3 Minute French - Course 2 | Language lessons for beginners | Kieran Ball | Skillshare

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3 Minute French - Course 2 | Language lessons for beginners

teacher avatar Kieran Ball, Learn a language in 3-minute chunks

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      3 Minute French Lesson 10a


    • 3.

      3 Minute French Lesson 10b


    • 4.

      3 Minute French Lesson 10c


    • 5.

      3 Minute French Lesson 10d


    • 6.

      3 Minute French Lesson 10e


    • 7.

      3 Minute French Lesson 10f


    • 8.

      3 Minute French Lesson 10g


    • 9.

      3 Minute French Lesson 11a


    • 10.

      3 Minute French Lesson 11b


    • 11.

      3 Minute French Lesson 11c


    • 12.

      3 Minute French Lesson 11d


    • 13.

      3 Minute French Lesson 11e


    • 14.

      3 Minute French Lesson 11f


    • 15.

      3 Minute French Lesson 12a


    • 16.

      3 Minute French Lesson 12b


    • 17.

      3 Minute French Lesson 12c


    • 18.

      3 Minute French Lesson 12d


    • 19.

      3 Minute French Lesson 12e


    • 20.

      3 Minute French Lesson 12f


    • 21.

      3 Minute French Lesson 12g


    • 22.

      3 Minute French Lesson 12h


    • 23.

      3 Minute French Lesson 13a


    • 24.

      3 Minute French Lesson 13b


    • 25.

      3 Minute French Lesson 13c


    • 26.

      3 Minute French Lesson 13d


    • 27.

      3 Minute French Lesson 13e


    • 28.

      3 Minute French Lesson 13f


    • 29.

      3 Minute French Lesson 13g


    • 30.

      3 Minute French Lesson 14a


    • 31.

      3 Minute French Lesson 14b


    • 32.

      3 Minute French Lesson 14c


    • 33.

      3 Minute French Lesson 14d


    • 34.

      3 Minute French Lesson 14e


    • 35.

      3 Minute French Lesson 14f


    • 36.

      3 Minute French Lesson 14g


    • 37.

      3 Minute French Lesson 15a


    • 38.

      3 Minute French Lesson 15b


    • 39.

      3 Minute French Lesson 15c


    • 40.

      3 Minute French Lesson 15d


    • 41.

      3 Minute French Lesson 15e


    • 42.

      3 Minute French Lesson 15f


    • 43.

      3 Minute French Lesson 15g


    • 44.

      3 Minute French Lesson 15h


    • 45.

      3 Minute French Lesson 15i


    • 46.

      3 Minute French Lesson 15j


    • 47.

      3 Minute French Lesson 16a


    • 48.

      3 Minute French Lesson 16b


    • 49.

      3 Minute French Lesson 16c


    • 50.

      3 Minute French Lesson 16d


    • 51.

      3 Minute French Lesson 16e


    • 52.

      3 Minute French Lesson 16f


    • 53.

      3 Minute French Lesson 16g


    • 54.

      3 Minute French Lesson 16h


    • 55.

      3 Minute French Lesson 17a


    • 56.

      3 Minute French Lesson 17b


    • 57.

      3 Minute French Lesson 17c


    • 58.

      3 Minute French Lesson 17d


    • 59.

      3 Minute French Lesson 17e


    • 60.

      3 Minute French Lesson 17f


    • 61.

      3 Minute French Lesson 17g


    • 62.

      3 Minute French Lesson 17h


    • 63.

      3 Minute French Lesson 17i


    • 64.

      3 Minute French Lesson 18a


    • 65.

      3 Minute French Lesson 18b


    • 66.

      3 Minute French Lesson 18c


    • 67.

      3 Minute French Lesson 18d


    • 68.

      3 Minute French Lesson 18e


    • 69.

      3 Minute French Lesson 18f


    • 70.

      3 Minute French Lesson 18g


    • 71.

      3 Minute French Lesson 18h


    • 72.

      French A l'hotel


    • 73.

      French Places a Tourist Attractions


    • 74.

      French Places b Places of Worship


    • 75.

      French Places c Essential places and transport


    • 76.

      French Places d Shops


    • 77.

      French Places e Chez


    • 78.

      The Happy Linguist


    • 79.

      Vocabulary Expansion Sheets


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About This Class

Start watching course 2, and add to the knowledge you learnt in the first course...

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Hello and welcome to “3 Minute French” course 2.

In this course, you will learn lots of new French words and phrases that you can add to the knowledge you learnt in previous lessons. You'll learn everything in a step-by-step way that builds on what you've already learnt. You'll have lots of opportunities for practising, so you don't need to worry about forgetting anything.

This is the second course in the 3 Minute French series. If you want to watch course 1 or course 3, click the links below:

3 MINUTE FRENCH - COURSE 1: https://skl.sh/36aG6sc

3 MINUTE FRENCH - COURSE 3: https://skl.sh/3Ewr19o



Here's a handy contents page you can use to see a brief outline of what you'll learn in this course. It will also come in handy whenever you want to recap any particular part of the course - you'll be able to find the lesson quickly without having to trawl through videos!



All of my 3 Minute French courses are available on SkillShare - start watching course 3 now...



Once you have completed this course, if you would like to learn more French using the same method, you can find the next courses on SkillShare too. Here are the links:

3 Minute Languages series

3 Minute French - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7 | Course 8 | Course 9 | Course 10 | Course 11 | Course 12 | Course 13 | Course 14 | Course 15 | Course 16

3 Minute Spanish - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7

3 Minute Italian - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7

3 Minute German - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6

3 Minute Portuguese - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4

Building Structures series

Building Structures in French - Structure 1 | Structure 2 | Structure 3 | Structure 4 | Structure 5 | Structure 6 | Structure 7 | Structure 8  | Structure 9

Building Structures in Spanish - Structure 1 | Structure 2 | Structure 3 | Structure 4 | Structure 5

Building Structures in Italian - Structure 1 | Structure 2 | Structure 3 | Structure 4 | Structure 5

Building Structures in German - Structure 1 | Structure 2 | Structure 3 | Structure 4

Building Structures in Portuguese - Structure 1


Quick Guides series

French - Verbs 1

Spanish - Verbs 1

German - Verbs 1

Italian - Verbs 1

Portuguese - Verbs 1


Grammar courses

French Present Perfect tense

Essential French grammar - Future | Conditional | Imperfect

Essential Spanish grammar - Future | Conditional | Imperfect


English courses

English Idioms

English Verb Tenses

English If clauses


Maths courses

3 Minute Maths - Fractions

3 Minute Maths - Percentages


Further learning material

You can find plenty of articles and YouTube videos I've created to help you with your language learning. Find them all here:

YouTube videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_W8zw-DxvfU0lF_ojIm2mA

Blog: https://www.3minute.club/blog

I hope you enjoy :-)

Happy learning!


Meet Your Teacher

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Kieran Ball

Learn a language in 3-minute chunks


Hello, I'm Kieran and I'm a language tutor based in the UK. I have created a series of online courses that you can use to learn to speak French, Spanish, German, Italian and Portuguese. (I also have some English and math courses)

3 Minute Languages series

3 Minute French - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7 | Course 8 | Course 9 | Course 10 | Course 11 | Course 12 | Course 13 | Course 14 | Course 15 | Course 16

