3D modelling for beginners | Yehuda Dwolatzky | Skillshare

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3D modelling for beginners

teacher avatar Yehuda Dwolatzky, Maker and teacher

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Quick overview of TinkerCad


    • 3.

      Navigating the workplane


    • 4.



    • 5.

      Adding and scaling


    • 6.

      Workplane and ruler


    • 7.

      Rotate and duplicate shapes


    • 8.

      Flip allign and group


    • 9.

      Publish and download


    • 10.

      Final thoughts


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About This Class

If you have an interest in 3D printing but are not sure how to start, this class is for you.

In this class you will learn how to model your first 3D animal. You  will learn an easy and basic yet powerful program called TinkerCad. Using the different tools of this program in a step-by-step approach you will understand how to design your own 3D model that can be printed.

So are  you ready for the challenge? Let’s go!

Meet Your Teacher

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Yehuda Dwolatzky

Maker and teacher



My name is Yehuda. I've been a teacher for many years. In search for inspiring my students, getting them to become more creative and engaged in there learning I discovered the Maker world.

I teach using a Project Based Learning approach using many Digital Fabrication tools such as 3D printers and laser cutters. I run the school maker space with my amazing team of creative teachers.

I believe that our goal is to be creators and not consumers and with today's technologies and local maker-spaces it's a way of life that is available to many people.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: three D printing has become and basic technology in so many places jewelry, aerospace, factories, hospitals. In so many places, three D printing has become a main thing. Hi, my name's Yehuda. I'm a maker and a teacher, a teaching a vocational school digital fabrication. And one of my best tools is the three D printers to three D print. One of the basic skills you need is three D design. In this class, you learn to three D design with a basic and simple yet very powerful program called Tinker Cat. Tinker Cat is a free Web based program from made by Order Card. With this program, in no time you'll be designing your 1st 3 D model in the class. Your class project will be to design your 1st 3 D animal that you like will take step by step and learn the different tools of tinker can. And slowly but surely you'll see that your first animals there will go three tools, like adding parts, scaling, putting them one next to each other, aligning, flipping Murray and many other great ALS. And before you'll know it, you'll see your 1st 3 D model that you designed that will be ready for three D printing. We weren't learning this clock class to three D print that will be in our next cross. So if you have no background in three D design for three D printing, yet you want to get started. So this is the class to start your first step. 2. Quick overview of TinkerCad: okay, saying this video, we're going to have a quick overview of Tink it. As I said, Tinker Cat is a simple online free program made by Order Disc, which is a great company, very strong based company. So first step we need to sign in. So just sign ups of press the sign up button of the right hand side and which is the country you choose the year you need to be at least 13 to open an account if you under. For if you have students or Children so you can open it and then they need a parent to moderate. So you put in your email, you write a your password. I agree. Create Now, by opening a tinker can't account basically opening an order desk account, which gives you also access for instructor bulls infusion 3 16 All kind of different APs from Autodesk quizzes. Very cool. Okay, so you don't need to do the class. There are classes if you want, but right now, we now in my class and then I'll get you through all of the different things that have. So you see, this is the home page of Tinker Cad on the left hand side. You could choose between your current your recent designs that right now we don't have any . There's also, if you're doing making messes through Tinker Card is the lessons area. There's another app of of otherness, called circuits of building circuits. That's not in this crass, but just that, you know, it's also from within here. Another great thing that things had is the community, the gallery. You could see projects that other people had made public, and you could see what details how nice things you can get by working here. They also have a whole big area of learning. Tinker cad, Um, and also for if you want to teach the whole question of how teaching but then and how you want to write your kids and out Tinky Cat, if we press create new design is basically a modeling a three D design app that works with blocks. The whole idea is that we have all kind of different basic shapes, and you just drag and drop the shapes into the world Plane, uh, that you want to model on and add them. Put them one next, each other, group them, add holes all kind of different things like that and bold. So the basically, when you designing on think you can't you need to think I'm shapes and think how everything I could add shapes will be learning a lot of out of drink this class and understanding exactly the fundamentals of how to work with it and how to to go on and do different things like that. Okay, so sign up to tinker can make sure you have your user. And from the next video, we're going to start learning how to navigate the edit eight of the editor of the work plain, and we going to start working on our project. So make sure you sign up, have your own