3D Shoes! Nomad Sculpt Full Tutorial | Dave Reed | Skillshare

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3D Shoes! Nomad Sculpt Full Tutorial

teacher avatar Dave Reed, 2D & 3D Illustrator - Brooklyn, NY

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      3D Shoes! Nomad Sculpt Full Tutorial


    • 2.

      Class Project


    • 3.

      Getting Started


    • 4.

      Part 4


    • 5.

      Part 5


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About This Class

Great Characters deserve great shoes! In this course we'll create some "Vans" slip-on shoes. I'm primarily making these with the intention to 3D print them as part of a character. All you need is an iPad, iPad Pro or Android Tablet and Nomad sculpt 3D Application. In this course you'll start from the very beginning all the way to making a final render. I walk you through everything slowly, step by step, so anyone can follow along. 3D doesn't have to be scary anymore. I'll see you in class!  - Made with Nomad Sculpt v1.76

What you'll need:

iPad / iPad Pro OR Android Tablet

Nomad Sculpt Application

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Dave Reed

2D & 3D Illustrator - Brooklyn, NY

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1. 3D Shoes! Nomad Sculpt Full Tutorial: What's up, guys, drug-free date here. Welcome to another Skillshare class with nomads scope. So we're going to make some 3D sneakers. Eye on these sneakers. I think a modeling them after vans, but I have the Uniqlo version. But anyway, just your normal sneakers. Everything you're seeing here is in the class. This is a time-lapse of this class, so everything you see, you will learn. And that's pretty much it. So enjoy this time-lapse and hopefully you'll want to join me for class so you can make some great sneakers for all your 3D models. I'm particularly making these so I can figure out how to use them with 3D printing since I'm getting into 3D printing nowadays. So yeah, that's pretty much it. We're gonna make some really cool sneakers. Thanks for watching the time-lapse and I look forward to seeing you in class 2. Class Project: What's up, guys, welcome to the class project. So obviously we're going to make some sneakers. I'm trying to keep this short and concise as I can because I've done a lot of these class projects. And basically by now, you know, I just want you to, you can make the class, you can do it exactly how I'm doing it, but also try to put your own inflection in it. If there's anything you want to change, anything you wanna do, that's what I want to see as well. But of course they're just kinda normal sneakers. So you can use this to build upon your own sneakers. You can make high top sneakers. The main thing I want you to take away is just ways that ways to think about seeing a product in real life are seeing something in real life and then how to translate it into 3D, just using basic shapes. So once you can think like that, then you can pretty much make anything. So that's sort of my main goal with this class, is just to get you to think about making things that are from 2D images from real life. Just thinking about them in a way that you can create them in 3D and just problem-solve in 3D and use simple shapes in 3D to make cool 3D stuff. How many times did I say 3D anyway, so that's about it. Make sure you download the reference image. It's in projects and resources, as well as my own custom environment. So that's there as well. And I'll put some videos so you can see how to install them. Actually, I think I tell you how to install the environment, but I'll include those videos as well. And then you'll be good to go. So here's how to import the environment. So the environment is here with the lights. You scroll down, you see the Environment tab. Here's what it looks like without an environment. So environment and just the ambient light, it actually looks pretty good. So here's with the environment. So obviously if you scroll down, you can change the exposure and things like that to the ambient environment and the rotation as well. So in order to import your customer environment, you just tap on environment. You go to import and you see there, these are all the default ones. Below. These are all the ones that I've added. So you just have import photos. And then you just import whatever photo you want to use for your environment. And then once you do that, it will show up here. I wanted to use this one or this one. They will all affect your scene. So we'll go to our default main environment. Alright, so let's move on to the next video, Getting Started 3. Getting Started: Alright, so let's set up our scene first. This is the grid, Amazon. I'm gonna leave that on because I like to put some sort of floor there. So let's do that really quick. So we'll just go here, add white box. And the box we can just shrink. Let's use our gizmo will be here. Unless you shrink it this way. It will make a little bit bigger. And we can shrink it again. You can go ahead and validate it. And let's hit front. Whoops. If you hit a front, again, it just goes to the back. So let's just make sure they were in the front. And I'm just going to bring this down so that it's right underneath the white line. Okay, So we have something like that. I