3 Minute Spanish - Course 3 | Language lessons for beginners | Kieran Ball | Skillshare

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3 Minute Spanish - Course 3 | Language lessons for beginners

teacher avatar Kieran Ball, Learn a language in 3-minute chunks

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Spanish Lesson 19a


    • 3.

      Spanish Lesson 19b


    • 4.

      Spanish Lesson 19c


    • 5.

      Spanish Lesson 19d


    • 6.

      Spanish Lesson 19e


    • 7.

      Spanish Lesson 19f


    • 8.

      Spanish Lesson 19g


    • 9.

      Spanish Lesson 19h


    • 10.

      Spanish Lesson 20a


    • 11.

      Spanish Lesson 20b


    • 12.

      Spanish Lesson 20c


    • 13.

      Spanish Lesson 20d


    • 14.

      Spanish Lesson 20e


    • 15.

      Spanish Lesson 20f


    • 16.

      Spanish Lesson 20g


    • 17.

      Spanish Lesson 20h


    • 18.

      Spanish Lesson 21a


    • 19.

      Spanish Lesson 21b


    • 20.

      Spanish Lesson 21c


    • 21.

      Spanish Lesson 21d


    • 22.

      Spanish Lesson 21e


    • 23.

      Spanish Lesson 21f


    • 24.

      Spanish Lesson 21g


    • 25.

      Spanish Lesson 21h


    • 26.

      Spanish Lesson 21i


    • 27.

      Spanish Lesson 21j


    • 28.

      Spanish Lesson 21k


    • 29.

      Spanish Lesson 22a


    • 30.

      Spanish Lesson 22b


    • 31.

      Spanish Lesson 22c


    • 32.

      Spanish Lesson 22d


    • 33.

      Spanish Lesson 22e


    • 34.

      Spanish Lesson 22f


    • 35.

      Spanish Lesson 22g


    • 36.

      Spanish Lesson 23a


    • 37.

      Spanish Lesson 23b


    • 38.

      Spanish Lesson 23c


    • 39.

      Spanish Lesson 23d


    • 40.

      Spanish Lesson 23e


    • 41.

      Spanish Lesson 23f


    • 42.

      Spanish Lesson 23g


    • 43.

      Spanish Lesson 23h


    • 44.

      Spanish Lesson 23i


    • 45.

      Spanish Lesson 24a


    • 46.

      Spanish Lesson 24b


    • 47.

      Spanish Lesson 24c


    • 48.

      Spanish Lesson 24d


    • 49.

      Spanish Lesson 24e


    • 50.

      Spanish Lesson 24f


    • 51.

      Spanish Lesson 24g


    • 52.

      Spanish Lesson 24h


    • 53.

      Spanish Lesson 24i


    • 54.

      Spanish Lesson 24j


    • 55.

      Spanish Lesson 24k


    • 56.

      Spanish Lesson 25a


    • 57.

      Spanish Lesson 25b


    • 58.

      Spanish Lesson 25c


    • 59.

      Spanish Lesson 25d


    • 60.

      Spanish Lesson 25e


    • 61.

      Spanish Lesson 25f


    • 62.

      Spanish Lesson 25g


    • 63.

      Spanish Lesson 25h


    • 64.

      Spanish Lesson 25i


    • 65.

      Spanish Lesson 25j


    • 66.

      Spanish Lesson 26a


    • 67.

      Spanish Lesson 26b


    • 68.

      Spanish Lesson 26c


    • 69.

      Spanish Lesson 26d


    • 70.

      Spanish Lesson 26e


    • 71.

      Spanish Lesson 26f


    • 72.

      Spanish Lesson 26g


    • 73.

      Spanish Lesson 27a


    • 74.

      Spanish Lesson 27b


    • 75.

      Spanish Lesson 27c


    • 76.

      Spanish Lesson 27d


    • 77.

      Spanish Lesson 27e


    • 78.

      Spanish Lesson 27f


    • 79.

      Spanish Lesson 27g


    • 80.

      Spanish Lesson 27h


    • 81.

      Spanish Lesson 27i


    • 82.

      Spanish Lesson 27j


    • 83.

      Spanish Lesson 27k


    • 84.

      Spanish Lesson 27l


    • 85.

      Spanish Lesson 27m


    • 86.

      Spanish Lesson 27n


    • 87.

      Spanish Lesson 27o


    • 88.

      Spanish Lesson 27p


    • 89.

      Spanish Lesson 27q


    • 90.

      Spanish Lesson 27r


    • 91.

      Spanish Lesson 27s


    • 92.

      Spanish Lesson 27t


    • 93.

      Spanish Lesson 27u


    • 94.

      Spanish Lesson 27v


    • 95.

      Spanish Lesson 27w


    • 96.

      Spanish Lesson 27x


    • 97.

      Spanish Lesson 27y


    • 98.

      Spanish Lesson 27z


    • 99.

      Spanish Los Colores


    • 100.

      Spanish Clothes a Unisex


    • 101.

      Spanish Clothes b Men and Women's clothes


    • 102.

      Spanish Clothes c Jewellery


    • 103.

      Spanish Clothes d Miscellaneous


    • 104.

      Spanish Clothes e Accessories


    • 105.

      Spanish Materials a Wood


    • 106.

      Spanish Materials b Plastic ^0 Metal


    • 107.

      Spanish Materials c Textiles


    • 108.

      The Happy Linguist


    • 109.

      Vocabulary Expansion Sheets


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About This Class

Hello and welcome to “3 Minute Spanish” The aim of this course is to make Spanish accessible to anybody regardless of age, educational background or "aptitude" for learning.

My method for teaching Spanish is simple but effective. It works for anybody, no matter what your requirements. I have been teaching foreign languages for over ten years and I’ve taught a wide range of students of all ages and backgrounds, including students with learning difficulties, so I know my method is accessible to absolutely anyone, with no exception.

With this course, it’s almost as if you have your very own language tutor at your beck and call. Take it with you wherever you are and have a quick listen to one of the lessons whenever you find yourself with three minutes to spare. You will be amazed at how much your language skills will develop after just a few minutes a day of study. You will start to learn the Spanish language in a simple, logical and fun way.

You will learn a variety of words that you will learn to put together to form sentences that will be useful in any visit to Spain or Latin America, and you'll learn how to put the words together to form sentences, saying exactly what you want.

There is ample opportunity throughout the course to practise what you've learnt, and structured repetition ensures you'll never forget what you've learnt.


Once you have completed this course, if you would like to learn more Spanish using the same method, you can find courses 1 to 5 on SkillShare. Here are the links:

3 Minute Spanish – Course 1

3 Minute Spanish – Course 2

3 Minute Spanish – Course 3

3 Minute Spanish – Course 4

3 Minute Spanish – Course 5


Additionally, I have a series of Spanish courses called “Building Structures”. These courses use the same method found in the 3 Minute Spanish courses, but they focus on building fluency by looking at the different structures of the Spanish language. I recommend starting these courses once you’ve completed up to 3 Minute Spanish – Course 3, and then you can work through both series simultaneously. Here are the links for the Building Structures in Spanish courses on SkillShare:

Building Structures in Spanish – Structure 1

Building Structures in Spanish – Structure 2

Building Structures in Spanish – Structure 3


Finally, if you want to explore the Spanish language even further, I have some Spanish grammar courses available. I’ve used the same method in these courses as I have in the other courses, so hopefully you’ll find them fun and interesting

Spanish Grammar – Quick Guide – Verbs 1


If you would like to learn a different language, I have the same courses above available in French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch. Just head to my SkillShare profile page to find them all: https://www.skillshare.com/user/3minutelanguages


Happy learning

Meet Your Teacher

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Kieran Ball

Learn a language in 3-minute chunks


Hello, I'm Kieran and I'm a language tutor based in the UK. I have created a series of online courses that you can use to learn to speak French, Spanish, German, Italian and Portuguese. (I also have some English and math courses)

3 Minute Languages series

3 Minute French - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7 | Course 8 | Course 9 | Course 10 | Course 11 | Course 12 | Course 13 | Course 14 | Course 15 | Course 16

