25 Banners Anyone Can Draw! | Peggy Dean | Skillshare

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Class Intro


    • 2.

      Rectangular Banners


    • 3.

      Arched Banners


    • 4.

      Inverted Arch Banners


    • 5.

      Slanted, Wavy Banners


    • 6.

      Layered (Double & Triple) Banners


    • 7.

      Fancy Banners


    • 8.



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About This Class

MakeĀ a statement on an art piece, an envelope, a chalkboard, a letter, you name it, by learning to draw 20 different banners across 5 main style points. Not only will you learn step-by-step, but you will open a door to be able to branch off with your own banner ideas after learning these main fundamental elements to drawing banners.Ā 

This class features ribbon and scroll banners in five different base categories:

Inverted Arch
Layering (Double and Triple)

We finish with a segment on some banners that are more intricate and characteristic that are sure to grab attention!

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Peggy Dean

Top Teacher | The Pigeon Letters

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Level: Beginner

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1. Class Intro: Hi guys, I'm Peggy. You may know me from some hand lettering classes here on Skillshare. Today I'm bringing some tutorials on how to draw a plethora of different banners. Some banners that we'll be going over are focused more on some rectangular boxy shapes. We also have some arches. Then what those look inverted. We've got some wavy, slanted type of banner as we've got some that you actually layer over and have a double or triple banner. Then we also have some more intricate fancy banners to go over. I'm really excited to introduce to you these steps. I think that after learning the shapes and fundamentals, you'll really be able to take off with this and create your own amazing art. I can't wait to see what you guys come up with. I'm going to break those steps down for you and you should be up and running before you know it. I look forward to hearing what you guys think and let's get started. 2. Rectangular Banners: To get started, we're going to go over some really simple, easy, boxy banners you can make just out of rectangles. So the first one, we're going to do just a real skinny rectangle here, and then we're going to create the same effect from behind. So it's essentially just dropping it down, just slightly, a smudge below, and then tucking it behind. So we're just going to do that and then add some flags at the end, and then we're going to connect our folds, right here attaching these lines together. Another version of this exact same one is just a little bit boxier, not as narrow. So same thing just a rectangle and then slightly below it we're going to drop a square, drop, out, connect. Then the same thing on the outside only we're not going to connect it, we're going to create that V here. So real easy. Basically drop a square just below and then tuck behind. Make sure that when you're doing this, your width remains about the same as the main rectangle that you first drew, so that we have consistency for your V and then connect your folds corner to corner. Here, here, and that's it. So real easy, you can even put in a drop shadow, so that it's more dimensional, so that you know exactly where that fold behind is. Another one we're going to do real quick, is this version with only one fold, so it's not so below it toward the back. So we're going to do the same rectangle, parallel lines, connect them together with the vertical lines, drop just a bit, drop out, and then do your V. Real simple. So just down a bit, and then your V, and then connect your folds in the back, and then you can color those in as well if you want to. That is it, simple boxy banners. 3. Arched Banners: In this segment we are going to go over some arched banners. We're just going to draw a line that is curved upward and then back down, followed by a parallel line underneath and then connect those two with some straight vertical lines connecting the ends. Then just underneath we're going to drop and drag out. With the same width as the middle, we're going to match that coming off the side. These behind pieces are the same width. Then we'll do some Vs inward and back out, then connect our folds from the outer corner inward and same thing here. Then you can color in the back for some dimension and this one is finished. This next one we're doing is very similar. Draw our line on top and then follow it with one on the bottom that's parallel. Connect the two sides of the vertical line and then from here we're going to create a fold that continues into another so it's basically just a square behind. With the same principles in mind, just drop it slightly and make sure the width stays the same and then that's when we pull our ribbon out like we did the first one. Pretty simple, it just has an extra square in there. It might look silly, but as soon as we add these lines right here, that's when the folds come in and we can color those in for some dimension as well if we want to. Then that one's finished and it's just a little fancier than the first. Our next one is going to be real simple, but more of a streamer type on the ends. Draw our first line. Our next one is going to be just shorter than the first, but still parallel with the arch. Then we're going to create a V right away in the middle without any folds so those first lines and then these next ones are shorter and just bring it out to where the top and bottom lines are and then connect to those. Then speeding up this first one, just so you know what the end result will look like when we create these. It's just a little ribbon. We're going to bring our pen from that bottom corner inward and just do a couple of squiggle lines. Then we're going to connect them with folds and to do that, we're just going to create a straight line here and then connect, and then same thing underneath just from around the middle area, straight line connect. Then eventually these lines are just getting skinnier