Freedom Fighters

Act 1
- Hook- Elsie May has her Debutante Ball and deals with the death of Ilene.
- Maya learns of another kidnapping.
- Elsie May is woken up to her Mammy Ilene being hung by her father and his hooligans, on the day she is to turn 16.
- Maya is watching the news where another young girl is taken again. Assumed to be by “Poachers”
- Elsie May gets ready for her debutante ball. All while reeling from the death of Ilene.
- Maya is driving her little sister and herself to school when they are T-boned.
- Backstory- Maya realizes she has been Kidnapped by poachers
- “The Wall” was built after the Revolutionary war when no one won and the North and South decided to separate into 2 countries.
- Maya is from Clearwater, Kentucky. Considered ground zero for the wall and border control. Border control protects against Poachers.
- Elsie May is from Crystal Lake, Alabama. Slavery is still very pronounced and things haven't changed much since 1864.
- Maya’s father is a Captain in the border control and will stop at nothing to see his daughter home safe.
- Elsie May’s father is a predominant leader in those responsible for poaching in the North.
- Trigger- Elsie May finds Maya in a barn chained up.
- Elsie May decides she is going to help Maya, she just doesn’t know how she can go up against her father.
- Maya doesn’t know if she can trust Elsie.