3 Minute Spanish - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7

3 Minute Italian - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7

3 Minute German - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6

3 Minute Portuguese - ... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Isla E V infinitives. Hello and welcome to Three Minutes Spanish Course. Three. Before you start this course, I recommend you go to the last part off course to on Go through one of the vocabulary videos to make sure you are familiar with all the words and phrases that we've learned so far as we'll be using them a lot throughout this course to this course is set out in the same way as the last course Waas on. Do you can complete it in three minute chunks on Go at your own pace because, remember, if you keep your learning to just three minute chunks, you're find it's easier to maintain motivation. It'll become a habit much more quickly, and you'll find it's a lot more effective in memorizing new words and phrases for other courses and books available under three minute languages. You can go to my website, www 30.3 minute dot club, and you'll also find a place where you can sign up to my mailing list to receive hints and tips in your inbox on how to improve your language. Learning Andi. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me via email using my email address. Karen at three minute dot club happy learning grasses 2. Spanish Lesson 19a: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap of the words and phrases we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in Spanish with corn? A card? Do not hit that by God. Contact. A balcony in Balkan doesn't work. No funciona a room. When I read that soon Onda television one telling me sore is your first word for this lesson. Don't matter no man, it means to take or tohave doma. And so it's into the Web tomar now in English, we tend to use the Web, have when ordering food and drink. For example, I'll have a Coke or can I have a sandwich? I would like to have a tea, however, in Spanish, you use the web tomorrow when you're talking about food and drink items and Tom are really means take. So when you're ordering food, you can say things like this in Spanish. Puedo tomar elbow. You puedo tomar elbow you, which means can I have the chicken or literary? Can I take the chicken or Kierra? Tamar Chiaro Tomar, which means I'd like to have a tea or literally I'd like to take a T seven Spanish. You use tomar to mean, have if you're talking about having food and drink So how would you say in Spanish? Can I have the Piola Puedo tomar LaPaglia Puedo tomar lapolla? Well, how would you say I would like to have a coffee? Kierra Tamar in Cafe Chiaro tomorrow in cafe. Well, how would you say in Spanish? Can I have a coffee? Puedo tomar un cafe puedo tomar un cafe. If you want to say it some in Spanish, as in I would like some wine. Or can I try some cheese? Or if you want to say any, as in do you have any G's? It's really quite simple. Just say nothing. You don't have to say some or any in Spanish. You just say the noun by itself. For example, I would like some cheese. You just say Kierra. Guess so. I would like cheese Chiaro guests Or may I have some wine? Puedo tomar Trevino Tweddle Dumb Ottavino say to say, May I have wine or may I try some paler Well, Oprah Barbara puedo pro battipaglia literally. Can I try Pilot 3. Spanish Lesson 19b: or I would like some coffee Chiaro coffee Chiaro Coffee recklessly means I would like coffee. So you haven't got to say the word some or any in Spanish. So how would you say in Spanish? May I have some coffee? Puedo tomar coffee puedo tomar coffee? Or how would you say I would like some pie? Other Chiaro bhaiyya Chiaro, bhaiyya We'll have to say Can I have some currents where the Marzano areas puedo tomar Sampdoria's said Tamar I mean to take, but you can use it to mean tohave Well, this next word is the actual word for have in Spanish 10 air then there. So this word actually means tohave. But you used 10 air Whenever you want to say toe have and you're not talking about food and drinks In which case you'll have to use Damar instead. So, for example, how would you say in Spanish? Can I have a room for tonight? Littleton there united as soon Paris Did not you Puerto 10 There will not be tested in Paris. A Nazi Or how would you say, Can I have a room with a balcony? Puedo Donaire, una vida soon Colin Balcon, 2010. They're gonna be tested on Colin Balcon. Be careful with this one. There's food involved. How would you say in Spanish? Can I have some chicken, please? 12 of them are poor, You poor fellow. Puedo tomar por your performer. So we've had tomar which means to take. But it also means toe have when you're talking about food or drink. And then we've had 10 air which actually means to have. Here's another time phrase in Spanish. Not not when they're not. It means one night or a night. When are not so? How would you say in Spanish? Can I have a room for one night? Where? That Then they're gonna meet as soon pour in a Nazi. Where does their economic issue on Peru Not Or how would you say? How much is it for one night? Cuando es por una naughty Quanta West Buonanotte 4. Spanish Lesson 19c: We'll have to say it's for one night. Please s pore do not support esport Bonanno Chipotle. You'll probably have to work out what this means. Does not just does notice. It means two nights those notches. So how would you say in Spanish? Can I have a room for two nights? Well, there you have it as soon Poor does not just played out on their own. Have it as your own for those notches. Or how would you say, How much is it for two nights? Quite the way. Sport those notches. When does pull those notches? Or how would you say I would like a room for two people for two nights, please? Chiaro personas Poor las Noches Tierro Paradox personas poor does not just perfect. So so far in this lesson, we've had tomorrow which means to take or to have when you're talking about food or drink, then air, which actually means tohave when they're not meaning one night. And those notice meaning two nights just a little note about the ch in Spanish. It's less harsh than r C hate sound in English. So it's not not change Bit softer like naughty. So we're not a does not just one night in two nights Now we've already learned that corn means with So here's its cousin scene seen, which means without sin. So how would you say in Spanish? Can I have a pizza? But without the cheese? Puedo tomar When a pizza bero signal guests Where the Ramadan a pizza? Personal guest. Well, how would you say, May I have two coffees without sugar? Puedo tomar knows cafes. Seen a Suker puedo tomar does cafes seen Asuka? Here's a nice little question phrase in Spanish. DNE DNE It means, Do you have Danny? So how would you say in Spanish? Do you have a table for four people DNA when I miss a para cuatro personas de en una mesa para cuatro personas? Or how would you say, Do you have a room with a television? D n a c Ancona, Italy DNE will never That's the one Couldn't delivery soared 5. Spanish Lesson 19d: Well, how would you say? Do you have any wine? TNT? Veena? The enemy? No. Is your next word in Spanish? When a map on a map, it means when a map. So how would you say in Spanish? I would like a map of Madrid Kierra when I'm up in the memories Chiaro When I'm up in the Madrid, let me just say something quickly about the letter D on the end of a word in Spanish, in English, we say Madrid in Spanish. It sounds a little bit more like Madrid. And so the D is a lot softer on the end of a word that it is in English and it's almost like it's a T hate sound. Madrid So Chiaro. When Amapa de Madrid id like a map of Madrid, how would you say, Can I have him up? Where does Finnair on a map? Well, then, there when I'm up. So in this s and so far we've had Dhamar meaning to take or to have. If you're talking about food and drink, then there which actually means tohave. Well, I know t meaning one night does not. Just which means two nights sin, meaning without DNE, which means do you have and we never meaning a map. This word goes nicely with map lot sealed of last year have. So again, this word ends in the letter D, which is a lot softer then if a word in English ends and Mercedes So it's more like a t h c with love, Andi. It means the town or the city last year that so how would you say in Spanish I would like to go to town and in Spanish. What you'd have to say literally is I would like to go to the town Chiaro here, Alessio Kierra here. Unless you love or how would you say? Do you have a map of the city, Danny, when I'm up in the air through the end when I'm up on the left? You enough Or how would you say, keeping in mind that the world for town is feminine? The town here is very beautiful. Last year that AKI s move Graziosa, Lassie, Iraqi Ismat Graziosa 6. Spanish Lesson 19e: Here's another way that goes nicely with map. A lot of hyun laughter. A human, it means the region. The letter G, when it's followed by an I or in E in Spanish is pronounced like a harsh hate sound lap for a human and it means the region. So how would you say in Spanish? I would like to go to the region off Unda Lucia Onda Lucia in Spanish Is Andalusia Chiaro here? A lot of hue in the Andalusia Kierra year. A lotta here on the ambrosia. Or how would you say, Do you have a map of the region D n A. On a map that are human the anyone amapola the latter human? Or how would you say the region here is very beautiful And again the word for region is feminine. Lara here lucky it's more prestigioso Lara here lucky it's more breast Costa. So in this lesson altogether, we've had Dhamar meaning to take. Or if you're talking about food and drink, it could mean tohave 10 air, which means tohave when I'm not here, meaning one night does not chess, meaning two nights sin, which means without the any meaning Do you have on a map I'm up. Lassie would have the city or the town and a lot of human means the region. So it's time to practice what we blend in this lesson. How do you say in Spanish, dear, have any bread? DNE bun The any pun? Do you have any tomato source? Danica took Tanika Troop. I would like a room for one night. Please. Chiaro on poor people Chiaro una cancion Poor people. I would like to tease Onda A coffee Chiaro, No status even Cafe Kierra Hostess Young cafe. Do you have a room with a balcony for three nights D n A would have it'll still ongoing? Balcon portrays notches. Danny, you know, with this young woman, Balcon portrays notches. 7. Spanish Lesson 19f: I would like the chicken boat without the onions, please. Kierra elbow. You better Simla Stable. Yes. Portable Kierra. Well, poor you, Berezin. Last several years. Purple. Do you have any milk? The ability. The analogy. May I have the Piola weather tomorrow? Lapolla. Puedo tomar lapolla. May I have some blueberries? Puedo tomar randomness were the Tamar Aranda knows? I would like a coffee Gluon coffee Chiaro on coffee. Now let's have a go doing some reverse translations. What do these Spanish sentences mean in English? Get a guest gok store. I would like some cheese. Where? The tomorrow of us. Puedo tomar of us. Can I have some grapes? Weather tomorrow day? Puerto tomorrow They can I have a t. The animals sent us de en eight months on us. Do you have any apples? The any. When I makes up out of those personas The ending When I mess about other spirits on us Do you have a table for two people? Chiaro Aranda knows Kierra. But on the nose I would like some blueberries. The coffee? Danny Gaffie, Do you have any coffee? Keilar. Okay. Troop Chiaro ketchup. I would like some tomato Source DNEs Sukar Danny! Asuka, Do you have any sugar? Kierra? Well, Cordero Profile Chiaro El Cordero. Poor fellow. I would like the lump, please. 8. Spanish Lesson 19g: what we're going to do now are some recap translations which will incorporate the words and phrases Balet in previous lessons. How do you say in Spanish? It's delicious. S Delicioso s Tennessee Also at Lorenzo's house. Allah Cassa di Lorenzo a la casa de Lorenzo. What time can I go to the supermarket? A que aura, Puerto ear All super mercado a que or whether we're all supermercados It isn't good in north boiling noise. Buena it's at seven o'clock is a last See? It is a associate. My food is delicious Mika Miura is delicioso Me Kamina Esta cosa! The lunch here is delicious. L wears Wacky s Delicioso. And where's Rocky is Delicioso. My lunch is terrible. Me and were so s terribly me and were so s terribly. I think everybody is very nice, but I mean total Mondo is more simpatico para me Belmondo. It's more simpatico. The car is 20 yards per day and coat is mentors. Podia Alkorta is mentors por dia. And now let's do some Spanish to English Recap. Translations What do these Spanish? And this is mean in English noise. More winocki noise More when lucky, It isn't very good here is absolutely mental. Fantastic Walkie. It's absolutely made a fantastic, wacky. It's absolutely fantastic here. Chiaro Year Last raise here. We're a less stress. I'd like to go at three o'clock. 9. Spanish Lesson 19h: is alas, on State menace Cuarto. It's Al s own Cimino's cuarto. It's that courts to 11 Kierra I said we're not a set of a Chiaro acero. Not a set of a I'd like to make a reservation. Meatball U s Perfect. Me boyo s perfecto! My chicken is perfect! So last dear Sidious So last DS tedious! It's tempest in meet! They s absolute America. Really Meet Day is absolutely mended A really My tears Absolutely terrible. Quando is soon quite the waste will have it soon. How much of the room? Allah, Cassa Di Maria, Allah, Cassa di Maria At Maria's house. Now normally what we have at the end of each lesson is a recap off all the words we've learned so far. But because we've learned quite a lot of words Now the recapture starting to get quite long . So what I'm going to do is do a recap every three lessons to stop it from getting repetitive. So we'll have a recap off all the words we've learned so far in two more lessons Time 10. Spanish Lesson 20a: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap off the words and phrases we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in Spanish? A map whenever to have. Then it do you have the ending and night on a naughty two nights knows notches without seen the town or the city last. You love to take no matter and the region Clara Human. He's a useful question. Word in Spanish. Don't they done the it means where don't they? So how would you say in Spanish? Where can I pay? Don't they play the bazaar? I don't know where the back out? Well, how would you say, Where can I make a reservation? Don't know where the last there. I don't know whether or not a set of Well, how would you say, Where can I pay the bill? Don't keep where the harlequin Don't they play the bag? Harlequin, You can put an X a little bit on the end off Monday and get done. They esta donde esta? It means where is Donley esta now? I told you in the very first book that the word for it is in Spanish is s we had s win. It is good, It's fantastical. It's fantastic noise. Bother me. It isn't for me. However, Spanish actually has two words for it is the second word for it is is a star. It's stuff. The word is stopped is used when you're talking about the location off something. For example, whenever you want to say that something is here, you would use esta for is so s stock and mean It is or just is when you're talking about the location of something when you're saying where something is. So, for example, the restaurant is here a restaurante estar aqui a restaurante stocky. So you're saying where the restaurant is? So you use estar My chicken is here Mitt Borneo a star AKI Meatball us stocky or it's at the restaurant esta I'll restaurant. Is that a restaurant? 11. Spanish Lesson 20b: So whenever you're saying where something is, you always use Esther. That's why you should always use a stuff after the word Dondi. Which means where, for example, Where is Maria? Don't they stop? Maria, Don't they esta Maria? Or where is the hotel? Donde esta el hotel? Donde esta hotel? In speaking, you'll hear only estar sound like one word. Donde esta? That's because the E on the end of Dundee and the E at the start off esta are pronounced like one letter. Donde esta? You haven't got to do this, but this is what you're here. You can say Monday s that, but it flows more easily if you say donde esta down the style hotel. Where is the hotel or where is Madrid? Don't the stomach Don't miss the matter or don, there s that mother. If you want to say it is here where you're saying where something is, so you would say esta aqui. So that's two words in Spanish for is or it is yes or esta and you use s that when you're saying where something is or giving the location of something, I hope that's clear. But don't worry if it's a little confusing. It will get clearer as you practice with it. How would you say in Spanish? Where is the hotel? Don't start a hotel. Don't Estelle hotel. Or how would you say in Spanish? Where is the restaurant? Donde esta el restaurante? And on this star restaurant, Or how did he say? Where is Maria? Donde esta Maria? Don't miss Tom Maria, The phrase don't they stun means Where are don't they? A stun? So just like there are two ways to say is or it is in Spanish s on esta. There are also two ways to say our the first word for our or they are in Spanish is son. We had sun buenos They are good, some fantastic cause They're fantastic. No, son para me, they aren't for me with the second word for our or they are is a stunned It's done on the word s done is used when you're talking about the location of something just like esta So when you're saying where some things are for example, the restaurants are here. That's when you're used a stun. So the restaurants are here. Los restaurant is a Stan a key 12. Spanish Lesson 20c: My chickens are here. Miss Boy owes estan aqui or they are at the restaurant Istan a restaurant. So that's why you should always use a stun after the word only to mean Where are so? For example, where are Maria and Pedro? Donde istan? Maria de Pedra Don't stand Maria Pedro. So again, the E on the end of Dundee can link with the E at the start of a stun and become done This , Stan, or where are the hotel's on this stand loss or jealous, don't they? Eh, Stan Low. So, Tellis, or just where are they? Don't they stun Donley? It's done So the word is stun. You mean all they are? Or in a question, Are they? So they are here, for example, is a stun AKI estan aqui. So how would you say in Spanish? Where are the carrots? Don't they estan last sartorius on the stand Lesson aureus? Or how would you say, Where are the people? Don't they a stun last person? Us? No, understand last person us. So in this lesson, we've had done only meaning. Where don't they esta or done vista? Meaning what is on down they istan would understand, Which means, Where are so? I had to say Where the tables don't they stand last? Miss us? Don't just unless Miss us or how do you say, Where are Maria and Pedro? I understand. Maria Pedro. Do understand Maria Pedro. Now it's always nice to have a bit of variety in your language and to have more than one way off saying the same thing. Toe. Ask where something is. You can always say donde esta as we've just learned. But there's another nice little phrase you can memorize and use from time to time as an alternative to donde esta. That wonderful raises Borland, Eva, poor Gandhi Seva. And it could be used to