner, I realized that I entered 1095 dates. It was tedious. It took forever, and I don't want you to have to go through that. So I spend a lot of time figuring it out, and I'm here today to share with you everything I've learned about dating planners so that you can become a planner expert and make a planner in a matter of minutes rather than hours or days. I'll teach you for different methods for dating your planner, including the traditional method that I used the first time around. Along with using a planner. Master had use cell styles and how to use date emerge this classes for you if you've taken the class. A Beginner's Guide to Adobe in design. How to create an undated credible planner or if you're comfortable using adobe and design. If you know the basics, you can create a plan or using tables or grids. You know how to create your planner cover. You can work with color schemes. You're familiar with master pages and paragraph styles, and you know how to save your planning for print. I won't be reviewing the things that we've learned in the first plants, but will you be using that classes a jumping off point and will be diving deeper into plainer creation and styling. The class project is to create a dated plan or using one of the dating methods that you'll learn in this class, and I'll give you all the details in the class Project video. Are you ready to get started? Great. Go ahead and click on the class Project video, and I look forward to seeing you there. See you in the next video 2. Class Project: the way to the class Project video in this class all share with you four different methods for dating your planner and the magic of using cell in table styles to create an style. Your planner, this class will be hands on. So I've included a number of downloads in resource is for you to use. You can find them in the projects and resource is section of this class on the website, not the app using the password that shown here your class project will be to create a plan or using one of the methods that you've learned in this class and to share a photo or a screen shot of one or two of your planner spreads in the project section of this class. I would also love to know what method or methods that you used and why you selected that method or methods. Okay, go ahead and click on the in design tips, tricks and shortcuts video, and we'll get started. I'll see you in the next video 3. InDesign Tips, Tricks & Shortcuts: Welcome to the in design tips, tricks and shortcuts. Video. In this video, you will customize your workspace even further, adding cell in table styles. Learn how to organize your pages panel and learn how to create an apply cell in table styles so that you can update the look and feel of your planner with just a few edits, Saving you an incredible amount of time and energy. Are you ready? Let's get started. Go ahead and open up in design and before you open any files, let's customize your workspace even more, adding tools that we will need for the remainder of the class at the in design home screen . Let's click on window workspace and click on the workspace that you created in the last class. A Beginner's Guide to Adobe in Design. How to create an undated printable planner. Now, with no documents open, go up to the menu at the top of the page and click on window styles, cell styles and click and drag sale styles into your window panel on the right, remembering to look for the blue horizontal bar that will let you know that you can release your mouths to docket to the panel. Now goto window again and go to styles, and this time we went to select table styles. Go ahead and drag that over to your window panel. Also. Now we have one more So head on up to the Windows menu again, and this time, go to utilities and select data merge. Go ahead and drag that into your window. Panelas well. Next, you'll need to open your preferences panel to update one of the type settings. The keyboard shortcut for opening your preference panel is Control Plus K. Once your preference panel opens, select type, then go down near the bottom of the options list and verify that smart text re flow is checked. Then click OK, great, your workspaces now updated and everything that you will need for creating and modifying. Both undated and dated planners working with multiple page documents can get messy and overwhelming in a hurry. So let me show you a couple of ways to group pages in your pages panel to organize your work and remove some of the overwhelm. For this lesson, you will need to open the file named in design Pages Panel organization Now with the file open. Let's open up our pages panel on the right. You can see that there are a whole lot of pages within the document itself. If you scroll down, you will see that there are a total of seven sections. But if you look at your pages panel, all you see are a massive pages. So let me show you two different ways to group information in your pages panel to give some visual separation. The first method is to assign pages to a section. In order to do that, we need to know how many pages go into Section one. So let's scroll down and see how many pages air part of Section one. It looks like it includes pages two and three, So let's select pages two and three in our pages panel. If you need a little refresher on how to do that, you click on Page two. Hold down your shift key thing. Click on Page three. Now we want to click on the hamburger at the top right of the Master Page section and click on numbering and section options and under section marker type in section one. Then click OK, you will now see a downward facing arrow just above Page two in the pages panel. Let's repeat that process for Section two. So go ahead and double click on page for in the Pages panel. Scroll down and you'll see that section contains two pages. Go ahead and select pages. Foreign five in your Pages panel. Now we want to click on the hamburger, the top right of the Master Page section and click on numbering and Section options and under section marker. Type in Section two and click OK, you will now see downward facing arrows just above Pages two and for in the pages panel. Now you can repeat the process to create section markers for all of the sections in your document. But before you do, let me show you another method. We know that Section one contains two pages, so go ahead and select pages two and three in your pages panel. Then right click