28 Life & Success Hacks To Boost Your Self Confidence, Communication Skills & Personal Success | Alain Wolf | Skillshare

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28 Life & Success Hacks To Boost Your Self Confidence, Communication Skills & Personal Success

teacher avatar Alain Wolf, Social Skills Consultant

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introdcution + What You Will Learn


    • 2.

      Confidence Hack: Have Positive Expectations


    • 3.

      Confidence Hack: Superman Posture


    • 4.

      Confidence Hack: Remind Yourself How Awesome You Are


    • 5.

      Fear Hack: How To Become Comfortable With The Uncomfortable


    • 6.

      Fear Hack: How To Decrease The Fear Of Failure


    • 7.

      Fear Hack: How To Deal With Obstacles


    • 8.

      Goal Hack: How To Use The Power Of Momentum


    • 9.

      Goal Hack: How To Know What You Should Be Really Doing


    • 10.

      Goal Hack: How To Live Your Vision


    • 11.

      Influence Hack: How To Build More Trust


    • 12.

      Influence Hack: The Remove The Pain Technique


    • 13.

      Influence Hack: How To Build Deep Rapport Fast


    • 14.

      Productivity Hack: How To Be Super Productive


    • 15.

      Productivity Hack: How To Reduce Distractions


    • 16.

      Productivity Hack: How To Set Your Priorities


    • 17.

      Communication Skills Hack: Complimenting Someone


    • 18.

      Communication Skills Hack: How To Have Unlimied Presence In Conversations


    • 19.

      Communication Skills Hack: How To Make The Other Person Feel What You Want


    • 20.

      Success Hacks: Find Someone Who Has Already Accomplished What You Want Hack


    • 21.

      Success Hacks: How To Take 10 Minutes For Yourself In the Morning


    • 22.

      Success Hacks: How To Behave As If You Were Already Successful


    • 23.

      Energy Hack: The Power Of Gratitude


    • 24.

      Energy Hack: How To Set Your Intentions For the Day


    • 25.

      Energy Hack: How To Tap Into Your Energy


    • 26.

      Fear Hack: Are You 100% Certain?


    • 27.

      Goal Hack: The Baby Step Process


    • 28.

      Productivity Hack: Willpower Explained


    • 29.

      Communication Skills Hack: End On A High Note


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About This Class

In this course, you will learn 28 powerful life and career hacks to take your life to a whole new level!

You will learn hacks related to:

  • Destroy Your Fears & Limitations

  • Persuasion & Influence Hacks

  • Relationship & Communication Skills Hacks

  • Confidence & Self-Esteem Hacks

  • Goal Setting & Achievement Hacks

  • Productivity & Time Management Hacks

  • Success Hacks

The lectures are short (less than 4 minutes) and are focused on a single hack you can apply to boost your life.

This course is for people who want to ignite their life by applying these 28 powerful life hacks. Anyone who is interested in self development and personal transformation should consider taking this course!

See you on the other side!

Meet Your Teacher

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Alain Wolf

Social Skills Consultant



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Alain Wolf is an award-winning entrepreneur, best-selling author, philanthropist, and the world's leading transformational coach.

