3 Minute Dutch | Language lessons for the complete beginner | Kieran Ball | Skillshare

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3 Minute Dutch | Language lessons for the complete beginner

teacher avatar Kieran Ball, Learn a language in 3-minute chunks

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      3 Minute Dutch Course 1 introduction


    • 2.

      3 Minute Dutch Lesson 1a


    • 3.

      3 Minute Dutch Lesson 1b


    • 4.

      3 Minute Dutch Lesson 1c


    • 5.

      3 Minute Dutch Lesson 1d


    • 6.

      3 Minute Dutch Lesson 1e


    • 7.

      3 Minute Dutch Lesson 1f


    • 8.

      3 Minute Dutch Lesson 2a


    • 9.

      3 Minute Dutch Lesson 2b


    • 10.

      3 Minute Dutch Lesson 2c


    • 11.

      3 Minute Dutch Lesson 2d


    • 12.

      3 Minute Dutch Lesson 2e


    • 13.

      3 Minute Dutch Lesson 2f


    • 14.

      3 Minute Dutch Lesson 2g


    • 15.

      3 Minute Dutch Lesson 3a


    • 16.

      3 Minute Dutch Lesson 3b


    • 17.

      3 Minute Dutch Lesson 3c


    • 18.

      3 Minute Dutch Lesson 3d


    • 19.

      3 Minute Dutch Lesson 3e


    • 20.

      3 Minute Dutch Lesson 3f


    • 21.

      3 Minute Dutch Lesson 3g


    • 22.

      3 Minute Dutch Lesson 3h


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About This Class

Build a solid foundation in the Dutch language and start to communicate your thoughts and opinions.

Hello and welcome to “3 Minute Dutch” The aim of this course is to make Dutch accessible to anybody regardless of age, educational background or "aptitude" for learning.

My method for teaching Dutch is simple but effective. It works for anybody, no matter what your requirements. I have been teaching foreign languages for over ten years and I’ve taught a wide range of students of all ages and backgrounds, including students with learning difficulties, so I know my method is accessible to absolutely anyone, with no exception.

With this course, it’s almost as if you have your very own language tutor at your beck and call. Take it with you wherever you are and have a quick listen to one of the lessons whenever you find yourself with three minutes to spare. You will be amazed at how much your language skills will develop after just a few minutes a day of study. You will start to learn the Dutch language in a simple, logical and fun way.

You will learn a variety of words that you will learn to put together to form sentences that will be useful in any visit to the Netherlands or any Dutch speaking country, and you'll learn how to put the words together to form sentences, saying exactly what you want.

Meet Your Teacher

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Kieran Ball

Learn a language in 3-minute chunks


Hello, I'm Kieran and I'm a language tutor based in the UK. I have created a series of online courses that you can use to learn to speak French, Spanish, German, Italian and Portuguese. (I also have some English and math courses)

3 Minute Languages series

3 Minute French - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7 | Course 8 | Course 9 | Course 10 | Course 11 | Course 12 | Course 13 | Course 14 | Course 15 | Course 16

