1. Introduction: Hi there. I'm deaf. Jeffrey An artist, surface designer and planner creator. I live on the California's central coast with my husband, David, and three chickens shooting star, sunshine and coconut. Okay, true confession. I haven't always used a planner. I started out being the sticky note queen and use sticky notes to organize the details of my day. I moved to a planner a few years ago when my parents got sick and my sticking up organization system no longer worked for our family. I searched for a planner, and although there were a lot of planners on the market, I couldn't find one to meet our needs. So knowing that it don't be in design is a powerful tool for creating documents. I used it to create a planner of my own. Even with over 15 years of experience with the dough being designed, it took a while to figure out the most efficient tools to use to create a planner. Over time, I've developed a streamlined and efficient method for creating planners and this classes to share with you what I've learned and teach you a skill that you can use to create a passive income. If you choose Michael is to show you how to create an undated planner while removing any fear you might have about using in design. I'll introduce you to the workspace. Tools and panels, teach you how to customize the preferences so that the program responds the way you needed to each and every time you open it up and I'll show you how to design and create an undated planner using master pages, greedy in tables, texted paragraph styles. Sounds ominous, doesn't it? But don't worry. This is an introductory class in this for you. If you've never opened the program or maybe open the programming quickly closed it because it seems so overwhelming. Or maybe you have used Adobe Illustrator or phone the shop to try to create it. A multiple page documents. The project for this class is to design and create an undated planner, and I'll give you all the details in the class Project video. Are you ready to get started? Great. Go ahead and click on the class Project video, and I'll look forward to seeing you in the next video. See you there
2. Class Project: Welcome to your class project. The project for this class is to design and create an undated planner in Adobe and Design, using the tools and techniques that will learn in this class. So I had undated Planner I've selected Inundated Planner for two reasons. First, because this is an introductory class and there are many ways to approach dates in design. So I'm going to reserve that until a second class on dated planners. And second, because UNDATED planners can be offered at any time of the year. It's no secret that January 1 is when people have high hopes for organizing the year ahead . But there are many who don't start them, and inundated Planner provides them with the encouragement to start right where they are at any time. I provided you with some downloads, and resource is for this class, and I'll explain at the end of this video how to access them. But in the meantime, as we progress through this class, I'll ask you to fill out the worksheets and share your progress in the project section of this class. Don't worry, it's not a competition. It's simply a way for you to share your progress with me and your fellow classmates so that we can all celebrate your success and encourage you and your in design, introduction and planner creation journey. Your first share will be the customizing your workspace worksheet. As we customize your preferences in workspace, I ask that you check up your progress and then post in the project section of this class. Next. As we entered the design phase, I'll ask you to share a photo of your planner design worksheet completed with your unique planner design sketched out. This will prepare you for the next step of creating your planner and adobe in design. I'll explain the various ways to create tables and grids, teach you the time saving benefit of using master pages and character styles, and guide you through the process of creating the framework for your planner and filling in the repeating details. Once your planner is created in Adobe in design, I would love to see screenshots of one or two pages of your plan her posted in the project section. Next, we'll address cover design. So of course I'd love to see a screen shot. Her photo of your cover and finally, when you're planner is published. Please share a link to your published planner. Learning a new software program and skill can seem a bit overwhelming. But stick with me. I'll walk through the process with you, giving you tools, tips and shortcuts along the way to make. The process is easiest possible. And when we're done, you'll have learned the basics of adobe in design. You'll have customized your preferences and work space so that the program works according to your needs. Each and every time you open it up, you'll have an undated planner that you can use giveaway as a pre B cell on your Web site or a site like etc. Or have published to a site like Kindle Direct Publishing for sale on Amazon, which means you will have also learned a skill that can provide you with the passive income . So earlier, I mentioned, the class resource is and downloads. They can be accessed by clicking on the link in the about section of this class and using the password shown here. Are you ready to get started? Go ahead and download the class downloads and resource is and I'll meet you in the next video
3. Meet Adobe InDesign: I'd like to introduce you to in design. So why in design? Simply because it's awesome. It's the industry leader per desktop publishing and is perfect for creating documents for print, Web and mobile devices and interactive documents to It plays well with other formats, meaning you can use native adobe file formats like Illustrator and Photoshopped files as well as J. Pancks. Pdf sent ifs Because of all the tools in shortcuts, it makes document creation easy, and you will love it. What will cover in this video? We'll start with a brief overview of the workspace getting into more detail as we create your planner. OK, let's get started. Sorry, I couldn't resist first things first. I'll be working in Adobe in Design CC, but most of the tools, tips and shortcuts that I share should be available to you back to Adobe CS six. Okay, let's open the in design program When you first launched the program, this is the welcome screen across the top. You have menu options on the left. You have your home creating documented open document buttons, and in the center of the screen, you have some options for fast starting a document for mobile devices, Web or for print. You also have the option of creating a custom size document for this overview. I'm going to ask you to go up to the menu up at the top left of this screen and click on window, then goto work space, then click on Essentials Classic. This will ensure we're looking at the same screen you're now looking at the in design work space along the top or our menu buttons. Just below her menu buttons is the control panel. On the left of your screen is the tool panel, and on the right of your screen is the doctor panel area. I like to call this the Windows panel because it describes where the individual panels come from. Okay, let's look at the tool panel on the left. Here you will find tools to create and edit your document. You have your selection and direct selection tools, your text tools, your frame tools, which are very important in this program. You also have other tool options available to you. Whenever you see a small arrow in the lower right hand section of the tool icon, for example, look at the text tool icon. It is the one with the capital T. If you click in the center of the icon, you can select the text tool. But if you click and hold for a moment on the arrow in the lower right section of the text icon, a sub menu opens up showing that there are other text related tools available. You can click on any of the options, and they become the new default icon in your tools panel. There are a number of other tools that we will discuss further as we go along. The control panel at the top will change according to the tools that you have open. Let's go back to the text panel and click on the text Tool the one with the Capital T and watch how the control panel up at the top changes to provide everything you would need while working with text. Here is where you select your font, font, size, spacing and alignment to name a few of the options available here with the text tool still selected. Go up to the control panel, and on the far left you will see a paragraph symbol. Click on that and you'll see that the panel changes to show all of your paragraph editing options here you will find justify indent and other options for paragraph control. If you click on the selection tool the Black Arrow at the top of the tools panel, you'll know that the control panel changes to provide options for the item or items that you have selected in your document. The panel stopped on the right are really shortcuts. Remember when I asked you to go to the windows? Mannion and Goto Workspace and Select Essentials Classic. You may have noticed that there was a list of options thes heir own workspaces that in design has provided to you to give you the tools that they think will be helpful for the various types of documents that you will create. Let's go there now click on window workspace and take a look at the list. Click on book and see how the panels on the right of your screen change. Now let's go back to Windows workspace and click on digital publishing. You'll see that the panels change yet again, offering the most appropriate panels for this type of document creation. Okay, lets go back once again to Windows workspace and change it back to essentials. Classic. I would also like to point out that the tools panel on the left and the window panel on the right are doctor panels. So if you don't like that where they're living on your screen, you can move them. Simply click and hold on the dark bar on the top of the menu and drag it to a new location to return it to its original position. Simply click and hold is you drag the panel to where you would like it to dock for the tools panel on the left. When you click and drag the tools panel back over to the left of your screen, you'll see a blue bar appear on the far left of your screen. Release your finger from the mouse in your tools panel. Will this once again docked on the left of your screen? This holds true all the panels you can click. Hold and drag them to any location and return them looking for that blue bar that will let you know that you can release your finger. Click to Dr Panel to that location. Okay, last, but certainly not least the center of your screen is your design space. Well, that concludes your introduction to the workspace. Let's go to the next video and I'll show you how to customize your workspace and preferences to make the program behave the way you want and need it to each and every time you open it up. See you in the next video.