don't really need the grid, so I'll turn it off. I think it's this settings here and then I'll just have grid because I don't really like to see it all the time. So now we have this sphere that's click on the sphere and we don't really need it. So let's go to our Scene menu and just delete it. So the box, Let's change the name of it to floor, so we'll use that as floor. And also another thing you'll notice that my clay is sort of this actual clay reddish color. And that's because if you go in here, I'm using a Mac cap. This is the default, but this takes into account the environment in different lights and things like that. So I just find that this is easier to see. So just tap mat cap and yours might be different, so just tap on it. And I like to use this default one PhD clay. I think that's the easiest to see. So let's go back into our scene menu here. And we'll add, well, I had a cylinder. And I like to use cylinders for the base of the sneaker, the base of the shoot. So we have a cylinder. Let's bring in our image of our sneakers. So we'll tap here. Reference image. And I already have mine up, but if not, you just tap this little picture, import photos. Then you just find your image and hit Add. Then it will show up here and it will show up on the screen. If you want to put it somewhere else. If you want to place it around the screen, just hit Transform. And then you can move it around. You can place it. And you'll notice everything is dark. So you just tap on the screen and then you're back into the modeling. Alright, so let's go ahead and validate this. Now we can use all of our other tools here. And we want to make the soul first. And of course I'm not going to make it exactly like the shoes. It's gonna be a little stylistic. So I'm just going to shrink this up. You can hit front to maybe something like that. I'll move it down so it's right above the floor. That's pretty good. So now we'll just kinda stretch this and maneuver it until it looks like a sneaker soul. So you can't really see it that well in the image. But you can always just look down at a sneaker or look down at your foot and you'll get it, get an idea of what the shape is like. So first I'm just going to shrink it this way a little bit. So we have something like that. And let's go ahead and actually we don't have to Vox remeshing. I'm just going to box worry Misha, to make it a little more dense. But I don't think we needed to do that just yet. I'm going to hold off on that. Oh, I forgot. I I can't have it this way and then hit top because it turns, which is a bit annoying, but that's okay. So the next thing I'd like to do is I want to set the symmetry of this cylinder so that when I use the move tool and I stretch it out so that it makes like the shape of a foot or shoe. I wanted to equally stretch out the bottom and the top rather than I'll show you just in case it doesn't make much sense. So I'm in my tools, I'm going to use move. I'm just going to make it a little bit bigger. So here's the symmetry. And essentially symmetry is just allows you to do something on one side and the same thing happens. It's symmetrical on the opposite side. So you can have the symmetry line down the middle. And things can happen here and here. You can have a symmetry line here. And things would happen on the top and bottom. Or you can have a symmetry line down this part and thinks will happen on the front surface and the back surface. So those are your three places where symmetry can happen. And that's here. You have x, y, and z, and a little trick so you can see them just go to show line. That usually helps me out. I accidentally clicked on the back. That's why you see the red line going on the back mesh. But I'll click on this one. And now you can see it there. Obviously this one would be the top and bottom The green would be the front-facing and back facing, rear-facing ticket. So technical, so it makes sense. Then the blue is the left and right. But it doesn't make a difference now because I don't have symmetry selected. So you have to make sure that you have that selected. And it does that. So what I was talking about before with the symmetry is you want to be able to move. You want everything to move cleanly. So the green, now we can move the top and the bottom like so. Otherwise, if you don't have symmetry and you're not doing it this way, you'll try to stretch this into a sneaker and you have that, and that doesn't really work. So you just want symmetry and you want the green symmetry line or whatever lines. Sometimes it can be a different color. If we were to like flip it or switch it or turn it around, the colors can be different, but the position is what's most important. Okay, so let's just go ahead and make a shoe type shape. So I'll make this fairly big. And I'm just going to stretch this out. This bird I'll bring in. We can get rid of the floor actually. Let's just hide it so I am on the scene now and I'm just going to hit this little eyeball. Now we can just hide it so we can see our outline a little bit better. My pet peeve that I can't get it flat this way. Okay, so we're using the move and we just want to make it a little bit smaller on this side. And then just a little bit bigger on this side. But I want it to be like round. Like I want