3 Minute Spanish - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7

3 Minute Italian - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7

3 Minute German - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6

3 Minute Portuguese - ... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. 3 Minute Dutch Course 1 introduction: Hello and welcome. Hello and welcome to three minute Dutch. I'm Karen, a language tutor based in the UK on I wrote this course to help me, to learn to speak Dutch. The lessons in this course are based on the method I developed for teaching languages, which I use in all my classes and courses. This method will get you speaking quickly without the struggle. Normally associate ID with language learning. We are all human beings, which means we all possess the attributes that make us human beings. There's a wonderful quote by a man court Terrence, he said, I am human on. Nothing that is human is alien to me. What I take that to mean is that if one person is capable of something, then we are all capable of it. Because we're all humans, too. There is nothing in the world that I cannot understand if somebody before me has succeeded in understanding it. Therefore, it's only logical that since there are more than 30 million people in the world who have managed to learn to speak torch, then you can learn it too, anyway philosophizing over. Let's begin Dutch in three minutes. I hear you cry suspiciously. Yes, this course is intricately designed to get you speaking Dutch quickly and easily. I've created this course for the complete beginner who only has a few minutes to spare each day. I've set out each lesson so that they could be completed in short bursts. Whenever you find yourself with a moment of freedom before you start this course, let me share with you an extremely handy learning tip that helped me to progress quickly and effectively in language learning. When most people start studying for anything, they tend to spend the first day or two studying for hours and hours on. They get through loads of work. However, very quickly this begins to dwindle. You might feel like spending hours studying Dutch, which is great, but you want that feeling of motivation to continue. However, your motivation won't continue. If you actually spend hours studying, limit your study time to chunks of just three minutes no more. If you limit your studying to just three minute chunks, there are three things that will happen. Firstly, your maintain your enthusiasm. If you want to learn anything, you have to maintain enthusiasm or else you won't want to continue. If you limit your study time to just three minutes, you'll keep Dutch fresh and exciting and you'll be eager to learn. If you spend hours studying very quickly, you'll get bored with torch and it'll turn into a chore. Secondly, your study more consistently. It's much better to study for just three minutes one today, then to study for three hours once a week. A spare three minutes is relatively easy to find, even in the most hectic of angels. If you make sure you complete at least 13 minutes to recession every day, it will quickly become a habit that you'll do without thinking. It's much easier to fit in a daily three minute habit than a weekly one hour have it. By doing this, you'll become a much more consistent learner, and consistency is the key to success. Thirdly, you'll remember things better. This is my favorite reason as to why I should limit your study to just three minute chunks . If used to do something for just three minutes every day, you'll trick your brain into memorizing the information more quickly than if it were to see the information for hours each day. Your brain will think. I see this information every day, so it must be important. But I don't see it for very long, so I better hold on to it and make it into a memory fast. You'll be amazed at how much more easily things tend to stay in your brain if you limit yourself to just three minutes a day, so three minutes is the key. Once you've completed a three minute video stop and give yourself at least half a now before you do another three minutes, you should aim to do at least 13 minute chunk every day, any more than that is a bonus. But one is fine. Just work through the course and completely exercises, that's all, and you'll be amazed at how much you learn. 2. 