4. Customizing Your Workspace: welcome to the video that will provide you with the most important information for working and in design how to customize your preferences in workspace. So why is this so important? Simply because without it, you end up wasting a lot of time constantly setting phones, units of measure, how images air placed and looking for tools and swatches and all of the things that you use on a regular basis by customizing your workspace. You set up all these things once, and then you're done with it. And you can quit wasting your time setting up to create a document and just create one of the downloads provided is a customizing your workspace worksheet. Please have that available to keep track of your custom ization process. And when you've completed this exercise, please snap a photo of your completed worksheets and posted in the project section for this class. All right. In order for this to work, you need to make sure all documents are closed. In fact, let's go to the home page, then go to window workspace and opened up essentials Classic. Now we're ready. The first thing I will show you is how to change the background color of the workspace in the menu panel. Click on Edit, then preferences. I'll start cheering shortcuts with you right from the beginning, so the shortcut for accessing the preference menu is control K for a PC and command K for a Mac to see the options or change the color, go to preferences, interface, appearance. And if you're happy with the color of your workspace, do nothing. But if you want to change the background color, click on one of the options next. You know how sometimes you type quotes and you get those funky little marks that are definitely not quotation marks. Well, we can set up your program toe. Always use typographer is quotes by going to preferences type and making sure there is a check in the box. Next to Typographer is quotes Next. When working with print documents, you generally work in inches, so let's change the preset from pixels two inches in preferences. Goody units in increments and under ruler units change horizontal T inches and vertical T inches, then click OK next. The default further program is Minion Pro. If you like this Pontin want to use it, then you can skip this next instruction. But if you have another font that you love or use on a regular basis, go to the tools panel on the left and select the type tool up at the top. You'll see the font Minion pro. Go ahead, and to the right of that, there's a little down arrow. Click on that and select your font. Just to the right of that is the font size. So if you want to use upon size other than 12 go ahead and change that. Once you've completed that change, go ahead and write the front that you selected on your worksheet. Once that is done, the next thing we'll do is get rid of that pesky auto hyphenation. To do that, click on the paragraph symbol on the left of the control panel and remove the check mark next to hyphenation. The next thing we'll do is address how images air placed. Right now. They are defaulted to place at their actual size, and believe me, you can waste a lot of time re sizing them. So to avoid wasting time, let's set up your default to resize. Your image is automatically to do that will go to the menu panel at the top of your workspace. Click on object, then fitting frame fitting options and check the auto fit box. Also change content fitting to fill frame proportionally and under a line from click on the center box. Then click. OK, now we're going to set up your Windows panel on the right to include short cuts of all the panels you will need for your planner creation and for general document creation. So let's go up to the menu panel and click on window Object and layout and a line. Now click and hold on the top of the Align panel and drag it to the Windows panel on the right. Remember to look for the blue line, and when you see it, you can release it. Middle docket to that panel. Do the same for the Pathfinder panel. Okay, now we're going to go back to the menu and select window styles and character styles. We're going to drag character styles into the right panel, and we'll do the same with paragraph styles. Now we want to go back to menu window type in tables in select character, and we'll drag that into our Windows panel on the right. Then go back to menu window type in tables. This time we're gonna look for paragraph, click on paragraph and then click and drag it to the windows panel on the right. Okay, let's do that again. Go up to menu window type and tables. And this time we're looking for cliffs and we'll drag the glimpse panel into the window panel on the right, and that is it. You did it. So now that you have a customized workspace, let's go up to window one last time and select workspace. Now we're going to look for a new workspace and a little windows going to open up and ask you to give it a name. Go hidden into your name into that space. Then make sure the panel locations and menu customization. Zehr checked. Then click. OK, congratulations. You have now customized your preferences and workspace. So go ahead and snap a photo of your completed customizing your workspace worksheet and posted in the project section of this class. You're now ready to move to the next video to start designing your planner. See you there
5. Designing Your Planner: Welcome to the designing your planner video. When working within design, One of the number one rules for working efficiently is knowing how your document will be printed. Why? Because it helps you design and create your document from the very start. With the end in mind, you can create your files with the correct page set up. In other words, the proper margins. Color type image resolution and want licensing to name a few in designing your planner. The first thing that you'll need to decide is Is your planner intended to be offered as a printable something that someone can download and print at home? Or will it be offered as a published book? This is important to know, because it will affect the set up of your document. So what's the difference? I'll cover printable planners first. When designing a printable planner, you're designing it so someone can print it on their home printer. So the first consideration is margins. Because home printers vary so widely, I would recommend allowing a minimum of 1/2 inch margin all around for all graphics, images and text. And if you're printable, planner is intended to be placed in a binder than the inside margin should be a bit larger , so it won't get cut off if it's hole punched or bound in any way. Next, you have a bit more flexibility in the use of color. You can use color in the design of your planner, but you always want to consider the color cartridge demands of the person downloading your printable next. When designing a book style planner to be published, you're designing it so that it can be printed by a professional print shop. So setting up your document with proper margins, facing pages, color mode and licensed fun an image resolution are vital. I will explain more about these options when we get to the next video, creating your planner for publishing your images and graphics king. Go to the edge of the page using a bleed, which is usually an extra eighth of an inch set up all around your document page images and graphics air place to fill this area, and then when your document is printed on the larger piece of paper and trim down your images and graphics, fill the entire document area without any fear of border or white lines around the edge. When publishing your planner to a site like Kindle Direct Publishing for sale on Amazon, you can create your planner in color. However, it will be extremely pricey for anyone buying your planner, so I don't recommend it. I suggest that planners intended for sale on Amazon be limited to black and white and shades of gray. Okay, now that we've covered the difference between printable and published planners, let's design your undated planner. I have included a planner design worksheet with your downloads, and resource is so please print out a few copies and use it to sketch out your ideas. I will ask that for this class, you limit your planner designed to to to page spreads a monthly page that spreads across two pages and a weekly planner page that spreads across two pages. Within your design, be sure to consider your margins and how and where the end user will inter dates. It's easy to get overwhelmed or carried away during this process, and that's why I'm asking you to limit your designed to to to page spreads like by the end of the class, you will have the knowledge to create more elaborate pages, so you can always come back to other design options later and go wild and create any kind of undated planner page that your little heart desires. Once you have sketched out your monthly and weekly to page spreads on your planner design worksheet, please share your unique planner designed in the project section of this class. Okay, let's move on to creating your planner and adobe in design. I'll see you in the next video.
