3 Minute Spanish - Course 2 | Language lessons for beginners | Kieran Ball | Skillshare

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3 Minute Spanish - Course 2 | Language lessons for beginners

teacher avatar Kieran Ball, Learn a language in 3-minute chunks

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction: A reminder of the 3 Minute Spanish method


    • 2.

      Restaurant | Part 1


    • 3.

      Restaurant | Part 2


    • 4.

      Restaurant | Part 3


    • 5.

      Restaurant | Part 4


    • 6.

      Restaurant | Part 5


    • 7.

      Restaurant | Part 6


    • 8.

      Restaurant | Part 7


    • 9.

      Restaurant | Part 8


    • 10.

      Three useful verbs | Part 1


    • 11.

      Three useful verbs | Part 2


    • 12.

      Three useful verbs | Part 3


    • 13.

      Three useful verbs | Part 4


    • 14.

      Three useful verbs | Part 5


    • 15.

      Three useful verbs | Part 6


    • 16.

      Three useful verbs | Part 7


    • 17.

      Hiring for a day, a week, a month | Part 1


    • 18.

      Hiring for a day, a week, a month | Part 2


    • 19.

      Hiring for a day, a week, a month | Part 3


    • 20.

      Hiring for a day, a week, a month | Part 4


    • 21.

      Hiring for a day, a week, a month | Part 5


    • 22.

      Hiring for a day, a week, a month | Part 6


    • 23.

      Hiring for a day, a week, a month | Part 7


    • 24.

      Hiring for a day, a week, a month | Part 8


    • 25.

      Hiring for a day, a week, a month | Part 9


    • 26.

      Talking about money | Part 1


    • 27.

      Talking about money | Part 2


    • 28.

      Talking about money | Part 3


    • 29.

      Talking about money | Part 4


    • 30.

      Talking about money | Part 5


    • 31.

      Talking about money | Part 6


    • 32.

      Talking about money | Part 7


    • 33.

      Talking about money | Part 8


    • 34.

      Talking about money | Part 9


    • 35.

      Breakfast, lunch and dinner | Part 1


    • 36.

      Breakfast, lunch and dinner | Part 2


    • 37.

      Breakfast, lunch and dinner | Part 3


    • 38.

      Breakfast, lunch and dinner | Part 4


    • 39.

      Breakfast, lunch and dinner | Part 5


    • 40.

      Breakfast, lunch and dinner | Part 6


    • 41.

      Breakfast, lunch and dinner | Part 7


    • 42.

      Breakfast, lunch and dinner | Part 8


    • 43.

      Breakfast, lunch and dinner | Part 9


    • 44.

      Telling the time | Part 1


    • 45.

      Telling the time | Part 2


    • 46.

      Telling the time | Part 3


    • 47.

      Telling the time | Part 4


    • 48.

      Telling the time | Part 5


    • 49.

      Telling the time | Part 6


    • 50.

      Telling the time | Part 7


    • 51.

      Telling the time | Part 8


    • 52.

      Telling the time | Part 9


    • 53.

      Telling the time | Part 10


    • 54.

      Telling the time | Part 11


    • 55.

      Telling the time | Part 12


    • 56.

      Ordering a taxi | Part 1


    • 57.

      Ordering a taxi | Part 2


    • 58.

      Ordering a taxi | Part 3


    • 59.

      Ordering a taxi | Part 4


    • 60.

      Ordering a taxi | Part 5


    • 61.

      Ordering a taxi | Part 6


    • 62.

      Ordering a taxi | Part 7


    • 63.

      Ordering a taxi | Part 8


    • 64.

      Ordering a taxi | Part 9


    • 65.

      The verb "to go" and some prepositions | Part 1


    • 66.

      The verb "to go" and some prepositions | Part 2


    • 67.

      The verb "to go" and some prepositions | Part 3


    • 68.

      The verb "to go" and some prepositions | Part 4


    • 69.

      The verb "to go" and some prepositions | Part 5


    • 70.

      The verb "to go" and some prepositions | Part 6


    • 71.

      The verb "to go" and some prepositions | Part 7


    • 72.

      The verb "to go" and some prepositions | Part 8


    • 73.

      The verb "to go" and some prepositions | Part 9


    • 74.

      The verb "to go" and some prepositions | Part 10


    • 75.

      Booking a room | Part 1


    • 76.

      Booking a room | Part 2


    • 77.

      Booking a room | Part 3


    • 78.

      Booking a room | Part 4


    • 79.

      Booking a room | Part 5


    • 80.

      Booking a room | Part 6


    • 81.

      Booking a room | Part 7


    • 82.

      Booking a room | Part 8


    • 83.

      Booking a room | Part 9


    • 84.

      En El Hotel


    • 85.

      Tourist Attractions


    • 86.

      Places of Worship


    • 87.

      Essential places and transport


    • 88.



    • 89.

      The Happy Linguist


    • 90.

      Vocabulary Expansion Sheets


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About This Class

Hello and welcome to “3 Minute Spanish” The aim of this course is to make Spanish accessible to anybody regardless of age, educational background or "aptitude" for learning.

My method for teaching Spanish is simple but effective. It works for anybody, no matter what your requirements. I have been teaching foreign languages for over ten years and I’ve taught a wide range of students of all ages and backgrounds, including students with learning difficulties, so I know my method is accessible to absolutely anyone, with no exception.

With this course, it’s almost as if you have your very own language tutor at your beck and call. Take it with you wherever you are and have a quick listen to one of the lessons whenever you find yourself with three minutes to spare. You will be amazed at how much your language skills will develop after just a few minutes a day of study. You will start to learn the Spanish language in a simple, logical and fun way.

You will learn a variety of words that you will learn to put together to form sentences that will be useful in any visit to Spain or Latin America, and you'll learn how to put the words together to form sentences, saying exactly what you want.

There is ample opportunity throughout the course to practise what you've learnt, and structured repetition ensures you'll never forget what you've learnt.


Once you have completed this course, if you would like to learn more Spanish using the same method, you can find courses 1 to 5 on SkillShare. Here are the links:

3 Minute Spanish – Course 1

3 Minute Spanish – Course 2

3 Minute Spanish – Course 3

3 Minute Spanish – Course 4

3 Minute Spanish – Course 5


Additionally, I have a series of Spanish courses called “Building Structures”. These courses use the same method found in the 3 Minute Spanish courses, but they focus on building fluency by looking at the different structures of the Spanish language. I recommend starting these courses once you’ve completed up to 3 Minute Spanish – Course 3, and then you can work through both series simultaneously. Here are the links for the Building Structures in Spanish courses on SkillShare:

Building Structures in Spanish – Structure 1

Building Structures in Spanish – Structure 2

Building Structures in Spanish – Structure 3


Finally, if you want to explore the Spanish language even further, I have some Spanish grammar courses available. I’ve used the same method in these courses as I have in the other courses, so hopefully you’ll find them fun and interesting

Spanish Grammar – Quick Guide – Verbs 1


If you would like to learn a different language, I have the same courses above available in French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch. Just head to my SkillShare profile page to find them all: https://www.skillshare.com/user/3minutelanguages


Happy learning

Meet Your Teacher

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Kieran Ball

Learn a language in 3-minute chunks


Hello, I'm Kieran and I'm a language tutor based in the UK. I have created a series of online courses that you can use to learn to speak French, Spanish, German, Italian and Portuguese. (I also have some English and math courses)

3 Minute Languages series

3 Minute French - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7 | Course 8 | Course 9 | Course 10 | Course 11 | Course 12 | Course 13 | Course 14 | Course 15 | Course 16