3 Minute Dutch Lesson 1a: Here's your first word in Dutch hood hoot. It means good hood Now the letter G in this word is pronounced like a hate each and it's quite a harsh age. Halt Sometimes, However, depending on where you are in the Dutch speaking world, you'll hear it pronounced with a softer page Hoot, hoot or foot means good in Dutch on the letter D On the end of this word is pronounced like a T hood. Your next phrase in Dutch is het is het is it means it is het is so head means eight and this is head is so the s is pronounced very much like an s on not like a zed In English we say it is but in don't you say Head East's? So how would you say in Dutch it is good Head is hoot Head is hooked. Your thought noticed similarities between Dutch and English words. This next word, for example, foreign tossed ish, foreign tossed ish means fantastic. Fantastic sh So you pronounce it phone toss dish rather than fantastic. So so far we've had hoot meaning good head east, which means it is. And now from tossed ish mean it's fantastic. So how would you say in Dutch? It is fantastic. Haddie, it's fantastic. Het is fantastic. Now, unfortunately, this next word looks nothing like the English. Hey, Lamell. Hey, Limo. It means absolutely Hill Amo. So how would you say in Dutch? It is absolutely fantastic. Hit is Halem off on toast? Ish head is hell Imo Fantastic! This next word is a cute little weird And it does look very similar and sound very similar to the English Here, Here it means here, Here. So how would you say in Dutch? It is Here it is Here Het is here. It is good. Here it is here. Hoot It is here. Hoot! Now you might be wondering why this isn't at his foot here. Well, usually in Dutch. The word here comes before the adjective in the sentence. Literally. You say it is here. Good. It is here. Hoot, it is here. Hoot! Don't panic. If you get this wrong there, you'll still be understood. But keeping in mind that the word here goes in front of any adjectives in that sentence in Dutch How would you say it is fantastic here, Literally. You'll say it is here. Fantastic! It is here. Fantastic! It is here from tossed ish 3. 3 Minute Dutch Lesson 1b: So remember that the word here tends to go in front, off or the adjectives and adverbs in Dutch. How would you say it is absolutely fantastic here? Literally. You would say it is here. Absolutely fantastic. It is here, Hilleman. Fantastic! It is here. Hello, Mo. Fantastic. Now, if you've learned any Dutch before, you might recognize this next word. Hey, hail. It means very hail. So how would you say in Dutch? It is very good. Hit his hair. Holt at his hair. Hoot. So the L on the end of hill almost isn't pronounced. It's more like a w sound Hail rather than hail. Hey, it is Hale who says I far we've learned hoot. Meaning good had t's, which means it is font Oh, Stich. Meaning fantastic, Hilleman. Absolutely here, Which means here. And we've learned that this tends to go in front of the words in the sentence. Andi, hail, which means very how would you say in Dutch? It is very good here. And don't forget that when you have the word here in a sentence, it tends to go in front of other adjectives and adverbs. It is here, hair hoot. It is here Hair root the phrase Haiti's means it is. Or here's the opposite. It is neat. Het is neat. It means it isn't the word meat means not in dot So head east neat literally means it is not so. How would you say in Dutch? It isn't here it is here Neat. That is here Neat. So the word here even goes in front of the word Neat So literally Because the word need to means not this sentence word for word is it is here not it is here to meet. How would you say it isn't good? Had his meat hoot. It is neat hoot. So normally it is not. His hit is neat. It's only when you have the word here in the sentence that the word need to get split from their Haiti's. So it is not here. It is here neat. But it is not good. Had his need. Hood 4. 3 Minute Dutch Lesson 1c: How would you say in Dutch? It isn't very good. It is neat hair hood. That is neat. Hail hoot. Or how would you say it isn't fantastic? Had his need from tossed ish had his meat from toasty Sh How would you say it isn't very good here. So be careful about this one because you have the word here in the sentence. Het is here Neat hair Hoot It is here. Neat hair Hoot So literally in this sentence You're saying it is here. Not very good. It is here need hail Quote. So in this lesson, we've had hoot meaning good hit east Which means it is fantastic. Meaning fantastic. Hey, Lamell means absolutely here means here Hill means very and then hit his meat means it isn't or literally it is not on. Don't forget that when you have the word here in a sentence in Dutch, generally it goes in front of any adjectives or adverbs. So it will come after it is But it will go in front, off good or fantastic or absolutely or very or even the word Not so when you have it is not hit is neat. If you want to say it is not here, the world needs goes after here. So head is here Neat 5. 