3 Minute Spanish - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7

3 Minute Italian - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7

3 Minute German - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6

3 Minute Portuguese - ... See full profile

Level: All Levels

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1. Introduction: Bussell a V Avenue Hello and welcome to three minute French course to Before you start this course. I recommend you go to the last part off the last lesson in course, one to make sure that you are familiar with all the words and phrases that Nuland in that course. This is because we'll be using them a lot throughout this course as well. This course is set out in the same way as the last course, and you can complete it in three minute chunks on. Go at your own pace. Remember that if you keep your learning to just three minute chunks, then your maintain motivation. It would be easier for it to become a habit, and you'll find that you memorize things much more effectively for more hints and tips on how to improve your language learning By using this course, you can go to my website www 0.3 minute dot club Andi. You'll find a link at the top of the page called The Happy Linguist. This is a free online magazine that you can get sent to your inbox, and it's full of hints and tips on how to improve your language. Learning all the information you need to sign up to this free magazine is on my website. Happy learning Naxi 2. 3 Minute French Lesson 10a: Here's your first word in French for this lesson. Loudest lady. Soon it means the bill lady. Soon this is another of those occasions, like with low tell where the word for the gets shortened to l apostrophe. This is because the word Addy soon starts with a vowel. The word Addison is a feminine word, so the word for the is actually love. However, it gets shortened to L. A. Possibly to make it easier to say it's easier to say lady soon, then la ready soon. So how would you say in French, I would like the bill You would rail against you. You would. As you know, there are three ways to say my in French, Mom no and me used for masculine, feminine and plural words. There is just one more thing to remember. Whenever a feminine word starts with a vowel, you must use the masculine word for my, which is Mom. This is purely because it's easier to say. For example, the word Addis soon is a feminine word, but it starts with a vowel, so you will say for my bill monoliths soon and again. This is because more medicine is easier to say than Ma added Soon, if you say my daddy soon you've got this stopping between the two word. It's called a little stop Mark Addison, whereas with monitors soon it flows of it better. So we've had loudest. Eon means the bill. How would you say in French? I would like my bill. You could wear a monitor. June modesty. My bill is here. Monitors. Soon ABC monetise your own a e c. Or how would you say the bill is for him? In addition, a pottery latest in a policy his afraid you might be able to work out une potato Yoon boo tay the It means a bottle off Yoon boo tay the bottle off eun bouquet. So how would you say in French? A bottle of wine? You know what they develop Yoon Boo Tay, Devon. 3. 3 Minute French Lesson 10b: How would you say I would like a bottle of wine? Juve Today in Potato von, you would write in boot a divine How would you say I would like two bottles of wine, please. Jihad di Debilitate the van. See you play Judge Debra Tate. The VanSickle play. How would you say the bottle? LA Bouquet, Labatt Day? Because it's a feminine would. How would you say the bottle of wine lab. Okay, Devon, La booty A do over. So you'll know what this next word means. Now live on. Live on means the wine look wrong. It's a masculine word, Bolivar. So how would you say in French? I would like the wine they live on. Did you vote today? Live on. How would you say the wine is delicious? Live on a Dennis here liver a day this year. How much? The same friends. The wine is very good. Live on a table. Louvre, a timer Or how would you say the wine is for me? Liver. April more live on a palm One. How would you say this in French? I think the wine is always very good here. Bomb. We live on A to Je trombonist Palmolive on a to your trombonist? Or how would you say my wine is terrible? Move on a Taliban Move on a terrible now, as you know, whenever you use Le Orla in front of a word that starts with a vowel or the letters page, they contract to l apostrophe like LA tell the hotel or logician the bill. Well, the little word do, which means off Also contracts in front of words that start with a vowel or H the alert and latte contracts to l apostrophe. Well, duh contracts to D apostrophe, for example. In this phrase, you bought a dough in what they do. It means a bottle off water. The D apostrophe is a shortened version off dull meaning off a bottle off and then, oh means water in would they know a bottle of water? 4. 3 Minute French Lesson 10c: So how would you say in French? The bottle of water lab, potato lab, potato? Or how would you say I would like a bottle of water, please, Jude. Right in. But it does play. You could write you put a those people play. How would you say I would like a bottle of water for the table, please? You write in boot a dope Ali Tabrizi play. You write in boot a dough, pull a terrorist who play or how would you say the bottle of water for me, please? Labatt a Dopo Masako Plea Labatt A dopo Masi will play. Here's a little question you can use se cumbia say come young. It means how much is it? Se cumbia literally. It means it is how much say come you. You can use Sequim young by itself, to simply mean How much is it? However, you can also put it in front of things to mean. How much is something? So, for example, say cumbia Lupoli, how much is the chicken or say cumbia in one day? How much is a bottle? So just to raise rate, say come young means how much is it or how much is something. So in this lesson, so far, we've had bloody soon. Meaning the bill in boot A the meaning. A bottle off you boot a divine a bottle of wine. Live on the wine in what they do. Oh, a bottle of water. No, the water say come young. How much is it? Or you can say sitcom young with something on the end of it. And it means how much is so How would you say in French? How much is the chicken steak? Ammiano Poorly se communal pool. How would you say how much is the turkey se communal Adande se communal adande or how would you say, how much is the wine here? Se commander of honesty se commander of honesty. 5. 3 Minute French Lesson 10d: How would you say, How much is that? Stay calm. Iansa sitcom Iansa. Now he's a useful phrase. Excuse me more. Excuse me more. It means excuse me Excusing more. So how would you say in French? Excuse me, How much is the wine excusing more sitcom Yalova? Excusing what say commune driven? Or how would you say Excuse me? I would like the bill. Please excuse a module brutalities Johnson will play. Excuse me. More Djibouti relative play. How would you say Excuse me? How much is a bottle of water? Excuse him One say communion booted. Oh, excuse me More si Com beyond in potato. Now it's time to practice What we've lived in this lesson. How do you say the following sentences in French? I would like two bottles of wine please. You would Ray Debilitating Vance Evil plea You will die debilitating, advancing quickly. Excuse me, I would like the bill. Please excuse me. More Giavotella distances Play. Excuse him. One Juventus relatives Sensible play. How much is a bottle of water? See communion with Dado, It's a communion, but a dough? I would like a bottle of wine please. Did you write your boot? A defensive play today in Potato Fancy will play. How much is it? Stay calm, young say come young. The bill is for him. Let it stone a party. Laeddis in a poorly I would like two bottles of water. Please. Just today D potatoes civil play you would do but they don't see you play. How much of the table for three people? Se communion tablet for 12 person se cumbia in tablet for 12 person. 6. 3 Minute French Lesson 10e: I would like my build these Jubal Ray Monitor play. You put the name on a distance abruptly. How much is the chicken here? Say come Yellow pool. Centcom Yallop. Now let's have a go at doing some reversed translations. What do these French sentences mean in English? Juve Dry Montedison People play Judeh monolith play. I would like my bill, please. Like the stone tape or more Gladys in April More. The bill is for me. Excuse me More say communion but a divine TC Excuse me more said cumbia and booted Giovanni . See? Excuse me. How much is a bottle of wine here, ladies? Sensible play Latest on civil Play the bill. Please say come beyond in tablet will try Person se Communion tablet for 20 son How much is a table for three people say come beyond Melissa se cumbia monolith How much is my bill? Se Communion tablet for this person said Communion tablet for this person. How much is the table for 10 people? Se community soon se community. How much is the bill? You hear a lot of people play Juve trailer distance People play. I would like the bill Please. More now the Syrian civil play. Mona Lisa wants. He will play my bill. Please. What we're going to do now are some recap translations which will incorporate words and phrases ballooned in previous lessons. How do you say in French? The restaurant is fantastic? No. Esta home. A fantastic. Has the home a fantastic? Yes. It's very good. Restate table, we say table. No, that isn't for her. No Sustenance. Popplewell No Sassy Pepperell. 7. 3 Minute French Lesson 10f: it isn't very good for her. Snap at a bump. Oh hell, Snap at Lehman Poele. It's for him. Stapley v. Stapley. It's for me. Say for more, say for more. I would like a reservation for two people. Please, Joe the writer Yoon has a vast Yongpo do person. Suplee. You would you know, it's absolutely delicious. Se absolute model issue say absolutely did issue. I think the restaurant is fantastic from what I know. Esta home A fantastic poor mother has a fantastic My hotel is here. Mano, tell a busy mano. Tell ABC now let's do some French to English recap. Translations. We promise. A fantastic easy we promote. Say fantastic E. C. Yes, I think it's fantastic here. Say to your fantastic easy say 20 Fantastic E C. It's always fantastic here, says April. More assassin from one that is for me, say absolutely extraordinaire. SC say absolutely extraordinary. See, it's absolutely extraordinary here. Mom, pull a A Taliban mom pulled a terrible My chicken is terrible. Say fantastic. Say fantastic. It's fantastic. From what you have a table from what? Love esta home A table. I think the restaurant is very good. Peple mammoth e Papa Mama etc. Not for me. Thank you. Synet Patrick Bump Oh hell! Snippet time Mambo held It isn't very good for her se time Boise Se Taibo We see It's very beautiful here. Now let's recap all the words and phrases we've learned so far. How do you say these in French? A reservation? You have assumed goodbye or what it is, see? Absolutely, Absolutely A coffee on coffee, everything to 8. 3 Minute French Lesson 10g: the restaurant Look esta home is a very okay My mo ma may that so? Good night. Born in new e The hotel Lo tell Nice Sampa Two people do pass on the food. I know he to It isn't Sunita isn't Nipper Have a good evening. Monse. Very boot May Yes, We perfect Buffy here. You see a T Anthee? The water? No, the bill Lady. Soon a carrot in Calvert also or c for her. Go ahead. Excuse me. Excuse me. More a week. I'm a hole, extraordinary extraordinaire. Delicious! Then it's too the no lot Lee, the wine live on Uh so the chicken Lupoli I would like general die. Beautiful bull! No, no! A bottle of water in what they do. The turkey Ladan and see you soon. I'm bientot. That is Sussie and good bone. Always to your everybody to demand for him Poorly. Terrible! Tell him for me. But what? How much is it? Say Come young. Fantastic! Fantastic! Hello! Usual. A bottle of wine in but a Deron and a Have a good day, Barzani. Thank you, Messi. Good evening. Most well, A table in tabla. Hi. Sell. You aren't new, Sampa. Uh uh And in please Siegel play. And I think Bomar 9. 3 Minute French Lesson 11a: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap off the words and phrases we learned in the last lesson had you say the following in French. A bottle in both day. How much is it? Si com You Excuse me. Excuse me. More the water. No, the bill Lady. Soon a bottle of wine in boot Ativan A bottle of water in boot. A dough the wine Live on. Here's your first word in French for this lesson. Andi, it's a verb s a g s A. It means to try s au a. I've put the two in brackets in to try. This is because in English, sometimes the web is to try. And other times we simply say try for example Look at the two. Tennis is on the screen now. I would like to try the wine, but then can I try the wine? The first sentence uses to try on the second Just uses. Try Well, this is an English thing that doesn't change anything in French, in French, you always use s e g whether it's to try or just try. So how would you say in French? I would like to try the wine Jude. I say Ativan. How would you say I would like to try the cheese? Did you vote today? A sale of homage? You would say it's a uniform. Are Here's your next phrase in French. Please. Asia, Please, Asia. It means Can I please Asia. So how would you say in French? Can I try the wine pressure essay? You live on pressure, Stu. Liver. Well, how would you say? Can I try? The cheese pressure is a hell of homage. Previous tale of homage How would you say I would like to try that? Please, Jude. I s a sassy play, Jude. I s a sassy 10. 3 Minute French Lesson 11b: the phrase pleasure means, can I? But it can also mean May I? So please, Asia is can I or may I in French? So how would you say, May I try that previous s a PSA Pressure s a PSA. Here's another verb view to use in French pay You pay a it means to pay payday in French. You don't pay for something you simply pay. What I mean is that you don't have to use the word poor with pay like we do in English. For example Judy Hi, Peg. A live on Jude. I pay a live on that sentence means I would like to pay for the wine in French. However, the sentence just means I would like to pay the wine in French. Haven't got to say pay a ball. You just say, Hey, a Louvre to pay the wine to pay for the wine. So how would you say in French? Can I pay for the coffees? Appreciate Kayla Caffey, Preacher Bailey Calfee. Or how would you say? May I pay for the wine pres you're paying end of on, Please. You're paying. How would you say in French? I would like to pay the bill draping a lot. Or how would you say I would like to pay my bill. Judy, I pay a monitor. You would repay a monolith. Stone. I'll give you a final lib for this lesson. Fair, Fair? It means to make fair. Now all these words that I've been giving you in this lesson with the two in brackets in front of them are called verbs. But what is a verb? Well, verbs are sometimes called action words to try to pay to make, and in English, you often see them with a two in front of them. So far in this lesson, we've had s a year, which means to try pay a which means to pay unfair, which means to make. So whenever you see the two in brackets in front of a word in this course, you'll know it's a verb. How would you say in French? Can I make a reservation? Please? Affair Yoon, a reservation preacher found, you know, has a vested 11. 