mean, How do I get to Portland? How do I get to this? Question is very useful in Spanish. You can put any place on the end of it, and it means how do I get to? And it's quite easy to memorize. For example, battled on poor donated by Madrid, better alone, put it on this environment, grief means Excuse me, How do I get to Madrid 13. Spanish Lesson 20d: If you translate this phrase word for word, it means literally for where does one go to so it doesn't really make sense. This is a useful thing to know when learning Spanish. You can't always translate things word for word. So just learn bordered on this Ingvar as a phrase in itself to mean How do I get to and you won't get confused. So how would you say in Spanish? How do I get to Barcelona? Portability by Barcelona Poor, lonely Siva Barcelona This phrase poured on this You are. You can memorize it by saying it again and again and again. And eventually it will roll off the tongue in one go putting on this event a Barcelona. How would you say, How do I get to the restaurant and the on the end of Portadown is Eva will join with the word the L in Spanish to make un just like we've learned already. So how do I get to the restaurant? Put it on the same restaurant. Well, how would to say Excuse me? How do I get to the hotel? Better known Poor numbness, Evil hotel Beldon, Portland hotel. Or how would you say in Spanish. How do I get to the supermarket? For goodness, Eva? Close America. Pordenone. Seva Supermercados. So we've already had the word here, which was a key. Well, here's the opposite. I e i e. It means they're AII has got two l's in the middle And remember, when you have two l's in Spanish, it's pronounced like a Y I g means there. So how would you say in Spanish? It's there bearing in mind when you talk about where something is, you have to use the word s that rather than s So it's there. They stopped a g esta e Or how would you say it? Isn't there nice tie noise that e Or how would you say Maria and Pedro aren't there? Maria de Pedro Noise Donaghy, Maria de Pedro noticed and I Or how would you say the restaurant isn't there in a restaurant? No study? A restaurant, A nice, tidy 14. Spanish Lesson 20e: Now he's a useful word you can use when giving directions via, via it means go in when you're giving directions. You already had ear, which means to go, but via is go when you're giving directions. For example, go there via E via E or go to Madrid via a moderate via a moderate. So you use via when you're giving directions or when you're given a command. So you're telling somebody what to do. Go to the restaurant via restaurant via restaurant. Or how would you say Go to the hotel via a hotel via low? Tell his another phrase that you can put with via total Recto, Toto Recto. It means straight on top director literally. It means all or everything straight. So carry on, going straight all straight, straight on top Director. So having to say the restaurant is straight one. And again you're saying where the restaurant is? A restaurant, a stop toe director, A restaurante started director. If you said a restaurant s director, it's wrong in Spanish. Put you would be understood still, So don't worry if you do make mistakes and when using s or esta, it's quite a quite a tricky thing to get your head around. Andi even really good speaks of Spanish struggle from time to time. So if you do make a mistake, don't worry about it. As long as the other person understand what you mean. It doesn't matter. So l a restaurant, a star director Or how would you say from here it's straight on. They are key a stop toe director, the R Key stop toe director Or how would you say go straight on via toe director via toe director or having to ST Spanish? The restaurant is straight on a restaurant, a stop total rectal interesante a static director. 15. Spanish Lesson 20f: So in this lesson, so far, we've had done they meaning where? Don't only esta meaning. Where is Don't they stun? Where Ah Porter, No missing that are, which is that phrase meaning? How do I get to I e. Which means there via which means go when you're giving directions or telling somebody what to do. And total rector, which means straight on now via total rectal means go straight on, but you'll tend to hear another phrase used. Quite a bit more, Seaga told director Seattle director. It means continue straight on, but you're here. Spanish people use this phrase more often than via director to me and go straight on. So it's Seattle. Colorectal means continue straight on, or you can use it to mean go straight on. Seaga toe director. So let's practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say in Spanish? Where is the supermarket, don't they? They start else took mercado. Don't start else to Mercado. Where is the restaurant? No Nesta restaurant. Don't start a restaurant. It isn't very good there. Noyce's movie When Maggie Noise. More bueno, E g. How do I get to the post office porn Elisheva allow 15 of the car radios. Poor Denisova. Allow Christina Dick Oreos. The swimming pool is there La Pristina s t Lapetina esta e. The cafe is straight on lack of it area. Is that a toll? Director? Lack of it. Area s that toe Director. How do I get to the cinema? Porn? Elisheva Al Cinema Portadown The Seva Dal Cinema. Where is the train station? Don't they stop lives? That's the only train. Don't they start lies? That's the only train. 16. Spanish Lesson 20g: the hotel isn't here. It's there. A hotel? No stocky esta a hotel? No stocky Este go straight on, Siga told director Seattle director. Now let's have a go doing some reverse translations. What do these Spanish sentences mean in English? Portadown. The Civil University put advertising alone we've ever seen. How do I get to the university? El Super Mercado, a startle director and still America The way started. Director, The supermarket is straight on Chiaro ear Allah Panel area Chiaro ear Kalapana area I would like to go to the bakery. Norma Stella Player Non Estella Playa. Where is the beach? Don't the style parquet, don't they? A style parquet. Where's the park? La comida north moved when I la comida noise More when I see the food isn't very good There Non day Esta el Castillo No Understand Castillo? Where's the castle Chiaro here? Al Banco Kierra were Al Banco. I'd like to go to the bank. Don't Estella Yavapai me a bit as soon. Nana Salo IAVI Jeremy Abbott As soon. Where's the key for my room? Via Al? Apply a man Yana. It's more prestigioso e via Al. Apply a man Yana. It's my breasts! Oh, so I d go to the beach tomorrow. It's very beautiful. There 17. Spanish Lesson 20h: What we'll do now are some recap translations to incorporate words and phrases ballooned in all the last lessons. How do you say in Spanish? It's at 12 o'clock. It s a lesson. Dolphin is a less nothing. May I have some mustard? Puedo tomar most Asa puedo tomar most Asta. It's 800 euros. Is ultra cientos for euros Is what asientos A euros. It's absolutely beautiful here. It's absolutely mental process Wacky. It's absolutely mental Precio sake! Do you have any grapes? The move us the any of us. How much is the paler here? Cuantos Lapa Yockey. Cuantos Lapa Yockey. Do you have any sugar DNEs? Dukat DNA? Asuka, It isn't very extraordinary. No is more extraordinary. No, it's more extraordinary. My chicken is perfect. Me Polio s perfecter Meatball us perfecter! The television doesn't work. It would be sort of nothing. Siona A television sort. Nothing. Siona. Now let's do some Spanish to English Recap. Translations? What did these Spanish sentences mean in English? Are they all? See, when it's not just and yours? Well, it's not just goodbye and good night, son. Last No faith Equality son. Last no sequel. It's called past 12 a C M plane. When Rocky A. C m penguin Rocky It's always good here. 11 were so a stocky and then we're so a stocky The lunches here, Miss Anna s Delicioso. Miss Anna s Delicioso. My dinner is delicious. Puedo tomar man Sinus puedo tomar man Sadness. Can I have some apples? Quanta West. When about their Viagra quantifies when I got there. The agua. How much of the bottle of water? It's Quaranta Youlus s quaranta Euros. It's 40 euros. So unless Nueva Minnows cuarto son lesson waving minutes cuarto its course 29 18. Spanish Lesson 21a: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap off the words and phrases we learned in the last Listen, how do you say in Spanish? Where don't they? Very i d Where are Donley? Iss stun It is. Or is when you're talking about where something is esta, they are. Oh, when you're talking about Western Thing is it's done. How do I get to poor bonuses? Straight on told director. Continue straight on siga toe director. Where is down the esta and go when you're giving a direction or command via? Here's a useful joining word in Spanish Bliss quis It means then twists. So how would you say in Spanish? Go straight on and then it's there. Siga director He places Segal. The director requests estar well. How about to say I would like to go to the hotel and then to the restaurant Quiano here Hotel Eat Wes. I'll restaurant here. We're hotel keep Wessel restaurant. Or how would you say, can I pay for the wine and then the food where the park Aravena depressed like Amina Puerto Pagar El vino depressed like Amina is your next word in Spanish? Don't me, don't me. It means take When you're giving a direction or you're telling somebody what to do, don't me So how would you say in Spanish? Take the wine, Don't make a veena. Don't make vino Say you stormy when you're telling somebody what to do. Because we already had tomar which was to take. But when you're giving somebody in order because they thought me so how would you say in Spanish? Take the water to the table for me, please. Domain Agua told me like what I miss about a report. 19. Spanish Lesson 21b: Or how would you say in Spanish? Take a taxi to the train station domain in taxi allies. That's the only train. Don't even taxi allies dusty on the train. And here's a little phrase luck Geigy. Like I again you got to L in the middle so you pronounce it like a y la guardia, which means the road lack you. You can put things in front off candy. For example. Lap Premera means the first round or last year, the second road or latter Saragih the third road. So how would you say in Spanish? Take the first road. Don't be like America, you Tony America. We'll have to say, Take the second Rude. Don't make last second like a year. Well, how would you say, take the third road? No military. Sarah, can you, Tommy? Latter Sarah, how would you make it a little bit longer and say, Go straight on and then take the first road. Seattle director puesto Me love America siga toe director. He plays Tommy Lapid America. So in this lesson, so far we've had twists, meaning then don't me, which means take when you're giving direction is or telling somebody what to do lack. Tanya means the road Lopera America means the first road, the second road and later Sarah, You the third road. So how would you say in Spanish? Take the third road and then go straight on. Don't be like that said Al Qaeda keep West Seattle Director told me Dr Sarah Collier, keep Wes siga director. Let's add a little extra information to make our directions even clearer. This phrase Allah is key. Erda Allah is Kierra means on the left. Allah is key air the ISS Kierra is quite a tricky weird to say but if you break it down is key air the izquierda. 20. Spanish Lesson 21c: allies scare the means on the left ally Scarola. So how would you say in Spanish? It is on the left Esta allies Kiev esta alli scare the So you use esta rather than s because you're saying where something is. It's that allay scare that is on the left. How would you say go straight on Andi? It's on the left, Siga told Director Esta Alli ski area Seattle Director Yes, start allies Kiara. Or how would you say the restaurant is on the left in a restaurant. Esta alli ski area in a restaurant. A stylish scare The So we had a lie scare that is on the left On the other side We've got a lot a little later, which means on the right allowed the richer. So how would you say in Spanish? It's on the right. It's start a Loretta. It's start a lot of it. Or how would you say it isn't on the right? It's on the left. No style of Rachel. Is that a lie? Scare the noise that a lot greater. They start ally skier there Or how would say the hotel? It's on the right. L Hotel de start a lot greater. A hotel estar a lot greater. So Allah is Kira and Allah. Loretta mean on the left. Andi on the right. However, they can also mean just left and right. And so I put the on the part in brackets to show that it can mean both. So Ally skier, there can mean on the left or just left and Allah Greta, it can mean on the right or just right. So how would you say in Spanish? Take the second road on the left. Don't make last Second Ally Scare told me last week when the car Galitzki years or how you say take the third road on the right Tomei latter Sara a lot Tomei latter Sarah, can you elaborate? 21. Spanish Lesson 21d: Or how would you say, Take the first road on the left and then take the second boat road on the right. Tommy La Primera Calvi allies scared e place formula for America allies Kira. He puesto may last. Here's another direction would hear a he lay. It means turn when you're giving direction is or telling somebody what to do. Healy The G It's pronounced like a hate each when it's followed by an I in Spanish. So, Healy, I think this world looks a little bit like gyrate, So you can imagine someone gyrating round when they turn Healy. So how would you say in Spanish? Turn left here. A allies Kierra here, a ally. Scare the turn left or gyrate to the left. Here, a allies Kierra. Or how would you say, Turn right. Gyrate to the right here. A Allah greater here. A Legorreta. How would you say in Spanish? Go straight on and then turn left. Seattle Director. It was here, A ally. Scare them. Seaga, Toe Director be placed here. Alice Kelda. So, in this lesson, so far we've had with meaning. Then don't me. Meaning Take when you're giving directions or telling somebody what to do Like I which means the road La Primera, Kanye The first road last year. The second road, the latter Sarah, can you The third road Ally ski area, which means left or on the left Al a great means right? Or on the right. And he day means turn when you're giving directions or telling somebody what to do. So how would you say in Spanish? Turn right and then go straight home here. A Loretta, a plastic bottle director here a Allah Greta depressed Sieger, Director. 22. Spanish Lesson 21e: So it's time to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say in Spanish? Take the third road on the left and then the second road on the right. Tommy La Tercera allies Kira He plays the second back again. Tom Military Sarah Kay Ally Scare the place Last Going back again Take the second road on the left Don't be lasting allies Kierra Tom A lot like a ally Scared. Take the second road on the right and then go straight on. He plays siga toe Director told me last week when it was Seaga toe director. Go straight on and then take the first road on the right. Siga colorectal keep west formulas Premera candy A lot siga told director Puesto Mila Primerica Elevator Go straight on Take the second road on the left and then it's on the right Siga toe Director Formula Second Makhaya allies scared. He plays a start Siga total recto Formula Seneca Ally scare the sister Another Take the third road on the right and then turn left Tom a lot There Sarah keep West here Allies Kierra Tom A lot press here a allies scare the turn. Right, Andre Venter left here. A Beretta. He plays here. A ally. Scare the here. A Loretta. It was here. Allies. Kierra, turn left on Ben. Take the second road on the right. Here. A allies. Kira. He placed formula Second. He allies care that he plays. Told me last week when the card a lot, the nature. 23. Spanish Lesson 21f: It's on the right. It's that Allah. Greta esta a Loretta. The restaurant is on the left. El restaurante esta alli scare the a restaurante Stop Ally Scare the Now let's have a go doing some reverse translations. What do these Spanish sentences mean in English? Tommy La Tercera Kanye Ally scare the place last year. Tomita, Terceira, Kanye Allies scare the Tequesta. Someone that can get along great. Take the third road on the left and then the second road on the right. Here a Beretta supermercados esta alli scare the here. A Loretta El Super mercado estar ally scare the turn right in the supermarket is on the left siga toe Director Comella Primerica Loretta. He plays esta alli scare the siga director Don't be like Premera Tiny Alan Rachel. He plays esta alli Scare the go straight on. Take the first road on the right And then it's on the left formula. Primerica Ally scared. He placed siga Told Director Comella Primerica allies Scarola. It was Seaga told director Take the first road on the left and then go straight on. Tommy Dr Sarah Kanye Ally Scare the He plays here. A Loretta Domina Terceira Kanye Ally scare the inquest. Hearing another Rachel, take the third road on the left and then turn right here. A allies Kierra e l Hotel esta Loretta here, a ally scare the Eurotel esta Loretta. Turn left on The hotel is on the right. Tommy. Latter, Sarah Tomei, latter sokaiya. Loretta, take the fared road on the right. 24. Spanish Lesson 21g: here. A Loretta here. A Beretta 10. Right here. A ally. Scare the depressed here. A Al Richa here. A lot of izquierda. It was here, Loretta. Turn left and then turn right. Another domain last year alone. Take the second road on the right. What we going to do now are some recap translations to incorporate words and phrases. Balet in previous lessons. How do you say in Spanish? Everybody is very nice. Total Mondo s most impractical. Telemundo s more simpatico. Yes, it's perfect. Thank you. Si es perfecto grasses see as perfect process. It's 70 cents. It's a tender Centimos is Setanta centimos. Do you have a table for two people? The end When I messed up out of those personas the anyone I mess up out of those personas The carrots are very good Last San arias So in more buenos last sartorius, it's on more Buenos. Yes, it's very good here. CS movement hockey. See? It's more when Rocky I think it's perfect. Jeremy is perfect, but I m e s perfecter. Do you have a room for tonight? Danny, You know, because you in Paris or not, Danny would not be in Paris or not. It's extraordinary, Ace. Extraordinary. It's extraordinary. It's four euros. 50. It's quite roomy or a sin cuenta. It's quite rare, a sanguine. 