5 Fun Origami Animal Faces. Great for Kids | Kevin Hutson | Skillshare

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5 Fun Origami Animal Faces. Great for Kids

teacher avatar Kevin Hutson, Origami Artist

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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      Cat 1


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      Cat 2


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About This Class

Transforming a sheet of paper into a work of art is a fulfilling and meditative art form.

These simple origami animal heads are very fun to fold. They look awesome on their own, but they are even more fun to make your own by drawing or gluing on faces. This is a perfect craft project to teach kids, they'll have tons of fun! You don't need any previous knowledge of origami to fold these! All you need are a few sheets of paper.

What You'll Learn

At the end of this course, you'll have some awesome origami animal faces to show off! We start by going over the different types of paper that can be used to fold these as well as additional supplies to make some faces. There are many different options for you, and most likely you already have some lying around the house. We then jump right into folding some origami, but don't worry: we start out very simple. Every time we encounter a fold, I thoroughly explain step-by-step how it's performed and fold it slow enough so it's easy to follow.

This course is part of a larger series on origami basics that I have released. These courses cover how to fold boats, boxes, flowers, birds, action models, dollar origami, and much more. Make sure to click 'follow' so you don't miss any videos! I'm excited to share my passion for origami with you and will answer any questions you have along the way.

Other courses in my origami series:

Animals: https://skl.sh/3ma8tzL

Boats: https://skl.sh/3faaXKw

Flowers: https://skl.sh/327xlRc

Birds: https://skl.sh/2EncsaN

Intermediate Phoenix: https://skl.sh/3nlb0GT

Modular Spinning Top: https://skl.sh/2XeKrZP

Modular Lotus Flower: https://skl.sh/3bUW409

The possibilities of what you can fold from a single sheet of paper are endless!