3 Minute Spanish - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7

3 Minute Italian - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7

3 Minute German - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6

3 Minute Portuguese - ... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: A reminder of the 3 Minute Spanish method: Allah e v en minutos. Hello and welcome to three Minutes Spanish course to Before you start this course, I recommend you go to the last part off the last lesson in course, one to make sure that you are familiar with all the words and phrases that we learned in that course, as we'll be using them a lot throughout this course to this course is set out in the same way as the last course was, and you can complete it in three minute trunks and go at your own pace. Remember that if you keep your learning to just three minute chunks, then you'll maintain motivation. It would be easier for it's become a habit. Andi. You'll find you'll learn the vocabulary much more effectively for more hints and tips on how to improve your language learning. By using this cost, you can go to my website. Www 0.3 minutes DOC Club on dure. Find a link at the top of the page called The Happy Linguist. This is a free online magazine that I've created that you can get sent straight to your email inbox every month. Andi. It's full of hints and tips on how to improve your language. Learning all the information you need to sign up to this free magazine is on my website happy leaning grasses. 2. Restaurant | Part 1: Now let's start this lesson with a quick recap off the words and phrases we learned at the end of the last course. How do you say in Spanish? Good evening when I started this Goodbye. Have us? Hello. Hola. Good day. Windows D s. See you soon, Estella. Wiggle. Good morning. When it's DS and good night, We're not notice. Here's your first word in Spanish for this course. La Quinta, La Quinta. It means the bill. La Quinta. So how would you say in Spanish? I would like the Bill Chiaro, la Quinta, Kierra, La Quinta. Or how would you say I would like my bill Chiaro me Quint. Kiyomi Quinta. How are you saying Spanish? The bill is for him. Black wind, ice parallel. La quinta s para ill. Here's a phrase you might be able to work out the meaning off una Botta day una Botta day It means a bottle off una bota They so you know what they are means a bottle And the little word day means off una Botta day a bottle off. So how do you think you're to say in Spanish? And you might need your food vocabulary expansion sheet that we got in the last course to work out this one. A bottle of wine. Una Botta Davino. We're not Marta Davina. So how would you say I would like a bottle of wine Chiaro? When About a a Davina Chiaro? When? About a a Davina. So vino means wine? How would you say I would like two bottles of wine, please? Chiara knows about a US Navy. No, por favor Chiaro. Does Portes and Davina portable. So you know what they are? Means A bottle. How would you say in Spanish? The bottle. La botella. Labbadia. How would you say the bottle of wine? Labutta? Davina, Labutta, Davina. 3. Restaurant | Part 2: so, you know, know that El vino means the wine. El vino. It's a masculine word. El vino. How would you say I would like the wine Chiaro el vino Kierra Aravena. So, in this lesson, so far we've had La Quinta, which means the bill Una about a and A meaning a bottle off una bota Davino. A bottle of wine. Andi El vino, The wine. I want to say the wine is delicious. El Nino s delicioso. El Nino s Delicioso. Well, how would you say the wine is very good And you know s mood winner El Vino with my boy. Well, having to say the Wyness for me, El vino espera me. El Nino s para me. However, saying Spanish, I think the wine is always very good here. But on me, if you know a CMP removed when Rocky but a me el vino a CMP removed monarchy. We'll have any say. My wine is terrible. Me Veena s terribly. Maybe no s terribly. You know most of this next phrase Una marta the agua una bota de agua. It means a bottle of water. When I got there, the Angbwa so Allah in Spanish means water. You know what they are They? Our So we've had so far. La Quinta. Meaning the bill. You know, about a a day, a bottle off una Botta Davino. A bottle of wine. El vino. Meaning the wine and one about their They agua a bottle of water Have the same Spanish. The bottle of water. La bota de Agua lab out there. They have one. Or how would you say I would like a bottle of water, please? Chiaro going about their day. And what portable Chiaro you know about a at the Agua Potable? 4. Restaurant | Part 3: Well, how would you say I would like a bottle of water for the table, please? Chiaro when about a at the Agua battle. I messed up Tierro. Or how would you say the bottle of water for me, please? Liberte de agua Para mi, Por favor. Here's a useful little question free that you can use Quanta s cuenta ways. It means How much is it? Quanta s. Firstly, let me just point out that in Spanish, every question starts with an upside down question. Mark says what? That is at the start. Secondly, you can use Quantum s by itself to simply mean How much is it? However, you can also put it in front of things to mean. How much is, for example, quanta s elbow? You means How much is the chicken or Quanta s una Botta? How much is a bottle? So Quantum s How much is or how much is it? How would you say in Spanish? How much is the chicken? Quanta s elbow. You cuantos help all you Or how would you say? How much is the pizza? Cuantos Like pizza? Cuantos s la pizza. How would you say in Spanish? How much. Is the wine here? Quanta ways? Elvin, Wacky Cuantos 11 Iraqi Or how you say, How much is that? Cuantos eso? Quinto eso his youthful word in Spanish. Caradon Paragon, It means Excuse me, Caradon. So I would say Excuse me, How much is the wine? Let alone quantify Savino. Paradorn Quanta SLV? No. Or how to say Excuse me, I would like the bill, Please. Beldon Carolla Cuenta por favor, Paradorn Carolla cuenta por 5. Restaurant | Part 4: How would you say in Spanish? Excuse me. How much is a bottle of water? Beldon. Quanta weighs one about a agua Beldon. Cuando es una bota de agua. So so far in this lesson, we've had La Quinta, which means the bill, you know, about a and A meaning. A bottle of una Marta Davino. A bottle of wine. El vino. Meaning the wine. You know what they are? The agua. Meaning? A bottle of water. L I want the water. When boys. Which could mean how much is it or how much is? And Caroline meaning? Excuse me. So you've learned quite a few words and phrases in this lesson. Let's practice them with some translations. How do you say the following in Spanish? I'd like two bottles of wine, please. Zero. Does Proteus. Davina, por favor. Chiaro Does. Proteus. Davina Performer. Excuse me. I would like the bill. Please. Caradon Kierra la cuenta. Por favor. Paradorn. Care La cuenta por favor. How much is a bottle of water? Quanta ways. Una bota de agua. Quando is one about a A de agua. I'd like a bottle of wine. Please. Chiaro, when I will stay on Davina Porter. fellow Chiaro Monomotapa Davina Porter. How much of it Kwan toys Quantum with the bill is for him. La Quinta is Burrell La Quinta espera ill. I would like two bottles of water. Please. Chiaro No Spartacus. And they Agua por favor. Pierro nose. Proteus. The Agua. Por favor. How much is a table for three people? Kwan toys when I mess up a dress personas Quando is when I mess up a trespass on us. 6. Restaurant | Part 5: I would like my bill. Please. Kierra me cuenta por Chiaro me cuenta por favor. How much is the chicken here? Cuantos Alpo. Iraqi quanta ways Lpo, Iraqi. Now let's do some reverse translations from Spanish into English. What did these Spanish sentences mean in English? Kiyomi cuenta Por favor. Kierra Meek went up with a board. I would like my bill. Please. La Quinta Isparta. Me, La Quinta Isparta. Me. The bill is for me. Belen. Quanta West on about a a Davina Rocky Beldon Quanta ways Una Botta Davina Rocky. Excuse me. How much is a bottle of wine here? La Quinta Portable. Eloquent. That part of the border. The bill, please. Quanta ways when a makes up about trespass on us Quanta ways When I missed a para tres personas How much is a table for three people? Quantum with me cuenta Quanta Esmie, Quinta How much is my bill? Quanta ways. When a mesa DSP is on us Quanta ways. When I mess up. But at the S Paris on us. How much of the table for 10 people quantifies la Quinta? Cuantos la Quinta. How much is the Bill Carolla cuenta por favor Chiaro cuenta por favor. I like the bill. Please me cuenta por favor me Quinta Portable My bill, please. Now let's do some recap. Translations to incorporate all the words and phrases ballooned in the last course as well . How do you say in Spanish? The restaurant is fantastic. El Restaurante is fantastical in a restaurant is fantastical. 7. Restaurant | Part 6: Yes, it's very good. C s and win win C s move. Bueno. No, that isn't for her. No eso knows better. Yeah, No eso noise Berjaya, It isn't very good for her noise. My bueno para yeah noise My brain Upadhaya it's for him. Is Brian It's better end. It's for me. It's better. Me? Yes, but I mean id like a reservation for two people. Please. Chiaro, Inara Serra. But those personas pulled Chiaro Monastery Paradox personas por favor It's absolutely delicious. It's absolutely mental. Delicioso It's absolutely mental. Delicioso, I think the restaurant is fantastic. Para Mi el restaurante is fantastical para mi el restaurante is fantastical. My hotel is perfect. Me 0 10 s perfecter mule 10 is perfect. And now let's do some Spanish to English recap. Translations have to say in English. See, para me is fantastic. Lucky. See, para me is fantastic. Rocky. Yes, I think it's fantastic here. A si m ply even busted wacky SCM freight. Fantastic, Rocky. It's always fantastic. Here s O s bottom me A saucepan on me That is for me. It's absolutely mental. Extraordinary, Rocky. It's absolutely mental. Extraordinary, wacky. It's absolutely extraordinary. Here 8. Restaurant | Part 7: meatball Your estate dreamily Meatball U s terribly. My chicken is terrible. It's fantastical, It's fantastical, It's fantastic. But I Me a restaurant s moved win. But I me a restaurant? Yes, my bueno. I think the restaurant is very good. No, para me Gracias. No Para me Gracias. Not for me. Thank you. Noise More bueno para noise. And we bueno para Yeah, It isn't very good for her. It's more Presidio sake. It's my precio sake. It's very beautiful here. Now let's recap all the words and phrases we've learned so far and Spanish. How do you say a reservation? We're not a set of a goodbye. Have you us? It is IHS Absolutely, absolutely meant a coffee. Um coffee. Everything daughter. The restaurant l A restaurant is IHS very my, my me or miss that Eso Good night When I notice the hotel l hotel Nice Seem practical. Two people Those personas, the food Kamina It isn't noise. Isn't North boat battle? Yes. See 9. Restaurant | Part 8: perfect perfecter here. Lucky a T, wouldn't they? The water. A lengua, The bill. La Quinta a carrot Una Sana. Odiah Whole thing. Some gin for here, But yeah. Excuse me. Better done. A banana in black. Done. Extraordinary. Extraordinary. Oh, delicious Delisi. Also the and la los less the wine, if you know Oh, son, the chicken. And for you, I would like key. It'll beautiful. No, no. A bottle of water. You know what day of the agua? The pizza? La pizza. See you soon, Acela Wiggle. That is It's choice. Good Bueno. Always see MPRI everybody Telemundo for him. But in terrible Terry Millie for me. Out of me. How much is it? Kwan toys. Fantastic. Fantastical. Hello. Hola. A bottle of wine. You know what they are? Davino and e. Thank you. Yes. Yes. Good evening. When I started this A table when I miss that aunt. No, son. Uh, own una please. 45 Order, I think, But I me 10. Three useful verbs | Part 1: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap off the words and phrases we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in Spanish? A bottle una bota. How much is it? Guan Toys. Excuse me, Better don the water El agua, The Bill La Quinta. A bottle of wine. When about they are they've, you know, a bottle of water you know about a at the agua, the wine. Alina, here's your first word in Spanish for this lesson. It's a verb probe are crowbar. It means to try probe are I've put the to in brackets in to try this is because in English , sometimes the verb is to try Andi all the time is we simply say try for example. Look at the two sentences in English on the screen. I would like to try the wine, but then can I try the wine? Sometimes you say to sometimes you don't in English. This is an English thing that doesn't change anything in Spanish. In Spanish, you always just say probe are whether you mean try or to try put about. So how would you say I would like to try the Wine Chiao provider and you know Kierra provided Well, how would you say I would like to try the cheese Keilar Oprah Bar El Caso Kierra provided guests. Here's your next word in Spanish. Puedo twiddle. It means can I puedo So how would you say? Can I try the wine Puerto provided Aravena whether probable Veena Well, how would you say? Can I try the cheese? Where the provider guests Puerto per barrel Kessel How would you say I would like to try that please? Kierra provider s so profound. Kierra provider s support the phrase pueblo means can I? But it can also mean May I in Spanish is no difference between can I And may I? You always say puerile. So how would you say, May I try that where the probably Puerto provide eso? 11. Three useful verbs | Part 2: Here's another verb for you to use in Spanish. My God, my God, it means to pay pagar again. I've put the two in brackets because sometimes you're saying in English pay Sometimes you say to pay been in Spanish It's always bad guys now in Spanish you don't pay for something you simply pay. What I mean by that is that you don't have to use the word patter with pagar like we do in English. For example, if you want to say I would like to pay for the wine but in Spanish to say I would like to pay the wine Chiaro pagar el vino They haven't got to say pay for in Spanish Always just say pay would just back out. So how would you say, can I pay for the coffees? Puerto pack Carlos cafes Puedo Carlos cafes. So in this lesson, so far we've had probe are which means to try or try 20 Which means can I or May I and Paige are meaning to pay or just pay or to pay for How would you say, May I pay for the wine? Puerto Pagar is you know Puerto Pagar Trevino. Well, how would you say? I would like to pay the Bill Chiaro pagar la Quinta Chiaro Pagar la Quinta How would you say in Spanish? I would like to pay my bill Chiaro pagar me Quint Chiaro pagar me Quint I'll give you a final VEB for this lesson. I said Asser means to make or just make us there. You don't plants the page don't forget in Spanish. So we say us there. So I said a means to make and I said that it's your final verb. Well, what is a verb? All these verbs that I've been given to you in this lesson start with two. And so we say, to try to pay to make. That's because in English, all verbs can have a two in front of them in Spanish. You'll notice these words always end in the letter R. So prove our was to try pagar to pay a sir to make How would you say in Spanish? Can I make a reservation? Puebla's There were not a set of where the West there were not a set of a 12. Three useful verbs | Part 3: Or how would you say I would like to make a reservation. Kierra west. Dare una reserva chiao I said we're not I said of a how would you say, May I make a reservation for three people? Please? Puedo estar una reserva para tres personas. Poor fellow. Where the west There You never sirve para tres personas. Poor fellow. Well, how would you say I would like to make a reservation for eight people? Glocer, munera, sirve para otra personas? Kira was there another server or two personas? So we've had now probe are meaning to try puedo meaning? Can I? Oh, may I pagar meaning to pay or to pay for on a scale meaning to make. So we've added a few verbs to our Spanish vocabulary. Let's practice them by putting them together into son sentences. How do you say in Spanish? I would like to try that please. Kierra provider s support. Kierra provide s support. Can I try the wine? Whether probe are Aravena? Where the provider vino Can I make a reservation? Whether I said we're not a set of a where the was there were not a set of a I would like to make a reservation. Kierra s there were not. I said about Kierra. Assad will not A set of a Can I make a reservation for three people? Please? Puedo estar una