and skinnier. Then moving on to the next one, just make sure to always go inward with your wavy lines that you're creating and then to connect these folds, we're just going to come straight down. Then from the middle of that top area, draw a line out and then connect it. Then skinnier and skinnier as it gets lower, so from the middle down and then this one looks good, and that is it. 4. Inverted Arch Banners: Now we will move into some inverted arch banners where they have a dip rather than an arch. So we're going to make the ends here just a little curvy, but it's going to dip in the middle. We'll bring that down and then just a basic line to connect the bottom with a little bit of a dip as well. From here, we're going to pull out from the side and then dip in just a bit. So pull outward and back in right away, and then we're going to connect that line to the top here just with a little bit of a curved line. That creates a little bit of a fold. Then from here, we're going to go from the bottom and go out and then connect that into the end of a ribbon. That's actually all there is to this banner. I'm just going to add a little bit of striping for the underneath so you know that that's the fold. That is quite simple. This next one, same thing, just a soft dip in the middle, only on the ends we're going to create very small underneath swirls. From the edges of these swirls, we're going to bring a vertical line down. Then on the inner edge, same thing, and then connect the bottom with a curved line on both sides. Then from the bottom, just slightly above the scroll, we're going to bring a line directly across to connect and then we're just going to create the lines on the edges inside here to show the folds in the scroll. You can also create the same banner with the scroll folds behind. Just wrap it up when you're meeting your lines together up and then spin around and then just connect the scroll behind. So that's another version of that one. This next one, we're going to basically create a dip from a really skinny C on its back and then we're going to create the edges with a little bit of a curve and then matching on the bottom with the parallel line. From the top, we're going to create a wave out and then match the width of the center. Create a wave out and then from the middle here is about that width, and then just create a V toward the edges to create your ribbon. Same thing on this side. Now we just need to show where our fold is, so we'll pull a line from the outer edge here straight down and then I'm going to add some line striping in here to show that that's our fold even is any color you don't have to do it, I just think it adds a fun effect. We're going to create that same one again with a different technique and an additional fold in it. So just do two inverted arches parallel, connect the sides, and on the edges here, we're going to go in and then out with a dip, and then in, down, and a dip again. On the outer part of where these dips we're going to bring a line straight down to match what the outer line looks like to ensure that the height is the same. Then because it does come up, we're going to do the same thing here on the bottom, so we bring it out from the middle a bit so it maintains the same height. Same thing on this side, only it's a V at the end. Then connect to your folds. Just bring a curved line directly down. On the other side, we're going to curve inward and outward and down, inward, outward, and down. Straight line down from the outer part of the arch and then curve upward to match the height of the top line. Same thing here. Then create your V. Lastly, we're just going to connect the folds in the back by bringing a straight line down, and then again you can stripe or dot or just color in and fill the behind folds. 5. Slanted, Wavy Banners: Moving into some more slanted or wavy banners. This first one, we'll start with a squirrel that is up and out and then another line to be parallel plan and create a scroll underneath and then connect to the scroll part anytime that the scroll is placed underneath you want the lines to come up of it and then anytime there on the top it'll come straight down. For example, you wouldn't want to create a line here because it wouldn't make any sense with the design so you'll want to have it actually come down to show the proper effect of the role and then will connect to the two edges here with vertical lines. This next one is pretty simple we're going to pull from the outside in and then go out and then stretch it all the way and again and then on the bottom create a parallel wavy line that just dips underneath, connect the edges, connect to this folder underneath, connect this outer edge and then folds and go ahead and insert it back shadow so you know where the folds are and then that one's it. This next one is pretty neat we're going to a do two parallel wavy lines connect this sides with some vertical lines. We're going to dip and just slightly just for a little bit of texture and then instead of grabbing from the outer corner we're actually going to dip just slightly in and create one line that's a little longer toward the outside, little shorter toward the inside and then connect these lines and now from the outer corner we will create a fold backwards into this role effect that we're creating so same thing just drag it into the middle there and then from the inside of these guys we are going to create just a really small roles or from the outer corner. Drag it up and then straight down and then that creates more of a fold role type of banner that looks pretty neat. Moving into this next line we're going to do a swirl from and the inside, out and up bring it straight across and then this is actually just going to dip into an underneath swirl. Where go and then we're going to bring the outer edge of the right swirl down and then the inner edge straight down connect that with a soft line that dips as well and then outer edge bring that down and then we're going to create a parallel line to the top into the lower half of the right-hand scroll area then create the folds over on the