3 Minute French Lesson 11c: Or how would you say I would like to make a reservation? Jubal, Die felt you know Jubal did. I felt you know the rest. How would you say? May I make a reservation for three people, please? Pretty fair, you know. Has a restaurant portrait Proximity play please Affair Yun, head of Asean Poor 20 Conceivably. Or how would you say I would like to make a reservation for eight people. Jew Dreyfus Une resurreccion poor with best one Jude, I found Yoon has a Sampo with person. So so far in this lesson we've had it's the ye which means to try Please, Asia. Which means can I or may I? Hey Hey! Meaning to pay or to pay for and fair which means to make So now we've added a few verbs to art collection of French vocabulary. Let's practice putting them together into sentences. How do you say the following in French? I would like to try that please. I s a sassy play, Jude. I s a sassy play Cannot try the wine Previously you live on pressure is the Yerevan. Can I make a reservation? Pretty fair, you know I assume please. You felt you know has a vast Soon I would like to make a reservation as usual that I found , you know, has a costume. Is your life out? You know, as of last year, can I make a reservation for three people, please? Pretty fair, you know. Has a vast import sunset. Can I pay for the coffee? Pretty opinion. The coffee Preach opinion. A coffee? Can I try the cheese, please? Previous a hell of Hamas Secretly Pressure is a uniform. Are simply May I try the chicken, please? Preacher as a LaPlace Abruptly. Pleasure. Estela Police will play now. If you look at pressure. Andi s a while. Pleasure ends in the letter e and s A starts with the letter E Andi, in speaking generally or hear these sound like one long word rather than pleasure s a you hear people say previously, you so that link the two ways to get the pre jest A year to the azure on the s A will sound like one word Pre Just say your police abruptly 12. 3 Minute French Lesson 11d: How would you say? Can I pay here? Pres You're paying? You see? Put your pay a c. Can I pay the bill, please? Pretty pale at this conceivably pretty payload is sensible play. Now let's have a go at doing some reverse translations. What do these French sentences mean in English? Previous a sassy roupoli progestin sassy roupoli. Can I try that, please? Junior high pay that essentially play you would. I pay a lot of people play. I would like to pay the bill, please. Pretty fair. You know, Has a vast import tax on civil play. Pretty fair. You know how the vast import conceivably kind of make a reservation for three people, please? Previous Angela Dancing play previous Angela Dancing Play. Can I try the turkey, please? Pretty opinion. Live on pretty pain. Live on. Can I pay for the one? Pretty opinion to coffee pressure Paid a caffeine. Can I pay for the coffee? Juve would repay Levant's abruptly shriveled raping in advance abruptly. I would like to pay for the wine. Please. Previously, 11 pleasure is that you live on. Can I try the wine? Gerald? Right is the former. You could write a uniform. I would like to try the cheese preach bailout, since he will play pretty opinion that its chances will play. Can I pay the bill, please? What we going to do now? Awesome recap. Translations, which will incorporate words we learned in the previous lessons, have the same French. I think the restaurant is fantastic from what has the home a fantastic from what I know as a whole, a fantastic I think it's delicious from what they did this year. From what I say this year, everything is perfect to a pathway toe a Palffy. 13. 3 Minute French Lesson 11e: Hello. I would like a table for three people. Please boo In tablet for top your son Civil play Usually you would hire in tab report focused on single play The chicken is delicious in the pool In Minister Lupoli A delicious here it's always here. Say to your PC Say to your PC. It isn't fantastic Soon A path Fantastic Sunni path Fantastic! A table for five, please In tablet for sank Steve, A plea You're in tablet for sank. Suplee! My turkey! It's fantastic! Madonna! A fantastic Madonna! A fantastic! That isn't good for him. Sassen A problem for you, Sassen A problem. Pulte! And now let's do some French to English Recap. Translations? What do these French sentences mean in English? Snap! A police say Parella. It's in a popularly supposed well. It isn't for him. It's for her. Excusing what? Judo Grand Cafe. See you play. Excuse me. More judo! Grand Cafe civil play. Excuse me, I'd like the coffee, please. Se time Boise Se three boys. See? It's very beautiful here. Mano Tell a travel Mona, tell a treble. My hotel. It's very good. Has a heart. We see a fantastic has the Holy See a fantastic. The restaurant here is fantastic. Say to your table say 20 Taliban. It's always very good. Make a hearts on profit. Make out some profit. My carrots are perfect. Did you write? You know had a last chance. Abruptly Jude, right? You know how the vast conceivably id like a reservation, please? 14. 3 Minute French Lesson 11f: over half a bonsoir e of wife wants by goodbye and have a good evening. Say to your fantastic e c Say to Joe Fantastic E C. It's always fantastic here. Now let's recap all the words we've learned so far How do you say in French? My mo ma May the chicken No pool the wine You live on the bill. Let the system boat may Hi. Sell you for her point. It isn't Snipper. That is Sussie. Very Okay. The turkey Ladan? Absolutely. Absolutely. I think from one a carrot in Cowart a week and put a hole. Two people, the person, everything to No, no! Have a good evening Bonus for good bone Perfect. Buffy. Everybody to Lamond. Goodbye. Oh, well And a a bottle of water in what they do. The food. Landau video. How much is it say? Come young. Always to your a table in tabular. See you soon. Have bientot. Fantastic! Fantastic! Nice. Zampa is a the water. No! Hello, Musil A t and they Thank you, Messi for him. Pahlavi here. You see a reservation. You have a soon isn't Nipper. Have a good day. Born Johnny the bottle of wine in boot Ativan. Extraordinary ec starting there. Uh, so, uh uh, in please Several play to pay P a Aren't in the Sampa Terrible. Tell me it is See Beautiful Lo to try s au Excuse me. Excuse me More the hotel a lot then that you know Le les also Horthy. Can I May I pressure delicious Dennis here. Good evening. Once wife, the restaurant. You know if I start home Good night, Barney. A coffee. I'm coffee to make fair for me. Someone that so And I would like Jubal Delay. Now let's start this lesson with a quick recap off the words and phrases we learned at the end of the last course. How do you say in Spanish? Good evening. When I started this 15. 3 Minute French Lesson 12a: let's start this lesson with a quick recap off the words and phrases we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in French to pay 1,000,000,000 to make fair to try s au And can I or may I Previa? Let's add another verb to your ever growing collection Louis Louis means to hire or to rent Liu Wei. So how would you say in French? How much is it to hire that I said Come beyond Louisa Say come young Louisa. Or how would you say I would like to hire that Judy. Hi, Louisa Juve. Dre. Louisa. Well, how would you say? Can I hire that pretty Louisa? Pleasure, Louisa. We'll have the same French. Can I hire that for two people, please? Previously, we support the person Suplee. Previously we support the person civil play. Now let me give you something that you can hire. You know what you invite you? It means a car. Yoon Roger. So how would you say in French? I would like to hire a car. You would really wait invite you. You threw that away in what You Well, how would you say? Can I hire car? Previously we invite you appreciably weight in what? You We'll have the same French. I would like a car for five people. June Dre, invite a postdoc person June Rey invite you up or sack Desson. Or how would you say the car is perfect? I love what you're a prophet. Love watcher A profit. So love what you is a feminine noun. So the word Palffy needs to be in the feminine to profit. I love what you're a prophet. I think the car is very good. Mom will love watching a trombone for more love. What? You ate ramen. Well, having to say the car is perfect for five people I love watching a profit for sank person Love What? You're a profit percent, Carson. 16. 3 Minute French Lesson 12b: Here's a common yet useful word in French Yoon samen une samen It means a week Une samen So how would you say in French? Can I hire a car for one week? Usually weigh in Watch a port in samen Previously we invite you up or insulin We'll have to say I would like a car for one week Did you vote the name and watch a poet Yun Samen she would write invite you up or in samen Well, how would you say How much is it for one week? Si com Young points to men si com yam points um in Well, how would you? The same French It's for one week Support you in some in support units Men How would you say everybody is here for one week to lemonde a seaport? Insulin two among the support Insulin. So you NSA men is one week. I'm showing me how to guess what this means. Dust men do samen It means two weeks do samen So so far in this lesson, we've had Louis meaning to hire or to rent. You know what you meaning? A car Une samen meaning a week or one week and do some in meaning two weeks. So how would you say in French? Can I hire a car for two weeks? Usually way and watch up with this. Men preach away, invite you up or just men We're having to say How much is it for two weeks? Stay calm. Young policemen se chromium produce men. Or how the same French? I would like to hire that for two weeks. Please. You would really way stop all dis men. Siva Plea June Bride Louis Support just immense, probably. Or how would you say it's for two weeks? Support this men support system in 17. 3 Minute French Lesson 12c: This word is a little shorter than a week. As usual as usual, it means a day or one day. We had bushel in the last course, which means good day or hello, Good day Born jewel. So Andrew means one day an angel. How would you say in French? I'd like a car for one day. Please. You would right in virtue up or Andrew Civil Plea Jude, I invite you up Or Angela Conceivably. We'll have to say How much is it for one day? Stay calm. Be ample, Andrew Secret Tiempo Andrew We'll have the same French. It's for one day. Stapleton drool Safe potential. I would just say it cannot hire that for one day. Prison away. CEPAL Andrew, preach away CEPAL Angela Well, how would the same French I would like the car for one day, please. Juve, drill about your poor on rocks Probably Jude Irrelevant Yapo Andrew off secretly. So Andrew is one day and you can probably guess what do your means. Du jour means two days. Do you? So I would say in French. I would like to hire a car for two days. Jubal Daley way in, Watch up or do you? You get the hell away in watch up. Or did you? Or how would you say? It's for two days. Stapled Visual. Say Ford Visual. How would you say in French? How much is it for two days? Stay calm, you ample! Did you say come you ample? Did you? Or how would you say? I would like the car for two days? Jude, I love a chapel. Did you you want tonight about your poor? Did you or how the same French? Can I hire that for two days? Appreciably support. Do you preach away support visual? 18. 3 Minute French Lesson 12d: and then your next word is a little longer than a week. I'm more, uh, more. It means a month or one month are more so in this lesson. So far, we've had Louis meaning to hire or to rent in Ventura, meaning a car in samen, which means one week do samen meaning two weeks usual meaning one day did jewel meaning two days. And, um wow, which means one month. So how would you say in French? It's for one month. Say, for someone say for a more. Well, how would you say, How much is it for one month? Sequim Sample memoir Si com Yongpo hand more The word more already ends in letter s so to make it plural, you just leave it as it is So dumb. War means two months get more. So how would you say in French? I would like to hire the car for two months. Please, Judy. Really well about your poor, dumb Wasim. Probably juvenile away. Love a chapel. Do more probably Or how would you say? How much is it for two months? Se Compal! Dima, Stay calm. You ample do more. Now it's time to practice. What we've learned in this lesson. How do you say the following evidence is in French? I would like to hire a car. How much is it? You would find a way Invite you sacrum young. You would really weigh in. What you say Come young. How much is it for? Eight days, say from Tampa with you. Stay calm. Yongpo, with you, my car is terrible. My watch. You're a terrible, mature ater Hebrew. How much is it for two weeks? Sitcom? Um policemen Si com yam produce min. 19. 3 Minute French Lesson 12e: Can I hire cough for three weeks, please? Pre Julian. Watch up or testaments evil play. Preach away on what your port Westminster abruptly. Can I hire call for three days? Please preach away on match up a 12 year civil plea. Preach away in watch a poor 20 or simply I would like to hire a car for one week. How much is it? Juve drained away. Invite Chapo Instrument Si com Young. You would hand you a match up or instrument sitcom Young. I would like to hire a car for two weeks. How much is it? Juve Drain. Wait and watch up. Or this Men say Come young, You won't find a way and watch up with this. Men say Come young. How much is it for nine days? Stay calm, you ample nephew! Stay calm, Young porn! If you'll I would like to hire two cars. Jude really way Do what you You will find a way. Do what you Now let's have a go doing some reverse translations. What do these French sentences mean in English? Se come empathy you si com young post issue How much is it for six days? Se commune poor sexual sitcom. Young, poor sexual. How much is it for five days? Appreciate away in virtually a C please away in virtue. Honesty. Can I hire a car here? Juve would trail away. Do virtue Juvenile away. Do what you I would like to hire to cause June trailed away in Voucher. You would really weight in Watcher. I would like to hire a car. Jude Railway invite you up or 20 or civil play. Juve would trail away. On what? Your poor 20 or civil play. I would like to hire a car for three days, please. 20. 3 Minute French Lesson 12f: love What? You're a prophet. Lovage. Er a profit. The car is perfect. Mom. What? You're a terrible MAV watcher. A terrible My car is terrible. Sitcom Yongpo Do samen si com um policemen. How much is it for two weeks? Say Comey. Ample 20 si Com Um poor 20. How much is it for three days? What we'll do now are some recap translations to incorporate the words and phrases we learned in all the previous lessons. How do you say in French? The restaurant here is fantastic. Looks as though you see a fantastic has the holy see a fantastic The turkey is always terrible here, Ladan and a 20 terribly see Ladan A to your terribly see, I think it's very good here for most matrimony. See, Bomar said time only. See? Everybody is here to Lamont. A PC to Lemonde A easy that isn't very good. Assassinate patrimony! Sesame patrimony! Everything is perfect to a puffy to a Palffy. Have a good evening. Bonsoir. Once body have a good day. Bon, Johnny Boone. Johnny, I would like to make a reservation. Jubal today felt you know the best drivel do. They felt you enough at the best. You're How much is my bill? Se Come Yamana issue Say Kumbaya. Mona Lisa 21. 