15 Min Singing Warm-up: Build A Powerful Mix Voice - Follow Along | Singing Coach Adam Mishan | Skillshare

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15 Min Singing Warm-up: Build A Powerful Mix Voice - Follow Along

teacher avatar Singing Coach Adam Mishan, ANYONE can learn to sing

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Lip Rolls


    • 3.

      MUM Exercise


    • 4.

      NA Exercise


    • 5.



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About This Class

Study With A TOP YouTube Vocal Coach! - 450,000+ subscribers

With 15 years of performing and teaching experience, and having studied with the best in the industry, I will provide you with the tools you need, to bring your singing voice to the next level

  • How to properly warm up your voice

  • How to prevent vocal damage and strain.

  • How to sing with control and power.     



     I have the most viewed singing transformation video on YouTube! I started with no talent at all!

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Singing Coach Adam Mishan

ANYONE can learn to sing

Level: Intermediate

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1. Intro: Hey everyone out of Michigan here, singer-songwriter in vocal coach. Welcome to today's warm up. So why should you be listening to me? Well, I'm a vocal coach with over 450 thousand subscribers on YouTube. And I got there by showing everyone a tenure transformation of how I started from 0 talent to be able to improve my voice to where it's, it's a pretty good voice. And the way that I did that was by training with many different methods over that period of time. And I learned what works and what doesn't. So I can relate to beginners and intermediate singers and advanced singers because I've been through every one of those stages and that can really show everyone. And my my my expertise is to be able to show exactly what we need to do at every single stage to make that next step in improvement. Part of this vocal warm-up is that I want you to create a project around this. So I want you to record your process as you're working through these exercises. This is going to do two main things for you. Number one, it's going to show you if there's any mistakes as you're working through, you'll be able to compare my video to your video and see are there any mistakes that you're making that need to be adjusted? Because often we don't realize that we're doing things that are incorrect until we actually review it and watch it over. So you're gonna be able to track your progress the first time you run through these exercises, I guarantee will not be as good as the 100th time you run through these exercises, you're gonna get better and better. And the way that these are setup is to be done daily. So if you do this every single day and you record the process as time goes on, you're really going to notice some massive improvements. And had I not done this from the very beginning, I would not have that transformation video that went viral on YouTube. It was because I track the progress over time that I was able to show. This is where I started from and this is where I'm at. So it's a really important aspect to have and that's why I've made it today's project. Now, also, what I want you to do is I want you to be able to have FaceTime with me. So if you're interested in having FaceTime with me, you can check out my website, www dot am vocal studios.com. And over there, you can book private lessons with me. You can book group lessons with me. You can purchase my courses. And I've got lots of blog articles, lots of resources over there on singing in general. So if you are interested in taking this a step further and having that face to face to face time with me, check it out on my website, www dot am vocal studios.com. Now, these exercises are really, really tailored for exactly what the title says. I really want to make sure that you're following these exactly. They're meant to. And that's why I set it up where I'm doing it with you. It's a follow along process. This is going to make it fun, engaging, where you're not going to feel like you're left out in the dark and you're not, you're not really sure what you should be doing. So follow along with these exercises without further ado. Let's jump straight in to the first exercise. 2. Lip Rolls: Now what I'll do is throw myself on to a scale. So we're going to do liberal. And think nice and dopey as you do this. A little bit, a little bit of, a little bit of a little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little little little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little bit. Nice deep breaths into the stomach with between each one. So this is where it was getting stuck before. So I'm going to think a little more airflow, my break a little bit more, but it's going to get some of that blockage to open up and back down. Sorry about that. A little bit of a little little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little little. So I'll also try to bring myself lower than I start. In that way I'm working out the lower end of my range as well. Sometimes we can get stuck into only working on the high-end, and it's also important to work on your lower end. There's a lot of freedom that comes about when we're able to release those muscles in the lower range. So definitely something good to work with. 3. MUM Exercise: Now just trying to gauge myself based on where I'm speaking. Normally, I wouldn't be talking to myself while I'm doing my warm-up. But what I would do to be able to gauge where I'm Matt would just be like a simple mm, so we will just go Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma. Sit back here. My Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma. Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma. Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau. Sorry about that. My Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau. Couple things to notice here. One, I'm not getting louder as I'm going higher, I'm trying to keep it very even. And I'm also finding a nice conversational volume level to work with. I'm not going super loud with it either. My mama, mama, mama, mama, mama mama, Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau. I'm finding that that's getting caught there. It's not quite straining, but it's also not as easy as I know it can be. That's an important note, is as you get better at doing these exercises and noticing how your voice reacts to the exercises, it'll become clear when your voice is cooperating with you and when it's not, when it isn't cooperating with you, that's when you want to try something else, so adjust for the circumstances you find yourself in. Um, and that's why my exercises are never a 100% static. I'm always changing up the way that I warm up my voice because my voice and static. So I need to work with what I'm given on any given day and roll with it, and that's what I'm doing. So we're going to try a really, really quiet all. We're gonna go. My focus here is to keep it really Yani, almost like a Yoda, and also keeping it super quiet. So there I hear a little bit of blockage. Just keeping it super quiet. Can you get closer to the mic so that you guys can hear for sure? That didn't start even right there. So if that if that isn't working, I'll move to an E and I'll try to make it a smaller, I'll do it as a slide, but in a very small area, just a whole tone. Also, a couple of things to note that I'm doing here. I'm starting with an M so that I don't start with a glottal. So we don't want to eat, eat like a very hard E sound. We want to keep that nice and light. So the way that I do that is with an M, because when you do an M, it gently gets into the sound, Mi, Mi. You don't have as harsh of a glottal if as if you were doing e. E, that's more harsh. 4. NA Exercise: Let's go back and we're going to try and nonane that and see how that works. So the focus here with this exercise is going to be keeping it extremely bright and forward and whiny. The more whiny the better. So we're gonna go. We're on now now. None, none, none, none. Keeping it very forward. Now. None, none, none, none, None. None, None, None, None, None, None. Now, the other thing is we want to make sure we get a good drop of the jaw. None, none, none, none, None, None. None, None, None, None, None, None. None, None, None, None, None. None, None. None, None, None. None, None, None, None, None. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. There were up to the B-flat. None, none. None, none. Keeping it very forward. Me I'm feeling like there's a little bit of resistance there. So I'm up to the B for its tried on the C5. See what happens. But this is an experiment not guaranteeing anything. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Okay. So it comes out pretty easily. No, no, no, no, no, no. So they're starting to get a little bit wonky right? In that middle spot. So then I'll bring it back down. None, none, none, none, none. None, None, None, None. None, None, None, None, None. None, none, none, none. Keeping it very annoying and bright and bratty. None, None, None, None, None, None. None, None, None, None, None, None. None, None. None, None, None. None, None, None, None, None, None. None, None, None, None, None, None. None, None, None, None, None, None. None, None, None, None, None, None. Now at this point, what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take a break. I'm gonna give myself like 15 minutes off time and C, come back and see how it is. So sometimes it's good to not just pound away at exercises, allow your voice to kinda see what has come of those exercises. Once you relax everything, you let the muscles kind of absorbed the work that they've done and then come back to it and see where they're at. So we're gonna do that now and we'll come back in a minute for you. It'll be right now. 5. Outro: Thank you so much for joining me in today's vocal warm-up. How are you feeling? Does your voice feel a little bit easier? Is it easier to produce some of those higher notes? Is it feeling a little bit more loose limber? Test it out, go sing a few songs. Ones that were generally a little bit more difficult for you. See if they got a little bit easier after this warm-up. And if you want to get any face-to-face time with me, please check out my website, www dot am vocal studios.com. Over there. You're gonna get access to private lessons with me, group lessons with me, courses that I've put out. If you've got lots of resources on singing over there. If you want to see my other warm-ups on Skillshare, please check out my Skillshare profile. We've got lots there. And it's totally for free because you already have a Skillshare membership. And if you can't find it there, please go to the search bar and type in singing. You should be able to find it. You might need to scroll down a little bit, find all the videos that I have. And they're all there waiting for you. So thank you so much for joining me and I'll see you in the next one.