25. Spanish Lesson 21h: Now let's do some Spanish to English Recap. Translations? What do these Spanish? And this is mean in English. It's fantastic. Rocky is fantastic. Walkie! It's fantastic! Here North, More window. Nice. More Bueno. It isn't very good. DNE When I am about the letter human, the anyone A map. They got a human to have a map of the region. Get us Yes. Grass. Yes, Thank you. Acura slx A You know manana. A k order SLD. So you know manana. What time is breakfast tomorrow? We're done here. La cuenta por favor. Better done. Carolla cuenta por favor. Excuse me, I'd like the bill. Please. S Allah say smells Choir is Al assays Mental squad. It's at quarter to six, Miss Honoria. Some perfect us Misano areas Some perfect hours My character Perfect Where the my god like went back e Whether by Harlequins hockey Can I pay the bill here? Chiaro here. Alico Carney, Syria Manana Chiaro Year. Allah, Karami, Syria. Manana. I'd like to go to the butcher tomorrow. Now let's recap all the words and phrases we've learned so far in three minutes. Spanish? How do you say in Spanish? Are son or a stunned depending on whether you're talking about where something is in which case you'll se estan or just are his son that eso to try provide from off they I met when I'm up a card. Well, not that hit them a car in court since sent Imus the address and I d like soon everybody Dr . Mundell a table when I miss them. 26. Spanish Lesson 21i: go when you're giving a direction or in order via at courts to five. Alas, single minnows cuarto a television intelligence or a month porter myths for a week. Por una semana Always see mpri to hire. I'll kill our What is qualities? Excuse me? Better learn. What time is it? Okay. What? I is terrible. Terry Bollea for her. About a year. Thank you. Grass? Yes, Absolutely. Absolutely Mental to go here. How much of it? Grant toys? The lunch Ellen were. So it is s or esta? I would like key Eto a carrot Una Sana, will you? That is s always euros a or does See you later, Estella. We go take when you're giving directions or an order, Don't me. Extraordinary. Extraordinary. Oh, a ruin would have it that soon. Hello. Hola. Where are don't they stun per week. Port ST manner. A bottle of water. You know what they are? The agua, the restaurant? A restaurant? How do I get to pour down the sink with turn per day? Poor idea isn't noise or if you're giving it up. Locations are no oyster. The restaurant's address, Lodrick. Soon they'll restaurant where the only 27. Spanish Lesson 21j: to take? I don't mind. It's one o'clock s lona a taxi one taxi 10 He tomorrow manana. The wine El vino. Two people in those personas also tambien bad Milo my me or miss the third road La Tercera Kanye at half past five. Alas, Cinco in media to have then here the second road Last second year Boat battle for two months. Poor those Mrs a coffee. Um, cafe here. A key a t don't they, please? Portable and e fantastic. Fantastical. They I e for him, but in a banana one platinum The house. Black Asa, It isn't noise or no oyster perfect. Perfect for a month. Pour une miss. It doesn't work. No funciona. At what time? Back aorta. A reservation. We're not a set of a, I think, or, in my opinion, but I mean the water it agua. Good evening. When I started this without sinned. A bottle of wine. You never say a Davino. Good day. Buenos dias is is Or if you're saying where something is esta for two days por los dias. Good. When to make a ser the beach. La playa? Yes. See good night When it's not just where is Don Bester at or two, uh, at five oclock at a single 28. Spanish Lesson 21k: Penrose address La Direccion the bedroom. Pay poor on the right. A lot greater by card. Counter hit It is at one oclock. Is Alona everything? I don't know. Nice simpatico for a day for India. Can I puedo uh June o una the bill La Quinta The pilot luck bhaiyya a bottle when I worked there a night when I'm not a balcony. One Balkan, it is five oclock sunless single The hotel l 0 10 then bliss No, no for me. But I mean the and la los less aren't no son or if you're giving directions or telling the location or something No, it's done two years. No Sanyo's at quarter past five. Alas, Cinco equals this evening or tonight. Esta noche tu Goodbye And yours one year, Unanue The first road. Luckily, America The breakfast. I did this. I don't know Beautiful breath. You also very my on the left Ally scare the delicious Delicioso to pay my God for two weeks . Poor lost a menace The chicken help for you The dinner last Sina the food La comedia continue straight on. Siga told Director, Do you have the any? The town or the city? Last year that and the region Clara Human 29. Spanish Lesson 22a: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap off the words and phrases we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in Spanish? Turn he d The first road. Lopera, America. The Second road Last one back The third road Laughter. Sarah, Can you then with on the left Ally scare the on the right Allah greater take don't me. In the last lesson, we learned quite a a few direction words. I'm going to give you one more lesson full of direction. Words. Directions are rather important for tourists anyway, but for linguists there, even more important, they are usually the easiest way for you to get speaking Spanish as soon as you arrive in Spain. When I first started going to Spain after having begun my Spanish lessons many moons ago, my mom made me ask where everything was all the time. If I wanted to go to the toilet, I had to ask where it was. It wants to go to the shop, had asked where it was. No matter what, she always made me ask where things were because it was a good way of practising my language skills. In fact, most of the time a new weather told it was anyway, but that made it more use useful. I knew what the other person was going to say before they even said it. All I was doing was listening to them say it in Spanish. So when you're in Spain or any other Spanish speaking country, always ask, ask, ask unless it's a medical emergency. Don't be afraid of asking directions in Spanish, even if you don't quite get the gist of what's being said. You can always just ask somebody else a bit further down the road. Keep asking more and more people on until you start to work out what's being said. It's a good way of turn tuning your ear into the language. One more thing you can do to practice your direction vocabulary is to put your satin of If you have one into Spanish, have a look to see if you can change the instructions to Spanish and then turn it on When you know where you're going, you'll know what the instructions mean if you want to know the route, so all you're doing is hearing them being said to you in Spanish. Anyway, here's something you'll come across on the road. La Rotunda Rotunda. It means the Roundabout. Larry. So how would you say in Spanish? The Roundabout is there, Laura? Donde esta Laura Tomba? Esta e. Well, how would you say? Where is the roundabout? Don't Estella Rotunda. Don't be a stellar tuna. Well, how do you say the roundabout is on the left? Lateral? Donde esta alli scared? La Rotunda Start, Ally. Scared of that? 30. Spanish Lesson 22b: How would you say in Spanish at the Roundabout. Turn left Allah Rotunda here a allies scare the a lot of Honda here, Ally. Scare the or how would you say at the Roundabout, turn right. Allah Rotunda Here. A elaborate Allah. Rotunda. Khiry, Loretta. Or what about this sentence? Keeping in mind that you're saying where Pedro is? Pedro is at the Roundabout bedroom. Esta Allerton Pedro. Is that a lot of Honda? The word for the road is like I g, as we learned in the last. Listen well, Here's another useful word. Last Salida, which means the exit last saliva. And again you can do with Selena as we did with Lucky and put things in front of it. Premera Selena. I mean, the first exit last second as a leader. The second exit or latter, Sarah Selena means the third exit. So how would you say in Spanish? Take the first exit at the roundabout, Tom. A lot. Premera, Selena, Formula, Premera, Selena Or how would you say take the second exit domain? Or how do you say in Spanish at the Roundabout? Take the third exit. Allah Rotunda told me like they're set aside either Allah, Rotunda, Tomei Flattery, Sarah Selena. So in this lesson, we've had so far Lateral Tonda, meaning the roundabout. A little meaning at the Roundabout La Salita, which means the exit Premera Selena. The first exit lasts a window. Selena, The second exit and later Sarah Selena in the third exit is another word in Spanish. Asya Asya. It means towards Nastya. So how would you say in Spanish? Go towards Madrid via a see a mother live via Osama grief? 31. Spanish Lesson 22c: Or how would you say at the roundabout, take the exit towards Barcelona Rotunda told me. La Salida, acea, Barcelona, Allah Rotunda told me La Salida, CIA, Barcelona. Or how would you say Turn left towards Abdullah? Hey, Ally Ski area A CIA Ivica here a ally. Scared Acea, Avila. It's a nice little phrase in Spanish, this quest they this place they it means after the splits they So how would you say in Spanish? Turn left after the roundabout here, a ally scared in this place in the rotunda here, a allies scare the displaced the rotunda. You don't have to use the phrase displaced they only when giving directions You could use it in this sentence. For example. I would like to go to the beach after lunch. And don't forget that the wood day when it's put next to the word end, becomes del Chiaro ear. Allah, Playa This quest Delaware So Chiaro here, Allah, Playa! In this press Thailand where so or how would you say, Can I go after six o'clock Puerto ear? This Westell assays Puerto ear This wester assays the opposite off this West Day is on test day on Thursday means before. On this day we get the phrase in English into natal classes from this antenatal meaning before birth. So the classes before you give birth on thick knagel on this day means before. So how would you say in Spanish? Turn left before the roundabout. Here, Ally scared the antis in the marathon. Here, Ally scare the antis. Or how would you say turn right before the restaurant here. A Loretta antis. They'll restaurant here. Yeah. Loretta Entous Del Restaurant. 32. Spanish Lesson 22d: Or how would you say? I would like to go before two o'clock Chiaro ear and test Dallas knows Kierra here until the last knows and I will make this our final direction. Would loss say math for us? Lost semaphore us. It means the traffic lights loss semaphore us. We get the word in English semaphore from this the signals the flag signals loss stem A for us means the traffic lights, all the traffic signals. So how would you say in Spanish at the traffic lights? Turn left. I lost Emma for us here. A allies care the I lost Emma Feroz here. Ally Scarola. Or how would you say turn right before the traffic lights here. A Allah Greta on best meal of salmon For us here. Yeah, Loretta and Estelle. Osama for us. Or how would you say turn towards Madrid after the traffic lights here? A CIA moderate this west. They'll Osama for us here. A acea, Madrid, this West Nile, Osama for us. So in this lesson, we've had a lateral Tonda meaning the Roundabout Allah Rotunda at the Roundabout. Last Selena, the exit La Premera Selena. Meaning the first exit last Segunda Selena the second exit latter Sarah Saliva Meaning the fed exit Asya meaning towards this west they after on this day meaning before and lost semaphore us, meaning the traffic lights. Just now it's time to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say in Spanish after the Roundabout, take the third road on the left This West Tomei Blatter, Sarah Collier, Ally scare the This place the Rotunda allies scared turn left at the Roundabout here a ally scare the Rotunda. He realized here that 33. Spanish Lesson 22e: turn left before the traffic lights Here, allies Gerda on this bill of semaphore us, he realized Gerda antes del Osama for us after the Roundabout, take the second road on the right this West Tom Elastic Takagi a lot. This place the shop is on the right. Latina is start a greater Let Tienda esta a Liberator at the Roundabout. Turn right, Allah Rotunda here a collaborator, Allah Rotunda here a greater after the restaurant goes straight on and then take the first road on the left. In this place, they'll Restaurante Seaga told director he plays formula Primerica Allies scare the in this West End restaurant in Seattle. Director It Wes Formula Primerica Allies scared. Go straight on and then take the first road on the left. Seattle Director Keep Wes, Tommy Lapid. American allies scare the Seattle directo e puesto Mila Primerica Allies scare them. It's bad towards the hotel. Esta ahi asi al hotel esta asi hotel and go straight on and then take the second exit at the Roundabout Seattle Director. It plays formula single Selena Rotunda. See a total recto e place Don't milliseconds, Selena. Now let's do some reverse translations. What do these Spanish sentences mean in English Allah Rotunda Don't Mila Selena Salamanca Allora Tonda Formula Selena, ACEA, Salamanca at the roundabout take the exit towards Salamanca. 34. Spanish Lesson 22f: and still post story Puerto Probably guessed Untested upholstery Puerto Probable case. So before dessert can I try the cheese siga toe directo Keep west Tommy la Stella, Can you elaborate? Seattle Director He plays Tony La Tercera another and go straight on And then take the third road on the right In this way Still a rotunda. Tommy La Tercera Ally Scare the in this west A little Tonda Tom Military allies Kierra After the Roundabout, take the third road on the left Estadi Acero Tell esta de Acero tell it's their towards the hotel. A lot of Honda here a ally scare the Allah Rotunda here a ally scare the at the Roundabout . Turn left Seattle Director E Place Tommy La Tercera Salida Seeing a director He plays Tommy La Stella Selena Rotunda Go straight on and then take the third exit at the Roundabout Tommy La Salida asked Valencia Dharmadasa, leva! Valencia, take the exit towards Valencia! Told me that there is that I can you under the right Tomei latter, Sarah Kay, take the third road on the right. Told me La Salida acea, Cordova! Comella! Selena! I see 1/4 Dover take the exit towards quarterback. What we'll do now are some recap translations to incorporate the words and phrases we learned in previous lessons. How do you say in Spanish? Yes, I think it's fantastic here. See Boromir Fantastic, Wacky. See, Para Me is fantastic. Wacky at Maria's house a la Casa di Maria Allah Cassa di Maria. Do you have any cheese? The any guests? Deanna Guesser. I would like a room with a television Caro Una vida soon Common delivery. Sore key Ero una vida Cioncan Indelibly sore. It's always absolutely perfect. A C Emperor. Absolute amended perfecter A C M. Pre Absolutely medical factor. 35. Spanish Lesson 22g: It's a Pedro's house. Esta ally Cassidy bedroom. A star alla casa in the bedroom. That's the restaurant? Yes, the west of the restaurant S O s L. A restaurant. I'd like to go to Lucas House. Chiaro ear alla casa de Luca Kierra Were alla casa De Luca. It's absolutely beautiful here. Yes, absolutely. Medical ASIO sake is absolutely mental. Press your sake. It's extraordinary. A sex throughout the night. You It's extraordinary. Oh, and now let's do some Spanish to English Recap. Translations. What are these Spanish sentences mean in English Quanto s forces The US Cuantos poor says yes. How much is it for six days? Weather year. Al him ASIO Where the were he? Not you? Can I go to the gym? Miba s perfect Mitt Baya s perfecter My pilot is perfect. Chiaro ear a las tres menos cuarto Kierra were a las tres menos cuarto. I like to go out course to three Puerto here in Madrid, where the were among breath. Can I go to Madrid? La Playa esta director La playa esta toe director. The beach is straight on C s fantastical C s fantastical. Yes, it's fantastic media. So you know It's fantastical media. So you know it's fantastical. My breakfast is fantastic. Chiaro unite with ASEAN Cannonball corn imports Chiaro wannabe Dusty on Karume Balcon portable. I'd like a room with a balcony, please. Chiaro in taxi. Alas, Quattroporte Chiaro in taxi. Alice Quattro Pro Farmer ID like a taxi at four o'clock, please. 36. Spanish Lesson 23a: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap of the words and phrases we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in Spanish? The traffic lights lost him after us Be Exit La Salida The first exit Lepley Marathon either. The second exit Last Segunda Salaita. The third exit latter, Sarah Selena before on test Day After in this press today towards ACEA and the Roundabout Loretana, he is a useful little word in Spanish Demasiado they must Seattle. It means too much demasiado. So how would you say in Spanish? It's too much. It's Nemesio, its name Asiago. Well, how would you say it's too much for me? Isn't demasiado para me is there must be other part of me when you get a long word like them a Seattle to get your tongue around it. What you should do is break it down into sections there, Matt, see though de en masse, Iago, and say it again and again. The more you say it's yourself, the more your tongue will start to get used to it, and it will come out much more easily. So how would you say in Spanish? I think it's too much but army is name a Seattle. But army is demasiado or how would you say that is too much for me? Eso isn't demasiado para me s o s demasiado para me. The word demasiado means too much, but it can also just mean to Then you can put it in front off adjectives to mean things like too big or too small. Let me give you a little adjective. In Grand Grandy means big Grandi. So how would you say in Spanish? It's too big. It's Nemesio Grandi. It's demasiado Grandi. Or how would you say it's very big. It's more Grandi. It's more Gorondi. Well, how would you say? I think it's too big, but I me is the Mazzella Randy. But I mean, it's Nemesio Brandy or it's too big for me Is Nemesio Grand Epitome. It's demasiado grand epitome. 