3 Minute French Lesson 12g: Now let's do some French to English Recap. Translations. What do these French sentences mean in English? Boudreau Job training in tablet 12 Sons evil play Bush Junior high in tablet. Hello. I would like a table for three people. Please. No 10. A tremor? No. 10. A timer. The hotel is very good. Sleep abalone, sea snap A money See? It isn't good here to the money. See a trace jumper to the money. See a trace Jumper Everybody here is very nice, Ladan. A profit, Ladan and a profit. The turkey is perfect. General delivery in potatoes Even play. You would write in potato civil play. I would like a bottle of water please. Juventus monoliths here in Cebu. Plea Juve Today Morning Edition Simply I would like my bill. Please Luapula A to show Fantastic E C loophole A to your fantastic E C. The chicken is always fantastic here. Sapo Hell, Sapo Hell, It's for her. You know that's a home. A triple No Has the home a trimmer? The restaurant is very good. Now let's recap. All the words we've learned safe are How do you say in French? My more Ma May the chicken literally? Absolutely. Absolutely. I would like digital delay. Nice Sampa. A reservation, you know, offensive. Last year, a week I'm powerful. Everything to a day as usual. Terrible. Can you believe? A month? I'm one. Hi. Sell you? Uh um in always to Joe. Good bone. Have a good day. Bush on me. Goodbye. But West the look lot Lee, It isn't soon EPA aren't new Sampa A bottle of wine in boot? Ativan for him. Pottery here. Let's see. 22. 3 Minute French Lesson 12h: delicious. And then this year, uh, so to pay. Peggy. Good evening. Most well, very. Okay. A t anti for me from one to hire. Louis, it is. See Have a good evening, monster. High boat May the water. Hello. A bottle of water in what? A dough. The bill lettuce. Soon the wine. Move on. Thank you. Messi is a How much is it say? Come young Good night Money, please Civil play Fantastic! Fantastic! The hotel A little beautiful bull The food Landau he to that So also or c See you soon. Viento Extraordinary ec study now a table in tablet a week winsome in two days Digital Excuse me excusing more and a perfect puffy, I think Puma Can I pressure? No. You know a coffee on coffee? Yes, we Hello. Visual for her, Brian, to make fair a car. You know what you two people do? Person The restaurant fester home to try. They say you everybody to demand the turkey Ladan and a carrot in Cowart. Two months de moi. Two weeks just men isn't Naper That is Sussie 23. 3 Minute French Lesson 13a: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap of the words and phrases we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in French two weeks, Newsom in one day and you'll to hire or to rent? No way. Two days Usual a car. You know what you two months de moi one week une samen and one month I'm one. Here's your first word for this lesson. It is spelt exactly the same as the English, but it's just pronounced a little differently. Your whole the whole it means euros bill home. So how would you say in French? It's 10 euros. Say this old I say this all. And how would you say the bill is 50 euros. Lettuce in a sank onto a whole Laeddis in a thank on toe. Or how would you say it's one you're gonna say a new see annual? Or how about the same French? The wine is 10 euros. Live on a D soul Live on a diesel or what about It's five euros for one day. Se sango Poor Andrew Se Sankoh. Poor Andrew. This word goes nicely with the whole son team. Some team it means sense. Some team. So how would you say in French, it's 50 cents se sank on some team se sank on son team. Or how would you say the bottle of water is 60 cents? Labatt dado a sua sponte Some team lab dado a Swiss on some team or have the same French. It's 50 cents for a bottle of water se sang Konstantin Perrin Potato se San Constant team, but in boot dado 24. 3 Minute French Lesson 13b: is your next word in French Bath Bath, it means pair bass. You can use bar with any of the time phrases we've learnt so far. So, for example, battles you're is per day Bassam in per week, Tom Watt per month or even back. A son in French means purpose and back person. So how would you say in French? How much is it per day? Stay calm, se young. Or how would you say it's 10 euros per week? Say this whole path min. Say diesel dustman. How are the same French? It's 50 orders per person. Se sank onto hope a person se sank onto hope a person, or how to say how much is the car per week? Seka Miele. What your past. Min si com me a lot about your past men. Now the way French people talk about how much something is is very similar to how we do it in English, usually in English. We only say the word your Oh, for example, it's two euros, 50 minute brother saying sense. Well, this is the same in French. Say, do all sank. Want. It's two euros. 50. You haven't got to say it's two euro 50 cents. On the other hand, you would use the word for sense if there were no yours involved. For example, it's 20 cents, say Vance on team. However, this isn't set in stone. Andi. It just depends on who is speaking. One person might choose to say three euros. 20 Another might used to say three euros, 20 cents, one of the matter to stay 3 20 and it's the exact same in French. Additionally, the way that money is written varies from place to place. There are three different ways that I've seen. Money written on price labels, inference with the euro sign in front with the euro sign at the very end or with your sign in the middle. I've seen all of these written. One thing that is the same wherever you go is that the French use a comma instead of a decimal point and a decimal point instead of a comma. That's why there's a comma in the prices on the screen. 3000 euros will be written as 3.0 with a decimal point 25. 3 Minute French Lesson 13c: How would you say these in French? It's three euros. 50 se 20. Your horse sank. Want se 20? Your whole sank Want. It's 10 euros per week. Say diesel Masterman. Say diesel Bassam in So in this lesson, we've had your whole meaning. Euros, some team meaning sense. Uh, which means pair Jules per day past them in meaning per week. Tom Watt, Which means per month Onda PAPP ass on meaning per person. So it's time to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say the following sentences in French? It's 60. Yours se sweats onto your whole SE sweats onto home. It's 81 yours se Katzover on the whole See Catwoman on Oh, it's 50 cents Se sank on some team se sank on son team It's 20 euros for two days, save at the whole put Did you se van Hope or digital? It's 53 euros. Se sank on 12 hole se sank on 12 Your whole it's 83 yours se Catalan 20 who say cattle of Antoine You home. It's 10 euros per bottle. Se de Saho se de so hope abou t it's 52 euros se san condo HOA se sunken do It's 80 euros. Stay cattle Banku say cats prevent your whole It's that euros per month. Se 20 Hope memoir state onto hope someone 26. 3 Minute French Lesson 13d: Now let's have a go. It doomed some reversed translations. What do these French sentences mean in English? Se van A unusual save on a On a whole, it's 21. Yours se Cinquanta on home Se Cinquanta Annual. It's 51 yours, se Cinquanta Ho Say thank onto hole. It's 50 orders se spots on the Sun Team SE spots on this son team. It's 70 cents SE sank on 12. Your whole se sank on 12 your whole it's 53 euros. Se 20 Hope someone say Toronto Ho Bama. It's 30 euros per month. Save under cool save under hole. It's 22 euros. Se Katamon dojo say cattle vendor Who? It's 80 to yours. See Katamon Home Se Katzover on your home is 81 Euros SE sweats onto hole. See, it's west onto home. It's 60 orders. What we'll do now are some recap translations to incorporate all the words and phrases. Bulent in the previous lessons, How do you say in French? The food here is very good land. No hitter is see a Taliban let no hitter. He see a Trayvon. The leaks are very good. Les PAHO Some trouble Les Pothole. Some table. The chicken and the turkey are delicious. The Poor Ellen and Sunday This year Luapula Ladan Sunday The turkey is delicious. Ladan A Dallas years Ladan, They did issues. 27. 3 Minute French Lesson 13e: I think the restaurant is fantastic. From what I noticed, a harmony. Fantastic. From what? A fantastic that is perfect. Sassy Buffy! Sussie. Buffy, May I try the wine, please? Us again? Live on, please. Yes, sir. You live on? I think everybody is very nice. From what? To lemoni. Try Sampa Pumar to Lamont. A tray. Sampa. Also, I'd like a coffee, please. Or C Jude Rianka facing Roupoli or C Judo Grand Cafe Civically. Yes, it's for me Re Septima, We say from one. Now let's do some French to English recap. Translations You would write in boot a Does he play? You would write you potatoes even play. I'd like a bottle of water. Please No. Tell a table. Look, Tell a team the hotel is terrible. We say Puma, we see more. Yes, it's for me Previously Weight Yoon, watch upon this Mendivil plea prettily waving matchup adjustments He will play. Can I hire a car for two weeks? Please? Juve would trail away, invite you up or just amend. Say cumbia. You've withheld away In what? Your produce Men Sitcom young. I'd like to hire a car for two weeks. How much is it? You booted the vamp. Oh, hell. A legs jump in boot. A The vamp ahead, a lot. A bottle of wine for her on the bill For me. We says a train born may snap a fee. We sassy tribal maze Knee Peppa fee. Yes, that is very good book. It isn't perfect. 28. 3 Minute French Lesson 13f: snap a tremor. Snee Pat Kramer It isn't very good. Se communal apuuli se communal pool How much is the chicken Ladan? A profit in your semen? Coffee in Dennis You London The Prophet Air Sea Mom Cafe in Venice Year The turkey is perfect And also my coffee is delicious. Now let's recap all the words we've learned so far How do you say these in French? Also or C Terrible Terry Ebola. Thank you Messi. A car I invite you. That is Sussie to make fair, please civil play Delicious Nevis here Two months de moi for him. Poorly Very okay for me Someone The turkey Ladan always to joe the food Lenovo to per day Casual the chicken look poorly. Nice Sampa, I think someone to try. It's Gigi the Bill Lady. Soon the coffee. I'm coffee. The wine Move on two people depressed On a month I'm one A bottle of wine in Buday. Devon, my more Ma May the water No two days. Visual. I don't No Sampa. Hello Usual. Good evening. Both laugh 29. 3 Minute French Lesson 13g: it is. See? See you soon. Viento a t And they the Luke Lap Lea and a everything to for her. Oh, hell, I would like a character in Kohat. Have a good day. Boom, Johnny! Extraordinary extraordinaire! Everybody, Two months. No, no! Have a good evening monstrosity. Okay, Bath A leak and put a hole. Goodbye of last good night Born and we to pay. Hey! Hey! Hi. They sell you beautiful bull. Perfect. Buffy, How much is it? Stay, Commune. Since some team payment. From what boat? May, Uh uh Or in Yes, we to hire Louis. Absolutely. Absolutely. A bottle of water in what they do per person. Baptists on that, sir. A reservation, you know, have a soon good boom. Uh, soon a day and you're fantastic. Fantastic. Excuse me. Excusing more. It isn't sin EPA per week. Bustem in a week. Une simen isn't Naper a table in tablet? The restaurant? No, that's the home. Here it's C Euros. Your whole is a Can I please Asia? Two weeks. Just men. The hotel Look. 10 30. 3 Minute French Lesson 14a: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap off. The words and phrases relent in the last lesson. How do you say in French your rose the whole since some team per day? Casual per week. Past min Payment Tom Watt on per person. Back off, son. Hes a useful question phrase. I kill. Ah, a killer. It means at what time can at what time? In English. Sometimes we don't say the act at the beginning of the phrase at what time? Sometimes we just say what time. However, in French, you always have to say a K, so I'll put the at in brackets in the English. But in French, you always say they are. So how would you say in French? At what time is the reservation a killer? A lot. A killer in office of assume? Here's the most important meal of the day. Look pretty visually in the petite Disney, it means the breakfast deputy de genie. This phrase pretty means small and day. Ginny means lunch, so it's really the small lunch. But Lipitor that your name means the breakfast and actually the last part of vision e Junie means to fast meaning to stop eating. So is your name is too fast Day, Ginny is to break the fast. And so after a night of not eating when you're sleep, then you break the fast day journey When you start using again on the small. Breaking off the fast in French is the breakfast deputy Niugini. So how would you say the breakfast here is fantastic? Lopatin Legionnaire is see a fantastic deputy. Dejan EEC a fantastic Or how would you say? At what time is breakfast? Our killer. A lucrative Virginie. A killer? A pretty that journey. Did you get this translation correct? Or did you miss out the word? Look in English, the sentences at what time is breakfast? But in French, you must always say ver breakfast. So you should say at what time is the breakfast in French? That's why it's a killer. A blue Division E. And not just a killer. A pretty Ginny. So you always say that. Look in front of pretty vision. A in French 31. 3 Minute French Lesson 14b: So how would you say, At what time is breakfast? A killer? Ayla. Pretty Ginny. A killer. Ayla. Pretty Ginny. Or how would you say? I think the breakfast is perfect from one lucrative in a From what? The patina in a cafe have the same French. The breakfast here is always absolutely delicious. Look. Pretty Dejan it. They see a Tosia? Absolutely delicious. The pretty Dejan ABC A to je. Absolutely delicious. Or how would you say the breakfast is here on a pretty day, Ginny? A c the pretty region a a c. How would you say in French? I would like breakfast here. You wouldn't. I put in the EEC. She won't. Really pretty, Ginny. So we had leprosy. Ginny means the breakfast while the next meal is just look, Dejan e. Which means the lunch Lady Ginny. So we've had in this lesson Kelo. Meaning at what time? Look. Pretty day, Ginny. Meaning the breakfast Onda. Lydia, Ginny, Which means the lunch. So how would you say in French? What time is lunch? A killer. A loaded Ginny. A killer. A little Ginny. So again, you have to use Look in front of lunch as well to save a lunch in French. How would you say, Can I pay for lunch? Pretty opinionated, Ginny, please. You pay for that you need or how would you say the lunch is terrible here? Religion A terrible C Religion is a terribly seem. How would you say? Can I make a reservation for lunch? Pretty fair, Yoon Offensive ASEAN polity, Ginny. Pretty fat, you know, for the best part of the journey. 32. 3 Minute French Lesson 14c: and then the final meal of the day is often the biggest in French. It's Ludin e Lyndon E. On this means the dinner litany. So how would you say in French? What time is dinner? A killer, A litany, A killer? A litany? Or how would you say, Can I pay for their pretty big Ghedini? Pretty opinion leading me have the same French dinner Is delicious Latina in Dennis here Latina in Dennis here. Or how would you say vagina here is always fantastic. Ludin EEC a to your fantastic Denise See a huge are fantastic. What about how much is the dinner here? Se community in a C said community Nehisi What about I think that it is terrible from wild in A From what I read in a terrible So it's time to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say in French the breakfast isn't bad but the dinner is delicious. The petition A maple movie may lead in a and Alicia the Pretty Dejan A napalm movie may lead in a delicious My lunch is absolutely perfect Monday, Ginny Absolutely Palffy. Monday, June A absolute Mom Palffy The dinner here is terrible, Ludin. You see a terrible leading the EEC a terrible My breakfast is here, Mom. Pretty Dejan A You see mom footage in a sec for breakfast. I'd like an orange juice. Pull a pity the Gimnasia Buddha thing on and you don't pull the pity the genie is your food right on Judah homes. 