and select page attributes from the list. Then select color label and click on any color. I'll click on pink. Go ahead and select pages. Foreign five In your pages panel right click, select page attributes and color label and select another color This time I'll click on gold. Then you simply rinse and repeat until you have assigned a color to each of the sections. I don't know about you, but with my vision. This method provides a clear division, and when creating planners, it lets me know at a glance where each month of my planner begins Now you learned how to create a table in the last class. But now let me show you how to create styles so that you can change the look of your planner without much effort, just like the paragraph styles you learned in the last class. Cell styles allow you to create a certain look for an individual cell or cells of your planner. Once you have your cell styles created, you can apply them to a table style, which basically holds all of the cell information. To edit the look of a table, you simply edit your cell and paragraph styles, and this allows you to completely change the look of your table in just a matter of a few mouse clicks. For this section of the class, you will need to open up the file named in design cell and table styles. Let's go to page to remember. You can get there by double clicking on Page two in the pages panel, scrolling down or using keyboard shortcut control plus J and entering, too. The planner Examples on this page already have paragraph styles created and applied, just like the tables you created in the first class. So I will first show you how to create an apply a cell style, then how to create an apply a table style, then how to edit those styles to completely change the look of your table. Okay, let's create our self styles. Go ahead and grab your text tool and select Sunday and Monday from the monthly table. Next in your window panel on the right, Click on cell styles holding down the ault or option key. If you're using a Mac, click on create new style undersell style. Entered days of the week and under paragraph styles. Select days of the week and click OK. Now we need to apply that style to the header rows for both of the planner examples, so select the hetero in the monthly example in undersell styles in the window panel select days of the week. You can tell that the style is applied by looking at the control panel just to the right of the simulated table. There's a little cell icon, and just to the right of that, it should say days of the week. Go on ahead and select the header row for the weekly Planner example, and click on the cell style days of the week to apply it. Let's go ahead and create and apply a cell style for the dates, and then we can move on to creating a table style. Go ahead and select all of the body rose in the monthly planner page. Example. Then go over to sell styles. Hold down the altar or option key. If you're using a Mac and click on create new style under style name. Enter dates and under paragraph styles. Select dates, then click. OK, you've created the date sell style. Now you have to apply it, and you can apply it in one of two ways. The first way is to select all of the body rose in the monthly planner page example and click on dates in the Cell Styles panel. The second way is to select all of the body rose in the monthly planner page. Example. Then go up to your control panel and from the self styled drop down list, Select dates. Now let's select the date row in our weekly planner page example and apply the dates. Sell style to it. Go ahead and select the row and using either the cell styles panel or the control panel, then click on dates. Now, with our cell styles created, we can create a styled table. It won't look like much as you're creating it, but it will open up a world of opportunity. So let's get started. Go ahead and select the monthly table, including the header and body rose. Then open up the table styles panel on the right and while holding down your ault or option key. If you're using a Mac click on Create New Style under style name. Enter planner and undersell styles change header rows two days of the week and body rose two dates. Make sure preview is checked, then click OK, you have now created a table style. We just need to apply it to our monthly and weekly planner page examples now so your monthly planner should be selected, said go ahead and click on Planner in the Table Styles panel to apply it now Select the weekly Planner page example and apply the planner table style to it. Now, if you aren't already in wow mode, go ahead and click anywhere outside of the tables and enter W toe. Hide your guides in margins. Now let's see how easy it is to create a whole new planner in a matter of minutes. First, let's change the font used for January. We can do that from the Paragraph Styles panel. Click on Month Right Click and Select Edit Month under basic character formats under Font Family. Go ahead and select another fund. Make sure your preview boxes checked so you can see the changes in real time. When you find a front that you like click OK, now let's change this stroke of our table cells from solid lines. Two dots. To do that, open up your cell styles panel in. Click on dates, right click and select. Edit dates under strokes and fill. Change the type to dotted the weight. 23 And what the heck. Go ahead and select another color from the color list. Please note that the current color black is set to a 30% tim, so if you want the full strength of the color, you'll need to change the tint to 100%. Then click. OK, now let's make some changes to our days of the week. Sell style. Go ahead and click on days of the week. Sell style, then right click and select Edit Days of the week. Click on strokes and pills, and this time, let's make the following changes. Undersell. Phil. Let's select the same color that we used for the stroke. Now let's remove the stroke from the days of the week header So undersell stroke. Remember, Blue Line Selected will be affected and change the weight to zero. Then click OK. You can also change fonts and font colors for your dates. Days of the week and month under paragraph styles. I hope you had one of those mind blown moments and can see the potential for creating a host of different planners just by making a few edits to your cell table and paragraph styles. Now are you ready to learn how to add dates to your planner? Great. Go ahead and click on the Method one video and I'll show you how to enter dates the traditional way. I'll see you in the next video. 