37. Spanish Lesson 23b: the opposite of brandy is again. You're begin. You, which means small Begin your So how would you say in Spanish? It's very small. It's more back in. You s might beckon you. Well, how would you say it's too small for me? It's intimacy, Arabic and you're part of me. It's Nemesio Pick in your economy. Or how would you say The restaurant is very small. A restaurant? It's move back And you? A restaurante s move back in you. I don't have to say the car is very small. A Koteas moved back in. Your El Corte is moved back in you. Now be careful with this one because the word for table it's feminine. So how would you say in Spanish? The table is very small. Lem ESA is more takinyou. Lem. Esa is my pick. Kenya. So that would begin. Your becomes a Kenya. The only in becomes an A. When it's talking about a feminine word. Here's a useful little word. Must meth? It means more must in English. A comparative is when you put e. R onto the end of something to make it more off that for example, small becomes smaller, big becomes bigger. The rule in English is that if the word has two syllables or fewer, you can stick an e r on the end. However, if it has three or more syllables, you can't do this. So delicious debt licious has three syllables, so you can't say delicious in English. We have to do instead in English is used the word more. The comparative off delicious is more delicious. Well, in Spanish, this is what you have to do all the time. You always have to use the word more because the e r so fix it doesn't exist in Spanish on the Spanish word for more is muss. So to say bigger in Spanish you have to say more big or mass grandly and smaller would be more small or mass Begin you. So how would you say in Spanish? Everything here is bigger told Jackie s mask, Randy Total Bockius mask Randy 38. Spanish Lesson 23c: Or how would you say? Everything here is smaller. Don't. Bockius must begin. You lucky is must begin You. How do you say bigger? Must grant me Must Grandi and smaller must begin. You must begin you or how to say more. Beautiful. So in English. Can't say beautiful because beautiful has three syllables Say same more beautiful mass place you so mass prezioso. Or how would you say more extraordinary? Must extraordinary. Oh, Mass. Extraordinary. Oh, or how would you say the food is more delicious There? La comida Its master list society. La comida is mustardy society. Here's a little word with a little meaning in Bacho June Boco It means a bit un poco. So how would you say I would like a bit key? Eto in Boca, Kyoto in Boca? Or how would you say a bit for me, please? In poco para mi por favor in poco para mi por favor, remember that the little word they means off in Spanish. So how would you say I would like a bit off cheese key? It'll and broke all the guests Chiaro in poker that guests or having to say I would like a bit more Kita One book a month Chiaro npo commas. I've given you to more adjectives in this lesson in Grand Andi. Back in your remember I said many moons ago that all adjectives have four different forms. A masculine, singular, masculine, plural, feminine, singular, unfeminine, prole. We'll hear the different forms for Grandy and begin you, Grandy goes Grandi, gun this. Get a Hyundai and grandness so the masculine singular on the feminine singular are the same . Andi. Similarly, the masculine plural on the feminine plural are the same because this adjective ends in an E rather than an O. However, if a small for pickin you, it goes again. Your begin yours, begin. Yeah, On begin. Yes. So the O becomes an A in the feminine 39. Spanish Lesson 23d: in Spanish. Unlike in English, adjectives tend to go after the known. It's describing. I say they tend to go after because there are a couple of exceptions that we'll talk about in another lesson. But for now, adjectives go after the noun, describing some. Instead of saying a big car in Spanish, you would say a car big. So you say what it is first, and then you describe it. It's a car, which is big. I think this makes more sense than in English, where we describe it. Before we even said what it is. It's a big and then we don't even say what it is yet. Car rides and Spanish, you say what it is. First it's a car, and then you describe it a car which is big, a car, big or in court. Grandi. So a big car in Spanish is unquote Brandley. A small car will be in coaching. Begin you a car, which is small. How would you say a fantastic car in court? She fantastical in court. Fantastical. A delicious dinner. Now this is feminine, so you've got to make the adjective feminine, too. Una Sana, delicioso, una Sana Delicioso, a terrible restaurant. Restaurante Terry Bollea, June Restaurante Terry. Really a beautiful house. Una casa Graziosa When a Cassa prestigioso delicious carrots, san arias, many CEOs, us San arias, Delicioso, delicious mangoes, mangoes Millie, Theo SOS mangoes, Delicioso. This is the same even if you use the word moise, which is very in front of the adjective or if you want to make it a comparative by using mass, which means more. For example, a very big car whom Coach My grandy. A car which is very big. So how would you say a very small house? Una casa more Kenya When a Cassa moved to Kenya, a house which is very small? Or how would you say a bigger car or glittery? A more big car in court? Must grandi in court it masculine lee a car which is bigger or a car which is more big. 40. Spanish Lesson 23e: How would you say a smaller house? Guanacaste. A mass? Begin you when a Cassa must begin You. How would you say in Spanish? I would like a big car, Kato and court ticket on the Chiaro Cortical Andy, how would you say I would like a small car Chiaro on quarterback in you Chiaro in Constanta , Kenya? Or how would you say a smaller car in court must begin your in court must be. Can you or too big cars? Those coaches grandness no scotches grandest or too small cause in those Cortes begin use those coaches begin years How would you say I would like a big table Chiaro when I miss a grandee Chiaro when I miss a grandee? Or how would he said like a small table? Kierra When I'm in Kenya, Chiaro gonna mess up a Kenya. So in this lesson, so far we've had them a Seattle meaning too much or too grand a meaning big. Begin your meaning. Small muss. Meaning more must grandi. Bigger or literally more big Must begin. You smaller literary more small in poco a bit And today a bit off. So we had a mass meaning more well Here's the opposite Minnows Minnows, Which means less Mainers. So how will you say in Spanish? Less big minnows Grandi. Minnows Grandi Well, how would you say less small may know speaking you minnows, Begin you! How would you say in Spanish? A bit less for me in Boca Mellos me in Boco Men astronomy. Or how would you say the opposite? A bit more for me in Boca Mastectomy in Poco Mas Bahrami. 41. Spanish Lesson 23f: the word minnows can also be used to mean fewer. So how would you say in Spanish I would like fewer bananas? Chiaro, minnows Flatness Kia Romano's Platinum's So the word demasiado, I said, come in too much and it can also mean too many. It has to also agree with the noun that it goes in front. Off. Here are the four forms of demasiado, just like any other adjective demasiado damos, Seattle's Dem Asiata on de Massialas say, for example, them a sea of US son or areas. Too many currents. De Massie, Ottavino. Too much wine. Demasiado mangoes. Too many mangoes. Nemesio Papaya. Two months paler. So how would you say in Spanish? I would like a bit more cheese. Karen pulled a mask ghetto in Boca Mask eso? Or how would you say, Do you have any more currents? And the word Any? Here, you don't have to bother thing. DNA must Sanoh areas. Danny must Sampdoria's. We'll have to say I would like less Cheese Chiaro menace. Kessel get momentos. Gessel Well, how would you say, Can I have fewer carrots? Puedo tomar mendelssohn or areas? Puedo tomar minnow Sampdoria's Or how would you say too many carrots. They must see other son Aureus de Massialas Son Aureus. How would you say? Can I have a bit more cheese? Puedo tomar in Boca mask Esto puedo tomar in Boca mask eso Or how would you say too much cheese? They must have. Okay, so demasiado case So or what about that is too much wine for me S O s demasiado vino para me It's with the musty Ottavino Bottom me. 42. Spanish Lesson 23g: Or how would you say that is a bit too much cheese for me S O s a. M Poko demasiado case with me S O s m Poko demasiado case lobotomy. So in this lesson, we've had demasiado meaning too much, too many or too on what I say to I mean to as in too big, too small, Not as in me too. If you want to say to in a sense, off also then you have to use tambien. We've had grand meaning big Begin your meaning Small mass which means more mast Grundy Meaning bigger must begin you meaning smaller when poco they meaning a bit off menaced Meaningless. I'm quoting Randy a big car and in a restaurant, a fantastical just a share. The adjective goes after the noun a fantastic restaurant. So it's time to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say in Spanish? I would like a bit less Please. Yellow with polka mangasport GSO in polka menace portable. That's too much for me S. O s Nemesio lobotomy Eso is demasiado para me a bit big in Boca Grande e Bogle Grandi. It's very small as more begin your It's more pick in your a bit less for him, please. When poco minnows. But I l pulled in polka minnows parallel port or a big car in courting Randy in cortical on me A small car in quarterback in you in court shape a Kenyan. I would like a big table, please. Kierra when I messed around a portable Chiaro. When I'm a sac around, they put off a vote. That's a very big table S O s when I met some more brandy S o s gonna Misamore Gorondi. 43. Spanish Lesson 23h: That's too big s O s demasiado brandy s O s demasiado brandy. Now let's have a go at doing some reverse translations. What did these Spanish sentences mean in English? Isn't demasiado picking you? It's them a Seattle picking you. It's too small. Infocomm aspirin when poco mas para el port A bit more for him, please. Chiaro in Boca. Massport's Kiet Olympic Amass. Poor fellow. I'd like a bit more, please, Nemesio Pickin you demasiado pickin you too small Dodo s mass spec and Iraqi Total is mass peak and your ki everything is smaller here. Men are speaking. You men are speaking you less smoke S o s on a messa Moomba Kenya S. O. S on a mesa. Moved back in you matters a very small table Chiaro in Polk Romano's poor fellow Kierra in poker minutes portable. I'd like a bit less please. Eso is when I met some more brandy eso as on Amazon Moon. Randy, that is a very big table. Dodo s minnow speak and Iraqi total is mental speaking Iraqi. Everything is less small here. What we'll do now? Awesome Recap translations to incorporate words. Andi phrases believed in previous lessons How do you say in Spanish? The WiFi password doesn't work. Contras. Any of the Wi Fi no forced the owner lack entre sena. There we see no funciona. I think it's fantastic para me, It's fantastical. Jeremy s fantastical. 44. Spanish Lesson 23i: Pedrosa. Chicken is delicious. And boy or the bedroom Estelle Isi also And boy Oh, the Pedro Estrosi Also. How do I get to the university? Put it on the same violent. Put it on the saver, allowing versatile. The breakfast here is delicious and it's a you know, Mackey s Delicioso. And that's, you know, Wacky s Delicioso. I think the food is perfect here. Para me, like Camilla is perfect. Tacky para mi la comida is perfect. Tacky. Can I have a coffee weather tomorrow? Cafe puedo tomar in coffee at Matteo's house. Allah, Cassa di Matteo. Like I said them at their it isn't for her. It's for me noise. Barracuda is better. Me? No, it's better. Area s para me. The food isn't very good There. La comida noise Moved when I la comida Nice move. When I now let's do some Spanish to English Recap Translations. What do these Spanish sentences mean in English? Cuantos me cuenta quando is me Quinta. How much is my bill? D n a DNA habitats young current led sore. Do you have a room with the television s A las siete Equality s l A Seattle cuarto Is that quarter past seven Donna style. So logical Don the star and solo Kiko, where is the zoo? On tape. Araya portable. I want a pariah Portable A T for happen, Ease and order Know that Miranda's no funciona in order, not the meek Rwanda's no funciona. The microwave doesn't work. Chiaro pagar la quinta Parallel portable Karabakh Garlic went up at a little portable. I'd like to pay the bill for him. Please s so nice people. You eso knows me for you. That isn't my chicken. Here, Loretta. Here. A Allah Greta 10. Right here. Ally scare the Healy ally. Scare the turn left. 45. Spanish Lesson 24a: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap off. The words and phrases relent in the last lesson. How do you say in Spanish? More must less Mainers Too much or too many demasiado mood mst Oddo's a bit off in bubble they Big Grandy small Begin you bigger mass Grandi and smaller must begin you. Let's start this lesson with a little cooler in Morocco in a row, it means in red en route. So how would you say in Spanish? Do you have that in Red DNEs? O en rojo DNEs? So in Rafa. Or how would you say I would like that in Red Kierra, Oso and Rojo Keilar Oso in ruffle. Well, how would you say I would like the car in red? Que era el Corte en Rojo care? Well, koce in Rojo. Now I've done a recovery expansion sheet that you can get after this lesson with all the colors in Spanish. But let's just go through them quickly. Now if a cooler in Spanish ends in the letter O, you can make it feminine by changing the 02 an A and make them plural by ending them in the letter s. However, If it doesn't end in an O, then there won't be a separate feminine version. So we've got poor poor Bora Bora means people Marrone. Marrone is brown Rosa Rasta, his pink asshole a soul means blue van Did the verily means green ruffle but awful means red, not on neuron means orange Negro Negative means black. I marry you. I marry you means yellow Blanco Blanco means white grief. Greece means gray. There were also two adjectives that you comport after the color will look at blue. For example, a soul claro, a soul clad all means light blue said he put collateral on the end of any cooler. It means light. Collado actually means clear. And so you could say in Spanish s collateral to mean it's clear. But if you put it after a cooler, it means light. So a sold claro light blue. On the opposite is a soul or school. A stolen or school means dark blue to the word off. School means dark assault or school dark blue. So there the cool is in Spanish, but you can download a vocabulary expansion sheet with all that there is on 46. Spanish Lesson 24b: now the words this that these and those are called demonstrative in Spanish. They change depending on whether the noun they're referring to is masculine, feminine, singular or plural in English. The word this refers to singular objects. So this house, this car, this restaurant whereas these refers to plural objects, these houses, these cause these restaurants. Similarly, that refers to a singular objects that house that car, that restaurant and those refers to plural objects, those houses, those cars and those restaurants in Spanish. There are 10 different variations. It might seem like a lot, but they're quite simple, really. They weaken, split them up into muscle in on feminine words. And then we've got this. That these and those So the words for this in Spanish R este. If it's a Muslim world on Esther, if it's a feminine would este coaching means this car esta casa means this house. If you take the tea out of those words, well, then you get the words for that essay, for masculine words on ESA for feminine Woods s a coaching that call a sukkah. Cassa. That house. The words for these are estos and is thus from masculine pro or feminine parole words and stuff coaches means these cause is this Cassius means these houses. If you take the tea out of those words and then we get s sauce and s us esos coaches those cause A says gas us those houses. Now that's a lot of words to remember, but you can separate separate them out into two groups. The first group has this and these Este s the estos on est us the 1st 2 meaning this on the second to meaning these. If you take the tea out of all of those words, then we get the second group, Which are that on those s a, a PSA a source and SS. So the two groups are almost identical. The only difference is that this and these group has a t in the middle and that and those group doesn't 47. Spanish Lesson 24c: So how would you say in Spanish? This restaurant is fantastic. Yes. The restaurant is fantastical. Is there is Arantes fantastico. How would you say this pilot is delicious? It's the Bhaiyya is Delicioso is the Baya s Delicioso. We'll have to save this hotel. It's very good. Yes, they are. Tell a small window. Este or tennis we went. We'll have to say these carrots are terrible. It's the sartorius on the relis. Esta Santori, Asante Relis. Or how would you say that restaurant is fantastic? A serious Arantes fantastical s a restaurant is fantastical. All that pilot is delicious. A Sabaya s policy. Awesome. Is a buyer s Delicioso the way I tend to remember. The difference between this and these on that in those is that this? And these is the one that contains the T. And it's almost as if the tears like an arrow pointing to you these ones here, this one here. Whereas if you take the tea out of it, that it's those ones over there. Well, that one over there. And so this And these is pointing something here close by. Got it. Got the T like a little arrow. Where is that in Those is something over there. And so it doesn't have the Eric. So you take the tea out so that hotel is very good s a hotel as move Bueno. It's a hotel is my window. Those carrots are terrible. Is a san aureus on the Revis s a sartorius son Terry Bliss those bananas A good SS platinum sun windows. Esos platinums, son Buenos these bananas a good It's those platinum son Bueno's It's those platinum Sunway knows. 48. Spanish Lesson 24d: So that's this. That these and those. But wait, I hear you cry. You said there were 10 words for this and that leads in those in Spanish. I mean really learned eight. Well, we've already had the word for that which is S O. And so eso is another word for that. And you use it when you're using the word that by itself with no Now it's sort of like a neutral form off the word when you're using that with a noun, then you use S A or ECE. But just by itself, you'd say eso s o s fantastical. That is fantastic. Issa Kasay's fantastical That house is fantastic. Este coaches fantastical that car is fantastic. So when you've got eso by one story when you got that by itself, you use eso. When you got that in front of something, then you would use esa or essay. The same goes for the word This If you're using a noun, you must use the magic, masculine or feminine este or s top versions. However, if you're not using a noun and you're just saying this by itself, you can use the neutral version. Estelle s the West Delicioso. This is delicious. But then you would say a stop. Bhaiyya. It's Delicioso. This pilot is delicious. For feminine Known, you'd say esta or este platinum s delicioso means this banana is delicious. So for a masculine now. And your use s the How would you say this is fantastic. Esto is fantastical s. No, it's fantastical, or this pilot is delicious. It's the playa esta cosa estaba history, Sosa. Or this banana is delicious. It's the platinum s Delicioso. It's the platinum yesterday. See also. But how would you just say this is delicious? Esto s Delicioso, esto s delicioso or that is fantastic. Eso is fantastical. S o s fantastical. Or how would you say that pilot is delicious s a playa esta Viciosa? A supply area is delicioso or that banana is delicious. S a Platon s Delicioso? It's a platinum s Tennessee also. But how do you say that is delicious? Eso s Delicioso S. O s. Delicioso 49. Spanish Lesson 24e: now you might need one of these if it gets cold Moon abri go, you never Eagle. It means a coat on average. Go. So how would you say in Spanish? I would like this coat Chiaro este and legal Chiaro Este Abrego? Or how would you say I would like that coat key Eto s embryo key Eto essay of real Or how would you say? Where is my coat? And on the Stamey a Rio Don't Let s tell me, are you or how would you ask somebody? Do you have this coat in red? The n a s D arborio unruffled DNA s They're big or andro Or how do you say these coats are fantastic? Estos Rodrigo's son fantastic owes esto Sabri goes son fantastic owes Or how would you say those coats are fantastic? Eso sabri goes soon Fantastic als eso sabri goes soon Fantastic ALS Now I've made another vocabulary expansion sheet for clothes that you can find At the end of this lesson, you'll find lots of vocabulary relates to clothes. So in this lesson, we've had in ruffle meaning in red is the esta o esto meaning this for masculine feminine orders the neutral word estos on est US meaning these for masculine, plural and feminine plural words, they say, is that an s O meaning that for the masculine feminine and then the neutral form s us and SS, meaning those for masculine, plural and feminine plural words and then we'll never know, meaning a coat. If you go shopping, your probably one of these one out bolster when I will say it means a bag una bolsa. So how would you say in Spanish? Do you have a bag? De anyone? I've noticed that, Danny, when I understand or how would you say, Do you have any bugs? Danny Bolsas the enables us, remember, You haven't got to say the word for any Just Deanna, Do you have multiple bags? 50. Spanish Lesson 24f: I would like a bag Chiaro when I want Chiaro Have also Or how would you say? I would like to bags Chiaro notables Us Chiaro knows more, says keeping in mind that the word for bag is feminine. How would you say in Spanish the bag is perfect. La Bolsa is perfect. La Bolsa is perfect. Or how would you say this bag is perfect? Esta balsa is perfect. Is the ball size perfecter? How would you say that bag? It's terrible. It's a balsa is terribly. It's a whole science, Terry. Really? Well, how would you say these bags are perfect? Is this bolsas son perfect hours? Is this bulls us some perfect hours? Or how would you say those banks? A terrible SS bolsas. Some terrorists SS molds us some. Terry, this is a nice word in Spanish una system. When assess the it means a basket. Una says that. So how would you say in Spanish? I would like a basket. Gso Yunus esta Kierra one assessed the well. How would you say Excuse me? Do you have a basket better than the anyone or fester bear alone DNA, Yunus esta Or how would you say Do you have any baskets? The end. Assist us the any assist us? Or how would you say in Spanish? Can I have a basket without on their own? A sister without a narrow sister? Or how would you ask somebody? Where are the baskets? None. They estan last sisters known Astana sisters. 