left and then over on the right because these are both above the line that they are rolling they will come straight down but that's it. This next one is more of a ribbon like effect it's going to get narrower toward the right, so starting with my parallel lines I'm going to connect these lines here and then from just inside this step I'm going to bring a line up and out and it's going to get much narrower into a taper when I create the next one and then our ribbon toward the end and then ribbon on the outside and connect my folds corner to corner and that one's it. Now we're moving into my absolute favorite go-to manner that if I'm not thinking about it and I'm drawing a banner there is no one that I'm drawing. So parallel wavy line, top to bottom connect the two sides with vertical lines and then in the inside where it dips up and then dips down here, there's just going to be a line that comes slightly up and then I'm going to just mirror the banner but not as long. So mirror the same shape and then make sure that the height is the same on those as they are the middle and then just put in my V and from here I'm going to just make sure that my folds are in here from corner to corner and that is it. It's very simple and it's very pretty. Then another version of that could be adding some more folds behind, so I'm going to do the same thing with my wavy rectangle here and bring these small short lines from the depths near that but then I'm actually going to connect these two so bringing this out to mirror it bringing this out, connecting it I'm going to do even one more of these squares behind. These are a little bit more wavy so I want to make sure that I keep mirroring that same ripple effect and then I'm going to connect it and then lastly, same thing only this one is finally where my ribbon ends and I'll create that V same thing over here, bring it drop out and my V now I need to go back and connect all these folds and you can do this with as many folds as you want to they can get narrow toward than they can stay this way and stay the same height the whole time. It's totally up to you but you have a nice flow ribbon banner and then I'm just going to show you a quick version of that first one that we did but just when it's a little more compressed and the scroll is much closer resting toward the middle. So we're just going to bring this little dip here and then remember that was scrolls if it's sitting on the top, it's going to have all of its lines come down and then bottom all of its lands are going to come up. Lastly, I'm just going to spend through that banner that's my go to and I'm going to show you some little varieties of putting in some scrolls with it and what it can look like upon completion. 6. Layered (Double & Triple) Banners: Layering banners one on top of the other can be a lot of fun. This first one is a more than boxy type. We're going to do three rectangles. The middle one is going to be longer and the top and bottom are going to be a little shorter. My lines are a little more wavy, but mostly straight. You're welcome to do them completely straight or you can even do them with an arch. But for this one, we're just doing some basic loose rectangles. First, we're going to have our fold tuck behind. So it's just going to be a little half v connected to a curve and then we're going to connect the middle from the outer corner. Make sure the width is the same as the height so when you bring that down outer corner here, so it's all connecting and that's it. For this next one, we're going to do two. It's going to be a double. That's more of the wavy curved style. So connecting those two, another one underneath it, just offset to the right as well. Just like in the previous videos when we learned how to do that, drop behind same thing, we're is only going to do it on one edge, then move to the top and do that only on the left side. So little line inside the dip, straight out, keep the width the same, put your V end then we'll all connect them middle. So just from the outer corner, bring down. It's flat and enough that it's safe to assume we can just connect from each corner and then connect to the fold in the back here, and that one is finished as well. Lastly, we're going to do essentially the same thing, but we're going to put a scroll effect in. So we're going to connect the two on one side, but then bring this one up and in into a swirl and then same thing on the bottom, parallel lines. The bottom is just offset and then the bottom line gets tucked into a swirl. Go ahead and connect all of these lines here. So you have your two banners and now we'll go in and create this scroll itself. Remember that if they lie on top, the scroll lines come straight down. If it's on bottom, they go straight up. We're just going to connect the two consistent with the same width as the height right down like that. 7. Fancy Banners: We're going to move into some more intricate banners with a little more detail. This first one is a little tricky, so pay close attention. We're going to do that skinny C that's on its back. Then from here we're going to go in and then under and around into a swirl. The other side is a bit different. Rather than coming up and dipping, we're going to just go up and around into this swirl. This one comes up and down, this one's up and over. Now we're going to take the edges here and do inverted line and then connect that on the bottom parallel to the top-line. Only we're going to add a little bit of character of weatherization. In the middle of that line, you just pull it up and back down and it looks like a weather tear, so same thing here. We're pulling that from center doing a parallel line to the top that's dipping into the swirl. Be sure not to go past the edge. I'm going to pull that down and connect it. Same thing over here, we're going to create the inverted lines here, create the underneath part, connect to that for the scroll. Then the top line matches the bottom there that we just connected. Do that from the middle. Then anytime that you see the scroll about to do any rolling, is when we're going to add those little lines