Teaching on Skillshare is a great way to earn supplemental income to support your freelance career, family, or just to have some extra cash on hand. After you’ve published your classes to Skillshare, keep the money flowing by permanently featuring an evergreen link to your classes across all of your online channels. This is an effortless way to continually drive new enrollments and earn referral revenue!

Check out a few ways that top teachers on Skillshare utilize their evergreen links to earn them even more green.

1. Melanie Greenwood

Melanie features her Skillshare classes on the homepage of her website. This ensures that the first thing visitors to her site see is her newest Skillshare class, allowing her to boost enrollments and referrals.

Try it out: Share your latest Skillshare class on the homepage of your website or blog. The more exposure your class gets, the more passive income you will earn!

2. Jon Brommet

Jon dedicates an entire section of his website to his Skillshare classes. This gives potential students an opportunity to check out all of the classes his channel offers. Jon shares his referral link and lets potential students know that by clicking they’ll not only sign up for his latest class but all of his classes on Skillshare!

Try it out: Create a section of your website or blog that gives potential students a look at your entire channel of classes on Skillshare!

3. Yuko Shimizu

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Yuko utilizes her Facebook Fan page to permanently feature a link to her Skillshare class. This helps her turn fans into students with ease. Not to mention, she also earns $10 for every person who signs up for membership through her referral link!

Try it out: Feature your referral link within your bio across all of your social media channels. Think Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook!

4. George Bokua

George hosts his portfolio work on Dribbble and features a link to his Skillshare class on the landing page. Adding a link to your Skillshare class on your portfolio site not only gives you more credibility with potential clients, but can also boost class enrollments.

Try it out: Wherever your portfolio of work lives online (Behance, Dribbble, and even Etsy), include a link to your Skillshare classes to drive even more enrollments.

5. Matty Brown

Matty has built a community of followers on Vimeo and uses his profile as a way to build an even larger following by linking to his Skillshare class. Viewers love getting a look at his creative process and Matty loves earning extra income from new students!

Try it out: Grow your online following on Skillshare by tapping into your already existing followers on other video based platforms, like Vimeo or YouTube.

Looking for ways earn even more green? Head to our Teacher Handbook for additional resources. 

Written By

Mary Findley

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