4. Method One - Traditional: Welcome to the Method one video. How to enter Gates the traditional way. In this class, you will learn how to enter in format data. Sell content Using the traditional data entry method, we will be working with the class download file called Method one Traditional. So be sure you have downloaded the files from the projects and resource is section of the skill share website, not the app, using the password that is provided in the class Project video. You will also need a print out of the 2021 calendar. Also included in the downloads and resource is since you learned how to create planners in the first class, we won't review that again here, but the practice files do include a variety of planner pages that you will use to learn each of the dating methods that will be reviewing. So go ahead and open up in design, making sure you're using the workspace that you created. Then open the class download file entitled Method one Traditional. Let's look at what will be working with the file should have opened to the Page one title page and reads Method one entering dates the traditional way in each of the methods were going to rely heavily on the pages panel. So go ahead and go to the Windows panel and click on pages to open it up. You'll see that Page one is highlighted in blue. The blue merely indicates that this is the page that you're currently on. Go ahead and double click on Page three and you'll find a one page monthly planner. Double click on Page four and you'll find a two page monthly planner. Spread double click on Page six and you'll see that there's a vertical weekly two page spread, and it's duplicated again on pages eight and nine And finally, double click on Page 10 and you'll find a horizontal weekly two page spread, and it also is duplicated on pages 12 and 13. In looking at the pages panel, you'll notice that all of the pages have a master assigned, and if you double click on the A master in the top section of the pages panel, you'll see that it's blank. So what that tells us is that the pages in the document are not master pages and will be entering our data directly onto each page. Are you ready to get started learning the traditional method. Okay, go ahead and double click on Page three in the pages panel to go to the single page monthly calendar, and we'll get started with your 2021 calendar. Print out handy. Let's look at January. You will see that it starts on Friday. Go ahead and grab your text tool in. Place your cursor in the Friday sell in the first row. Go ahead and type in the number one hit tab. Type to hit Tab Type three and continue through Sunday The 31st you probably noticed that your dates don't really match the rest of the planner page. So with your text tool selected, go ahead and select all of the body rose cells in the January table, going to paragraph styles and selecting date Your dates. Air now styled to match. Now let's double quick on page for in the pages panel and centre pages four and five on our screen. Do you remember how to do that? Yes, you can use keyboard shortcut control plus all plus zero to fit the spread in the window. Now you might be tempted to grab the text tool and place your cursor in the Friday cell of the first row. But if you do, you're going to find out quickly that entering data isn't quite as easy as the first planner page. Let's walk through this together. Go ahead and grab your text tool in. Place your cursor in the Friday cell of the first row and type in one hit tab and type in two. Now when you hit Tab again, it's going to go into the notes section. So hit tab a second time and you'll find yourself in the Thursday cell of the second row. What? This is because there are two separate tables that make up this two page spread. They're not linked, so you have to enter the data on one side first than the other. So let's continue by looking at our calendar pronounced in seeing what the date is for the first Thursday in January. It's the seventh. So go ahead and type in seven Tab eight Tab nine, and when you tab begin, instead of going into the notes section, you'll find that it will now continue to wrap between Thursday and Saturday. So go ahead and type in the remaining Thursday through Saturday dates for the month. Now we can take care of Page four on the left, so go ahead and place your cursor in the Sunday cell in the second row and type in three hit tab and type four hit tab and Type five and tab and six. And when you hit tab again, it'll take you down to the Sunday cell in Row three. So type in 10 11 12 etcetera until you reach the 31st. Again. We need to apply the date paragraph style to our dates, so go ahead and select all the body rose on Page four and apply the date paragraph style, Then select all of the body rose on page five and apply the date paragraph style. Good job. You've now added dates to a two page monthly planners spread using the traditional method. Let's move on to pages six and seven. Entry is basically the same with your text tool selected. You enter your cursor into the Friday body row and type in one hit tab and type in two. Then you go to the next page and place your cursor in the Sunday body. Rose Cell and type in three. Tab four, Tab five and Tab six. Then place your cruiser in the Thursday body, Roselle and type in seven, Tab eight and Tab nine. Now, if we had 62 page spreads to accommodate all 31 days in January, we would continue on. But thank heavens we don't. So let's learn Hudis, the traditional method to enter dates onto a horizontal two page spread. Go ahead and place your cursor in the Friday body Rossell on page 11 and type in one and hit tab twice to bypass the Saturday Day header, Then type in two. Then go to the next page and place your cursor in the Sunday body. Rossell and type in three hit tab twice. Type in for tap twice. Five. Tap twice and enter six. Now. Place your cursor into the body Rose Self for Thursday and enter seven tab twice and continue on through Saturday. So why did I just put you through all of that simply because this is the method that many people use. It's not efficient, but it is effective. There are a number of ways you can modify this method by using place text and manipulating the program to do what you want, but the's methods are still not the most efficient. So let me show you three methods that will save you an incredible amount of time. When making planners, we will start with the pre made planner group Method Seco ahead and click on the method to pre made planner group video and will continue on see you there. 