His work has been featured on CBS, NBC, ABC,... See full profile

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1. Introdcution + What You Will Learn: Hi, and welcome to this course. I'll be sharing with you 28 life hacks to take your whole life to the next level, you will be learning hacks related to productivity, motivation, goal-setting about how it can destroy your fears, about how you can have more energy in your life. You will learn hacks that you really boost your life. So this course is for people who really want to have more out of life. It means that if you want to boost your life, your personal life, or your professional life, then this course is for you. You will see the videos are really short. It's less than 4 min because I want to give you a simple hack that you can apply right away and then take your life to the next level. 2. Confidence Hack: Have Positive Expectations: I would like you to have positive focus and positive expectations in order to become a confident. Because if you lack self confidence for now or if you just want to have a little bit more confidence, you must see the glass half full instead of half empty. Because before any situation, you could be focusing on the things that could go. When the things that could go that the things that you could do right, or the things that could go wrong. And people who tend to have a low level of confidence that we'll focus on everything that could go bag bad, everything that could go wrong. And they say, Oh, I prefer to focus on the fact that I may fail so that I won't be disappointed. But we all know the self-fulfilling prophecy that whatever you think has higher chance of creating, of becoming reality. Because if you are focusing on the fact that you may fail, you brain, we'd like to open this possibility and then you have more chances of failing Rather than if you focus on things that could go. Rights. And it's all about perception. Literally. If you want to become a confidence, you just think about the fact that this presentation could go well. And you think about you giving this presentation and this presentation like going well. And if you focus on that rather than, Oh my God, people can laugh. Many people can say that I'm a failure or maybe, oh my God, I could do that and you break. I become more stressed because I'm focusing on the bad things. I would like you to prepare. Well, you prepare. So then you are not worrying about oh my god, should I? Am I prepared enough like you trust yourself? Like you prepare before, but then before this presentation or before the action or the situation that you are going to be in. We're going to focus on the things that could go. Well. For example, you are at a networking event instead of focusing on the fact that the person can reject you to protect you, you are going to focus on the fact that it can work with this person, this person can sign you deal, or dispersion can be a business partner. If you approach someone in a bar and instead of focusing on the fact that, for example, a girl could reject me, I could focus on the fact that I could make her life better and she can love me. And for aka, for example, I could even say, I'm the best man for her. And it sold about here. If you think about that, It's sort about what happens here in that dictates your level of confidence. So if you want to become a confident, start seeing the glass half full instead of half empty. Start to sing the opportunities. The things that could go well, rather than the things that could go bad. And you will have a better life. Because we'll see that by focusing on the great things, new opportunities will appear and you will become a big success because you will be thinking about great things. It'll be attracting the things, and it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. There are higher chances of accomplishing what you want and having things that go in your favor rather than than against you. So have a positive expectation and positive focus. Focus less time next time that you approach someone or you have this situation though. I'm asking you this question. What is a personal or professional life situation where you would like to become a confident and when you know, before that situation, you become more stress because you focus on the negative things and they were lucky that next time before you go to that situation, you ask yourself this question, what is great about the situation? What are the things that could go well in this situation? And you change your focus from negative to something that is positive. Do it, and it will become a big success. 3. Confidence Hack: Superman Posture: I would like you to have the Superman posture. So if you want to increase the level of confidence, there is something that you must understand is that your beliefs, like what happens in your brain and how you use your body are linked. So it means that if you right now, you have the posture of someone who is not confidence and you can try that right now. You're put your shoulders down. You close your chest, you put your head down. And you have almost like no facial expressions. On a scale between 0 and 10. How confident are you? And I'm doing this right now. How confident I am. And I can see like two or three. But what happens if I have the Superman posture? It means that I open my chest, I put my shortest back. I have my head straight. I have facial expressions, and I move in a gesture a lot. I'm adopting the posture of someone who is confident. And you can just imagine that you have a cape. And by just having this posture of someone who is confident will increase your level of confidence because you can change what you think about yourself, about others. You can change your mind, you can change your mindset, and you can also change your body because they are linked. So if you change your body, you adopt a posture of someone who is confident, then you might say, Oh, I have to keep up with that and I have 2.5 to become a confident because the body is in the confidence mode. And that's why it's so powerful. So just imagine when you have a presentation, when you have, when you are home and have this family dinner and you want to become a confident or when you want to share your ideas. You have this business proposal. Imagine that you are Superman. Stand up straight. Just imagine that you have a cape. And if you do that, you will become more confident and it will decrease your stress level right now, try the cape and see what happens. 4. Confidence Hack: Remind Yourself How Awesome You Are: I would like you to remind yourself of how awesome you are. And most people forget that. They go through the day and they go through the life. And they forget what makes them great, how valuable they are. And if, like if they have low confidence and low self-esteem, they will even take that a step further. They will literally change what happened in their mind. For example, if they did something really amazing that will only focus on the things that they did wrong. And they will transform the experience, the thing that they did right. And it will only take the negative out of that. And if you want to become a confident, it's about reminding yourself how awesome you are. One of the greatest ways to do that is to take a piece of paper. You take a piece of paper and you write down at least 30 sentences about why you are great human being. What makes it great? Why are you valuable? What are you proud of? What are the things that you have accomplished in your past that makes you proud? And I would like you to really do this exercise here. And you can even comment below if you want. But take that piece of paper and write down because it's about reminding your brain that you did things create in your life that you have value. And it should do that. You write down the first step of writing things down. You will focus on that. And it will, you will see it will change your confidence level. It will change your self-esteem, it will increase it. Because you are showing, you are reminding yourself of how amazing you are. And if you want to take one step further, you go in front of the mirror and you read them out loud. So for example, you would take your piece of paper and you will have here, okay. I'm asking because I have value because or I'm proud because I have accomplished that in the past. And you're going to read it here. And then you are going to look at yourself and you're going to read the sentence out loud again. And you're going to look at yourself. It says if another person where giving you, we're reminding you of how awesome you are and try this exercise here. And you see that if you do that, you will become a big success and you will increase your level of competence. So go do this exercise. You will see you won't regret it. 5. Fear Hack: How To Become Comfortable With The Uncomfortable: Today I would like you to become more comfortable with the uncomfortable. So we all know that everything happens at the end of your comfort zone. The comfort zone is everything that you are comfortable in. It's your friends, your family, your house, everything that you do over and over again, it's your comfort zone. But if you'd like to achieve new goals, if you'd like to do more things with you live, you must become at ease with something that is a little bit uncomfortable. And this is how I built everything. I built my confidence, everything in presentations, in public speaking. Every day, I would do something that would make me slightly uncomfortable and that was aligned with my goals. And I did that over and over again like every day I did that. And I became a big success because I became comfortable with the uncomfortable and right now I'm really comfortable in uncomfortable situations. So if you want to become a big success, you must experiences uncomfortable feeling, become obese with that. And the best exercise that I know is not that comfortable. But once you experience that, your whole life changes because there is something that clicks in your mind. This is what I encourage you to do this week. I would like you to take the elevator with other people. And the more crowded than the smaller, the better it is. When you take the elevator. Most people will face the same side of the elevator, which is like the doors. And you will see that everyone will be facing the darts. And I would like you to turn around and face the people. You will see everyone. We start getting uncomfortable. And you will be really uncomfortable because you will be facing, for example, 50, ten people that are fixed in you because there are facing the door and you will be facing them. And the village, I will ask you just to relax. Don't look down. We're lucky just to relax and look at them. It may be awkward, uncomfortable, creepy. But hey, when you are leaving your comfort zone is going to be messy. You are going to be uncomfortable. You're going to do things wrong. But what is really important that you take action and by doing this exercise, you will see that being uncomfortable is not that dad. You will see that if you do that over and over again. And I encourage you to do that within public elevators rather at work because, you know, like it can be uncomfortable, particularly that in public elevators. You will soon become comfortable if you do that, like if you do that every day in a public elevator. After a week, you may start enjoying it. But at first it was really uncomfortable. So do this exercise here and you will get used to being a little bit uncomfortable. And then the idea is to take action like every day, take a small step toward what you want. And you will see that if e to the a little bit uncomfortable each day you are going to grow and you're going to achieve your goals. 