Migrate from Evernote to OneNote and Speed Up Reading

Migrate from Evernote to OneNote and Speed Up Reading - student project

OK, I am going through a lot of articles online and trying to get  through a lot of books offline (on a Kindle).  The topics are business/finance/investment related.  So far, I have been using Evernote to clip important things with links to the source.  I have also used it as a RSS feed to share some of the stuff with people.  Recently, I started using Twitter more actively, but I haven't found a good way to make the information I post there searchable, which is a big downside.  So, if you have any recommendations how to go about this, I will be grateful. 

After the first lecture, I decided to give OneNote a go.  I am writing this in OneNote, now.  It looks promising and I intend to use it to summarize all the things I have accumulated in Evernote.  This way I will go through my old notes, maybe find some completely forgotten ones, and will also organize all the other notes I have lying around.  So, thanks for recommending it.  If you have any tips on special usage techniques or tricks in OneNote, that would be useful.

When reading books on the Kindle, I highlight important passages.  I have used the file that aggregates the highlights as well.  I also type notes in the Kindle itself - I have the one with the keyboard - and it works great when I am reading in bed and I am too lazy to pick up a pen and paper.  My problem with reading though is that I my reading speed is about average.  I read at 250-300 words per minute and would really like to improve this but without compromising comprehension.  I guess the speed reading techniques are coming in the next class.  So, I'll wait for them.  Any extra information on this topic will be very useful.

 For spaced repetition, I sometimes, not frequently enough though, go through my notes and take actions on the things that are actionable.  The rest, I don't really go back to until I need something specific.

 While reading and taking notes happens all the time, spaced repetition is what I have to start doing more of.  A common problem.  My idea is to use your advice and go through my notes every week or two weeks or at the end of the month (I have to try it first and see how much time it takes me), and summarize some and tick off some as done.  Maybe I could try printing some very condensed version of the notes I have to act on.  I have successfully weaned myself off printing things because I quickly get buried in paper and it gets completely un-organizable.  Although, I admit, the idea of condensing things to printable form seems like a good way to increase focus and decrease overreliance on the computer.