for more of a weathered effect. Make sure to get to your scroll, line straight down, connect your folds in the back. Another option that you can do with this scrolls is to create a border, and so on the top we're just going to do a really thin line that connects throughout. It doesn't have to be perfect, just get it through. It's more of a weathered scroll, so even just pushing it in lightly, we'll give it that effect. Then let's create those weathered effects. Again, anytime you see a band or a fold, that's when we're really going pull these in. Even add as much detail as you want to that, but I'm going to be finished here. Let's move on to our next one. We're going to do that wavy arch where we pull it up into a swirl. The other side we're going to pull it in, under, in, and then out into a wavy line. This is going to be fun. Where the step happens, it's like the scroll where you're going to pull from each outer end and then connect on the bottom. Then from here, same thing on the outside to make sure that that is consistent. The trick is just to watch the line above it anywhere that you are in case you get lost. Just mash that height. Let's pull our scroll down, and then on this side where it's going to be a taper ribbon effect. I'm going to follow that line, bring it in, and then create my V right here. Then I just need to create the fold in the back, which is right here and then there's going to be one more right here. Then just do the same thing that we did previously. Anytime that there is a band, we're just going to add some real sure wispy lines. Anytime there's a fold or bend. Then for this next one that we're going to do, it's going to be the C on their back, we're doing two of them. They're going to be a little bit shorter and a little deeper than what we've done previously. Here's the first one. The next one I'm going to skip a space and then do a little bit longer. Then what we're going to do is connect to these, and it's just going to be a C opposite direction. Make sure that those lines match up. Then after, we're going to bring this up and around, and then this side is actually just going to go up and then into a wavy line on the left. Then where you see these outer C parts we're going to bring that down. I'm going to do that inverted wavy line connect to the bottom and then do the same thing on this one. Come down and then connect on the bottom. Make sure that height is consistent with the other one. Then here we're going to dip up to match how those are both parallel now. We're going to create the fold on this side by dragging a line from outer edge here, straight down and then into the bottom. Then we're just going to show a little bit of that ribbon coming through. Then where it tucks right underneath there. Then we will connect the fold on the other side here, lying straight down. Same thing over here, lying straight down and then we're going to keep that consistency with that wavy line then split this into that ribbon effect where there's that line along the end. From here, we're going to just do the same thing. We're going to create those wispy lines anywhere that you see a bend or fold. That one is finished as well. The next one that we're going to go into begins with a swirl, bring it around and then down and straight across. Then we're going to connect down here and bring this line down, and then we're actually going to dip it under and then come out again. Connect these two lines here. Connect to your fold here. Keeping the height consistency in mind, we're going to pull from just above the center of the other out to meet and then these ones are going to split in the middle, the little v. Don't connect to that backside but do push a fold in and then the bottom fold, bring it down and then straight out, and connect your scroll straight down. Here we're going to do that double ribbon flags. We're going to shoot these straight out because we've already done our fold. This one can just meet and that is it, and then you see your lines or your weathered effect. Next one is going to be a little more involved. It's a little more intricate. I'm going to do my wavy, curved banner rectangle connected on two vertical lines here. Then do two Cs, one facing down and the bottom one facing open to the top. Then these two steps are different, so pay attention again closely. We're going to bring this out in the dip under into a swirl, this one we're going to bring out and then also dip under around into a swirl rather than mirroring and having it come the other direction. This fold and the scroll area, we're going to bring straight down. Same thing on this side, we're going to create those lines that match the height of the middle. Then from here we're going to complete the rolls where the scroll connects here and then connect to the top. Make sure it's that curved line that's parallel. Create the back there, create this back. Then this actually should come down just a bit further, so bring that down, connect it up in there. Perfect. Now we will make sure the folds in the back are showing clearly so steps just connect straight up. That's the banner. Now we can add any after effects. I'm going to shade the background here where the folds are. Looks like I need to add those ones in, shade any area that is the behind of the banner, so up through here. I'm going to start adding these effects as well. Show you this and then start pushing in my really thin lines at the bends and you are all set. 8. Project: Okay guys, that's all I have for you for banners. I am really excited to see where you guys go with this because I know that the options are limitless. I've seen banners incorporated and do incorporate them myself into so many different types of projects. Please make sure to upload your project so that I can see it, so that the community can see it, and we can see where you decided to take that even if it is just basic. Because something that I have to remind myself is that simplicity is definitely underrated and can be quite beautiful if not better than even the more elaborate, intricate things. Thank you guys so much. We'll see you later.