5. Method Two - Premade Planner Group: welcome to the method to video how to create dated planners using a pre made planner group . In this class, you will learn how to make a pre made planner group and how to create a dated planner from your pre made planner group. We will be working with the class download files available in the folder called Method to Pre Made Planner Group. So be sure you've downloaded the files from the projects in Resource Is section of the skill share website not be up using the password that's provided in the class Project video . You will also need a print out of the 2021 calendar. Also included in the downloads and resource is in this method, you essentially create seven different 31 day planner page groups that include a monthly single or two page spread and your weekly to page spreads starting on different days of the week. I know sounds confusing, and it is a little time consuming to set up, but once it's set up, you never have to set it up again. So let me show you what I mean. If we look at our 2021 calendar, we see the January starts on a Friday in February and March start on a Monday. So I've created a predated grouping for a month that starts on a Friday and includes a two page monthly spread and six to page weekly spreads. I've done the same for a month that starts on Monday. So now that we have thes pre made masters, we can create the 1st 3 months of a planner pretty quickly. All we have to do is a lot of copying and pasting, followed by a bit of editing. I'll show you first, and then you can create your own January through March planner using the pre made planner group method. So in the pages panel we have are two groupings. If we click on Page two, you can see that it is a Tomb page monthly spread that starts on Monday on pages four and five are a two page vertical weekly spread with dates build in starting on Monday. The dates continue on pages six and seven, and so on until the 31st. Now, if we click on page 14 you will see the same type of spread on Lee. This grouping starts on Friday for both the monthly two page spread and the two page vertical weekly Spreads. So if we were going to use thes pre made groupings to create a planner knowing that the month of January starts on a Friday, we would start by selecting the group that starts on Friday and move it up just after Page one. So we'll click on Page 14 whole Dinner Shift key and click on Page 27. Then we'll click on Page 14 again and drag the group up to the right of page one. And when we see the vertical line, we can release our mouse. The Friday grouping is now in position to be edited to become the January grouping for our calendar. Now, before we do any editing, it's best to position all of the months in the order that will appear in The Planner in our 2021 example. Both February and March start on a Monday, so that means we need to make a copy of the grouping that starts on Monday so we can click on Page 16 hold Downer, shipped Kian click on Page 27 then we can right click and select duplicate spreads now before we go any further. Let's group are pages using the color method that we learned previously so we can keep a visual separation of the months since the duplicated spread starts on page 28 we can click on Page 28 hold down the shift key and click on page 39 then right click and select page attributes and color label and select a color that hasn't yet been used. This is now separated are three groupings visually so that we can make our edits and continue on. Let's go to Page two and start the editing process. The first thing you need to do is change the large folded Friday to January. So with our textile selected, we select the text and enter January. Now we need to do the same on the next six pages. So let's select the January text and copy it using keyboard shortcut control plus C go down to the next page, select the text and using keyboard shortcut control Plus V will replace that Friday text with January, go down to the next page and do the same control V to Paste, go down to the next page and keep doing that until you reach the last two page vertical weekly spread for January. When we get to the monthly page for February, we will be doing the same, replacing Monday with February copying and pasting into the remaining pages for February. Then we'll do the same for March. Now we have one more edit for February. February has 28 days in. Our pre made planner group has 31 days, so we need to edit the days in the monthly planner spread and the last weekly spread. So if you double click on page 16 it takes us to the monthly page for February. Simply highlight and delete the extra days, then double click on the last two page spread in the February grouping and highlight and delete the extra dates. That's it. You essentially have created a three month planner. Now, if you wanted to offer other styles of that planner you just made, you could do things like update the font font colors, etcetera using paragraph styles. And if you wanted to add some color tents or graphics to summer all of the pages, you could do that verily, easily using master pages. And if you wanted to edit the stroke or fill of your planner tables. You could do that in selling table styles. All double click on Page two to take us back to the beginning of this three month planner. Let's say we wanted to change the January font to a script front. All we have to do is go to paragraph styles, click on month and under basic character formats, select a new font family. Let's say we wanted to introduce a little color into the header and footer of the page, or at a graphic that we wanted to repeat on every page. We could do that by creating the new master page that has some color and or graphic, then apply it to the page or page is that we want. So let's go up to the top of the page is panel and click on the hamburger and select new master. Let's add our color to the top and bottom of the page. Then why don't we apply that to the monthly to page spreads? So go ahead and click on the 1st 2 page spread in each of your groupings in your pages panel, right, click and apply Masters C for color and Walla. You've created