6. Creating Your Planner: Hi there. Welcome back. Great job on customizing your workspace and designing your planner. Now let's go ahead and start creating that kind. This portion of the class is divided into various sections and will address documents set up in pretty sets. I'll show you how to create guidelines. I'll explain what primes a wrong about in adobe in design. I'll show you how to create color schemes on how to make tables and grooves have export your planner and all the parts that you need to know to create your planner. Feel free to pause or replay any of the videos to ensure that you feel comfortable with the information that we're reviewing before going on to the next segment. And if you have any questions, please feel free to ask them in the discussion section of this class, and I'll be happy to respond. Are you ready to get started? Go ahead and click on the next video and we'll get started with documents set up and pretty sets. I'll see you in the next video
7. Document Set Up and Presets: welcome to document set up and presets. In this video, I will show you how to create a new document and save it is a preset so that you never have to set up this particular document again. Do you remember previously, when I mentioned the importance of knowing how your document will be used or printed, this is where it comes into play right at the beginning at document creation. Let's create a printable document set up first. For this example. We will create our document on letter size paper to be printed on the home printer. We will assume that our planner will be printed out three hole punched and placed in a binder so we want the orientation to be portrait. We'll start with five pages to accommodate our title page and our two monthly and two weekly planner pages. First, we'll create a new document from the home menu. Click on Create New. The shortcut is control in for a PC or command in for Mech Select print. Under preset details, make the following changes with 8.5 inches Height, 11 inches, Orientation portrait pages. Five. Since the pages will be facing one another in a binder will check facing pages. We won't worry about columns here, so what is fine with the column gutter of 0.1667 inches? Let's click on the little chain toe on Link it because we will be setting our top bottom in outside margins at half an inch and are inside margin at one inch. Now, if you plan on creating other printable planners in the future, you can save this preset and never have to create it again. Up at the top of the preset Details column, you should see the name untitled just to the right of that is a down arrow. Go ahead and click on the down arrow, and we'll save this as a preset. Replace the highlighted text with the name you want to give this preset. I'll call it printable planner, then click on Save Preset. Your preset is now saved, and the next time you want to create a printable planner, all you have to do is go to your home page and under your recent items, find the preset in the list and then double click it to open. Now let's create a preset for a published 8.5 by 11 inch planner with the published planner . We have a little more form having flexibility and can make our margins more narrow, and we can plan our set up so that we can include images or graphics that run to the edge of the page if you choose. So let's create a new preset. You can either click on the home button in select, create new or use keyboard shortcut control, plus in for a PC or command plus in for a Mac and get to the preset details screen. The wind is 8.5 inches, and the height is 11 inches. The orientation is portrait. The pages will be facing one another, so check facing pages. We don't have to worry about columns or gutters here, so go to margins and unlinked that chains our top bottom and outside margins will be 0.385 inches, and our inside margin will be 3/4 of an inch, or 0.75 inches below margins is bleedin slug. When using a bleed, the printer will actually print your 8.5 by 11 inch document on a larger piece of paper, then cut it down to size. Having your image or graphic extend an extra eighth of an inch into the bleed area is kind of like an insurance policy and ensures that your graphic or image will fill the area that you intended. That said, Let's keep our chain linked in typing 0.1 to 5 inches. We won't worry about slug. Now go up to the top of the preset details and click the down arrow to the right of untitled document. Replace the highlighted text with published 8.5 inch by 11 inch planner and save preset. We included dimensions in this preset because there are many sizes available for publishing , so you can create a preset for each size planner that you create. Okay, it's decision time. We just finished creating presets for a printable planner and a published planner. It's important for you to decide now which kind of planner you're going to create an open up. That document preset and everything that we do from this point forward will be using that document preset. Okay, let's move on to color. I'll see you in the next video
8. Color Swatches: Welcome to the color swatches video. For this video, you will need to have downloaded the cover image. Options provided in the downloads of resource is presented in the class project video or AH , high resolution image of your choosing that you would like to use for your planner. Cover and cover Swatch creation. Now with your planner Document open. Let's get started. As with just about everything in in design, there are several ways to accomplish a task. I'm going to show you two ways to add new color swatches using color from a placed image. And then I will show you how to use those color swatches to apply color to shapes, frames and text. We will need an image to pull color from, so the first thing we'll do is bring the image that you're going to use for your planner. Cover into your document so that if you're going to be adding color to the inside of your planner, your colors will be cohesive. To bring your image into this document, we will place the planner cover image that you have downloaded to your computer to place the image, go to the menu and select file place, find your file and select it. Then within your document, click and drag out of frame where the file will be placed with our image on screen, we're now ready to start with Method one using the eyedropper. Let's open up the swatches panel on the right, Just under the names, watches Issa stacked box with the solid square and an outline square. I will explain what these boxes air for after we have created our color swatches. But for now, please click on the solid square. Next, we will grab the rectangle tool in drag out a medium sized rectangle. Now we will go to the tools panel and grab the eyedropper tool. Or you can use shortcut. I then click on a color that you like within the downloaded cover image, and it will fill the rectangle that you just created. If you like this color and would like to add it to your color swatches, simply click the new Swatch icon at the bottom of the swatches panel. If you weren't crazy about the color or want to select another color tap on the selection tool, then grab the eyedropper tool and select another color. Another option is to use keyboard shortcuts V for a selection and eye for eye dropper, then click on the color again. If you like this color, simply click on the new Swatch icon at the bottom of the swatches panel to add it to your color swatches for this document. The second method we will use is the color theme tool. To use this method, we will need to select the color theme tool, which is in the eye dropper sub menu in the tools panel. So click on the little arrow in the bottom right corner of the eyedropper tool and select the color theme tool from the list. Next, click and drag over your entire image to get color suggestions from your entire image. Or you can click and drag over a portion of the image to get color suggestions from just a portion of the image. If you click and drag and aren't happy with the color shown, you can redo your selection by clicking on the selection tool, then clicking on the color theme tool, then dragging over a portion of the image to confine the selection to that area On Lee, you can also use the shortcut keys V for selection and shift, plus I for the color theme tool. When you find a color theme that you like, you can add the colors. Two years watches panel by clicking on the ad. This theme to Swatches Icon. The's Colors Air Now available for use in this document. Now that you have added the colors to your color swatches, let's learn how to access and apply those colors to our document. There are various ways to add color, so let's first prepare something that we can add color to. Let's grab the text tool from the tools panel and click and drag out a medium sized frame. Then let's type in the word test. Let's select the word by clicking and dragging over the word or using keyboard shortcut control, plus a then in the control panel. Let's change the font size to 36. Okay, now we're ready to play with color. Go ahead and grab your selection tool and click on the rectangle frame that you created. This is important because you always have to tell in design what you wanted to focus on. So if you don't have anything selected, it doesn't know what to do, so always be sure to select the item. You want to apply the change to, in this case, the medium size rectangle that you created in your document. You can apply color several ways to apply the colors that you created in your color swatches. You can select and apply colors from the control panel or the swatches panel to select colors from the control panel. Click on the right facing arrow to the right of the solid fill box in the control panel and select your color from the drop down menu to select colors from the swatches panel. Make sure that Phil or solid boxes selected, then click on any color in the swatches panel. Click on another color in the panel, and the color of the rectangle in your document changes. Now. If you find that the colors air too dark, you can lighten them by creating a tent. A tent is just a lighter value of the color that is still opaque. To create a tent, simply fill your rectangle with the