3 Minute Dutch Lesson 1d: you don't quite a few words and phrases in Dutch now, Andi, you've hopefully been saying them out loud so that you can master the pronunciation now to really embed these words and phrases in your brain, let's do some translations. Here are some sentences in English. Try and work out how to save them in Dutch. So I'll say an English sentence on, then pause and then you can try and work it out in Dutch. And then I'll give you the door to translation. So how would you say in Dutch? It's good. It is. Hoot hit his hood. It's absolutely fantastic here. Het is here. Hellmouth. Fantastic. It is here. Hail amount from tossed ish. It is good. Here it is Here. Hoot! It is here. Hoot! It is very good. Had his hair hoot. It is Hale who? It isn't good here Het is here. Need hoot. Het is here. Need hooked. It isn't good. It's fantastic. Hit his knighthood. Head his phone tossed ish. It is neat. Hooked Had this fantastic sh It's fantastic! Hit is fantastic. It is fantastic! It is fantastic! Here it is here from toast ish. It is here from toast ish. It isn't good here. It's absolutely fantastic. It is here. Need hoot Had his Hellmouth on toast ish. It is here. Need hood hit his hell amount from toast ish. It's very good. Here it is Here. Hail Hoot! It is here. Hail food. 6. 3 Minute Dutch Lesson 1e: Now let's have a go at doing some reverse translations. Try and work out what these dots sentences mean in English. So what does this mean in English? It is neat hair. Hoot! It is neat. Hail foot! It isn't very good. Hit his hail hoot! It is hell. Hoot! It is very good. It is here. Neat. Het is here. Neat. It isn't here it is here. Hellmouth. Fantastic! It is here. Hyla Mouth on toast ish. It is absolutely fantastic. Here it is here. Neat Hell Hoot! It is here. Meat here foot. It isn't very good Here. Hit his hoot. It is hoped. It's good. It is Here it is Here, it's here. It is here. Need hoot. It is here. Need hope. It isn't good Here it is here. Hoped it is here. Hoot! It's good here. Hit his knighthood. It is Halem. Alfonso Stich hit his knighthood. Had his helmet from toast ish. It isn't good. It's absolutely fantastic. Now let's do a quick recap of the words and phrases that we've learned in this lesson. How do you say in Dutch? It is Haiti's absolutely halem. Oh, fantastic! Foreign toast ish. Good fruit. Here, Here. Very hail. It isn't. It is neat 7. 3 Minute Dutch Lesson 1f: What health? There's plenty you can do to ensure the language states family in your brain and doesn't disappear. You can play about with building sentences from the words you've learned so far. Whenever you find yourself with a spare 30 seconds, think of something to say in touch. Saying short sentences to yourself in Dutch throughout the day keeps the language at the forefront of your mind. Also, from time to time, there may be a word or two, or maybe three that just will not stay in your memory. No matter how hard you try what you should do to overcome this is right. The word down in English. In big letters in the middle of a blank piece of paper. Put the piece of paper in your pocket on. Take it out a few times each day. Whenever you take it out, look at the English word on. Say the watchword to yourself, along with a Dutch sentence that contains this word. The first few times you might struggle to think off what the Dutch word is, and you'll have to double check. However pretty quickly. You'll remember the torch without having to check. You'll be amazed at how well this technique works. Finally, before I end this lesson, I'll just give you some information on what it means to learn a language. Memorizing lots of words isn't what it means to learn a language. It's a start, but it isn't gonna get you very far. What you need to be able to do is put these words together to get your thoughts and ideas across to somebody else. Each time you learn a new word, think to yourself. Where could I use this? Make up a sentence and think about where you could say it. For example, it is hail, hoot, meaning it is very good. You could say this to a waiter in a restaurant when he ask you how your meal is. By doing this, you're giving the words relevance in your life. You remember things much more easily if you can see where it's going to be useful also, by building sentences, you're subconsciously creating a list of things to say so that you'll never be lost for words. Even when you're in Holland, you can do this before entering a restaurant, for example, have a quick think about what you could say to the waiter when you go inside, this helps to build your confidence and stopped you from having to think on the spot. You'll be more likely to speak if you've already prepared something to say. 8. 