6. Fear Hack: How To Decrease The Fear Of Failure: In order to decrease your fear of failure, I would like you to see failure not as failure, but as a learning experience. And this is something that really changed when I understood that I felt that failure was bad. Failure like you other wheel or you fail. But that's not the case. I don't want you to see life as that. I want you to see like failure as a learning experience as a result, success of the result. So don't say, Oh my God, I failed to say I got the result. I got a learning experience or a succeeded with this business. I got that. I got the sale. Okay. It's a result. And if you neutralize that, it means that you don't associate negative things with failures. And that's the problem with most people. They think that the failure is Pat, you are failure is if they think that if they feel like they are failure, and that's not the case, it just the result. And that's really changed my perspective on life. Instead of looking at life as you can. We know you can fail, it can succeed, you can fail. You can just learn. For example, you fail at your business. You learned something. Most people think that it's bad, but you just think, hey, it's more information so that I can launch the next business and I'm not going to make the same mistakes again and again. And it's really powerful to hear that feedback is really powerful. And if you had this mindset here of okay, I'm going to learn, instead of m going to succeed and I'm going to fail. And at the same time that you're taking massive action and making the most out of the experiences and taking actions that you think will lead to success. If you have this mindset here, you will become a big success. Because you want to see failure as something negative because most people don't take action because they're afraid of failure. The thing that if the will fail, the word will disappear. And that's not the case. If you fail, you learn, if you take action, you learn what, what if you take action towards your dream? And you don't, you don't succeed like you learned something, but you will still be the person who tried to follow his or her dreams. And you will be at the end of your life and say, Oh, what an amazing ride. Rather than, Oh my God, I should have taken action. And it all start here with destroying this fear of failure by changing how you interpret failure. This is really powerful. Apply that to life. 7. Fear Hack: How To Deal With Obstacles: Don't focus on the obstacle, but instead focus on the ways to make them happen. Because most people, they are only focused on the things that are on the obstacles, on the walls, on the fact that they cannot accomplish the goals because of that reason. And if you stay focus on that, you won't be able to move forward. And it's the same thing that if you are driving, if you're driving like you want to, like you want to go to your destination. But what happens if you're always looking on the silencing? Oh my God, I'm not going to be able to drive. Oh my god. Oh my god. Is that if you're not focusing first on on what you want, but then you're always focusing on everything that could go wrong on the walls, on the obstacles, on the holes, on the streets, on everything that you are not going to move forward. If you focus on the obstacles, they are going to be obstacles. But if you focus on the fact that the obstacles are not truly obstacles because there are ways to take action and transformed these obstacles into opportunities. Like for example, most people don't take action in life because they are afraid of something. They say they are too young. They don't have enough money that they have so many limiting beliefs and they don't, they don't start a business because they think that they don't have enough money. And they have all these limitations here. And then what if you come up with a way? What if you come up with the way? Literally, you have this obstacle here? What if you come up with a way? And is it really important? For example, when I started, I was really, really young. I started at the age of 20 years old at coaching people. I felt, oh, first, I don't have any money to start a business. I'm too young. Nobody will listen to me. And then we understand that you don't really need a lot of money to start an online business. I understood that. And then I understood that age didn't matter because the experience I had at 20 years old, I had, for example, with social skills, was the experience that most people who never get in life according to my life situation and everything that happened to me, the fact that I was stuttering, I was shy, I was depressed and, you know, I mean, everything that happens. So I understood that I could add value to people and I didn't let these obstacles stop me. So why now, the excuses that you have, the limitation that you have may not be real excuses may just be things to prevent you from taking action. And maybe they are not really excuses. If you are afraid of launching a business because you think you are too young or you don't have enough money, try it anyway and see what happens. Maybe that's not the case, may be the excuse that you have the obstacles that are preventing you from taking action. I'm not real. And there's only one way to do it is to try it. To try it. I could have stopped like really many years ago. Transportation SFO, I don't have enough money. I'm too young. I don't have enough experience. I would I wouldn't be here today. And most people live their life afraid. Afraid of the obstacles, are afraid of everything. Don't look at the obstacles. Look at what you want and how it can improve your life. So think about that. How can you find a way? Is it's still the obstacle that you have, like really true. And there is only one way to find out is to try it. So try pursuing your dreams. 8. Goal Hack: How To Use The Power Of Momentum: You should build massive momentum to achieve what you want. Let me explain what momentum is. Momentum means that the more you do something, the easier it will be. For example, when you wake up in the morning, the most difficult thing, it's actually like just getting out of bed and then like eating your breakfast and then you go through the day and it becomes better is distinct thing with goal setting would, let's say that you have that goal in your personal or professional life. Instead of just taking one massive action and hoping for the best, I encourage you to baby step. It means that every day I would like you to take a small action towards your dream. And every day you're going to take a small action. And then after a few weeks, you will see that it will become really easy because you are use of taking these actions. And this is the power of momentum. Because what do most people do for, let's say, for example, the launcher business. They start getting some results and then the stop the analyze everything, everything and they wonder, am I good enough? And they stop the momentum? And what if instead like you're making some sales and say, oh, this is the moment like to increase it, to keep the momentum going and going momentum inside. The more actions you take, the easier it will become because you will have created this momentum. Massive achiever, they understand the power of momentum. Never stop momentum. Echo goals. Love speeds like they love speed, they love like the speed of execution, taking massive action. So related to encourage you to take your goal, the big dream that you have in your personal or professional life. And you're going to smash, smash it on the ground literally. And then it will be like in 100 pieces. And you will take one piece and you say, Oh, this is the action I'm going to take today. This piece here is the action I'm going to take tomorrow. For example, you want to lose weight, okay? Today I'm going to order a book on how to lose weight. Tomorrow I'm going to join a gym or the day after I'm going to take the stairs instead of the elevator. Oh, that they after I want you to any desserts that they afterwards that an everyday you do that you create massive momentum towards your dream and you don't stop. So my question to you is, what are seven small actions that you could take every day for the next week to accomplish what you want. And you can comment below. And then every day you're going to take these actions. And then the week after we're going to plan another seven actions, you're going to do that and you will see the power of momentum and you are going to become a big success. 