color that you like, but that is too dark. For example, all used this blue to make the tint simply go up to the top of the swatches panel and type in a percentage. I'll type in 10% and press enter. You can add the tint to your color swatch menu by clicking on the new Swatch button at the bottom of the swatches panel. And if you want to add other tents of the same color, simply change the percentage in the tent percentage box. At the top of the swatches panel. You can create and save as many tents as you like to your swatches panel. To change the stroke color. You can click on the right facing arrow from the stroke selector in the control panel. Then select your stroke color from the drop down box. Or you can select the stroke selector in the swatches panel. Click on a color and watch the stroke on your rectangle in your document change. Okay, let's move on to text. Go ahead and grab the selection tool and click on the text box that you created with the word test. It is important to know that on working with text, we have the text frame and the text itself. If you look at the swatches panel, you will see that the standalone box just to the left of the tea is selected. This refers to the text frame, so if you add a feel now, it will not change the color of the text but will change the fill color of the text box or frame. Let's try it out just like you did previously. You can use the fill in stroke options from the control panel or from the swatches panel to apply color to the text frame. And if you want to remove color from the Phil or the stroke or both, simply click on the appropriate icon and select the white box with the red line through it to select color. None now to apply color to text, click on the T in the swatches panel, and you will note that the stacked square and outlines square have changed to a solid tea and an outline. T. This means that when you have the solid T selected, any color that you select will fill the text with color, and if you have the outline t selected any color. The E select will be applied to the stroke of the letter. You can also use the control panel to apply text and stroke colors from the colors you created in your swatches panel. And if you want no stroke and or no Phil, simply select the appropriate icon and select the color option color. None. Now that you have your colors added and saved, let's go ahead and clear our screen and get ready for our next lesson. Go ahead and grab your selection tool and click and drag over the entire page and then click Delete. Now, before we go on, let's save our document. To do that, click on file Save and select the location on your computer that you want to save too. Under file name. Let's type in my awesome planner. Save it as an in design 2020 document or a dot i N D d document, Then click Save Great Job. You have now learned how to create color swatches from an image using the eyedropper and the color theme tool. How to add those watches to your color swatch panel so the colors air available to use in your document. How to apply Color fills in strokes to Prem's in text and how to save your document. We're now ready to move on to guidelines and master pages. I'll see you in the next video
9. Guidelines and Master Pages: welcome to guideline in master pages. Using guidelines help streamline the process of creating your planner by setting boundaries for your planner pages, sections and objects, and prevents you from constantly having the guests or resize various parts of your document . For this planner, I went to allow 1.5 inches at the top for the monthly and weekly pay Cheddar information, so let's create a guideline up at the top. Just below the control panel is a horizontal ruler. Now Place your cursor on the ruler and click and drag down 1.5 inches from the top of your page, then release. If your line isn't exactly at 1.5 inches, don't worry. We can easily fix it. Upon the left side of the control panel, you will see an X and a Y double click on the number that fills the Y option and type in 1.5 inches. Now scroll down to the next page and let's center our pages. In our design space, you can use keyboard shortcut control plus all plus zero for a PC or command option. Zero for a Mac. You can see that although you created a guideline for the first page. It only applied it to the first page. You can create another 1.5 inch guideline on this two page spread and then rinse and repeat for the next two page spread. But instead, let me introduce you to master pages. The first thing we want to do is delete the guideline we just created. There are a couple of different ways to do that. The first is to go to menu view grids and guides and select delete all guides on the spread . Another way is to click on the guideline and then hit your delete key. If you tried the second method in your Dulic, he didn't remove the guideline. It could be that your guideline is locked. Go to menu view grids and guides and make sure there isn't a check box next to lock guides . Okay, let me introduce you to master pages. Master pages live in the pages panel on the right. Go ahead and click on the pages tab and a fly out appears. It's divided into two parts below the line. You can see your five pages. You can see the page number and you will also see that each page has an A on the outside top corner of the page. This indicates that the pages based on the A master page I know that means nothing to you right now. But hang in there. On the top of the page is panel. You should see the designation None and a master. Go ahead and double click on the white rectangle to the far right of the words a master you'll motors that you now only have two pages showing on your screen. Let's zoom in so the two pages fill our screen. You can zoom in by using menu view. Zoom in or by using keyboard shortcut control. Plus okay, let's go ahead and drag out a guideline from the top down to 1.5 inches from the top of our page. You'll notice that if you are anywhere on the document pages that the guideline will only show on the page that you're on. If you move from left to right page, you can see what I mean to avoid having to set up the guideline for the left page and then having to set it up for the right page. Simply move your cruiser off of the document. Go down to that 1.5 inch mark from the top of the page and release. And again, if it's a bit off, all you have to do to correct it is go up to your control panel and next to the Y, type in 1.5 inches. Now let's go back to the pages panel in double click on page one. See the guideline. Now go back to the pages panel and double click on Page four. See the guidelines spreading across Pages four and five. This is happening because you placed a guideline on the A master, and all of the pages in the document are assigned to the A master currently, as evidenced by the A on the outside top corner in that pages panel. Master pages can be used in many ways, but essentially they are a non premium page that can be used as a template, toe hold information or formatting information that repeats across summer. All of your pages in your document. Master pages are awesome, and I'll share more about them later. But for now, let's move on to the next video. Where will cover brains and text? See you there
10. Frames: Welcome to the frames in text. Video. In design is a frame based program, meaning everything must live in a frame. There is no homelessness, and in design there are three types of frames, and they can be accessed from the Tools panel. They are the text, graphic and shape tools. Text frames can be created by grabbing the text tool and dragging out of frame with graphics frames. You create the frame and then place images within and shaped Frames can be created by selecting either the rectangle, ellipse or polygon frame tool and dragging out of shape. We will discuss frames in more detail as we go along. But I wanted to present them to you now so that we start to get it in her brain that everything you didn't design must live in a frame. Okay, let's move on to tables and grids, and you will see frames in action. See you in the next video
11. Tables & Grids Part One: Welcome to the tables in Grids video. This is probably the one you've been waiting for, so let's dive right in. In this video, I'm using the published 8.5 by 11 inch planter preset and will demonstrate how to make a monthly plan or using tables, then grids. And by the end of the tables and grid section, you will have the knowledge to use either the table style or the grid style to create your monthly and weekly to page planners spreads using the style that you prefer. Let's start on page two of our document and have two pages visible on our screen. Two. Go to page two. You can scroll click on Page two in the pages panel or use keyboard Shortcut Control plus J and type in two. When you're on page two, let's center the two page spread on her screen by using keyboard shortcut control plus all plus zero. Let's make sure we concede the guideline that we created on our master page and our margins . If you can't see your margins, it's possible that your in wow mode So let's grab the selection tool from the toolbar and click on any non framed area of your page, then type W to toggle between while mode and the editing mode. If that didn't work, it's possible that your view mode has been altered. So go to menu view grids and guides and make sure there isn't a check mark next to hide guides. Okay, we're ready to begin. Do you remember when I said that everything in in design must live in a frame that is true of tables and tables? Live in text frames to create a table? Let's grab our text tool from the Tools panel and drag out a text frame from the intersection of the guideline and left margin to the bottom and inside margin, then release. Next go to menu table insert table, and the table dialogue box appears to create a table that will accommodate all the days of the month. For every month, we will create a table with four columns and by rose and one header row for page two. Then we'll style the table, copy it to page three, then refine it further to complete our monthly two page spread using tables. So in the table dialog box, we will enter body rose. Five columns for hetero one footer, rose, zero table style