user and got on to the next with you. 3. Navigating the workplane: Okay, This video, we're going to nerd one of the very basic skills for three D design. And that's how to navigate your editor work plane. So we press create new design, and before I start showing, I always like to start with some very basic things, and that's tell me which one of these boxes is big of the right hand side of the left defense. So obviously it looks like the left hand side, right? That's the bigger one. The right one is smaller, but if I move my view suddenly, I see that, actually, these two boxes are identical boxes. The only difference was the angle. When I was looking from, it looked as if the one was bigger than the other. So wonder. Always show. Start with that, because that's very important. When we talk about three D designing, you'll see that lots of times it seems as if two things are one next to each other or different sizes of things like that. Well, it's only a question off the point of view that I'm looking. So how do we navigate? So you see, the first way to navigate is using this navigation box on the left hand side and the button . Thunder 100. How do e that? We just hold the box without lift, button off the mouse and move it around and you will see the move. We move the box of moves L view. You can also just press in a certain corner side of the bucks, and then it will move it directly to that point of view. So that's using the books if I need to. Home my work planners moved to the side, and I want to come back to the view that it is right now something you just press the home button and you'll see even if its underside, I press it and homes it back another ways. If I went to fit the view off a certain books of the night, also select the Bucks and then press on all the foot view but another left hand side under the home. Or I could even just press the key if on the keyboard and who also fitted to the main view on If I need to zoom in, zoom out. So then I have the plus and minus buttons, so that's the first way to navigate I find it more convenient to use my mouse. Now it's important to use a real mouse. Don't even if you're using a laptop, dodges the tach bad. It's not very coming into use. Use an actual mess. How do we, uh, navigate using our house so with the scroll button so we can zoom in and zoom out? And if I want to paint my few foreign to change the angle, So right click the mouse on the right hand side and while holding the mouse pressed, I just move it to the side and you'll see that it I will change my angle as you see now, up down, the way I move my mouth. So basically pulling the work plane from one place to another. Um, if I want to move my whole work plan on, we've had left right up, down. So then there's two ways to do that. Could all press the shift button and then with the mouth, pull the work plan to the side. Another way is just if we press the scrub, I could not turn. The scrubber would actually use it as a button and press it down. So then we can move the whole basically grabbed the work plan and move it to where we wanted, so it's also very convenient, So that's basically navigating. Now it's very important to do this again and again and again until you get to use it in the beginning. When you start editing, you'll need the whole time to play around with an angle and in order to practice. So then I have a smaller practice thing for you. If you press the Tinker card logo on the left, it will bring back to the home page. And then on the right hand side, you can write, hide and seek and search, and you'll see. Once doing that, you'll find, um, the project that I made public scroll down and you see this this project just you won't see Tinker the CLC copy and tinker, and basically, what does it copies my project into your thing? And then on this project, what you need to do is find the numbers one through 10. They're hiding in different places. He has the number two, for example, so I want you to find all of the numbers from 1 to 10. You'll see. It's very helpful to get you to improve your navigation skills and practice practice practice because we're about to start learning how to design. And the navigation is a very basic skill. Good luck. 4. Inspiration: Okay, so now that we've seen how to open a using ting cut and you saw how navigating and we're about to learn how we start modeling our 1st 3 D project, I want to take these few moments now to start and understand how we need to think not before the actual acting what to do. But let's understand to where we going. Our project is three D modeling and animal Any animal you want. Now the question is, how do I model? Animal? Not only technically, how do I think? How do we make and understand? So I always like ringing as an example. One of my hobbies One of my hobbies is making animals from balloon animals. Now the things with balloon animals it's a balloon, never railing looks like an animal. But always when I make an animal from balloon, the child immediately understands what animal is. How do I do it? Well, the idea is you always need to think of a few things that are unique about this animal. For example, the millionaire maker balloon with a long neck and with long feet so immediately the child will know that wanted I'm I wanted I make for him I made from a giraffe and it will make a large nose with big ears. You understand? It's an elephant. So the same idea is when we tried to model on animal enough that you try and think one other different things that our unique about this animal. I don't think that if I do it for example, you see in the drink direction video you saw made a bumble bee the window No matter yellow with those black stripes around it. So you understand, Understood. Oh, this is a bumble bee, right? Another tip that I have that really helps