a totally new planner in just a matter of seconds. The key is to never save over your original file, but always to save as something else. I've included a pre made planner group master file that is formatted with cell styles, table styles and paragraph styles and is ready to receive dates for the remaining five groupings. My only caution is that once you've filled it out, treat it like gold and always work from a copy so that you don't overwrite anything on the original file. You can see that once you've actually entered all of the dates into the seven master groupings, this Methodists much quicker than Method one. So we've learned that Method two is faster than Method one, but there are still two more dating methods that will save you even more time. So let's head on over to the next video, and I'll show you how to create a cell style to automatically fill dates in for a single page monthly planner. See you in the next video 6. Method Three - Cell Styles: Welcome to the Method. Three video. How to use cell styles to add dates to your single page monthly planner. In other words, how to make a calendar page In this class, you will learn how to create a feel sell style and how to apply it to a single calendar page to fill in. The dates automatically will be working with the class downloads file called Method three Cell Styles. So be sure you have downloaded the files from the projects. And resource is section of the skill share website, not the app. Using the password that's provided in the class project video. You'll also need a print out of the 2021 calendar. Also included in the downloads and Resource is Great. We're ready to continue, so go ahead and open the in design file called Method three Cell Styles. When the file opens, you should be greeted with this page. The first thing we're going to do is open up our pages panel and click on Page three. You'll find a blank calendar page for January. It has the days of the week assigned, but if you look closely, Sunday is different than the rest of the days, the first thing we're going to do is create our paragraph styles to style are month and Day of the week headers. Then we're going to create a cell style for the dates. Then we'll apply the cell style and edit our page and finally will create our remaining calendar pages. Are you ready? Okay, go over to your Windows panel on the right and click on paragraph styles. Now grab your text tool and drag it over January to select it. Then, while holding down the altar key for a PC an option keep for a Mac. Click on Create New Style under style name. Enter month. Make sure apply style to selection is checked and click OK now. Let's create a paragraph style for the days of the week. Go ahead and click and drag your mouse over Sunday to select it. Then, while holding down the altar key for a PC, an option key for a Mac click on Create New Style under style name. Enter days of the week, make sure apply style to selection is checked and click. OK, great. We have just one more style to create for the date, but we're going to change it up a little bit. So with Sunday's still selected, go ahead and hold down your fault or option key and click on Create New Style under style name. Enter Date, Phil Under based on Leave it as days of the week. Now we want to go over to basic character formats and change the size to 16. Next we want to go to in Danson Spacing and change the alignment toe left. We have just a couple more changes to make under bullets in Numbering. We want to change the list. Type two numbers and under numbering style, we want to change the code that appears next to number. We want to delete the last three characters of the code to style the number the way we want it to look. So we want to delete the period, the carrot and the tea. Okay, that's it. We cannot click OK, now that we have our paragraph styles created, let's supply them. Go ahead and select the days of the week hetero, then select paragraph style days of the week to apply it. Next, select all of the body rose and apply paragraph style day. Phil, now we have just two more little things to do before the magic happens. We need to create cell styles for the days of the week, hetero and for the date Phil. To do that, you need to once again select the days of the week hetero, then go to the window panel on the right and select cell styles. Hold down your all key and click on Create new style Now under style Name entered days of the week and under paragraph styles select days of the week. Then click OK now with the days of the week header rows still selected. Go up to your control panel and just to the right of the simulated table, there's a drop down to the right of the cell styles icon. Go ahead and select days of the week. Okay, Now we want to create a cell style for the body rose. So go ahead and select all of the body rose. Hold down your all key and click on Create new style under style name. Enter date Phil and under paragraph style Select date Phil. Then click OK. Now, with the body rose still selected, we need to apply the cell style up in the control panel. So in the drop down list to the right of the simulated table, select date Phil. Now, if you really want to incorporate a huge time saver for your calendar page format, let's create a table style. In order to create a table style, you need to select your table, then click on this table styles panel on the right and while holding down your alter option key, click on Create New Style under new style name. Let's enter planner and undersell styles change header rows two days of the week and body rose to date. Phil, make sure preview is checked. Then click. OK, you've now created a table style, and now we need to apply it to our monthly planner page. Your monthly planner should be selected, said Go ahead and click on the Planner in the Table Styles panel to apply it. We're now ready for the magic. Click anywhere off of your table to de select it. Then with the text tool selected, click in the first body cell just under Sunday and hit your space bar. You'll see that a number one appears click and drag to select the entire contents of that cell and then using keyboard shortcut control plus C, copy it now right, click inside the same cell and scroll down to select and then body rose all of your body Roeser now selected. So let's use keyboard shortcut control plus B to paste. Now click outside of the table and you'll notice that it's