basic table and click OK, now let's style our table. We will first style the hetero where the days of the week will live. To select the header row, place your cursor to the left of the header row, and when you see the right facing black arrow, click your mouse up in the right half of the control panel. You should see options for adjusting row height and the column with double click on the number in the row height box and type in 0.35 Then press the enter key. You can also adjust the height of any row by clicking on the up and down arrow keys to the left of where you just entered the row height. Next, place your cursor to the left of the first body row of your table, and when you see the black right facing arrow, click and drag your cursor down to the left of the last body row to select all of the body rose in your table, then release your mouse. Now go up to the row high dialogue box in the control panel. DoubleClick, the number that is showing there and type in 1.70 then press enter before we go any further . Let's set our computer to well mode so we can see exactly what we're working with without any distraction of the guidelines and margins. Go ahead and click on the selection tool, then click on any area outside of the table that were working on and type in W. The next thing we'll do is enter text into the header row, so go ahead and grab the text tool in. Place your cursor into the first cell of the header row and type in Sunday Hit tab and type in Monday tab and type in Tuesday and tab once more and type in Wednesday. Don't worry about styling. Your text at this point will take care of that when we get to the paragraph Styles video. Now that we have a table created, let's style it, and when it's the way we want, it will copy and paste it on to page three, where we can refine it a bit. So what kind of styling can we do? We can change the color and stroke on any one or more lines that create our table. We can apply a fill toe, one or more table cells, and we can also merge or split table cells to change the color and stroke of the lines that create our table. We need to select the cells, rows or columns that we want to change to select the entire table with the text tool selected. Hover your cursor just above the first column until you see the black down facey narrow click and drag to the right to select all header and table cell columns and rows, and to select only the body rose without selecting the hetero. Hover your cursor just to the left of the first body Rossell. And when you see the right facing black arrow, click and drag down to select all body rose in this demonstration, I'm going to select the entire table. So go ahead and hover your cursor just above the first column. And when you see the black down facey narrow, click and drag to the right to select the entire table, then release your mouse. When you do that, a table dialogue box appears in your control panel. One of the things that I really struggled with when I was learning tables was knowing which lines were going to be affected by the changes I made. I don't want you to struggle with that. So start getting into your brain now that a gray line is grayed out and will not be affected and blue lines selected will be affected. Let's say that together Blue Line Selected will be affected. Let's click on the top line of the table dialog box and note that each time you click on it , it toggles between blue and gray so that you're comfortable styling the lines. Let's run through a few changes together. Then you'll have the knowledge to style your plan or any way you want. Let's change only the outside lines of our table to a five point solid line to change only the outside lines. We want to make sure all of the outside lines in the table dialog box or blue and the inside lines or gray remember blue lines selected will be affected. To change the point size, you click here, then select from the drop down list to change the line style click here and select from the list of options to change the color of the line, click here and select the color from the list. Now we're going to style the interior lines of the table. So let's select the entire table and in the table dialog box, make sure the outside lines or gray and the inside lines or blue and change the lines to a two point dotted black line as a reminder. If you're creating a printable planner, you can introduce color without adding costs. However, if you are creating a planner to be published, do you want to stick to black and white and shades of gray to keep the cost down? So since I'm creating this planner for publishing all, use black and black tints as my color for this planner. If you need to create a tent on the fly, simply click on the color. Go up to the tint dialogue box and enter a percentage. Then click the noose watch icon at the bottom of the dialog box. To add this, watch to your color swatches for this document. The tent is now available in your color swatches menu. If you want to practice styling lines, line color and sell color, go ahead and pause the video and come back when you feel comfortable styling your table. Okay, let's move on in style. This table. Let's select the entire table and apply a three point dotted black line toe all inside and outside lines of our table. Next, we need to create a space within each cell in the body of our table. To enter a date, you can enter a circle, a square align. It's entirely up to you. I'll show you how to enter in the line, a shaded square within each cell of the table body. Before we make our shaded square. Let's lock our table so we have more flexibility to align our shaded squares toe, lock our table, click anywhere inside of the table and go to menu object lock. You will see that no matter what you click on within your table, it will not move, so we can now add are shaded squares without any distraction. Let's go up to the control panel in selected feel color of 10% black and no stroke. Then we'll grab the rectangle tool in while holding down the shift key to constrain the shape. Let's drag out a small square. Next will copy and paste the square into all the body cells in our table. To copy, click on the shaded square, then click on menu. Edit. Copy at it paste, then move the shaded square into place. Or you can use keyboard shortcuts control. See for copy and control V for paste. Or you can hold down the Alton shift key and drag a copy of the square to the next cell and release your mouse. If you need to tweak the position of the shaded square, make sure it's selected. Then use your up, down, left and right arrow keys to tweak it into position. A time saver for creating the shaded squares is to copy paste and position the squares in the first row on Lee. Then select the row, group it by going to Menu Object Group and then copy and paste it into the next row and the next etcetera. When all of the shaded squares Aaron position, select them all, then go up to menu object on group group This Willen Group the rows of four squares and combine them all into a single group. This is helpful for changing the color or the style of the squares without affecting your table. For example, if I decided I wanted my shaded squares to be blue, all I have to do is select the group, then go up to fill color. Select Blue and Walla. Or I could remove the shading at a stroke and style the stroke for a completely different look. Okay, let's return the boxes to a 10% black tint with no stroke. Then let's unlock our table before moving on to unlock our table. Good a menu object. Unlock all on spread. Our table is now unlocked and we can continue. The next thing we'll do is copy our table and shaded boxes from page two to Page three. We want our margins on, so if you're in wow mode, go ahead and grab the selection tool and click anywhere outside of the table and type W Next. Let's grab the selection tool in click and drag over our table and shaded boxes to select, then copy and paste them into page three. Using the method that you prefer either menu edit, copy menu, edit paste or keyboard shortcuts, control, See and control V or holding down the altar and shift keys and dragon onto page three. You will note that we have one extra day of the week column, so we'll change that column into a note section by deleting the shaded boxes, merging the cells in that column in adding lines to make the task easier, let's go ahead and lock the table so that we only have access to the shaded boxes on page three. So grab the selection tool. Click anywhere within the header cell of the table on page three, then good and menu object lock. Next, click any one of the shaded boxes on Page three to select the group, then go to menu Object on group Now, using the selection tool, Click and drag over the shaded boxes in the far right column to select, then hit your delete key. Now let's go ahead and group all of the shaded boxes together so that if you do want to make any changes to them in the future, you can make a single change and affect the mall. So to select all of the boxes on Pages two and three, click on one of the shaded boxes on page two, hold down your shift key and click and drag over all of the shaded boxes on page three. Then go to menu object on group, then hit group to group them all together. Now, if you select the group and make any changes to the fill or stroke color or style, that will apply the change to all of the boxes in your two page spread, next will merge the cells in the far right column of our table. So let's unlock our table by going to menu object. Unlock all on spread. Now let's grab our text tool and click and drag down to select all five cells in that column. Next will right click and select. Merge cells. Go ahead and click outside of the table and type W to return to while mode so you could see what your two page spread looks like. Now let's change the Page three Header Road to read Thursday, Friday, Saturday and notes. Grab your text, tooling, click and drag over Sunday and type in Thursday tab and type in Friday tab and type and Saturday and have one more time and type in notes. Next, I'll show you how to make lines using the step and repeat shortcut. So go ahead and click on the next video, and I'll look forward to continuing this lesson there. See you there.
