1. 001 introduction to the class: hello and welcome to religious drawing class this time about how to make a drink process easier. How to develop your trying skills much faster and finally, generally, how to have more fun dry. If this is something that sounds interesting to you, let's take a look. A production of the class and see you next. Find this video My name is feeling, and if you haven't noticed so far, I really love dry. I like seeing other people drop. I like to make drying my own. I like talking about drink, and finally I like to share what I learned about drawing from all the time, and it's been doing it still, even to this day. I struggle with it, sometimes time even on my latest commission work. I really had a few moments when I had a really difficult time that made me think, How should I make it easier for me to draw? How should speed up this process? So I started to recall all the stuff you learn fast heard from other people, and that really made a difference and help me finish the work that I had to do on time. By doing this, I realized what helped me overcome problems might also help someone else in their struggle and find them more joy in their work. Finished their work on time or even like me. We call some of the things that they already knew, but for God to use. So I hope here you find no matter if you are just starting your drawing growney or have years and years of experience, I hope you'll find in this class something that will be worth remembering. And it will be helpful for your drawing skills drinkable toward process of withdrawing itself. But I prepared for you are 10 tips that just always keep in mind drawing so life could be much is your doing. And also remember toe stick around until the end, because after we looked at all this, I have an additional tip human use at a Boehner's set off fest exercises that will improve your language. So I hope you'll find this useful Evan official for your work and see you next year.
2. 002 drawing tips: thanks for joining the class. I hope you find your soul. And before, according to tips, let's have a few words about approached. Since it is not. It's important not just to look at the video and see those tapes, but also to work on them. So if you have any questions or you feel the ducks have something missed place right down common section alone, I will try to answer as soon as they can. Also, you can do it Project section of this class, and I think that way will be most beneficial for you, not just hearing all about their steps, and I what I have prepared but also work and comment. So without for late, let's go dictum one. Be to keep all work, or at least most of the work inside sketchbooks. So like we have here. Maybe you can use some smaller sketchbooks to heap notes off your work, combined with the drugs that could be about clients or about other work that you can call your personal work. So when you have that, you can also make additional drawings that will be for your clients and other personal projects. Also, you can have these small sketchbooks that you can always carry around with you when travelling on journeys. Let's keep your like some traveling journal that will also benefit your work. So have pencils or other drawing material, and these smaller at home in your studio, you can use larger ones. So in this case here, this is the sketch book that I used while I was creating a previous class about drying poor pits. And they're like 100 or so porch. It's done here. Important thing to remember is toe have your sketchbook that will be about different materials juice. And in this case here, this is my sketchbook, where I created atomic drawings using charcoal pore like in this case here, drawing that you made using brush pens and other materials that you use with that kind of feel So toe go over this interactive work sketchbooks use different materials and each one and organize your work. Dig. Noto is the work on a big scale drawing. Besides working in sketchbooks, that record, recommended in previous tip remember to draw on a big scale drawing and reason is very simple in my mind, that place, and that if you're making a small drawing. All the mistake that will make will also be small. But if you're working on a big scale, drawing mistakes that you make will be bigger and you are more noticeable. So that way you can notice them sooner and improve faster. So work big and notice your mistakes. Number three would be to prevent Francis. Much is oftentimes when you're drawing, you go over your drawing by your hand and you pick some of that pencils on your palm to prevent that. They're basically five simple ways. First would be to use some kind of a paper that you can put between your hand and the surface of the paper that you're drawing on. Use any kind of paper towel you can have around your house. We can use even a drawing. Love joined love that I used mostly for my digital opinions. I have a couple of them, and this one I use is closer. Flee now for drawing. One of the ways that you can prevent that is to fix it. You're drawing, and I like to use Hairspray because I don't have any other purpose for that. And lastly think about from which hand you drawing. So if you're left handed person, draw mainly from right to left, so that hand will be on the face of paper that is not touched, and it will have less pencil marks. And if you're right handed person, go the opposite way core from bright or go from left to right. Dignam before East to use a mirror or phone s Still what often happens when you're working for long hours on one drawing is that you need to have a fresh perspective on your drawing , and the easiest way, at least for me, is in two cases. One can take that photo drawing by my phone, located at the small surface, or even flip it inverted so I can see it from that angle. Or use a mirror. Put that and look at your work with what you're drawing toe. Have a different perspective That way, you have a fresh eyes on your work, and all the mistakes that you