Whipped cream is one of those ingredients that seems intimidating to make at home, but once you try it, you’ll never go back to the store-bought version. Freshly made whipped cream is infinitely more delicious than canned, and it’s quick, easy, and adaptable with this fun technique. Even kids can make it! 


  • You need just two ingredients for this basic whipped cream recipe:
  • ⅓ cup heavy whipping cream
  • 2 tsp. powdered sugar

But you don’t have to keep it as plain as that. If you’re feeling fancy, embellish your homemade whipped cream with a dash of vanilla extract or a flavored liqueur. It also works with a bit of chocolate syrup, rose water, or any other extract added to make beautiful flavored whipped cream. Play around and make a few variations on the basic recipe!


The only thing you need for this recipe is a small glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.

How to Do It

Step 1: Combine the Ingredients

easy whipped cream
Combine the ingredients in a jar.

Combine the heavy whipping cream and powdered sugar (and any additional ingredients you’ve opted for) in the glass jar. Screw the lid on tightly.

Step 2: Shake!

easy whipped cream
Shake it up!

Shake the jar vigorously for about 30 seconds, or until the cream thickens to a consistency that you like. If it’s not thick enough after 30 seconds, shake it again for 10 seconds, then check it. (Don’t shake it too long, or you’ll end up with butter.)

Step 3: Enjoy!

easy whipped cream
Whipped cream goes well with almost any dessert.

Remove the lid and use your fresh whipped cream to top cake, ice cream, fresh fruit, or whatever your heart desires! We won’t tell a soul if you decide to eat it straight from the jar with a spoon, either. 

And, while you’re making sweet toppings and playing around in the kitchen, why not check out a course on cookie decorating with Laurie Shannon? She’ll teach you how to make frosted creations that will blow the grocery store version out of the water. 

Have More Fun in the Kitchen

Cookie Decorating for Beginners.

Written By

Bayley Freeman

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