33. 3 Minute French Lesson 14d: for lunch. I'd like a baguette. Paula Dejan. It would write une baguette. Pull a day. Ginny Jude, Right in bag it. What time is dinner? A killer? A litany. A killer. A lead in E. The dinner is perfect. Leading a a puffy Rudini. A Palffy. My breakfast is fantastic, Mom. Pretty visionary. A fantastic mom. Pretty Ginny. A fantastic! The dinner is here. Lead in a sec lead in a busy Now let's have a go Doing some reverse translations, I had to say in English. Look pretty, Ginny Nipah Movie May Loaded. Unit. Del Issue Look Pretty Region. A napalm movie. Melody Ginny. A Day This year. The breakfast isn't bad, but the lunch is delicious. Monday, June 8 A Day This year More Dejan a Minister My Lunch is Delicious, mourned in a Mondaini and Alicia. My dinner is delicious. Bullet Pretty Region It Jude Iran. Question politically. Ginny Jud Ia in question for breakfast. I'd like a question, Mom. Patijn a a Tell mom Pretty Dejan a a terrible My breakfast is terrible. Ludin. ABC A delicious Ludin A. You see a rest. The dinner here is delicious. The pity Dejan a C absolutely fantastic. look pretty Dejan, ABC Absolutely fantastic. The breakfast here is absolutely fantastic, said Colombiano de Ginny se Community Ginny. How much is lunch? 34. 3 Minute French Lesson 14e: more indigenous? Absolutely. Palffy. Monday's You Need Absolutely and Puffy My lunch is absolutely perfect. Monday, June a PC Monday, June A a E. C. My lunch is here. What we're gonna do now are some recap translations, which will incorporate words we learned in the previous lessons. How do you say in French? I would like a table for four please. As usual, the value in tablet for Cat receive a plea you write in Tablet bill cats Conceivably. How much is it for six days? Stay calm. Be empathy. Stay calm, be on post seizure. It's 30 or is permanent state onto hope. Memoir Se taunter Hope someone. It's 80 euros is it gets more value home if they get to about your home. How much is it for four days? Second Temple. Katherine Si com e Ample cats. Visual. I think it's fantastic. From what? Say fantastic. From what I say fantastic. It isn't good. It's absolutely extraordinary. Snap a bone, say absolutely extraordinaire. Snap a bone, say absolutely extraordinaire. Everything is here. Toe a a C to a easy How much is it for two days? Say Comey Ample. Did you stay calm? Be ample. Did you. Excuse me? The bill, please Excuse me more loudest. Conceivably. Excuse me. More medicine. Civil play. Now let's do some French to English Recap. Translations. What do these French sentences mean in English? Snap up. OK, this tape or more? Snap a Poele. Supra. More. It isn't for her. It's for me. 35. 3 Minute French Lesson 14f: she won't write in Tablet for Twitter, son Superbly June Rare in tablet for 20 son Civil play id like a table for three people Please Reza palm or mercy, we say poor mom, etc Yes, it's for me Thank you. Send a path Fantastic May say timer snap A fantastic Macy tribal It isn't fantastic but it's very good. I'm Kathy Poem or and coffeepot Moi A coffee for me Madan a profit Modern day prophet My take is perfect Jude Racing in advance Abruptly Juve, Today s a year offensive play I would like to try the wine Please say with something whole Say with some your whole It's 800 euros SAS Team Adande Sexy Madan That's my tiki Previous a yellow police will play pretty Estela Police Evil Plea Can I try the chicken, please? Now let's recap all the words we've learned so far How do you say in French? A bottle of wine in potato van, please Civil plea Goodbye of what? Hello, Boesel. Hi. Sell you and a It is se the dinner. Rudini always to Joe is a yes. We per person. A person. Uh, soon My moment. Ma may have a good evening. Bonsoir e the Turkey, Ladan and 36. 3 Minute French Lesson 14g: two days, did you? The look, Lap and Lee, Have a good day. Bon Johnny. Here, you see? Isn't Naper perfect? Buffy the water! No, For me. For more. Thank you, Messi. Beautiful bull! No, no! Everybody to the mourned A bottle of water in what they do. Nice Sampa to hire Louis. Good evening, Miss West per month. Someone to pay. Peggy, it isn't Snipper A week in some in a month. I'm one fantastic, fantastic, extraordinary extraordinaire. The breakfast. What a pity! Vision e for her prevailed. At what time? Al queda The wine, The van, the bill Let's assume the restaurant. No Has the home Good night. Born in me a day angel? Two weeks This men a character in Cowart per week Specimen a t anti the lunch revision E pair better Can I Pressure Aren't no Sampa that so? Two people the best in a reservation. You know that the best. You, uh uh And in boat Me. Excuse me. Excuse me. More good bone for him. 40 euros. Your whole I would like Jubal delay a car. You know what? You How much is it? Se cumbia. The hotel? Look tell Since some team also or C two months. Don't want a coffee on coffee. A leak? I'm for a whole. Absolutely. Absolutely. To try a city. See you soon. I mean to the food. And I know he dio per day Casual the chicken literally a table in top. Very. Okay, that is Sussie to make fair, I think Someone terrible. Terry Nebula. Everything to and delicious Dallas here. 37. 3 Minute French Lesson 15a: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap of the words and phrases we learned in last lesson. How do you say in French at what time? A killer. The breakfast. It's a pity that you need the lunch. In addition E and the dinner Houdini. Now, this lesson is going to be all about telling the time is your first time related freeze? Uh, yeah, Uh, yeah, it means at Oclock, and you can put any number in between the our and the so How would you say in French at three o'clock at 12 at 20 year? Or how would you say it is at five o'clock? See a sunk, say, a sank? Well, how would you say dinner is at eight to cook Houdini a Rita Latina? A quitter? Or how would you say breakfast is at seven o'clock Lipitor? Ginny a setter Look pretty Virginie a asset now There are no words for AM or PM in French, but they do have two ways of differentiating between the two. Either you can use the 24 hour clock, which defends to a lot, or you can use these two little phrases loom Aton means in the morning and lists where means in the evening. You can put these two phrases after you say the time, for example, Se ah Witter Yomitan say a witter Yomitan. It's at 8 a.m. Or, say a Witter, say a widow. Swear means it's at 8 p.m. Or to show that you mean PM you could use the 24 hour clock, for example, say a van. Save on you. It's at eight PM or 20 oclock. So when this wasn't so far, we've had ah, air meaning at something oclock Lumet town, meaning in the morning, which can be used for AM or lists where meaning in the evening or it can be used to mean PM . 38. 3 Minute French Lesson 15b: So how would you say in French using the 24 hour clock dinner is at eight. Oclock Ludin e a a Van Ludin. A Avon. Oh, how would you say breakfast is at 7 a.m. Liberty, Ginny. A Ceta? No matter The pretty Ginny. A asset column, Aton. Or how would you say dinner is at 5 p.m. Ludin, A sanctuary Ludin, a assange. Careless watch. This next phrase is similar to the last phrase we learned, but with a little bit extra on the end. Ah, yeah, A to me. Ah, l a. To me, it means at half past something on again. You can put any number on the dots. So, uh, and then any number girl A To me, it means at something oclock and 1/2. So do me means 1/2. So it's half past. So how would you say in French? Lunch is at half past two. Liu Dajun a a Adu enemy. Did you name it me or how would you say it's at half past five se Asanka enemy se Ah, thank aadmi. Or how would you say the reservation is at half past three llegado esta 12 enemy LA is a vast a 12 enemy. And how would you say this using the 24 hour clock? It's at half past two, Say a cattles. Aid me, say a cattles air aadmi. That means it's a Hoppus two or 14. 30 in the evening. Let's add another time phrase Ah, l a guy, Uh uh A car. So this one means at quarter past and again, you can put any number where the dots are. So are something a car, and it means at something oclock and 1/4 the word care means quarter. 39. 3 Minute French Lesson 15c: So we've had uh, uh meaning at oclock Uh uh A to me at half past something loom aton meaning in the morning Or am let's watch meaning in the evening or PM and, uh ah, a calf at quarter past something. How would you say in French? Lunch is at quarter past two. New day Ginny A do deca luda Ginny. Well, how would you say it's that course? Best for, say, a cattle earl a ca say a cattle girl, a car or have the same French? I would like to make a reservation at quarter past seven June Rey faire une resolution Set a car Djibouti Fair. You know, a set of a car or using the 24 hour clock? How would you say it's at quarter past five? Or it's at 17. 15. Say a D set a ca say a decent l A car. Or how would you say my reservation is at 6:15 p.m. Matters of assume Asus l a callus Wa mazara still sees Erica. Or what about breakfast is at court past eight in the morning. Look pretty Ginny. Air, Wheat a car kalamata. Look pretty Virginie. A little a car. LaMontagne. Now it's at another time. Phrase. Uh uh. Wonder cast, Uh, one look out and this one means at quarter to and so again, you can put any number where the dots are, Uh, something, Earl. One look out and it means at something oclock minus 1/4. So more means minus and again car means quarters. That something minus 1/4. So how would you say in French? My reservation is at quarter to eight? We would say literally. My reservation is at eight o'clock, minus 1/4. Ma has a vast a twitter Monica has ever still a Rita Monica. 40. 3 Minute French Lesson 15d: Or how would you say lunch is at quarter to two Lujan e A. Uh uh, Monica Lujan a Monica? Or how do you say it's at quarter to seven? Say a Seto. Monica, say a Ceta Monica. And how would you say dinner is at quarter to seven using the 24 hour clock. Ludin e ad isn f l Monica Lodin A a ad isn fl Mollica When you want to ask somebody what the time is right now, then you can use this question. Killer deal killer deal. It means What time is it? Keller? Deal. So how would you say in French? Excuse me, What time is it? Excuse me. More killer till excuse him or kill a till all of the time Phrases I've given you in this lesson mean at a specific time. And they all start with the word so are due at two o'clock or our sanctum one look out at quarter to five. However, if you want to say what time it is right now there's a slightly different way off saying it is The phrase is e lay something and that means it is something oclock meaning right now. So When you're telling somebody what time it is right now, you must say L A for it is on. You don't need the little that we've seen in all the time and time phrases we've looked at in this lesson. Look at these examples L A set. It is seven o'clock. Meaning it is seven o'clock right now. L a setter. A car. It is court past seven l a setter Monica, it is quarter to seven or l a setter. A To me, it is half past seven. So in this lesson, so far, we've had a something meaning at something oclock uh a to me at half past lamontagne which was a m or in the morning Le Soir, which was PM or literally in the evening. Uh, bill a calf meaning at quarter past something. Uh ah. One look out at quarter to something. Keleti What time is it? And l a something It is something a cook right now 41. 3 Minute French Lesson 15e: How would you say in French? It is four o'clock. Well, a cat l a cattle or it is half past nine l a Neff A to me l a Neff L A. To me, that means it is half past nine right now. If you wanted to say it is at half past nine But then you would say say, Ah, no fell into me. And so you would say, Say, under fell I do me It is at half past nine. But if you want to say it is hopeless nine right now Haley NFL 80 Me How would you say in French, it is two PM They, uh, swap in a day older swap in English. You usually use a colon to write the time, for example, 5 45 PM or 16. 15 or 2005 There are Coghlan's used tell the time, however, in French, instead of using a colon, you use a lower case. Hate on the hate stands for it's all the times I've written on the screen in French would be 17 hates 45 16 h 15 28 05 So you used the hate instead of a colon in French. Now, in this lesson, we've learned how to say oclock half past quarter, past and quarter to. But what about all the times like five past or 20 past? Well, in French, you always start by saying something, girl. So you always start by saying something oclock, and then you add anything else onto the end for anything past the hour. You just add it on. So five past seven, you would say it's seven o'clock five. Sit, sunk for anything to the hour. Then use the word more, which means less or minus so 5 to 7 would literally be seven o'clock minus five. Set a one sunk. Here is a list off most of the common times that you can use in French. You can change the seven or eight to any number you like, and so seven o'clock would be set five past seven. Set l sunk 10 past seven. Set a dese quarter past seven said L. A car 20 past seven said van, 25 past seven. Set a van sank half past seven. Set a to me 25 to 8 wheat. One van sunk. 28. We tell one Von course to eight Rita Marlowe car 10 to 8. Rita Montes, 5 to 8. Rita Montes sunk and eight oclock wheat. So just remember, whenever you want to say that something is at a specific time, you must say in front of the time, If you want to say what time it is right now, then you don't need to use the, uh but you would use l. A for it is. 42. 3 Minute French Lesson 15f: So in this lesson, we've had, uh, something girl at something oclock uh, a to me at half past something. Limit on meaning am or in the morning. Let's watch meaning pm or in the evening, Uh, a calf at quarter past something. Uh ah. One look out at court to something, Kayla. Till what time is it? Meaning what time? What time is it? Right now? And l a air. It is something oclock right now. So now it's time to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say the following in French at half past two at, uh, enemy did l enemy? It's at quarter past nine se NFL a ca se n f l a guy. It's that courts to eight se ah Witter Monica, say a Witter Monica it's half past four. The Lake Atter enemy it a cattle enemy. It's courts to three l a 12 Monica in a 12 Monica it's at half past four. Say cattle Earl Enemy Say a cattle it to me It's at quarter to six. SE assists Monica SE assists Monica It's half past five in a Sankara Aadmi l A sank a to me dinner is at eight oclock lead in a a a Witter Latina Air Wick. The It's two o'clock l a day if they do, uh 43. 3 Minute French Lesson 15g: Now let's have a go at doing some reverse translations. What do these French sentences mean in English? Se asses Erica se assist a car? It's at quarter past six. You radio. They dio it guy, it's quarter past two. No de Ginny a twat. Ludie Ginny A. At 12 Lunch is at three o'clock. Say a set, Monica Say I said Monica, it's at quarter to seven. Say a NIF say in F Uh, it's at nine o'clock, say an F a. To me say an F aadmi. It's at half past nine l a doozy, huh? If they do is Ah, it's 12 o'clock. Say, I do say and do it's at two o'clock se Adu's se Adu's. It's at 12 o'clock L A. This Mondays, Ladies Mondays It's 10 to 10. Now let's do some recap. Translations. How to say the sentences in French. I would like a t for me. Onda. A coffee for Hair, please. Djibouti Ray on tape memoir in a Cafe Po Healthy Roupoli, Gibraltarian tape memoir and coffeepot. LCV Plea. Can I hire car for two weeks, please? Previously way in Ventura Produce tremendous evil plea. Preach away in watch up or just immense evil plea It isn't good Snake problem. Snake problem. The chicken is very good, but the turkey is extraordinary. Luapula, A tribal made Adande a extraordinaire. No. Pull a train, male Adande extraordinaire. 