made are easily spot. That way you can learn faster from work and correct all the mistakes is that you couldn't see the other way. I didn't know if I've east to retain the paper when you drive, and this step is basically when you're working your drawings on a smaller scale. So when you're looking at a desk or in your sketchbooks, basic thing about this tip is to make the flow of your lines more natural. So what if you basically, if you're left handed right handed person, you have difficulties making certain lines tow. Avoid that. Rotate the paper on which your drawing, and it will make a significant improvements on your drawing skills. You don't have to trust me on this. You can try it for yourself, and you will see the difference. In other words, you can start drawing in using your people, but this and your best will start drawing. But whenever you have the need, you can rotate the paper and make the lines with your right or left hand, depending on which is your dominant hand and make those additional life from that direction . So if it is there for you, toe make lines from top to bottom, then rotate papers. So each time that you using that that line your direction off the paper is different, but your stroke and your hand movement is the same number six is toe squint your eyes or look through your eyelashes. That way, when you're looking through a lashes or squinting your eyes, you will lose all the necessary unnecessary details that you don't need. This is a special useful when you're starting your work and you need to see bigger shapes. So that way you don't lose yourself in details that will come much later on. So try that for yourself if it comes already and see how it works. Did number seven B to think about positive and negative shapes? So if you are not aware of the concept, we can look this example here. So all the postive shapes that we see here are the shapes that we have actually person or stuff that we're drawing, and negative shapes are shapes that are around those objects. So whenever you're drawing, don't think just about the subject matter. Did you drink and try toe? See also shapes and spaces that is around those objects, and that's where you can compare them with stuff that you're drawing. So remember these are negative shapes, and these are posted shapes. See how they react and what their dear directions and that will also help you get better. Drawing tip number eight would be toe start drawing from real life objects. That means do not rely too much on for breath. Photographs are okay. You can use it reference. You have some knowledge experience, but whenever you can try to draw from your life, you can start from drawing things like still life. You can put somewhere on the table and examine it. Draw it, use your sketchbooks, carry them around with you. So whenever you were outside friends coffee shop, something that make a sketch note off that will be only for yourself doesn't have toe show to anybody else. This is for your own improvement and for your own knowledge. So by going and looking at objects that are real, life in front of you gain much more knowledge because these objects unlike, or those on fortress that are flat only to the dimensional, you can go around the subjects, go around these people and see from each side. And that'll day that think that can drawing will give you much more knowledge than just simple coping, tracing from paper for photographs and stuff like that. So think about that and tried toe Implement that in your work, and I also think that will be very beneficial if you can go toe to do that. Making your hometown see if there are any communities are distant communities. They have live drawing sessions or, if you can, maybe or grand jury for yourself. If you have a group of people that can help you with that, I think about joining those communities. It is always important to have a group of people around you. They will that are interested in same things, and it will help you improve on your way. So that way both of you, whatever. How much people there around you who benefit for the same things? Did you know nine beat? Have enough space drawing, especially making a large scale drawings that you can step away from your work to have at least one of kilometers toe. Take a look at your what your drawing and compare it the It's with what you're saying. Just remove yourself from that space. Give yourself some time to think about it and then come back that also, I mean, believe enough room doesn't have to be physical space just have enough mental space, so make a distance from your work and see it after a while. And that's where you can have fresh lancet what you're doing. Also, try to put that notebook away and think about look a reference. Borrow. And, like I said earlier, maybe you some other tools, computer or phone, just half a fresh perspective on Mr C. So think about that. And the postal comes in when, When you're creating the space convention builder, make it enough functional so you can have these things so you can step away from it, have enough room for that or walk away drawing from table or whatever wherever you're going deplore them should be really no brainer. But that is something that I most I usually get and that is. Make a warm up exercise before you start drawing and making the actual work. So total debt for a few minutes on a blank piece of paper, making little circles straight lines just warm up your hand, your posture to sit correctly and all that. So we're in a safe warm up just doesn't mean the splitting some lines on paper, but also see the space that you're working chairs, stable easel ever on your joint and try to be in that space and make everything that's possible to make real accountable. And did you have an ease of time for all the work that will perceive and that will be very were helping something that they usually forget to do that is most often but credit. Think about that, and I think it will be very, very helpful for your joy and whatever you're doing.