this to be nice and round. So sometimes you just have to finagle it until it's just like your classic shoe type shape. Someone say something like that is pretty good. That feels good. So we'll hit front. So now I'm gonna go back here and this cylinder, I'm going to rename soul. So that can be our, our soul. And it looks like it's pretty straight. Let's go ahead and add. Oops, let's go back to the Scene menu. There we go, back to the Scene menu and we can turn on our box again. And we can see that we have like the soul on the floor, which is, which is looking pretty good so far. Okay, so now we have to do that. There's a section in the back and a section in the front. And here's where things get tricky. You kinda have to figure out a good way to make these shapes. So I think a good way to make the shape. We could either use a cylinder because then we'll get that sort of wraparound. But it might be a little more difficult to shape this front with the cylinder. So I think what I'm going to use as a sphere. So we'll kinda shape this front. When will you, will have to carve out the inside? I think something like that is the best way to go. So let's add a sphere. And we use our gizmo and you can go and validate it. And we'll bring it up and we'll shrink it. This is going to be the top part of the shoe. So it's basically just going to be positioning it and adjusting it so that it's so that it fits. So maybe I'll flatten it. And I don't worry about the bottom too much because I can always cut it. We can always trim. So you just kinda want to make the general shapes. And then we can just adjust as we need. Something like that is pretty good. But obviously you have this part coming up. So for that we can use move. I'll make it pretty small. And for now, I want to have the sphere. I want to move it up like this. I want it to be even. So this is the wrong symmetry line. So I'm going to go to the symmetry, tap that to turn it off. This isn't the right one either. So I want to use blue. So obviously this kind of goes up and goes up a little bit more. So let's just take move. Make sure you have symmetry on. Make sure the sphere is selected. And then let's just kinda drag it up. Sometimes I might make the move tool a little bit bigger. That way it's a little more smooth. Everything is a little more smooth. I think that looks pretty good. So now we can look at the top And we can spread it out a little bit, kind of flattening out. So we think that it looks pretty good. And I actually really like the shape. I don't really need it as narrow as the picture again, I'm doing it very stylized. So I don't really feel like it has to be exactly like the image. So we do have to do a comes around and then it sort of goes back, you know, towards the back of the sneaker. I think before we sort of mold it into the soul. Which will require like not using symmetry because obviously it's not symmetrical. I think I'm going to try to make these little angles that come off the side while we, while we're still using the symmetry. So let's try drag. Drag. Well, I won't go into the differences of move and drag. Let's just use drag. So I'm just kinda dragging out the sides. Move would kinda move more of the surface area. Drag is a little more precise with the movements, for example, I can do this with drag. Move. Tries to move more, you know what you mean? So that's like the main difference. Couldn't really see a difference there, but there is. And I know it because I work on it a lot. But I don't know if that was a good I don't know if that was a good demonstration, but there is a difference. Okay, so let's look at the image. Whoops. That looks pretty good. The only other thing is this might be a little big as well, so I might have to see if we can shrink it up a little bit. Okay. I think that's better. I just want to make sure I have some room for the back part of the shoe. So I think that looks pretty good. There is more obviously this tongue kinda comes out. So let's try to use drag again. And let's try to make this a little bit more of a impression there. We might be able to just drag this in, kind of like that. You can also adjust the, this part of the shoe as well. You can always anything that you see that you want to change or you think doesn't look right? You can always just adjust it. I think I want to make it a little more round. Like I want to make this part coming down a little bit more. So it just takes some push and pull. In patients. So you have something like that. Looks pretty good. It doesn't have to be perfect. At this point. We're just kinda doing the main basic shapes. Now you'll notice that the clay is starting to stretch and you're seeing some of these imperfections and the clay and that's pretty normal. So I think what we'll do now is trim this because you can see it's popping off the bottom. So just make sure the sphere is selected. I'm gonna hit front trim. And I'll use the rectangle, which is usually what I use most. You make a rectangle. Whatever is in the white gets trumped. Alright, so now that I've trimmed it, Let's go ahead and do a voxel 3D mesh. And this will solidify this part of the shoe a little bit. To voxel remiss you just go up here, foxhole. And then you're going to be matched. Let's do about 200 mesh. And you