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Curated by Skillshare

3 Classes (6 hours 51 minutes)

  • Materials

    No special materials needed!

  • Final Product

    Progress journal, custom study program

  • Level


How to Learn: Strategies for Starting, Practicing & Mastering the Skills You’ve Always Wanted

First up, learn actionable techniques that you can employ immediately to help you cultivate passion for the new skill or topic you plan to learn, deal with frustration, and stay on track to build a consistent learning habit.

7 Days to Better Grades

Now that you've found your unique motivation to learn, it's time to build your process! In this guided 7-day course, you'll follow scientifically-proven principles to help you improve in the two main domains of learning: acquiring new info, and quickly recalling it when you need it most.

Learn Anything With Flashcards - The Ultimate Guide To Anki

You've learned the broad study strategies and now you're ready to dig into a specific tool. This class provides an extensive walkthrough of the flashcard app Anki – a popular tool which has made studying more effective, more efficient and less stressful for thousands of students around the world.

Congratulations! You’re All Done.

You did it! You’ve completed the full Learning Path. We can’t wait to see where these skills take you next.