3. 003 bonus tip: one of the most important things about drawing is to make it your daily habit. So try to make a certain time of day week that you can spend a drink and or do it, the better you will come and it will become a habit that you will always have much easier time to come back toe that way. All your drawing will improve over time. So remember that and do the stuff that you like. Don't just copy others think or listen to what other people tell you. Try to find inner voice and see what are the topics that interest you the most and go from there. It doesn't have to be. Portrait doesn't have to be. It has to be your choice. Still, this is more easier sending them. But I would recommend needs to go in small steps. So, for example, a plan that you're gonna draw for a minute a day. So it is good to have a space in your house or in your flat studio, or where you can do this activity and all the materials that you have drawing will be on debt place for each day, and it doesn't affect other people that you living with or stuff like that. But it's always something that is easy to reach and get also, that will be your space for that activity. So leave it there and think about were drawing that you will do only for me because probably you have that mean it. But once you there, you will probably not stick for just one minute and you and you will do more. So think about that and try to put it in your daily habit and daily everything.
4. 004 class overview: Okay, now that they've been through all these steps and probably that's notes stuff got help that you did. How did you learn something interesting? And it's time for your project. But before that reminds you that decides, hold it steps. We have opponents material that will go over after this short video. So for project, I recommend that you put in the comments on the project session this class to tell us me and other students. So what was the most useful keep for you? What did you find useful and that you could might use in your work. Also, you could say, What have you been missing and how to improve enough. You can tell us what have high been missing and stuff that I missed to mention other tips that you find you so so we can all learn and grow because I convention only. This is not one time process that you can think that you finished know everything about drawing many other things like is a lifelong process. And whatever we do, you can only improve if you work on. So you important sexual class. And remember, if you like this class labor of you leave a comment on it will be very helpful for me to know what to expect for my students and disrespect for myself in future classes that are preparing for you. See, in the next video discussed, crumbs brushed.
5. 005 bonus exercises: and now it is time to talk about it. All this material that prepare for you additional resource for this class, so that will be connected. Toe tip Pretended we talked about what? Warming up yourself. And also it can be very useful for young people those of us that are on the start of the drawing journey to get better at that still off line making that will be very precious for you. I think so. For like, let's go drying exercises that I'm going to talk about now are particularly for two reasons . One can serve as a woman exercise before you start drawing. And the other way that you can use this exercises if you're consistent with them and do it for a couple weeks, couple times a week for a duration of a couple weeks can benefit and improve your drawing skills in a sense, off your confidence in the company and the confidence off line making. So it's a beneficial for drawing, sketching with pencil, but also with other material I'm gonna use. And that is like Ben brushes or important brush, so it can be very beneficial for inking as well. So I have a four paper here, put on a notebook so I can draw and have the buffer. So first thing that that you can do hold pencils the way that is more easy for you and create a circle and try to connect the beginning with the end. And then feel the third surface that a four paper read circles you can see because it's not easy over time. But try not like I'm here to connect those to connect this lines, so that's basically it. You can do it that way. The next exercise would be do the similar thing. But using a brush or brush man, you have and tried to make those circles tapered so you can start with thin line and and with a sick line so starting thin, then going thick. Maybe I should seems I'm left handed. I should start from right to left, like I said in one of those earlier tips. And also, if you don't have this pen brush, you can use some markers that you have the test have this week. Chris Side other markers, like he's one and try to work those. I personally like to use this thing so let's continue and the way I like to hold us when doing this kind of exercise is to hold in 90 degrees toe paper. One important tip. When you're making these exercise you've done try it the correct when you make a mistake so you can see two, then wrong. So try to continue and go for their own. For the Nixon, you can use pencil again and try to make flower shape that you continue making lines connect to the same spot in the middle. I think so. As you saw me do this exercise, I was making variations while I was drawing so with more pedals with last petals with pedals that are why they're now or longer, shorter and stuff like that. And I always try to as much as you can B people in one point in the middle for next exercise. You don't have to use the entire piece of paper, but try to finish that well, have at least 10 to 15 lights, so it will start making straight lines, but this time one will have be thinner. Then think thinner thinker, going from thinner, thicker lines all the way across your page and then do the opposite thing with the other line so thicker in the start and then senior sicker. Pfanner, speaker, You know, taker here and then is much as you like trying to maintain that light. But you can also use to make did s curve. So, you know, I think salmon that's basically it for these exercises and let's see how to make. So first, you can make these drawings in pencil and try to make them circles. Make circles with rush bent or other pens that you can have it brushes and tried to make one site thinner and the other one thinker Flowers is next, and finally, these lines. These exercise, like I said earlier, will help you at least warm up before you start your actual drawing. And if you do it in a couple of weeks a couple times a week, it will see the difference. Indian. I hope you enjoy this class, so see you in the project section and in some other classes you can see on my profile, have a nice day and have fun drawing