might see, and actually, if this ever happens, just undo and go back up to where you were next to it, go to more tirades, sub-divide, then go to voxel than remiss it 200. Subdividing just adds more geometry to the mesh So that's what we did first, we went here, we went to sub-divide. It, sort of divided all of the little shapes that were in there. It just divided them. So then once we did the voxel Ramesh, it's a little more clear or it looks better than it did at least. So it's you don't really need to know like what that is, but just remember if you do a box or remeshing, it looks really blocky. Just remember to go in here, multiphase and sub-divide it. And also you might see me do voxel emerges from down here. This is just a shortcut. But it's, oops. This is a shortcut, but it's exactly the same. I think the shortcut. You add shortcuts. You can add shortcuts here. I just have the voxel. Remember shortcut? Because I used that often. So now this mesh is a little, little tougher and you can smooth it out. Just use smooth like to make sure it's symmetry is too long because we, everything is still symmetrical. So sometimes I just like to smooth it out. I dislike it to look as close to the finished product as I'm working. So that looks pretty good. And we may not even have to Hello This. We might, but we might not have to. I'm not sure yet. So let's do the back of the shoe now. I think the easiest way to do that would probably be to duplicate the soul. So we'll go to our scene. We'll duplicate it. So we'll tap on the three dots. Hit Clone. And we'll name this to back heel. And while we're here, let's go ahead and rename this floor, or F, F LR. And this will rename the top part of the shoe, front. And since that's the front end of the shoe. Okay, so we made our clone back heel. Let's move it up. And maybe we'll just, you know, we might not actually have to shrink it. Maybe we'll just kinda stretch it in and then maybe stretch it this way. And then kinda just see how that looks. So let's move it back and move it down. Actually it looks okay. Now I want to bring this part up a little bit. So I'm gonna bring this part back. So this is the wrong symmetry because if I move this, then the bottom we'll go the other way. So let's go to our symmetry and uncheck that. And actually you might not need any of these. I'm gonna put it on red just because that's the default. But I don't think we're going to use any symmetry. Let's take move. Let's turn symmetry off. You know what? I have a better idea. So we're on this match. Let's use the gizmo and let's stretch it. Let's stretch it this way. Let's move this up. So I think I want the heel to be around that that high. I think that's a good I think that's a good place to start. Okay. So I'm gonna hit front again. I want to trim this because we only need the back part of it. I think I want to trim it about here. So let's use trim the rectangle and let's trim it right about here. We just draw a rectangle and it should trim just this part that we were just working on. Okay, so let's do a voxel Ramesh. So go here. Ok, so let's do a 3D mesh around 200. Alright. We can smooth this out 4. Part 4: Okay, so that's nice and smooth. Now we need to, this back part goes on the inside of the other piece. So let's hide it. Let's hide back heel. And let's just figure this part out first. Since the other part goes behind it, we want to make sure that this is perfect. So we want to turn off symmetry and let's start to just move this into the shape that we want. So we'll use move. We have symmetry off. And now you can just pull it and it'll just pull the parts that you want. And I just want an even just wanted even around the heel. That's all I'm looking for. You can also turn the floor off if it's a little bit more difficult to see. I'm gonna make it a little bit bigger because I want it to move all pretty evenly. So that's why I'm making it a little bit bigger. Sometimes I have to make it smaller because I really just want this to be even. So sometimes you have to maneuver it. So you don't you're just getting maybe the sides. I don't want this part to get in the way. You know, you don't want to move it from here because then you're also moving all this stuff. So sometimes you just have to be a little bit careful. But, you know, slowly but surely just just move things so that they're even. Okay. I mean, that's pretty good. And also I was thinking I may want to bring this power down. I'm actually going to turn symmetry back on because I can see the blue and I can see that the front is still fairly symmetrical. It's not, it's not completely, but it's still enough that I can just press this down and it still looks pretty good. Okay, so now that we have this part in place, now what makes a little more sense to bring back? Let's go to our Scene menu and we'll bring back the back heel. So now we can push this in place. So I'm going to use move again. Make sure that I'm on the back. And I don't think I need symmetry because the shape isn't symmetrical. So I'm just going to try to move this in. And I'm actually okay. I don't mind that the top isn't going in completely. It's mostly the bottom that I'm interested in. So something like this I think is pretty good. So now for the top, my trip to use flattened and