15 Adobe Premiere Pro Shortcuts to work faster and more efficient | Joey Bettenbroek | Skillshare

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15 Adobe Premiere Pro Shortcuts to work faster and more efficient

teacher avatar Joey Bettenbroek, Filmmaker & Video Editor

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome, this is what you're going to learn


    • 2.

      Important things to know before we start


    • 3.

      Shortcuts for navigating on the timeline


    • 4.

      Shortcuts for A-roll video editing


    • 5.

      Shortcuts for B-roll video editing


    • 6.

      Thank you


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About This Class

Welcome to this short but super valuable class on Skillshare where I share with you how I managed to work more than 2 times faster inside Premiere Pro with the help of 15 of the most helpful keyboard shortcuts in the software.

So this class is designed for everyone that is doing video editing inside of Premier Pro. But are seeking to do that more efficiently. No matter if you’re starting out or maybe you’re already an experienced editor I believe there is something new to learn for everyone in this class.

By the end of this class, I guarantee you, that you have upgraded your workflow with at least one trick you wish you knew earlier in your career.

I’ve split the techniques up into 3 different categories.

  1. Navigating on the timeline
  2. A-roll editing
  3. B-roll editing

In that way, we cover almost the whole editing proces.

I hope to see you inside

Meet Your Teacher

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Joey Bettenbroek

Filmmaker & Video Editor


Hi, I'm Joey. I think everybody can be a filmmaker. No matter where you live, how much money you have, what kind of gear you have or how smart you are.

That's why I share my tips and tricks for filmmaking. I want to share EVERYTHING I know to shoot amazing looking videos with your own camera, for yourself, or start working for others.


I've been making videos since 2011 when I started my first YouTube channel. By making silly comedy sketches on this channel I found my passion for being behind the camera and making the video itself. I went to film school but I got kicked out of it because I was already too busy focusing on video clients and following my own path.