me get me and my students get ideas were going to do if you got going Google and riding Google pictures how to draw a And you're right, the animal, you wonder Elephant, a beard, A B and Doug. You'll get all kind of different examples of how to sketch different animals. Those things will help you get those unique one other one of the different shapes that create the central. Because the whole idea, as we saw in the overview of pink account Tinker Card is modeling with different shapes. So the minute I started to send water the shapes that make the animal. It will be much easier for me to model my animal. And don't worry, it doesn't mean you don't need to get into very fine details. We'll learn and you'll see. You could get into fine details. You could scale up and down and and different shapes. But first you need to get one of the main shapes. What makes my animal? What makes my animal unique? Once you get those shapes and you make the animal that we understand one animal it is then then you could start working in more details and more details as long as you want, until you get the perfect project, the perfect freedom. Three. DeMarlo that you'll be happy with that you it. So it's your project. You need to feel and see and look at your mother and say Great, this is the model I want. Then we just now going to start, take a few moments, look at how to look at different pictures of the animal, start seeing a shapes my last tip and then you go do your research and then we'll start. Modeling is if you look on the right hand side at the top, you can see that you could search in the community models off tinker cut animals. Maybe someone already modelled yours. I'm not saying take layers and copy. I want you to make your own. But if you go into then say Compean Tinker, you'll see how they made an would want to help you, understanding what shapes they thought make it unique what shapes they worked with to make the animal and give you ideas for your project. For your science, for your styling, for what you want to make it. So Take a few moments for your project now to decide what animal you want to research some pictures, how to draw looking the community. Get the ideas and then will be off to Starting from now onwards, we're going to start learning how we wonder what thinking can. So do your research, and it's 5. Adding and scaling: of the first basic basic steps is adding shapes and scaling them and moving them around the workplace. And in this part of the class, we're going to learn exactly how to do that. So the first step is to choose the shape you are new and you see this. The simple basic shapes in yeah, but you could also change. There's different groups. There's text with different. The letters and numbers at the bottom you can choose are there's some symbols. There's all kind of different extras. There's also, and we'll learn about that it then. But there's also community shapes, but we'll still see that. And now, in order to scale, the first easiest way to scale is just using. Each shape has its own properties windows. Now it will change between different shapes, different shapes. You'll have different properties that you can change about in all of them. You can change the color if you want. Yes, you can choose whichever color you want. Each one of them. You could make it instead of a color of making. The Holland will still talk about why that's good, but right now we leave it with the color and each one will have different times off properties. You can change, you see in this thing I can change it around making from square making a rounder. And if I make it round, I could say how many steps I want, which I'll zoom in a bit. You'll see the steps will make it more smooth. The more steps that has, the less steps will be less smooth. Um, yes, you can change around the Let's go back. Sorry. You can change the length you can change with. You can change the height. It can play around. The different the different things of your part. Um, the next way to scale is not with the properties we know close it that weren't out into fear, but I could always reopen it that one. So the next way is just using L mouth now using out mouse so you can just buy catching anyone of the handles. Pull it two different directions according to the way I want to do. Pull my part to the different different ways. That's what If I want to keep my scathing, I wanted Cuba. So what if I don't want to lose the proportion off my part, I just wanted scale it in a way that it saves the same. So there's a few different ways. If I want to only one dimension keep the same proportion. So you see Incentive just pulled in the right handle and them getting it from one side to another. I can, by pressing on Alton and while holding Ault, I pull the corner. You see. Now it's putting it in the same proportion to both sides. It's keeping my center in the same place, not moving the centre and just moving of the same the same thing. If I will catch it, obviously also to this direction, bitterest instead of to the X to the why dimension or if I catch it by the corner and scale it. So you see it's pulling two to birth dimensions at the same time, keeping my part centered at the same place. But by pressing old. If you saw what it did, it only changed it in the to the corner. So now what it's doing, that's scaring at uniformly to all three dimensions is keeping my part the same thing. But you see, while it's not keeping when I prison shift. That's not keeping my center in the same place. But if I press also shift and also old and grab the corner. So now it's also scanning uniformly in all three dimensions, and it's also keeping my center in the same place. So that's about scaling with the mouse. Well, our next step is if I want to move it around, so there's a few ways to move