sirve para dress personas. Por favor Puerto. Was there another set of a characterise personas? Poor fellow. Can I pay for the coffee? Puerto pagar El coffee Puerto pagar El caffeine Can I try the cheese please? Puerto provide a guest support for more Where the provider lk stop. 13. Three useful verbs | Part 4: May I try the chicken, please? Puerto provided a poor you poor whether provided help for your perfect Can I pay here The pain Got a key Puerto pagar aqui Can I pay the bill? Please? Puerto pagar la cuenta por favor Puerto Pagar La cuenta por favor. Now let's do some reverse translations. What do these Spanish sentences mean in English? Where the probably support Where the robot s support. Can I try that, please? Chiaro pagar Eloquent Chiaro Pagar la cuenta por favor. I'd like to pay the bill, please. Was there another sirve para tres personas? Powerful or weather? Was there not a set of a para tres personas? Poor floor. Can I make a reservation for three people, please? Forever probable A pizza! Portable? Where? The pro bottle a pizza Portable. Can I try the pizza, please? Puerto pagar Ottavino Puerto pagar El vino Can I pay for the wine? Where the pagan coffee? Where the pagar el trophy Can I pay for the coffee Chiaro Pagar El vino. Por favor Kierra pack Aravena por favor. I'd like to pay for the wine Please Puerto Provocative. You know, whether provided, you know Can I try the wine 14. Three useful verbs | Part 5: Kierra provide a guest. Kierra providing guests. I'd like to try the cheese. Whether pagar la Quinta portable Puerto pagar La Quinta. Provo. Kind of pay the bill, please. What we'll do now? Awesome Recap Translations to incorporate all the words and phrases we've learned in all the previous lessons. How do you say in Spanish? I think the restaurant is fantastic. Para mi el restaurante is fantastical para mi el restaurante is fantastical. I think it's delicious. Boromir still. But Im E s Delicioso. Everything is perfect. Dolorous Perfecto! Toto is perfect. Hello. I'd like a table for three people. Please. Allah Chiaro, when I mess up a dress personas perfect Allah Caro una mesa para tres personas. Por favor, The chicken is delicious. L Ponyo s Delicioso. Alpo s Delicioso. It's always very good here. SCMP, Moorwen! Rocky SCM plate would win. Rocky, It isn't fantastic noise, Fantastical noise. Fantastical A table for five, please. When I make a passing couple when I mess up But a syncope unfold My pizza is fantastic. Me pizzas fantastical me. Pizza is fantastic. 15. Three useful verbs | Part 6: that isn't good for him. Eso noise. Bueno Parallel. Eso no es bueno. Parallel. Now let's do some Spanish to English Recap. Translations. What do these Spanish sentences mean in English? North Burrell s para area noise para en espa area. It isn't for him. It's for her better known Chiaro cafe por favor. Better known here. Don't want cafe por favor. Excuse me, I'd like a coffee please. Is more policy also a key? It's more Press your sake. It's very beautiful here. Mere 10 s moved Window Mutale Asthma Bueno. My hotel is very good in a restaurant. Hockey is fantastical in a restaurant. Jackie is fantastical. The restaurant here is fantastic. A c m Premont Buena SCM parade Move. Bueno. It's always very good. Misano areas son Perfect us Misano areas some perfect us. My character. Perfect key. I don't have a set of a part of the vote Chiaro not a set of a port for border id. Like a reservation, please. At the U S. E s. And we go have your say yes and illegal. Goodbye and see you later. It's simply fantastic. Wacky A C m pre fantastic. Rocky. It's always fantastic. Here Now let's recap all the words and phrases we've learned so far. How do you say in Spanish for me? But I mean goodbye at the orthe a bottle of water. You know what they are? They are. 16. Three useful verbs | Part 7: everything though, though for him but in always see Empoli Uh coun una the water a lot. See you soon. I said a wiggle. Everybody told Telemundo the restaurant A restaurant. Delicious. Delicioso it is IHS, please Fortified border Very my I would like Kierra the feared LaCalamita terrible there. Really? The and law Los less and e a reservation? We're not I said about a table. You know, Mr Nice Sim practical for here, but a Yeah. No, no, The pizza La pizza, I think. But I mean my me, Mees to pay for my God. It isn't noise. Good night. When it's not this, can I or may I? Puedo, How much is it? Quinn? Toys. The hotel l hotel. Fantastic. Fantastical. A carrot Una Sana Odiah. Excuse me. Better known boat battle, that is It's always the bill. La Quinta. Hello, Allah. Perfect. Perfect. Yes. See the chicken? L poor you. Absolutely. Absolutely Meant to try Pretty bad. Uh, son, Extraordinary. Extraordinary. Oh, a banana one platinum that eso to make. I said thank you. And grass. Yes. Also Tambien here lucky two people. Those Paris on us a t one day is IHS the wine El vino. Good window, Aunt. No, son, isn't noise beautiful? But I see also. Good evening. When I started this a coffee, Um coffee. A bottle of wine when I bought a Ah, they've, you know. 17. Hiring for a day, a week, a month | Part 1: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap of the words and phrases we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in Spanish to pay? I got to make a se to try provide and can I or may I wait'll Let's add another verb to your growing collection. I'll kill our Al Kilar means to hire or to rent Al Kilar. So how would you say in Spanish? How much is it to hire that quanta ways? Al Kilar s o Cuando with calculus? Or how would you say I would like to hire that Chiaro alky Larry So Chiaro Al Kilar s o. How would you say in Spanish? Can I hire that Puerto while calories? So Puerto Al Kilar s o Or how would you say, Can I hire that for two people, please? Where the calculus Oprah, Those person Puerto al Kilar s o para las personas purple. Now let's look at something that you could hire NCAA to. For example, Moon Court means a car soon. So how would you say in Spanish? I would like to hire a car Chiaro al killer in court Chiaro Alcala in court. The sea hate sound in Spanish is not nearly as harsh as it is in English. So the church in English is more to so corte rather than Karachi. It's less harsh. Tokyo Al killer in court. Or how would you say, Can I hire a car? Puerto Alcala in court Portable Qwilleran court. Well, how would you say I would like a car for five people key? Everyone quotes a para cinco personas Chiaro unquote para cinco personas. What about the car is perfect. L quota is perfect. El Corte is perfect. How would you say? I think the car is very good, but I mean Alkorta s moved winner, but a me El Cortes more bueno. 18. Hiring for a day, a week, a month | Part 2: Or how would you say the car is perfect for five people? L coaches perfecto para cinco personas El Corte is perfecto para cinco personas. Here's a useful phrase in Spanish Una semana wanna say Mina, It means a week or one week una semana one week. And if you put a little word poor in front of this poor una semana what that means for one week, so poor Una semana means for one week or for a week. Poor una semana. We've already seen that the Spanish word for four is para like Para mi para el and para area. However, when you want to use four in front off a length of time, you can use a different word for four. And that is Porter. So for a week is poor una semana Chiaro. El corte por una semana means I would like the car for one week so poor una semana for one week. So most of the time, you can use Pata to mean for, However, when you're saying how long something is lasting for, then you use the word poor instead. So how would you say in Spanish? Can I hire a car for one week Puerto Al killer in court e por una semana weather will kill Adam Coach e por una semana. So far in this lesson, we've had al Kilar, which means to hire in quarter meaning a car una semana, which means a week or one week and then poor una semana for one week. And so the word poor use in front of any length of time. How would you say I would like a car for one week? Kierra unquote support una semana Kierra in Kochi port. Wanna say manner? Or how would you say, How much is it for one week? Cuantos poor Wanna say manner Cuando es por una semana? How would you say in Spanish? It's for one week s pore una semana esport una semana. 19. Hiring for a day, a week, a month | Part 3: I'm sure you will be able to guess what this phrase means. Those same on us does semanas It means two weeks those same on us se important s on the end of semana to get weeks Same on us So how would you say cannot hire a car for two weeks And so here the word for is in front of a length of time. So you'd have to use poor instead of Pata that cannot hire car for two weeks Puerto while Qwilleran Court reporter doze semanas Puerto Al Qwilleran Coty Porto semanas Or how would you say How much is it for two weeks? Quanta ways Poor low semanas Cuando es Bordeaux semanas Well, how are you saying Spanish? I would like to hire that for two weeks please. Kierra Wallkill RSO Porto Semen Chiaro Al killer s o Porto semanas Well, how would you say it's for two weeks? It's Porto Semanas s board O C minus in this next phrase is a little shorter than a week in India. India means a day or one day Mundia. So how would you say in Spanish? I'd like a car for one day, please, to the word four here in front of one day, while one day is a length of time, so the four would be poor rather than better. So I'd like a car for one day, please. Kierra in courtship or India. Poor fella Chiaro in court for the apple. So in this lesson, so far we've had Calculon, which means to hire or to rent. What? Meaning a car? Una semana? A week or one week? No semanas meaning two weeks Poor una semana. Which means for one week India, meaning a day or one day and then poor India for one day. So how would you say, How much is it for one day? Cuantos Poor India Cuando espero India Well, how would you say it's for one day? Esport India esport India How would you say in Spanish? Can I hire that for one day? Puerto calculus So poor India Puerto Calculus Oprah, India 20. Hiring for a day, a week, a month | Part 4: or how you say I would like the car for one day, please. Que era El Corte. Poor India. Port Kierra. Well, cortex for India, Poor. And so India is one day. So you can probably guess what this means. And those Diaz los dias means two days those ds So how would you say in Spanish? I would like to hire a car for two days. Chiaro Alcala in court a poor does ds Chiaro Alcala in court for Los dias? Or how would you say it's for two days s pore los dias s pore los dias? Or how would you say, How much is it for two days? Quanta ways. Poor lost? Yes, Quanta ways for those ideas. What about I would like the car for two days. Kierra El Corte Poor does ds Kierra Well, courting por los dias. Well, how would you say? Can I hire that for two days? Puerile. Can I? So poor Bosnia's Puerto Algal RSO pulled us Dia's And then this next word is a little longer than a week. One mess. One miss means a month or one month own mess. So how are you saying Spanish? It's for one month s pore in Miss Esport unmis Well, I want to say how much is it for one month? Cuantos pour une miss Cuentos pour une miss The word mess ends in letter s So to make it plural, you have to add an e s rather than just another rest. So two months in Spanish is Does Mrs does Mrs Two months? So how would you say I would like to hire the car for two months? Please? Kierra while Qwilleran Court poor does Mrs Portable Chiaro al killer Elko chip or does Mrs Perfect? 21. Hiring for a day, a week, a month | Part 5: Well, how would you say? How much is it for two months? Quanta ways bulldoze Mrs Cuentos. Poor loss, Mrs. So in this lesson, we've had calcula meaning to hire or to rent. Got a meaning? A car Una semana meaning one week or a week No se minus two weeks for una semana for one week India One day or a day? No. Cindy s two days for India means for one day June mess is one month or a month knows Mrs Means two months and then poor miss would be for one month. So it's time to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say in Spanish? I would like to hire a car. How much is it? Chiaro Ankiel unquote cuenta ways Chiaro Calculon courts cuenta ways. How much is it for eight days? Quando is poor photo. Dia's Cuando westport orto Dia's My car is terrible Me quota Is there legally Mico tester? Really? How much is it for two weeks? Cuantos Poor law semanas quanta ways Porto semanas Can I hire a cough with three weeks, please? Where they will kill Adam Corte portray semanas provide Puerto Alcala in court people trust Amanda's portable. Can I hire a car for three days, please? Where the ball Qwilleran. Corte. Poor tres dias, por favor. Puerto Algal are in court. A poor addressed the as portable. I would like to hire a car for one week. How much is it? Chiaro Al Kilogram coating por una semana cuenta ways Kierra well, qwilleran courtship or una semana cuenta ways. 22. Hiring for a day, a week, a month | Part 6: I'd like to hire a car for two weeks. How much is it? Kierra While kilogram coaching Porno semanas Kwan Toys Chiaro Calculon Corte Porto semanas Kwan Toys How much is it for? Nine days Cuantos Poor new ideas Quanta Westport Nueva Ideas I'd like to hire two cars Chiaro al Kill are those Courtis Chiaro Al Kilar? No scorchers. Now let's have a go at doing some reverse translations. How do you say these Spanish sentences in English Cuentos Poor safety Diaz Quanta Westport saves Diaz. How much is it for six days? Quanta, Westport. Cinco dias, Quanta Westport. Cinco dias. How much is it for five days? Puerto Al Calderon. Coach AKI Portable Philadanco. Jackie Kind of higher call here. Chiaro Al Kill are those courses Kira will kill? Are those coaches? I'd like to hire two cars. Chiaro Alky are in court here. Well, get out on court. I'd like to hire a call Kierra while Qwilleran coach A poor tres dias. Por favor Chiaro Alcala in court support dressed ds portable. I'd like to hire car for three days. Please. A quote says perfect. El Corte is perfect. The car is perfect. Micoach is terribly Mikati is terribly. My car is terrible. Quando is poor. No semanas Quando is pulled. Ozymandias. How much is it? For two weeks, Quanta Westport dressed Dia's Cuentos portrays Dia's How much is it for three days? 23. Hiring for a day, a week, a month | Part 7: what we'll do now are some recap translations to incorporate. The words and phrases be lent in all of the previous lessons. How do you say in Spanish? The restaurant here is fantastic. A restaurant a key is fantastical. El Restaurant Turkey is fantastical. The pizza is always terrible here. Llopis I see em pretty really lucky. La pizza SCM brittle Iraqi. I think it's very good here, but I mean, it's more Bouchenaki. But I mean, it's more Bernacchi. Everybody is nice here. Told Telemundo s impact. Clocky told Telemundo s impacted. Cocky. That isn't very good. It's a nice move. Bueno sa noise. My brain. Everything is perfect. So the perfecter dodo is perfect. Good evening. When I started this when I started this good day when I ds, when was the s? I'd like to make a reservation. Kierra Sara una sirve Kierra Asser. Not a set of a How much is my bill? Cuantos me Quinta. Quanta is me Quinta. Never do some Spanish to English Recap. Translations. What are these? Spanish? And this is mean in English. Mullah Kierra. When I mess up a trespass on as possible Allah Chiaro on a mesa para tres personas portable . Hello. I'd like a table for three people. Please. A low. Tell us more. The hotel is moved. Bueno. The hotel is very good. Noise Born lucky noise Born unlucky. It isn't good here. 24. Hiring for a day, a week, a month | Part 8: total Mondo s my simpatico total. Armando s my simpatico. Everybody is very nice. La pizza is perfect The pizza is perfecter. The pizza is perfect Kierra One about They are They are a part of the border. Kiev When about their the Agua Potable and like a bottle of water. Please. Kiyomi. Quaint Chiaro me cuenta por favor. I'd like my bill. Please. El poco a cmp Fantastic. Lucky El poco SCMP Fantastic! Wacky! The chicken is always fantastic here. Espera area. Yes, but area it's for her. El Restaurante is moved. Bueno A restaurant is smooth. Bueno The restaurant is very good. Now let's recap all the words we don't say far How do you say these in Spanish? That Yes, sir. Everybody total Mondo a banana one platinum. Good evening. When I started this one week when I say manner the food La comida my me or miss it is IHS for him But aid Can I may I pueblo is s isn't noise. That is It's always also tambien to make a se for me. But I mean beautiful