just flatten this part. I'd like to do that because it's an easy way to sort of get it to go where I needed to go. Like so. And I'll just kinda flatten this so it's a bit even. Then I'll just take smooth and just smooth it and see how that falls behind the other shape. Same thing for this side. I'll just use flatten. Just sort of flatten this flattening in a little bit more so we can kinda see where the top part goes into the heel. And if you mess up, just feel free to undo and try it again. Make sure that this is pretty smooth up there. And then we'll just use smooth and just make it nice and nice and clean. So something like that I think is good. Alright, so let's hollow out this inside. I like to use layers of good tool for that. There's layer and we could, or we could use mask. Mask might actually be better, especially for teaching purposes. But I'll show you later since I mentioned it. So sub kinda decreases by almost like a layer itself. You can adjust it here with the intensity. So if I have a very low intensity and I use the layer tool, we don't need symmetry. The shape isn't symmetrical. Kinda just makes a layer and just erase is like one layer. You can paint it and you have another layer. Does that. Of course, you can increase the intensity and it will be deeper. So it was very useful. And sometimes I might use it for something like this. Because it could, it could probably work. But a way to be more precise is use mask. So we're on the back, we're using mask. We don't have, we don't need symmetry because the shape is not symmetrical. Well, how many times I'm going to say it. But now with mass, you can just draw on here. So you can just use your drawing skills. Just kinda make the inside of the shoe in, color it in and you can make the size a little bit bigger. You can color it in like that. That looks pretty good. And of course you can use unmask or you can just go in tight if you want to kind of give it a little bit more detail and just fix up the lines. You're happy with it. I think I'm going to unmask this a little bit. It just feels like it's a little thin at the back. And I just want to make it even. Okay. So I think that looks pretty good. So now we can use invert. So we go to the Mass settings here. We can use Invert. Now this is the only part that's open, so this is the only part that will be affected. So you can take your Gizmo and you can push it down like this. Now you can go to mask and you can clear it. And it's basically the same thing that we did with layer, except it's just a little bit more. You can control it a little bit more because you can make sure that you're doing this when you're using layer, you have to do it all in one stroke. And then once you lift the Apple pencil up and you started another stroke, you're not gonna be able to clean the edges is just going to start making a new depth layer. So let's just smooth this a little bit. Just because I like everything to look clean, even if I'm not going to see it. I just bugs me when things don't, at least somewhat smooth. Next, I think I want to flatten this part a little bit. So let's take flattened tool, make it a little bit bigger. I think I just want to flatten this part down like that. Smooth it. I'm gonna do the same thing over here as well. Can even use track. Okay, so for this round little puffy piece, I think I want to use inflate. Inflate. It can be a little tricky to do this because we can't we can't get both sides at once unfortunately. But let's try it. So we using inflate make the radius around 75. I don t think symmetry will help us. Here, unfortunately Because I don't think that this shape is symmetrical. So we'll just try without symmetry. Symmetry is actually one of my favorite tools. And it actually looks pretty good. Now that I'm trying it out. It is a little tricky to meet on the other side. But I think it's, I think it actually works pretty well better than expected. Alright, so I think I pretty much like this. So there's a few things we can do. We can flatten it because right now it's sort of sticking out a little bit. So you might just want to flatten it like so doesn't really need that much work. And then just lightly smooth it so that it feels natural and clean and part of the other part of part of the heel. Okay, So now I think I'm going to use layer and just sort of make this a little bit deeper here. Actually, maybe not that deep. Take the intensity off a bit. Can you just something like that and then smooth it. Okay. And I would also like to add, now the sneakers have a little elastic piece. But I think for that I just want to add just like a small piece of mesh, maybe like a square or a box. So I'm going to add a box. Use our gizmo to shrink it up. Shrink it this way. And we'll probably want to make me a little bit smaller. And then just tilting it and sort of just putting it in like this. I'm going to validate it. And then I'm just going to smooth it. You can use symmetry. And it's okay that it's sort of melts like that. I think that's fine. Just going to reposition it. Then I'm going to use move. Actually before I use move. Let's clone this so we can put on the other side. So take the box, we'll go here, we'll clone it. So now we have one that we can move over and do the same thing on this