apart. First of all, you can just use your your arrow keys. Yes, right left back for forward and some move it with my mouth. But make sure when you move it with your mounts, never to grab by mistake on one of the handles, cause if I catch one of the handle, so obviously I'll be scaling my partner. We don't scale my parts of then you need to grab an area that's found any handles, and then you can just move it around right left, back forth, moving and put whatever you want on your work. Now if I want to go up and down means I don't go back and forth, I want to bring it off my work plan. Yes, that will go about So there's two ways. First away for press on control and then move with the arrows up and down, You see, Now it's bringing it up the work plan and back down to the work. Uh, that's the first option. The second option is with the mouse. You see, if I grab the arrow key, that's above, so we'll bring it up and down as much as I want. According to the work. Now, in what proportion doesn't move it? Yes, when I'm moving around, how handed with my arrows according to how much does he decide to go so that one of the important places to know is my snap grid See here at the But we have the snapping and I can choose each step each snap that I do each step. How much does he want to move on my work plants? Then I could say I wanted one minute me that could say five. And then each time I move, you see he's moving much more. Oh, I can say I want something much finer and just 0.1 millimeter. And then each movie see each time was Prison arrow that's really moving very, very, very slowly so It's important to know now one of the things that I interesting that when I , for example now my stampeders won. But if instead once pressing, the errors also press shift, so he'll give me faster nudges you moving each time 10 times what's under snap grade, which is very convenient because lots of times you want to work with a snap grid. That's like 0.10 25 that when you move you very accurate thing, especially when we working with a few shapes, and we want to bring them one next to each other, things like that. But then suddenly I want to move something with first this interest at shift and then that will be jumping around much faster and be much more accurate and easy to work. Obviously, I'm reminding you, that's very important the whole time to be panning two different directions and seeing that it's really where you think it is and not not at the right place. That's all for this one. By 6. Workplane and ruler: in this video, we're going to see a much more convenient way to work when we adding parts to our work plane. So you know when you usually the way we saw before you add apart. And whenever you add apart, it's always surfaced unto the work plane now. So what we saw off, according to the video, before I could bring it in and I could move it and bring it up with control arrows or using the mouse, However, it's more convenient for me and told. Get it exactly. But there's a much easier way to work. You see, I could choose the work plane or from the side here, or by just clicking the key. W And then you see my mouse now is asking you basically where I want to move my surface to my work plane to under put it on the side of the shape on top of the shape. And once I choose, I click with the mouse, and now you see the work plane actually is surfaced above my shape. Now what's the benefit of that? Now, when I bring in my roof on a magnetically, it's bringing it to the place I want it to the surface I wanted. I don't need to start moving it, or changing the angle automatically brings me to the surface that I wanted to stand on, unlimited of press again on the work plan on W and pressing the air. My work plan gets back to the way it was at the beginning. Another great tool is working with the router. You see, I could all choose the ruler from the side. All Chris are on the keyboard, and then my mouse asks me where when you put the ruler doesn't make a big difference. What the benefit is that according to where it is. So then I also get the dimension away from the rule. So you see, for example, now pressing on the red one, and you see it's 29 a half centimeters and 30 0.75 away from the ruler, and I also get the different dimensions of the actual part for each one off the dimensions and also the distance in the Z dimensions of, for example, the boxes on the surface. But the roof you seize 20 millimeters above the surface, so that's very um and a very good way to work. Another very convenient thing about the rule of the minute. It's on my work plane. So any part. I always see the dimensions, and I could always just click on the number and type in my new dimensions. If I wanted to be 30 on 25 7 Just, um, in 30 on 30 0 no, let's make a failure on 25. I could just type in the size that I want, And then again, I couldn't correct my roof. You find one and just typing the dimensions and its lots of time instead of trying to pull by the handle and get it to the exact dimensional want. It's just much easier with the religious type in my think. Another very convenient thing is the D. But the drop you see when I now press the decent and it made it come up to whether work planning, that means that wherever put the work plane near the surface and any piece I I will touch, So then it will go down to the D. When I do d, it will drop to the surface. Um now is to see that according to where the work plane is if it's in an angle and are bringing a part of bringing on the angle. It's always surfaced onto the surface, which is also very lots of time or of the rotation. That is frustrating. And like that, it just goes much easier. So we saw how to work with the work plan with the ruder and by dropping by pressing the D. Uh, it's the different tools. Let's carry on to the next class. 