Sorelle Amore Q&A: Finding Self in Art
We spoke to Sorelle Amore about what it takes to pioneer a new art form.
A life fueled by creativity is not what Sorelle Amore would have expected just four years ago. But half a decade and countless countries later, she’s built a devoted community online through her striking style and unique take on the well-trodden world of selfie photography — and this month, we’re thrilled to have a brand-new class with her only on Skillshare. We sat down with her to learn more about her creative journey and what insights she’s discovered along the way.
What are three words that describe your creative journey?
Unexpected. Surprising. Awakened.
How was it unexpected?
I thought I had zero creativity four years ago. I was convinced that I was just a business person, because my background is mostly business. There was no chance that you would have convinced me that I had any talent whatsoever.
What changed?
I think I was seeking something, and then it was kind of intuitive. Four years ago I went meditating, and there was a repeating theme I couldn’t get out of my head:
“call your friend Sasha and ask to be an intern for photography for her.“ And I thought: “I don't understand. Why would I do that? That's ridiculous.” But I followed that gut feeling and I just called her and she was like, “Let's do it.” That was the beginning.
I was her intern for nine months. I absorbed all the knowledge in the world I could in photography, and then I realized how fun it is to create something out of nothing. And the rest is history.
Do you define yourself as a creative now?
It's still evolving. But, the more that I surrender to the idea that maybe there is something creative about me, the more it comes out to play. And, the more that happens, the freer I feel. All that makes you want to keep going.
What makes you primed for creativity? Does it involve getting in a particular headspace?
Definitely. For me, it’s meditation. I've just started doing an hour a day, and it’s just changed everything for me. It’s a lot of commitment, but it’s awesome.
Of course, then you have to stay in that headspace. My best advice is to try to outsource as much of the stuff that you don't like so you can focus on the things you love, not the things that drain you.
I know it's hard. I still have way too many tasks that drain me and take up too much of my time. But, eventually, I want to get to the stage where I concentrate mostly on what I love. To just allow the creative juices to flow.
What are you trying to capture when you create a photo composition?
I'm aware that self-portrait photography is seen as a bit of a vain thing, so I’m always trying to detach myself from it being me and create a piece that is impressive just on its own. And then when you find out it's a self-portrait, hopefully, you're more impressed.
In the photo itself, It’s always two elements for me: the surroundings and the subject. Typically, the subject is me in an interesting pose that somehow tells a story or conveys emotion, but it has to be even more than that. It’s the two elements of surroundings and subject together that I feel are just so profound.
What's the one thing that really makes a photo feel successful to you?
Simplicity. It has to be clean but somehow still pulls you in. I want a viewer to study the photo for a few moments longer than if they were just skimming over it.
Why are you excited to share your creative practice and inspire others?
It’s always been just about doing it, but also being brave. My practice happened just because I was exploring, having fun, and pushing through when the photos were horrible. That was what helped me to figure out a sort of “formula” of what was fun and interesting, and that unlocked confidence in me that I’ve never felt with anything else.
I want to break down that process for everyone so that they can achieve it for themselves. We don’t need to feel bad about ourselves on the Internet. We just have to put ourselves out there, and it’ll be okay.
This interview has been edited for length and clarity. To learn more about Sorelle Amore, her career, and her brand new class on Skillshare, visit her teacher profile.
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