filled with numbers 1 to 42. Now we have a little editing to do, but not much. If we look at our 2021 calendar, we see that January starts on Friday, so click and drag to select Sunday through Thursday, Thursday included and hit your delete key. You'll see that the one has jumped to the Friday cell. Now. January has 31 days, so we want to select all of the days after the 31st and use our delete key to remove them. I know it probably seemed like a big ordeal to get to that point, but much of the time was spent in the set up, so let's go to Page five and see just how quick this method really is. Once you've set up your paragraph in cell styles, go ahead and select your table and assign the planner table style to it. You can do that either up in the control panel or in the table cell panel on the right and with your text tool selected. Place your cursor in the first body Rossell under Sunday, then hit your space bar. Now select all of the contents in the cell and copy using keyboard shortcut control plus C right click within the cell and choose. Select and then choose body rose. Then use keyboard shortcut control plus V to paste. Go ahead and click outside of the table and you'll notice that once again, you have the numbers 1 to 42. If you look at your 2021 calendar, February starts on Monday, so you select and delete the one in the first body. Rossell February has 28 days, so you want to delete their days following the 28. There isn't a way to select them all in one fell swoop, so you have to select and delete the extra dates by rose by columns or individually. Now, if you want to save even more time, when you use this method, create, install your first page and fill it with numbers. Then before you doing the editing, duplicate the spread 12 times so that you have your 12 months already created in. All you have to do is add it the name of the month and adjust the dates for each month. Great job. You now know how to create an apply cell in table styles to edit your tables and how to create a cell style Phil so that you can auto fill your calendar page without having to type in each date. I have one more method to show you that will require a little bit of set up, but we'll save you the most amount of work. Sako Head and click on the next video and I'll teach you how to use state emerged to enter dates into your planner. I'll see you in the next video. 7. Method Four - Data Merge: welcome to the method for video when I started creating planners I had used in design for years, but never for extensive table or data merge use. So this method was totally foreign to me. In fact, I didn't even know it was an option. So my early planners were created using a combination of the 1st 3 methods. So let me save you a lot of headaches, trial and error and time and show you how to add dates using the date emerge method. By far, this is the quickest, most efficient and most versatile method available. Essentially, what you do is create a data source file, then save it as a comma delimited dot CS V or tab delimited file. Then merge the data into your in design file. You only deal with one format at a time. So since our weekly planners make up, most of our planner will start there, then insert our monthly pages to complete our planner. Let's get started. As with, all of the other methods will be working with files available for you to download from the projects and resource is section of the skill share website, not the app, using the password that's provided in the class project video. For this class, you will need to in design files. The first is method for monthly dated calendar pages and the second method for weekly vertical. You will also need the dot CSB file named data source file. You will also need a print out of the 2021 calendar. Also included in the downloads and resource is the data source file is not an in design file. It was created in Microsoft. Excel and Saved is a dot C S V file or comma delimited file, which is one of the formats that in design will allow for merging data. If you don't have excel on your computer, I don't know if you can open the file to view it. So I've included a PdF version of the file also so that you can follow along. Let's go ahead and open the dot CSB file or if you can't open the file is a dot CSB file. Go ahead and open it up as a pdf to see what we're working with. The file is set up so that each line of text corresponds with 12 page spread of our vertical weekly planner on the left. We have the month in the next column. We have weak. This columnist for reference only will not be merged into our planner. Next, we have our column. Headers. L Sunday, L Monday El Tuesday L Wednesday are Thursday are Friday and our Saturday. The L references The left page and the are references the right page of our two page weekly planner spread. Next are the days of the month. If we look at the 2021 calendar, we see that January starts on a Friday, So January 1 starts on Friday of Week one. The next day is Saturday the second. Then it's just a matter of entering the dates for each of the remaining weeks in the year. And once again, once this has been done once, it can be easily manipulated so that you don't have to enter in all the dates of the year ever again. For this example, I've included all of the dates for the 1st 3 months of the year, January through March. So again, this is our data source, and it was created in Microsoft Excel, but it can be created in any database program and saved as a dot CSP or tab delimited file . Now go ahead and close this file, and let's open up the method for date. Emerge weekly vertical file in in design. And also, you had to set up your in design file to receive the source data and create a dated planner . In no time when you open the file, you'll land on this page. Let's open our pages panel on the right and get right into it. Go ahead and double click on Page two to open up the vertical to page weekly planner spread , then center it on your screen by using keyboard shortcut control plus all plus zero. Now we see that it has a place for the month to be added on the top left Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or on the Left page and Thursday, Friday and Saturday are on the right, which corresponds with the source data file we just looked at. The first thing we're going to do is create and apply our cell and table styles so that when we do merge the data, we can easily restyle our