Secrets to Skillshare Success: Tips From Our Top Teachers
Whether you’re planning your first class or your fifth, it’s totally normal to feel nervous when hitting that publish button. To help you feel confident about your class, we caught up with five of our top teachers for some tips on their secrets to success on Skillshare!
Whether you’re planning your first class or your fifth, it’s totally normal to feel nervous when hitting that publish button.
To help you feel confident about your class, we caught up with five of our top teachers for some tips on their secrets to success on Skillshare!
"Your class cover is everything!"
-Hayden Aube
"Engagement is key."
- Jane Snedden Peever
"Done is better than perfect."
- Amarilys Henderson
"Make the class you'd take."
- Jen Dixon
"Always go that extra mile!"
- Yasmina
"Initially I thought that as long as my introduction is great, people will enroll. While the introduction truly is the gateway to enrollments, without an enticing cover, no one will see your introduction. As I’ve learned the benefit of a beautiful cover, I’ve put more and more time into them. I’ve even started to place my designs into a mock up of the class listings page to see how it stands out amongst the rest."
"Check in with your project sections and discussion areas regularly. Let your students know you are watching and listening to them. Always leave positive and encouraging comments on projects. Students are taking these courses for enjoyment as well as learning and if you are upbeat and responsive, they will be encouraged to share their work with you and the rest of the class. I learn everyday from my students and their stories and projects inspire me. The circle of creativity and sharing just keeps growing."
"I'll be honest: my first class is likely my least favorite. But guess what?! Others liked it! I found that I was truly my worst critic... well, me and that one bad reviewer. Yes, after so many thumbs up's and receiving that month's New Teacher Challenge Prize, I got that a thumbs down that knocked my rating--and spirit--down. I knew that my class wasn't perfect. I knew that there was some truth in that scathing review. But I felt shocked nonetheless. I found that I needed to glean whatever was helpful from their words and move on because haters gonna hate. If you're able to get past your doubts to hit publish, you've likely got the goods to keep growing. Done is better than perfect. (Because perfect is never done.)"
"I originally created a shorter class, but I received student feedback saying the class wasn’t long enough for the content I was covering. I was gutted when I read those remarks because I’d worked so hard at making a 15 minute class. I threw that rule out the window for my second class and doubled the length. It flowed better with the material I was covering and the response has been positive. My advice is to try to balance pace and content to find the ideal class length for your topic. The bottom line is that if you have quality content, let it happen, and listen to your students when they say they want more. Make the class you’d take."
"People really loved my first class and I think it was because I put so much time and work into it. I didn't take any shortcuts and I spent over two weeks of full time work making it, not knowing if anyone will even take it. Give your students more than they expect and take the time to make your class very high quality. I strive to do that with every class. Sometimes the process can be frustrating, but it's great to push through and finally hit that publish button. You will have a good reputation, more positive reviews, and most importantly happy students that are excited for your next classes! So, always go that extra mile!"
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