9. Goal Hack: How To Know What You Should Be Really Doing: Do what you shouldn't be doing. This section is about goal setting, and most people already know what they should be doing. It's just that they are afraid. They are uncomfortable with that. They prefer not to take that risk. But deep inside them, they have this little voice that tells them, Hey, you should take that action. And today's about listening to that little voice and acting on that little device. Not the little voice that tells you that you're not good enough, not the voice that is trying to destroy you, but you intuition, the positive voice inside you that guides your desires, your dreams. You're going to listen to that voice. And I encourage you to execute on that voice. Maybe it can be just saying, I love you too, someone asking someone out. It could be starting that new business, like starting painting because that should dream. It could be asking, asking someone like something. It could be something more brutal like quitting a job or doing something more extreme that you always wanted to change careers or something. But most of the time we're already know what we want deep inside us. And today, it's a great opportunity for you to act on that. To just say, hey, actually, I already know what I should be doing. I am I pretend that I don't know what they should be doing, but I already know the action that I should be taken with my life. And today, my friends, It's a great day to act on that. 10. Goal Hack: How To Live Your Vision: To achieve more, I encourage you to leave your vision. What do most people do? They just write some goals that can be on New Year's Eve are the ticker piece of paper. And one time they will write some goals and that they will forget about it. Let's be honest. That's what most people do. And instead, I would like you to take a piece of paper, write down your goals. And then you're going to paste it next to your bed. Literally, you print it and you paste it next to you, that next to you bad. And this is my challenge for you for the next seven days. And then I hope that you will make it a habit for me to try it for seven days. You paste the vision that you have, the goals that you have for your life. And then I will choose, I want you to leave the vision. It means that you're not just going to read them and say, Yeah, I'm want to do that and accomplish that with no emotions that and you're going to take your phone out and then scroll through social media. No, no, no. I want you to leave your vision as if you were already living that. I would like you to step into that vision. I would like you to step into that piece of paper. I don't know if you say that, but let's imagine you are stepping into that piece of paper and you are leaving that vision. So what does it mean? You have the piece of paper that is based in next few bad. And you are going to think about the goal. And then you're going to close your eyes. And you're going to imagine that you have already accomplished that. You are going to see the vision as if you are the actor. So it means that you are leaving division. You're going to make it really colorful, really bright. You are able to focus on the things that you see are the things that you feel on the emotions that you feel on the sounds. If there is some taste like you are going to focus on all your senses. And if you do that every day, every day and you make the habit, you brain, we start believing, believing that you are becoming a big success. Because then your brain will start creating a connections in your brain to make things happen. Because the more you think about something, the more your brain will start finding solutions to make that happen. And I've talked with so many successful people. The, Oh dude, this kind of stepping into your vision. Most people paste the sheet of paper next to the bed, was people set an alarm. Most people have some people who have vision boards like it does not matter what you do. What matters is that you step into your vision. And I would like you to try that for seven days and you will see that you will become a big success. 11. Influence Hack: How To Build More Trust: Build more trust. So if you want to influence and persuade people better and more, what is really important is that you set the feeling of trust. And most people have all these techniques to set trust, but it all comes down to your intentions. And most people can perceive the intentions of others. When you meet someone. Like you always have a sense of, Oh, I like this person or I don't like this person. I don't really know why. I know this person has great intentions towards me and dispersion, like just want to do like bad to me. Uh, you know, it We sends people and it all comes down to your intentions. So I would like you to have an intention that you're going to create trust with that person and intention that you are not going to harm the other person. You are going to do good. You are going to help the other person. You're going to improve the other person's life. And when you have this intention here of helping the other person improving the life, like adding value to their life. They will trust you more rather than, than if you have intentions of just taking their money, of selling something that is not right to them or making them do something that, you know, deep inside you, It's not good for them. So think about the intention that you have and you can in your personal or professional life, how can you have better intentions towards other people? And when you approach people, when you talk to people, have the best interest in mind, like a half of the value giving mentality. Think about the fact that you want to help these people. Like you want to make the other person like better than when you found them. And when you have this mindset here, it would be so powerful because then people will trust you more. And they will just say, I don't know this person, I just met this person and I talked with this person for ten seconds. But I think I trust this person. It comes down with the intentions. And then if you want to add an extra technique to that, you are going to share something that makes you appear vulnerable. What do I mean by that? Let's say that I want to approach a girl in a bar. And I'm, I'm really trying like I'm really stressed and I want to create a feeling of trust with her and say, Hey, you know what? I was really stressed. I was there with my friends and I was really stressed and say, Hey, I really want to talk to you and stuff like afraid, but I came anyway and I wanted to say hi, Hi, my name is Alan. And by just showing that you are not perfect, that you are human, that you have fears, that you have shortcomings, and you just share that with the other person. It's a way to create a feeling of trust. So if you try this technique here, try it more in your personal life because you're not going to see your boss or your coworker and say, Hey, I was really not prepared for that presentation. Like, it's dangerous to use that in a professional environment. Techie must be experienced, but in your personal life you can have fun with that and see how other people react. And if you are able to create more trust, but if you think about it, it Gold come down with the intention that you have. And your intentions should be to make the other person a better version of themselves and to add value to the life you do that you will become a big success. 12. Influence Hack: The Remove The Pain Technique: Remove their pain if you want to become better, our burst at persuading people and influencing them, you must understand that whatever you are asking or whatever you are suggesting or when you are asking like something. If you're able to show the other person how a pain will be removed, how a pain that their care about will be removed? There will be more likely to say yes. Let's say that I wanted to convince my wife to go to a restaurant. Instead of just saying, Hey, do you want to go to the restaurant, I could say, Hey, do you want to go to the restaurants so that we don't have to cook, we don't have to clean the room, then we don't have to do the dishes. You don't have to clean the place. You know, I like we're just going to enjoy ourselves. Do you want to come? She's more likely to say yes, because you are showing that by taking that action, pane will be removed. So I'm not telling the other person that if they don't do that action, that will have pain. I'm not saying that. I'm just showing them that the pain will be removed if they take action. So for example, at work, if you want to ask your coworkers to do some extra work or something, hey, do you want to help him with that so that next week I can help you with your report and I know that you are you are you are struggling. You know, like you are removing the pain. And if you make this habit, you will see how powerful it is. So my question to you is, what is one situation in life? Or you would like to have more influence and you think about what are the type of paints that I can remove. It has to be something that the person cares about. It has to be something that their care. So try to think about what would the person like, what, what are the pains that the person is experiencing or like that that I could help with and then tie it to the action. And it will be, it will be really powerful. 