51. Spanish Lesson 24g: So when I says that is a basket. But if you go to a big shop, you might need one of these instead. One carry wonkery toe means a trolley or cart. June. Carry tow. So how would you say in Spanish? I would like a trolley Chiaro, Charito Chiaro territo? Or How would you ask, Do you have a trolley? DNE Charito. Did anyone carry tow? How do you say, Do you have any treaties? Danny Garrido's DNE Garrido's So maybe haven't got said with any, just any carry toes. They have trolleys, I would say. Can I have a trolley? Puerto 10 Eran Charito 2010 around Territo. Or have these? Excuse me, where are the trolleys? Beldon understand most burritos, better alone. No un estan los carry toes. Now remember how I said in the last lesson that adjectives have to come after the noun in Spanish? Well, all colors are adjectives, so they must come after the noun that they're describing. For example, vino Blanco Vino Blanco means white wine. So really, you're saying wine, which is white vino Blanco or una casa Maria una casa Maria means the Yellow House, a house which is yellow and because when I cast is feminine the word for yellow which is normally Amariya has to become a Maria and get in a only and to agree with you Natasa. So because cool other adjectives, they have to agree with what they're referring to. So a red car in Spanish would be in court. Take ruffle in coursera awful ending in an O whereas a red house would be like a broker. Well, not that often and again in a because it's feminine. So how would you say in Spanish? I would like the red coat G l o l abri go Chiaro lmbrie Go home. So what you're literally saying is I would like the coat which is red, which I think makes more sense. So the Spanish in my mind is more logical than the English because in English, we describe the coat. Before we even say that it's a coat. I would like the red and let me say it's a coat, whereas in Spanish you say I would like the coat, which is red Chiaro el riesgo 52. Spanish Lesson 24h: How would we say? Do you have a green car? The any include severity, Danny, in court today or having to say I would like a bottle of white wine Chiaro Nowata, Davina Blanco, Cheonghawon about they are They've been a vino Blanco. Or how would you say I would like a white wine Chiaro? Enviable Uncle gso one mean about uncle. Well, how would you say I would like some white wine Kiet over your ankle. Quiano Vino Blanco. How would you say I would like some red wine? Now, the word for red wine in Spanish isn't Vino Rojo. Instead, they say tinted wine, which is vino Tinto Vino Tinto. You'll see it in the recovery expansion sheet that we got in the last course for food and drink items. But just in case you about vino dental is red wine. So I would like some red wine Chiaro Vino Tinto. You know, we don't think so. So, in this lesson we've had in Morocco, meaning in red este esta on esto. Other words for this estos on est us of the two was from these s a esa eso. I mean, that s us or ss mean those you know, every go means a coat when I want to start meaning a bag una says that which means a basket , one car Ito meaning a trolley or cart. So it's now time to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say these sentences in Spanish? The red coat and every so often in every garage This restaurant is extraordinary. Este restaurante is extraordinary. Oh Este Ristorante is extraordinary. Can I have a basket without in their own a sister Puedo Tenero sister. 53. Spanish Lesson 24i: Do you have this coat in Red Vienna s They every go in Rome? Dnestr video and a whole. May I have that in blue puedo Tenaris? So in a soul without an arrest. When I sold, I would like the brown shit for him. Andi, the gala ship for her Carolla commits a Marone. But l like, um Isa Maria Barracuda Kierra Lockem Issa Marone para El Ela COMESA Maria Parra. And this hotel is good. It's Theo. Tennis quenelle? Yes, The hotel s buena. Do you have the shirt in orange? De en esta comesa in Iran, huh? DNA is the COMESA in Iran? Where are the trolleys? Don estan Los Cerritos? No, on the stand loss Carry toes. Do you have that in Red DNEs? So in Rojo DNEs. So in Russia now let's have a Gothic doom. Some reverse translations. What do these Spanish sentences mean in English? We're not in their gospels as portable. A lot in there Notes bolsters purple. Can I have two bags, please? Este hotel Este hotel This Hotel DNEs O en rojo, The S o n. Do you have that in red s? A hotel s window s a hotel s Bueno. That hotel is good. Don't they stand? Lhasa patios Don't estan las a patios. Where are the shoes? Is there a Sante s perfecto? Este ristorante is perfect. This restaurant is perfect. 54. Spanish Lesson 24j: and I've legal better today a la brea Go Married today in the green coat Chiaro este abrio Pero en Rafa Quiano Essay Abrego. Pero en route. I would like that coat bought in red. It's the hotel Nice, perfect. Better with movement. It's the hotel. No, it's perfect. Better was moved. Bueno. This hotel isn't perfect, but it's very good. Eso sort Ellis some perfect er's eso So Tellis son Perfect hours. Those hotels are perfect. What we'll do now with some recap translations to incorporate words we let in previous essence. How do you say in Spanish? How much is a room? Quanta ways soon Quanta Western Avital Soon Can I pay by card please. Where the car hit the por favor puedo contar hit a portable. It's at nine o'clock. It's a last new wavy iss I last night waving the restaurant isn't bad. A restaurant noise Mollo in restaurant north Melo, I would like a bottle of wine. Please Chiaro when about a on the veena Pull for more Chiaro. Maybe no portable. It's very small as more again you as more takinyou. I would like to hire a car. How much is it? Kierra will kill Adam Courting Quanta ways Chiaro Alcala in court Quanta ways. A bottle of water is one euro 20 When I will stay at the Agua s June Euro mente una bota de agua its own your preventing Can I make a reservation? Whether I said we're not a set of a play the West there were not a set of 55. Spanish Lesson 24k: it's that court past five is a last single equality. It's a las Cinco de Cuarto. Now let's do some Spanish to English Recap. Translations What do these Spanish sentences mean in English port on This is my last US on the train for the allies. Assume the train. How do I get to the train station? So last single in media. So the last thing going, Media. It's help us. Five. This West Ballistic Chiaro provide help this Westell beast Akira, provide help for you after the steak. I'd like to try the chicken. Lapa va No funciona like Barba. No funciona. The cattle doesn't work in order. Not a meager one. That's nothin. Siona a lower No, They make Rwanda's nothing. Siona the microwave doesn't work. Chiaro on taxi Alas, Quattro Pro Farmer Gear One taxi Alas, quadrupled ID like a taxi at four o'clock, please. Dharmadasa leader asked Valencia, keep Wes Siga director Tommy La Salida As Valencia, he plays siga toe director. Take the exit towards Valencia and then go straight on here. A ally scared a e este here, Ally scare the esta e Turn left On day it's there noise! Burrell espera me noise parallel espera me. It isn't for him. It's for me. A strength of yours. Promise is 20 euros por mis. It's 30 euros a month now. I did say that we would look at every word we've learned so far every third lesson. However, this lesson is already quite long, so I thought we'd leave it until the next lesson, which is a little bit shorter. 56. Spanish Lesson 25a: let's start this lesson with a quick recap off. The words and phrases relent in the last lesson I had to say in Spanish a coat We're not regal A bag we have also in red in ruffle this? Yes, they esta or esto? That s a esa eso those esos or ss These estos or estas? A basket and a trolley. June Karita His a nice phrase in Spanish medical staff. May Costa. It means I like Meg. Busta. So how would you say I like this restaurant? Me gusta este restaurant me gusta este restaurant. How would you say I like the chicken here, Migo style. Poor Iraqi megastar Lpo Iraqi I like everybody here. Me gusta Total moon Rocky may go start a gourmand Iraqi. How do you say I like the red car? Make Costa El Corte Rocco. Maybe Costa. A courtier. Rojo. Now the phrase may close. That can mean I like, but it can also mean I like it. They haven't got to add anything to it. May Cool stick. I mean, I like or I like it. This is because my Costa literally means it is pleasing to me. Met Gosta to me it is pleasing metal stuff. And so But you can use it to mean I like or I like it is How do you say in Spanish? I like it here. Mega stocky May Costa hockey. Or how would you say I like it in red? Me gusta in Morocco, Megastar in the rock How would you say I like the red coat bought? I like it in green as well. The word for as well is the same as the word for also, Damien may go start a library, go rough, better musta and buried that dummy in Mabel style. Every garage better Mittelstand. Very good, I mean. 57. Spanish Lesson 25b: this phrase The Madeira. They my dear means in would De Madera. Actually, it means off would but in English say inboard so that Madeira. So how would you say, Do you have that in board DNEs on the monitor, The N s o the marina or I like it in wood. Make Costa de Madera make it stop. Have you saying Spanish? I like that in wood megastar eso de Madera megastar eso de Madera. Now, having I've included a materials vocabulary expansion sheet at the end of this lesson to give you lots of different materials in Spanish. But here's a phrase that looks very similar to the English. But a fiero breath Fierro. It means I prefer breath Fierro. So in this hasn't so far we've had make pasta, which means I like or I like it. The Madeira meaning in wood and breath. Fierro Meaning? I prefer. So how would you say in Spanish? I prefer the red coat, but a Fiero and Abrego. Rocco Fierro. L. Abrego. Rocco. Well, how do you say I like the green coat? But I prefer the red coat. May Costa and I bring over today. Better pay Fierro. L a bring your own. Make us that everyone guarantee. Better play Fierro and every or a home. How would you say I like to go to town? But I prefer to go to the beach and in Spanish. You have to say I like to go to the town. May goes that here, Alessi with better pay. Fierro here. Allah, Playa. Maybe it's that year. Unless you love better. Pray, fear were Allah. Playa. So, pray Fierro means I prefer if you put a little weight in front of play. Fierro? No, For a Fiero, it means I prefer it. Lopera, Fierro. Literally. You're saying it. I prefer low pressure. Fierro means I prefer it. So how would you say in Spanish? I prefer it here. Look, if you're lucky, Lo fi Iraqi. 58. Spanish Lesson 25c: Or how would you say? I like the green coat but I prefer it in red. May will stop and I breathe Varity better local fiero in Russia Me gusta ella big over today Pero look like fiero in so low prey Fierro is I prefer it on play. Fierro is I prefer. In fact, whenever you put the little word law in front of a verb in Spanish, it means it. So, for example, key ero means I would like look yellow means I would like it. DNE means do you have and look the any means Do you have it? But a fiero means I prefer Onda local Fierro means I prefer it. The only exception to this is with Costa Megawatts. That can mean both. I like Andi. I like it. You don't have anything to this word. And that's because May bolster actually means it's pleasing to me. So anyway, how would you say I would like it in red? Loki ero en rojo Look yellow in rojo. Or how would you say I would like it in wood? Lucky arrow in the Madeira. Lo que quiero de Madera, Or how would you say, Do you have it in red. Look, the enemy in Iraq looked any and Rojo, or have any say. Do you have it in wood? Look, de any day, Monetta, look the any of the Molina. So in this lesson, we've learned Mabel Sta which means I like or I like it de Madera meaning in wood. But a Fiato meaning I prefer look Fierro, which means I prefer it. Loki at all. I would like it and look the any. Do you have it? So it's time to practice all of those words. How do you say in Spanish? I like the lump. May Costa Del Cordero. Me gusta el Cordero. Oh, how would you say I liked in red? But I prefer it in yellow. Megastar and Rojo better look Pref era When I marry you, me gusta and rojo Pero lo play Fiero in a Mario 59. Spanish Lesson 25d: I like the red coat, but I prefer it in blue. Make Costa peril. Oprah Fierro An asshole made. Was that a Abrego? Rocco? Better look a fear of an asshole. I prefer the red wine Professor will be noted. Fierro El Vino Tinto. I like it in green. Megastar invariably may go stop in Verde. Can I have that in brown Britain S. O N. Meron with ordinary So in maroon I like it in wood megastardom Madeira, make Costa de Madera. I like the green coat megastar L Abrego Verde megastar Elaborate very day. I like it in plastic. Meg Costa. The plastic make also the plastic. All I like that megastar eso may go. Stay still Now let's have a go doing some reverse translations. What do these Spanish sentences mean in English DNEs. So in asshole Claro DNEs. So innocent Plateau. Do you have that in light? Blue megastar. Elaborate very day. May Costa, A Labrador? Very. I like the green coat. Keilar Oso in a school. Claro Keilar Oso In a school. Claro, I'd like that in light Blue The N s o In Marrone DNEs. So in maroon do you have about in brown? May Costa? The plastic may go start a plastic I liked in plastic 60. Spanish Lesson 25e: megastar Kester. Better breath. Farewell. Vino may go started Guests better preferable. You know I like the cheese, but I prefer the wine. We're not interested in a solo school without an arrest. Oh, in a solo school. Can I have that in dark blue? Me gusta and Cordero? Mega esta el Cordero. I like the lamb breath Fiero in our Briegleb Faraday Pero megastar. But a theater will have legal verily better make Costa elaborate. I prefer the green coat, but I like the red coat as well. Me gusta lmbrie Go home better locally. Fear when I marry you may go celebrate a rifle barrel. Oprah Fierro wanna marry you? I like the red coat, but I prefer it in the other. Now let's do some recap. Translations to incorporate the words and phrases ballooned in the last lessons. How do you say in Spanish? It's half past three. So unless stressed the media so less stress in media, the breakfast is absolutely fantastic Here. L decide, you know is absolutely mandate. Fantastic. Lucky elders are you know, it's absolutely meant a fantastic Rocky. I'd like to go at court past four hero here. Alas, Quattro Equality Hero here. Alas, Quattro equal. I think it's fantastic para me is fantastical, but I mean, it's fantastical. The dinner is perfect. La Cena is perfect. La Cena is perfect. My address is 15 guy in the Barcelona media Exxon, Eskin Steak, the Barcelona media, Exxon Eskin said de Barcelona. 61. Spanish Lesson 25f: I would like the chicken but without the onions, please. Here. Well, before you bellow seen last several years Portable Kierra Well poor you better seen last several. Yes, Portable Take the second road on the right and then the third road on the left he plays letter Saragih Ally skier told me last second Depress latter Sarah Kanye Allies care the How do I get to the city center? Pour it on the Sever Al Centro clf Poor Gandhi Seva Centro CEO ID like a truly Chiaro in car Ito Chiaro on carry tow Let's now do some Spanish to English Recap, Translations gear one taxi but address personas last cuatro manos cuarto portable Chiaro in taxi para trespass on us Alas, Quattro minnows Cuarto propeller id like a taxi for three people at course to four please. He s not a set of our allies. See it? They put followed Chiaro Inara Serra Fallacy. It's a portable id like a reservation at seven o'clock Police Chiaro here Hotel Ala Cinco Chiaro Here Hotel Ala Cinco. I'd like to go to the help to the hotel at five o'clock Daniela Commissar invented a DNA like, um Isa in Verde Do you have the shit in green? G A romance. Sana's Chiaro Monsanto. I'd like some apples, so unless safety media So unless stays in Marea, it's half past six. Kierra in taxi A list does seem area here on taxi elastin. Those in media have like a taxi at half past two Chiaro here a la Casa de Maria Ala Cinco Kierra were Ally Cassidy Maria Ala Cinco. I'd like to go to Maria's house at five o'clock. I came up with a weird Al Banco a k or a Puerto Year old Banco. What time gonna go to the bank? La Cena is absolutely meant a fantastic cocky La Cena is absolutely mental. Fantastic, cocky. The dinner is absolutely fantastic here. 62. Spanish Lesson 25g: Now let's have a look at all the words we've learned so far. How do you say in Spanish? Do you have it? Look, Danny, I would like it. Look yet I like May Costa. I prefer but a few cattle. Inwood de Madera. I like it. Me gusta I prefer it. Lopez Fierro here. A key. The dinner. Lassana, Bless Menace. Perfect. Perfecto! Where is no investor? And hey, a car unquote a bag when I want to stop the Roundabout La Rotunda. 