but I see Officer Thank you. Ingress. Yes, 25. Hiring for a day, a week, a month | Part 9: nice simpatico. Two months knows Mrs Hello. Hola. Yes. See, delicious Nellis. He also a reservation. We're not I said about, uh, coun and una the wine. El vino. Fantastic. Fantastical. Excuse me. Better known. Perfect perfecter. Everything start, though. No, no. Terrible. Terry. Millie. The Bill. La Quinta. Here. A key a T, wouldn't they? The pizza la pizza. I would like key. It'll very my and e a table Una mesa. The restaurant, a restaurant, a bottle of water. When about Danny Agua Two people knows personas for one month. Pour une myths to pay for by God for her. But yeah, one month, one miss to try. Put all that a bottle of wine. You know what they are, Davina. Extraordinary. Extraordinary. Oh, goodbye. And yours the hotel l hotel. To hire or to rent Al Kilar. See you soon. Estella Radio. Two weeks. No se malas. Good night When it's not just the and la los or less How much is it? Quanta ways, I think. But I mean good win. Absolutely, absolutely mental. A car unquote please. Fortified border for one day for India. Always see mpri the water a lot. I'm no son for one week for when I say manner. Uh, son, A carrot una Sana area boat battle. It isn't noise. A coffee. One coffee. Two days? No, Cindy s one day India. The chicken elbow you. 26. Talking about money | Part 1: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap off the words and phrases we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in Spanish? Two weeks? No se Manase one day India to hire or to rent Al Kilar two days Not a DS. A car unquote two months knows Mrs one week Una se manner and one month one miss. Now this word is the same as the English, but it's just pronounced a little differently. A euros, a widow's means euros a orders, say pronounce the e like an A A and then the u A Or does. How would you say in Spanish? It's 10. Yours s knee s a rose. It's the essay orders. Well, how would you say the bill is 50 euros? La Quinta is saying Gwen Tighe Euros La Quinta is sin cuenta euros. Or how would you say it's one euro? So for this one, when it's your Oh, yes. Take the S off the end off euros as soon a total s one iota. The wine is 10 yours and we know s the s a rose. El Vino s in the essay orders more. How would you say in Spanish. It's five euros for one day. Is single euros for India? Is Cinco orders for India? This word goes nicely with euros sent. Imus centimos It means sense. Centimos. So there's an accident on the first e meaning of stress. That part sent Dimas meaning a sense. So how would you say in Spanish, it's 50 cents is same cuenta centimos a sink, Windows NT, Mohs? Or how would you say the bottle of water is 60 cents? La Motta the agua is sent. Ascent Dimas La Bota de Agua is centers and demos. Or how would you say it's 50 cents for a bottle of water s sin cuenta centimos por una bota de agua is sin cuenta centimos for what they are, they are. 27. Talking about money | Part 2: now the word poor we learned in the last lesson means four when you place it in front of a length of time, while it also has a second meaning poor can also mean per so you can use border to mean four or per with any of the time phrases we've learned so far. Here are a few examples Por dia is per day for India for one day. Poor knows Diaz for two days. Poor semana per week por una semen for one week. Poor those same on us for two weeks. Poor mess Pay month Pour une myths for one month Poor does mrs for two months even poor persona, which means per person. So poor means per Or it could mean for when you put it in front off a time freeze. So how would you say in Spanish? How much is it per day, Cuentos por Dia Cuentos por dia. So so far in this lesson, we've had a euros meaning euros, centimos, meaning sense and poor meaning pair. So how would you say in Spanish? It's 10 euros per week, S. D s. A. Or does Poor semana is the essay or those poor state manner? Or how would you say it's 50 or is per person a sin? Cuenta Eurosport persona a sin cuenta euros Poor person. Well, what about how much is the car per week? Cuantos Elko Cheap or Samana? Cuantos Alkorta. Poor Semana. His Your next word in Spanish own. Annual. An annual It means one year or a year. June on your whenever you see the after end with a little squiggle on it. Well, you pronounce it near, you'll see that's quite a lot in Spanish. It's called Matilda, and when you see it, if you imagine there's an invisible letter, why after it? Well, that tells you how to pronounce it. So annual is year. Espana means Spain Espanol, Spanish. So imagine there's an N, followed by a why whenever you see the n with a tilde and that's how you pronounce it. And in fact, the letter N U has where it's called N Ye is an extra letter in Spanish. So in the Spanish alphabet alphabet, there are 27 letters rather than 26 28. Talking about money | Part 3: June annual means a year. So how do you say in Spanish? It's 10 euros per year Is the s a auras? Peron, you S D s a or a sport on you. Oh, how would you say, How much is it per year? Quanta ways for annual cuantos poor on you? Or how would you say, How much is it for two years? Quite a ways poor does and use quanta ways. Pulido Sanyo's now the way the Spanish talk about how much something is is very similar to how we do it in English, usually in English. We only say the word your a for example, it's two euros, 50 a minute by the same sense. Well, this is the same in Spanish is no se or does seem Quinta means it's two euros. 50. You haven't got to say it's two euro 50 cents. Just a dossier arose Sin cuenta. On the other hand, you would use the word for sense. Santee Most if there were no your is involved, For example, it's 20 cents is meant dissent. Imus. However, this isn't set in stone, Andi. It just depends on who is speaking. One person might choose to say three euros. 20 Another might say three euros, 20 cents or another might say 3 20 Well, it's exactly the same in Spanish. Additionally, the way that money is written varies from place to place. These are the following ways that I've seen. Money written on price labels, the euro sign in front, the euro sign at the end, or the or sign in the middle. One thing that is the same wherever you go is that the Spanish use a comma instead of a decimal point and a decimal point instead of a comma. So that's why there's a comma in the prices three fifties or three comma 50 whereas in English we put three decimal 30.50 3000. Yours in Spanish will be written as three 0.0 whereas in English would put a comma in Spanish. They put a decimal point anyway. How would you say in Spanish? It's three euros. 50 IHS press euros sin cuenta a stress your sin cuenta Or how would you say it's 10 euros per week? S the S a or a sports A manner as the essay or does poor semana 29. Talking about money | Part 4: so so far in this lesson, we've had a Ordell's meaning euros, centimos, meaning sense. Poor. Which means pair. So we get poor Dia per day. Poor state, minor per week. Poor miss per month. Poor Paris Ana per person and we had own annual, which means one year Nathaniel's meaning two years and poor annual for you. So it's time to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say in Spanish? It's 60. Yours is sente a Oreos? Is sente yours? How would you say it's 81 euros? It's a gente Yoon Joo's. It's a Genta kun, a Oros. For these translations, you might need to use the vocabulary expansion sheet that you got in the last course for numbers. How do you say in Spanish? It's 50 cents. Essen Cuentas ante moose is sin cuenta centimos. Or how would you say it's 20 euros for two days? Is venta euros por Dios? Dia's is 20 euros. Bulldoze Dia's How would you say it's 53? Yours. It's sin cuenta Tres euros a sink wentai touristy orders. It's 83. Yours is your tent. I Tressa Euros is Potente address yours. It's 10 euros per bottle, S. D s a Oreos Portable Teya as the essay or is poor Bhatia It's 50 to yours. A sink windows eight euros as sin cuenta does a euros, it's 80 euros is a 10 euros. It's a temper. A or us. How would you say it's 30 euros per month? It's trained for euros. Poor Miss. It's Trent. I always poor miss. 30. Talking about money | Part 5: Now let's have a go doing some reverse translations. What did these Spanish sentences mean in English? Is went to uni orders is meant they won't a or us. It's 21 euros a sin cuenta Yoon a yours a sink went volume a woes. It's 51 euros. Essen. Quint. I use s sin cuenta euros. It's 50 orders s certain, doesn't. Demos is certain. Ascent, Imus. It's 70 cents s same. Quinta it dress of yours. A sin cuenta address a yours. It's 53 euros. It's strengthen a euros. Por mis a stranger a euros. Poor miss. It's 30 euros per month s vented. Also euros. It's vented. Also euros. It's 22 euros. If or 10 days or so Euros is a 10 titles a rose. It's 82 euros. It's a gentle, you know. Euros is a 10 billion euros. It's 81 euros. SSN tie euros as Santa euros. It's 60 euros. What we're gonna do now are some recap translations which will incorporate the words and phrases we learned in all the previous lessons. How do you say in Spanish? The food here is very good. Lacombe. Iraqi is more Buena Lacombe Iraqi s move Buena The bananas are very good. Los platinums, son, move Bueno's los platinum son Move Bueno's 31. Talking about money | Part 6: the chicken and the pizza are delicious. L po L A pizza Sunday CEO Seo's l Po l A Pizza Delicioso The pizza is delicious. La pizza is very Sosa. La pizza s Teresa Costa. I think the restaurant is fantastic, but a me A restaurant is fantastical para mi El restaurante is fantastical. That is perfect. S O s perfect. Eso is perfect. May I try the wine Puerto provided Aravena Where the provider vino. I think everybody is very nice. Para Mi told Armando s my simpatico Jeremy told Telemundo s more simpatico Also I'd like a coffee please. The mean Karen Cafe Portable Damien Chiaro Cafe Portable? Yes, it's for me C s. But I me C s. But I me let's now do some Spanish to English Recap Translations What do these Spanish? And this is mean in English Kierra When about a at the Agua Port five Order Chiaro. When about a of the agua potable. I'd like a bottle of water, please. A lot. L s terribly a look Tennis Terry Bollea. The hotel is terrible. C s para me C s batter Me? Yes, it's for me. Where the wild Philadanco Tiparillo semanas por favor Puerto Alcala in court, A polo semanas pulled. Can I hire cough? Two weeks, please. 32. Talking about money | Part 7: Chiaro al killer in court A porno semanas Quanta ways Chiaro Al Calderon Coach A poor does semanas Kwan toys I'd like to hire a car for two weeks. How much is it? Una Botta Davino para area e like went about me una Botta Davina para eloquent a part of me . A bottle of wine for her and the bill for me C S O s move Bueno Better noise Perfecter C s So it's more bueno. Better noise. Perfect. Yes, that is very good, but it isn't perfect noise More bueno noise. More Bueno. It isn't very good. Cuantos help for you. Cuantos help for you. How much is the chicken? La pizza is perfecter e tambien me cafe s delicioso. La pizza is perfect. Etame in Mika Faceless. See, also the pizza is perfect And also my coffee is delicious. Now let's recap all the words and phrases we've learned so far. How do you say in Spanish to people knows better? Sonus two days knows Diaz Good night When it's notice a table when I miss that it is yes for her About a year for one month I for one miss to pay for my God isn't noise One day India. A bottle of wine When about a a Davina Boat Battle of a Nana. One platinum per person. Poor persona. It isn't noise. One year on an annual always see MPRI. 33. Talking about money | Part 8: for him. But in perfect perfecto, the hotel. A hotel to make Asser the water a la guerra. Two months knows Mrs Absolutely, absolutely mental. The Bill La Quinta. Extraordinary. Extraordinary. Oh, goodbye at the source. Hello, Ola. Everybody total Belmondo also tambien per year Poor annual the and lower los laugh. Very my, I think. But I'm me the restaurant A restaurant per week post a manner for me. But I mean for one week por una semana. Yes. See? One week I will not say manner The chicken l Paul you Thank you. Gas es and e that eso two years Nathaniel's euros a Oreos Uh, son, a car unquote Good evening when I started this fantastic fantastical to try so bad is yes, the pizza la pizza Delicious the list He also my, me or miss 34. Talking about money | Part 9: two weeks. No se menos beautiful. But I see also good win to hire or to rent. I'll kill our please. Poor five or the wine El vino. Nice simpatico everything, daughter. No, no, I would like key at all. Can I or may I? A little. How much is it? Grant Toys, That is It's always aren't no son per day por dia here. Lucky a t, wouldn't they? A coffee cafe. Okay, poor a reservation. Well, what I said about the food LA Comida since sent Imus terrible. Terry. Really? Uh, moon or una one month, one miss per month. Poor myth. Excuse me, Paradorn. A bottle of water. One about their the agua A carrot una Sana Wadia for one day for India. And see your student asked a legal 35. Breakfast, lunch and dinner | Part 1: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap off the words and phrases we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in Spanish? Euros A Oreos since senti moves pair poor per day for India per week. Porter. Same manner. Pay month. Poor myths pair person. Poor persona A year. Unanue two years Nathaniel's per year. Poor annual. Here's a useful question phrase in Spanish, que order que order? It means at what time? A k order we don't always say at in English in the phrase at what time? Sometimes we just say what time. However, in Spanish, you always have to say at gay order at what time or what time. So how would you say in Spanish? At what time is the reservation? A. Que water is a lot of Sarah a que Aura s Lara sirve. Here's the most important meal of the day and desa una L. D s A. You know, it means the breakfast and desa, you know? So how would you say in Spanish? The breakfast here is fantastic every day. So you know, Rocky s fantastical and they say, you know, Rocky s fantastical Well, how would you say What time is breakfast? Okay, What s said this? I you know a que aura s every day. So you know. Did you get this translation correct? Or did you miss out the word L in English? The sentences. What time is breakfast? But in Spanish, you must always say the breakfast. This means you should really say at what time is the breakfast? That's why it's L d say you know, I'm not just decided. One also bear in mind in Spanish. You should always say endless I So how would you say, what time is breakfast? A que aura s l s a you know, Okay. Or a cell This, you know, How would you say in Spanish? I think the breakfast is perfect para me ls a You know, it's perfect, but army and they say you know is perfect. 36. Breakfast, lunch and dinner | Part 2: How would you say the breakfast here is always absolutely delicious. And that's a you know, Rocky, A CME pre absolute amended Delicioso and this Ayoun Iraqi a CME pre absolutely mental Delicioso. So so far, this lesson we've had AKI order Meaning At what time or just what time And then Endesa, you know, meaning the breakfast. How would you say in Spanish? The breakfast is very good here and they say, You know, it's moved when Rocky And in this I, you know, as my bwin Rocky Or how would you say I would like breakfast here? Chiaro. And that's a you know, a key Chiaro Endesa. You know, hockey. So L d say you know, was the breakfast. The next meal is El Alem were so El Alem were so means the lunch l Allen were So So how would you say in Spanish? What time is lunch? A que Aura s 11 were so a k order. A salon? Where? So? So The same thing happens here in that you have to say in Spanish at what time is violent rather than just what time is lunch? A que aura s l How would you say can I pay for lunch with open R L l'm were so Puerto Pagar . L'm were so Or how would you say the lunch is terrible here? L l'm were So is teriyaki alarm were so Estigarribia key. How would you say, can I make a reservation for lunch? Puedo ser una Seromba para alone were so puedo hacer nada sirve para Alem were so 37. Breakfast, lunch and dinner | Part 3: So we had a in this I, you know, meaning the breakfast l l'm were so meaning The lunch on the final meal of the day on often the biggest is latte Sener Lassana which means the dinner a lot sooner. So how would you say in Spanish? What time is dinner on again? You'll have to say in Spanish. What time is Virgina? A K order s la Cena AC aorta is Lassana So in this lesson so far we've had AKI order. Meaning what time Or at what time? And that's how you know? Meaning the breakfast? L'm were so meaning the lunch and last Sena, which means the dinner. So how would you say in Spanish? Can I pay for dinner? Puerco pagar La Nina Puedo pagar la Nina. Or how would you say dinner is delicious? La Cena is Delicioso. La Cena is Delicioso. So the word for dinner in Spanish last Senna is feminine. Which is why I have to say the least. Costa Lassana s Delicioso. How would you say the dinner here is always fantastic? Last Senaki, a CMP fantastical Last Senaki, A CME pre fantastical. How would you say how much is the dinner here. Quanta, Isla Senaki, Cuantos la Senaki. We'll have to say I think the dinner is terrible para mi la cena is terribly para Mi Lassana s terribly. So it's time to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say in Spanish? The breakfast isn't bad but the dinner is delicious. And that's a you know, Norris Mollo better la cena esta ratio sta. And in this I, you know North Milo Barrel Ascena s Delicioso. My lunch is absolutely perfect. Me l'm were so is absolutely mental. Perfecter me and were so is absolutely mental perfecter. 