44. 3 Minute French Lesson 15h: the restaurant is very good. You don't have a home. A table? No. Has the home a table? I think my lunch is fantastic. From what? Monday journey. A fantastic moi. Monday Janee a fantastic My breakfast is here, Mom. Pretty region. A PC? I'm pretty Legionnaire, ABC. I would like a reservation for three people. Please, Judy, you know, has a vast import. Workers who play she would, you know, has a vast import weapon, Son Steve, a play. My hotel is terrible, but the restaurant is extraordinary. Mona, tell a terrible made a foster home extraordinaire mano tell a terrible middle of esta home extraordinaire. The breakfast is absolutely fantastic. Here, Look Pretty Jeunet. Absolutely fantastic. E c. Lipitor. That Renee. Absolutely fantastic. Easy. Now let's do some French to English Recap. Translations. What do these friends sentences mean in English? Judeh in boot. A divine sick Judy, Right in Bhutan as like a bottle of wine. How much is it? Sassen IPA Madan SATs. Napalm. Adande That isn't my taking live on a cattle. Your home live on a cattle home? The Wyness four year olders. You would write in tablet for deceive a play? Did you vote. The higher in tablet for Dusty will play. I would like a table for two. Please, Mom, pull a cafe. Mom, Pull a a cafe. My chicken is perfect, Ladan. And a profit Ladan and a profit. The turkey is perfect. 45. 3 Minute French Lesson 15i: June 12 Cafe A Do taste even play si com Young You would Ray Twi Cafe a good day civil plane. See cumbia. I would like three coffees and two teas, please. How much is it say? Absolutely extraordinary. A C say absolutely extraordinary. See, It's absolutely extraordinary here. No messy, no mercy And I thank you. Say this hope Aboudi say this hope. Today it's 10 euros per bottle. Now let's recap all the words and phrases we've learned so far. How do you say in French? A bottle of wine in boot Ativan A table in tabular. That Sir the bill Logician. Excuse me. Excuse me. More to pay. Hey you! How much is it? Stay calm, young. Can I creature per day. Casual terrible Habla two weeks Disa men Two months de moi A week Une Ciman Goodbye of west Ah soon it isn't snipper. It is a clock in a Yeah for him foolery, it is se Have a good day, boys on a to try. It's a you nice Sampa. A reservation you know, has a vast Soon I would like Juve will die. The restaurant lost a home. It's a extraordinary extraordinaire. Hi. Sell you the food land? No. PTO. Very okay. And a perfect Buffy the wine. Luzon Aunt New Zampa. Absolutely. Absolutely To hire in the way. Everything to payment from one at oclock? Uh, yeah. 46. 3 Minute French Lesson 15j: a T and they the chicken look poorly Euros your whole for here Poele, the Turkey, Ladan and a month Um What? That is Sussie. My more may at quarter past. Ah, yeah, it guy! Two people. The person. Good night Born Yuri. Hello. At quarter to, uh, ill wonder Cast a carrot in count, I think for more. Pair bath. Uh uh. You know the breakfast look pretty Did Ginny a coffee? I'm coffee. A bottle of water in boot. A dough here. If he the dinner. Dinny. Fantastic! Fantastic! Have a good evening. Born a week and the whole A car. You invite you to make fair The hotel locked in that? No la name at half best? Uh yeah, it to me. Two days Digital. Yes, Really? Good evening. Both laugh Always to Joe Per person about Bessone boat May a day An angel! Delicious! Dennis Here, everybody to Lamond also or C Good. But no, No, Beautiful Both At what time? A killer since 17 isn't Nipper. Thank you, Messi, Please Silver play! What time is it? Killer deal The water! No! See you soon. I viento for me from one The lunch religion e per week Bassam in 47. 3 Minute French Lesson 16a: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap off the words and phrases we learned in the last lesson. How do you say the following in French? What time is it? Killer ideal. It is a clock L A Yeah. At OCLOCK? Uh, yeah, at half past aadmi at quarter past. Uh uh, decaf at quarter to, uh Well, Wonder calf is your first word for this lesson on taxi on taxi. And you might be able to get that it means a taxi on taxi. So how would you say in French? I would like a taxi, please, if you will die on Taxi. Steve Ripley, if you want I on Taxi Civil plea, we'll have to say I would like a taxi at three o'clock. Jubal, Ray and Texi. You will die in taxi at 12. Or how would you say in French? I would like a taxi for two people. You would rely on tech support the person June Rey and tech support the person. If you book a taxi, you'll probably need to give them this lad address. Lutterus, it means the address led address. So how would you say in French? The address is two Alu departments. The word hallelu means road So really it's to Provence Road Latendresse a do over the problems. The ladder has a deal with the problems. Or how would you say the address is 15? Oh, DiMasi Landau s a cans over the Massey laundress. A cans over the Marcy. Here's a useful question phrase. Kill a Kelly. It means what is kill a So how would you say in French? What is the address? Gilly Lutterus Gilly landless. 48. 3 Minute French Lesson 16b: Here's a little word we've come across before. Do do it means off. Do we saw it? Last lesson in Eun Boot day. Do a bottle off now in French, the apostrophe s doesn't exist. Instead, they use the word does which means off. For example, if you want to say the hotel's address in French, you have to change it round and say the address off the hotel which would be Latendresse do lot ill Lanta estilo till the hotel's address literally the address off the hotel. Similarly, if you wanted to say pierres address, you would say the address off Pierre, which would be Latendresse Do Pierre the address of Pierre or PS address. There's one thing to remember with the word do in French, and that is, if you put the word do next to the would look they joined. Forces on become Do So does Plus Le makes new, which means off the so do is other. So if you wanted to say, for example, in the restaurant's address, you would same French the address off the restaurant, which would be Latendresse do a restaurant. Let us do esta home, so see if you can figure out How to say in French. What is the restaurant's address? Gilly Land. Arrest us all home. Kelly Latendresse, Do you arrest a home or how would you say? What is Marie's address? Kelly Latendresse Do marry Kelly. Address Demery. Well, how would you say the hotel's address? Latendresse, do low tell ladder Estelle Hotel. How would you say in French, Pierres chicken is delicious. And so again you would have to say the chicken off, Pierre. Because whenever you have an apostrophe s or the Saxon generative is what its proper name is Then in French you have to switch it round and you say off. So the chicken off, Pierre. So ps chicken is delicious. Look poorly appear A village. The poor lady Pierre a Dallas here. 49. 3 Minute French Lesson 16c: So in this lesson we've had and texi meaning a taxi Latendresse meaning the address Kelly, Which means what is Do it off land arrest appear which means Pierres address. Literally the address off Pier La. Address Dotel the hotel's address or literally the address off the hotel. Let us do a song. The restaurant's address all its re the address off the restaurant because do is a contraction off do Onda. So it's time to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say in French the following sentences I would like a taxi at quarter to one Jubal Ray on taxi. You know, one a calf, you will die and taxi. You know, Monica, that was an interesting thing to note Is that when you say one oclock in French you have to say Yun rather than on because the word Earl which means our or oclock is feminine. So you say Yun one Look 1/4 to 1. What is the soup, Kenny Last Kenny Last soup. What is the hotel's address? Gilly Land Arrest a hotel killing address to a hotel. I would like a taxi, please. In taxis. Jubal, today I'm Taxi Si replay. I would like a taxi at four o'clock, please. You would ring and taxi cattle. Steve Ripley. Gibraltarian Taxi Cab Simply. What is the address? Killing and arrests. Kelly Lutterus. I would like a taxi for eight people at five oclock. And the address is 18 good apari, Jude Ray and Taxi per week Person A sank ale address a the sweet old body Junior high antics. People with person a sank a land arrests 80 suite with a bath. 50. 3 Minute French Lesson 16d: I would like a taxi for three people at course to four Gibraltarian Taxi Port. What a son! Cattle l Monica, you would. I am Taxi for 12. Hassan Cata Monica. I would like a taxi at Harvest one. Jude I on taxi. You know Aadmi, you will die and taxi app You know it to me. I would like a taxi. At quarter to two, you will die and taxi Add one mccaf you could rayon texi I do you Monica Now let's have a go at doing some reverse translations. What do these French sentences mean in English? Juve. Diane! Taxi! I'd do early to me. You will die on taxi Did enemy I would like a taxi at half past two Caleel addressed a little killing addressed the hotel What is the hotel's address? Moon address A counts with Marcy Mon Unless it counts over the Massey. My address is 15 room Massey Gibraltarian Taxi Portray person cattle monarch Our civil play Jude I on taxi for tapas on a cattle mullah Cast even play id like a taxi for three people at course to four please. You go there and text. You know Monica, you will grant Taxi. You know Monica id like a taxi at quarter to one. Latendresse, Yellowtail, Avon over the mountain. Love depressed. Too low 10 even Rudisha Hunter. The hotel's address is 20 or Rudisha hunt on judo. Grand taxi are you know you will die and taxi at, you know id like a taxi at one oclock. 51. 3 Minute French Lesson 16e: killing and the rest to rest a home. Kili Latendresse do has the home. What is the restaurant's address? Latendresse do Has the home a hoot. Stallone, let s do esta home a hoot. Delirium. The restaurant's address is you will die on taxi. Si will play Juve guy and taxi. Seafood Play ID like a taxi, please. What we gonna do now are some recap translations which will incorporate the words and phrases we learned in previous lessons. How do you say in French? Goodbye Over over. It's quarter to six. It laces Monica L A Season Well, a calf that is for me Some people more SAS people more Excuse me. How much is a bottle of wine here? Excuse me, Ma said. Communion booted the van bc Excuse him or seek communion Potato, Vanity. My car is terrible. What? You're a Taliban, my watcher. A terrible It's 10 euros. Say this whole I say this whole The lunch is extraordinary. Religion e a extraordinaire Religion A X tardy. Now it's half past eight in the retail into me In a wheat enemy, it's 557 euros. Se sank phone sunken set a whole se Sanks on some. Consider hole. I think everybody is very nice. From what? To Ramon. A tree. Sampa. From what? To the Monday Trey Zampa. 52. 3 Minute French Lesson 16f: Now let's do some French to English Recap. Translations. What are these French sentences mean in English? Snake patrimony. See snake patrimony. See? It isn't very good here. Little Ginny, a extraordinaire in the region eight x 20 Now the lunch is extraordinary. Lujan a a puffy Lujan A a puffy. The lunch is perfect. Ladan and a Trayvon. Ladan and a tribune. The turkey is very good. Gerald Ray on tape. Mama A cafe Poile. See Play! Try on tape. Omar. A cafe poem else. Abruptly. I would like a t for me. Onda. A coffee for her, please. You know, you know Ended me. You know into me. It's harvest one Monday, June A absolutely puffy, mourned originate. Absolutely On Palffy My lunch is absolutely perfect. Say a sanctuary to me se Asanka enemy It's at half past five say a son Girl say assange Calica It's at quarter past five se esoterica Say I said there a car. It's at quarter past seven. Now let's recap all the words and phrases we've learned so far. How do you say these in French? Thank you, Messi. Very What time is it? Kellogg? Until the wine liva my mo ma me a carrot in Cabot to make fair a week and powerful to try. They say he it isn't snipper. 53. 3 Minute French Lesson 16g: always to Joe, please. Steve will play that. So for me, Um what beautiful bull? Hi. Sell you at half best? Yeah, Bill A to me. The hotel's address Land arrested, Looked in for him. 0.3 The address Lutterus the restaurant. You know I still home. I would like Did you bring today the hotel? Not then Pierres addressed a lot of rest Appear the food land later. Fantastic. Fantastic to hire in a way, A reservation You never the last June Have a good day. Bones on the I think boom wa Uh uh Oh, you know, to pay. Hey, you the bill, laddie. Soon. And a a call. You know what you it is? See? At what time? A killer. Have a good evening Bonds. Very the breakfast like TV genie a day. Angela, Can I Pre Asia. Everybody to demand everything to it Is a clock in a Yeah. Okay. Bath. A bottle of water in what they do. The lunch Virginie A bottle of wine in but a divine two months. De moi 54. 3 Minute French Lesson 16h: a week in some in aren't new Sampa a taxi on texi for her O n How much of it say come? Yeah, that quarter past Ah, build a guy Good evening both laugh Extraordinary ex toddy Now the turkey land A coffee I'm Calfee at quarter to, uh it's Monday. Cast your O's it'll good night. Born in me per week Bassam in pay month Someone two people. The person See you soon. I viento Absolutely, absolutely Here, you see Booked May is a terrible Hey, Bill per day. Casual sentence Some team a month. I'm one. Yes, we perfect. Buffy, that is Sussie. The restaurant's address. A lot of rest. Do you arrest a home? Isn't Naper the dinner lady? Me the look like Lee. Two days digital also or C? Excuse me. Excuse me more at oclock? Uh, yeah, a table in tabular. Hello, Visual. Two weeks. Newsom in. Uh so nice Sampa the chicken Look a t empty. The water blue. No, no Delicious. Millis. Here. Pair person bath Bessone. Good Boom! What is Gilly? Goodbye of left 55. 3 Minute French Lesson 17a: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap off the words and phrases we learnt in the last lesson. How do you say in French? A taxi and texi off? Do what is Kill me? The address. Londres P s address ladders to peer the restaurant's address. Latendresse do Avesta home the hotel's address. LA addressed the hotel. His another useful VEB Ali Ali. It means to go, Ali. So how would you say in French? Can I go pre usually pre gently. Or how would you say I would like to go? Please. You would violate civil play. Or how would you say in French? What time can I go? A killer pre jolly A killer. Usually the verb Ali tends to go hand in hand with another little word. Oh, away. It means to go to they. Uh So how would you say in French? I would like to go to the Hotel Junior high. A hotel would really tell. I would like to go to Paris. Judy. Hi, Ali. Apathy. Juventus. Really a party? Well, how would you say, Can I go to Paris? Pre Je Ali apart, Usually a party. Here's somewhere you could go to lap Lage Lap Lage It means the beach Lep large. So how would you say in French? Can I go to the beach Pre Jalil A plush preacher Layla PLASCHKE Or how would you say I would like to go to the beach at 10 o'clock? June Very jalape lodge decell Jude Ray Gallup Lodge at this. 56. 