13. Influence Hack: How To Build Deep Rapport Fast: To become better at influencing people and become a better leader, you must master the skill of rapport. How can you create rapport with people? Because in order to influence and persuade people, you must know their fears, their desires, the goals, what they truly want, so that you can use that and you can show that your product or your service or what you want them to do, will help them with that, with the desire to goals and everything. But what if you don't know because they don't share it with you. And the key here is building rapport. Because if you build rapport, it means that people trust you. People have confidence in you. They will share more easily like what they truly want and why they're not buying, why they are afraid that we share with you. And so how can you create rapport with people? Basically, rapport is created between people who have something in common. So you could talk about, about life, about anything. And then you focus should be like asking questions that may end up finding something in common. And if you think about that, if you like, in your life, like regarding the passions that you have. Who are your friends? The people who have something in common. It can be they go to the same gym as you, you went to the same school. They have the same values like you have something in common with that person. And if you think about that, you want to recreate that with people. So you can talk with people, you can ask them different questions. You could ask questions about the passions, their interests, ask questions on various topics. And you ideas to find something that you have in common with the other person. And when you found that's a thing that you have in common with the other person. You're going to talk about it. Because the more you talk about it, the more trust and rapport it will build with the person. If you cannot find something that you have in common with the person, you are going to use your intentions. It means that you are going to ask them questions because you really care about them, because you really want to make a new friend. You really want to make a business partner, or you really want to know that answer. Don't be like the people who are like when they started, meaning they're just ask a few questions and you'll see that they are not even listening. There are only preparing the meeting. You want to ask questions literarily because you want to ask them. And when people will perceive this intention that, hey, you are there to do good. You are there to help them. You are there to make their life better. Then you will be able to build this feeling of power so you can build it with your intentions and you can also be linked with the, with the questions. For example, I'm talking to someone in my personal life and then they tell me that they loved playing tennis, I love playing tennis 2. And then we can talk about that and then we can build rapport on that so that later when I'm there will be asking for the business proposal or something else. There will be more likely to up and up and share about the fears, dreams like what are the things that they truly want? So use that to build rapport. 14. Productivity Hack: How To Be Super Productive: Planning day, the day before to what most people do that there I arrive at work and then they ask themselves this question, what should they be doing today? And the issue is that question is that you may be doing things that you prefer over the things that are really important and maybe a little bit uncomfortable. So that's why if you want to become more productive, you could plan your day the day before. So let me explain. At the end of the day, you take a piece of paper, you take this blank piece of paper. And then you ask yourself this question, what are the things that I have to do tomorrow that our top priority? And then you schedule them first thing in the morning. Because the things that are important should be done in the morning. Because the more you go with today, the less willpower you will have, and the less motivation you will have. So it's important that when you arrive at work, you do the things that are truly important. And by doing that way, you are thinking about the day after. It means that you are thinking what should they be doing tomorrow morning? And you will be thinking about the things that are really important. You're not, you're not telling yourself like, would I enjoy doing this task? I know this is what I have to do and this is a big difference here than if you just arrive work is, hey, what should I do? Well, maybe I could grab a coffee with my colleague and that I could do that. That is not important, but hey, I love doing that rather than spending time on That's important products. So I encourage you for one week. You make the habit of taking that piece of paper. And there is one PDF just below that will help you plan the day. You take the US that PDF below and you plan your day the day before, and you will see two, you will become a big success. Make this habit, you receive and become successful. 15. Productivity Hack: How To Reduce Distractions: Reduce distractions. If right now you want to make more out of life, if you want to become a productive and manage your time better, it's really important that you think about all the distractions that you have and that are not helping you accomplish the goals. Right now, maybe you are spending too much time on your phone, scrolling through social media. You are watching too much TV. You are doing things that are not relevant at that, not aligned with what's truly mode. There is nothing bad with the things. But if you do them too much and you don't have a I don't have enough time to do the things that you truly want, then it becomes a problem. So I would like you to take a piece of paper right now and think about how you spend your time and your right, like when you wake up, what are the things that you do then when you go to work or when you take your Brexit, like what Jeju, and then you go through the day and you write everything down. And though you may say, Oh, it's a pain in the ass, it's really uncomfortable to that, but you have to do that. You have to audit your life to know how you can improve it. And you write down everything that you do during your life. And then he take a red pen, ask yourself this question. What is it that I do That is not helping me have a better life. In other words, like it's used as a just wasting time. And you may say Yeah, but I want to scroll through social media so that I can have idea for poles two, for content that I can create for my business is it's really do. How do you get the best ideas? Just scrolling through social media? I don't think so. Maybe it's better like, for example, to go on a Facebook page and look for the, for the ads of your competitors. Or brainstorm, sit down and brainstorm for ten minutes about ideas that you could, about posts and content that you create for your business, it would be a better use of your time. So like you to go through, and for example, if you see that you watch TV for two hours and that's say like don't watch TV anymore. I'm just saying that maybe instead of watching two hours, you could watch half an hour and then you get one hour, one hour and a half back. So this one here is really about removing the distractions and auditing your life. And when I did that, it was really incredible because like I got like three up 3.5 hour during my day. And I could really focus that on my business and my time. So our digital life, and take a piece of paper and write down everything that you do and remove the distractions or reduce them. And you will see you'll have a better quality of life. 16. Productivity Hack: How To Set Your Priorities: Let's talk about priorities. Most people say, Oh, I don't have enough time. If you don't have enough time is because you don't have the right priorities. So let me let me explain here. We only have like so many things to do. But I think that are really important. There are things that you really move your life forward. The thing that align with your goals for them, the things that can be aligned with the job that you have, that you have to make money. This thing that are important to you, it can be your family, your friends, you choke children. It can be something I would like you to write down. What are your top priorities? Like? What are the things that she's data are really important. That are really important. And as data is something that you have to do, and this is going to be your top priority. Then you're going to have the things that are important. But that you can delegate, that you can give it to other people. You're going to write them down. And if you can delegate to other people, you just have to check if the, if it has been done. But here what we want to focus on really is on the things that are important and you have to do and are based on your dreams and your goals are the things that you truly want. And these are your priorities here, the things that are important and then you have to do then you have the scene, things that are important, and then you can delegate. Then you have the things that are less important and that you have to do. So the things that are less important tried to see if you can remove them from your life, or if you can try to find those five, find someone to help you with that. And see reelect to have to do the things that are not important. Do you have to do it? And if that's the case, try to come up with a way to still focus on the things that are truly important to you and do the things that are less important but you have to do. And then we have the things that our users, the things that are completely useless. It means, for example, watching TV, scrolling through social media and the things you can remove. And if you remove them, you will make more time. Something that is great here that I would like to talk about is that you can try to add layers. For example, one of your priorities is to go to the gym and then you also have a priority here is to educate yourself on business. You could go to the gym and listen to a business audiobook while you are working out. Let's say that one of your priorities is to take care of your of your house. You could delegate that and you could hire a cleaning lady that could help you with that. Or you can say I'm going to do it myself. But then you can listen to audio books, can listen to music, you can watch on in trainings. Examine the ways that you could do something. For example, you could drive and listen to an audio book. You could cook. And at the same time you could brainstorm on your new project on or on your new idea. And you can see here, if you add the layers, you can do more things that are important to you in the same amount of time. But you are doing 12 or three things at the same time that are important to you and the task that are less important, try to reduce them, try to delegate them, or try to eliminate them. If you don't report more time, you can sandwich salad TV. You can block your Instagram account like literally if you wanted to have more time for the things that you care, You must reduce and eliminate the things that are not important. So I encourage you to think about that. And I would like you to take a piece of paper and write down the things that are important to you. The things that are not that important. And then see if you can delegate some of them or if you really have to do them. And then you have the things that are not important and see if you can reduce them. You can delegate them, or you can simply just eliminate them. Think about the priorities and it will become a big success. 