10 hearing. How do I get to Portland? It is one o'clock, Escalona a t don't they? My, me, Our meath. Too much name. A Seattle at or two? Uh, a coffee. One coffee. The water. And I want, uh, June or una There Are you a coat? We're not legal. What time is it? Okay. What? I is take when you're giving a direction or or in order don't me the food like a media to make. Yes, there the breakfast elders are you know, a bit off in Boca today per week. Portes a minor. The house La Casa. I would like Kato. That is and so is 63. Spanish Lesson 25h: to have 10 here in the third road latter Sarah Akagi in red in Morocco. At what time? A k order. Two people No spirits on us to take no matter a basket When I say stuff at half past five a single media on the left Ally scare the then with No no How much is it? Quanta ways? Bad Mollo at court past five asked Cinco equality tomorrow Man Yana, the wine El vino Small Begin you the region A lot of human for her, but a year. Good night. Well, it's not just to hire Al Kilar at five oclock. Alas, single Big Gandhi Where are don't they stand? Good evening when I started this beautiful But I see also more mess Euros a or does thank you God, Yes. Also Tambien for two days. Poor Dusty s What is quality? It's I'm up when I'm up a reservation. You never said of a is IHS for two months For those Mrs a night you know not the town or the city last You love to pay by God. Yes. See without sin Boat battle 64. Spanish Lesson 25i: isn't noise. Do you have the any? Where done that for me. But I mean terrible get really, really always see Emperor the beach La playa for a week For when I say manner payment Poor miss Fantastic Fantastical The first road I love America. The chicken help for you Please Poor fouled the traffic lights Los Emma for us Go when you're giving a direction or command via at quarter to five. A last cinco minutes Cuarto Very my it is five Oclock, son Los cinco Goodbye And the US Excuse me Better gun by card Comtel hit the a tranny One car Ito A balcony in Balkan with corn Extraordinary Extraordinary Since centimos aren't no son a bottle of wine You know what they are They you know for a month pour une miss two years does an use Can I acquittal? Continue straight on Seaga Toe Director See you later. Ask that illegal on the right Allah greater, I think, or in my opinion But on me this evening or tonight Esta noche tu After this place they the hotel in what then doesn't work. No funciona everybody Telemundo, the lunch and on weather. So 65. Spanish Lesson 25j: towards Asya. The restaurant A restaurant. A taxi in taxi. One year one on you, Uh, son or istan. The second road. Let's say one back. Are you to try Robot? It is that one. Oclock s a loner. Everything. So the a room will not be that soon. Good day. Buenos dias Absolutely, absolutely meant the and la los Less good when pair poor to go here. Nice simpatico It is s or estan a card. Well, not that hit them. It isn't noise or no esta a character. Una Sana Odiah the pilot lock buyer A television in Tel Aviv's or per day por dia and delicious. And then we see also for two weeks for the same on us. Hello. Or that the restaurant's address La direccion del restaurant that they see Esa or eso a bottle. You know what they are from off today? The exit last Selena at banana one platinum a bottle of water when about a at the Agua Pedrosa dress La direccion de Pedro The address la direccion for him butter in the Bill La Quinta for a day for India before on test day a table when I mesa this este esta esto those esos or ss and these estos or arrest us 66. Spanish Lesson 26a: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap off the words and phrases we learned in the last list. How do you say in Spanish? I like it. Me gusta I prefer breath. Fierro. I prefer it. Local Fierro. Do you have it? Looked any Inwood de Madera I like Make Costa. I would like it. Loki era Now let's have a look at some traveling terminology. In this lesson, your first word is be yet would be it. It means a ticket soon. Be yet. So how would you say in Spanish? I would like a ticket for Madrid. Chiaro would be at the Paramount Kierra would be at the Panama. Or how do you think you're to say I would like two tickets here? We got to be at this, G. I don't not be at this. Or how would you say I would like two tickets for Valencia, please. Chiaro dsp Ettus para violencia portable Chiaro does Beatrice para Valencia. We can add a little bit onto the end. Off would be a day and we get NBI yet they either would be at that. They either it means a one way ticket. I m B A there either. So how would you say in Spanish? I would like a one way ticket or Valentia Chiaro would be at the data. Valencia Chiaro Ownby it they they either Para Violencia, if you want more than 11 way ticket would say knows be at this the either. So you make the B yet they part plural by putting an s on the end But the either just stated as it is so don't be at this. They either means 21 way tickets and those be at this the either. So how would you say in Spanish? I would like 21 way tickets from Allah Chiaro Those be attested. They either Baramula Kierra goes Psst! Either Baramula. Or how would you say? How much is it for 31 way tickets. Quanta, Westport, Tres Beatrice. The either quanto is poor press Beatrice. They either 67. Spanish Lesson 26b: Or how would you say I would like 41 way tickets, please. How much is that? Kierra Quattro Be it to stay that poor fellow Qantas system Chiaro Quattro Beatrice They either portable Cuando es eso. Perhaps you want to come home again In which case you'll need would be it they they Either the Vuelta would be at the they either the Vuelta which means a return ticket Literally It's a go and return ticket would be yet they the either Well, tha So how would you say in Spanish I would like a return ticket for Barcelona Chiaro NBS the Vuelta para Barcelona Chiaro on being the Vuelta para Barcelona. If you want more than one return ticket you would say those be Ettus the either Revuelta those be it this the either the vuelta meaning to return tickets. So how would you say in Spanish? I would like to return tickets for Salamanca Chiaro Those Beatrice the Vuelta para Salamanca Chiaro Does Beatrice the either the Vuelta para Salamanca? Well, how would you say how much is a one way ticket for L A County? Quintal is whom be it today either Alicante. Quanta ways. NBI a the either para Alicante. Now in English, we tend to say a ticket to Madrid rather than a ticket for Madrid. In Spanish, however, you always say four instead of two in this situation. So stick with batter. So, for example, in English, we might say How much is it for two return tickets to Madrid, whereas in Spanish would say How much is it for two return tickets for Madrid? So how would you say that? Quanto is poor, Those be Ettus the Vuelta para Madrid Quanta ways for those Beatrice they eat, I vuelta para moderate. 68. Spanish Lesson 26c: now, did you get the Quanta s poor part? Right? Well, I haven't told you about this yet. There's a useful phrase in Spanish. Quantum s poor. It means How much is it for the poor means sort of purse. So imagine you're saying how much is it per two tickets or how much is it? Per three return to gets. And so Quanta s poor means how much is it for? So how would you say, How much is it for two return tickets for Malaga. Quanta ways poor does being test the Vuelta, Parramatta Quanta ways. Poor knows Beatrice. They either Vuelta, Pamela or how would you say? How much is it for a bottle of white wine? Quanto os por una Botta Davina Blanco. Quando is for una botella Davina Blanco. Or how would you say? How much is it for three tickets to Granada Kwan toys. Poor dress, be it This paranoia Quando is poor dress Be it this barama para Granada. Here's a word whose meaning you might be able to guess a trend. L Trine It means the train El Tren. So how would you say in Spanish? Where is the train? Don't know style train. Don't this style train Well, how would you say, Where is the train for Barcelona? And on this time train para Barcelona, Don't they style trend para Barcelona? Or how would you say, what time is the train for Valencia? A que aura sl trend para violencia a que aura s a trend para violencia. So in this lesson, so far we've had would be at the meaning. A ticket would be at the beta, meaning a one way ticket. And just be at this the either meaning 21 way tickets would be at the Vuelta, meaning a return ticket. Those Beatrice the Vuelta meaning to return tickets. Quanto is poor. Meaning how much is it for? And l train meeting the train. 69. Spanish Lesson 26d: this next word you might be ableto figure out the meaning off El Alto goes and out of those , it means the boss l outdoor bowls. So how would you say in Spanish? Where is the boss? Don, the style out of juice Don't they start out the juice? How would you say, Can I take the train Puerto tomorrow Train puedo tomar el train? Or how would you say I would like to take the boss Chiaro tomar el out of juice? Kierra Tamar around Togo's Or how would you say I like the train? But I prefer the boss Maicosuel Train Better professor without the booze May go style train Pero Prothero A lot of juice We'll have to say I like the boss but I prefer the train may go sell out the Who's better? Oprah's Farewell Train Make no style after Bruce Petopia Fierro l train. Now this next phrase is always useful. No matter where you go. Los a sales los A sales. It means the toilets. Loss assails generally in Spanish. The word for toilet is in the plural. So you would always say assay us rather than just a sale. You always ask about the toilets rather than just the toilet. So how would you say in Spanish? Where are the toilets and understand? Loss of sales? No, only a Stan loss of sales or how to say I would like to go to the toilet. But remember, in Spanish, you say toilets Chiaro here. I lost a sales Kierra here. A loss of sales. Well, how do you say, Can I go to the toilet? Puerto ear, Alyssa CEOs Puerto ear. Alyssa CEOs. So, in this lesson, we've had the following words soon be yet. They meaning a ticket wouldn't be out there. They either. Meaning a one way trip ticket. Must be a test either. Meaning 21 way tickets, be it the well, tha meaning a return to get knows. Be a test. A dry well, tha meaning to return tickets. Cuantos poor meaning. How much is it for a trend? Which means the train a lot of booze meeting the boss and loss assails, meaning the toilets 70. Spanish Lesson 26e: So that's practice Those words now How do you say in Spanish? I would like a return ticket for quartered over Chiaro MBI activity Vuelta Mcordova Chiaro NBS the Vuelta Barrack Cordova I would like two tickets for Barcelona. Chiaro does be Ettus para Barcelona. Kierra Those Beatrice Barcelona. How much is it for two tickets? Quanta s poor dusty at this Cuantos poor does be it. This I would like 21 way tickets for Bennell. Marina, please. Chiaro lost Beatrice the either. But Ben Al Madina Portable Chiaro does Beatrice the either Paraben Al Madina portable. Where? The train station. Don't miss the last. Assume the train. No, Mr Liza soon the train a one way ticket is five euros Be at the data as single euros Ownby ETA data as single euros. Where are the toilets? No estan los ourselves? No un estan los assails 31 way tickets for Madrid recipe It is the either Barham adrift. The rest be it this they either battle Madrid. How much is a ticket for the cathedral? Quanto is in B A t. Carol. A cathedral. Quanto is gonna be a barrel. A cathedral? I would like a return to get for Abdullah, Please. Chiaro Mbia Today by well tha arrival a perfect Chiaro Nbn today the Vuelta tabula portable . Now let's have a go do some reverse translations. What do these Spanish sentences mean in English? Don't stand there in Para Barcelona, don't they? Style trend para Barcelona Where's the train for Barcelona? 71. Spanish Lesson 26f: a que Aura s Children para moderate a k or a cell trained para moderate. What time is the train from Madrid? Pierrot in B A T v Eva para Violencia Okiro Bi at the Data Valencia id like a one way ticket for Valencia. Kierra goes beyond the Segovia Chiaro. Those bs they either. Segovia, I'd like 21 way tickets for Segovia. A que aura s a lot of us. I came out a sellout. A boost? What time is the boss? Kierra must be at the airport. He had all those. Be at that sport. I'd like two tickets, please. Kierra won't be at the bottom. Are portable Chiaro would be at the bottom a little. I'd like a ticket from Malaga, please. Cuando estan be yet a para A lot of us. Quantum is gonna be a para A lot of booze. How much is a ticket for the boss? MBS did Eli Well, tha s kowtow. Euros would be a They Die Welt is Otero's. A return to get is eight euros. Quanta Esport trustee at this Quanta Westport recipe It this How much is it for three tickets? Now let's do some recap. Translations to incorporate words and phrases that bullet in although previous lessons. How do you say in Spanish? It's at half past seven. Is Allah Siete Amelia? It's a last See it? They may be a Where is the theme park? No, Mr L'park it their taxi onus Don't start l'park idiot Taxi! Onus take the first road on the left and then go straight on Tom elope Malacca Ally Scared He placed siga Director Tommy La Primera Connie Allies Care that request Siga told director . 72. Spanish Lesson 26g: the fridge doesn't work. Lana Vera Know for Siona Land of Aaron often. Siona, My car is terrible. Mikati s terribly Mikati is terribly. How'd we get to the hospital? Poor Ghana Civil Hospital Board. Elisheva Hospital. How do I get to the car park? The Seva Park pulled only Ceva Park. My pilot is very good. Meet Baya s move. Winner, Meet Baya s move. Buena, can I go to the bus stop? Puerto Ear. Allah Perata. They are the rules. Whether we're Allah Perata, Delta Blues, the reservation is 25 euros per person. A lot of Serra is when the single euros. Poor persona. Lara, Sarah s went a single Eurosport persona. And now let's do some Spanish to English Recap. Translations. What do these sentences mean in English here? A Loretta this West Nile. Osama for us here a a Loretta this West Nile. Osama for us. Turn right after the traffic lights Chiaro che para me Chiaro Dante para mi cafe para airport id like a t for me. Onda A coffee for her, please. C s perfecto grasses. See? It's perfect or gaseous. Yes, it's perfect. Thank you. S O s gonna mess. Amapa Kenya. Eso is when I miss some open Kenya. That is a very small table. Puerto Year. Al Banco. Where the were o banco Can I go to the bank? Lebuhraya esperar la playa is parallel. The pilot is for him. Kierra room Corte must take in your portfolio. Chiaro in court. A mass spec in your portable. I'd like a smaller car, please. And that's how you know Nice Melo. L s I don't know noise. Milo, the breakfast isn't bad. Don Estella Yavapai America Soon. Don't they start like Gabby Bottom habitat soon. Where's the key for my room noise? More window noise. More Bueno. It isn't very good. 73. Spanish Lesson 27a: Now what we're going to do in this lesson is recap all the words and phrases we've learned so far in all three courses by doing some recap translations in groups of 10. So how do you say in Spanish? It is fantastic. It's fantastical. It's very good here. It's moved when Rocky. It's fantastic Here. It's fantastic. Lucky it's here. A stocky, it's absolutely fantastic. Is absolutely meant a fantastical. It isn't very good. Nice move, Bueno. It's absolutely fantastic. Here is absolutely mental. Fantastic, wacky. It isn't here. Nice Thaqi. It's very good. It's my bueno. It isn't good. Nice point. 74. Spanish Lesson 27b: how to say in Spanish It's extraordinary, is extraordinary. It isn't for me. Nice part of me. It's delicious s delicioso. It isn't very beautiful here north more pressing, also lucky. It's for me, espera me. It isn't delicious. No, it's the least. He also It's very good for me. It's more brain about me. I think it's absolutely beautiful here. But I me is absolutely mental precio sake. I think it's absolutely fantastic. But I mean, it's absolutely meant a fantastical. It's absolutely extraordinary here. It's absolutely meant extraordinary. Rocky. 75. Spanish Lesson 27c: How do you say in Spanish? That isn't very good for me. Eso No smuggling about me. Eso noise more bueno part of me. It's very good. Thank you. It's more bueno grasses. I think that is absolutely extraordinary. But I mean, eso is absolutely meant extraordinary. I think it's always very good here, but I me a c m pre moonwalking. But I meet SCMP more win, Archy, that is for me S O s. Bonomy. That is very good. Eso has moved. Bueno? Yes, Thank you. Seeing your SS that for me. Thank you. S o para mi grasses. It isn't fantastic, but it's very good noise. Fantastical. Better was more bueno. It's always very beautiful here. SCM print more pressed your sake. 76. Spanish Lesson 27d: How do you say in Spanish? That is for him. Eso is Brian everything this for me? Total s para me. That's the restaurant S O s, a restaurant. The restaurant is absolutely extraordinary In a restaurant it's absolutely meant extraordinary. Oh, the restaurant is very good. L a restaurant. It's more bueno. Yes, everything is very good. Thank you. Si todos moved wineglasses. The restaurant is here in a restaurant. A stocky That isn't bad but it isn't perfect sa noise Mollo better north perfecter. It's for her s but area. I think the restaurant is fantastic para Mi el Restaurante is fantastical. 77. Spanish Lesson 27e: How do you say the following in Spanish? The chicken is for me. It bore us better Me. The pilot is very good. Like Baya s move Buena the pilots for her La Baia Espera area. The chicken is absolutely delicious. L Ponyo s absolute amended Delicioso. The chicken is very good. And for us move with The pilot is perfect. Lapolla is perfect. The chicken is perfect. El Chapo s perfect. The chicken for him. Elpidio Pereira. The pilot is delicious. Lakhdaria s Delicioso, The pilot for me, Locked by a para me. 78. Spanish Lesson 27f: How do you say in Spanish? My chicken is terrible. Meatball us terribly. That is my paler eso is me via my chicken is here. Meatball, your stocky. Everybody is very nice. Total Mondo s more simpatico. My chicken is very good. Me boyo s more bueno. My hotel is here. Me hotel A stocky. The hotel isn't very good. A hotel noise. More buena I think everybody is very nice para me daughter Belmondo is more simpatico. Everybody is here told Armando Stocky My paler is delicious. Mitt Bhaiyya is Delicioso. 79. Spanish Lesson 27g: How do you say in Spanish? A tea for him on April? I would like a table for five people. Please. Chiaro on a mesa about a single better soon as part of a vote. The pilot for him, please. La via parietal Portable the chicken for me, please. El poco para mi por favor. I would like a table for four. Please. Chiaro when I miss a para Quattroporte followed a t for her, please. Para Yeah, a coffee for me. Cafe academy. My coffee is terrible. Me cafe s terribly A table for five people. Please. Una mesa para syncope Arizona's purple. I would like the chicken, please. Kiev! Well poor your portable. 80. Spanish Lesson 27h: How do you say in Spanish? I would like a t for me. Onda. A coffee for her, please Here. Want a Para me? Even cafe para a portable. The bananas are very good. Los Platini! Us some more Bueno's The tea is for me and the coffee is for him. Lt is about me. Your cafe is Burrell. The food here is very good. Lacombe Iraqi s move. Buena my bananas up effect. Mr Blatter knows some perfect Er's. The pilot is delicious. LaPaglia s Delicioso. I think the food is perfect here. But I Me like Camilla is perfect. AKI, The food is always delicious here. La comida a CME frivolous Shiozaki. Everybody is very nice and the food is delicious. Total Mondo is moist. Simpatico l a comedy. Jealousy Costa, my paler is perfect. Mitt Via is perfect. 81. Spanish Lesson 27i: How do you say in Spanish? Good day. When does the s goodbye and good night. Adios. Buenas Noches. Good evening. When I started this. Hello, Allah. Hello. I'd like a table for three people. Please. Ola Caro. Una mesa para tres person is palpable. Good evening. I'd like a table for two, please. When I started this Kierra when I miss a paradox Portable. Goodbye. Adios. Hello. I'd like to tease under coffee. Allah care, low status, even caffeine. Good night when that's notice. Good night and goodbye when I noticed the adios. 82. Spanish Lesson 27j: have to say in Spanish. Excuse me. How much is the wine here? Paradorn? Quantum Ottavino. Wacky. Excuse me. How much is the bill? Better known quantities like winter. How much of the bottle of water? I want us to know what they are. The Agua. Excuse me. Better than how much is the chicken? I want to report you. I would like a bottle of water. Please, When I want a I want portable. The bill is for him. Like went ice pile. Excuse me, I would like a coffee, please. Better known Kiaran Cafe portable. Excuse me. How much is my bill? Paradorn? Cuantos me Quinta. I would like two bottles of wine. Please. Chiaro. No! Spartacus! Davina. 