3 Minute Dutch Lesson 2a: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap of the words and phrases that we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in Dutch? Absolutely. Hail amount. It isn't. Het is meat. Good hoot! Fantastic! Fantastic! Very hail. It is had t's. And here, here. Now here's your first word in Dutch for this lesson. Liquor lecher! It means delicious lecher. So how would you say in Dutch it is delicious. Het his liquor Het is liquor. Now here's your next word in Dutch, both at home, both in heaven. It means extraordinary both there have on now it looks very different to how it sounds. So the 1st 3 letters are pronounced bowl, then 10. Then a G and E is pronounced Hey! And then the w makes a V sound. So both there have on means extraordinary. So how would you say in Dutch? It is extraordinary. It is both a hogan. It is both there. Hold on. It is absolutely extraordinary. It is hell amount both at home. It is hell amount both in heaven. How would you say it is absolutely extraordinary. Here it is Here. Hail amount Both in Cologne. It is here hill amount both at home. So don't forget that the word here in Dutch Commons in front of any other adverbs or adjectives so hit is here, Hilda Mountain, both their hold on. Now here's a beautiful little word in Dutch boy. My oy. And it means beautiful more Oy. So how would you say it is beautiful? Het is Moy. Het is my oy. So in this lesson, so far we've had liquor, meaning delicious both and hold on, which means extraordinary and then my meaning beautiful. 9. 3 Minute Dutch Lesson 2b: We've just learned that the word Moise means beautiful in Dutch. So how would you say it is? Very beautiful. It is. Hail my It is Hail Maly. Or how would you say it is very beautiful. Here it is here. Hail Moy. It is here. Hail Moy. It is absolutely beautiful. Here it is here. Hail amount boy, it is here. Hail amount boy. So I don't forget that the word here has to go in front off any other adverbs or adjectives . So it is here. Hyla moment. Here's a useful phrase in Dutch for May. For my it means for me for May So that a V is very often pronounced almost like an F in Dutch for my So how would you say it is for me? Hit us For Mary Het is for May. Well, how would you say it isn't for me? Hit his need for May. It is need for May. It isn't good for me. It is neat. Hoped for May It is knighthood for May. It isn't very good for me. It is neat. Hail hood. For May, it is neat hair hood for May. The phrase for May actually has two meanings in Dutch. We've seen it could mean for me. But if you put the phrase for May at the start of a sentence in Dutch, it could mean in my opinion or I think so. For Mei can mean for me, in my opinion. Or I think now, when you put for May at the start of a sentence, something strange happens. The next two words switch around, so if you want to say it is good, you can say had his foot. But if you want to say I think it is good where you have to put for May at the start. So the next two words which round and you get for May is head hood. So they hit east Becomes is hit for May is hit hood and this happens whenever you put for May. At the start of a sentence in Dutch 10. 3 Minute Dutch Lesson 2c: We've just learned that Malev report for May, which means for me at the start of a sentence in Dutch, it could mean, I think, Or in my opinion, however, the strange thing is that when you put for me at the start, the next two words in the sentence switch round. So if you want to say for example, I think it's good, you say form a its head hood. Now, So far in this lesson, we've had liquor which means delicious both ends of on meaning extraordinary boy, which means beautiful on we've had for May meaning for me. But it can also mean in my opinion Or I think if you put for May at the start of a sentence in Dutch and don't forget that the next two words switched around. So how would you say I think it's very good for May is hit. Hail foot for May is hit her heart well, How would you say I think it's delicious for May is hit liquor for May is head liquor. How would you say I think it's absolutely extraordinary here for May is hit here. Hyla Mobile tank alone for May is had here hill amount both in heaven. Well, how would you say? I think it's fantastic here for May is had here Fantastic for May is had here. Fantastic. So don't forget that when you use for May at the start of a sentence, the next two words have to switch round. So Head east means it is and they switch round to become is hit Now the switching around of words might sound a bit strange, but it does happen in English as well. We just don't think about it. For example, if you wanted to ask where something is, you can say, Where is it? Where is it? But if you put at the start off, where is it a phrase such as, Do you know? Well, then the is it part switches round and becomes it is Do you know where it is? So it happens in English and it also happens in Dutch. But we just don't think about it in English. So it sounds a bit strange when we hear about in George 11. 