17. Communication Skills Hack: Complimenting Someone: I would like you to compliment someone. Let me ask you this question. Do you like compliments? Like do you like receiving compliments? And most people would say yes if it's genuine, if the person really mean it. So my challenge to you is to compliment people. You can focus on, for example, compliment people on their looks or on their behavior. Yes, he must be aware that animals have common sense that if you go at work and you start complimenting everyone like on the dress, on the shirts and something that could be not be appropriate. So use common sense to give compliments. But I would like you to just give compliments to people. Literally one compliment today for one week. You try that. And it must be something that you wanted to say. Don't say, Hey, you look amazing today or hey, I really like that you did that. You didn't really like it. You know, I mean, just to give a compliment because then people will interpret it negatively. But if it's something that you say, Oh, I really like to depress this presentation. I really liked his bakery behavior. I really like his shirt. Why don't you walk up to that person's, Hey, by the way, nice presentation. Hey, by the way, nice shirt. By the way, hey, I really liked when you stood up for your rights. So when you said that or, you know what I mean? Just express yourself positively. And if you were to become a better leader and have better relationships kills, this is one skill that you must have. And if you want to make some extra points, you give yourself a compliment in the morning, you go in front of the mirror and instead of saying, hey, all My God, You look like shit, your hair is awful. You say, Hey, I really love you. And you give yourself a compliment in the mirror. Do that for a week and you will see the difference that will make in your life. 18. Communication Skills Hack: How To Have Unlimied Presence In Conversations: To improve your relationship skills, I would like you to become a present because right now and even with social media, with the Phonak, we are used to multitask. You use to do some like, as so many things at once. And the key to good relationships, and it can be at work or it can be in your personal life. The keys are present. What is presence? It means that you are fully there. You are fully listening to what the person is saying. You're not thinking about the laundry and are thinking about the things that are going to be after you are in the relationship. You are listening to the relationship. So what does, how can you become a present? You are going to fully listen to the person, to what the person is saying. You're going to imagine that the person is the most important person on Earth. If you're talking to that person, you are giving them your full attention. You are talking to a president, you are talking to someone and you are going to give them your full attention. Let's say that you are talking with one of your heroes. Are you going to be scrolling through social media or thinking about something else? No, you are going to have your full attention. And another thing is about reminding yourself, like to focus on yourself. For example, you can focus on the weight of your tongue. And I know it's weird, but try it now. Focus on the weight of your tongue and try to think about something else. It's really difficult. Auto focus on the sensations. For example, the sensation when I'm sitting on the chair, I'm sitting, I'm, I'm feeling the sensations of my back, my feet, my, my, my birds, like everything. Like I'm just focusing on that. I'm focusing on the weight of my tongue and right now I'm 100% present when I'm talking to you. And it's something that you must do when you are talking to people, be present with them. And if you do that, people will like you more than say, Hey, I really had a great feeling with that person. I really like, I really like this person. This person gets me. The specimen is interested in what I have to say. Be present and give them your full attention. 19. Communication Skills Hack: How To Make The Other Person Feel What You Want: What you feel the other person feels. And this one here is the golden rule. If you want to have better communication skills, but the relationship skills, this is what you should learn and this is what should be taught at school. Like the only thing that should be taught at cool is that like whatever you feel, the other person feels when you communicate to people, only 7% towards certain that what I say will only back 793% is non-verbal. It can be your eye contacts, it can be your body language, the tone of your voice, like all the nonverbal cues. And the nonverbal cues are directly impacted By the emotions that you feel. It means that if you feel sad and upset, the person in front of you will feel something sad and something upset coming from you. And if you're always negative, always sad and upset. And people will always sends these feelings of sadness and upset and like you, you are upset. They will associate this filling with you. And then they'll say, oh, I didn't have a great time. And I am sure that you know, people who are always like in a bad mood and you don't want to hang out with them because you say, Oh, I associate these, this bad mood with these people. And the key here is to take control of your emotions. The best way to do that is to put yourself in the good emotions, in positive emotions and confident emotions. And one of the great way is to change what you focus on. If you're in a bad mood is because you are focusing on things that make you sad. But if you want to become a positive, I encourage you to just focus on things that are great. And so you could ask yourself this question, what is amazing about today? What am I excited about today? And you just put your focus on things that makes you amazing. Or you could even ask yourself this question, what am I grateful for today? What am I excited about today? Who do I love? What? Why am I happy right now? What are the things that could make me happier? And now like what is around me that is beautiful, that is amazing. And by changing, unfortunately will change how you feel. And if you feel better, the people will feel what you feel and they will like you more because they associate these positive emotions that they will be filling, because you are filling them. And this is so powerful here, so increase your level of good emotions by changing what you focus on and focus on things that are more positive than negative. And you will see that you will become a big success in communication. 20. Success Hacks: Find Someone Who Has Already Accomplished What You Want Hack: I would like you today to talk to someone who has accomplished what you want and you ask them how they did it every day. Great success habit is to ask someone who has already accomplished what you want, how they did it. Most people retry to reinvent the wheel. They had this new goal, this new project that they have. And the thing that will come up with new way, they will reinvent the wheel, that will invent new processes to make things faster. And you will, you may lose a lot of time and energy. You should do that. Wait, because success leaves clues. It means that successful people who have accomplished things, they have processes that they went through the mistakes and the failures. And it can really fast track to success if you ask them how they did it, and you will be shocked if you ask successful people how they did it. Most people will tell a, we say, okay, this is what you should do to be successful. Like they share openly. And you will see that if you ask the right question that we'll share and that will open up. And one of the great question and I ask all the time when I'm networking with really powerful people is. So first, I will go to the person who has already accomplished what I want. Not for example, my hairdresser who has no idea how to start a business, or my neighbor who works at the bank. And, and I want to ask questions about entrepreneurship to that person. So I would go to these high, high power person like to do successful person that accomplished what I want. And I will ask them this simple question. If you had to start all over again, what would be the three things that you would do? And that will really move the needle. And then I will shut up and I will listen. They will tell me three things that I should do. And then I will execute on that. And you will see that it will fast-track your success. Like it's incredible how it will fast-track your success. So right now, i'm, I'm sure that you have this new goal, this new project that you have. And I would like you to take time today to reflect on who do I know or who can I learn from that has accomplished what I want? Maybe you cannot talk to Bill Gates, but maybe you can read a book. You can read his book, or you could watch YouTube videos and try to understand how he did it so that you can just copy his, his techniques, his actions. And you will get the good results. You may not get them, but you will have the best blueprints and the blessed steps to take action. So take action today and find someone who has accomplished what you want. 21. Success Hacks: How To Take 10 Minutes For Yourself In the Morning: One of the great success habits. It's to take ten minutes for yourself in the morning. Yes, you heard it, right? Just take time for you. What do most people do? They wake up, they take their phone, the scrolls through social media. They check their inboxes. They replied to text messages, and they haven't even gotten out of bed. They just woke up the open the eyes. And what does he do? They immediately reacting to the others people demands. And it has been proven that if you do it that way, you'll become less productive, less successful because you are reacting to other people. Why didn't I just checking in, checking in with yourself and taking time for yourself. And if you look at every successful people, in every successful person I have interviewed, they always said that they took some time in the morning with themselves. And I'm not saying that you should block 1 are two, has just 10 minutes. And this is the challenge here for next week, like for a week, I would like you to everyone in that you wake up, you are going to take timings for yourself and then lucky to, to set an alarm. For example, let's say that you wake up at seven at 705. Like either you lock yourself in the room, you go in the living room and there is no kid, there is no dog. This is no one, just you and yourself. And you take time. You can be reflecting on your goals. You can be meditating. You could be journaling, you could be writing things down. You could be listening to music, but you must not scroll to social media like, don't waste your time doing things that are useless and reacting to other people's demands, you must react to yourself. And when you do that, you will see that you will become a big success. Because if in the morning to take time for yourself, for example, you plan your day and say, Oh, what are the things that I want to do? What am I excited about? What am I grateful for? And you take time to reflect on these questions. Or even like do nothing for ten days, for, for 10 minutes, or it can read the book, do something. You will feel more calm, more relaxed, more aligned, and you will see that it will become a big success. So maybe this habit, ten minutes a day in the morning when you wake up only for yourself. 