In 2015 I started a new YouTube cha... See full profile

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1. Welcome, this is what you're going to learn: Welcome to this short but super valuable class here on Skillshare, where I teach you how I managed to work more than two times faster inside of Adobe Premiere Pro, with the help of 15 of the most useful keyboard shortcuts in the software. Hi, I'm Joey, a filmmaker editor and content creator from Netherlands. And especially as a content creator, I had to work as efficient as possible. So this class is designed for everyone that does video editing in Premiere Pro, but is seeking to do that more efficient, no matter if you're just starting out or already are a more experienced video editor, I think there is something to learn in this class for everyone because as a video editor or a soda filmmaker like myself, you spend most of your days behind the computer editing and video. And at that point, doing this simple actions more efficient is going to save you a lot of time at the end of the process. So by the end of this class, I believe that you upgraded your workflow with at least one thing that you wish you knew earlier in your career. I've split the techniques up into three different parts. One, navigating on a timeline to a row editing. So a simple talking head like this, e.g. and three B-roll editing. So working with overlapping footage in that way we cover almost the whole editing process. In the next episode, I will tell you some useful things to know before we start. See you there. 2. Important things to know before we start: Hi guys. Before we start with the shortcuts, here are some useful things to note. First of all, if we go to Premier Pro and we hit over here the Premier Pro text, we can go to keyboard shortcuts. And over here, you will see this a lot as B-roll in upcoming episodes. But over here, you can set all the shortcuts you want. And over here you can see which shortcuts are already in use. And if you want to change something or if you want to delete something, you can just double-click on the thing over here, like the B, e.g. and then you can hit the cross, but you can also click next to it. And if you now select key on your keyboard, e.g. the H, then it will put the H as a new shortcut next to it. But watch out, because now it says the shortcut H is already in use with another application commands. So know what you're doing here because otherwise it's overriding other shortcuts. I will give you in this class a couple of recommendations, but if you change something, you can save it as a new preset. So then you can hit the Save As button over here. Then there's a second thing I have to tell you, and that is that I'm working on a Mac computer like 90% of the time, it's exactly the same, but there is one big difference when you're working on a Windows computer. That is the Command key, because I'm working on a Mac computer and I think a lot of creative people work on a Mac computer. I use command in this class, but when you're working on Windows, every time I say command, you have to use control. So e.g. when I use Command L, then you have to use Control L. So keep that in mind. And of course, I'm working in Adobe Premiere Pro. If you're not already using Adobe Premiere Pro, I've put a link in the class project about the class project. Last but not least, what do I want you to do? Find a way to add the new shortcuts into your editing. Because when you're working on a new project in two weeks, the chances that you forgot to shortcuts or that you forgot the workflow because it's really easy to fall into old patterns. That's just that we as humans function. So what I do to remind myself of the new things I learned is I write it down on a post-it note and stick it in wherever I want on my desk or my monitor or things like that. You can also write it down on a piece of paper or a notebook. So I want you to leave a picture with your way to remind yourself of the new things you learned. So with that I said everything you need to know. Now let's start with the first episode, which is about navigating on the timeline. 3. Shortcuts for navigating on the timeline: Let's start with some quick shortcuts to navigate on the timeline. The most common, of course, is zooming in and zooming out. I wish scrolling with your mouse while holding Command on your keyboard was more seamless, but it isn't. I don't know why it is. Because you will say that if you build a function like this, that would work perfectly. But only if you do it really slow, but if you want to be quick then begging all the time. So hitting the plus and minus key on your keyboard is my way to go. It's also really nice that it keeps your play head always in the middle so you can really precisely zoom in on a specific thing. And did you know that hitting the backslash on your keyboard, make sure timeline like the content on your timeline, fitting your screen the best way to have a good overview on what you did. Going to the beginning or the end of a clip by hitting the up and down button on your keyboard. If you want to do that manually by hand, I wish you good luck zooming in and out endlessly. Not really a keyboard shortcut, but definitely a shortcut is to double-click in the beginning of a layer of a video or audio layer to make it bigger or smaller. Also, if it's like a really weird size, you can reset it to those two sizes. It's super nice as you can switch to it like really easily because sometimes she wants to do something over here like now you can change the opacity and you have the same with audio. Like if you want to have bigger audio because you want to see the waveforms, but then you want to do it because you don't have a lot of space. The sound effects over here, you can really easily switch between those options. A trick to navigate not only in the timeline but in Premiere itself, is to hit this key. It's called the back tick. And yes, I had to look that up. It's probably in your left bottom corner and it makes every smaller window you're in which you can defined by the blue line around it. It makes it full screen. I use it a lot on these two windows, this one and this one and y, because sometimes I want to check something like close up on the preview monitor. So if I hit that back tick key, I can check if there may be something visible in the background or also I use this when I'm done editing and I want to review the video, then I can really focus on what's going on here instead of looking at the timeline. And over here I used a lot if I want to find a specific B-roll. So if I make this bigger because now I'm working on a 13 inch screen, so I don't have a lot of room, but now my overview of all the shots I have is bigger so I can find the thing I'm looking for the Bureau I'm looking for more easily. Otherwise, I had to scroll through all the B-roll over here. Then when I found it, I select it, I go back with the back deck and then I find it here so I can now drag it into my timeline. 