side. Okay? So now that we have two different ones, turn off symmetry and just move it manually. Move tool like this. And I think that's pretty good. I don't think I really need to do much more with that. Kinda looks right. And since we have that there, you can actually take like let's say clay sub you can actually, as long as you're on the back heel part. We might do to make this a little cleaner by getting rid of some of this clay here. Smoothing it out. Maybe flatten this better and make Try it looks like there's more, there's more clay back here. Let's hit Solo. He hit Solo and you can see what's happening. See how there's a lot of clay there. So sometimes that's why it makes it a little bit more difficult to move things. I was trying to do Just kinda move this down like this. And I'll take this and just hit move. And I'm just going to move it a little bit further out. Like that. I think that works a bit better. And for this part, I think we can just leave it for now. I'm happy. I'm most happy, which is how it looks on the side. Now I'm just kinda stretching it just to sort of hide it a bit. Here we go. Now let's just do the same thing on this side. So we use move. And we'll just sort of push it into place. Make move a little bit smaller. And you know what symmetry is on and that's why it turns symmetry off. I was wondering why everything was moving. So now we'll just kinda stretch this like we did the other side until we're happy with it. That looks good. I think it looks like elastic cache. So let's work on this heel. So first we need to get rid of this symmetry. So we'll go here, turn this off. So let's look at the front and let's take select mask will use the rectangle and we need to make this little round bit at the front. So it kinda starts here. We'll make our triangle about here. So maybe something like that. But you can see that it's really, even if we use the mask tool, the regular mass tool, see how it kinda, it's not really, we don't completely get that much detail. So what we have to do is subdivided. This will go here and we'll remeasure it. We might have had to sub-divide it, 3D meshes with him and see how it's all ugly. So we do have to sub-divide it. Multi-rate, sub-divide, maybe divide again, and then go to voxel 3D mesh and then remission. And that's a lot better. So now we'll just do the same thing. We'll hit Front. Select mask, rectangle, excuse the vacuuming upstairs. Okay, that looks a lot better. So now we'll take our mask and we want to do, we can do unmask because we want to. And I don't think we want symmetry bullet. Let's try it. Let's live dangerously. Because we want to just make this curve. So you've got to pull out your drawing skills again. Okay, it didn't do anything to their side, which is normal, I guess I'm going to turn symmetry off just in case. I don't want anything to happen to the side we just did. Now we just want to make this a nice curve. Like so. Okay, so now let's take our select mask. We go to the mask options and inverted. So now hopefully we can use the gizmo. And we may have to, we may have to make the whole thing bigger. I think that worked pretty well. So now we can go back to our select mask, go to the Options, and just clear. Now that's bigger. So another thing we can do later front again. We'll take Select Mask again, rectangle. And we want to make there's like a little, it kinda gets smaller and the top. So let's try masking the whole bottom part like that using our gizmo and then making this part smudge smaller. Like so. Go back, same thing, going to mask, clear the settings. And then you have something like that, which I think is nice. That looks good. 5. Part 5: Okay, so of course there's some other options here. You can take the crease tool, go to the back heel. And this may be a little tricky. Maybe I'll start from the back end. You have to pull your drawing skills out again. So with crease, maybe do something like that. Come around the other side. That one a little high, I think. Still a little high. I think that looks pretty good. I might want to try to lightly go a little bit better. If you're really crazy like me, you can try to smooth a little bit underneath, just trying to get it as perfect as it can look. So I think that looks pretty good. And so the next thing that I would do is flatten the top of this with a flattened tool, like so. And then we'll also flatten this part. All of these, this surface here. And we can actually, we might be to use symmetry. Let's see. Symmetry seems to work really nicely. There. Might take pinch. I want to make this a little more crisp. You just have to be careful because I don't want to pinch those sides together. Just want to pinch that edge. Okay. Can even pinched down here as well. You want to try to clean some of these up. You can try and pinch them. But honestly, I think it looks good. I'm not too worried about making that super perfect town there. Especially if something like this is gonna be printed. And I'm not that worried about these details. I think they look really nice. Alright, so another cool detail that we can add. Oh, it is a little different on this side. So I'm going to take flattened and turn off symmetry. I just noticed that it is a little different on this side. So we want to make sure that I