Meet Your Teacher

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Kevin Hutson

Origami Artist


I am an origami artist that has been folding and designing origami for over 10 years. Origami is one of my favorite passions and I love to share this unique art form with other people.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Intro: Hi everyone. In this course I'm going to teach you how to fold 5 easy origami animal heads. These are really simple to make and you can draw on little faces. So it's a really fun project to do with kids. In this course, you'll learn how to fold a dog and elephant, two different cats and a bunny. Now if you decide not to draw the faces on the animals are still easily recognizable and they look great. But it can be a lot of fun to draw on different expressions. Or you can glue on googly eyes or you could add pipe cleaners for whiskers. There's a lot of different stuff you can do to get creative and have fun with these. My name is Kevin and I'm an origami artist. I've been folding and designing my own origami for over ten years and I loved teaching new people how to fold. I find origami to be a very meditative and fulfilling art form and I'm excited to share it with you. This course is part of a larger series I had on Skillshare, all about origami. I have courses on birds, boats, boxes, flowers, modular origami, dollar origami action models and much more. You can find links to all those other courses out in the description of this course and make sure to click Follow so you don't miss out on any of my future origami courses. I hope you have so much fun folding these that you want to learn more. But let's get down to folding. I'll see you in the next video. 2. Paper: One of the great parts about origami is you don't need any expensive supplies to get started. All you need is some paper. Then if you want to add the faces onto these, there's only a couple other supplies that you'll need to fully each of these I'll be using 6-inch sheets of origami paper. This is the standard size that comes in most basic origami packs that you'll find that the store, the sheets I'm using will have color on one side and then white on the other. But you can use sheets that have the same color on both sides. It doesn't really matter. There's only one of these that shows both sides of the paper and it's this cat. But this one, I'll still look great even if you use a sheet that has the same color on both sides. Now if you don't have origami paper that has lots of different options for paper. You could use printer paper, wrapping paper, newspaper, music paper. There's all sorts of different kinds you can use, but you will need to make sure it's cut down into a square before you start. Now as far as drawing on the faces, There's a ton of different options for this as well. You can use any drawing utensil. I'm going to be using a Sharpie in the video, but you can use a pen or pencil or paints and you could just draw on eyes. But in the videos I add googly eyes to mine. This is just a random patch of them that I found that the craft store, it has a bunch of different sizes and then I just use a basic glue stick to stick them on. And you could also use pipe cleaners for whiskers or you could cut out fabric to make eyes or a tone. Really, there's endless possibilities. So definitely don't hesitate to get creative and come up with your own. But that's all the supplies that we need. So let's get down to folding. I'll see you in the next video. 3. Dog: In this video, we're going to learn how to fold a dog. This is a cute little dog, and there's a few folds involved in this that are done without reference points so you can adjust the size of the ears or the height of the face. I recommend just following along and trying to get as close as you can to the way I fold it for your first try. And then on the next one you can mess around with the proportions and try out some different sizes for ears and see what you like the most. But this is a really cute little dog. So let's start folding. And we're going to start with the colored side down. And we'll valley fold in half along the diagonal. So we bring this top-left corner down to the bottom right corner. And we'll hold that in place. And we'll increase it all the way across. Now we'll rotate that. Next. We're gonna make a small pinch mark right in the center on the top. To do that, we'll take this right corner and bring it over to the left corner and hold both of those corners in place and then make a small pinch right in the center. Next we're going to start to form the ears. We're going to be folding these flaps down. And this crease is going to start right at that point where the benchmark is on the top. So start the crease right from that pinch mark. And then you can make the ears whatever size you would like. You can move them around, you can make them small, yours like this or really big ears. I'm going to go kinda right in the middle. Now this is all done opposite of your personal preference. I'm gonna make my enough. We'll do the same thing on the left side. We're going to valley fold this down a mixture you started right from that pinch up top. And then try to make this year The same size as the one on the right. Next, we'll turn the whole thing over. Now we're going to valley fold this top point down a little bit. There's no reference for this, but we're going to fold it down about this much. Let's try to keep this point right in the center. Crease that. Next we're going to valley fold the bottom point up. We're gonna do this with both layers. It's folded up about this much again, there's no reference. Photo it about like that. Then we can turn it over. And our dog head is complete. It already looks really cool like this, but you can definitely draw on a face. And you could draw eyes on that. I'm going to add googly eyes. So let's take my glue. It a little bit on there and then clearly googly eyes right on. And there we have it. Our dog head is complete. Now you can try different expressions with the face or you could try drawing in a tongue as well. If I try to have a lot of fun with it and see what you can come up with. Then make sure to take a picture of your isn't posted down in the project section. And then I'll see you in the next video. 4. Cat 1: In this video, we're going to learn the first version of how to fold a cat. The next video will be a different version. But this one has these nice pointy ears and the points you've base at the bottom. This is a really cool looking cat. And just like with the dog, you can adjust the size of the ears and the angles of the ears. Say you can make them longer or pointier. Plus 1 is also fun to mess around with the proportions and find one that you like the most. Let's get started. We're going to start with the colored side down. And we'll valley fold in half along the diagonal. So take this bottom right corner, bring it up to the top left corner. Hold both of those corners in place and then increase it corner to corner. And then rotate. Next, we're gonna make a small pinch mark right in the center on the bottom. To do that, we'll take this right corner, bring it over to the left corner. We're not going to fold this all the way across. We're just going to line those corners up and then make a small pinch mark on the bottom and then unfolds. Now we know where the center is on the bottom. And we're going to fold these points up forming some ears are going to start on the right side. Fold this point up. And you want to make sure you start this right from where our pinch mark is in the center. So hold that part in place and then you can swivel it around. There's no reference for this. It will just affect the size and angle of the ears folded about right here. And then increase it down. Then do the same thing on the left side. Just make sure you fold it right from the center again. And then try to make it symmetrical with the right side. Next we're going to valley fold this top point down, making the valley fold right between where these edges meet each other, in these edges meet each other. And then turn it over. And our cat is done. Now this one has a really wide face. If you were to angle these in more, if you could have one with the skinnier face, with longer ears, you can kinda see what it would look like. Then you can draw your face on, add some whiskers. Then you can draw on eyes or you can add the googly eyes. And then our cat is complete. I'll hear it looks cool and I hope you have a lot of fun with it. Make sure to take some photos and post them down in the project section. And then I'll see you in the next video. 