3 Minute Dutch Lesson 2d: Now we've added quite a few new words to our Dutch repertoire. So let's practice by putting them together into sentences. How do you say in Dutch? It's very beautiful. Here it is here. Hail Moy. It is here. Hail Moy. It's absolutely beautiful. Had his hail amount. Moy had this hail amount. Boy, I think it's very good for May is hit. Hail Hood for May is had Hail foot. It's absolutely extraordinary Year it is here. Hell amount both in heaven. It is here. Hey, Alamo, both in heaven. It isn't for me. It is need for May had this need for May. It isn't very good for me. It is Need health food for May. It is neat Tailhook. For me it isn't good. It's absolutely extraordinary. It is neat. Hoat had this hail amount both answer one. It is neat. Put it is Hello, Mao, Both in heaven. It's absolutely delicious. Had this hell amount liquor had this hail amount Laker, I think it's delicious for May is hit Lecher for May is hit liquor. I think it's fantastic for May is hit. Fantastic! Sh for May is hit Fantastic 12. 3 Minute Dutch Lesson 2e: Now let's have a go at doing some reverse translations. What do these Dutch sentences mean in English? Het is both in heaven. Hit his boat and heaven. It's extraordinary. Hit is Hella Mom, we it is Hella Monomoy. It's absolutely beautiful. For May it had here Hyla Monomoy for May is hit here. Hyla Monomoy I think it's absolutely beautiful. Here. Form a is hit Heart for May is Head Hood. I think it's good. Hit his hail hooked for me it is Hail Hood for me It's very good for me. It is need for May hit his need for May It isn't for me. Hit his liquor. Het his liquor It's delicious for May is hit Liquor form A Is his liquor. I think it's delicious. It is here. Halem! Amoy, it is here. Hyla Monomoy. It is absolutely beautiful. Here it is neat Helmly. It is neat Helmly. It isn't very beautiful. 13. 3 Minute Dutch Lesson 2f: what we'll do now. Awesome Recap Translations to incorporate the words and phrases that we learned in the first lesson. So how do you say in Dutch? It isn't very good. That is neat. Hell Foot het is neat. Hell, Holt, it isn't good here. Headed here. Knighthood. It is here. Knighthood. It's absolutely fantastic. Here it is Here. Hyla Mouth on toast ish. It is here. Hill. Um Alfonso Stich. It's fantastic. Hit! It's fantastic! Hit is fantastic! It's good. Here it is Here. Hoot! It is here. Hoot! It's here. Het is here. Hit is here. It's fantastic! Here it is. Here pronto. Stich hit is here from toast ish. It isn't good here. It's absolutely fantastic. Het is here. Knighthood Hit his Hellmouth on toast Ish Het is here. Need hoat had his hail amount Fantastic. It isn't very good. Here it is here. Need help. Hoot. It is here. Need help put. It's very good. Had his hail hoot hit his hair. Hooked 14. 3 Minute Dutch Lesson 2g: Let's now do some Dutch to English Recap. Translations. What do these dots sentences mean in English? It is here. Need hood. It is here Need halt! It isn't good Here it is Neat hair. Hoot! It is neat hair hood. It isn't very good. It is Here it is here, It's here. It is here. Fantastic! It is here! Fantastic! It's fantastic! Here it is Here need hoot! It is hell. Amount on toast ish. It is here. Neath Hoat had his Hellmouth. Fantastic! It isn't good here. It's absolutely fantastic. It is here. Hyla Mouth on toast Ish Het is here. Helen! Alfonso Stich! It's absolutely fantastic! Here it is! Neat! Fantastic! Sh Hit his meat! Fantastic! Sh! It isn't fantastic! It is here. Hoot! It is here! Hoot! It's good here. Hit his hood. Hit his foot! It's good. It is fantastic! Sh It is fantastic! It's fantastic! Now let's recap all the words that we've learned so far. How do you say in Dutch? It is Haiti's here here! Fantastic! Fantastic! Delicious Lakers, it isn't Het is meat. Good hoot! Very hail extraordinary. Both in heaven, I think for May. And don't forget that when you put for May at the start of a sentence, The next two words switched around. Beautiful boy for me for May. Absolutely, Hilleman. 15. 