12. Tables & Grids Part Two: Welcome back to the tables in Grids Video. Let's continue by learning how to make lines in our notes section by using the step and repeat shortcut. Let's go ahead and grab the line tool from the tool panel on the left. Let's give it a stroke of one and a color black. Then let's click and drag to create our line. If you hold your shift key while you drag, it will ensure that your line remains horizontal. You can rinse and repeat this step. Teoh. Create your lines or you can use this step in repeat shortcut. Hold down your all in control keys and type in you and the step and repeat dialogue box opens up under grid. You can select the number of lines that you want an under offset you can select. How far apart the lines are I sick just setting the vertical offset first, and for this example, I will use 0.3125 inches. Then you can either enter a number of rows into the grid rose section, or you can check preview and use the up and down arrow keys to see how many lines you want and when you're happy with the grid rose and offset vertical click OK, the lines will act as independent lines. So if you want to group them together so that you can change the line, color or style as a unit rather than individually, you can do that by grabbing your selection tool and dragging over the entire column, holding down your shift key and clicking on the notes. Header row to de select the table and select only the lines, then going to menu object and group the lines air now grouped, and you can now make style or color changes to them as a group to complete our table. We need to add a place to write in the month. So let's go to the top of page to grab our text tool and drag out a medium sized text brain . Then type in month. Now we'll add a shaded box where the month can be written in on our undated planner. Great job. You've now completed a monthly two page spread using tables, and as we created this monthly two page spread, you learned a lot more than just how to create tables. You've learned how to style them you've learned how to lock and unlock objects. Had a group in ungroomed objects had a style group objects. How to create lines using this step in repeat shortcut, three ways to copy and paste and how to create color tents on the fly. You'll be happy to know that much of what you just learned in the table section can be applied to the greeting section, so the greeting section will be much quicker. Before we go on. Let's pause a moment and save our document. To save simply, go to menu file, save or use keyboard shortcut control plus s Now feel free to pause, grab a cup of tea, take a deep breath and when you're ready to continue onto gritting hit play, welcome to the gritty in section of this class. As they mentioned previously, we will create another monthly two page spread using the greeting method. This is so that you learn how to create both tables and grids. Then you can use what you've learned to create your own monthly and weekly to page spreads in the style that you prefer. Okay, let's get started. Let's go to page for in our document, you can scroll there you can click on page for in the Pages panel, or you can use keyboard Shortcut Control plus J and type in. For now, let's center the two page spread on our screen by using keyboard shortcut control plus all plus zero. We need to be able to see the guidelines in margins, so if they aren't visible on your screen, type W to exit While mode. Just like Starbucks Secret menu in Design has a way to create grids that few people know about. Gritting doesn't have a tool or menu option, so let me show you how it's done. Let's start by grabbing the rectangle tool in clicking and dragging out of frame from the intersection of the guideline and left margin to the intersection of the bottom and inside Margin. And don't release your mouse. Now with your fingers still on your mouse. Use your contortion skills and click on the right arrow key three times and the up arrow key four times. You have now created a grid just like the table. There are a number of ways you can style your grid. You can change the fill in stroke color of one or more of the shapes, and you can also change the corner options. Let's take a few moments to try out some styling options. So get into while mode by grabbing our selection tools, clicking anywhere outside of our grid and typing and w. Now, if you click on your grid, you'll notice that only one box of the grid is selected. That's because each box of your grid is an individual in independent square, but we learned when we were working in tables that weaken group things. So let's select all of the squares on our grid and group them by going to menu object on group. Yes, that was on group, and we're going to hit on group until each of the grid squares has a blue line around it. I want to see blue lines around all of the squares hit group. We can now select them as a group, and when we style the stroke fill in corners, the changes will be made to all of the boxes in our group, so let's play with styling and let's change this stroke to a three point dashed black line and the fill to anything other than white Now let's change the corner to a rounded corner by using the Corner Options Dialog box in the control panel, and if you don't see it there, you can also access it by going to menu object corner options. Within the dialog box, you can select the corner style and also adjust the size of the corner style that you have selected. Let's go ahead and style are grid by changing the fill to 10% black timpte with no stroke and a rounded corner, said it 100.1667 inches. Now that our grid is barely style, let's add a header where we can enter the days of the week and small boxes where the days of the month can be written in for the days of the week. Let's create a single line table with no stroke and no Phil. So let's bring back our margins by typing W. Then grab or text tool and just above our grid, drag out a text box from the left to the right margin, then good at menu table, Insert table and select body Row one columns four hetero zero foot, a rose zero and table style basic table then click. OK, your cursor is now positioned inside the first cell Sicko head and type in Sunday tab and type in Monday Tab and type in Tuesday. M Tab once more to type in Wednesday. Again, don't worry about styling, because we'll address that in the paragraph. Styles video. Now let's get rid of the lines in our table, so select the table and select all of the lines in the table. Dialog bucks. Remember Blue Line Selected will be affected and remove the stroke color by changing either the point size to zero or by clicking on the stroke color and selecting none. Now let's copy and paste all that we have on page four to page five. You can use any of the copy and paste methods that you prefer, but I'm going to use the select all than all two plus shift plus dragged into position. Let's take care of changing the days of the week on Page five to Thursday, Friday, Saturday and notes with your text tool selected. Click and drag over the word Sunday on Page five and typing and Thursday Tabin. Type in Friday Tab and Type and Saturday and Tab Once more and type in notes. Now let's remove the five boxes of the grid on the far right of Page five to make room for a note section. To do that, we'll need to UN group our grid, so grab your selection tool. Click on the grid on Page five, then go up to menu object on group, then click your mouse anywhere outside of the grid. Now, click and drag over the five boxes on the far right of the grid, being careful not to select the header. And when all five boxes air selected, hit your delete key. You have already done a lot of the styling in the table spread on pages two and three. So let's borrow from that and complete our grid style two page spread before we bring anything on two pages. Warren five. Go ahead and select all of the squares, go up to menu object on groups and group to regroup all of the squares. Now let's lock all of the content on these pages to give ourselves a bit more flexibility with the information that will be bringing onto these pages. So with our selection tool selected, let's click and drag from the top left of Page four to the bottom right of page five. Go up to menu object and luck. Now let's go to Pages two and three and click on one of the shaded boxes to select the group. Hold down your shift key and click on one of the lines in the notes section to select the group of lines. Also now use keyboard shortcut Control plus C to copy. Scroll down the page is foreign five and click anywhere on page four. Then use keyboard shortcut, Ault Plus Control plus Shift Plus V to pace the grid and lines in place. Next, let's select only the shaded boxes that we just pasted onto these pages and let's style and reposition them. Let's change the filter paper, and we can adjust the spacing by using our mouths to drag the boxes into position. Go ahead and get column. One is perfect. I see please, and then we'll make adjustments to the other columns. Go ahead and hit Pause if you need a couple more seconds to complete that task than when you're ready to continue on hit play, so let's go ahead and UN group the boxes by going to menu object on group and hit on group until you see that each of the small white boxes has a blue line around it. Now COLUMN. One shouldn't require any work, so let's use the selection tool to select all of the small white squares in column two. Then use our right and left arrow keys to move them into a vertical alignment. Now we'll do the same with the remaining columns. When you're done, select all of the white squares to regroup them by going to menu Object group Next. If you want to tweak the positioning of the lines in the notes section, you can do that by clicking on one of the lines and then adjusting the top and or bottom of the selection box. Next, we need to add a place to write in the month, so you can either grab your text tool and drag out a text. Freeman. Type it in, or you can go to Page two and with your selection tool selected. Click and drag over the month and the shaded box and use keyboard shortcut Control plus C to copy, go down to page for click on page for and use keyboard shortcut Ault plus Control plus Shift plus V to paste it into place. Make any adjustments that you need to the shaded box, then unlock the grid by going toe object. Unlock all on spread. Congratulations. You have now created and styled a two page monthly calendar spread using tables and grids. In addition, you've learned how to create in style tables how to create in style grids. You've learned how to lock and unlock objects, had a group and UN group objects had a style grouped objects. How to create lines using the step and repeat shortcut. Three ways to copy and paste, how to paste items in place and how to create color tints on the fly. And with the knowledge you've gained, you can now create your own monthly and weekly to page calendar spreads in the style that you prefer. Go ahead and create your monthly and weekly to page spreads and then meet me in the next video, where we'll learn how to style your text using paragraph styles. I'll see you in the next video
13. Paragraph Styles: Welcome to the paragraph styles video. So what are paragraph in character styles? They are awesome tools that allow you to save your formatting. Give it a style name and then apply the style toe. Other text within your document. For example, I previously created a header sub header in paragraph Textiles and will apply them to the text on this page so you can see them in action. Pretty amazing, huh? Okay, let's learn how to style text and create paragraph styles. If you're creating a printable planner, you can use black and white and shades of gray. Or you can introduce color into your planner. If you're creating a planner for publishing, I recommend using black, white and shades of gray on Lee. You want to have your planner file open, and then we'll style our monthly to paid spread. First, create a paragraph style and then use the style created and apply it to our weekly pages. Let's start with our header. Let's change the font and font size. The change in bond can be a simple is bolding your bond and increasing the font size. Or you can use a totally different phone for your headers. I'm using a Nikki lots fun that I purchased from a website called the Hungry Jay Peg. The font me is into go summer script, and I will be using it for all of my headers and some of my sub headers for this planner. If using a generic month indicator, you want to be sure to give your clients a place to write in the month, this could be a line, a shaded box or some other indicator. Next will style the days of the week. You can change the size or appearance of the bond. Make them all caps. Change the alignment, etcetera. If you have any other sub headers that need to be styled, go ahead and style them now. Once header in sub headers have been styled. Go ahead and open the paragraph styles from the Windows panel on the right. Next, you will need to select your header text, using the text, tooling, clicking and dragging over the header text. Then in the paragraph styles Dialog box, Hold down the all key and click on create new style under style name type in header. You've already styled the text, so all you have to do is make sure the apply style to selection box is checked and click. OK, now we're going to do the same for our sub header text. Go ahead and grab the text tool and select your Sunday text. Go to the paragraph styles dialogue box and hold down the all key while clicking. Create new style under style name type in sub header one. Make sure the apply style to selection boxes checked and click OK now. If you have any other sub headers with different sponsor styles, go ahead and create a paragraph style for them. Next, let's go ahead and apply the styles we just created to our weekly planner pages. To do that, go to your weekly two page spread and select your header text. Then go over to the paragraph Styles Dialogue box and click on Header. Now on your planner. Highlight the road that shows the days of the week. Go to the paragraph styles Dialogue box and click on sub Header one. If you created any additional sub headers for your planner page, go ahead and apply them now. So now if you decided you didn't like these volunteer, maybe you wanted to change the color or alignment. You could simply make the edits to your header or sub header. Paragraph styles and the headers and sub headers within your document will update to the new style without you having to go into each one individually. Another way to use paragraph styles in planner creation is to use your basic table or graph design, and then update your paragraph styles. Using different fonts, you can create a whole new planner without a lot of extra work. Well, that concludes our paragraph style introduction. Let's move on to cover design. See you in the next video.
