Get Creative with the Whole Family
Summer as we may know it might look differently in 2020, but there are still plenty of opportunities to foster that creative spirit and the freedom that the season brings.
Summer as we may know it might look differently in 2020, but there are still plenty of opportunities to foster that creative spirit and the freedom that the season brings.
The impact of COVID-19 has been felt particularly strongly by families, who in the last few months of the school year had to shift to online learning. Summer marks a special time for kids filled with camp and trips and exploration not tied to curriculum. When you reflect on your childhood, summer memories may mean BBQs in the backyard, forts built with every blanket you could find in the house, maybe a new creative project or a fun idea executed with the help of friends.
Camp might not be filled with jam-packed bunk beds or secrets spilled over the campfire, but why not create a little family art camp right at home? It's a surefire way to keep everyone engaged, working together on activities, and just plain having fun. Finish the summer off with a little artistic flair in our Family Art Camp Workshop.
Workshops are a way of taking classes on a designated schedule set by the teacher or by the Skillshare team, alongside other students who are participating at the same time. The extra structure and support of a workshop makes it easy to stay on track with your classes and successfully complete your projects.
Family Art Camp Milestone 1: Spark Creativity With Your Kids
Join artist Olga Bonitas for a creative experiment with the whole family. This fun activity-oriented class will help you let go of expectations and follow your child's lead. First, you'll draw freely, creating all sorts of shapes, lines, and scribbles. Then, you'll transform those abstract images into characters. Anything goes! You'll want to sign up soon and share creations from the whole family in the Project Gallery by July 22nd.
Family Art Camp Milestone 2: Building Kids' Confidence Through Drawing: 12 Art Projects for Children and Beginners
Next up, you'll head over to artist and educator Em Winn's class as she takes you through creating images, step-by-step. This class is perfect for entertaining even the most rambunctious of youngsters, and will help build everyone's coordination and artistic confidence. Be sure to share your drawings to the Project Gallery by August 1st.
Family Art Camp Milestone 3: You Can Draw Anything! In 3 Simple Steps
Once you've built your confidence with Em, it's time to meet Yasmina, who is going to help you take those next steps to further develop your artistic eye. Yasmina will break down how you understand an image with simple shapes, help with proportion, and make drawing anything so much easier. This class is a bit advanced, but everyone can benefit from a perspective shift. After taking her class, you'll notice how you start to see shapes and lines in the objects all around you. Share your drawings in the Project Gallery by August 10th.
Family Art Camp Bonus: Easy Watercolor Sweets and Treats
If you loved Yasmina's instruction, and your family is eager to keep going, be sure to try out Yasmina's Easy Watercolor Sweets and Treats. Learn to paint ice cream, chocolate covered strawberries, donuts, and more, and perhaps even eat a few yummy treats along the way. Share your paintings in the Project Gallery by August 10th.
Ready to Join Family Art Camp?
Register for our workshop today.
Top photo by Yasmina Creates.
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