flatten that out. Watch those pesky details. So I'm going to smooth it and then I'm going to take pinch and just kinda clean this up a little bit. You can also take crease in Sub. If you want to try to make a little bit more of a line like that. Pension sub is really useful and it's a cool little trick. Pinch crease and sub, crease in sub. So it makes like a inverse crease. I'm going to take it off, otherwise I'll forget. But now I just want to smooth this out a little bit. So it's pretty nice we can do the same thing on this side. We'll take a crease and soap. And it will almost be like we're extending this down like that. Okay. Let's flatten nice. Latin aside as well. Alright, oh, and there's also this little round thing on the back. We can actually use Select Mask again, are just regular mask actually The back. Sometimes I forget that you can use this and it's very useful. That is not looking good over there. So let's unmask this, make it a little more round. Be extended a little bit more. That looks less weird. But I might take a little bit off the top. Now let's go ahead and invert it. Gizmo, and let's make it a little bit bigger. And then we'll go back here and we'll clear it and see how see the damage. It's not bad. But I don't even think I need to just smooth it a little bit. I just want the impression of it. So actually smooth works well. The only other part that I wanted to crease as I think I liked this stitching. Let's use crease. Just see if we can get a nice stitching around the edge. Two little tricky. Because you want to try to get it in one fell swoop. I think that's pretty good. I'm pretty happy with it. Alright. I want to I want to trim sneakers. I think I might want to lift it up first because you can tell that like the front kinda come off the ground and I liked that. So let's use move. I don't think we can use symmetry because the soul isn't symmetrical. So I'm just going to make move really big and then lift this up in the front. And I think that actually looks pretty good. I do say so myself. But I don't want it that much off the ground either, so I might have to pull this down. Let's see. I'm going to pull this down a bit. And on the other side as well. I think something like that is good. So I think that's pretty good. So now I'm going to trim. You can also use line. Line is a little tricky. Let me start from here. So I think that's pretty good. I think I might want to trim a little bit more. I think something like that might be good. Let's box will remeasure it. I'm going to box remission high, like 300. Okay, that looks much better. So now I'm just going to solo it and smooth the bottom. I'm going to actually smooth all this too. I like it looking a little more smooth and rounder versus having those like jagged lines. It's a little too straight from me. So let's hit Solo again. I think I'll just use flattened. And I mean, it's just flatten this too. And just flatten out a little bit. And you smooth Let's see how this looks now. Okay, it looks a bit better. And just keep adjusting until you're happy with it. Okay, that looks all right. Okay, so let's do a quick Save. Might want to pull this up a little bit with the Move tool. And also you can do the same thing in the back if you want to add a little bit of a little some, some might just try to use flattened. But ultimately I think that looks pretty good. I'm just curious if I do a straight line across the bottom and then remeshing it at the same number. And just smooth that bottom edge out again. It's probably not needed, but I don't know. I just like it to be as perfect as I can. So there's a lot of times where I'll, I'll do I'll smooth and trim and smooth and tram. But when you use the Trim, just make sure that you do the ramesh at 300 again to clean up those edges. Okay, cool. So I'm pretty happy with this. Let's just bring the shoe down. So here's the floor. So let's take everything that's not the floor. Move it down, front, down like that. I think it looks great. So let's go back to let PBR. Now you have the white shoe, but of course I don't like shiny white cells. Let's go to wipe the color. And I do, I kinda did that fast. So let's just do that again. So we still have everything selected. We get on here, bringing this to white, bring the roughness up some paint all, and everything is painted white. You can even make this, this can actually be white to me. We'll make it a little off white. Okay? Now we can get rid of the environment, which this is the environment that's included, this one right here. And if you want to get that, just tap on it, import and then import the image for wherever you saved it. And then it will open up here. But for now we're going to turn that off. And we'll just add some quick lights. So we add one light. And this is just a regular sunlight. We'll call this key. Raise the intensity a little bit. Maybe like 1.5. I like to tap on the three dots and make it as make the shadow soft. So we have the key. We can clone the key and then we can change this to fill. And let's move it over here. Then use the blue and put it towards the back. Sorry, I'm a dad called IDO. Answer the phone. So this is the fill, so this is pointing this way. And we already have the shadows and everything is set because we duplicated