14. Creating Your Cover: Welcome to the planner covered design video. In this video, we will cover Planner cover creation. I'll show you how to create a plan or cover for a printable timer and one for a published planner. The principal planner will be created on page one of your five page document, and the published planner cover will be created as a separate document. Your cover can be a simple is typing in a name for your planner, adding a shape or shapes and styling them along with your title? Or you can add a high resolution image and then have your title and your name if you choose for both the principal and published planner covers, I'm going to use the butterfly cover image that I included in the downloads and resource is and have created a color palette using the color theme picker so that I can use colors from the image as I style the cover In Tet, you can use one of the images that I provided, or you can use your own high resolution image. Just make sure it's got 300 dp I or better Please follow along and pause the video of needed. So you have enough time to style your planner cover. Are you ready? Let's get started. The first thing we want to do is place the image that will be using. To do that, grab the graphics tool and draw a rectangle from the top and left margin intersection down to the bottom and right margin intersection. Next, select file place and select the image from your safe documents on your computer. Next, I'll add the shaded oval in style that first off, grab the Ellipse frame tool from the tools panel and drag out the shape. With the shape still selected, I'll go up to the control panel and selective fell color. Then all style. The stroke. All select, dotted with four points and select a stroke color. Next, I'll grab the text tool and enter my planner name and style my text. When you have it looking the way you like, go ahead and save your document to save your beautiful planner cover design. Then grab a screenshot or photograph of your planner design and posted in the project section of this class. For the published planner cover, the process is similar and that will place the image we're going to use. We can add a shape to hold our text if you want, and we'll add our text. But there are some things that we have to do first. For this example, we will be creating a planner cover for a night and 1/2 inch by 11 inch published planner with 160 pages. I've included a demo template, but this is for demonstration purposes on Lee, and you should always use the dimensions in template provided by your printer. Let's start by creating a new document using keyboard shortcut control plus in or a new document will be for print and will be 17.36 inches wide and 11 inches tall. It will be one page. The orientation will be landscape, and it will not be facing pages. The margins will be the same all around, so link your chain. If it's unlinked in type in 0.375 inches, we want our image to go to the edge of the page so we will add a bleed of 0.1 to 5 inches all the way around. Go ahead and click Create. The first thing we'll do is place the paperback book cover template. So grab the graphics frame tool and drag out of frame from the very top and left bleed intersection to the very bottom right bleed intersection. Then goto file place and find the template from the safe documents on your computer. Now we want to drag out guidelines from our left vertical ruler to the dotted lines marking the spine of the paperback book Cover Template. Next, we need to create a space for our published planners. Barcode. Don't worry. You don't have to know anything about barcodes to complete this task. If publishing through kindle direct publishing, they will provide a barcode and place it on your cover. You just have to provide a space for them to do that. Now go ahead and grab the rectangle tool in drag out a rectangle, the same size and location of the bright yellow rectangle on the template and style it we will add a white Phil and no stroke. Next, we'll place our cover image. Go ahead and grab you graphics tool and click and drag out a rectangle that spans from the top left corner of your documents. Bleed to the bottom right corner of the bleed then go to file in place and select the planner. Cover image from the safe documents on your computer. Next, goto object. Arrange and send backward. Your white rectangle should now be showing on your page. The next step is to add your title. You can add it directly to your cover or add and style of shape, and then had your title since we created the printable planner with the styled shape. First, let's just add the title directly to the image. Grab your text tool and drag out a text frame. Typing your planners title and style it Feel free to positive video if you need to, to style your text. Okay, you are now ready to save your planner. Cover goto file. Save name your document and the final types should be in design document or dot I N d. D. Then grab a screenshot or photograph of your planner design and posted in the project section of this class. If you're creating a printable planner, your planner is ready for export. However, if you're creating a published planner, we have a bit more work to do before we can expert so head on over to the refining, your layout video and we'll get started. See you in the next video
15. Refining Your Layout for Publishing: Welcome to the refining. Your layout for publishing video. Congratulations on creating a monthly two page spread, a weekly two page spread and the cover. We're now ready to dive a little bit deeper in the master pages to refine your planner and get it ready to export. Please have your five page planner opening in design and we'll get started. Since you will be publishing your planner, you'll need to add some pages to the front end to add the copyright information and in the introduction that you might want to include. It's not necessary. But I think it's kind of nice to add to introduce the planner and yourself and share a little bit about why you created it, how it can be used, etcetera. Okay, let's open up the pages panel and let's add two pages after Page one to do that in the pages panel. Right click on Page one. Select insert pages and in insert pages, dialog box of guns up under pages, type into insert after page one and for master, change it to none. Then click OK, you've just added two pages. Now let's style pages 133 We will add a title page to Page one copyright information on Page two, along with in the introduction or contact information that you might want to include and this planner belongs to on Page three. Now let's go to Page one by double clicking on Page one in the pages panel. Grab your text tool and drag out a text box between the left and right margin, then type in your planners name and style it and center it. If you want to add a byline, go ahead and add your name and style and center that now on the pages panel double click on page two. You can add an introduction and social media contact information at the top of the page. If you choose, copyright information will go in the lower portion of that page. Next, you'll address your cover and design. If you've use someone else's photograph or graphics, you want to make sure you have permission to use them commercially. Then you want to be sure to give that person credit so it will look something like this. Next, you want to address the planter design. Since you created the design, your credit can follow this format. Next you want to add the statement. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission of the author. Next, you want to add your planners name, and finally you'll add the ESPN number. This is a unique number that is assigned to identify your book. If you're using Kindle direct publishing to publish your planner, you can obtain the ESPN number from them. And if you're using another method for publishing your plan of her print, you would need to work with that company to obtain. And I spn. Once you have been given an eye spn number, you must include it on this page of your planner before exporting it for print and submitting it to your printer for publication. Next, we'll add this printer belongs to on page three, so go ahead and double click on Page three in the pages panel. Then grab your text tool and drag out a text frame from the left Margin to the right margin and type in. This planner belongs to go ahead and style it and center it and then grab the line tool and drag out a line to allow your clients or write in their name. Okay, Now we're ready to refund our planner for export and see the beauty of master pages in action in the pages panel. Go ahead and double click on page four of your planner, Then use Keyboard Shortcut Control plus all plus zero to show both pages on the screen. We're going to select and copy our monthly two page spread and create a master page spread . To do that, grab your selection tool in. Select both pages, starting in the upper left corner of page for and dragging down to the bottom right corner of page five. Then right, click and select copy. Then go up to the pages panel and click on the horizontal lines. Also called a hamburger and click on New Master in the new Master Dialog box. Enter the following Pretty Fix M as in Mary Name. Monthly Master, based on master None. Number pages to page size letter with 8.5 inches height. 11 inches. Orientation portrait and click. OK, now we're going to paste our monthly two page spread onto the monthly master by holding down the shift plus control plus all key and typing V as in Victor. Now, if you go to the top section of the pages panel and scroll down, you'll see that you have added a new master page called em Monthly Master. Now we're going to do the same for the weekly two page spread, so go back to your pages panel and double click on Page six. Go ahead and grab your selection tool and select both pages, starting in the upper left corner of Page six and dragging down to the bottom right corner of page seven. Then right, click and select copy. Then go up to the pages panel and click on the horizontal lines. Also called the hamburger and click on New Master in the new Master Dialog box. Enter the following pretty fixed W name. Weekly Master based on master of none. Number of pages to page size letter with 8.5 inches Height. 