4. Shortcuts for A-roll video editing: Now it's time for a row editing. The first thing I'm doing when I'm starting a row edit is to link my audio Emma video together because most of the time I have now separate audio and I want to link that together to the video. I do that with command L, and that is link or unlinked the audio and video, depending on what it already is, it's way easier than hitting the right mouse button and search for link slash unlink. And when I'm linking these things together, I always keep the old audio there in case of emergency, but I want that audio to be muted. For that, I disable or enable the audio or separate clips. And you can do that by the right mouse button and then search for it. But it's easier to hit Command Shift E. Like I said, I mostly use it for audio when I don't want to hear one audio layer, but I'm not ready yet to delete it completely, but also use it a lot for B-roll editing. If I have multiple B-roll on top of each other, then I can hit Command Shift E to take a quick look of what is underneath it, e.g. now, only like this back tick icon is on top of here. And if I don't like it, I'll leave it as a bold and it's the same as with audio. If I delete it or if I move it, I lost it. I can just leave it in the same place, but I can turn the visibility off. Then it's time to trim and catch your video. The most important process of your editing career, and there are a lot of ways to do it. This is what I think is the best way. So bear with me, first of all, the dead residue and throw it out of the window. Because even when you use the shortcuts to go to the tool, it's a waste of time. Also deleting a part of the video, the normal way is not efficient because of the gap it leaves. So instead of doing this, hit C on your keyboard for the razor tool, make a cut here, make a second cut there, then hits the fee to go to the normal tool, click on it to select it, and delete it, then hits the a on your keyboard for the select forgot to grab everything on the right and shove it back to the cut, then hit V on your keyboard for the normal tool. And you can go on with reviewing your footage. These are a lot of steps to do a rough edit, even if you use the shortcuts on your keyboard for the tools. But there are two magic actions you need to know to make this quicker. And those are at Edit and ripple, delete add edits will make a cut on your video like instantly and width ripple delete. You can delete something without having a gap because it automatically shoves the other part of the video back to where God to us. If you put these two actions on a shortcut, you get this, go to the point cut, go to the point gut, select, Delete, done. Now multiply the time you save by 500. I don't know how many cuts you making a video and you've got yourself a fast way of doing a raw edits. So I've put the add, edit and ripple delete on the queue and the W on my keyboard. That's because then I can always have my two fingers on the Q and W. And by thump on the space bar, I call it the magic triangle. But then we're running into a problem because normally on the queue and the W, there is a shortcut called ripple trim, which is also amazing. But let me tell you the difference between cutting and trimming. Guarding is making a cut in your video and dreaming is dragging your video in the end or the beginning, shorter or longer. So if you hit the ripple trim action, it automatically makes you a video shorter and back to where pause. And then with the queue, it cuts off everything at the left of the clip. And with the W, it cuts off everything on the right of the clip. It's amazing for our bureaus and stuff. I like having more control with the ripple, delete and add edit, but I still want to use it some time. So what I did is I put the ripple trim underneath command, queue and comments w. In that way, it's as accessible as always because my thumb is next to the Command key because it's on the space bar. And I still have more freedom for the normal add, edit and ripple delete, which are used more often. And how do you change that? It's really easy. I already told you in the second episode, but if you go to keyboard shortcuts, then you see all these shortcuts over here and then you can type in here to thing you're looking for. So e.g. ripple, delete. You can see that's on the w for me right now. And you can also type in not ripple delete, but ripple trim. And then you can see that it is on Command W right now. So if we click next to it, we can delete this one or add new one and then you can change it around. That's it for the quickest way to edit a row. 5. Shortcuts for B-roll video editing: Then, then it's time for B-roll. When I'm shooting B-roll, I do that often in a different setting, a higher resolution. So I have more freedom with scaling the clip when I'm editing. But then when you're dragging the video on your timeline, it's too big, so you have to make it smaller. You can do that by going to effect controls and manually scale it smaller. But you can also hit set to frame size or scale to frame size. You do that by hitting the right mouse button and then look for it and then hit it. But what is the difference between scale to frame size? Set to Frame Size? If you hit scale to frame size, you see that the video is now feeding your preview monitor. But when we go to Effect Controls, the scale is still on 100. So now it's killed the video and that will be your new 100s. But if we go back and we hit Set to Frame Size, now it's scaled the video to the perfect fitting for your screen, but the skill chains now too. So now it's really 50 per cent. I personally always use set to frame size. So when I'm selecting it, I can see, oh wait, it's already 50 per cent scale. So that means that it was normally a fork, a video because sometimes you forget which clips off for k and which not. But that's of course a personal preference. But when I'm doing a B-roll Edit and I have like 2050, maybe 100 rolls. It not doable and I want that action to be quicker. That's why I made a shortcut for that. It's not already there, but I put Set to Frame Size underneath comment for why command for that is because normally I'm shooting B-roll is in for K, So four and is also in the left side of my keyboard. So I still can keep that magic triangle happen. But it's not only for four K video, of course, works also with weird sizes or photos, but also vertical video. Another setting when I'm shooting B-roll is that I'm not shooting B-roll in 30 FPS, but more often I shoot it in 60 FPS so I can make it slow motion. And instead of guessing how much I can slow down my footage with the rate stretch tool, which by the way is a fantastic tool. If you hit R on your keyboard, you go to the tool and you can direct your video longer or shorter. It's great for when the length of the video is more important than the exact speed. But for slow-motion be rolls, the exact percentage you slow it down is way more important, and then you have to go to speed and duration. If I shoot my video in 60 FPS, but my timeline is in 30 FBS. Then of course, I can type in here 50, and the video will be exactly 50% speed, so it will be the maximum slow motion. So you can also do that based on a duration, on his very specific duration. And you can also hit here refers to beat. And you can also decide here if you want to maintain the audio page that will determine if you have like a high pitched voice or nuts or very low one. Of course, you can go there by hitting your right mouse button and search for it, but it's easier to hit Command R. And also for these tools, I recommend you switch around if you use one or the other more often so they are or comments are, you can flip that. One lost big shout out to the rolling edit tool. It's a normal tool that it's just in your toolbar. You can go there by hitting the N on your keyboard. But I found out way too late. What it exactly does, what it does is it moves a gut. So if you want to move a cut e.g. of two roles that you want to switch between the B-roll earlier or later. You can hit N and then you can drag the cut closer or further away. So one video is getting shorter than the other video is getting longer. Probably you already knew about this, but otherwise, My pleasure. 6. Thank you: Hi guys. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you learn something new. A quick goodbye from me here, but I forgot something because we had 14 different shortcuts. So we need one more. Maybe you've already seen that episode too. But there is a shortcut to go to the shortcuts, and that is Command Option K. So with that, we're topping off this class number 50 Command Option. I would really like if you reviewed this class because it will help me and future students to follow this class too. I think this was a short but valuable class. I hope you think that too. And then I hope also to see you the next time here on Skillshare or maybe somewhere else on the internet. Bye.