22. Success Hacks: How To Behave As If You Were Already Successful: I would like you to behave as if you were already successful. And this is really hear a success hack. Success is an emotion, is something that you feel, not something that you attain. Yes, you may attain something even reach a goal and then feel successful. But in the emotion that you're going to feel because you have attained a goal. So why weights to attain that goal to fill the great emotions of success? Right now, you could experience these emotions of success. Why now? You could close your eyes and you can just imagine that you have accomplished what you want. And you are going to experience the emotions of success. And if you do that over and over again, condition your brain to experience emotions, have success. And guess what? If you do that over and over again, your brain will start seeing that you are getting 60 emotion of success often. And it will change your beliefs to mass accessible if you behavior Tomas successful behaviors, it will change like your hard drive to become more successful. So let me ask you this question here. How would you act if you were already successful? How would you walk if you already had that coal? That is accomplished? How would you talk to people? How would you stand up like, what fool your posture be? How would you talk to people? What would you do? And if you do that, you start acting as if you're already successful, having the vibe, the energy, you will get there faster. Because by becoming the person that you have to become in order to be successful, you will be able to get there faster than just waiting to become the person that you need to become to achieve that goal. And you will have to develop new habits, new emotions, new things to accomplish your goals. But if you already accomplished your goals in your mind by filling this emotion of success, you will become a success faster. So ask yourself this question. How would you behave today if you were already successful? And they would like you to behave today? I would like you to behave that way today. 23. Energy Hack: The Power Of Gratitude: If you have more wellness and energy in the life, one thing that is really important is to cultivate the feeling of gratitude. And it's something that is so powerful because when you wake up in the morning, what most people do that the fats, the start thinking about the day, the start thinking about the thing that they have to do and they start being stressed. And when you wake up in the morning, you can control what you focus on and you can control how you feel. And if you start today on positive emotions rather than the non stress anxiety and being upset and being out of control. It's better, it's better to feel this great emotions. And one of the great exercise that I know of is being grateful. In other words, you just ask yourself a simple question. What are three things that you're grateful for? And you can do that when you brush your teeth. You can do that when like you just woke up when when you go out for a walk or when you dry it when we are, when you are driving, you just think you think of the three things that you're grateful for. And I don't want to just say, oh, yeah, I'm grateful of that and that and that, no, no, no. I want you to feel these emotions. And it can be as simple as I'm grateful because I'm alive. I'm grateful because I get to do something that I love. I'm grateful because today I will have food. I'm grateful because blablabla. And when you think about that, you can think about the people that you love, the thing that you do, the fact that you are alive, like anything can be good if you are grateful for that and allow yourself to feel the emotions. And this is really powerful here. So I encourage you tomorrow when you wake up or even like this morning or today, you ask yourself this question here. What are three things that you're grateful for? And you can write them down in the comment section below. What are three things that you're grateful for? And when you think about the thing, I would like you just to give yourself permission to feel this emotion of gratitude. And you will see that if you do that every day, you will start today and it will become a new person, more positive confidence and lovable person because you will be in that create state of love and gratitude. 24. Energy Hack: How To Set Your Intentions For the Day: To increase the quality of your life and have more energy. I would like you to set your intentions when you wake up. When you wake up, instead of worrying about anything that I like, everything that could happen during the day or thank you. Phones and answering emails and reacting to other people's agendas. I want you to set the intention today. It's going to be a great day. Today. It's going to be a great day. And I even want you to say that. So you wake up, you get out of bed. And then when you are walking, you say, today is going to be a great day. And what is really important that you must use your voice. You're not just going to say today is going to be a crate. A Helen told me to say that today is going to be a creative Nano. They're going to be excited about logically to project your voice. You are just imagine. You can imagine that you want to convince someone to step up and to have more energy like people that you love. And you can say, hey, today's going to be a great day. So the first thing that I want you to tell yourself is, today's going to be a great day. Today is going to be a great day. And if, and if we repeat that a few times, at least three times the energy and you're going to project it. You have said the intentions to start today and it's going to be a great day. Is it going to be a great day? You don't really know, but you are setting yourself up for success. Because if it's a great day, is going to be amazing. If snarky day is going to be better and if it's a bad day, the fact that you said that it's going to be a great day. You're going to see opportunities instead of failures. You're going to see the great things in life. You're going to see the glass half full of empty. You're going to see the good in the situation. Set your intentions today is going to be a crazy do that for the next week and you will see you will become a success that you have never started off. You're going to become a positive. My confidence, my job, joyful. You're going to have a better vibe. Like we are going to have better emotions. Try it and let me know how it works. 25. Energy Hack: How To Tap Into Your Energy: Move more often. If you want to increase your level of energy, you must move more often when it's a situation or when is the time where you are not moving at all? Literally like you're not moving. It's when you are dead. And if you want the opposite of that, it means life. You must move because you have movement. And by moving, you will activate your body. And this is so powerful here because like which many leaders, students and even stay at home mom who wants to have more energy. And I just tell them that I tell them move more often, move more often. And this is a great rule here, is that every hour, every hour and a half, you should move. It can be like walking around the room. It can be going outside for a walk. It can be even standing up and stretching. It can be a jumping in the air arm for example, I have I have a job that requires me to be like on top like most of the time. And when I'm tired, I'm just going to put some entered and entertaining music and it will chirping in the air. And you will see, I will be in my office doing that. And most people like they walked by and say sometime they can be weird and like because they're outside people that can also come and see me from the office. And I would be like jumping up and down and, and some people would say it's, it's kinda weird. You may think it's weird, but me and pumping myself and then create, creating incredible content for my business. And I prepare, I prefer to focus on how I feel rather than than most people think. So. The good rule of thumb, it would be like every hour or every hour. Every hour and a half. You do something to move your body. And I would like you to read to set an alarm because if you don't set an alarm, you want make it a habit. So I encourage you to start with three times a day. You're going to set an alarm, for example, at ten AM, 01:00 PM and 4PM. And when this alarm rings, yada E to walk or you're going to do something for a few minutes, it's going to be walking around. It could be something, but I want you to train your body to move because the more you move, the more energy you will generate. Another great exercises when you wake up in the morning, go for a walk, go for a 20 minute walk. When I when I wake up, I'm literally dead inside. I'm