3 Minute French Lesson 17b: Well, how would you say the beach here is beautiful, Keeping in mind that the word for beach is feminine. Laplata Gysi a bell LaPlace, JVC a bell. So the feminine version off bowl, which is beautiful, is bell. However, if you did happen to, say Lap Lodge able by mistake, you wouldn't be misunderstood, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just try and get it right. But if you make a mistake, don't worry. Now there are lots of different places that you could visit when you're on holiday. We've only had a lap lage so far, but what I've done is made a vocabulary expansion sheet that you can download after this lesson. Andi, learn lots of different places that you can go now. Can you remember what do means mystery in the last lesson when we did landless do arrest a home. It means author, and it's a contraction off dough with look So Duke Plus Lor makes do well. There are a couple off other times when similar contractions will take place in French, so we've had dip. Let's look makes do well, duh plus lay. If you use the plural word for the lay, then you get day. So dirt plus lay makes day. This contraction will come in useful later. Don't worry about it too much for now. I just thought that took it in so you can have a look at it so the word dirt can mean off, but it can also mean from in French. So how would you say it's from the restaurant? Say, do us on. Saved us a home. Or how would you say it's from Pierre Se de Pierre? Saved. Appear well, How would you say that is from Paris? Sat, say, depart, Sassy do Perry? Or how would you say that isn't from Paris? It's from Marseille. Sassen, a pad, Aparri said. Marcy SATs, Nate Paddle Perry, said DiMasi. When we let the word Ali, I said that it goes 100 100. Another little word. So you get away at which means to go to the word means to. But it can also mean at in French, and there are a couple of contractions that you can do with when you have a close look, it becomes, oh, which means to the or at the So when you have a plus lay that becomes all with an X on the end. And again that means to their or at their so at plus look becomes all and hapless lay becomes old and it means to the or at the 57. 3 Minute French Lesson 17c: so all together we've had four contractions. Do plus look, mix, do and do. Plus late makes day on both of those mean off the or from the and then a plus. Lor makes Oh, and at Plus Lay makes all with an X on the end, and they mean to the or other. Now you may have noticed that there are no feminine words for the in these contractions the word love. And that's because in French there are no contractions that take place with the feminine would only ever with low or lay. Also no contractions take place with the L apostrophe and so many times you'll have to contract. Do or are is when you've got a masculine or a plural word for the So how would you say in French? It's at the restaurant Se o restaurant Seo is the home or Pierre is at the restaurant. Pierre, A protest A home. Pierre, eh? Over s a home. How would you say Pierre and Marie are at the restaurant? Pierre, A merry song. Orquesta Home Pierre A merry song, Osr. Anyway, here's another word Du Monde demon. It means tomorrow Duma. So in this lesson, we've had Ali, which means to go Ali, Uh, to go to Lap Lage was the beach and demon means tomorrow. So how would you say in French? Can I go to the restaurant tomorrow? Pressure away against a Honda MMA precio esta Honda MMA. We'll have the same French. I would like to go tomorrow. You really do. Man, I would say I would like to go to the restaurant tomorrow. Jude. Really? Oh, yes. The Honda MMA Jude I l a O K s Thondaman. Well, how would you say? What time is the reservation tomorrow? Akello A doctor's of a cinema Akello. It offers a vast on doma. 58. 3 Minute French Lesson 17d: Or how would you say the reservation is for tomorrow? Lakers have assumed a poll. Demon love has a restaurant. A poor demon. Here's another time phrase Sua sis Wa It means tonight or this evening Sista. So how would you say in French? Can I go this evening? Pretty jealous. A swap usually so suave. How would you say I would like to go to the restaurant tonight? You would really? Or restaurants to swell. You were arrested. Now here is a very strange word in French. I quite like it. I hope you do too. It's she she We don't really have an equivalent in English, but it sort of means at the place off or at the house off. So she it comes from the old Latin word Caza, which means house on in modern French is used to mean at the house of what? The place off. So, for example, shape Pierre means at the house of Pierre or at Piers house. Shame Wow would be at my house if he said Jude Rail a shame. Wow, It would mean I would like to go home literally. I would like to go to my place. You can also use Shea in front of certain professions to mean the place where they work. Shea limits on means at the doctors at the place of the doctor Shayla Bolaji at the baker's or at the place off the baker. So how would you say these sentences in French? Using the word she up P s house shape? Yeah, shape here. What time can I go to Marie's house? A killer usually Shemari Makayla usually Shemari I would like to go home. You would really shame one juvenile. Really? Shame one. So in this lesson, we've had Ali meaning to go Ali ne to go to Lap Lage being the Beach Duma, which means tomorrow since we are meaning this evening or tonight Shea at the house over at the place over Chez Pierre at P s house, uh, meaning at or two. And do meaning from or off. 59. 3 Minute French Lesson 17e: So it's time to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say in French at George's House, she's yours? Shame, George. What time can I go to the restaurant? A killer. Appreciably arrest a home. Makayla Progeria estan. You might need to look at your vocabulary expansion sheet for this next one. Can I go to the theme park tomorrow? Pre jelly. Open the taxi on demand. I usually go pack that taxi on demand at Matthew's House. Shame at two. Shame at you. I would like to go to PS House. Jubal Daley. Shape here. You want a relationship here? I would like to go at half past four. You would really catch her enemy. Jude. Really? Catarella to me at Marine's House. She Marine, she main. I would like to go at quarter to three. You would really at one Luca juggled. Really? At 12 Monica, I would like a taxi for three people at four o'clock. Andi, I'd like to go to the beach. Juve Diane Taxi. Poor Twitter, son. Cattle Asia Food Rail applies Gibraltarian Taxi! Petropolis on a cattle drive. I'd like to go to Marie's house tonight. Jude. Really? Shaimaa Jude really she Marissa Swell man. It's have a go doing some reverse translations. What do these French sentences mean in English? Jude? Really? L a plush setter. 80 me jude. Really? Replies are set already Me. I would like to go to the beach at half past seven. 60. 3 Minute French Lesson 17f: jumbled. Really? A cattle Erica Jude Really a cat? Really? I would like to go at quarter past four. Shame, Marquis. Shaimaa fee at Marie's house. You would Really? I cut her film will Look out, Jude. Really a cata Monica, I would like to go out course to four. You really shale Wiedemann You could really shame Readerman. I would like to go to his house tomorrow. Jude. Really a hotel. Is this well? Juve Tirlea. Hello tennis. I would like to go to the hotel tonight. All this evening Previously she Marie procedurally Shemari. Can I go to Marie's house? Akello usually Schapira a killer usually shape here. What time can I go to PS house? Shea limits on Shaler Madsen at the doctors. A killer Pre Jalalabad. Makayla Jalalabad. What time can I go to the bank? What we'll do now are some recap Translations to incorporate words that we learned in previous lessons. How do you say in French? At half past seven s setter, I do me s Ceta enemy. It's that court past four Say I can't really gaffe say a cattle ill. It's good here. Save money. See? Say money. See? It's Hoppus 10. The lady selling to me in a diese enemy. My breakfast is perfect. Monte Dei Ginny, A puffy MTV Ginny, a puffy. 61. 3 Minute French Lesson 17g: I would like two bottles of wine, please. Jude Ray debilitate the van Civil play Jude. I debilitate the van Civil play the breakfast here is terrible. Lifted the unity. See a terrible lifted the unity. See a terrible It's half past eight. He later returned to me in a Rita Aadmi. It's 210 euros. Say this on diesel. Say this on this old I think everybody is very nice from 1 July Monday Trey Sampa Beaumont to the Monday Trey sample. Now let's do some French to English recap. Translations. What do these French says is mean in English? Madan a Dennis years Madan a Dennis years My turkey is delicious Snake Pabon say absolutely extraordinaire. Snap a bone, Say absolutely extraordinaire. It isn't good. It's absolutely extraordinary. Deputy Region EEC Absolutely fantastic Lifted Asian EEC Absolutely fantastic. The breakfast here is absolutely fantastic. Say fantastic, Say fantastic. It's fantastic. Snap up on more snap apple more. It isn't for me. From what To a puffy from what? To a path e. I think everything is perfect. Se mbm Pohamba si Com um poem one. How much is it for one month? Se Sisa say a cease. It's at six o'clock 62. 3 Minute French Lesson 17h: Monday, June A fantastic Monday, Ginny. A fantastic My lunch is fantastic. You will die on taxi cattle. Probably Gibraltarian Taxi! A cattle air Superbly. I would like a taxi at four o'clock, please. Now let's recap all the words We went so far. How do you say these in French? Thank you, Messi. Very always To Joe. A carrot in can vote. Have a good evening once. Very good night. Money to make fair also or c the hotel Lo Tell Terrible team a table. Your tablet. The breakfast lifted a genie. Hello, Musil. A day and you'll? No, no. Two days digital for me. Boom! One extraordinary extraordinaire! Yes, me A month. I'm well. My mo Ma May to pay Peggy, What time is it? Get over it. You isn't Nick Ba, can I, preacher See you soon. Viento that so for him. Party perfect Buffy per day Casual the wine Blue thumb The bill lead Issue the food Let no he to two weeks. This men, I think for more A bottle of wine in but a divine please civil play to try s a d two people de person. Nice Sampa but may and a per week Bassam in a car. In what year? Tomorrow? Duma. Excuse me. Excuse me. More everybody to demand 63. 3 Minute French Lesson 17i: beautiful bull a week Une samen a coffee? I'm coffee. A bottle of water in what they do. Good evening. Once five, two months. Dima What is Katie? Everything to the restaurant? You don't have the home at half past? Yeah. L a to me The Turkey Ladan and delicious Davis here The water No Goodbye of last hi city A reservation unifies of Esteem P s address LA addressed Appear to hire Louis. It isn't snapper. Since some team the chicken look poorly, I would like Jubal die. Uh, soon. At what time? A killer. Absolutely, absolutely. That quarter to, uh I wonder Cast euros. Your whole It is a clock l A Yeah, tonight or this evening. It's just why, at quarter past, uh, bit of a gas a leak? I'm for a whole aren't Miss Sampa is a, uh, bath that oclock Uh, yeah. Uh um or even the hotel's address. Laundress Dotel, A taxi and texi at the house. Off she here. You see the lunch? Who did, Ginny? Fantastic. Fantastic. How much is it? Sitcom young? The look le really per person about Betsen The dinner Houdini Penman, Someone at P s house shape. Yeah, it is. See, that is Sussie off or from Do the beach lap lodge. Good bone. The restaurant's address 64. 3 Minute French Lesson 18a: let's start this lesson with a quick recap off the words and phrases we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in French? Off or from? I do two Or at, uh, at the house of she at P s house shape. Yeah. Tomorrow, Duma, the beach Look large to go to I, uh And tonight or this evening, since Y if you're going to a hotel, you'll probably need one of these Youn Sharmba in Chama. It means a room Une shamble. So how would you say in front? I would like a room for tonight. She would write in shampoo, post this fire you want to pay and Sean put post its Or how would you say How much is a room for one night? See, Communion shone upon in we say come beyond in Sharm Airport when we or how to say the room is here Lyashenko A last summer a c his your next word in French Avic Avik. It means with Avic. So how would you say in French? Can I go with Pierre? Previously of Pierre Pressure away? Every year we're having to say Pierre is with me. Pierre, Eh? Vic Moore Pierre, eh, Vic Moore? Or how the same French Pierre and Marie or with jacket? Pierre, eh, Mary? Some of a jack. A more P s a memory Stone Jack anymore. Anyway, back to the hotel. You might like a room with one of these on Balcon. I'm back on. It means a balcony. I'm Balcombe. So how would you say in French? I would like a room with a balcony. I would rate in Sharm Have a comeback on Juve Dry in Shamba at the Camp Balcombe. Or how would you say How much is a room with a balcony? See Communion shown graphic and back on se Cumbia in Sharm Have a comeback one. 65. 3 Minute French Lesson 18b: or how the same French. The balcony is very beautiful liberal con, a table liberal car, a tribal Is your next word in French You television you television, It means a television. You in television. So in this lesson, so far we've had Yoon Sharmba meaning a room Avik, Which means with I'm back on meaning about Kony. Andi in television, meaning a television. So how would you say in French? I would like a room with a television. Juve would rate in Sharm in television. You would have him sharp object in television. Or how would you say? Also, I would like a television or C you could radio and television or C. Jubal, right? You're in television. Oh, keeping in mind that television is feminine. How would you say my television is terrible? Matt Television 80 feet mark television A Terrible. Here's a handy phrase that you can put on the end of things in French. New mash ba note Mashburn and it means doesn't work. New Mashburn. So how would you say in French? The television doesn't work like television on new Mashaba. Little busy on new Mashaba, or how would you say that doesn't work? Sat new Mashburn San Muftah. Or how would you say in French? Excuse me? That doesn't work. Excusing more Sun Mashburn. Excusing what? San Mashaba? This is always usual. Paint things. You and cat Une cat. It means a card une cat. So how would you say in French? My car doesn't work. Mac, act new Mashburn Mac at New Mashaba Or how would you say, Can I pay with a card? Pretty PGA event? You and cat pretty pay African got 66. 3 Minute French Lesson 18c: we'll have the same French. Can I pay for the room with the card? Pretty pale A Sharma, African cat. Pretty Bela Sean Moore. Thank you. Work out. So remember, in French United States pay for you to say to pay, So be LaShonda to pay for the room. Now there are lots of things that you might like to have in your hotel room on Do lots of things that would be perfect. Compliments for the new mash pap freeze. So I've written of a couple of expansion sheet for hotel terminology that you can find after this lesson. Instead of saying with a card avec une cat, you might like to try this freeze Back out, back out. It means by card back Got So how would you say in French? Can I pay by card? Pretty pay back out. Appreciate Back out. Or I would like to pay by card Jude, I pay packet Judy repay a back out. Or how would the same French I would like to pay for the food by card. Juve would repeal a knock it back out. June. I pay a landlord to pack out. So we've had so far in this lesson Une shamba meaning a room Avik. Which means with I'm back on meaning a balcony. Your intended is your which means a television. No, Mashaba, I mean doesn't work you cat meaning a card and back at which means by card. So it's time to practice what we've learned. How do you say in French? May I pay with a card, please? Pretty pay a second got steeply. Principia African cats abruptly also with a television please or c havoc in television. Suplee or C, they continue his own civil play. Excuse me, The television doesn't work. Excuse me. More like television. Amash. Excuse me. More LA television. Amash. I'd like a room with a bathtub, please. Dribbled right in. Sharmba Back in. Ben Wa Stephen Play June Brian Sharper between Ben Wa Civil play 67. 