38. Breakfast, lunch and dinner | Part 4: The dinner here is terrible. Last Senaki s terribly last Senaki s Terry Bollea. My breakfast is very good. Me This I you know as more bueno media. So you know as more bueno for breakfast. I'd like an orange juice para el decide, you know Chiaro consumo Donna Ron para El disco You know Chiaro consumo Dana Ron Huh? You might have needed to check the vocabulary expansion sheet for food that we got in the last course to work out. How Say orange juice Sumo date Madonna which means juice off orange for lunch. I'd like a pizza para 11 were so Chiaro when a pizza para bellum were so Kierra When a pizza What time is dinner? A que aura Messina a que aura is la Cena! The dinner is perfect La Cena is perfecter. Lassana is perfect. My breakfast is fantastic Me This I you know s fantastical media. So you know it's fantastical. The dinner is always delicious here La cena is cm pre delicioso sake Lassana a C Emperor Delicioso sake. Now let's have a go at doing some reverse translations. What did these Spanish sentences mean in English? Ls a you know, noise Mollo. Pero Ellen were so s Delicioso. And it is a, you know noise, Milo. Pero Elmerson s Delicioso. The breakfast isn't bad, but the lunch is delicious. Me and were so s Delicioso me and were so is the ratio. So my lunch is delicious. 39. Breakfast, lunch and dinner | Part 5: Mrs Nena esta cosa. Mrs. Nena esta cosa. My dinner is delicious para a day. So you know Chiaro on a man. Sana para Alyssa. You know, Chiaro cinnamon, Sana for breakfast. I would like an apple media. So you know, it s terribly media, so you know s terribly My breakfast is terrible. Last Senaki is Delicioso, lass, Anarchy s Delicioso. The dinner here is delicious. And the sooner Rocky is absolutely mente fantastical. L s a you know, Rocky is absolutely mental. Fantastical. The breakfast here is absolutely fantastic. Quanta weighs a little Were so Quinto Salon Where? So how much is lunch? Me, Elmer So is absolutely mental. Perfecto me and were so is absolutely many perfecter. My lunch is absolutely perfect. Me Elmerson noise Bueno me and were so noise Buena My lunch is not good. What we're going to do now are some recap translations to incorporate the words and phrases we learned in all the previous lessons I had to say in Spanish I would like a table for four. Please Kierra when I miss about a questionable for more Chiaro when I mess up Adequate report for more. How much is it for six days. Cuantos poor safe Dia's Quando is forces Diaz. It's 30 euros per month. A stranger euros poor miss a strain tyros promise. 40. Breakfast, lunch and dinner | Part 6: it's 80 euros s or 10. 30 euros. Eso potente euros. How much is it for four days? Quando is poor Quattro. Dia's Quando is poor Quattro Diaz. I think it's fantastic. Jeremy is fantastical, but army is fantastical. It isn't good. It's absolutely extraordinary noise. Moreno s absolutely meant extraordinary. Oh, noise. Moreno is absolutely meant. They extraordinary. Oh, everything is good here. Don't waste more anarchy. Dodo s when Rocky, How much is it for two days? Quanta ways. Poor lost. Yes, Quanta ways. Poor does Diaz Excuse me. The bill, please. Paradyne. La cuenta por favor. Caradon La Cuenta por favor. Let's now do some Spanish to English Recap. Translations? What do these Spanish sentences mean in English noise? Para area s para me noise. Bakaye espada Me. It isn't for hair. It's for me. Chiaro una mesa para tres personas Chiaro on a mesa But a trespass on this portable id. Like a table for three people. Please. C s Parliament C s para me. Gracias. Yes, it's for me. Thank you. Noise fantastical. Better was more bueno noise. Fantastical. Better is my bueno. It isn't fantastic, but it's very good. Cafe para me cafe para me a coffee for me 41. Breakfast, lunch and dinner | Part 7: me Pizza is perfect. Me pizza is perfect. My pizza is perfect. Kierra provided El vino por favor. Kierra provider El Vino por favor. I'd like to try the wine. Please Is ultra cientos for euros is also cientos for euros It's 800 euros. Eso is me Pizza s O s. Me pizza That is my pizza whether probably for your portable Puerto provided for your put Can I try the chicken, please? Now let's recap all the words we've learned so far. How do you say these in Spanish to try Throw out the restaurant. A restaurant? Thank you. Good asked. Yes. Oh son, The and Le Loss last a reservation. We're not a set of one week. I wanna say manner for her. But a year absolutely absolutely meant is yes. Everything total good. Wendell, it is IHS the wine and you know everybody. Total moonda. No, no, that is eso is good night when it's not just perfect. Perfecto per year. Poor annual. Excuse me. Better known Two people in those Paris on us. Beautiful. But I see also 42. Breakfast, lunch and dinner | Part 8: At what time? A K order to make Acerra two days knows DS very my one month whom Miss Terrible. They're dreamily Hello. Hola. A month Promise isn't noise. Uh, coun una a carrot. Una Sana Wadia. I would like key at all for one day. Poor India. Extraordinary. Extraordinary. Oh, also tambien nice simpatico the lunch Ellen were so two weeks? No, same on us that eso please por favor the breakfast ls I, you know, fantastic. Fantastical for him, but l a banana one platinum The food Local media pair poor a car in court one year Unanue, I think. But on me my me meath Can I or may I twiddle a bottle of water when about a a de agua The dinner lasutina A bottle of wine. When about they are they've, you know 43. Breakfast, lunch and dinner | Part 9: the hotel l hotel a table when I miss that two months knows Mrs since Centimos boat battle to pay for by God a t one day The water a la gwa It isn't noise per week. Poor Same Anna for one month. Pour une myth goodbye at the US two years. No sign news for me, but I mean here AKI one day India. How much is it? Kwan toys always Theo Empoli. Good evening. When I started this to hire or to rent, I'll kill our A coffee. One coffee, euros A or else per day Por dia. Aunt No son and e per person. Put a better Sana The pizza. La Pizza. See you soon. A stellar wiggle. The bill La Quinta? Yes. See Delicious. Then let's see also for one week por una semana the chicken Help on you 44. Telling the time | Part 1: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap of the words and phrases we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in Spanish? At what time? A k order, the breakfast. This I you know the lunch. A land where so and the dinner. Lassana. Now this lesson is going to be all about telling the time. So here's your first time related freeze. I last. Alas, it means at something Oclock the three dots. You comport any number there and it'll mean at something oclock So I last So, for example, how would you say at three o'clock, I last press alas, press. How would you say it is at five o'clock is a last single s l a single? Or how would you say dinner is at eight Oclock la cena is Allah torture? La Cena is Alice. Or what about? Breakfast is at seven o'clock and it's a you know s a last see it and that's a you know, s l A c a. Now there are no words in Spanish for am or PM, but they do have a way of differentiating between the two. You can use these two phrases Dillaman Yana means in the morning and Della Charlie means in the evening. You can put these two phrases after you say the time to mean AM or PM, For example, it's Alice Auto. The Ramayana means it's at 8 a.m. Mystery. It is at eight in the morning or S. Alice also. They literally means it's at eight PM literally. It is at eight in the evening. So using one of those two phrases, how would you say in Spanish? Dinner is at eight Oclock La Cena is Alice Foto del Atari. La Cena is Allah's. Also in the era today, which literally means the dinner is at eight in the evening. Or how would you say breakfast is at 7 a.m. And that's how you know it's a las siete de la manana in this. So you know, it's Alessia de la Manana. 45. Telling the time | Part 2: How would you say dinner is at 5 p.m. La Cena is a las cinco de la tarde. La Cena is a las cinco. Their authority so alas means at something oclock Well, this next phrase is similar to the last phrase we learned, but with a little extra bit on the end. Alas, e Malia. Alas, you may be a the little dots You can put any number on an It'll mean at half past something . Alas, the media. So how would you say lunch is at half past two? L'm were so s alas, does the media Elmer So is Allison does in media, Or how would you say it's at Hoppus five is a last single in Media is a last single in media. So so far in this lesson, we've had callus meaning at something oclock alas, in media meaning at half past Dillaman Yana, meaning am or in the morning and Dell Atar, the meeting PM or in the evening How would you say in Spanish? The reservation is at half past three. Lara sirve is a last stress in media. Lara sirve is a less stress in media. How would you say it's at 2 30 PM IHS Alas, no see media there are totally is alas no Semenya The lethality 46. Telling the time | Part 3: So we've had Alice means at something oclock. Alas, the media means at half past something. Well, let's add another time phrase, Alas, equality. Alas, he quarto. It means at quarter past something. So again you can put any number where the dots are a last equal. So how would you say in Spanish? Lunch is at quarter past two. El Alem were. So it s a lesson. Those equality, Ellen were so s Allison those equality, or how would you say it's at quarter past four s? Alas, Quattro e quarto is a los cuatro equality. We'll have to say I would like to make a reservation at quarter past seven Chiaro Asser, munera, sirve Allah see 1/4 Kira ser una reserva Alysia cuarto Or how would you say it is at 5:15 p.m. S a las cinco in quarto. The latter today is a las cinco required to the laterally. Or how would you say? My reservation is at 6:15 p.m. Mira server is alas safety cuarto Della Today Mira Sirve is Alice. Say see quarto Della tardy. How would you say breakfast is at quarter past eight in the morning? Endesa, you know is Alice Rotary cuarto de la manana Elders are, you know s alas, auditory cuarto de la manana. 47. Telling the time | Part 4: Let's add another time phrase I last menos cuarto Alas, minnows Cuarto It means at quarter to And as always you can put any number where the dots are So I last men is quieter at quarter to something Or how would you say it's at quarter to seven s a las siete minutes Cuarto is a last see 80 minutes Cuarto How would you say dinner is at quarter to seven? Using the phrase in the evening La Cena is a last see a menace cuarto their atar day Lassana is LSC 80 minutes Cuarto Della Today when you want to ask somebody what the time is right now you can use this useful question Okay. What eyes Que water is it? Means what time is it? Gate Order s or literally What our is it? So how would you say to somebody? Excuse me? What time is it? Paragon Rice Better done. Kyi's now all of the time phrases I've given you so far mean at a specific time They all start with Dallas So at something oclock at quarter past at quarter to However, if you want to say what time it is right now there's a slightly different way of saying it is is the phrase sown last. So unless it means it is something oclock meaning right now. So when you're telling somebody what the time right now is you must say song last for it is on You don't need to say Dallas as we've seen in all the time phrases we looked at in this lesson Look at these examples, son Los Siete It is seven o'clock Meaning right now it is seven o'clock So unless c a e quarto, it is quarter past seven Meaning Right now it is called past seven. So unless siete a mental squad, it is quarter to seven. So unless siete day Malia, it is half past seven So whatever you use son less it means right now it is that time. So how would you say in Spanish? It is four o'clock So unless cuatro so unless cuatro 48. Telling the time | Part 5: Or how would you say it is half past nine. So unless Nueva in media son lesson wave a Malia or how would you say it is two. PM so unless does in their atar they sunless does their Attardi. So in this lesson, we've learned how to say oclock half past quarter, past and quarter to But what about the other times, like five past or 20 past? Well, in Spanish, you always start by saying some form off less whether it be alas for at something o'clock or sunless for it is something a cook and then you can add anything else on the end for anything past the hour you just add on an E plus a number so five past seven would be last yet they e single e means Andi. So really, you're saying seven o'clock Andi five last siete e single For anything to the hour you used the word menace which means less or minus so 5 to 7 would be less siete the menace single literally seven o'clock minus five. Let's go through some of the more common times. So we've got last See it last See it is Cinco last siete tedious last year. Equal last See a event last year. They even t single last see it in Marea last October. Minnows Many Cinco Last Ultraman is meant Last Automakers Cuarto Let's or Tremendous DS Well, I thought you may know Cinco Alas, all too. All of these phrases just means seven o'clock five past seven Temper 7/4 past seven etcetera. If you want to say at seven o'clock, you just put in front of them. Alice Siete Day Alice Siete de Single at five past seven or I last see at the India at Tempus Own If you want to say it is seven o'clock Meaning right now it is seven o'clock You say instead, son Los Siete So unless the day Cinco it is five past seven Son Los siete the pdf It is temper seven meeting Right now it is 10% 49. Telling the time | Part 6: Now there's one more thing to add when telling the time in Spanish the words I lasts or sunless or just the lasts change when you're talking about any time involving one oclock have a look at these examples s le una means it is one o'clock s lona quarto means it is quarter past one s lacuna in media. It is half past one, so you'll notice instead of sun less. When you're talking about one o'clock times you always say instead s le. That's because the word one is singular rather than any of the times a plural. So two o'clock where there's two hours three o'clock there three hours That's why you say son lasts less is the plural version of the and son means they are solitary. When you say son, last dose, you mean the hours they are to meeting There are two hours meaning it is two o'clock when the hours are just one more than you say s lap, you know s la una menos cuarto It is quarter to one I love, you know, at one o'clock. So you are what you say la is that of less when you're talking about one o'clock times Ala Moana, Malia at tough best one Alana, eat cuarto at quarter past one. So just remember whenever you want to say something that is at a specific time, you must say alas in front of the time, if you want to say what time it is right now, they don't need to bother with Alice. You just use sunless instead. So in this lesson, we've learned Gallus means at something oclock unless you may via means at half past something. So really, what you're saying is at something oclock on behalf? Alas, he may be a then we had Dillaman Yana is the word for am literally meaning in the morning. Nella tired today is the world for PM literally meaning in the evening. Alas, he quarto means at quarter past literally you're saying at something oclock on the quarter ? Alas, equality Alas, menos quality means at quarter to something so