3 Minute Dutch Lesson 3a: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap off the words and phrases that we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in Dutch for me, For may I think for May. But don't forget that when you use for me at the start of a sentence to mean, I think the next two words have to switch round. How do you say delicious lecher? Extraordinary. Both of on beautiful. My oy is your first word in Dutch for this lesson? Maar Maar. It means Maar. So how would you say in Dutch? It is delicious, but it isn't very good for me. Hit his Laker Maar. It is neat hair hood for May. Hit his liquor. Maar. It is Need help. Good for May. Here's your next word in Dutch. Yeah. Yeah, It means yes. Yeah. So how would you say in Dutch? Yes, It's for me. Yeah. Hit it for May. Yeah, I hate it for May. Or how would you say Yes. It's absolutely delicious. Yeah, this hell amount liquor. Yeah. Hit this hill amount liquor. How would you say yes? I think it's good. Yeah, for May is hit hood. Yeah, for May is hit hood. And so because we've used for May at the start here, we have to switch head east around and becomes is hit. Yeah, for May is hit Hood. Now, this next phrase is very common in Dutch and very useful. And it sounds very much like English donkey, don't you? It means thank you or thanks. Donkey. So how would you say in Dutch? Yes, Thank you. It's delicious. Yeah. I don koo hit his liquor. Yeah, Donkey hit his liquor. So in this lesson, we've had Maar, which means boat. Yeah, Meaning yes. And then don't you means thank you or thanks. 16. 3 Minute Dutch Lesson 3b: It's very Let that Maher means boat. Yeah, means yes. And Don Koo means thank you or thanks. Let me just talk about the letter J for a moment. The letter J in Dutch is always pronounced like a Y. So far we've had Yeah, which means yes, There is also a much more informal way to say thank you. In Dutch, you can always say donkey, but if you know somebody really well, you can also say donkey, Don't you spelt d a n k and then j e donkey? So that's a J is pronounced like a y. So how would you say in Dutch? Yes, Thank you. It's fantastic. Yeah. Don't you hit? It's fantastic! Sh Ya Dong ku hit! It's fantastic! Sh Or you could say your donkey. And so you can say Don koo with everybody Or donkey with people, you know. How would you say in Dutch? It's very good. Thanks. Had this Hail Holt. Thank you. Hit his hail holds donkey. Or how would you say Yes. This is for me. Thank you. Yeah, it is. Form a donkey. Yeah, This form a donkey. Now here's a new word for you. Old tight Oh, tight It means always all tight. A good way to remember this word is to think about what it literally means All means. All Onda tight means the same is English were tied like spring tide Meaning spring time. So literally it means all time, All the time or always all tight. So how would you say in Dutch? It is always fantastic. Here it is Here, All tight. Fantastic. It is here All tight. Fantastic! Sh Or how would you say it isn't always very good. Here it is Here. Needle title Hoot! It is here. Need all tight hell hoot. 17. 3 Minute Dutch Lesson 3c: How would you say in Dutch? I think it's always beautiful here for May is had here all tight Moy for May is head here All tight Boy, how would you say in Dutch, It's always absolutely delicious. Hit his old tight hill amount. Lecher! Hit his old tight Hillerman! Lecher! Here's a perfect little world Inducts that looks just like English. Perfect. Perfect. It means perfect. Perfect. So how would you say in Dutch? Yes, it's perfect. Thank you. Yeah. Hit is perfect. Donkey? Yeah, Head is perfect Donkey. So in this lesson we've had so far Mara Which means boat? Yeah, Meaning yes, don't you? Which means Thank you or thanks. Hold tight. Meaning always. I'm perfect. Which means perfect. So how would you say in Dutch? I think it's perfect for May Is hit perfect for May is hit perfect. Well, how would you say it's absolutely perfect. It is Hail amount perfect! Hit his hail amount Perfect. Or how would you say? I think it's absolutely perfect here for May it had here Hilleman, Perfect for May is had here. Hello, Mao Perfect. Or how would you say it's always perfect? Here it is. Here, all times. Perfect. It is here all times. Perfect 18. 3 Minute Dutch Lesson 3d: here's a tiny word in Dutch. Not not. It means that not so How would you say in Dutch that for me that for May Not for May. If you put the word that in front of the word if you get that is which means that is that is so how would you say in Dutch that is good. That is hoot. That is good. Well, how would you say that is very good. And that is Hale who that is, Hare hoot. That is absolutely fantastic. That is hell. Amount on toast ish. That is Helen Alfonso Stich. Or how would you say that is for me? That is, for May, that is for May. I think that is perfect for May is not perfect for May Is that perfect? So that is, has to turn into east that when you put for May at the start of a sentence, just like Haiti's becomes is hit. So it's the next two words that follow for May that have to switch around. So in this lesson, we've had Maar, which means boots. Yeah, Meaning yes, don coup. Which means thank you. But don't forget that we can also have donkey, Which means thank you. If you're speaking to somebody you know, all tight means always, literally, all times. Perfect means perfect. That means that and that is means, that is. 19. 