table, fill stroke and fun with just a few clicks of the keyboard instead of having to go to each page and style each page individually. If we open up our paragraph styles panel, we see that there are already paragraph styles created for the month, days of the week and dates weaken. See if they are applied by grabbing our text tool in placing our cursor anywhere within the month. Text and looking at the paragraph Styles panel to see what style is selected quick anywhere in the days of the week Header style and you'll see that the paragraph style panel selects days of the week. We now need to ensure that the date paragraph style is also applied. So let's select the body row on the left and click on dates and the paragraph Styles panel to apply it and do the same on the right page on Lee this time will select the Thursday Friday and Saturday sells only and apply the dates paragraph style. With our paragraph styles created and applied, we can now create our cell styles for the days of the week, table, row, header and for the dates body rose cells. Let's start with the days of the week table row header go ahead and select the days of the week table row header and then click on the Cell Styles panel to open it up. Hold down your all key and click on Create New Style. Let's give it a style name of days of the week and under paragraph styles. Select days of the week from the drop down list. Make sure preview is selected and click OK now. With our cell style created, we need to apply it. So with your days of the week Rose still selected on your table, you can either click on days of the week in the cell Styles panel or you can select from the drop down box undersell styles in the control panel. Let's select the days of the week header on the right page and apply the days of the week sell style. Also next, we have to create a cell style for our body row. So go ahead and select the body rose cells on the left. Then, while holding down your all key click on create new style under style name, enter dates and under paragraph style select dates from the drop down list. Make sure preview is checked and click OK with our body rose cell style now created, we need to apply it. So on your left page, select the body row. If it isn't already selected, then click on dates in the cell styles panel or selected from the self styled drop down box in the control panel. Now select the Thursday, Friday and Saturday body rose cells on the right page and apply the dates sell style to it . Now that our cell styles have been created, we need to create our table style. Go ahead and select the table on the left page, then click on the Table Styles panel to open it. Hold down your all key and click on Create New Style under style name. Inter planner and undersell styles change header rows two days of the week and body rose two dates. Make sure preview is checked and click OK. Now that we've created our table style, we now have to apply it. So with your table still selected on the left hand side, go over to table styles and click on planner. Now select the table on the right page. Go over to table styles panel and select planner. Our table is now styled and ready for the date emerge. So let's open up the date emerge panel on the right. You will see that when you open up the panel, it gives the following instruction one. Choose select data source from the panel menu to drag data fields from the panel two frames on the page or with an insertion point selected. Click the data fields you want to insert and three choose. Create Merge document from the panel menu. To select our data source, we click on the hamburger and click on Select Data Source. You will want to find the dot CSB filed called source Data Merge and open your data Merge panel is not populated with the fields from the source data file. So let's still in design where we want those fields to fill in our planner. If you go to the top of the list, you'll see that month is our first item. So select the word month in the document on your planner two page spread, then click on month in the data merge panel. Now remember that we aren't doing anything with the week entry, so skip that one and click and drag the L Sunday to the body road just below the Sunday day of the week table header on your two page spread, then do the same for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday When you get to Thursday will do the same thing, but this time we'll click and drag it to our right page. Go ahead and check the preview box in the data merge panel, and you should see the January replaces the month indicator and that there's a one in the Friday body, Rossell and a two in the Saturday body. Rossell. We're almost done. Just one more very important thing to do before emerging our data. We need to delete Page One in this document. Why? Because if we leave it there, when we do our data merge, it will essentially duplicate the pages we have in our document and will continue to add Page one contents between each of our two page spreads. So let's open up our pages paneling. Click on page one, then right click and select Delete spread. We'll get a warning that says theater acted. Page contains objects. Delete the page anyway. Go ahead and click. OK, now the pages look a little monkey, but let's merge the data and then I'll show you how to fix it. Go ahead and open up the date emerge panel again, and just below the hamburger, you'll see an arrow pointing to emerge. Document icon. Go ahead and click on the icon. A create merged document panel opens up under records. Select all records. Lyndon Click OK, your computer should process for a moment than a new document will open up with your merge data if you get a message that says no over set text was generated when merging records simply click OK to go on. Now let's open up our pages panel to see what we have. We have a whole lot of pages, and you can see that they're not showing up is to page spreads. That is because when we deleted Page one in our last spread, we made our file a little wonky. But it's easy to fix. Page one should be selected in your pages panels. So if it's not, go ahead and double click on Page one in your pages panel, then right click and select Insert pages under pages. Enter one under insert select before Page one and master none. Then click. OK, now, if you scroll down, you'll see that your planner has been dated with dates from January through March. Our three month