actually, oh my God. It's going whenever cup like I am most of the time not in a great mood, but then I do things that would mean a really great mood. And one of the things is I go for a walk at least 20 minutes, no matter if it's rain, its nose, it's windy. I just go out and I walk and you will see I will be walking a given closing miasma. I'm walking and I'm generating energy. So that after a few minutes and after a few hours and really top energy in high-energy right now, I'm recording that. That happened to me in the morning like I was really like Titus. Oh, I'm not going to record that. But then I put myself in the great State. I went out and walked and I did some stretching. I jumped with the music and I'm really on fire on camera. So move more often and set an alarm for at least three times a day to do something with your body. It can be stretching, it can be moving, can be jumping in the air. I don't care what it is. Just use your body. 26. Fear Hack: Are You 100% Certain?: If you want to decrease your fear and your limitations, it's important that you challenge what you know. And if you think about the belief that you have about the way that you perceive life, there are things that you consider true. And the things that you consider true are things that our beliefs. Because if you think about that, a belief in your brain is something that you consider 100% true. And some beliefs are there to prevent you from acting and they are not helping you creating the life that you want. So it's important that you start challenging the things that are preventing you. Let me explain. When I started my online business ten years ago, I thought I was too young. I didn't have any experience, so I had this belief here, I'm too young, I don't have any experience. And instead of letting these believed here, like an advisor ID, I didn't have any money. Instead of having these three beliefs there that were there just to stop me, to block me from taking any action. I challenged the beliefs and I said, Is it 100% true that I don't have any experience? Now it's not 100% true because I have that person I did that. I did that. 100% true that you need money to start a business? No, that's not true. And it opens up the possibilities. The possibilities that you can take action and show you that as possible. Because you are not taking action right now to do the things that you truly want and you are blocked. It's because there is something that is a belief that is telling you. Maybe you are too young, maybe you don't have enough experience. Maybe you are too old. Maybe you are not in the right country. Maybe you don't have the right amount of money. And ask yourself this question here. Is it 100% true? And most of the time you cannot be what? It can't be 100% true. And you have shown your brain that some people have accomplished what you want to accomplish in your situation. And it's about shaking the beliefs that you have, the ones that are not serving you to take action. So next time that you think about your goal, I want you to listen to the little voice that is inside you and to listen to what it says. And then you challenge that. For example, ten years ago I was thinking about my business and then I had to Yang, Yang. And then I say, okay, is it 100% true that being young is a bad thing? Now I have a lot of energy. I know people who are younger and who are more successful than me. And I started challenging that belief. And it shows my brain that, hey, no, it doesn't mean that you are young, that you cannot succeed at creating an online business. So my question to you is, what are the things in your life that you could challenge? The things that you think are true, but are actually stopping you from taking action. And you challenge with this question, is it 100% true? 27. Goal Hack: The Baby Step Process: Another great hack for goal setting and achievement is to take baby steps. Instead of taking one huge action and then doing nothing. Tried to do small actions every day. And this is how people make changes. It's not on New Year's Eve when they are drunk and they say, Oh, I'm going to to lose 10 thousand pounds. And then like maybe the next day or the day after the Gulf War for around and then they do nothing the entire year. Instead, you think about the goal that you have. And you take like this big dream, big goal that you have, you smash it on the ground and then you take one piece of it and you say, Okay, this is going to be my next action tomorrow. Let's say that you want to lose weight, okay, tomorrow I'm going to buy a book on how to lose weight the day after. I'm going to order running shoes that they after I'm going to start reading the book, that they after, I'm going to take the stairs instead of the elevator that they after I'm going to call a friend and join a gym the day after. I'm going to actually hit the gym. And, you know, like, do you take one small action every day towards your dream? And our brain cannot see the difference between a small action that we have taken, an AC and a big, a big step. So if you take actions every day, even if they are really small towards what you want, your brain will perceive it as a lot of action. Because if you take one action a day for six months, you have, you will have taken 180 actions, which is a lot. And your brain will think, Oh my God, I took massive action. I must really want that. So this is a hack here. Instead of like, you can take huge steps and I encourage you to do it. And at the same time, you take baby steps so that it's easier for you to take them every day because they are a little bit uncomfortable or they are in your comfort zone. But it's important that you take them every day if you want to get closer to your dreams. 28. Productivity Hack: Willpower Explained: One great advice for productivity and time management. It's about will power. If you want to accomplish more, you must understand how willpower works. When you start the day, your willpower is full. And the more you do think, the more tired you become, the less willpower you will have. And some people do important tasks that they scheduled the day. So that important tasks will be at the end of the day or that important tasks would be like during the night or during the evening. And the more you wait, the more you go through the day, the less willpower you will have. And it's really easy at the end of the day or when you are tired saying, Oh, I'm going to do that tomorrow and to procrastinate. So that's why when you understand that the more willpower you have elec, it's in the morning rather than than the afternoon or the evening. You schedule your day in a way that you do the important things in the morning when you are high energy wasn't than at night or like during the afternoon, depending on your schedule and your lifestyle. But I just wanted to show you here that willpower is not the same throughout the day. So my question to you is, what are tasks that you have that are truly important? And things that you really want to do that are important, that are going to move the needle for you in your life to accomplish your dreams and to get the life that you want and try to put them in the morning. Because that's when you have the more courage like you will there to, to them and you will be motivated to take action. 29. Communication Skills Hack: End On A High Note: How can you increase your relationships and communication skills? My advice is to end on a high note. So if you think about that, people will remember feelings, they will remember how they felt, not really what was said. Words are only 7% and the emotions that people feel are 93 percent. So if you think about an interaction that you had in the past, you are going to think about how you felt. And what's really important here is that what you feel throughout the interaction is important. But what's most important is like what happens just before you end that interaction. And that's why it's important to leave on a high note on a positive emotion. Because then people will remember the last emotion, like the last emotion they felt would be more powerful than the first emotions that they felt. So what most people will do is that they will approach them on, they would interact with someone that will have a great time. And then maybe you run out of things to say are, you know, like the relationship will start like going, going down. And that's when they say, hey, it was nice meeting you. And then the runaway. Instead, what you should do is live on a high note. Let's say that it's almost the end of the interaction. And instead of waiting for it to go down, you are going to live on a high note. So let's say that there is a joke you are laughing. And instead of letting it go down, because hey, actually I have to go. It was really nice. I had a nice, nice talk with you. See you soon and say, Hey, nice to meet you. You know, like try to find a way to end the interaction on a high note and other great way. And it's one of my favorite way. And you will see that if you have an interaction with me in real life, I will be talking about will be having an interaction. And then just before leaving, I will be talking about, again about something that made us feel great emotions in the interaction. So for example, let's say that we are in, we are in London and we are, and we are talking. And then you are sharing about a great bar that you that you went in last night or great restaurant. So we like we exchange and we had a great moment sharing that. And we had a great energy. And I wanted to reunite that energy at the end of the interaction. So I'm going to say, hey, you know Matt, thank you so much for sharing this restaurant. I'm going to go tonight and yeah, I think it's going to be amazing by the way I have to go. So that the person would like fill this great emotion and say, Oh no, the person has to go. And that's how you live on a high note, you can reactivate something that was said during the interaction. And you do that at the end before you go. So that when people would think about the interaction, so they will think about everything they felt during the interaction. Basmati, most importantly, the end. And if you live on a high note, people will like you more and be more socially attracted to you.