7. Rotate and duplicate shapes: Okay, so we saw how to add shaves, how to get them to the place. We wouldn't have to work with the different work planes and and all of those things. Now let's see if I have a piece. How can I rotated and get it to be in the right angle? Because when I'm reading into the work planets in a Sergent angler and lots of times, it's not the angled in a one. So once you click on your part so you'll see we get three arrows for each one of the dimension. There's an error like that that, uh, that rotates it to the in the dimension that the arrow is standing. Once I press the arrow so you'll see we have three options. The first option is to rotating the inner circle off the the dime, and then will you see that it's a 22.5 degree rotation nudge every single time. The other option is to go to the outer circle, and then you see, when I'm in the other circles, each Naj is one degree. So then I can have a much accurate thing for when you do it even faster. than 22 after Greece. So by pressing the shift button and rotating so it will be irritation of 45 degrees. So and obviously those things we can do in every single by mentioned and you could move any man and then there, then to eventually have it in the exact precise angle you want to be. So that's rotating our ship. The next thing I want to show you is OK. I have a part in my work plan. I want to duplicate it. I want to have the same thing, the same dimension, the same everything. Another one like that. How can I do so? The first way is just control. C Control V. As you know from many other programs. Just copy and paste so you can also copy and paste in the corn. On the left hand side, you press. Once copy, you press the other one paste in here, you see, we have another one. An easier way to copy is just pressing the old button while moving it with the mouse by doing that, But will Copy and Dragon are ready to the place, you dragging it with the mouse, and that's really the fastest way to just the copy and have the same part duplicated. But there's another way to for duplication. That's a much more sophisticated way, and many times will save you a lot of time. You see, I can have bringing let's and brought atmosphere and get it to the right size. I want lots of times. It's getting there and then bring it to the place I want and bring it to the exactly and okay, So I have my sphere waiting for now. I want a few more like those, but not I want to ready to start it in the right place. So see what idea do control De and then once I duplicated it. So then now I can move thinking the exact same place. It will seem as if it didn't move. But then you see, I can bring the 2nd 1 up, move it to the side and you see, I could bring it exactly to the place I wanted to be. And now, by pressing again, control the not early. He'll duplicated you already moving up into the side and again open to the side like I plants of by duplicating like that so much first away to really give a certain pattern than I want. A few parts exactly the same, but each one to move a little bit to the side or to the top, to certain that I could do. Okay, So now back to your project. I want you to go and rotate. Oh, get all of the parts used. These tools duplicate. Good luck. 8. Flip allign and group: Okay, So in this video, we're going to learn some very, very good and basic tools that you use a lot grouping, aligning and flipping. So I'm bringing in apart into my work plan of duplicating it years with Alton. Just crank dragging it to the side, changing the scale that it will be with smaller and longer. Now I have these two parts. Now let's say I want to get now the this part exactly precisely in the middle of the bigger one. Now, how can I do it so I could just select both of them? Yes, with the mouse off by pressing select with the while but shift well, pressing on the mouth selected both of them. You could see that the square knows around both of them. Not only one. And then I pressed the line buttered and you see, I get these dots now. These thoughts basically let me to align it according to each dimension left right onto the middle. Yes, I can have a the way I want it. So now I'm maligning a bear in the middle and also from this direction in the middle. Um And you see that the one it's inside the other. Now what I'm going to do now is the bottom one, the smaller one. I'm going to change its color from college. Remember, we spoke that you could also turn it into instead of a color hole. Now, you see, one has a common one is a hole. Now, once it like that, when I can do is select both of them together. And then I can all press control g or pressing the top at the bottom group. And what happens? It makes the two parts in 21 Now, once I did, that took of actually created a new shape by making a hole into a shape. It changes the shape. And now I have a new shape now under show. Another example again, I'm bringing in, um, some parts? Yes. Using the work from the W. As you remember putting the sphere above? Yes. Now bringing it down again. I want the sphere to be exactly in the middle. So I did do a select both of them and choose the line. Yes, President. Middle middle fuck would have done that. Dimensions. It would have gone in the minimum that I wanted. Like that such a select both of them and group. Now, you see, once I group two things that makes into into one kind of but I can choose multi color and then leave it with the two colors case. So I have now the two pieces. Them really scaled them down a bit. Get the colors like that. And now let's see what I'm going to do it. So get out now rotating that and bring that up to buy animal. That's up there. Yes, I'm getting it to be in the right height that I want it. And again, I wanted to be exactly in the middle of the face. So select