3 Minute Dutch Lesson 3e: it's time now to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say in Dutch? It's always here it is here all tight It is here old tights. It isn't always here it is here Needle tight. It is here Need all tight. It's always absolutely fantastic. Here it is Here All tied. Halem Alfonso Stich It is here All tight Halem Alfonso Stich It's for me. Thank you. Head its form A donkey hits form A donkey? Yes, it's for me. Yeah, it is for May. Yeah, it is for May. It isn't always good here, headed here Needle tight Hoot! It is here. Needle tight would It's always very good. Had it all Tight Hell hoot! It is all tied. Hell hoot! I think that is absolutely perfect for my is not hill amount Perfect Form A is dot Hilleman Perfect. That is delicious. But it isn't very good for me. Not this lecher Mark It is need here, Hood for May, that is lecher. Market is neat. Hair hood for May. Yes, it's perfect. Thank you. Yeah, it is perfect. Donkey! Yeah, Hit his perfect donkey 20. 3 Minute Dutch Lesson 3f: Now let's have a go at doing some reverse translations. What did these dots sentences mean in English? Yeah, I donkey. Yeah, I don't You? Yes, thank you. Hit his hail amount. Perfect! It is Hell. Them out! Perfect is absolutely perfect. Hit his neat, fantastic Sh Maher hit his hell! Hold It is neat. Fantastic! Maar Het his hair hood. It isn't fantastic, but it's very good for May is hit Perfect for May is hit. Perfect. I think it's perfect. It is here. All tight hill. Um Alfonso Stich. It is here All tied. Helen. Alfonso Stich. It's always absolutely fantastic here for my is hit. Hello, Mobile tech of on for my is hit. Hello, Mao. Both have, um I think it's absolutely extraordinary. It is all tied. Hell hoot Hit his old tight hair foot. It's always very good. It is here. All tied hair. Hoot! It is here. All tied hair. Halt! It's always very good here. Yeah, dot Is form a donkey? Yeah dot Is form a donkey? Yes, that is for me. Thank you. Dot is Hilleman Laker dot Is Hilleman liquor. That is absolutely delicious. 21. 3 Minute Dutch Lesson 3g: what we'll do now? Awesome Recap Translations to incorporate words and phrases that we learned in the previous lessons. How do you say in Dutch? It isn't fantastic! Had this need fantastic? Sh hit his neat. Fantastic! It's very good. Here it is here. Hell, fruit! It is here. Hail, Hoot! It's good. Here it is Here. Hoot headed here. Hoat, It's delicious! Hit his liquor! Hit his liquor! I think it's absolutely beautiful here for May is hit here. Hyla! Monomoy For May it had here Hyla Monomoy! It isn't very good. Here it is here! Neat hair! Hoot Hit is here! Neat hair! Hoot! It is absolutely fantastic! Hit his hell! Amount from toast ish Hit is hell Amount on toast ish. I think it's good for my is had hoped for May is Head Hood. It is fantastic! It is fantastic! Sh hit is fantastic! Sh It's absolutely extraordinary! Here it is Here. Hell amount Both in heaven. It is here Hill amount both on 22. 3 Minute Dutch Lesson 3h: Now let's do some Dutch to English recapitalizations. What do these dots sentences mean in English? It is neat hood. It is Need hood. It isn't good. It is neat Hell hoot for May it is need help. Good for may. It isn't very good for me. Het is Moy had this morning. It is beautiful. Hit this. Fantastic! Sh It is fun Cost ish. It's fantastic! It is here. Both Tehran It is here about a heaven. It's extraordinary. Here head is boutique heaven. Hittites Botelho one It's extraordinary. It is neat. Fantastic! Sh had his meat from tossed ish. It isn't fantastic. It is here. Hill Moy, it is here. Hail Moy. It's very beautiful. Here it is here. Knighthood head is here. Need halt! It isn't good here it is neat. Hail Baltacha von! It is neat Hell Botelho von, It isn't very extraordinary. Now let's recap all the words that we've learned so far. How do you say in Dutch? Beautiful more you? Thank you. Don't you or don't? Here, here. Here it is, kitties. Yes. Yeah, Very hail for me. For May that not always all tight. Fantastic! Fantastic! Good foot. Absolutely. Hyla mo I think for May. Perfect. Perfect. Extraordinary both along. Boot Maar, it isn't. It is neat. Delicious. Lecher, That is, that is.