5. Bunny: In this video, we're going to learn how to fold. A rabbit is a cute little bunny that has these two long years I've taught. It's a fun one to fold. So let's get started. We're going to start with the colored side, don't. And we will valley fold in half along the diagonal. We're bringing this bottom-right corner up to the top left corner. Told both those corners in place and then increase it all the way across. And we'll rotate. Next. We're gonna make a small pinch mark right in the center on the bottom. Student will take this right point, bringing it over to the left point, line those corners up and then make a small pinch right on the bottom and unfold. Next we're going to take this top point and we're going to valley fold it down to that pinch mark. We're going to do this with just the top layer. Find it up with that pinch mark and then increase it across. And then unfold. Next we're gonna take the bottom edge and we're going to fold it up to that crease we just made. So we'll line it up with that crease. Increase it over a truss. Next we're going to valley fold this flap up. And then this point is going to live right at the top point. I'll show you what that looks like. I'll pull that up and then you should have these points lining up at the top. Then you can increase that. And do the same thing with the left side, a folded point up. Next we're going to make a valley fold on the bottom, folding this point up. There's no reference for this, but we're just going to fold it up a little bit about this much. Then we're going to fold this point on the right in. We're gonna do this to the right of where this vertical edges. So we'll fold it in just a little bit to the right of that year. Just like that. Same thing on the left side. Try to pull it in about as much as you did with the right side. Now turn the whole thing over. For the last step, we are going to be folding this point back. So we're going to need to make a mountain fold. And it's going to be about right here. There's again no reference for this, but we're going to fold this with both layers, are going to tuck it behind. And we'll fold it back about this much. And then I'll increase that down. And now we have our rabbit head. Now it's time to draw on a face and add the little buck teeth and the googly eyes. Then our rabbit is all done. I hope yours looks awesome. Make sure you have fun with it and then take some photos and post them down in the project section. And then I'll see you in the next video. 6. Elephant: In this video, we're going to learn how to fold in elephant. This is a really cute little elephant that has this long trunk and the two big ears. It's a pretty simple, wonderful. So let's get down to it. We're going to start with the colored side down. And we're going to valley fold in half along this diagonal, bring this top corner down to the bottom corner. Hold both those corners in place and then increase it all the way across. And then unfold. Next we're going to make a small pinch mark right in the center. To do that, we'll take this corner on the right, bring it over to the corner on the left. And we're not going to increase this all the way across, just going to hold those corners and then make a small pinch just to mark the center and unfold. Next we're going to bring this edge on the top right down to lie along that pinch mark in the center. And we're going to start this crease from this very top corner. We'll pull this edge over and then you wanna make sure you start all the way from the top. So hold the paper in there, make a small pinch at the top so you can make sure we build up to that corner and then you can swivel it around until it lines up with that pinch mark in the center. And once it lines up, you can increase it all the way down. Now bring the edge on the top-left into lie along that edge. And then unfold both of those. Next, we're going to do the same thing on the bottom half. So we're gonna take this edge on the bottom right and fold it into that pinch marks. Make sure it starts from the corner all the way on the bottom. And then do the same thing with its edge on the bottom left. And then unfold both of those. Next, we're going to form a lot of creases all at the same time. So we're going to be forming these long valley folds at the same time are going to form these creases that run out into the corners. So we'll start on the right. We're going to just bring these valley folds in and then start to form this crease out to the corner. Should look like that. Then do the same thing on the left side. Now. Now we have these two flat tennis swimming freely. And we can close the whole thing up. And as we do this, we can swing these points out that we're on the inside and just label them out a little bit until this edge is perpendicular with the top. And then this one should be perpendicular with the top as well. Now we can press it all down firmly. Now our elephant head is complete. We have the two tusks and then we have the long trunk lymphomas add these googly eyes up top. Well, so add some lines on the trunk. And there we have our elephant head. I hope yours looks great. Make sure to take a photo and post it down in the project section, and then I'll see you in the next video. 7. Cat 2: In this video, we're going to learn the second version of a cat. Now for this one, if you're using a sheet that has a white on one side and color on the other, then it'll have this little color change here. But it looks great if you're using a sheet that has the same color on both sides and just like the others, you can adjust the size of the ears and the proportions here. You can definitely play around with it to get one that you like a lot. So let's get down to folding. Start with the colored side. Don't roll a valley fold in half along the diagonal will bring this top corner down to the bottom corner. Line, both of those corners up and then increase it corner to corner. And then unfolds. Next we're going to make a small pinch mark right in the center. To do that, we'll bring this right corner over to the left corner. And we're not going to increase it all the way across. We're just going to hold that in place and make it small pinch marks, marking the center. Next we're going to take this top corner and fold it down to that pinch mark in the center. Next we'll valley fold down again along this existing increase. Next we're going to take this corner and fold it all the way down to the corner on the bottom. Now we'll do the same thing on the left side, will this corner down to the bottom. Next, we're going to fold this corner back up. We're gonna make a valley fold. It runs about right here. And if you look underneath, the valley fold is going to start from where this edge meets this vertical edge, which is right in the center of the paper. So we'll start at right from those edges. And then can swivel it around. You just want this to be about in the middle of these, maybe a little lower than the middle. And it's all personal preference. You'll see in the end what this ends up looking like. What do the same thing on the left side. And let's try to make it similar to the one on the right. And then this just affects the location of the ears and the end. Next we're going to valley fold this top point down. And this is going to be a little bit above where these edges meet. Show you real quick. Fold it down and then increase it down, leaving a little bit of space between the edge and where the crease starts. Then we'll turn the whole thing over. Now we're going to valley fold to this point up. And we're going to want this bottom corner to line up about between these two corners. It doesn't have to be exact and can actually fold it a little bit past that. So about right there. It looks great. And then we're going to fold that point back down a little bit just to form the nose. And now we're done folding our cat. And you can leave it as is, or you could draw on a little bit more of a mouse and then add some. You can try drawn on some whiskers. Now our cat is complete. I hope yours looks also. Make sure to take a photo of it and post it down in the project section, and I'll see you in the next video. 8. Outro: Thank you all so much for watching this course. I hope you had a lot of fun folding everything. Make sure to take some photos of yours and post them down in the project section so I can see what you were able to create. If you're stuck on any steps or you have any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to reach out. Also, if you can rate and review this course, it would mean a lot to me. And don't forget to click Follow so you don't miss out on any of my future origami courses. And if you want to keep folding, look down in the description of this course and there's links to all my other courses on origami that thank you all again and I hope to see you in my next course.