As a teacher on Skillshare, you know that marketing your class is just as important as producing a quality one to begin with. When you’re working on a new class, you’re already thinking about how to tease the launch on social media, and the varied ways you can celebrate and promote it when it’s finally published and out in the world. 

But what about your existing catalog of classes that aren't brand-new, but are just as fantastic as the new ones? Continuing to market and promote older classes can be critical to their ongoing success, resulting in more minutes watched and more student reviews over time. 

Best Practices for Promoting Older Classes

Just because a class has been published for some time—whether that’s several months or a couple years—doesn't mean it can't still offer a lot to your students and the Skillshare community. Those older classes just need a little extra attention.

Use Discussion Announcement Emails 

Anytime you want to get the word out about one of your older classes, you have two options. You can email within a class, which will email all the students in that class. Or you can email from your profile page, which will email all of your followers. Both of these options send a Discussion Announcement email

Think strategically about how to do this. Can you share that you're working on an exciting new project that relates to the older class? Or maybe your older class has a seasonal tie-in, and you can send those emails when that season rolls back around.

Hi friends! It's been about 3 months since I released my second Skillshare class: "Self-Care Through Creativity: Turn Your Anxiety into Art." It has been an absolute pleasure seeing you engage with the class and share your projects! I'm proud and overjoyed to be normalizing the discussion around mental health in the creative industry. I want to highlight a few student projects from the Project Gallery here! I loved EVERYTHING that everyone has created thus far - these are just a few :) This first piece is by Lara Evans. I love the fluidity of the style and how everything just feels a LITTLE off balance. You can find more of her work on her Instagram.
Top Teacher Sarah Beth Morgan’s Discussion Announcement promoting an older class, and sharing student projects from it.

Mention an Older Class in a New One 

Odds are, your older classes relate to—or even complement—a new class you’re working on. The new class description, as well as the intro and outro videos, provide ideal opportunities to direct students to those older, relevant classes.

You can even make older classes prerequisites, or just next steps for students to continue learning once they’ve completed the new class.

Skillshare class title block for Hand Lettering in Procreate: Fundamentals to Finishing Touches
Top Teacher Gia Graham directs students to a previous class in both the intro video and description for her class, Simple Words to Stunning Art: Combine Hand Lettering and Illustration.

Encourage Your Students to Go on a Learning Journey 

If your classes build on or complement each other, encourage your students to take them in sets, as a series, or in a particular order. This can put your students on a learning path that begins with your older classes.

Film Editing Course Map listing classes to teach film editing in order.
Top Teacher Dandan Liu uses a “course map” on her profile page, where she guides students to take her filmmaking classes in a particular order, starting with an older class.

Share Student Reviews and Projects

If your older classes have drummed up some nice reviews and resulted in some stellar student projects, you can share them through Discussion Announcement emails. You can also broadcast them on your social channels (hopefully with a tag for the student who posted it!) to celebrate and draw attention to the older class.

Instagram post with a student project showing children at an amusement park. One walking a little dog, one eating a snow cone, one buying an order of fries at a concession stand. A woman in the background pushes a baby in a stroller with a large yellow balloon attached. In the far background is a roller coaster.
Top Teacher Tom Froese shares student projects from older classes on his Instagram profile. Image source: mrtomfroese on Instagram

What better way to promote older classes than your class referral link? Not only can you increase your minutes watched, you can also generate referral earnings and royalties from your older classes. 

It's Not Old, It's Classic

Just like a classic novel, older classes can stand the test of time and continue teaching for months and years after their initial publication. 

By continuing to promote your older classes, you can encourage engagement among your students, give them a more comprehensive learning experience, and help ensure your continued success as a teacher. 

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at

Written By

Tiffany Chow

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