3 Minute French Lesson 18d: I would like a balcony you want? Hi, I'm Balcombe Juventud. I am back on. Excuse me. The air conditioning doesn't work. Excuse me. More like climate is Aschiana Mashburn. Excuse me. More like Kim. It is a sauna. Mashburn. How much is it for two weeks. Stay calm. Be ample. This men, stay calm. Being produced. Men, I would like a room with a balcony, please, Jude. Right in. Shopper at the Campbell Conceivably Juve Dralion, Shopper of a Campbell. Conceivably! I would like a room for tonight, please. June U. N Sharma posters to ask you play Jubal dyin. Shampoo posted. Swasey will play. I would like a room with a television. Judy, you in Sharm havoc in television. Juve! Delay in Sharm havoc in television. Now let's have a go at doing some reverse translations. What do these French sentences mean in English? Joe, today I am back on Jude. I am Balcom. I would like a balcony Junior high in shampoo. Por do person. Jude, Right in Shama for do Pathan. I would like a room for two people. Pretty pay back out. Seriously. Pretty pay back out secretly. Can I pay by card, please. You don't write in Sharm proposes to ask you probably in Sharm couple system civil play. I would like a room for tonight. Please. You would write in Sharm Have a Campbell constantly. Judy, you and Sean have a Campbell. Conceivably. I would like a room with a balcony, please. June on Holy several Plea. You want to try and play? I would like a king size bed, please. 68. 3 Minute French Lesson 18e: Excuse me. More Lifan! Amash Bar Excusing What? Telephone Mashaba! Excuse me. The Open doesn't work. You will die in Sharm. Proper instruments. Simply General Devaluation. Sharma, Report Eunice Amenity! Ripley! I would like a room for one week, please. Le Balcon. A puffy liberal. Corny Palffy. The balcony is perfect. Like Lena Mashburn. Likely new Mashaba. The key doesn't work. What we'll do now are some recap. Translations to incorporate words we learned in previous lessons. How do you say in French? Good evening. More staff. Bothwell? No, thank you. No mercy, no mercy. It's quarter past two. If they do have a calf, they do a calf. A table for two, please. Your entire blip or deceive a plea in tablet. Poor do simply that is for her. Sasebo! Hell, I sat up ahead at quarter past four. I got a really great guy. I catch her. L a guy. Can I try the cheese, please. Pretty as a uniform are simply previously uniform are simply its course to one. You know, monograph. They you know, Wonder calf. It's 1/4 past five. Say a Suncor. A calf. C Asanka a ca. The breakfast here is absolutely fantastic. Look to the genetic. See a absolutely fantastic look to the Geneti. See? Absolutely fantastic. 69. 3 Minute French Lesson 18f: Now let's do some French to English Recap. Translations What do these French sentences mean in English? Look. Pulling absolute Monterey Bay. Lupoli. Absolute Monta! The chicken is absolutely terrible. Excuse me more Get Naratil excusing more Keleti. Excuse me. What time is it? Our killer A lovers of as soon A killer has a costume. What time is the reservation? Say? You know enemy say at you know Aadmi. It's at half past one snap patrimony. See Synet patrimony. See? It's not very good here. Se asi cell enemy say a CISA enemy It's at half past six of life. Oh, well, goodbye si Com um poem or Seiko me Ample someone. How much is it for one month? Monday, June A A fantastic Monday June A A fantastic. My hunch is fantastic. Literally a tremor A like a hot sun. Absolutely fantastic. Literally a trombone. A like a hot sun. Absolutely fantastic. The chicken is very good on the carrots are absolutely fantastic. Now let's recap all the words and phrases we've learned so far. How do you say in French? Thank you, Messi. Very okay. A balcony. I'm Malcolm, I think. Mwah! Ah! Soon two days Digital two people. De person pair. Uh, a carrot. You got the bill, lady. Soon a leak and put a hole. The lunch Religion E. 70. 3 Minute French Lesson 18g: a table in tablet a car In what? You tomorrow Duma at or two? Uh, absolutely. At Silliman That is CSE The restaurant you guessed a home. Have a good evening. Bones fi A reservation una vez of Assume the beach lap lodge the wine to live on a room in Chama. Isn't Naper tonight or this evening? It's just why the breakfast look pretty vision e a month. I'm one. Good night, Bon Jovi. Delicious. Then this year Good evening. Bonsoir. It is se here. Let's see always to Joe. Good bone. The address. Little ice. The hotel's address. London s hotel. How much is it? Sitcom young. Hi, it's how do you and a at quarter to uh if Monica Uh Monica Fantastic. Fantastic. A month Someone have a good day? More Johnny a week in some in beautiful boo person That s on a television. You're in television My more ma may that no latte Lee extraordinary extraordinaire Pierres address land arrest appear Aren't new Sampa a taxi on taxi since some team is a to pay Hey , you of or from do you perfect Buffy at quarter past Uh, a calf. Uh, l a calf at the clock? Uh, yeah. Uh, yeah, that So 71. 3 Minute French Lesson 18h: it isn't snipper. It is a cook. L A Yeah. You a a card in cat also or c for me from one euros. Your whole No, no. At the house off she per day. Casual. Can I pre Jha the chicken Look really at P s house shape? Yeah, for him 40 The dinner Houdini A coffee and coffee for head Brian Terrible TB to hire Louis a day. And you'll the hotel not end the water. No. Pair week, Bassam In At what time? A killer. A bottle of water in boot. A dough Goodbye of life Doesn't like New Mashaba to make fair to try Stu A T And they I would like as you want. Please Civil Play the restaurant's address. Land of s Do Avesta home. What time is it? Kelava Till what is Kily? A bottle of wine in boot. A Devon. Two months Do more. Hello, Musil, The turkey, Ladan and uh uh Or in Nice, simple. See you soon. I viento Excuse me. Excuse me. More boat me by card Back out with of a the food landry to to go to they, uh, everybody to monde at half past Ah f a t me Ah l a t me two weeks this men Yes, really and everything to 72. French A l'hotel: I look tell at the hotel Jude Ray in Sharper. I would like a room. The s in Monterey can liaise with the U at the start of June and you can get usual delays. Duchamp. But you haven't got to say you can either say drivel delight in sharper or Jupiter Jesus Sharper. I would like a room avic with in television a television in hand You a radiant I'm back on a balcony Induce a shower in Ben wa a bathtub In view of you You used to love me a view of the sea You know we while a kettle increasing year A cooker and fall Noven and far And me corned a microwave So Mikel ond means microwave ond is wave I'm figel a fridge, a freezer. I'm fair capacity and iron. I lI sample a single bed. I need to pass on a double bed. Let's re abed to people angle, honey. A king size bed. Twin beds like climate is as soon the air conditioning list so far The heating la la, the lamp lumia, the light I showed year the boiler. Likely the key Louis fee. The WiFi remote path beefy. The WiFi password and all of those races can be added to this new Mashaba doesn't work 73. French Places a Tourist Attractions: you're adversity. Places to visit Attacks on toy stick tourist attractions Your zoo, the zoo, the volume the aquarium Rujano Boutique. The Botanical Garden Look back that back soon The theme park Moos Dada the Art Museum or the art Gallery Do Santos party The sports stadium Look back! Aquatic The water park Look ever the opera house Luethi Atta The theater proscenium out this Endeavor Little League The boating honey blue chateau The castle, The Musee, the museum Still I mean you take the library lap lodge the beach Laborde Lemaire The Seaside look Task the park live for a the forest Dubois The woods Life Live or lariviere The River Lou Cannell The canal lack the Lake Lemaire The sea you know, back the ball, Your high style home The restaurant Lo Tell the hotel Luke Coffey, the cafe Lucy Coffey, The Internet Cafe. No badge. Does your teeth the youth hostel Lappi scene The swimming pool Least odd. The stadium. Lucien nozze the gym 74. French Places b Places of Worship: clear the court places of worship like a Cinderella. The cathedral llamo ski the mosque lasting Magog. The synagogue a little The temple. Look over the convent. Ramona, Stare the monastery lately The church. La Basilica, The basilica Lasha Halo the chapel. You know it Twice The oratory. Listen to air the shrine. La pagode the pagoda. 75. French Places c Essential places and transport: blue under sponsor Tablet essential places. Let me ask you the town hall. Lo tell Reveal the city hall. Lucinda, Candidness. Achieve the tourist information office. Look calm is a and the police The police station. Levine The town or city? Louisville. AJ the village Lumpy tiles The hospital in the song to you. The town centre or the city centre. Leblanc the bank La Poste. The post office Like Old Premier. The primary school Luke Kalish, The Secondary School University. The university little spot Transport Lage, the train station. Lookie the platform, Lago. Here. The bus station LA It boosts the bus Stop. Liable. The airport last I still in a taxi. The taxi rank a little. The harbor. Look. Backing the car. Poke, limit all the underground. 76. French Places d Shops: Les Mags On the shops Lab You Sherry the Butcher Russia The Delicatessen La Boulange The Bakery Lepi Sorry. The green Gross's lap west on every the fishmongers La patisserie, The cake shop Luca Home exam The department store You stupid She the supermarket Thelma She the hypermarket like family The cheese shop Blue magazine Doody Atiq The Health Food Shop Bloom Alexander Show Still the shoe shop Depressing the dry cleaners like ordinary The couple is Lavery Automatic The Laundrette loom Alexander memorably the finish is shop left Pharmacy The Chemists Libretti Dhaka's the second hand Bookshop Enough so you can remove Dhaka's and that gets rid off the secondhand part. So let me behaving is just the bookshop William Alexander Don Tiki Day The antique shop She the market Lamar She opened the flea market together Frieda The Art Gallery Lakhan Cagliari The hardware shop last itude mot the beauty parlor Lemarchand Bombo the street Shop loom Alexander Porcelain The China Shop Loom Alexander Delic Tome Energy The Electrical Good Shop LA Boutique The Vet Moon, The Fashion boutique Little the Free, the Fruit Stand Lab Adultery The jewelry Shop Lama Hokey Neri, The leather goods Shop Lemarchand Yvonne. The wine shop loom as shown digital New the newsagent. Lata Female, The Perfume shop. Lenny Mallory, The Animal Shop, LA Boutique. The souvenir. The souvenir shop Luke. Caffeine lessee. The ice cream parlor Look preparatory. The stationery shop lodgers devoid. The travel agents loom. Alexander Spot the sport Shop. The magazine. Did you We, the toy shop? 77. French Places e Chez: Now these next places use she instead of a for two or at, for example, in French. You've got two words for the butchers. You have, firstly, lab Boucha. And if you want to say I'm going to the butcher in French is, say, juvie lab Boucha. And so I already had level shell. He was the butcher. But now you'll see we've got Shea liberal. She so liberal she actually means the butcher himself or herself. And so she liberal. She means the place off the butcher. And so he wants them going to the butchers, using the word Le Boucher would say, Juve, Shayla, bushy. It's all these places on this presentation. Use she for two, or at so just to be shallow bolshy. I am at the butcher's orgy of a shallow bowl. She I'm going to the Boches so she a liberal shame is at or to the butcher's Shea Lucia Kitty at or to the delicatessen shame liberal at or to the baker's shell EPC. At the grosses she requests for me two or at the fishmongers she look honey at or to the cheese Ceta. And so you'll notice all of these words and in E. R. Le Boucher, Lucia Pretty LeBron James, Leprosy, the crostini, Lucchini, etcetera. However, if you go back to the last presentation, the first words on those and in our i e we had Labou, Shefi, Lasha que te la Boulange, pizza Quessenberry and so that they have the same meanings except on the last presentation there. The actual names for the shops on this presentation. These are the names of the people that work in the shops, and you put shame in front of them because it's the place of those people. And so have a look at the difference. Go back to the other presentation that look the difference between the two words. And you can just pick the word that you like the most shea look honey at or to the Giza. She looked colony at or to the cobblers. Sheila Pharma. Soon at or to the chemists shall the flu ist at or to the florist Shayla immobility at or to the estate agents she looked is still at or to the opticians she limits on at or to the doctors she level car at or to the lawyers she looked quite fair at, or to the headdresses 78. The Happy Linguist: If you would like some hints and tips on how to make the most out of these courses on how to accelerate your language learning, you can read through my articles on my blawg called The Happy Linguist. I have written almost 400 articles on their full of ideas to keep learning a language fresh and exciting, and I'm constantly updating it with new articles. For example, you can listen to some foreign language songs that I have translated into English. For you, this is always a great way of learning new vocabulary. You can find lots of foreign language films and books that I recommend, or you can find extra language and grammar points that reinforce the content you've been learning in my three minute languages courses. So if you want to read all my articles for free, just head to my blawg at www 0.3 minute dot club forward slash bloke. As well as being able to read hundreds of articles on my block, you can sign up to my mailing list. Andi. You'll get a message sent straight to your inbox to let you know whenever I publish new articles or publish new courses so w w w 0.3 minute dot club forward slash blawg is where you can find the happy linguist. I hope you enjoy unhappy learning. 79. Vocabulary Expansion Sheets: throughout all the three minute languages courses your here you mention vocabulary expansion sheets quite a lot. What? These are our lists of topics. Specific vocabulary. Each sheet has a theme. For example, food numbers, places to visit clothes, colors, etcetera. To make it easier for you to find all these vocabulary expansion sheets, I've included a page on my website where you can download all the sheets from all the courses for free. If you go to www 0.3 minute dot club, you will find a link at the top of the page that says vocabulary expansion sheets. If you click that link, you will be taken to a page with all the sheets from all the courses for all the languages that I teach. So I just had to www 0.3 minutes. Doc Club Thank you and happy learning.