11 inches Orientation portrait and click. OK, now we're going to paste our monthly to paid spread into the weekly master by holding down the shift plus control plus all keys and typing V as in Victor. Now, if you go to the top section of your pages panel and scroll down. You'll see that you've added a new page master called W Weekly Master. You are now ready to add and apply the master pages that you just created to your planner. This may seem counterproductive, but the next thing you want to do is to lead the content from Pages four and five and six and seven so that we can replace the information on these pages with master page content. So in the pages panel, double click on Page four, then grab your selection tool and drag it from the top left corner of Page four to the bottom right corner of page five, then hit Delete. Now go back to your pages panel and double click on Page six and select all content on pages six and seven and delete now in the pages panel, click on Page four, then hold down your shift key and click on Page five so that you have both pages Foreign five highlighting next, right click and select. Apply Master two pages in the Apply Master Dialog box under apply Master Select M Monthly Master. Two pages Foreign five. Then click. OK, go ahead and double click on page for in the pages panel to view what you just did use Keyboard shortcut control plus all plus zero to see pages. Foreign five on your screen. Pretty awesome, huh? Now let's select pages six and seven in the pages panel by clicking on Page six. Holding down the shift key and clicking on Page seven, then right, click and select. Apply Master two pages in the Apply Master Dialog box. Under Apply Master Select W Weekly Master two pages six and seven. Then click OK. Planners typically allow for five weekly pages between each monthly two page spread, So let's add some pages and apply some master pages in the pages panel. Double click on Page seven, then right click and select Insert pages in the insert pages. Dialog box. Enter pages eight. Insert after Page seven, Master W Weekly Master, Then click. OK, now, If you look at your pages panel on pages four and five, you have a two page monthly spread, followed by five to page weekly spreads. We want to duplicate that process 11 more times to create a one your planner. So right click on page 15 and select insert pages in the insert pages. Dialog box Inter pages to insert after page 15 Master M Monthly Master, then click OK, then in the pages panel on page 17 right click and select Insert pages in the insert pages . Dialog box. Enter pages 10. Insert after page 17 Master, the W Weekly Master. Then click OK, then go down to the last page in the pages panel. Right click Select insert pages. Add two pages and apply the monthly master. Then go down to the last page in the pages panel. Right Click Select Insert pages in ad 10 pages and apply the weekly master. Do this until you've added monthly and weekly pages for the year. Now let's add some blank pages at the end of our planner. So go to page 1 47 in the pages panel and right click Select Insert pages and at the insert page dialog box, enter pages 13 Insert after page 1 47 Master None click. OK, now save your document and let me congratulate you. You have just refined your layout for publishing and are now ready to export your planner for print. I'll see you in the export video
16. Exporting Your Planner: Welcome to the exporting your planner for print video. First, we want to make sure any images used in your planner are embedded into your document. Kota links in the Windows panel on the right under name. You will see a list of any images placed in your document, right. Click on the name of the image and click in Bad Link. Do that for each image. Now The export method for a printable planner is a bit different from a published planner. So let's cover printable planners first. And then I will explain how to export a planner for publishing. So to export a printable planner, save your planner as an in design document by going to file save and make sure it hasn't a dot i m d d. Extension in the document tap of your screen. If it has another extension, let's go back to file and save as and select save as in design document. Now we want to export Thean design document by going to file export under save as type select Adobe PdF for print. You can keep the same name or change it, then click save under Adobe. Pdf preset Select high quality print. There are really no other changes that you need to make unless you don't want your clients to be able to change anything on your document file that you provide them. You can keep your document unsecure, meaning your client has access to change the document, which can possibly lead to them using your formatting, making a few changes and claiming the file as their own. If you don't want to allow your clients to make any changes to the document and merely be able to print out copies of it, you can secure the document by going to the security dialogue box. Here. You can require a password to open the document to print the document or to change the documents. If you want to require a password to open the document, simply check the box next to require a password to open document and enter at the document . Open password Prompt. Important. If you enter a password, you must remember what it is. This is not recoverable, so write it down and keep it in a safe place. If you want to restrict editing, check the box next to use a password to restrict printing, editing and other tasks. Enter password at the permissions password prompt and again write it down because it's not recoverable. Change change is allowed to none. Then click export, and your file is now available as a PdF that you can print and use giveaway as a freebie or offer for sale from your website or Etsy shop. Two. Expert, Your planner for publishing. The first thing I need to let you know is that you're going to export your planner and your cover separately to export your planner. Goto file export and under save as type, select Adobe PDF for print. You can change the file name or leave it as it is, then click Save under Adobe. PDF preset. Select press quality. Go to marks and bleeds and under bleedin slug. Place a check mark next to use document bleed settings, then click export to export your published planner cover. You want to make sure any images or graphics used in your cover design are embedded into your document, so go to links in the Windows panel on the right and under name. You will see any placed images or graphics, right click on the file name, then click on embed link. If your image a graphic has already been embedded, the option will read unembedded link. So just ignore this step and go on to the next step said to export our planner cover. We want to click on file export under file name. You can leave the name as it IHS or rename it. If you choose under file type, Select J Peg and Export J Peg Dialog box will appear. Your cover should be a single page document, so select range one and under image. Enter quality high format method Baseline resolution 300 color space C M y que and under options. Check in bed color profile, anti alias and use document bleed settings. Then click Export. You have now prepared both your planner file and planner cover file for print and can provide them to your printer or kindle direct publishing for publication. If interested in publishing with Kindle direct publishing, please reference the contact information in the downloads and resource is provided for this class. You've done a great job and are now ready for the final video. See you there
17. Thank You: thank you so much for taking this class. You have accomplished quite a lot. You've been introduced to the in design workspace customized your preferences and work space so that the program works for you. Each and every time you opened it up. You have designed monthly and weekly to page planners spreads. And you have learned how to create a planner in adobe in design while learning how to create a new document in presets so that you never have to create that particular document again from scratch. How to create guidelines, the beauty and time saving awesomeness of master pages and paragraph styles. How to work with frames, how to create in style tables and grids, how to create color swatches, how to design a planner cover and how to export your planner for print. As you complete this class, you have learned all of these things. Plus, you have a planner file that you can use giveaway sell on your website or Etsy shop, or have published to a site like Kindle Direct Publishing Breast sale on Amazon, which means you have also learned a skill that can be used to earn a passive income. If you choose. I invite you to ask any questions in the discussion section of this class. I also invite you to post your projects in the project section. This so that we can all see what you've done and celebrate with you as you publish your planner. This wasn't introductory class both on, but don't be in design and on planners and I will be offering another class on David planners where we'll delve deeper into the in design tools and my inner design. If you learn something new, I ask that you leave a review. I also invite you to follow me to keep the conversation going and to be notified of future classes and updates. I'm on social media, as at Deb Jeffrey dot com, and I invite you to follow me there. And I would also love to see your projects posted on social media using hashtag my I d planner. Thank you again. I wish you much success is you create planners and other documents and I truly hope to see you again in my next class. Thank you. See you next time.