planner is well on the way, but we still have a bit more work to do before we're done. We need to insert the monthly planner pages before the start of the weekly planner pages for January, February and March. To do that will need to save and keep this file open. Open up the in design file named Method. Four Monthly dated calendar pages Insert pages into our current document than copy and paste our method for monthly planner pages into this document. Then it's just a matter of performing any final edits that you might like to do and you're planner is complete. Let's go ahead and save this document. It's already named so you can save by going to menu file save or using Keyboard Shortcut control Plus s Next. Let's keep this file open and open in design. File named Method for monthly dated calendar pages Now in the Merch Datafile Let's double click on Page two in the pages panel to go to the first page of the January weekly two page spread. Go ahead and right, click on Page two and select Insert pages under pages. Enter too under insert select before page two with master none. Then click OK, now go to the method for monthly calendar page file and select the content from page three . Copy it using keyboard shortcut control plus C. Then go back to your merge document and click anywhere on page three of your document. Then use keyboard shortcut shift control, Ault plus V to place the monthly planner page into place. Now the month of January ends on a Sunday, which means February starts on a Monday, so the monthly calendar page will either need to be placed before January 31st or after February 6th. And where you place it is really a matter of personal preference. I prefer to place it before January 31st since the majority of the week is actually February. But again, it truly is a matter of preference. So what I will do now is go to the pages panel in double click on page 14 then right click and select Insert pages under pages enter too under insert select before page 14 with Master None and Click OK now we'll go to the method for monthly Calendar Page file and select the content from Page five and copy it using keyboard shortcut control plus C. Then we'll go back to our Emerge Document and click on Page 15 in the document and use keyboard shortcut Shift control Ault plus fee to place it into place. Now we have one more month to do, so let's do the same for March in our merge document. Let's go to the pages panel in double click on Page 24 then right click and under pages. Enter too under insert select before page 24 with Master None and Click OK now we'll go to our method for monthly calendar pages file and select all of the content on page seven. Copy it using keyboard shortcut control plus C. Then we'll go back to our emerged document. Click our mouse on page 25 then use keyboard shortcut shift plus control plus all plus B to place it in place. Now, if you scroll through your merge document, you have your monthly calendar page for each month, followed by two page weekly spreads for the same month. In other words, you have a dated planner and it took practically no time at all to create. Now let's save our changes. Using keyboard shortcut control plus s congratulations. Your document is now merged, and you can now edit the paragraph and sell styles to change the look in the next video. All share tips and tricks for styling. Your planner said, Go ahead and click on the next video, and I'll look forward to seeing you there. 8. Tips & Tricks For Styling Your Planner: welcome to the tips and tricks for styling, your plan or video. In this video, I wanted to review the steps that are needed to create a planner that can be edited in just a matter of a few mouse clicks rather than editing page by page, taking hours or even days. So the steps that are needed are to first create a framework for your planner using either tables or grids. Next, creating and applying your styles, beginning with paragraph styles for the text that will fill your planner in the practice files we used. We made paragraph styles for month, days of the week, dates and date Phil once or paragraph styles Air created. We can create an apply cell styles to define the look of each cell within our table. And once our cell styles are created and applied, we can create and apply our table styles. One of the things that you need to be aware of is when you combine two different documents , as we did when we created our emerged vertical weekly pages, then copied and pasted our monthly calendar pages into the document that you can have more than one style name for the same type of data. In this case, we named our cell style dates for the dates in our weekly vertical planner and date Phil for the monthly calendar page. So if you want to style all of your planner pages toe look the same. You'll need to edit both the dates and eight bill cell styles. There is so much flexibility that you have when you use paragraphs, Ellen table styles and master pages. And my hope is that you will play around with the fonts, stroke, color bill and backgrounds so that you fully understand the potential. You have to create a number of different looks for your planner from a single design. I'll wrap up this section by turning you loose to create. But also, I would love to invite you to ask any questions that you may have regarding planner design , creation or dating your planners in the discussion section of this class. Okay, that's it for the tips and tricks for styling. Your planner. Go ahead and click on the next video and we'll wrap up this class. I'll see you in the next video 9. Thank You: Thank you so much for taking this class. You have become pushed for lot. Congratulations. And you are now applying our expert. You have learned four different methods for dating your planner. Yeah. You learn how to use cell in table styles so that you can style your planner in just a matter of minutes rather than hours or days. I invite you to ask any questions that you might have in the discussion section of this class and to post your project in the project section of this class. I also invite you to follow me to keep the conversation going and to be notified of future classes and updates. I'm on social media as at depth Jeffrey dot com and would love to follow you on your progress. Thank you again. I wish you much success as you create planners and principles and would love to see you in the next class. Until then, be blessed