everything. Choose a line and get it together. Now bring this part up. Also rotating it, getting it. And now you're going to see a another very convenient to lots of times. I have two identical things and I want them to be exactly the same angle, but to a different direction. So you see, I have one. So now I'm duplicating this one, moving it to where I want the other one to be. But now I see it's I wanted to be in the opposite direction. So for that I have the flip toe. It's all by pressing M when the keyboard over, pressing here on the flip button and what it does once our prints that you see, I have these errors. Now each era shows a different dimension that I went to flip the shaping. So, for example, impressing this one and you see now I have the same shape in the same anger over to the other direction. I get it to the place. Then everything is now I have my caterpillar already for one. Now I can also selected all and group to be just as one part and then it want move or anything, and I have animal. So basically we saw all of the tools we really need in order to to get out animals ready if it's adding, scaling, rotating, duplicating, flipping, grouping lining all of those tools Now you need to start used for your animal. Good luck 9. Publish and download: Okay, so now we finished down model. And there's a few things at the end that we want to do. First of all, if you are new, change the properties from being it from being private to public. By doing that, it's not that someone else can change your model that can just view it. And if they want, they can also copy it and and tinker it on their own. But not change your original one in order that in our class other people could see your project enjoy a project. So I wanted in your project you will make a public and then press save changes Go back. The next step also is, uh, downloaded. If you want to. Three d print This course isn't talking about three d printing. That maybe will be the next trust. But right now, um, the whole subject of how three d printing in that needs to be learned on its own. But if you have a three D printer nearby, you in your school in your neighborhood in a maker space and he wondered, three d print your models. So then you need to export it. You press export and you choose everything in the design when there's a few things and the only 11 of them, so you can select them and then she's only the selected Chase. But in our point, we're going to select everything in the design and we down loaded as an STL. And Estelle is a generic three D model for three D printing. Um, and once you press that so than the computer, ask you where you want to save it and just download the file and that follows to follow that you could add to a slice and then slice it for three D printing and three d print. As I said already, I hope soon I will be, um, sharing a cross in three D printing. So that's something. Another thing that I want you to do for the class project. So is if you prison share. You see, you can download a snapshot of the design so then downloaded locally on your computer and then in your project, um, in skill share, upload your project, write a few sentences about it, how it waas share what you How was the whole experience and that's all OK, 10. Final thoughts: Wow, Well done. You've got to the end of the class. Now. What you need to do is wrap up your project, do your last things. They'll take the time. Make sure you have all of the details the way you want in the project. Think out what you can add. What will be. Sometimes that extra smile all the eyes or the extra dots under animal makes it really to be the perfect animal. Makes that nice gives it the patchy one, so then you don't need to finish quickly. Take the time. Learn used grouping to make new shapes. Use the holes, too. Cut up the shapes in the size and the way that exactly you wanted to be until you get to your animal, I reminded the When you scale up and down with the different parts, you able to get into finer details. But look, it's your first project. It doesn't need to look exactly like the animal enough that you have a nice model that you happy with and has its unique parts. That makes it really the animal you wanted to be. And that's great. Finish up your animal, get some screenshots of your animal and uploaded into the project and get everyone to see and share with us. And if you have any questions in the discussion while you doing, if you're trying to do certain shape and you can't work out out to do it, writing in the discussions will people answer you our answer. You other people in this class, war on senior, and you're able to get it until it's nice and finish with your screen shops and in the project. But this class was only your 1st 1st steps into this world of three D modeling objects for three D printing. It's only the beginning or ST Think account is still some more tricks and things that I need to be learned. And once you get very good into tinker Con slowly, slowly, you'll see one thing. Maybe go into a full card program and you'll learn that and slowly, slowly or getting that another whole subject that we didn't touch in this class. Hopefully, in one of the next ones is the whole idea of three D printing, exactly understanding how you treat the print your model once. That's really how you do the slicing, how you wants the angles to print and all kind of things like that that is still ahead of you to learn. So I hope you had a great time modeling your 1st 3 D project and follow me. And hopefully we will have more classes coming up very shortly. I'm already working on Sam also on a full count program or some three d printing. So carry on following me and will go through more classes ahead of us until you become the perfect three D printer modeler. Good luck. I hope you enjoyed it.