it. The only thing we wanna do is turn this one down. We don't want it as bright as the key We just want to lighten up the shadows a little bit. So maybe 0.273 years, so it's pretty good. All right, so next, we'll add a light behind the shoe. So it was behind the shoe over a little bit. Spot. Will take the green pointed at the shoe. Maybe like this. It looks good. I mean, we can turn this up a little bit, a little pinch. So that looks good. And now we'll add one last layer. Let's rename the one we just did behind it. Let's rename that rim. Then this light, we can rename top. So this light, just move it up, spot, straight down, straight on the street. Over top. You can use this little orange node to make the cone bigger. Like so. I'd like to make this one cool. So just tap here. Move the color up to the bluish. Like so. Let's get rid of the reference. So we'll tap here and just uncheck that. And let's also change it from orthographic to perspective front. And let's get a nice front view, or at least a nice side view. And then go back to this little camera thing and just hit Add view. Rename it one. Alright, so now let's turn on. So we'll go here, but turn on post-process. I like to do global illumination. And I usually set this render resolution high, but right before I export, right now it's good down at 1.25. So you've got ambient occlusion. You can play with all of these. These all affect the shadows and things like that. So you can play with all those. But mine is looking alright, just straight out of the, straight out of the box. Depth of field. Of course, if you want to use that, you can. You can adjust that a little bit as you'd like. I'll leave it on. Then all of this stuff you can just play around with as you need. But I don't think it's that important. Also, let's turn on the environment. So go back here to this little sun will turn on the environment super bright. So we'll just scale it down. Maybe like 1.3 or so. We'll do a quick save. And now we can go back to here or we can change it. Like if we liked this view better. Let's make this view back to the camera, and this will be two. So now we have another view there. All right, I think that looks pretty good. So let's go to this little shutter trying to render resolution all the way up. Then we'll go here. Firstly, save. Then you can export it. So we'll go down. And here is your export options. So we'll do for K, and then we'll export. And it'll take awhile. So I'll be back with what this looks like. And also sometimes I like to add change these two subsurface. So you just have this little material thing. You can tap subsurface. I just did it to this top part and put the depth down. So it's not so see-through. But maybe something like this, like little less than 0.09 or so, which looks good. It looks a little bit more natural. And also you can go into subsurface. You can change this so that it's not so red. Now the shoe doesn't have like blood like we do. So you really wouldn't be really wouldn't be red. It would be probably something more or something less organic like that. And you can do that for these pieces as well. But you just want to make sure that you turn the depth down and also change the color just so it's more just white, light beige ish, I think feels a bit better. But change the angle a little bit and change this color to make it a little bit lighter, but you can change to whatever color you want. Just make it fun. Now that that save now making sufficient. All right guys, welcome back. I hope you had a good time creating these sneakers. I'm really looking forward to using these for 3D prints. These are the sneakers that I wear all the time, just like white slip on's because finally nice out. So not only did I want to make my own type of sneakers, but I wanted to make sneakers for my 3D prints. So I've been making a lot of characters. I love making characters, and I've just started making prints. So definitely check out my YouTube. I've been posting my whole progress of getting a 3D printers, setting everything up, getting things ready to be painted, and everything in-between. It's been a big mess, but you can follow me there and you can check it out. So a lot of the things that I'm doing now are geared towards printing. So I wanted to make some realistic shoes. So when I make a character, I can have some shoes, but I'm not quite there yet where I can make a Skillshare class on that. So if you want to follow me and check out what I'm doing there, make sure you check out my YouTube. Of course everything is drug-free day. Tiktok, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, everything is drug-free, Dave, so be sure to follow me and especially tag me if you post your work. I'm looking forward to seeing your sneakers, whatever the 3D work you have, be sure to tag me. I love sharing my students and just seeing what you guys are up to you. But I think that's about it. I appreciate you hanging with me. I appreciate you spending your time with me. Keep on sculpting and remember to make other sneakers. Look at other sneakers and just use the things that you learned in this class to progress and to make better sneakers, more sneakers and different kinds of sneakers. Alright, keep drawing, keep sculpting. I'll see you all in the next video.