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Curated by Skillshare

3 Classes (1 hour 40 minutes)

  • Materials

    Writing tool. Decorations & device to take photos (optional)

  • Final Product

    2 short stories. 1 flash poem.

  • Level


Fast Flash Fiction: Writing Tiny, Beautiful Stories

First, follow the exercises in this warmly encouraging class to write a suprising, magical story. You'll learn how to write a compelling opening, employ sensory detail, maintain a breathless narrative pace, and craft a title that enhances the meaning and impact of your story.

Writing Character-Driven Short Stories

Next up, walk through prompts and strategies for developing compelling characters, turning situations into stories, and revising work into a polished piece.

Instagram Poetry: Create Personal, Visual Vignettes for Self-Expression

Lastly, expand your writer's toolkit and explore the power of poetry for storytelling. In this bite-sized class, learn a step-by-step process for transforming personal experiences into visual vignettes: a unique combination of text and image, perfect for sharing. You'll choose a moment to inspire your poem, describe an experience using poetic language, select an excerpt to use as your vignette, and (if you're feeling brave!) arrange and photograph your vignette to share.

Congratulations! You’re All Done.

You did it! You’ve completed the full Learning Path. We can’t wait to see where these skills take you next.