literally you're saying at something oclock alas, and then minus 1/4 menace Quiet. Okay, What s means what time is it? Meaning what time is it right now? So unless it is something oclock right now, Alona at one o'clock and s lona it is one of a book 50. Telling the time | Part 7: So it's time to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say in Spanish at half past two at us Those in media Allison Dorsey Media It's at quarter past nine s. Alas, Nueva e cuarto s a lesson waiver. Equality It's a course to eight Is Alice also menos cuarto s? Alas, also Minnows Cuarto. It's half past four Son Los Cuatro In Malia Son Los Cuatro In media, it's quarter to three Son Los tres menos cuarto son Los tres menos cuarto It's at half past four is a last Quattro eMedia s a last quatro in media It's that quarter to six if alas say's minnows Cuarto Yes, Alice Say's menos cuarto It's half past five Son Los Cinco Media Son Los Cinco In media dinner is at eight Oclock. Lassana is, alas, torture. Lassana Sarasota. It's two o'clock, so unless knows so unless knows Now let's have a go at doing some reverse translations. What do these Spanish sentences mean? In English s alas, safety quarter is al assays equality. It's at quarter past six. So unless nosy cuarto sunless those equal it's quarter past two 51. Telling the time | Part 8: 11 were. So it's a less stress. L'm were so is a last stress. Lunch is at three s l s C 80 minutes Cuarto s a last See a menace Cuarto It's at court seven s a less unwary. It's a lesson wavy, it's at nine o'clock. It's a lesson wave in the media s alas, Nueva in media. It's at half past nine. So unless and off a So no lesson Dorsey it's 12 o'clock s a lesson does. It s a lesson does. It's at two o'clock s. Alas, no fee. It's Allison O. C. It's a 12 o'clock. So unless ds Minister Yes, So the lesson DS Meadows India's It's 10 to 10 What we'll do now with some recap translations to incorporate words and phrases we let in previous lessons How do you say in Spanish? I would like a t for me and a coffee for her please Chiaro on tape out of me um cafe para a performer Chiaro on Take me even cafe para airport. Can I hire a car for two weeks, please? Puerto Al Qwilleran Corte Poor doze semanas portable Puerto Al Kilogram court people lost A man is palpable it isn't good noise. Brenham noise. Bueno. The chicken is very good, but the pizza is extraordinary. L polio as my buena peril A pizza ace extraordinaire. Area l polio as more bueno Better like pizza is extraordinary a 52. Telling the time | Part 9: the restaurant is very good. A restaurant. It's movement. A restaurant. Ismail Bueno. I think my lunch is fantastic but I me, me and were so it's fantastical, but I mean me and were so s fantastical. My breakfast is delicious media. So you know it's DeLacy also media. So you know s Delicioso. I would like a reservation for three people. Please. Chiaro Inara Serra para tres personas Provolone Kierra. One of a set of a para tres personas political. My hotel is terrible, but the restaurant is extraordinary. Me hotel s te really? Pero el restaurante is extraordinary. Oh, me or tell us terribly. Pero El Restaurante a 60 dinari. Oh, the breakfast is absolutely fantastic. Here a little. You know, it's absolutely meant a fantastic lucky ls a you know, it's absolutely mental. Fantastic, wacky. Now let's do some Spanish to English Recap. Translations. What do these Spanish sentences mean in English? Chiaro on about a a Davino Quanta ways Kierra. When about their They've even cuenta ways. I'd like a bottle of wine. How much is it? Eso annoys me Pizza. Eso knows me. Pizza. That isn't my pizza. El Nino s Quattro A woes el Vino as Quatro Euros the Wyness for yours Chiaro when I messed up bad at sports Kierra. When I mess up out of those poor devils id like a table for two, please. 53. Telling the time | Part 10: meatball U S perfecter me boyo s perfecter. My chicken is perfect! Me pizza is perfect. Me pizza is perfect. My pizza is perfect. Chiaro tres cafes e those tests por favor Quint Toys Chiaro tres cafes A lost case portable cuenta ways at like three coffees and two teas, please. How much is it? Is absolutely mente extraordinary, Rocky, It's absolutely mental! Extraordinary! Rocky is absolutely extraordinary here. No Gracias. No basis And I thank you s D s A orders put about there s d s, a euros portable area. It's 10 euros per bottle. Now let's recap all the words and phrases we've learned so far. How do you say in Spanish? Can I or may I puedo that eso am no man. You wanna the wine and you know what time is it? Okay. What eyes and e per day for India. Everybody Telemundo to pay for By God! Beautiful breath. Your so perfect Perfect. A coffee cafe. Good. Buena the lunch A little more so No, no Goodbye. And the US The hotel l hotel. Hello. Hola. A T won't they 54. Telling the time | Part 11: extraordinary. Extraordinary. Oh, isn't noise one week we're not, Say mother. Yes. See everything. Don't go here a key two months knows, Mrs. That is It's always good night. Well, it's not just I would like key Eto here border the and la los less the pizza la pizza It is , if at half best. Alas, you may be a a bottle of water. You know what they are? The Agua pair month. Poor miss. Nice simpatico at one o'clock, Alona. Excuse me. Better alone. How much is it? Quite boys Purpose and poor persona PM They're a today the breakfast and it is a you know, it's one o'clock s lona A bottle of wine when about their navy? No, one year. Good on you. It is a clock. So unless aren't no son Yeah, coun una to hire or to rent calcula a reservation? Well, not a set of a thank you And God s yes. At what time Act Aorta 55. Telling the time | Part 12: Two days per year for annual the food la comida. Very moist. At a clock. Absolutely. Absolutely. I maintain my me miss for one month For own mess to people. Knows persona's one day, own DEA. Delicious delicacy, also. Fantastic. Fantastical. At quarter to alas menos quadrotor, Allah's Minos quadrotor. For me. But me. A table when I'm ISA is, is at quarter past Ls. Ls equal to our Sun. Since centimoles. A car. Please. Port five or it isn't. Noise. The restaurant. Restaurant. They two weeks. No seminars. See you as soon as the Louisville one month. We'll miss euros. Euros for one day. And year. Two years. Those zonules for her. But I am terrible. Deadly really. The chicken, POJO, a carrot. Wellness and audio. To try probar. Better to make the water. El Agua. Also, them being good evening. When I started this for one week. Owner say manner. I think. But me, a banana wound platinum per week seminar for him. But in the dinner last Center and always see him play 56. Ordering a taxi | Part 1: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap off the words and phrases relent in the left Listen, how do you say in Spanish? What time is it? Que water is It is a cook sewn lass at f Look alas at half past Alas, email Leah at quarter past Alice Equality at quarter to at us Minnows Cuarto It is one o'clock It's lona at one o'clock Alona, here's your first word for this lesson. One taxi on taxi It means a taxi One taxi So how would you say in Spanish? I would like a taxi please Chiaro one fax support level Chiaro unpack, supportable Or how would you say I would like a taxi at three o'clock Chiaro in Taxila Stress hero in Taxi A Listers How would you say I would like a taxi for two people? Chiaro on taxi para las personas Here on Taxi Paradox Person us If you book a taxi, you'll probably need to give them this lad Dereck soon La direccion means the address Derek Soon. So how would you say in Spanish? The address is two k The Madrid la Direccion is those guy The Madrid that direction is those candy The Madrid How would you say the address is 15 Blasphemer? Your la Direccion s king Say Plaza Mayor La Direccion Eskin said blossom. He is a useful question phrase Kwale s Kewell s It means what is qualities. So how would you say in Spanish? What is the address? Cuales la direccion Cuales la direct soon. 57. Ordering a taxi | Part 2: Now here's a little word we've come across before. They they it means off. We've seen it in una Botta day, a bottle off. So that means off now the apostrophe s or the Saxon generative, which is a fancy way of saying it. It doesn't exist in Spanish. Instead, they use the word they which means off. For example, if you wanted to say the hotel's address in Spanish, it after flip it around and say the address off the hotel, which is La Direccion del hotel La direccion de la tell the hotel's address all the the address off the hotel. Similarly, if you wanted to say Pedro's address, you would say the address off. Pentru la direccion On the pedal is Pedro's address or the address off Petru. There's just one thing to remember with the word day in Spanish. If you put they next to El, they joined forces and become del. So Dell means off the It's just a contracted form off day plus L. So if you wanted to say the restaurant's address, you would have to say in Spanish the address off the restaurant and you would say la direccion del Restaurant. So How would you say, bearing in mind that quality s was What is How would you say? What is the restaurant's address? Qualities La direccion. They'll restaurant cuales la direccion del restaurant. Or how would you say? What is Maria's address? Cuales la direccion de Maria Cuales la direccion de Maria. How would you say in Spanish, Pablo chicken is delicious. Literally. You would have to say the chicken off. Pablo is delicious. El Pou. The tableau s Delicioso elbow you the Pablo s Delicioso. How would you say in Spanish, the hotel's address? La direccion de lo Tell La Direccion de Hotel. 58. Ordering a taxi | Part 3: So in this lesson, so far, we've had, um, taxi. Meaning a taxi. La direccion one meaning the address quality. Meaning what is they? Which means off La Direccion de Pablo Pablo's address. Literally the address off problem. La Direccion del hotel. The hotel's address literally the address over the hotel and ladylike. Soon they'll restaurant the restaurant's address literally the address off the restaurant. So now it's time to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say in Spanish? I would like a taxi at quarter to one Chiaro on taxi Allow una menos cuarto Chiaro on taxi Allow una menos cuarto. What is the suit? Cuales la sopa cuales la sopa. What is the hotel's address? Cuales la direccion de hotel. Cuales la direccion de hotel. I would like a taxi, please. Chiaro in taxi. Put forward Chiaro in taxi pulled off a war. I would like a taxi at four o'clock, please. Chiaro in taxi. Alas, Quattro Portable Kierra in taxi. Ask Quattroporte five. Or what is the address? Quality. Ladylike soon quality Lodrick. Soon I would like a taxi for eight people at five oclock, and the address is 18. Geigy. The mother is Chiaro in taxi para orto personas. Alice Cinco e la direccion is the torture. The Madrid Chiaro in taxi Auto personas ala Cinco de la Direccion is the Torture Geigy de Madrid. 59. Ordering a taxi | Part 4: I would like a taxi for three people at quarter to four Chiaro in taxi para tres personas Alas, Quattro minnows Cuarto Kira in taxi para tres personas Alas, Quattro Minnows Cuarto id like a taxi at half past one Chiaro on Taxi Ala Moana in maybe a Chiaro on taxi Ally when I may be a I would like a taxi at quarter to two Chiaro on taxi Alice knows minnows Cuarto Chiaro in Taxi Alice Those minutes cuarto Now let's have a go it doing some reverse translations What do these Spanish sentences mean in English Chiaro on taxi? Alas, no seem Abia Chiaro on taxi. Alas, no seem area id like a taxi at half past two Cuales la direccion de hotel Cuales la direccion de hotel What's the hotel's address? Media. Exxon s press a day Barcelona Media Exxon s Trece Barcelona My address is three Guy gave the Barcelona kg Just so you know means street in Spanish. They say gag it on dating Bastard! I means Barcelona Street for Barcelona Road Chiaro in taxi para tres personas. Alas, cuatro manos cuarto Poor fellow Chiaro in taxi para tres personas. Alas, cuatro manos cuarto Por favor. ID like a taxi for three people at course to four. Please. Chiaro in taxi Allah Una menos cuarto Chiaro in taxi Alona Minnows cuarto id like a taxi at course to one. 60. Ordering a taxi | Part 5: la Direccion de Hotel is venting the Saragosa. La Direccion de Hotel is venting the Saragosa. The hotel's address is 20 guy get the Saragosa Chiaro in taxi Alona Chiaro on taxi Alona id like a taxi at one. Cuales la direccion del restaurant Cuales la direccion del restaurant. What is the restaurant's address? La Direccion del Restaurant is blasphemy. La Direccion del restaurant is blossom Your the restaurant's address is breath of Iowa Kierra one taxi portable Chiaro in taxi Portable ID like a taxi, please. Now what will do are some recap translations to incorporate all the words and phrases we learned in the last lessons How do you say in Spanish? Goodbye And you? Us At the US it's quarter of six. So unless safe men of cuarto So unless say smells cuarto that is for me S O s battle me eso es para me Excuse me, How much is a bottle of wine here? Beldon Quanto s una botella Davina Rocky Beldon Cuando es una Borte a Davina. Rocky, My car is terrible. Mikati s terribly Mikati s terribly. It's 10 euros as the S eight euros as the FAA orders 61. Ordering a taxi | Part 6: the lunch is extraordinary. L'm were so is extraordinary. 11 were So is extraordinary. Oh, it's half past eight sunless or to the media. So unless auto team area, it's 557. Yours as Kinney Antos sink went. I see it. A yours a skinny Antos Sin cuenta if theater yours. I think everybody is very nice. Fatemi Total Mondo is more simpatico. Para mi told. Telemundo s more simpatico. Now let's do some Spanish to English Recap. Translations. What did these sentences mean in English noise? More Bouchenaki noise. More Brenna McKee. It isn't very good here, Ellen. Were so is extraordinary. L'm were so is extraordinary. Oh, the launch is extraordinary. L'm were so is perfect, Ellen, where so is perfect. The lunch is perfect. Lap it, Sizemore. Buena la Pizza is more buena The pizza is very good. Chiaro Dante para mi cafe para Get it on tape out of me. Um cafe para airport id like a t for me on a coffee for her, please. It's Loewen. I may be a s loan. I may be a It's half past one. Meulen were so is absolutely mental. Perfect me and were so is absolutely mental. Perfecter My lunch is absolutely perfect. 62. Ordering a taxi | Part 7: It's a less sink. We Media is a last single in media. It's at half past five is a last single. Equality is, alas, sink required. It's at quarter past five is a last see a equality s l A CIA equality. It's 1/4 past seven Now let's recap all the words and phrases we've learned so far. How do you say in Spanish? Can I or may I that eso a banana? One platinum for one day for India, please. Poor family. The Bill La Quinta Off they my, me, Mees for him by the end The breakfast Hear this? You know at oclock? Alas, a T, wouldn't they? Per person Poor Paris Ana The address like Direccion goodbye and the US A car and got and e pm Dana Tademy for me. But I mean at one o'clock, Alona, to pay for my God for one month. Pour une mess. Good evening. When I started this per year What I knew I think part of me for her about a year aunt. No son 63. Ordering a taxi | Part 8: extraordinary extended interview. It is IHS a coffee One cafe at quarter past. Alas, equality. Terrible. Terribly. No, no. Two people. No spirits on us. Nice simpatico pay month. Poor miss Very my A taxi. One taxi. Uh, son at health best. Alas, you may be a always see emperor. Fantastic. Fantastical. Pablo's address La Direccion they Pablo. Two months not Mrs Beautiful. But I see also the chicken l for you Boat battle the food Kamiyah everybody. Todd Raymundo two years Nathaniel's since sentiments also them in the dinner Lasutina, that is It's choice. Absolutely, absolutely meant a table Una mesa per week. Porc manner. I would like key 80 At what time? A K order? Thank you. And get us. Yes, a bottle of water When I was a day of the agua. One year. Good on you. The restaurant. A restaurant 64. Ordering a taxi | Part 9: the restaurant's addressed la Direccion del restaurant. The lunch Ellen were So it isn't noise. A bottle of wine when about they are they've, you know, a reservation, you know? Very set of everything, daughter at quarter to I last minnows quality one month one myth The hotel's address La direccion de hotel. What is qualities Delicious. Delicioso. See you soon. A stellar wiggle to try for about one week. Una semana two weeks No se manners Your rose a euros A carrot unison Odiah for one week por una semana The wine and a vino is yes. Uh, June or Una The in Le loss last to make a se good winner. Yes. See here Lucky What time is it? Gave rise. How much is it? Guan toys. It is one o'clock s lona. It is oclock. So unless per day Cornea. The hotel A little am de LaMagna. Excuse me, Paragon. Two days. No city s the pizza. La pizza. Good night, boy. That's not just perfect. Perfecto! Okay, Board isn't noise. To hire or to rent Al Kilar The water a la Guerra One day, India and hello. Hola, 65. The verb "to go" and some prepositions | Part 1: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap off the words and phrases we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in Spanish? A taxi when taxi Oh, they What is quality? The address. Land Iraq Soon Caballos Address La Direccion on the Pablo. The restaurant's address La Dereck. Soon they'll restaurant the hotel's address. La Direccion del Hotel. Your first word for this lesson. It will be a verb. It's a short one here. Here means to go here. So how would you say in Spanish? Can I go Puerto Year president here? Or how do you say I would like to go? Please. Kierra here. Apart from order Kierra year, por favor. But how would you say, what time can I go? Que what? A Puerto year? A K order? Puerto Year. The Web ear tends to go hand in hand with another little word. Uh, so you get here, the little word means to So here are means to go to. So how would you say in Spanish? I would like to go to Madrid. Kierra here, a Madrid Chiaro ear, a Madrid? Or how would you say I would like to go to Barcelona Kierra Year of Barcelona Keio Era Barcelona How would you say in Spanish? Can I go to Madrid Puerto ear? A moderate Peredo here in Madrid. Do you remember what Dell means? We store it in the last Listen, when we did latte Direccion del restaurant del means off the Andi. It is the contraction off day with L. Whenever you put day next to El, they combine forces and become del well. The word they can also mean from this means that Del can either mean off the or from the So how would you say in Spanish? It's from the restaurant IHS del Restaurant. Isn't the restaurant? 