83. Spanish Lesson 27k: How do you say in Spanish? May I try the wine Puerto probably vino. I would like to pay for the wine please. Chiaro pagar el vino port. Can I pay for the coffee? Boil a pot of coffee? I would like to try the cheese. Kierra probe our guest. I would like to make a reservation here for three people Please. Glos Air Inara Serra Vaki. But at press personas portable Can I pay please? Puerto back are portable. I would like to pay the bill for him. Please Chiaro Pagar La Quinta put Can I pay for the wine? Whether back Ottavino, can I try the cheese please? Where? The provider guest support for war. Can I make a reservation point Though I said it or not, I said about 84. Spanish Lesson 27l: How do you say in Spanish? How much is it for nine days? Quanta Westport. New ideas. How much is it for four days, Cuantos poor Quattro ds. I would like to hire a car. Kierra while Qwilleran court. How much is it for one month? Quando is Peru miss kind of hire a car for three days, please. Puerto Alky Laurent Coach A poor dressed. The asked. Paul Farmer. The car is perfect. El Cortez Perfecto. Can I hire a car for two weeks, please? Whether well killer in court. A poor low semen has poor fellow. I would like to hire a car. How much is it? Kierra While Qwilleran court Quanta ways. The car is very good. And Cortes move. I would like to hire two cars. Kierra will kill. Are those Kotis? 85. Spanish Lesson 27m: How do you say in Spanish? It's 50 euros a sin cuenta euros. It's 10 euros as the s a worse. It's 81 euros s agenda. You know yours. It's 52 euros, I think went by those of yours. It's 80 cents is or 10,000 demos. The wine is four euros El Vino as Quatro Eros. It's 30 euros per month. A strengthen Eurosport, Miss. It's 10 euros per bottle. It's the essay Autosport Botella. It's 557 euros. A skinny Antos sink went. I see 80 euros. It's 10 euros per person is the essay orders for Paris Ana. 86. Spanish Lesson 27n: How do you say in Spanish? My lunch is fantastic. Me and were so is fantastical. The breakfast is absolutely fantastic here. L d So you know it's absolutely meant a fantastic lucky. The lunch here is extraordinary. L'm where sake is extraordinary. Oh, the lunch here is delicious. And then we're so lucky s Delicioso. What time is breakfast? A. K. Arora said that you know how much is breakfast? Quite the way. Say, let's you know what time is lunch? Acura is Ellen were So the lunch here is terrible. And on we're so lucky s there. Really? My dinner was perfect. Miss Anna is perfect. The dinner is always delicious here. Lassana SCM prayed allessio sake. 87. Spanish Lesson 27o: How do you say in Spanish it's quarter to 10. So unless the s man of Choir, it's half past three. So last race in maybe a it's half past 10 So last DS in Maybe a it's at half past five s a Last Cinco in Media, it's nine O'clock the Sun lesson wavy, it's that quarter past four is a Los Cuatro require its course to 11. So unless on stay menace Cuarto Dinner is at eight oclock La Cena is Al Assad. It's court to nine. So unless Nueva menos cuarto, it's that course to four s, a los Cuatro Mina squad. 88. Spanish Lesson 27p: How do you say in Spanish? I would like a taxi at quarter past two. Your own taxi Alice, Those equality Pedrosa chicken is delicious. A boy with a petro s Delicioso. The hotel's address is 20 k Saragosa la direccion there tell is when they got the Saragosa . I would like a taxi for three people. At course to four. Please. Chiaro in taxi para tres personas. Alas, Quatro Meninas Cuarto What is the soup qualities less open? I would like a taxi at four o'clock, please. Chiaro in taxi. Alas, Quattro por favor. I would like a taxi at half past two Kierra one taxi. Alas, no seem area. I would like a taxi for eight people at five oclock and the address is 18 plus on my order Chiaro in taxi para auto personas ala Cinco de la direccion is the FB or Choe plus a maior . I would like a taxi at half past one Chiaro on taxi alone, not in media. I would like a taxi at quartz to one care One taxi alone. Amano's cuarto 89. Spanish Lesson 27q: How do you say in Spanish at Kristina's House? Ally Cassidy Christina, I would like to go to the beach. Kierra were Allah Playa? Can I go to the restaurant tonight? Where the were restaurant theist or not, I would like to go to Lucas House. Chiaro ear alla Casa de Luca kind of go to Maria's house. Whether we're ally Cassidy Maria, I would like to go at four o'clock. Kierra were like Alice Cuatro I would like to go home at five o'clock Chiaro ear. Mikasa a las cinco. It's not Pedro's house. They stopped Ally Cassidy Federal. What time can I go to the supermarket? I can Europe with a were in South America. What? I'm gonna go to one's house. A que were up? Whether we're ally Cassidy one 90. Spanish Lesson 27r: How do you say in Spanish? I would like a king size bed, please. Chiaro on a comma. The methane ammonia put I would like a room with a balcony Chiaro with a C Ancona Balcon. I would like a room with a bathtub, please. G ero united asean Columbine Your portable. What time is breakfast tomorrow? A k order A Soelistyo pneumonia also with a television, please. Tambien con intelligence or poor id like a balcony Chiaro in Balkan. The key doesn't work. Liaw, enough Funciona, How much is breakfast? Cuantos And this? You know the I n doesn't work. LaPlante and often Siona, can I pay by card? Welcome back our contact hitter. 91. Spanish Lesson 27s: How do you say in Spanish? May I have some milk? Puedo tomar Let do you have in apples? Tiananman Soundness. May I have some raisins? Well, tomorrow passes. May I have a room for tonight, please? Puedo tenor wannabe. Symbolize? They're not people. It's 90 euros for two nights. Is no anti euros. Poor does notice. Do you have a map off Madrid de anyone? A map of the mother. Do you have a table for two people? The end when I mess up out of the Paris on us. Do you have any Bhutan? The enemy. Antakya. Do you have any pilot? The any Bhaiyya. Do you have any home? DNE Haman? 92. Spanish Lesson 27t: How do you say in Spanish? I would like to go to the butcher Quiano ear like carnies area. It isn't there. It's here. Nice tie. He is lucky. Can I go to the underground Puerto Year? All Metro? How do I get to the hospital? Poor Danny Cevallos Spittle. Everybody is always very nice there. Total Mondo SCM pre moistened batter Go straight on Siga told Director How do we get to the bus station board? Elisheva Allies too soon about the horses. How do I get to the chemists? Porter, Denise, Ava, Ella, Pharmacia Where's the chicken? And then they style for you. It's straight on, is that correct? 93. Spanish Lesson 27u: How do you say in Spanish? Take the first road on the left and then the third road on the right. Daniele Primerica, Ally Skier and the he plays later. Sarah, can you elaborate? Take the second road on the right and then go straight on. Loretta, keep west. See? Got ta Director, Take the third road on the right. Told me that. There. Sarah, can you elaborate? Take the second road on the left and then turn right. Okay. A lot scared. Keep west here. A Allah. Britta, take the third road on the right. And then the first road on the left domain. Latter Sarah. A place like the American allies. Scared. Take the second road on the right and then turn left. Tom a last second Akagi elevator. He plays here a allies. Kira, go straight on. Take the third road on the left and then it's on the right. Siga toe Director Tomei latter sokaiya allies Kira Puestos Start later take the second road on the left and then the second road on the right domain Ally scared! He pressed Loretta, Turn left on day is on the right here Allies Kierra esta moderator Go straight on and then turn left. Siga told director it was here. Allies care 94. Spanish Lesson 27v: How do you say in Spanish? Go straight on and then take the third exit at the Roundabout. Seaga Total Recto a Place Tommy La Tercera Saliva Before the cheese Can I have a desert? And the third gesso weather Tomorrow Imposter. Take the exit towards Barcelona Tomita Selena I see a Barcelona take the first exit at the Roundabout Tommy Lapid military that elaborate on at the Roundabout Take Take the second exit told me that after the restaurant goes straight on and then take the third road on the left, this place still restaurant siga told directo request for military Sarah Colonna Allies scare the it's their towards the hotel esta asi al hotel and go straight on and then take the first road on the right. Siga told the rector He puesto Mila Premera, Kanye Loretta at the roundabout Take the third exit. Allerton told me that there Sarah Selena, go straight on and then take the second road on the right Siga total rectal keep west told me last Can you elaborate 95. Spanish Lesson 27w: How do you say in Spanish? A bit too big in poco demasiado Grandi. It isn't very big noise. More Grandi. How much is a small car? Cuantos Um Khatib. Takinyou. A bit less for her in a home in Australia. A bit bigger Impala Master Randy. A bit too small in poker on demasiado pickin you. That's a big car. S O s. Um quoting Randy a bit more in Bookham us A bit less for him please. In poker minnows Parallel port level. I would like a smaller car please Chiaro in court. A mass spec in your portable. 96. Spanish Lesson 27x: How do you say in Spanish? I would like a bad Kierra when I want. How much is this coat? Quanta is Este approval. This restaurant isn't very good. Is there a surround noise? More bueno. Can I try this coat? Where? The probe artist Gabriel, This hotel is perfect. Yes. The hotel is perfect. Where's the truly No esta el Carita? It's absolutely beautiful. But it's to read for me. It's absolutely mental ratio. So better is demasiado Robot Army. I would like the green shit. Kierra. Welcome, Mr Very day. Do you have a basket? The anyone assessed I think this hotel is good, but I mean, it s the hotel s bueno. 97. Spanish Lesson 27y: How do you say in Spanish? I like it in silver made. Was that the Plata I liked in plastic? May costa the plastic. I prefer the green coat. But I like the red coat as well. But if you had a well a briegleb charity, better make Busta. L every go with a mean. I prefer the yellow coat breath. Fierro. Ella Briggs. Jamario. I like it in yellow. Make Busta in Amarillo. I like the red coat, but I prefer the brown put May Costa Rica better place Fierro L Abrego Maroon. I like the cheese, but I prefer the wine megastar guest. So pero preferable vino. Can I have that in black Without an aristo and Negro? I like it in dark blue, but I prefer it in light blue. May Costa in a sort off school. Better locally. Fierro An asshole. Claro, I like this restaurant. May Busta. It's the restaurant 98. Spanish Lesson 27z: How do you say in Spanish? Where is the bus station? No, in this stylized assumed out of use this I would like two tickets please. Kierra SPFs Poor family id Like a return to get for Valencia Chiaro would be at the they die Welt para Violencia. How much is the ticket? Cuantos will be it. A one way ticket is five euros Be it the either as single euros 31 way tickets for Barcelona The rest be at this data para Barcelona. How much is it for two return tickets? Cuantos pour les bien Este Die Welt Where's the train station? And on the stylist Assume the train. How much is a one way ticket? Want? The rest will be getting the either. How much is a return to get for Salamanca? Quanta ways MBIA, Teddy They will top our Salamanca 99. Spanish Los Colores: Los colorist. The colors. Bora Bora. PayPal. Marrone brown, LaRossa pink. A phone blue, Very today green. Brocco read no orange Negro back. Um, are you yellow Blanco white grief gray. And then you can put these next two words after any color to mean light or dark. So, Claro, you can put on the end of any quality to mean light. For example, a full claro means light blue or school is the word. You can put on the end of any color to mean dark, so off school minutes dark a thorn or school dark blue. The colors that end in an O can be made feminine by replacing the oh, within a just like with normal adjectives. So Rojo becomes rock in the feminine negative becomes negative. I marry you becomes a Maria Blanco becomes Blanca. The other colors don't have a separate feminine version. So Marrone is brown. Whether you're talking about a masculine or feminine object, 100. Spanish Clothes a Unisex: la ropa close la ropa mi six Unisex clothing whenever eagle a coat when subject dollar a raincoat sobre total literally means above everything. On top of everything is there is a court that you put on top of everything to protect from the rain and sorry, daughter on a jacket, a jacket. We're not bottom up a ski jacket or anorak. Do not come, he said. A T shirt, you know, spent alone is some trousers who knows about Kato's some genius in Banyat. A bathing suit, you know, spent alone. Escort owes some shores. Who knows? Castle Penis, some socks, you know, sir. Patios. So shoes. No, stay knees. Some trainers and that's about us. Some boots Una sandia's some sandals B comma, some pajamas, some slippers you sweat there a jumper when pull over there. A sweat shit on here. See Jay Z 101. Spanish Clothes b Men and Women's clothes: Laurrapin The armory. Men's clothing intracity a month. You una smoking a tuxedo, a shit in blessing a sports jacket. We're not quite about them a tie when quarterback. 102. Spanish Clothes c Jewellery: LA for area the jewelry Una or Kia? A hacker Trump Indian. An earring? Oh, yeah, A necklace one called Dante A pendant. Um brought a broach one friend that door A pin. Now go have a quarterback. A tie clip in Brazil It a bracelet When Apple Sarah edifice A charm bracelet. Morello a watch. Well, not monk with me. Us some cufflinks when I knew the compromise. So an engagement ring when a New York The math Ramona A wedding ring when a New York A ring the Plata silver or literally off silver and they order gold off gold. 103. Spanish Clothes d Miscellaneous: below. So potatoes the very source Miscellaneous objects A needle when brought on abortion. Al quaida, you the color El al golden the cotton like Ramayana The Zip L l o the thread 1/4 down a shoe lace Antti Raanta a thin strap una Korea destruct when I makina the course there a sewing machine. La manga the sleeve one ball CEO a pocket l Velcro, the Velcro the trick some knitting needles Lallana the wall. 104. Spanish Clothes e Accessories: Los Access Oreos. The accessories in sombrero. A hot nothing. A ribbon Who knows in gabfest? Some glasses when asked Gaffe us this old some of sunglasses. We'll never find that a scarf in child for sure will not ban your later. A head scarf or and naked chief on Manuel. A handkerchief who knows one. Test some gloves you not meet Onus. Some mittens in vcenter on a belt you not got data. A wallet, unmonitored, a purse, one bold a handbag. Una Mattila a backpack palatine a briefcase When Barack Aguas an umbrella for rain but umbrella for sun or a parasol, The word by Aguas is really a shortened version off Batta Agua, which literally means for water and about a soul, is the merging together off the words Batter Soul, which means for soon Ed McAfee the makeup and pair for me. The perfume when I go rather baseball a baseball cap when Abu Lina Abery you know, still on this some braces when a Takita de pronto a cardigan poncho, a poncho, intel, echo alcohol, chado, a body woman 105. Spanish Materials a Wood: least a day materialise list of materials de Madera in would literally off would de Madera Dora in hardwood. They at least so in older, the Fresno in ash They've also in both they hire in beach They are middle in birch, the mad, irritable in boxwood They seriously in cherry The cast on you in chestnut they ever in ebony the Madeira the only in elm, the Madeira, the kalba in mahogany day Madeira They are still in Maple de Madera. They're ugly in oak, the Paris Andrew in Rosewood Basic Amaro in signal the Cheka Antique the my Bear den Ogle in won't de Madera Blanda in softwood this central in Cedar the Madeira. They are big toe unfair. The Madeira, the Pena in pine. This is Korea in redwood the Madeira the technical in you that the CIA in Spruce 106. Spanish Materials b Plastic ^0 Metal: the plastic. Oh, in plastic or literally off. Plus did the police did Elena in polystyrene. Then I alone in nylon de Goma in Rubber de Latics in later Metallica, in metal or literally metallic Nicole Berry in copper, they plumb in lead. Then you can in nickel, they think in Think there are several garavani saddle galvanized day yarrow in iron. They're settle in steel. They alamin you in 11 years they over Lata in 10. The odle in gold The Latina in platinum May Plata in silver they brought in state In Bruns They latin in breath. They are cero in oxy, lovely in stainless steel. 107. Spanish Materials c Textiles: Dallas Textiles Day Lana Inwood. They all go down in cotton. The feel true in felt Necati media in Kashmir. And they say that in silk the canyon in the hemp that there's your fellow in velvet they propel in paper the cartoon in cardboard There are also in satin. They are a P era in hasty in the acrylic. Oh, in a critic, they nylon in nylon, delicata in spandex, the quero in leather. 108. The Happy Linguist: If you would like some hints and tips on how to make the most out of these courses on how to accelerate your language learning, you can read through my articles on my blawg called The Happy Linguist. I have written almost 400 articles on their full of ideas to keep learning a language fresh and exciting, and I'm constantly updating it with new articles. For example, you can listen to some foreign language songs that I have translated into English. For you, this is always a great way of learning new vocabulary. You can find lots of foreign language films and books that I recommend, or you can find extra language and grammar points that reinforce the content you've been learning in my three minute languages courses. So if you want to read all my articles for free, just head to my blawg at www 0.3 minute dot club forward slash bloke. As well as being able to read hundreds of articles on my block, you can sign up to my mailing list. Andi. You'll get a message sent straight to your inbox to let you know whenever I publish new articles or publish new courses so w w w 0.3 minute dot club forward slash blawg is where you can find the happy linguist. I hope you enjoy unhappy learning. 109. Vocabulary Expansion Sheets: throughout all the three minute languages courses your here you mention vocabulary expansion sheets quite a lot. What? These are our lists of topics. Specific vocabulary. Each sheet has a theme. For example, food numbers, places to visit clothes, colors, etcetera. To make it easier for you to find all these vocabulary expansion sheets, I've included a page on my website where you can download all the sheets from all the courses for free. If you go to www 0.3 minute dot club, you will find a link at the top of the page that says vocabulary expansion sheets. If you click that link, you will be taken to a page with all the sheets from all the courses for all the languages that I teach. So I just had to www 0.3 minutes. Doc Club Thank you and happy learning.