66. The verb "to go" and some prepositions | Part 2: or how many say it's from public s the Pablo s and they Pablo? Or how would you say in Spanish, that is from Madrid S O s name Address is so isn't in Madrid. Or how would you say that isn't from Madrid? It's from Barcelona. It's so nice to Madrid s, the Barcelona eso No es de Madrid is not Barcelona. When we learned the Web here, I said that it tends to go with the little word to mean to go to. So the word are means to. But it can also mean at in Spanish. And there's another contraction that happens with with this word, just like when we have they plus l they become del If you have a plus l they contract to become ill. So I'll means to the or at the AL and Dell means off the or from them on. Both of these only happened with El, which means they only happened with masculine noun. It's a feminine noun or pronoun. You don't contract and day to them. Only when you use the word l so an means to the or at the So how would you say in Spanish at the restaurant I'll restaurant. I like restaurant. Or how would you say at the Hotel Al Hotel a lot? Then how would you say I would like to go to the restaurant Kierra Year Restaurant Chiaro here. All restaurant. Well, how would you say? Can I go to the hotel? Where? The Year Hotel Puerto here hotel. Here's some way you could go to when you were on holiday in Spain. La Playa Black player. It means the beach lap Liar! So how would you say in Spanish? Can I go to the beach? Puerto Ear? Allah, Playa Puerto ear Allah, Playa. Or how would you say I would like to go to the beach at 10 o'clock Chiaro ear. Allah Playa A last DS Chiaro ear. Allah Playa Alas, DS. 67. The verb "to go" and some prepositions | Part 3: so so far in this lesson we've had here, which means to go here uh, meaning to go to del meaning off the or from the If you're using a masculine now I'll meaning at the or to the If you're using a masculine noun and la playa, which means the beach, the word la playa is feminine. So how would you say the beach here is beautiful La playa key Espresso osa la playa key Espresso osa So la playa is somewhere that you could go but there are lots of different places you could visit when you're on holiday. So I've done a vocabulary expansion sheet at the end of this lesson for you, which is a list off places to go. If you read through this sheet at your leisure and pick out a few places you know you will go to when you were in Spain, then you can start to build a few sentences with them on. Blend them anyway. Here's another word, man Yana Man Yana, It means tomorrow Man Yana So how would you say in Spanish? Can I go to the restaurant tomorrow? Puerto Ear Restaurant in Montana Puerto Ear Al Restaurante manana? Or how would you say I would like to go tomorrow. Kierra year. Manana. Kierra year manana. How would you say in Spanish? I would like to go to the restaurant tomorrow. Kierra year. Al restaurante manana Chiaro ear. Al restaurante manana. Or how would you say, what time is the reservation tomorrow? A K order is a lot of sort of a manana act. Aorta is a lot of ceremony. Anna, How would you say in Spanish? The reservation is for tomorrow. A lot of Sarah s para manana. A lot of set of espada manana. Here's another time phrase estan not too esta noche. It means tonight or this evening. Is that not so? How would you say in Spanish? Can I go this evening? Puerto year s or not? Where? The year s Donati. 68. The verb "to go" and some prepositions | Part 4: Or how would you say? I would like to go to the restaurant tonight. Kierra here Restaurant s Donati Chiaro Ear Restaurant s Donati is a very useful word in Spanish. La casa LaGrassa. It means the house lack Cassa. So how would you say in Spanish bearing in mind that the apostrophe s in Spanish doesn't exist and you have to switch the centers around instead? How would you say Pedro's house? So you have to think the house off Pedra la casa in the bedroom like Cassidy Pedro, How would you say, what time can I go to Maria's house? A que aura Puerto Year Allah Cassa di Maria a k Arora Puerto Ear alla Casa di Maria. So in this lesson, we've had ear meaning to go here. Uh, meaning to go to La Playa, which means the beach Man Yana, which is tomorrow. Is there not a meaning tonight? All this evening, La casa, which is the house? La Casa Pedro would be Pedro's house or literally, the house off bedroom, Uh means at or two I'll means at the or to the If you're talking about a mask unknown, they is from off and Dell is from the off the if you're talking about a musket unknown, so it's time to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say in Spanish at one's house Alla casa de one I like I said, they won. Or how would you say, What time can I go to the restaurant? A que or up where the year I'll restaurant a que water Puerto Year restaurant? Can I go to the theme park tomorrow? 20 year. I'll park in a taxi. Honest manana, whether we're all parquet, their taxi honest manana. So you might need to use your cavalier expansion sheet for places to go to a worked out the theme park. 69. The verb "to go" and some prepositions | Part 5: at Pedro's house. Alla casa in the bedroom. Alla casa, the Pedro I would like to go to Pablo's house. Chiaro ear ally Cassidy, Pablo Chiaro Ear alla Casa de Pablo I would like to go at half past four Chiaro ear. Alas, Quattro M Abia Hero Ear Alas, Quatro in Media Maria's house La Casa de Maria la Casa de Maria I'd like to go at quarter to three Chiaro ear. Alas, tres menos cuarto Chiaro ear A las tres menos cuarto id like a taxi for three people at four o'clock. Andi, I'd like to go to the beach Chiaro in taxi para tres personas Alas, Cuatro e Chiaro Year Allah Playa hero in taxi para tres personas allows Quatro e Chiaro ear al Apply I'd like to go to Maria's house tonight. Chiaro Ear ally Cassidy Maria Still not Chiaro Ear alla Casa di Maria s a doctor. Now let's have a go at doing some reverse translations. What do these Spanish sentences mean in English Chiaro ear. Allah Playa. Alas, see it there in media Chiaro ear Allah Playa Alessia Day Media I'd like to go to the beach at half past seven Chiaro ear. Alas, Quattro e quarto Chiaro ear Alice Quattro e quarto. I'd like to go at quarter past four Allah Cassa di Maria Allah Cassa di Maria At Maria's house Kierra here Alas, Cuatro manos cuarto Chiaro ear Alas, Quattro Minnows Cuarto I'd like to go at quarter to four. 70. The verb "to go" and some prepositions | Part 6: Chiaro Ear Ally Cassidy Marco Manana Kierra Year Ally Cassidy Marco Manana I'd like to go to Marco's house tomorrow. Chiaro ear alot tell Esther not Kierra ear a lot. Ellison Not I'd like to go to the hotel tonight. Puerto Era. Cassidy Maria Puerto Year ally Cassidy Maria Can I go to Maria's house? Que What up with a year Ally? Cassidy. Pablo A k warder. Puerto Year ally Cassidy Pablo What? I'm gonna go to Pablo's house. I'll supermercados supermercados at the supermarket. A k or a Puerto ear. Al Banco a que Were up with the Were Al Banco. What time can I go to the bank? What we'll do now are some recap translations to incorporate the words and phrases we've learned in all of the previous lessons. How do you say in Spanish at half past seven I lost See it that you may be a I last see it the same area it's at quarter past four. It's a los Cuatro Equality s alas, Quattro e quarto. It's good here. It's born lucky. It's when lucky it's half past 10. So unless DST media so last DS in media, my breakfast is perfect media So you know, it's perfect media, so you know, it's perfect. I would like two bottles of wine, please. Chiara knows about a US Navy. No, por favor. Chiaro knows about a US Navy. No, por favor. 71. The verb "to go" and some prepositions | Part 7: The breakfast here is terrible in the saloon. Iraqi s terribly and that's, you know, Wacky s terribly. It's half estate. So unless multimedia. So unless macho in media it's 210 euros is no cientos de esa euros is no cientos de s a yours. I think everybody is very nice, but Army told Armando s my simpatico but army told Belmondo as Moy simpatico. And now let's do some Spanish to English Recap. Translations. What did these Spanish sentences mean in English? Me pizza is delicioso Me pizza s Delicioso. My pizza is delicious noise. Moreno. It's absolutely mental. Extraordinary. Oh no, it's women. It's absolutely mental. Extraordinary. Oh, it isn't good. It's absolutely extraordinary. And that's a you know, a key is absolutely mental. Fantastical ls a You know, a key is absolutely mental. Fantastical. The breakfast here is absolutely fantastic. It's fantastical, it's fantastical. It's fantastic noise. But on me noise para me it isn't for me. But I mean, Toto is perfect. But I mean, the other was perfect. I think everything is perfect. Cuantos pour une miss cuantos poor one, Miss. How much is it for one month 72. The verb "to go" and some prepositions | Part 8: It's a less safe SLS face. It's at six o'clock me and were So it's fantastical me and were so is fantastical. My lunch is fantastic here one taxi as Quattroporte for border Chiaro in taxi ls quadruple five. Or I would like a taxi at four o'clock, please. Now let's recap all the words we've learned so far. How do you say in Spanish village? 11 were so extraordinary. Extraordinary? Oh, one day India, it isn't noise. Yes. See pet person Poor persona the food LaCalamita beautiful. But I see Also PM they'll attack me. The and Le Loss last a car in court e the water a lengua for him by the end The bill La Quinta the wine. And you know Excuse me, Caradon, Pablo's address La direccion de Pablo. Uh, June or Una one week Yunesi manner a table. Una mesa to go to here, Uh, and e the restaurant's address. La Direccion They'll restaurant per week poor to stay minor. Uh, son for one week por una semana. One month when Miss 73. The verb "to go" and some prepositions | Part 9: to hire or to rent Al Kilar Am Dillaman Yana, How much is it? Quinn? Toys Aunt No son for me. But I mean everybody Total Armando Two days. Those ds a reservation We're not a set of Ah please Fortified border tomorrow manana. Can I or may I? A little one year. An annual since centimos a t Won't they here a key. It is one o'clock s lona. Two years no son Use delicious And then if he also everything daughter. Fantastic! Fantastical per day por dia Also Tambien It is a clock so unless at half past alas the media for one month Pour une mess to make us there to go here Pair poor the dinner Lassana that eso off they to try robot at quarter past I'll ask equality. Hello? Oh, no, thank you. Ingress? Yes. Two people. Those Paris on us A carrot Una Sana Odiah. Absolutely. Absolutely mental. The hotel A hotel 74. The verb "to go" and some prepositions | Part 10: euros a euros. Two months knows Mrs is this good night? Well, it's notice. Isn't noise for one day for India, the chicken and for you At or two? Uh, I think. But I Me a coffee cafe. What is qualities for here? But a Yeah, the breakfast and this eye. You know, very my The restaurant, A restaurant, a bottle of wine. One of Ortega Davino. Two weeks no steam on us. No, You know, boat battle That is s always tonight All this evening Esta noche tu at quarter to alas, minnows cuarto Good Bueno the house LaGrassa. What time is it? Okay. What ice Always see MPRI. I've been on a one platinum at one o'clock along now at a clock. Alas, the hotel's address. La Direccion de Hotel. I would like key. It'll terrible Terry Bollea. Perfect Perfecto. At what time? Que water per month. Poor miss A taxi. One taxi per year for annual the beach La Playa The address La direccion A bottle of water . You know about a at the agua to pay for my God. See you soon asked that illegal Pedro's house La casa in the bedroom From off they the pizza La pizza Nice simpatico. Goodbye Have yours. It is IHS My, me or Meath. Good evening. When I started this 75. Booking a room | Part 1: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap off The words and phrases ballooned in the last lesson. How do you say in Spanish? Off or from day two? Or at, uh, at Pablo's house? Allah Kasse the Pablo tomorrow manana the beach, La Playa to go to year tonight all this evening if the naughty at their or to their when you're talking about a masculine Now I'll and over the or from the when you're talking about a masculine known bell, if you're going to a hotel, you're probably need one of these una vida soon. You know I would as soon it means a room. Una Abbott. As soon, How would you say in Spanish? I would like a room for tonight Key ero una vita soon, but I still not key ero una vita soon? Or how would you say how much the room for one night quando is gonna be nasty on board or not Quanta ways. You know, I would ask you on board. I would say the room is perfect. Labatt testimonies perfecter Labatt A stone s perfecter. Here's your next word in Spanish corn corn. It means with corn. So how would you say in Spanish? Can I go with popular? Whether we're con Pablo Puerto ear com Pablo Or how would you say I would like to go with Maria Chiaro Ear Con Maria Kierra Year Con Maria. Well, how would you say, May I go to the beach with Maria and Carlos? Puerto era la Playa Corn Maria Carlos Puerto Ear Allah Playa called Maria Carlos. 76. Booking a room | Part 2: anyway, back to the hotel. You might like a room with one of these in Balkan un Balcon, it means a balcony. June Balcon. So how would you say in Spanish I would like a room with a balcony key. Ero una vita soon Cornyn Balcon key ero una vita soon in Balkan How would you say how much is a room with a balcony? Quanta ways to innovate ASEAN Colin Balkan Quinto is gonna be there soon. Common Balcon So so far in this lesson, we've had una with ASEAN meaning a room corn which means with and one Balkan meaning a balcony. How would you say the balcony is very beautiful? El Balcon is more prosciutto. So El Balcon is more precios Is your next word in Spanish moon Televisa sore on television , it means a television wound. Tel Aviv sore. So how would you say in Spanish? I would like a room with a television key. Ero una con indelibly sold Chiaro una vita Soon Conan telling me sore How would you say also I would like a television tambien Chiaro on very sore tambien Chiaro intelligence. Or or how do you think you'd say my television is terrible. Meet a very sore s terribly metallurgy. Sore s terribly. Here's a handy phrase that you can put on the end of things. In Spanish? No. From Siona? No. First the owner it means doesn't work. No funciona. So how would you say the television doesn't work? El de Levis or not? Funciona? I'll tell you the sore No funciona. 77. Booking a room | Part 3: Or how would you say that doesn't work? Eso no funciona eso no funciona How would you say Excuse me? That doesn't work. They're alone. Eso No funciona Caradon eso no from Siona this is always useful for paying for things on a target Una hit it means a card Una target. So how would you say in Spanish? My car doesn't work. Meet our hidta No Funciona, meet our hidta No funciona Well, how would say, Can I pay with a card? Puerto Pagar corn Not our hidta. Well, the car that hit How would you say in Spanish? Can I pay for the room with a card? Puerto Pagar la Vita Cioncan that are hit Puerto Pagar Labutta soon called Hitter. Now there are lots of things that you might like to have in your hotel room. And there are also lots of things that would be perfected Compliments for the not from sea on a phrase. So I've written a vocabulary expansion sheet for hotel terminology and you can find it at the end of this lesson. So you're not our hidta means a card and corn. Jonathan hidta is with the card. But instead of saying with a card You might like to try this phrase contact hitter. It literally just means with card. But you can use it in Spanish to mean by card corn. Hit that by card. So how would you say in Spanish? Can I pay by card Puerto Pagar contact hitter play the bag are on target. Or how would you say I would like to pay by card Chiaro Pagar, Contact Kierra Pagar Contact hitter How would you say I would like to pay for the food by card Chiaro Pagar la comida Contact Chiaro pagar la comida Contact hitter 78. Booking a room | Part 4: So in this lesson, we've had Una Arita soon meaning a room corn meaning with in Balkan meaning a balcony Intelligence sore Meaning a television. No fancy owner which means doesn't work, do not are hit meaning a card and contact hitter meaning by card. So it's time to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say in Spanish? May I pay with a card, please? When the car hit the poor, the car hit a portable also with a television Please Tambien con mentality sore por favor Tambien Conan, Tell me so report five or excuse me? That television doesn't work, Paradorn l tell me. Sort of nothin. Siona barreled on a little bit sore. No funciona. I'd like a room with a bathtub, please. Chiaro, combine your por favor Chiaro una vita soon Combine your portable id like a balcony Chiaro in Balkan Chiaro in Balkan Excuse me. The air condition didn't work Better known l i e a second issue another Nothin. Siona Baird on a condition Another No funciona. How much is it for two weeks? Quanta ways. Poor dos semanas. Quanta ways Bordeaux semanas. I'd like a room with a balcony, please. key Ero united asean Cannonball Kanpur Chiaro Habitat Soon coming back on I'd like a room for tonight, please. Chiaro para estar Chiaro wannabe Datsun. But Esther not a portable. 79. Booking a room | Part 5: I'd like a room with a television key. Ero una vita soon Commonality Sore Chiaro una vita soon common televisa. Now let's have a go at doing some reverse translations. What do these Spanish sentences mean in English? Chiaro in Balkan Chiaro in Balkan id like a balcony Chiaro soon but those personas Chiaro when I was still on parole. Those personas I'd like a room for two people where the bag are counter hit a portable Puerto Kakar counter Hit the portable kind of pay by card, please. Kierra with a soon but I still not a portable Chiaro, but not people. I'd like a room for tonight, please. Chiaro una vita Cioncan in Balkan Chiaro Whenever the sun cannonball Kanpur I'd like a room with a balcony, please. Chiaro una gama de matrimonio Por favor Chiaro when accommodate matrimonial portable id like a king size bed, please. Caradon Ale or no, no Funciona Paradorn l or no, No funciona. Excuse me. The open doesn't work. Chiaro for Chiaro for I'd like a room for one week, please. El Balcon is perfect. El Balcon is perfect. The balcony is perfect Like Gavino from Siona Leovy. No funciona. The key doesn't work 80. Booking a room | Part 6: What we'll do now are some recap translations to incorporate all the words and phrases relent in the last lessons. How do you say in Spanish? Good evening. When I started this when us out of this? No, thank you. No Gracias. No grass? Yes, it's quarter past two, son. Less nosy cuarto. So unless no see cuarto a table for two, please. When I messed up out of those poor five when I miss that part of the sport that is for her S O s Bakaye s o s para at quarter past four. Alas, Quattro e quarto. Alas, Quattro e cuarto. I kind of try the cheese, please. Puerto provide lks Topol for more weather probe are lk stop or phone its course toe one s Lana minnows Cuarto is Lana Minutes cuarto It's at quarter past five s a las cinco de cuarto s a las cinco de cuarto. The breakfast here is absolutely fantastic. In the saloon, Iraqi is absolutely mental. Fantastical ls a You know, a key is absolutely mental. Fantastical. Now let's do some Spanish to English translations. What do these Spanish sentences mean in English? El Pou is absolutely military. Billy L polio is absolutely militarily. The chicken is absolutely terrible. Beldon gave rise. Barreled on camera is Excuse me. What time is it? A K order. It's a lot of Sarah. A K order is a lot of Sarah. What time is the reservation? 81. Booking a room | Part 7: is all I will not be media. It's a low, not the media. It's at half past one noise. Moorwen Walkie noise More born lucky It isn't very good. Here is a less safe in media is a less safe in media. It's at half past six at the source at the source. Goodbye, Cuantos Pour une miss cuantos pour une miss How much is it for one month? Me, Elmer So is fantastical me and were so it's fantastical. My lunch is fantastic. El poco as my buena e last sartorius sewn Absolutely many fantastic us. Emporio s my bueno Allison Aureus son Absolute amended. Fantastic us. The chicken is very good and the carrots are absolutely fantastic. Now let's recap all the words and phrases we've learned so far. The lunch Ellen were so Hello. Hola. Also tambien uh coun una pm They're a terribly one week Yunesi manner to go to here isn't noise. How much is it? Kwan toys. It's one o'clock. Is lona Euros a euros? Aunt? No, son, The pizza La pizza at one o'clock, Alana. Tomorrow Man Yana and e a television on television to try. What about it? Absolutely, absolutely mental 82. Booking a room | Part 8: to pay for my God A table you know, Mr. For one month I for one Miss Pedro's house. La Casa Pedro Very my The water a la gwa. The restaurant's address Glad Direccion del restaurant with gone per week Porc manner Always CMB the card. We're not how to hit them that eso the address La direccion for her About a year for him but in everything I don't know it is It's Pablo's address. La direccion de Pablo. What time is it? Que what eyes, please 45 Order the food. La comedia per day Por dia. Two years No! Sanyo's the wine Aveeno. Everybody total Armando from off. And they Good evening. When I started this the chicken l for you boat battle for me but on me. Good Bueno. One day India to go here. Pay person Porter persona. Goodbye. Adios. Uh son, a taxi. One taxi! The bill La Quinta. I would like key. It'll can I or may I puedo a banana when Blatter It isn't noise at half past I last You may be a one month one. Miss the hotel A little thin doesn't work. No funciona Terrible. Daringly the restaurant in a restaurant to make us there. Good night, Where that's not just two weeks, no si manners for one week por una semana, I think. But I me 83. Booking a room | Part 9: What is Quarless at? Or two? Uh, a bottle of water. You know what they are? They are off. They At what time? Que water I am de la manana. A balcony in Balkan at Oclock. Alas by card contact hitter is IHS Delicious Delicioso Excuse me. Better alone. No, no here. Poor to hire or to rent Al Kilar a carrot when I saw Nodia. A reservation? We're not. I said of the beach. La playa per month. Poor miss At quarter past I last equality. Yes. See? It is a clock Sunglass. Perfect! Perfect. A coffee one coffee. Nice simpatico a t one day. Fantastic! Fantastical. One year Unanue per year. Poor annual for one day for India tonight All this evening it's Donald. Extraordinary! Extraordinary! Oh, beautiful. But I see also my, me or miss that is it's toys since Centimos. See you soon. I still illegal Two months knows Mrs a room You Never that soon. The house Black Asa. Thank you. Ingress? Yes, The breakfast ls a you know, at quarter to I last may know squat. Two days. Those DS a bottle of wine when I worked there. Davina here. AKI. Two people. No spirits on us. The hotel's address. La Direccion de Hotel. The dinner last seen a a car, one court, the and law los less. 84. En El Hotel: in a hotel in the hotel Chiaro habitats I want to go on with on Vulcan, a balcony on television. A television. Well, now that I have you a radio, you know the workshop a shower, one Banyu a bathtub. When a vista of you when a v style a view off the sea, we're not bother the cattle Aquafina A cooker in order? No, a new been in order. No Democrat. Wanda's a microwave. We're not Navia A fridge, a freezer When a planter and I am when a comma individual a single bed. Yunus Commas. He made us twin beds. When a comma they those glasses A double bed. When a comma, they might remind you a king size bed. A a a condition the air conditioning Like I fax soon the heating Telelombardia the lamp and I lose the light. La Caldera the boy that la Javie The key. Every fee the WiFi, LaCantera Zegna, they Wi Fi, the WiFi password. No phones. The owner doesn't wake 85. Tourist Attractions: ludogorets para visitar places to visit a taxi owners touristic US tourist attractions. A solo. He co the zoo. Sometimes this is shortens just any sort, which is about the same as zoo in English in a Kouadio, the aquarium, Hardin Botanical, the Botanical Garden l Parky the Attack Sabonis The theme park l mostly in the Arctic, the Art gallery or the museum. The Art Museum and bullied a tortilla The sports stadium l'park a Aquatica The water park is the after dinner better the opera house El Teatro Theater and seen a the cinema La Bola The boning I El Castillo The couple Elmo Sale The museum La Biblioteca Library Lap Liar The beach LaCosta The seaside or the coast l parquet The park l borske the forest last silver the jungle him last year the gym and real the river like Come on the canal. A libel. The late L A Mile The sea Edited by the bar in a restaurant, The restaurant L Hotel, the hotel like cafeteria, the cafe and Cyber Cafe, The Internet country in Alberta. Gaye who ve neill the youth hostel Lappi, Sina This simple in a stab you the stadium 86. Places of Worship: Luga is the cool toe places of worship. Look at a brawl. The cathedral La Mesquita The mosque last seen Angola. The synagogue, a temple. The temple El Convento. The convent in Mona Stereo the monastery La Iglesia. The change La Basilica. The basilica Like Apia. The chapel A lot or act Aurea. The orange tree isn't. Wow! You! The shrine left back over there, the pagoda. 87. Essential places and transport: Luke Harris is in solace. Essential places. L want a me and the town hall for the City hall. Now Christina would inform Ascione Turismo the tourist information office. Lacombe is area the police station. Lassie would have the town or the city. Una aldea Ah, Hamlet El Pueblo, the Village El Hospital. The hospital is Central CEO. The Town Centre or the city centre and uncle, the bank Lower Christina Decor Graves, the post office Life Square a pre Maria, the primary school. You can take out the word DeMaria, and you're just left with a lot a square. Which means the school a Colicchio, the secondary School, Lau University, the university. Just a little point to note anywhere that ends in D. A. D in Spanish is the equivalent to the English words that end in T. Y. So Universidade is university on my daughter so earlier on a seal that which means city, and so it's very similar. All these words are feminine, so it's a lot seal that was the city or the town LA when you've ever see that the university so anywhere that end in D. A. D in Spanish are the equivalent to the English words that end in T y and they're all feminine. For example, last source Theodore means the society l transporting transport last us The only trained the train station l on then the platform life that's turned out of office The bus station lap Brother, they all the rules The bus stop l I aeropuerto the airport Labrada the taxis the taxi rank the word but other actually just means stop. So, Lap Brother is the stop so literally that lap barada the taxis means the stop off taxis El Puerto The harbor l A park Come here. The car park in metro the Underground. 88. Shops: last the end us The shops like Carney Syria the butcher latte, charco, diarrhea the delicatessen Blackplanet area the bakery Laugh fruit area The green Gross's Llopis Galleria The fishmongers La past area Oh LeBow Area the cake shop Los grandes alma Sameness. The department store a super mercado in the supermarket and either mercado the hypermarket Black s area The cheese shop in arable Are you the health food shop? La Secretaria The hue shop, Latino or area? The dry clears in some potato. The couple is lot lovin diarrhea The Laundrette Lam Weber area The finish is shop La Pharmacia, the chemists Oliveria that signalman The second hand bookshop You can take off the there Sigmund Amana part and you're just left with little area Which means the bookshop let the end they anti with others The antiques shop El Mercado The market in America the U the flea market La Galleria They are the aren't gonna me laugh Eritrea, The hardware shop in salon Davey esta the beauty parlor La Bombonera The three shop at the end of the poor Steliana, the China shop Let the end of the electoral domestic owes the electrical woodshop La boutique the fashion boutique. A puesto the fruit, us, the fruit stand, the whole area, the jewelry shop, La Marroquin area, the leather goods shop, a concert. Orio, the doctor. Surgery and medical. The doctors lot in Mobile, the area the estate agents laugh Florist area. The florists block tika the opticians and abogado. The lawyers lapel Ikaria, the headdresses. Ellen Teesta, the dentist's la bodega, the wine shop l've ended, or the periodicos a newsagent la perfume area. The perfume shop. Let the MBA the animal ists. The animal shop. Let the end there require those. The souvenir shop L. A. Area the ice cream parlor laptop. Valeria the station ratio. La Agencia Navy office. The travel agents at the end of the reporters, the sport shop Now forget that year. The toy shop like your area, the shop that sells choices. 89. The Happy Linguist: If you would like some hints and tips on how to make the most out of these courses on how to accelerate your language learning, you can read through my articles on my blawg called The Happy Linguist. I have written almost 400 articles on their full of ideas to keep learning a language fresh and exciting, and I'm constantly updating it with new articles. For example, you can listen to some foreign language songs that I have translated into English. For you, this is always a great way of learning new vocabulary. You can find lots of foreign language films and books that I recommend, or you can find extra language and grammar points that reinforce the content you've been learning in my three minute languages courses. So if you want to read all my articles for free, just head to my blawg at www 0.3 minute dot club forward slash bloke. As well as being able to read hundreds of articles on my block, you can sign up to my mailing list. Andi. You'll get a message sent straight to your inbox to let you know whenever I publish new articles or publish new courses so w w w 0.3 minute dot club forward slash blawg is where you can find the happy linguist. I hope you enjoy unhappy learning. 90. Vocabulary Expansion Sheets: throughout all the three minute languages courses your here you mention vocabulary expansion sheets quite a lot. What? These are our lists of topics. Specific vocabulary. Each sheet has a theme. For example, food numbers, places to visit clothes, colors, etcetera. To make it easier for you to find all these vocabulary expansion sheets, I've included a page on my website where you can download all the sheets from all the courses for free. If you go to www 0.3 minute dot club, you will find a link at the top of the page that says vocabulary expansion sheets. If you click that link, you will be taken to a page with all the sheets from all the courses for all the languages that I teach. So I just had to www 0.3 minutes. Doc Club Thank you and happy learning.